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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.btreeimpl.btreestorage;

import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;

import org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.btreeimpl.btreeindex.*;
import org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.*;
import org.netbeans.mdr.util.Logger;

 * This class implements Storage using Btree files.  Almost all implementation
 * is in BtreeDatabase, which see.
public class BtreeStorage implements Storage {
    /* Key used to store value of @link #storageNumbersCounter. */
    private static final String COUNTER_KEY = "counter";
    /* Suffix of the name of SinglevaluedIndex used to store storage ids -> codes mapping. */
    private static final String MAP1_INDEX_PREFIX = "storageIds:";
    /* Suffix of the name of SinglevaluedIndex used to store storage codes -> ids mapping. */
    private static final String MAP2_INDEX_PREFIX = "storageCodes:";
    /* The btree database we have opened */
    private BtreeDatabase btreeDB;
    /*The cached mofid entry type info */
    private transient EntryTypeInfo mofIdEntryTypeInfo;
    /*The cached mofid class code */
    private transient int mofIdClassCode;
    /*Buffer used for reading mofids */
    private transient byte[] buffer = new byte[8];
    /* Our MOFID generator */
    MofidGenerator gen;
    /* The name of our database */
    private final String btreeDBName;
    String storageUUID;
    /* Object resolver */
    private ObjectResolver resolver;
    /* Index storing storageId -> code of storageId mapping */
    private SinglevaluedIndex storageIdsMap;
    /* Index storing code of storageId -> storageId mapping */
    private SinglevaluedIndex storageCodesMap;
    /* Value of the last used code. */
    private int storageNumbersCounter;
    /* Cache for storageId -> integer mapping. */
    private HashMap tempMap = null;
    /* Cache for integer -> storageId mapping. */
    private HashMap tempMap2 = null;
    private final Map properties;
    /** Create a BtreeStorage object.  Note that this does not create
     * or open the Btree repository
     * @param name the name of the btree.  This will be the base name
     * for the btree files
    public BtreeStorage(String name, Map properties) { = properties;
        Logger.getDefault().log("DATABASE: " + name);
        btreeDBName = name;
        storageUUID = (String) properties.get(BtreeFactory.STORAGE_UUID);
        if (storageUUID != null)
            Logger.getDefault().log("Storage UUID: " + storageUUID);
    Object getProperty(String name) {
        return properties.get(name);
    /** Return our name
    public String getName() {
        return btreeDBName;

    /** Returns storage id
    public synchronized String getStorageId() {
        return gen.getMofidPrefix();
    public synchronized long getSerialNumber () {
        return gen.getNextMofid();
    /** determine if the btree currently exists
     * @return true if it exists
    public boolean exists() {
        return BtreeDatabase.exists(btreeDBName);
    /** delete the btree repository.
     * @return true if, at method end, there is no repository.  false if
     * the repository exists but could not be deleted for any reason
    public synchronized boolean delete() throws StorageException {
        return BtreeDatabase.delete(btreeDBName);
    /** Create btree repository
     * @param replace whether to replace an existing repository
     * @exception StorageException on any error creating the repository
    public synchronized void create(boolean replace, ObjectResolver resolver) throws StorageException {
        if (exists()) {
            if (replace) {
                if (!delete()) {
                    throw new StorageBadRequestException(
                    "Unable to delete btree repository {0}",
                    new Object[] {btreeDBName} ) );
            else {
                throw new StorageBadRequestException(
                "Btree repository {0} already exists",
                new Object[] {btreeDBName} ) );
        this.resolver = resolver;
        btreeDB = new BtreeDatabase(btreeDBName, this, true);
        gen = btreeDB.getMofidGenerator();
        storageIdsMap = createSinglevaluedIndex (MAP1_INDEX_PREFIX,
                            Storage.EntryType.STRING, Storage.EntryType.INT);
        storageCodesMap = createSinglevaluedIndex (MAP2_INDEX_PREFIX,
                            Storage.EntryType.INT, Storage.EntryType.STRING);
    /** Open a btree MDR
     * @param createIfNoExist whether to create the repository if it
     * doesn't exist
     * @exception StorageException on any error opening or creating
     * the repository
    public synchronized void open(boolean createIfNoExist, ObjectResolver resolver)
    throws StorageException {
        if (exists()) {
            this.resolver = resolver;
            btreeDB = new BtreeDatabase(btreeDBName, this, false);
            gen = btreeDB.getMofidGenerator();
            storageIdsMap = getSinglevaluedIndex (MAP1_INDEX_PREFIX);
            storageCodesMap = getSinglevaluedIndex (MAP2_INDEX_PREFIX);
        if (createIfNoExist) {
            create(false, resolver);
        throw new StorageBadRequestException(
        "Btree repository {0} does not exist",
        new Object[] {btreeDBName} ) );
    /** close the btree repository.   This does not commit any outstanding
     * changes.
    public synchronized  void close() throws StorageException {
        btreeDB = null;
        gen = null;
        tempMap = null;
    /** Return the primary index (the BtreeDatabase)
    public synchronized SinglevaluedIndex getPrimaryIndex() throws StorageException {
        return btreeDB;
    /** Create index that holds exactly one value for each key.
     * @return created index
     * @param name name of the index
     * @param keyType type of keys in the index
     * @param valueType type of values in the index
    public synchronized  SinglevaluedIndex createSinglevaluedIndex(String name, Storage.EntryType keyType, Storage.EntryType valueType) throws StorageException {
        SinglevaluedBtree index =
        new SinglevaluedBtree(name, keyType, valueType,
        new BtreeMDRSource(this, BtreeDatabase.PAGE_SIZE));
        btreeDB.addIndex(name, index, new MOFID(this));
        return index;
    /** Create index that holds sorted set of values for each key.
     * @return created index
     * @param name name of the index
     * @param keyType type of keys in the index
     * @param valueType type of values in the index
     * @param unique true if values associated with one key do not contain duplicates
    public synchronized  MultivaluedOrderedIndex createMultivaluedOrderedIndex(String name, Storage.EntryType keyType, Storage.EntryType valueType, boolean unique) throws StorageException {
        MultivaluedOrderedBtree index =
        new MultivaluedOrderedBtree(name, keyType, valueType, unique,
        new BtreeMDRSource(this, BtreeDatabase.PAGE_SIZE));
        btreeDB.addIndex(name, index, new MOFID(this));
        return index;
    /** Create index that hold a set of values for each key. Elements in one Multivalued are
     * not sorted. Set does not contain duplicate values.
     * @return created index
     * @param name name of the index
     * @param keyType type of keys in the index
     * @param valueType type of values in the index
     * @param unique true if values associated with one key do not contain duplicates
    public synchronized  MultivaluedIndex createMultivaluedIndex(String name, Storage.EntryType keyType, Storage.EntryType valueType, boolean unique) throws StorageException {
        MultivaluedBtree index =
        new MultivaluedBtree(name, keyType, valueType, unique,
        new BtreeMDRSource(this, BtreeDatabase.PAGE_SIZE));
        btreeDB.addIndex(name, index, new MOFID(this));
        return index;
    /** Retrieve index by name.
     * @param name name of the index
     * @return index of the specified name
    public synchronized Index getIndex(String name) throws StorageException {
        return (Index) btreeDB.fetchIndex(name);
    /** Retrieve index by name.
     * @param name name of the index
     * @return index of the specified name and type
    public synchronized SinglevaluedIndex getSinglevaluedIndex(String name) throws StorageException {
        Object idx = getIndex(name);
        checkIndexType(idx, name, SinglevaluedIndex.class);
        return (SinglevaluedIndex)idx;
    /** Retrieve index by name.
     * @param name name of the index
     * @return index of the specified name and type
    public synchronized  MultivaluedIndex getMultivaluedIndex(String name) throws StorageException {
        Object idx = getIndex(name);
        checkIndexType(idx, name, MultivaluedIndex.class);
        return (MultivaluedIndex)idx;
    /** Retrieve index by name.
     * @param name name of the index
     * @return index of the specified name and type
    public synchronized  MultivaluedOrderedIndex getMultivaluedOrderedIndex(String name) throws StorageException {
        Object idx = getIndex(name);
        checkIndexType(idx, name, MultivaluedOrderedIndex.class);
        return (MultivaluedOrderedIndex)idx;
    /** Delete index.
     * @param name name of the index
    public synchronized  void dropIndex(String name) throws StorageException {
    /** Notify the Storage that state of the object will be changed.
     * @param key key of object that will be changed
    public void objectStateWillChange(Object key) throws StorageException {
        // do nothing
    /** Notify the Storage that state of the object was changed.
     * @param key key of object that was changed
    public synchronized  void objectStateChanged(Object key) throws StorageException {
    /** Save all objects changed since this method was last call.
     * This operation implements transactions on the storage.
     * It must either whole complete or whole fail.
    public synchronized  void commitChanges() throws StorageException {
    /** Discard all changes since commitChanges() method was last called.
     * This operation implements transactions on the storage.
     * It must either whole complete or whole fail.
     * Note that, after this method completes, the persistent MDR and
     * any modified objects in memory are inconsistent, so it should
     * be followed shortly by program exit.
    public synchronized  void rollBackChanges() throws StorageException {
        open(false, resolver);
     * Shutdowns btree databes (i.e. flushes cached commited data in transaction cache).
    public synchronized  void shutDown() throws StorageException {
    /** Returns true if the storage supports more than one index with type
     * {@link Entrytype.STREAMABLE}
     * @return true if the storage supports more than one index with type
     * {@link Entrytype.STREAMABLE}
    public boolean supportsMultipleStorableIndexes() {
        /* Btree supports only one primary index */
        return false;
    public synchronized void writeMOFID ( outputStream, MOFID mofId) throws StorageException {
       // this looks like it is not needed - MOFID's class is always org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID
//       if (this.mofIdClassCode == -1) {
//           this.mofIdClassCode = this.btreeDB.getClassCode (mofId.getClass());
//       }
       DataOutputStream out = null;
       if (outputStream instanceof DataOutputStream)
           out = (DataOutputStream) outputStream;
           out = new DataOutputStream (outputStream);
       try {
            out.writeInt (this.mofIdClassCode);
       } catch (IOException ioException) {
           throw new StorageIOException (ioException);
       this.writeMOFIDData (out, mofId);
        // optimized write:
        long mofidData = mofId.getSerialNumber();
        String storageId = mofId.getStorageID();
        short s;
        if (this.getStorageId().equals(storageId)) {
            s = (short) BtreeFactory.SAME_PREFIX_CODE;
        } else if (BtreeFactory.INTERNAL_PREFIX.equals(storageId)) {
            s = (short) BtreeFactory.INTERNAL_PREFIX_CODE;
        } else {
            s = (short) this.storageIdToNumber(storageId);
        mofidData |= ((long) s) << 48;
        try {
            while (mofidData != 0) {
                int b = ((int) mofidData) & 0x7f;
                mofidData >>>= 7;
                if (mofidData != 0) b |= 0x80;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw (StorageException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(new StorageIOException(e), e);
    public final void writeMOFIDData ( out, MOFID mofid) throws StorageException {
        try {
            out.write (this.getMOFIDData(mofid)); 
        } catch (IOException ioException) {
            throw new StorageIOException (ioException);
    public synchronized final byte[] getMOFIDData (MOFID mofid) throws StorageException {
        if (this.mofIdEntryTypeInfo == null) {
           this.mofIdEntryTypeInfo = EntryTypeInfo.getEntryTypeInfo(Storage.EntryType.MOFID,this);
       return this.mofIdEntryTypeInfo.toBuffer(mofid);
    // this method is always called from a thread safe code (readStreamable)
    // thus it does not need to be synchronized
    // if it shows up that it needs to be synchronized, a separate lock should be used
    // for that to avoid deadlocks
    public synchronized MOFID readMOFID ( inputStream) throws StorageException {
        DataInputStream in = null;
        if (inputStream instanceof DataInputStream)
            in = (DataInputStream) inputStream;
            in = new DataInputStream (inputStream);

        // optimized read:
        long mofidData = 0;
        try {
            int b;
            int i = 0;
            do {
                b =;
                mofidData |= ((long) (b & 0x7f)) << (i * 7);
            } while ((b & 0x80) != 0);
            int storageNumber = (int) (mofidData >> 48);
            String storageId;
            switch (storageNumber) {
                case BtreeFactory.INTERNAL_PREFIX_CODE:
                    storageId = BtreeFactory.INTERNAL_PREFIX;
                case BtreeFactory.SAME_PREFIX_CODE:
                    storageId = this.getStorageId();
                    storageId = this.numberToStorageId(storageNumber);
            return new MOFID (mofidData & 0xffffffffffffL, storageId);            
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw (StorageException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(new StorageIOException(e), e);

        /* let's rather do it in optimized way above
        try {
            int mofIdClassCode = in.readInt ();
            if (mofIdClassCode != this.mofIdClassCode)
                throw new IllegalStateException ();        
            return this.readMOFIDData (in);
        }catch (IOException ioException) {
            throw new StorageIOException (ioException);
    public synchronized final MOFID readMOFIDData ( in) throws StorageException {
        if (this.mofIdEntryTypeInfo == null) {
            this.mofIdEntryTypeInfo = EntryTypeInfo.getEntryTypeInfo(Storage.EntryType.MOFID, this);
        try {
            return (MOFID) mofIdEntryTypeInfo.fromBuffer (this.buffer);
        }catch (IOException ioException) {
            throw new StorageIOException (ioException);
    /** Return the MOFID generator for this repository */
    public synchronized MofidGenerator getMofidGenerator() {
        return btreeDB.getMofidGenerator();
    /** Return the map of MOFID UUIDs we know about
    public synchronized Map getMofidMap() {
        return btreeDB.getMofidMap();
     * Initializes storage id <-> storage code mapping.
    private void initStorageIdsMap () throws StorageException {
        Object value = storageIdsMap.getIfExists (COUNTER_KEY);
        if (value == null) {
            storageNumbersCounter = BtreeFactory.FIRST_EXTERNAL_CODE;
            storageIdsMap.put (COUNTER_KEY, value = new Integer (storageNumbersCounter));
        storageNumbersCounter = ((Integer) value).intValue ();        
        tempMap = new HashMap ();
        tempMap2 = new HashMap ();        
     * Maps an external storage prefix to integer.
    public synchronized int storageIdToNumber (String storageId) throws StorageException {        
        Object value;
        if (tempMap == null)
            initStorageIdsMap ();
        value = tempMap.get (storageId);
        if (value == null) {
            value = storageIdsMap.getIfExists (storageId);
            if (value == null) {
                value = new Integer (storageNumbersCounter);
                storageIdsMap.replace (COUNTER_KEY, value);
                storageIdsMap.put (storageId, value);
                storageCodesMap.put (value, storageId);
            tempMap.put (storageId, value);            
        return ((Integer) value).intValue ();
     * Resolves external storage number coded by an integer.
    public synchronized String numberToStorageId (int number) throws StorageException {        
        Object value;
        if (tempMap == null)
            initStorageIdsMap ();
        Object code = new Integer (number);
        value = tempMap2.get (code);
        if (value == null) {
            value = storageCodesMap.get (code);
            if (value == null) {
                throw new StorageBadRequestException ("Unknown storage code requested: " + number);
            tempMap2.put (code, value);
        return (String) value;
     * Delegates resolving of external mof ids on the object resolver.
    public synchronized Object resolveObject (MOFID key) throws StorageException {
        return resolver.resolve (key.getStorageID(), key);
    /* check that the returned index is of the correct type */
    private void checkIndexType(Object idx, String idxName, Class idxType)
    throws StorageException     {
        if (!idxType.isInstance(idx)) {
            throw new StorageBadRequestException(
            MessageFormat.format("{0} is not a {1}",
            new Object[] { idxName, idxType.getName() } ) );
    /* We only operate on one repository at a time */
    private void checkRepositoryClosed() throws StorageException {
        if (btreeDB != null) {
            throw new StorageBadRequestException(
            "The btree repository {0} is already open",
            new Object[] { btreeDBName} ) );
    /* Many operations aren't possible if the repsitory isn't open */
    private void checkRepositoryOpen() throws StorageException {
        if (btreeDB == null) {
            throw new StorageBadRequestException(
            "The btree repository {0} is not open",
            new Object[] { btreeDBName} ) );
    /* Fix this when secondary indices are supported */
    private void notSupported() throws StorageException {
        throw new StorageBadRequestException(
        "Secondary indices are not supported!");

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