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*                          Sun Public License Notice
* The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License Version
* 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. A copy of the License is available at
* The Original Code is the HTTP Javadoc Filesystem.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jeffrey A. Keyser.
* Portions created by Jeffrey A. Keyser are Copyright (C) 2000-2002.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Jeffrey A. Keyser.

package org.netbeans.modules.javadoc.httpfs;

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.*;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;

import org.openide.filesystems.*;


Represents an individual file found on the file sysetm.

* * @since 1.0 */ class HTTPFileObject extends FileObject { private static final long serialVersionUID = 200104; // File system that owns this file transient HTTPFileSystem parentFileSystem; // Path of this file under the URL of the file system. String uriStem; // Directory object that contains this file transient private HTTPFileObject parentFileObject; // Child file objects of this file if it is a directory transient private Map childFileObjects; // URL to this file transient URL fileURL; // The file name part of this file transient private String fullFileName; // The first part of this file's file name transient private String fileName; // The extension of this file transient private String fileExtension; // Flags whether the HTTP header of this file has been read transient private boolean wasFileHeaderRead; // The size of this file transient private long fileSize; // The MIME type of this file transient private String fileMIMEType; // The last modified date of this file transient private Date fileDate; // All file attributes for this file, as read from the HTTP headers transient private Hashtable fileAttributes; // Flags whether this folder's contents were read yet transient private boolean areFolderContentsKnown; // List of listeners for this file object transient private Vector listeners; /** * Constructs a HTTPFileObject with the path and file systems * passed. * * @param uriStem The path to this file in the file system. * @param parentFileSystem The file system that contains this file. * * @since 1.0 */ HTTPFileObject( String uriStem, HTTPFileSystem parentFileSystem ) { initialize( uriStem, parentFileSystem ); } /** * Constructs an empty HTTPFileObject. This constructor is only * expected to be used during deserialization. * * @since 1.0 */ protected HTTPFileObject( ) { } /** * Initializes this object with the path and file systems passed. * * @param uriStem The path to this file in the file system. * @param parentFileSystem The file system that contains this file. * * @since 1.0 */ private void initialize( String uriStem, HTTPFileSystem parentFileSystem ) { try { // initialize this file object this.parentFileSystem = parentFileSystem; this.parentFileObject = null; this.childFileObjects = Collections.synchronizedMap( new Hashtable( ) ); this.uriStem = uriStem; this.fileURL = new parentFileSystem.baseURL, "." + uriStem );//NOI18N this.fileAttributes = new Hashtable( 0 ); this.areFolderContentsKnown = true; this.listeners = new Vector( ); this.fullFileName = ""; //NOI18N this.fileName = ""; //NOI18N this.fileExtension = ""; //NOI18N // If this is a directory, if( isFolder( ) ) { // Flag the header as read (there is no header for this file) this.wasFileHeaderRead = true; // Trim the trailing slash from the file name this.fullFileName = uriStem.substring( 0, uriStem.length( ) - 1 ); // If this is a file object (not a directory), } else { // Create default values for items read from the header this.wasFileHeaderRead = false; this.fileSize = -1; this.fileMIMEType = ""; //NOI18N this.fileDate = new Date( ); this.fullFileName = uriStem; } // Trim everything after the last slash as the file name this.fullFileName = this.fullFileName.substring( this.fullFileName.lastIndexOf( '/' ) + 1 ); // If the full file name contains a period, if( this.fullFileName.lastIndexOf( '.' ) != -1 ) { // Split the file name into its two parts this.fileName = this.fullFileName.substring( 0, this.fullFileName.lastIndexOf( '.' ) ); this.fileExtension = this.fullFileName.substring( this.fullFileName.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ); } else { this.fileName = this.fullFileName; } } catch( e ) { // Ignore - should never occur } } /** * Writes this object when it is serialized. * * @param out Serialization output stream. * * @since 1.0 */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { // Write out the name of the filesystem and this file out.writeObject( parentFileSystem.getSystemName( ) ); out.writeObject( uriStem ); } /** * Reads this object when it is unserialized. * * @param in Serialization input stream. * * @since 1.0 */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // Name of the parent filesystem when it was saved String fileSystemName; // Mounted filesystem with the above name HTTPFileSystem newParentFileSystem; // Name of the file String newURIStem; // Read the name of the parent filesystem and find it if mounted fileSystemName = (String)in.readObject( ); newParentFileSystem = (HTTPFileSystem)Repository.getDefault( ).findFileSystem( fileSystemName ); // Read the name of this file and initialize it newURIStem = (String)in.readObject( ); initialize( newURIStem, newParentFileSystem ); } /** * This method reads the information about this file that is found in the HTTP header. * * @since 1.0 */ private void readFileHeader( ) { try { // Open a connection to the web server to read this file's header, which // has the side effect of reading the headers for this file getFileConnection( "HEAD" ).disconnect( ); //NOI18N } catch( IOException e ) { // Ignore errors } } /** * Obtains a connection to the web server for this file with the selected request * method. * * @param requestMethod The request method to use when opening this connection. * * @return Connection object to this URL. * * @throws IOException If there was an error opening the connection. * * @since 1.0 */ private HttpURLConnection getFileConnection( String requestMethod ) throws IOException { // Connection to the web server for this file HttpURLConnection fileConnection; // Open the connection fileConnection = (HttpURLConnection)fileURL.openConnection( ); fileConnection.setUseCaches( true ); fileConnection.setRequestMethod( requestMethod ); // If the headers have not yet been read for this file, if( !wasFileHeaderRead ) { // Read the headers now readFileHeadersFromConnection( fileConnection ); } return fileConnection; } /** * Obtains a connection to the web server for this file with the "GET" method. * * @return Connection object to this URL. * * @throws IOException If there was an error opening the connection. * * @since 1.0 */ private HttpURLConnection getFileConnection( ) throws IOException { return getFileConnection( "GET" ); //NOI18N } /** * Given a connection to a file on a web server, reads the attributes for this * file that can be found in its HTTP headers. * * @param fileConnection Connection to the web server. * * @since 1.0 */ private void readFileHeadersFromConnection( HttpURLConnection fileConnection ) { // Index of the header being added to the attributes of this file // int headerIndex; fileSize = fileConnection.getContentLength( ); fileMIMEType = fileConnection.getContentType( ); fileDate = new Date( fileConnection.getLastModified( ) ); /* headerIndex = 0; while( fileConnection.getHeaderField( headerIndex ) != null ) { fileAttributes.put( fileConnection.getHeaderFieldKey( headerIndex ), fileConnection.getHeaderField( fileConnection.getHeaderFieldKey( headerIndex ) ) ); headerIndex++; }*/ wasFileHeaderRead = true; } /** * Returns the file system that owns this file. * * @return Parent filesystem. * * @throws FileStateInvalidException If the parent of this file object is * not known. * * @since 1.0 */ public org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem getFileSystem( ) throws FileStateInvalidException { if( parentFileSystem != null ) { return parentFileSystem; } else { throw new FileStateInvalidException( ResourceUtils.getBundledString( "MSG_FilesystemNotFound" ) ); //NOI18N } } /** * Returns the name of this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public String getName( ) { return fileName; } /** * Returns the extension of this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public String getExt( ) { return fileExtension; } /** * Returns the name and extension of this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public String getNameExt( ) { return fullFileName; } /** * Returns the size of this file in bytes. * * @since 1.0 */ public long getSize( ) { if( !wasFileHeaderRead ) { readFileHeader( ); } return fileSize; } /** * Returns the MIME type of this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public String getMIMEType( ) { if( !wasFileHeaderRead ) { readFileHeader( ); } return fileMIMEType; } /** * Returns the parent dircetory object of this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public FileObject getParent( ) { return parentFileObject; } /** * Returns the date this file was last modified. * * @since 1.0 */ public Date lastModified( ) { if( !wasFileHeaderRead ) { readFileHeader( ); } return fileDate; } /** * Always returns "true" for this read-only filesystem. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean isReadOnly( ) { return true; } /** * Returns a flag specifying whether this file is valid or not. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean isValid( ) { return fileURL != null; } /** * Returns "true" if this is the root file object of this file system. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean isRoot( ) { return uriStem.equals( "/" ); //NOI18N } /** * Returns "true" if this is a directory. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean isFolder( ) { return uriStem.endsWith( "/" ); //NOI18N } /** * Returns "true" if this is a file, and not a folder. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean isData( ) { return !isFolder( ); } /** * Called by NetBeans to lock this file. Always returns FileLock.NONE for this * read-only file system. * * @reuturn FileLock.NONE. * * @throws IOException If there was an error locking this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public FileLock lock( ) throws IOException { return FileLock.NONE; } /** * Called by NetBeans to create a new file in this file system. Always throws an * {@link IOException} for this read-only file system. * * @param fileName The file name of the file to create. * @param extension The extension of the file to create. * * @throws IOException If there was an error creating this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public FileObject createData( String fileName, String extension ) throws IOException { throw new IOException( ); } /** * Called by NetBeans to create a new directory in this file system. Always * throws an {@link IOException} for this read-only file system. * * @param fileName The name of the directory to create. * * @throws IOException If there was an error creating this directory. * * @since 1.0 */ public FileObject createFolder( String fileName ) throws IOException { throw new IOException( ); } /** * Called by NetBeans to rename a file. Always throws an * {@link IOException} for this read-only file system. * * @param lock The lock on this file. * @param fileName The new file name for this file. * @param extension The new extension for this file. * * @throws IOException If there was an error renaming this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public void rename( FileLock lock, String fileName, String extension ) throws IOException { throw new IOException( ); } /** * Called by NetBeans to delete this file. Always throws an * {@link IOException} for this read-only file system. * * @param lock The lock on this file. * * @throws IOException If there was an error deleting this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public void delete( FileLock lock ) throws IOException { throw new IOException( ); } /** * Called by NetBeans to set the importance of this file. Does tothing for this * read-only file system. * * @param isImportant Flags whether this file is important or not. * * @since 1.0 */ public void setImportant( boolean isImportant ) { // File system is read-only - ignore this call } /** * Returns the list of attributes available for this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public java.util.Enumeration getAttributes() { if( !wasFileHeaderRead ) { readFileHeader( ); } return fileAttributes.keys( ); } /** * Returns the value of the named attribute for this file. * * @param attributeName The name of the attribute whose value should be returned. * * @return Value of the attribute, or null if not found. * * @since 1.0 */ public Object getAttribute( String attributeName ) { if( !wasFileHeaderRead ) { readFileHeader( ); } return fileAttributes.get( attributeName ); } /** * Changes the specified attribute for this file. Always throws an * {@link IOException} for this read-only file system. * * @param attributeName The name of the attribute to change. * @param newValue the new value for this attribute. * * @throws IOException If there was an error setting this attribute. * * @since 1.0 */ public void setAttribute( String attributeName, Object newValue ) throws IOException { throw new IOException( ); } /** * Returns a list of files that belong to this directory. * * @since 1.0 */ public FileObject[] getChildren( ) { return (FileObject[])getChildFileObjects( true ).values( ).toArray( new FileObject[ 0 ] ); } /** * Returns a file within this directory with the passed name, or "null" if the * file doesn't exist. * * @param fileName The name of the file to return. * @param extension The extension of the file to return. * * @return File object in this filesystem, or null of not found. * * @since 1.0 */ public FileObject getFileObject( String fileName, String extension ) { if( extension != null && extension.equals( "" ) == false ) { //NOI18N return child( fileName + "." + extension ); //NOI18N } else { return child( fileName ); } } /** * Returns an {@link HTTPFileInputStream} object to read the contents of this * file. * * @throws FileNotFoundException If the file doesn't exist. * * @since 1.0 */ public InputStream getInputStream() throws FileNotFoundException { try { return new HTTPFileInputStream( getFileConnection( ) ); } catch( IOException e ) { throw new e.getMessage( ) ); } } /** * Intended to open an OutputStream to change the contents of this file. Always * throws an {@link IOException} for this read-only file system. * * @param lock The lock on this file. * * @return InputStream to this file. * * @since 1.0 */ public OutputStream getOutputStream(FileLock lock) throws IOException { throw new IOException( ); } /** * Adds an object to the list of objects that will receive notifications of file * changes. Does nothing for this read-only file system, since the files will * not have change events. * * @param listener The listener object to add to this file's list. * * @since 1.0 */ public void addFileChangeListener(FileChangeListener listener) { listeners.add( listener ); } /** * Removes an object from the list of objects that will receive notifications of * file changes. Does nothing for this read-only file system, since the files * will not have change events. * * @param listener The listener object to remove from this file's list. * * @since 1.0 */ public void removeFileChangeListener(FileChangeListener listener) { listeners.remove( listener ); } /** * Adds a file object to the list of files of this directory object. * * @param newChildFileObject The file object to add. * * @since 1.0 */ void addChild( HTTPFileObject newChildFileObject ) { newChildFileObject.parentFileObject = this; childFileObjects.put( newChildFileObject.getNameExt( ), newChildFileObject ); // If there are any listeners and the contents of the folder have been read, if( !listeners.isEmpty( ) && areFolderContentsKnown ) { // Notify the listeners that this item has been added if( newChildFileObject.isData( ) ) { fireFileDataCreatedEvent( listeners.elements( ), new FileEvent( this, newChildFileObject, true ) ); } else { fireFileFolderCreatedEvent( listeners.elements( ), new FileEvent( this, newChildFileObject, true ) ); } } } /** * Removes all child file objects from this directory object. * * @since 3.4 */ void removeAllChildren( ) { // Iterator through list of chlildren Iterator childIterator; // Next file to remove HTTPFileObject childFile; synchronized( childFileObjects ) { childIterator = childFileObjects.values( ).iterator( ); while( childIterator.hasNext( ) ) { childFile = (HTTPFileObject) ); childIterator.remove( ); childFile.parentFileObject = null; // If there are any listeners and the contents of the folder have been read, if( !listeners.isEmpty( ) && areFolderContentsKnown ) { // Notify the listeners that this file has been removed fireFileDeletedEvent( listeners.elements( ), new FileEvent( this, childFile, true ) ); } } } } /** * Adds a file object with the passed name to the list of files of this directory * object. * * @param newChildFileName The name of the new file object to add. * * @since 1.0 */ void addChild( String newChildFileName ) { addChild( new HTTPFileObject( newChildFileName, parentFileSystem ) ); } /** * Adds a new file object with the passed name to the list of file objects for * this directory, if the file exists. Returns a flag specifying whether the * file existed and was added or not. * * @param newChildFileName The name of the new file object to add. * * @return Whether the named file was found on the web server or not. * * @since 1.0 */ boolean addOptionalChild( String newChildFileName ) { // Connection to the web server for this file HttpURLConnection fileConnection; // New file object HTTPFileObject childFileObject; // Flags whether the file was added or not boolean wasFileAdded; fileConnection = null; try { // Create the new file object childFileObject = new HTTPFileObject( newChildFileName, parentFileSystem ); fileConnection = childFileObject.getFileConnection( "HEAD" ); //NOI18N // If the file exists, if( fileConnection.getResponseCode( ) < 400 ) { // Add the new file addChild( childFileObject ); wasFileAdded = true; } else { wasFileAdded = false; } } catch( Exception e ) { wasFileAdded = false; } finally { // Always close the connection to the web server once it has been opened if( fileConnection != null ) { fileConnection.disconnect( ); } } return wasFileAdded; } /** * Returns a file within this directory with the passed name, or "null" if the * file doesn't exist. * * @param fullFileName The full name of the file to return. * * @return Child file object, or null if not found. * * @since 1.0 */ HTTPFileObject child( String fullFileName ) { return child( fullFileName, true ); } /** * Returns a file within this directory with the passed name, or "null" if the * file doesn't exist. May or may not read the package contents if not yet * read. * * @param fullFileName The full name of the file to return. * @param readPackageContents Flag to specify whether the package contents * should be read if not know. * * @return Child file object, or null if not found. * * @since 1.0 */ HTTPFileObject child( String fullFileName, boolean readPackageContents ) { return (HTTPFileObject)getChildFileObjects( readPackageContents ).get( fullFileName ); } /** * Returns the Map that contains all of the child FileObjects. This * provides synchronized access to the methods that read the contents of the * folder. * * @param readPackageContents Flags whether this package's contents should be * read if unknown. * * @return Hashtale of child file objects for this file. * * @since 1.0 */ private Map getChildFileObjects( boolean readPackageContents ) { // If this is a directory that has not been read yet and the root object has been initialized, if( readPackageContents ) { synchronized( childFileObjects ) { if( !areFolderContentsKnown ) { // Read the list of files in this package directory readPackageContents( ); } } } return childFileObjects; } /** * Called to mark this directory as one that contains package files. * * @since 1.0 */ void makePackage() { areFolderContentsKnown = false; } /** * Called to read all of the contents of this package directory into memory. * * @since 1.0 */ private void readPackageContents( ) { // File object for this package's "package-summary.html" file HTTPFileObject packageSummaryFile; // Object for this package's "class-use/" directory HTTPFileObject classUseDirectory; // InputStream to read the "package-summary.html" file InputStream packageFileInputStream; // Kit to read and parse an HTML file HTMLEditorKit editorKit; // HTML document representation of "package-summary.html" file HTMLDocument htmlDoc; // Iterator through "A" tags of the above file HTMLDocument.Iterator tagIterator; // The file name for the class file in this directory String classFileName; // Find the standard files found in a package directory packageSummaryFile = new HTTPFileObject( uriStem + "package-summary.html", parentFileSystem ); //NOI18N addChild( packageSummaryFile ); addOptionalChild( uriStem + "package-frame.html" ); //NOI18N addOptionalChild( uriStem + "package-tree.html" ); //NOI18N if( addOptionalChild( uriStem + "package-use.html" ) ) { //NOI18N classUseDirectory = new HTTPFileObject( uriStem + "class-use/", parentFileSystem ); //NOI18N addChild( classUseDirectory ); } else { classUseDirectory = null; } try { // Read the "package-summary.html" file into memory packageFileInputStream = packageSummaryFile.getInputStream( ); editorKit = new HTMLEditorKit(); htmlDoc = (HTMLDocument)editorKit.createDefaultDocument(); new InputStreamReader( packageFileInputStream ), htmlDoc, 0); // Find all of the "A" tags in the file tagIterator = htmlDoc.getIterator( HTML.Tag.A ); while( tagIterator.isValid( ) ) { // Find the target of the link tag classFileName = (String)tagIterator.getAttributes( ).getAttribute( HTML.Attribute.HREF ); if( classFileName != null ) { // If the link points to file in this directory that is also not a standard package file, if( classFileName.indexOf( '/' ) == -1 && !classFileName.startsWith( "." ) //NOI18N && !classFileName.startsWith( "#" ) && classFileName.indexOf( ':' ) == -1 //NOI18N && !classFileName.startsWith( "package-" ) ) { //NOI18N // Add the file to this package directory addChild( uriStem + classFileName ); // If there is a "class-use/" dircetory, if( classUseDirectory != null ) { // Add the corresponding file in that directory classUseDirectory.addChild( classUseDirectory.uriStem + classFileName ); } } } ); } packageFileInputStream.close( ); } catch( BadLocationException e ) { // Ignore the classes of this package } catch( IOException e ) { // Ignore the classes of this package } finally { areFolderContentsKnown = true; } } }
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