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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (SqlParser.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (SqlParser.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

a, b, column, error, int, play, play framework, resultsetparser, rowparser, sqlresult, string, success

The SqlParser.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package anorm

object SqlParser {
  import MayErr._
  import java.util.Date

  private val NoColumnsInReturnedResult = SqlMappingError("No column in result")

   * Returns parser for a scalar not-null value.
   * {{{
   * val count = SQL("select count(*) from Country").as(scalar[Long].single)
   * }}}
  def scalar[T](implicit transformer: Column[T]): RowParser[T] =
    new ScalarRowParser[T] {
      def apply(row: Row): SqlResult[T] = {
        (for {
          meta <-
          value <-
          result <- transformer(value, meta)
        } yield result).fold(Error(_), Success(_))

   * Flatten columns tuple-like.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.SQL
   * import anorm.SqlParser.{ long, str, int }
   * val tuple: (Long, String, Int) = SQL("SELECT a, b, c FROM Test").
   *   as(long("a") ~ str("b") ~ int("c") map (SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def flatten[T1, T2, R](implicit f: TupleFlattener[(T1 ~ T2) => R]): ((T1 ~ T2) => R) = f.f

   * Parses specified column as float.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Float, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.float("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def float(columnName: String)(implicit c: Column[Float]): RowParser[Float] =

   * Parses specified column as float.
   * @param columnPosition from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Float, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.float(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def float(columnPosition: Int)(implicit c: Column[Float]): RowParser[Float] =

   * Parses specified column as string.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Float, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.float("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def str(columnName: String)(implicit c: Column[String]): RowParser[String] =

   * Parses specified column as string.
   * @param columnPosition from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Float, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.float("a") ~ SqlParser.str(1) map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def str(columnPosition: Int)(implicit c: Column[String]): RowParser[String] =

   * Parses specified column as boolean.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Boolean, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.bool("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def bool(columnName: String)(implicit c: Column[Boolean]): RowParser[Boolean] = get[Boolean](columnName)(c)

   * Parses specified column as boolean.
   * @param columnPosition from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Boolean, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.bool(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def bool(columnPosition: Int)(implicit c: Column[Boolean]): RowParser[Boolean] = get[Boolean](columnPosition)(c)

   * Parses specified column as byte.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Byte, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.byte("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def byte(columnName: String)(implicit c: Column[Byte]): RowParser[Byte] =

   * Parses specified column as byte.
   * @param columnPosition from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Byte, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.byte(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def byte(columnPosition: Int)(implicit c: Column[Byte]): RowParser[Byte] =

   * Parses specified column as double.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Double, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.double("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def double(columnName: String)(implicit c: Column[Double]): RowParser[Double] = get[Double](columnName)(c)

   * Parses specified column as double.
   * @param columnPosition from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Double, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.double(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def double(columnPosition: Int)(implicit c: Column[Double]): RowParser[Double] = get[Double](columnPosition)(c)

   * Parses specified column as short.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Short, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.short("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def short(columnName: String)(implicit c: Column[Short]): RowParser[Short] =

   * Parses specified column as short.
   * @param columnPosition from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Short, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.short(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def short(columnPosition: Int)(implicit c: Column[Short]): RowParser[Short] =

   * Parses specified column as integer.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Int, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def int(columnName: String)(implicit c: Column[Int]): RowParser[Int] =

   * Parses specified column as integer.
   * @param columnPosition from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Int, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as( ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def int(columnPosition: Int)(implicit c: Column[Int]): RowParser[Int] =

   * Parses specified column as long.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Long, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.long("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def long(columnName: String)(implicit c: Column[Long]): RowParser[Long] =

   * Parses specified column as long.
   * @param columnPosition from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Long, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as(SqlParser.long(1) ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def long(columnPosition: Int)(implicit c: Column[Long]): RowParser[Long] =

   * Parses specified column as date.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Date, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as("a") ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def date(columnName: String)(implicit c: Column[Date]): RowParser[Date] =

   * Parses specified column as date.
   * @param columnPosition from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.{ SQL, SqlParser }
   * val t: (Date, String) = SQL("SELECT a, b FROM test")
   *   .as( ~ SqlParser.str("b") map (
   *     SqlParser.flatten) single)
   * }}}
  def date(columnPosition: Int)(implicit c: Column[Date]): RowParser[Date] =

  def getAliased[T](aliasName: String)(implicit extractor: Column[T]): RowParser[T] = RowParser { row =>
    (for {
      col <- row.getAliased(aliasName)
      res <- extractor.tupled(col)
    } yield res).fold(Error(_), Success(_))

   * Returns row parser for column with given `name`.
   * @param name Column name
   * {{{
   * import anorm.SQL
   * import anorm.SqlParser.get
   * val title: String = SQL("SELECT title FROM Books").
   *   as(get[String]("title").single)
   * }}}
  def get[T](name: String)(implicit extractor: Column[T]): RowParser[T] =
    RowParser { row =>
      (for {
        col <- row.get1(name)
        res <- extractor.tupled(col)
      } yield res).fold(Error(_), Success(_))

   * Returns row parser for column at given `position`.
   * @param position Column position, from 1 to n
   * {{{
   * import anorm.SQL
   * import anorm.SqlParser.get
   * val res: (Float, String) = // parsing columns #1 & #3
   *   SQL("SELECT * FROM Test").as(get[String](1) ~ get[Float](3) map {
   *     case str ~ f => (f -> str)
   *   } *)
   * }}}
  def get[T](position: Int)(implicit extractor: Column[T]): RowParser[T] =
    RowParser { row =>
      (for {
        col <- row.getIndexed(position - 1)
        result <- extractor.tupled(col)
      } yield result).fold(e => Error(e), a => Success(a))

   * Returns row parser which throws exception if specified `column` is either
   * missing or not matching expected `value`.
   * If row contains described column, do nothing (Unit).
   * {{{
   * import anorm.SQL
   * import anorm.SqlParser.{ contains, str }
   * val parser = contains("a", true) ~ str("b") map {
   *   case () ~ str => str
   * }
   * SQL("SELECT * FROM table").as(parser.+)
   * // Throws exception if there no |a| column or if |a| is not true,
   * // otherwise parses as non-empty list of |b| strings.
   * }}}
    "SqlMappingError(Row doesn't contain a column: f with value 2.34)")
  @deprecated(message = "Use [[matches]]", since = "2.3.0")
  def contains[TT: Column, T <: TT](column: String, value: T): RowParser[Unit] =
      collect(s"Row doesn't contain a column: $column with value $value") {
        case a if a == value => Unit

   * Returns row parser which true if specified `column` is found
   * and matching expected `value`.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.SQL
   * import anorm.SqlParser.matches
   * val m: Boolean = SQL("SELECT * FROM table").as(matches("a", 1.2f).single)
   * // true if column |a| is found and matching 1.2f, otherwise false
   * }}}
   * @return true if matches, or false if not
  def matches[TT: Column, T <: TT](column: String, value: T)(implicit c: Column[TT]): RowParser[Boolean] = get[TT](column)(c).?.map(_.fold(false)(_ == value))


/** Columns tuple-like */
// Using List or HList?
final case class ~[+A, +B](_1: A, _2: B)

object RowParser {
  def apply[A](f: Row => SqlResult[A]): RowParser[A] = new RowParser[A] {
    def apply(row: Row): SqlResult[A] = f(row)

trait RowParser[+A] extends (Row => SqlResult[A]) { parent =>

  def map[B](f: A => B): RowParser[B] = RowParser(parent.andThen(

   * Returns parser which collects information
   * from already parsed row data using `f`.
   * @param otherwise Message returned as error if nothing can be collected using `f`.
   * @param f Collecting function
  def collect[B](otherwise: String)(f: PartialFunction[A, B]): RowParser[B] =

  def flatMap[B](k: A => RowParser[B]): RowParser[B] =
    RowParser(row => parent(row).flatMap(k(_)(row)))

  def ~[B](p: RowParser[B]): RowParser[A ~ B] =
    RowParser(row => parent(row).flatMap(a => p(row).map(new ~(a, _))))

  def ~>[B](p: RowParser[B]): RowParser[B] =
    RowParser(row => parent(row).flatMap(_ => p(row)))

  def <~[B](p: RowParser[B]): RowParser[A] = parent.~(p).map(_._1)

  def |[B >: A](p: RowParser[B]): RowParser[B] = RowParser { row =>
    parent(row) match {
      case Error(_) => p(row)
      case a => a

   * Returns a row parser for optional column,
   * that will turn missing or null column as None.
  def ? : RowParser[Option[A]] = RowParser {
    parent(_) match {
      case Success(a) => Success(Some(a))
      case Error(UnexpectedNullableFound(_)) | Error(ColumnNotFound(_, _)) =>
      case e @ Error(f) => e

  def >>[B](f: A => RowParser[B]): RowParser[B] = flatMap(f)

   * Returns possibly empty list parsed from result.
   * {{{
   * val price = 125
   * SQL"SELECT name FROM item WHERE price < $price".as(scalar[String].*)
   * }}}
  def * : ResultSetParser[List[A]] = ResultSetParser.list(parent)

   * Returns non empty list parse from result,
   * or raise error if there is no result.
   * {{{
   * import anorm.SQL
   * import anorm.SqlParser.str
   * val parser = str("title") ~ str("descr")
   * SQL("SELECT title, descr FROM pages").as(parser.+) // at least 1 page
   * }}}
  def + : ResultSetParser[List[A]] = ResultSetParser.nonEmptyList(parent)

   * Returns a result set parser expecting exactly one row to parse.
   * {{{
   * val b: Boolean = SQL("SELECT flag FROM Test WHERE id = :id").
   *   on("id" -> 1).as(scalar[Boolean].single)
   * }}}
  def single = ResultSetParser.single(parent)

   * Returns a result set parser for none or one parsed row.
   * {{{
   * val name: Option[String] =
   *   SQL("SELECT name FROM Country WHERE lang = :lang")
   *   .on("lang" -> "notFound").as(scalar[String].singleOpt)
   * }}}
  def singleOpt: ResultSetParser[Option[A]] = ResultSetParser.singleOpt(parent)


/** Parser for scalar row (row of one single column). */
sealed trait ScalarRowParser[+A] extends RowParser[A] {
  override def singleOpt: ResultSetParser[Option[A]] = ResultSetParser {
    case head #:: Stream.Empty if ( == Some(null)) =>
      // one column present in head row, but column value is null
    case head #:: Stream.Empty => map(Some(_))(head)
    case Stream.Empty => Success(None)
    case _ => Error(SqlMappingError(
      "too many rows when expecting a single one"))

trait ResultSetParser[+A] extends (Stream[Row] => SqlResult[A]) { parent =>
  def map[B](f: A => B): ResultSetParser[B] =


private[anorm] object ResultSetParser {
  def apply[A](f: Stream[Row] => SqlResult[A]): ResultSetParser[A] =
    new ResultSetParser[A] { rows =>
      def apply(rows: Stream[Row]): SqlResult[A] = f(rows)

  def list[A](p: RowParser[A]): ResultSetParser[List[A]] = {
    // Performance note: sequence produces a List in reverse order, since appending to a
    // List is an O(n) operation, and this is done n times, yielding O(n2) just to convert the
    // result set to a List.  Prepending is O(1), so we use prepend, and then reverse the result
    // in the map function below.
    def sequence(results: SqlResult[List[A]], rows: Stream[Row]): SqlResult[List[A]] = {
      (results, rows) match {
        case (Success(rs), row #:: tail) => sequence(p(row).map(_ +: rs), tail)
        case (r, _) => r

    ResultSetParser { rows => sequence(Success(List()), rows).map(_.reverse) }

  def nonEmptyList[A](p: RowParser[A]): ResultSetParser[List[A]] =
    ResultSetParser(rows =>
      if (rows.isEmpty) Error(SqlMappingError("Empty Result Set"))
      else list(p)(rows))

  def single[A](p: RowParser[A]): ResultSetParser[A] = ResultSetParser {
    case head #:: Stream.Empty => p(head)
    case Stream.Empty => Error(SqlMappingError(
      "No rows when expecting a single one"))

    case _ => Error(SqlMappingError(
      "too many rows when expecting a single one"))


  def singleOpt[A](p: RowParser[A]): ResultSetParser[Option[A]] =
    ResultSetParser {
      case head #:: Stream.Empty =>
      case Stream.Empty => Success(None)
      case _ => Error(SqlMappingError(
        "too many rows when expecting a single one"))


Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework SqlParser.scala source code file:

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