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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Docs.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Docs.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

all, api, buildstructure, compile, file, projectref, seq, string, taskkey, whether

The Docs.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt.File
import org.webjars.{ FileSystemCache, WebJarExtractor }

object Docs {

  val Webjars = config("webjars").hide

  val apiDocsInclude = SettingKey[Boolean]("api-docs-include", "Whether this sub project should be included in the API docs")
  val apiDocsIncludeManaged = SettingKey[Boolean]("api-docs-include-managed", "Whether managed sources from this project should be included in the API docs")
  val apiDocsScalaSources = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("api-docs-scala-sources", "All the scala sources for all projects")
  val apiDocsJavaSources = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("api-docs-java-sources", "All the Java sources for all projects")
  val apiDocsClasspath = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("api-docs-classpath", "The classpath for API docs generation")
  val apiDocs = TaskKey[File]("api-docs", "Generate the API docs")
  val extractWebjars = TaskKey[File]("extract-webjars", "Extract webjar contents")

  lazy val settings = Seq(
    apiDocsInclude := false,
    apiDocsIncludeManaged := false,
    apiDocsScalaSources <<= (thisProjectRef, buildStructure) flatMap allSources(Compile, ".scala"),
    apiDocsClasspath <<= (thisProjectRef, buildStructure) flatMap allClasspaths,
    apiDocsJavaSources <<= (thisProjectRef, buildStructure) flatMap allSources(Compile, ".java"),
    apiDocs <<= (apiDocsScalaSources, apiDocsJavaSources, apiDocsClasspath, baseDirectory in ThisBuild, target, compilers, streams, scalaVersion) map apiDocsTask,
    ivyConfigurations += Webjars,
    extractWebjars <<= extractWebjarContents,
    mappings in (Compile, packageBin) <++= (baseDirectory, apiDocs, extractWebjars, version) map { (base, apiBase, webjars, playVersion) =>
      // Include documentation and API docs in main binary JAR
      val docBase = base / "../../../documentation"
      val raw = (docBase \ "manual" ** "*") +++ (docBase \ "style" ** "*")
      val filtered = raw.filter(_.getName != ".DS_Store")
      val docMappings = filtered.get pair rebase(docBase, "play/docs/content/")

      val apiDocMappings = (apiBase ** "*").get pair rebase(apiBase, "play/docs/content/api")

      // The play version is added so that resource paths are versioned
      val webjarMappings = webjars.*** pair rebase(webjars, "play/docs/content/webjars/" + playVersion)

      docMappings ++ apiDocMappings ++ webjarMappings

  def apiDocsTask(scalaSources: Seq[File], javaSources: Seq[File], classpath: Seq[File], buildBase: File,
                  target: File, compilers: Compiler.Compilers, streams: TaskStreams, scalaVersion: String): File = {

    val targetDir = new File(target, "scala-" + CrossVersion.binaryScalaVersion(scalaVersion))

    val version = BuildSettings.buildVersion
    val sourceTree = if (version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) {
    } else {

    val apiTarget = new File(targetDir, "apidocs")
    val scalaCache = new File(targetDir, "scalaapidocs.cache")
    val javaCache = new File(targetDir, "javaapidocs.cache")

    val label = "Play " + BuildSettings.buildVersion

    val options = Seq(
      // Note, this is used by the doc-source-url feature to determine the relative path of a given source file.
      // If it's not a prefix of a the absolute path of the source file, the absolute path of that file will be put
      // into the FILE_SOURCE variable below, which is definitely not what we want.
      // Hence it needs to be the base directory for the build, not the base directory for the play-docs project.
      "-sourcepath", buildBase.getAbsolutePath,
      "-doc-source-url", "" + sourceTree + "/framework€{FILE_PATH}.scala")

    val scaladoc = Doc.scaladoc(label, scalaCache, compilers.scalac)
    // Since there is absolutely no documentation on what the arguments here should be aside from their types, here
    // are the parameter names of the method that does eventually get called:
    // (sources, classpath, outputDirectory, options, maxErrors, log)
    scaladoc(scalaSources, classpath, apiTarget / "scala", options, 10, streams.log)

    val javadocOptions = Seq(
      "-windowtitle", label,
      "-subpackages", "play",
      "-exclude", "play.api:play.core"

    val javadoc = Doc.javadoc(label, javaCache, compilers.javac)
    javadoc(javaSources, classpath, apiTarget / "java", javadocOptions, 10, streams.log)


  def allSources(conf: Configuration, extension: String)(projectRef: ProjectRef, structure: BuildStructure): Task[Seq[File]] = {
    val projects = allApiProjects(, structure)
    val sourceTasks = projects map { ref =>
      def taskFromProject[T](task: TaskKey[T]) = task in conf in ref get

      // Get all the Scala sources (not the Java ones)
      val filteredSources = taskFromProject(sources).map(

      // Join them
      val tasks = filteredSources.toSeq

   * Get all projects in the given build that have `apiDocsInclude` set to `true`.
   * Recursively searches aggregated projects starting from the root project.
  def allApiProjects(build: URI, structure: BuildStructure): Seq[ProjectRef] = {
    def aggregated(projectRef: ProjectRef): Seq[ProjectRef] = {
      val project = Project.getProject(projectRef, structure)
      val childRefs = project.toSeq.flatMap(_.aggregate)
      childRefs flatMap { childRef =>
        val includeApiDocs = (apiDocsInclude in childRef).get(
        if (includeApiDocs) childRef +: aggregated(childRef) else aggregated(childRef)
    val rootProjectId = Load.getRootProject(structure.units)(build)
    val rootProjectRef = ProjectRef(build, rootProjectId)

  def allClasspaths(projectRef: ProjectRef, structure: BuildStructure): Task[Seq[File]] = {
    val projects = allApiProjects(, structure)
    val tasks = projects flatMap { dependencyClasspath in Compile in _ get }

  // Note: webjars are extracted without versions
  def extractWebjarContents: Def.Initialize[Task[File]] = (update, target, streams) map { (report, targetDir, s) =>
    val webjars = report.matching(configurationFilter(name =
    val webjarsDir = targetDir / "webjars"
    val cache = new FileSystemCache(s.cacheDirectory / "webjars-cache")
    val classLoader = new URLClassLoader(Path.toURLs(webjars), null)
    val extractor = new WebJarExtractor(cache, classLoader)

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Docs.scala source code file:

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