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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Iteratee.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Iteratee.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

a, api, b, concurrent, cont, done, e, executioncontext, future, input, iterate, iteratee, library, play, play framework, step

The Iteratee.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.libs.iteratee

import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future, Promise }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import play.api.libs.iteratee.Execution.Implicits.{ defaultExecutionContext => dec }
import play.api.libs.iteratee.internal.{ eagerFuture, executeFuture, executeIteratee, identityFunc, prepared }

 * Various helper methods to construct, compose and traverse Iteratees.
 * @define paramEcSingle @param ec The context to execute the supplied function with. The context is prepared on the calling thread before being used.
 * @define paramEcMultiple @param ec The context to execute the supplied functions with. The context is prepared on the calling thread before being used.
object Iteratee {

   * flatten a [[scala.concurrent.Future]] of [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]]] into an Iteratee
   * @param i a promise of iteratee
  def flatten[E, A](i: Future[Iteratee[E, A]]): Iteratee[E, A] = new FutureIteratee[E, A](i)

  def isDoneOrError[E, A](it: Iteratee[E, A]): Future[Boolean] = it.pureFoldNoEC { case Step.Cont(_) => false; case _ => true }

   * Create an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] which folds the content of the Input using a given function and an initial state
   * Example:
   * {{{
   *   // Count the number of input elements
   *   def count[E]: Iteratee[E, Int] = Iteratee.fold(0)((c, _) => c + 1)
   * }}}
   * @param state initial state
   * @param f a function folding the previous state and an input to a new state
   * $paramEcSingle
  def fold[E, A](state: A)(f: (A, E) => A)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, A] = foldM(state)((a, e: E) => eagerFuture(f(a, e)))(ec)

   * Create an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] which folds the content of the Input using a given function and an initial state
   * M stands for Monadic which in this case means returning a [[scala.concurrent.Future]] for the function argument f,
   * so that promises are combined in a complete reactive flow of logic.
   * @param state initial state
   * @param f a function folding the previous state and an input to a new promise of state
   * $paramEcSingle
  def foldM[E, A](state: A)(f: (A, E) => Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, A] = {
    val pec = ec.prepare()
    def step(s: A)(i: Input[E]): Iteratee[E, A] = i match {

      case Input.EOF => Done(s, Input.EOF)
      case Input.Empty => Cont[E, A](step(s))
      case Input.El(e) => { val newS = executeFuture(f(s, e))(pec); flatten( => Cont[E, A](step(s1)))(dec)) }
    (Cont[E, A](step(state)))

   * Create an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] which folds the content of the Input using a given function and an initial state.
   * Like `foldM`, but the fold can be completed earlier by returning a value of `true` in the future result.
   * @param state initial state
   * @param f a function folding the previous state and an input to a promise of state and a boolean indicating whether the fold is done
   * $paramEcSingle
  def fold2[E, A](state: A)(f: (A, E) => Future[(A, Boolean)])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, A] = {
    val pec = ec.prepare()
    def step(s: A)(i: Input[E]): Iteratee[E, A] = i match {

      case Input.EOF => Done(s, Input.EOF)
      case Input.Empty => Cont[E, A](step(s))
      case Input.El(e) => { val newS = executeFuture(f(s, e))(pec); flatten([Iteratee[E, A]] { case (s1, done) => if (!done) Cont[E, A](step(s1)) else Done(s1, Input.Empty) }(dec)) }
    (Cont[E, A](step(state)))

   * Create an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] which folds the content of the Input using a given function and an initial state
   * It also gives the opportunity to return a [[scala.concurrent.Future]] so that promises are combined in a complete reactive flow of logic.
   * @param state initial state
   * @param f a function folding the previous state and an input to a new promise of state
   * $paramEcSingle
  def fold1[E, A](state: Future[A])(f: (A, E) => Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, A] = {
    prepared(ec)(pec => flatten( => foldM(s)(f)(pec))(dec)))

   * A partially-applied function returned by the `consume` method.
  trait Consume[E] {
    def apply[B, That]()(implicit t: E => TraversableOnce[B], bf: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[E, B, That]): Iteratee[E, That]

   * Create an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] which consumes and concatenates all Input chunks
   * Example:
   * {{{
   *   // Get all chunks of input
   *   def getAll: Iteratee[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = Iteratee.consume[Array[Byte]]()
   * }}}
   * Chunks type should be viewable as TraversableOnce
  def consume[E] = new Consume[E] {
    def apply[B, That]()(implicit t: E => TraversableOnce[B], bf: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[E, B, That]): Iteratee[E, That] = {
      fold[E, Seq[E]](Seq.empty) { (els, chunk) =>
        chunk +: els
      }(dec).map { elts =>
        val builder = bf()
        elts.reverse.foreach(builder ++= _)

   * Create an iteratee that takes the first element of the stream, if one occurs before EOF
  def head[E]: Iteratee[E, Option[E]] = {

    def step: K[E, Option[E]] = {
      case Input.Empty => Cont(step)
      case Input.EOF => Done(None, Input.EOF)
      case Input.El(e) => Done(Some(e), Input.Empty)

   * Consume all the chunks from the stream, and return a list.
  def getChunks[E]: Iteratee[E, List[E]] = fold[E, List[E]](Nil) { (els, chunk) => chunk +: els }(dec).map(_.reverse)(dec)

   * Ignore all the input of the stream, and return done when EOF is encountered.
  def skipToEof[E]: Iteratee[E, Unit] = {
    def cont: Iteratee[E, Unit] = Cont {
      case Input.EOF => Done((), Input.EOF)
      case _ => cont

   * A partially-applied function returned by the `eofOrElse` method.
  trait EofOrElse[E] {
     * @param otherwise Value if the input is not [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Input.EOF]]
     * @param eofValue Value if the input is [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Input.EOF]]
     * @tparam A Type of `eofValue`
     * @tparam B Type of `otherwise`
     * @return An `Iteratee[E, Either[B, A]]` that consumes one input and produces a `Right(eofValue)` if this input is [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Input.EOF]] otherwise it produces a `Left(otherwise)`
    def apply[A, B](otherwise: B)(eofValue: A): Iteratee[E, Either[B, A]]

  def eofOrElse[E] = new EofOrElse[E] {
    def apply[A, B](otherwise: B)(eofValue: A): Iteratee[E, Either[B, A]] = {
      def cont: Iteratee[E, Either[B, A]] = Cont((in: Input[E]) => {
        in match {
          case Input.El(e) => Done(Left(otherwise), in)
          case Input.EOF => Done(Right(eofValue), in)
          case Input.Empty => cont

   * @return an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] which just ignores its input
  def ignore[E]: Iteratee[E, Unit] = fold[E, Unit](())((_, _) => ())(dec)

   * @return an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] which executes a provided function for every chunk. Returns Done on EOF.
   * Example:
   * {{{
   *   // Get all chunks of input
   *   def printChunks: Iteratee[String, Unit] = Iteratee.foreach[String]( s => println(s) )
   * }}}
   * @param f the function that should be executed for every chunk
  def foreach[E](f: E => Unit)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, Unit] = fold[E, Unit](())((_, e) => f(e))(ec)

   * @return an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] which pushes the input into the provided [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]], starting over again each time it terminates until an EOF is received, collecting a sequence of results of the different use of the iteratee
   * @param i an iteratee used repeatedly to compute a sequence of results
  def repeat[E, A](i: Iteratee[E, A]): Iteratee[E, Seq[A]] = {

    def step(s: Seq[A])(input: Input[E]): Iteratee[E, Seq[A]] = {
      input match {
        case Input.EOF => Done(s, Input.EOF)

        case Input.Empty => Cont(step(s))

        case Input.El(e) => i.pureFlatFold {
          case Step.Done(a, e) => Done(s :+ a, input)
          case Step.Cont(k) => k(input).flatMap(a => repeat(i).map(az => s ++ (a +: az))(dec))(dec)
          case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, e)




 * Input that can be consumed by an iteratee
sealed trait Input[+E] {
  def map[U](f: (E => U)): Input[U] = this match {
    case Input.El(e) => Input.El(f(e))
    case Input.Empty => Input.Empty
    case Input.EOF => Input.EOF

object Input {

   * An input element
  case class El[+E](e: E) extends Input[E]

   * An empty input
  case object Empty extends Input[Nothing]

   * An end of file input
  case object EOF extends Input[Nothing]


 * Represents the state of an iteratee.
sealed trait Step[E, +A] {

  // This version is not called by Step implementations in Play,
  // but could be called by custom implementations.
  def it: Iteratee[E, A] = this match {
    case Step.Done(a, e) => Done(a, e)
    case Step.Cont(k) => Cont(k)
    case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, e)


object Step {

   * A done state of an iteratee
   * @param a The value that the iteratee has consumed
   * @param remaining The remaining input that the iteratee received but didn't consume
  case class Done[+A, E](a: A, remaining: Input[E]) extends Step[E, A]

   * A continuing state of an iteratee.
   * @param k A function that can receive input for the iteratee to process.
  case class Cont[E, +A](k: Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A]) extends Step[E, A]

   * An error state of an iteratee
   * @param msg The error message
   * @param input The remaining input that the iteratee received but didn't consume
  case class Error[E](msg: String, input: Input[E]) extends Step[E, Nothing]

 * An Iteratee consumes a stream of elements of type E, producing a result of type A.
 * The stream itself is represented by the Input trait. An Iteratee is an immutable
 * data type, so each step in consuming the stream generates a new Iteratee with a new
 * state.
 * At a high level, an Iteratee is just a function that takes a piece of input and
 * returns either a final result or a new function that takes another piece of input.
 * To represent this, an Iteratee can be in one of three states
 * (see the [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Step]] trait):
 * [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Done]], which means it contains a result and potentially some unconsumed part of the stream;
 * [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Cont]], which means it contains a function to be invoked to generate a new Iteratee from the next piece of input;
 * [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Error]], which means it contains an error message and potentially some unconsumed part of the stream.
 * One would expect to transform an Iteratee through the Cont state N times, eventually
 * arriving at either the Done or Error state.
 * Typically an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator]] would be used to
 * push data into an Iteratee by invoking the function in the [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Cont]]
 * state until either 1) the iteratee leaves the Cont state or 2) the enumerator
 * runs out of data.
 * The Iteratee does not do any resource management (such as closing streams);
 * the producer pushing stuff into the Iteratee has that responsibility.+ *
 * The state of an Iteratee (the current [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Step]] may not be available
 * synchronously; it may be pending an asynchronous computation. This is the difference
 * between Iteratee and Step.
 * @tparam E Input type
 * @tparam A Result type of this Iteratee
 * @define paramEcSingle @param ec The context to execute the supplied function with. The context is prepared on the calling thread.
 * @define paramEcMultiple @param ec The context to execute the supplied functions with. The context is prepared on the calling thread.
trait Iteratee[E, +A] {
  self =>

   * Extracts the computed result of the Iteratee pushing an Input.EOF if necessary
   * Extracts the computed result of the Iteratee, pushing an Input.EOF first
   * if the Iteratee is in the [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Cont]] state.
   * In case of error, an exception may be thrown synchronously or may
   * be used to complete the returned Promise; this indeterminate behavior
   * is inherited from fold().
   *  @return a [[scala.concurrent.Future]] of the eventually computed result
  def run: Future[A] = fold({
    case Step.Done(a, _) => Future.successful(a)
    case Step.Cont(k) => k(Input.EOF).fold({
      case Step.Done(a1, _) => Future.successful(a1)
      case Step.Cont(_) => sys.error("diverging iteratee after Input.EOF")
      case Step.Error(msg, e) => sys.error(msg)
    case Step.Error(msg, e) => sys.error(msg)

   * Sends one element of input to the Iteratee and returns a promise
   * containing the new Iteratee. The promise may or may not be completed
   * already when it's returned (the iteratee may use an asynchronous operation to handle
   * the input).
   * @param in input being sent
  def feed[AA >: A](in: Input[E]): Future[Iteratee[E, AA]] = {
    Enumerator.enumInput(in) |>> this

   * Converts the Iteratee into a Promise containing its state.
  def unflatten: Future[Step[E, A]] = pureFold(identity)(dec)

   * This method provides the means to check on the state of the Iteratee and eventually extract a value in a Promise
   * @param done a function that will be called if the Iteratee is a Done
   * @param cont a function that will be called if the Iteratee is a Cont
   * @param error a function that will be called if the Iteratee is an Error
   * $paramEcMultiple
   * @return a [[scala.concurrent.Future]] of a value extracted by calling the appropriate provided function
  def fold1[B](done: (A, Input[E]) => Future[B],
    cont: (Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A]) => Future[B],
    error: (String, Input[E]) => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = fold({
    case Step.Done(a, e) => done(a, e)
    case Step.Cont(k) => cont(k)
    case Step.Error(msg, e) => error(msg, e)

   * Computes a promised value B from the state of the Iteratee.
   * The folder function will be run in the supplied ExecutionContext.
   * Exceptions thrown by the folder function will be stored in the
   * returned Promise.
   * If the folder function itself is synchronous, it's better to
   * use `pureFold()` instead of `fold()`.
   * @param folder a function that will be called on the current state of the iteratee
   * @param ec the ExecutionContext to run folder within
   * @return the result returned when folder is called
  def fold[B](folder: Step[E, A] => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B]

   * A version of `fold` that runs `folder` in the current thread rather than in a
   * supplied ExecutionContext, called in several places where we are sure the stack
   * cannot overflow. This method is designed to be overridden by `StepIteratee`,
   * which can execute the `folder` function immediately.
  protected[play] def foldNoEC[B](folder: Step[E, A] => Future[B]): Future[B] =

   * Like fold but taking functions returning pure values (not in promises)
   * @return a [[scala.concurrent.Future]] of a value extracted by calling the appropriate provided function
  def pureFold[B](folder: Step[E, A] => B)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = fold(s => eagerFuture(folder(s)))(ec) // Use eagerFuture because fold will ensure folder is run in ec

   * A version of `pureFold` that runs `folder` in the current thread rather than in a
   * supplied ExecutionContext, called in several places where we are sure the stack
   * cannot overflow. This method is designed to be overridden by `StepIteratee`,
   * which can execute the `folder` function immediately.
  protected[play] def pureFoldNoEC[B](folder: Step[E, A] => B): Future[B] =

   * Like pureFold, except taking functions that return an Iteratee
   * @return an Iteratee extracted by calling the appropriate provided function
  def pureFlatFold[B, C](folder: Step[E, A] => Iteratee[B, C])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[B, C] = Iteratee.flatten(pureFold(folder)(ec))

   * A version of `pureFlatFold` that runs `folder` in the current thread rather than in a
   * supplied ExecutionContext, called in several places where we are sure the stack
   * cannot overflow. This method is designed to be overridden by `StepIteratee`,
   * which can execute the `folder` function immediately.
  protected[play] def pureFlatFoldNoEC[B, C](folder: Step[E, A] => Iteratee[B, C]): Iteratee[B, C] =

   * Like fold, except flattens the result with Iteratee.flatten.
   * $paramEcSingle
  def flatFold0[B, C](folder: Step[E, A] => Future[Iteratee[B, C]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[B, C] = Iteratee.flatten(fold(folder)(ec))

   * Like fold1, except flattens the result with Iteratee.flatten.
   * $paramEcSingle
  def flatFold[B, C](done: (A, Input[E]) => Future[Iteratee[B, C]],
    cont: (Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A]) => Future[Iteratee[B, C]],
    error: (String, Input[E]) => Future[Iteratee[B, C]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[B, C] = Iteratee.flatten(fold1(done, cont, error)(ec))

   * Uses the provided function to transform the Iteratee's computed result when the Iteratee is done.
   * @param f a function for transforming the computed result
   * $paramEcSingle
  def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = this.flatMap(a => Done(f(a), Input.Empty))(ec)

   * Like map but allows the map function to execute asynchronously.
   * This is particularly useful if you want to do blocking operations, so that you can ensure that those operations
   * execute in the right execution context, rather than the iteratee execution context, which would potentially block
   * all other iteratee operations.
   * @param f a function for transforming the computed result
   * $paramEcSingle
  def mapM[B](f: A => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = self.flatMapM(a => f(a).map[Iteratee[E, B]](b => Done(b))(dec))(ec)

   * On Done of this Iteratee, the result is passed to the provided function, and the resulting Iteratee is used to continue consuming input
   * If the resulting Iteratee of evaluating the f function is a Done then its left Input is ignored and its computed result is wrapped in a Done and returned
   * @param f a function for transforming the computed result into an Iteratee
   * $paramEcSingle
  def flatMap[B](f: A => Iteratee[E, B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = {
    self.pureFlatFoldNoEC { // safe: folder either yields value immediately or executes with another EC
      case Step.Done(a, Input.Empty) => executeIteratee(f(a))(ec /* still on same thread; let executeIteratee do preparation */ )
      case Step.Done(a, e) => executeIteratee(f(a))(ec /* still on same thread; let executeIteratee do preparation */ ).pureFlatFold {
        case Step.Done(a, _) => Done(a, e)
        case Step.Cont(k) => k(e)
        case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, e)
      case Step.Cont(k) => {
        implicit val pec = ec.prepare()
        Cont((in: Input[E]) => k(in).flatMap(f)(pec))
      case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, e)

   * Like flatMap but allows the flatMap function to execute asynchronously.
   * This is particularly useful if you want to do blocking operations, so that you can ensure that those operations
   * execute in the right execution context, rather than the iteratee execution context, which would potentially block
   * all other iteratee operations.
   * @param f a function for transforming the computed result into an Iteratee
   * $paramEcSingle
  def flatMapM[B](f: A => Future[Iteratee[E, B]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = self.flatMap(a => Iteratee.flatten(f(a)))(ec)

  def flatMapInput[B](f: Step[E, A] => Iteratee[E, B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = self.pureFlatFold(f)(ec)

   * Like flatMap except that it concatenates left over inputs if the Iteratee returned by evaluating f is a Done.
   * @param f a function for transforming the computed result into an Iteratee
   * $paramEcSingle Note: input concatenation is performed in the iteratee default execution context, not in the user-supplied context.
  def flatMapTraversable[B, X](f: A => Iteratee[E, B])(implicit p: E => scala.collection.TraversableLike[X, E], bf: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[E, X, E], ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = {
    val pec = ec.prepare()
    self.pureFlatFold {
      case Step.Done(a, Input.Empty) => f(a)
      case Step.Done(a, e) => executeIteratee(f(a))(pec).pureFlatFold {
        case Step.Done(a, eIn) => {
          val fullIn = (e, eIn) match {
            case (Input.Empty, in) => in
            case (in, Input.Empty) => in
            case (Input.EOF, _) => Input.EOF
            case (in, Input.EOF) => in
            case (Input.El(e1), Input.El(e2)) => Input.El[E](p(e1) ++ p(e2))

          Done(a, fullIn)
        case Step.Cont(k) => k(e)
        case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, e)
      case Step.Cont(k) => Cont((in: Input[E]) => k(in).flatMap(f)(pec))
      case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, e)

   * Creates a new Iteratee that will handle any matching exception the original Iteratee may contain. This lets you
   * provide a fallback value in case your Iteratee ends up in an error state.
   * Example:
   * {{{
   * def it = => 10 / i).recover { case t: Throwable =>
   *   Logger.error("Must have divided by zero!", t)
   *   Integer.MAX_VALUE
   * }
   * Enumerator(5).run(it) // => 2
   * Enumerator(0).run(it) // => returns Integer.MAX_VALUE and logs "Must have divied by zero!"
   * }}}
   * @param pf
   * @param ec
   * @tparam B
   * @return
  def recover[B >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = {
    recoverM { case t: Throwable if pf.isDefinedAt(t) => Future.successful(pf(t)) }(ec)

   * A version of `recover` that allows the partial function to return a Future[B] instead of B.
   * @param pf
   * @param ec
   * @tparam B
   * @return
  def recoverM[B >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Future[B]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = {
    val pec = ec.prepare()
    recoverWith { case t: Throwable if pf.isDefinedAt(t) => Iteratee.flatten(pf(t).map(b => Done[E, B](b))(pec)) }(ec)

   * A version of `recover` that allows the partial function to return an Iteratee[E, B] instead of B.
   * @param pf
   * @param ec
   * @tparam B
   * @return
  def recoverWith[B >: A](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Iteratee[E, B]])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = {
    val pec = ec.prepare()

    def step(it: Iteratee[E, A])(input: Input[E]): Iteratee[E, B] = {
      val nextIt = it.pureFlatFold[E, B] {
        case Step.Cont(k) =>
          val n = k(input)
          n.pureFlatFold {
            case Step.Cont(_) => Cont(step(n))
            case Step.Error(msg, _) => throw new IterateeExeption(msg)
            case other =>
        case Step.Error(msg, _) => throw new IterateeExeption(msg)
        case other =>



  def joinI[AIn](implicit in: A <:< Iteratee[_, AIn]): Iteratee[E, AIn] = {
    this.flatMap { a =>
      val inner = in(a)
      inner.pureFlatFold[E, AIn] {
        case Step.Done(a, _) => Done(a, Input.Empty)
        case Step.Cont(k) => k(Input.EOF).pureFlatFold[E, AIn] {
          case Step.Done(a, _) => Done(a, Input.Empty)
          case Step.Cont(k) => Error("divergent inner iteratee on joinI after EOF", Input.EOF)
          case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, Input.EOF)
        case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, Input.Empty)

  def joinConcatI[AIn, X](implicit in: A <:< Iteratee[E, AIn], p: E => scala.collection.TraversableLike[X, E], bf: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[E, X, E]): Iteratee[E, AIn] = {
    this.flatMapTraversable { a =>
      val inner = in(a)
      inner.pureFlatFold[E, AIn] {
        case Step.Done(a, e) => Done(a, e)
        case Step.Cont(k) => k(Input.EOF).pureFlatFold[E, AIn] {
          case Step.Done(a, e) => Done(a, e)
          case Step.Cont(k) => Error("divergent inner iteratee on joinI after EOF", Input.EOF)
          case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, Input.EOF)
        case Step.Error(msg, e) => Error(msg, Input.Empty)

 * An iteratee that already knows its own state, vs [[FutureIteratee]].
 * Several performance improvements are possible when an iteratee's
 * state is immediately available.
private sealed trait StepIteratee[E, A] extends Iteratee[E, A] with Step[E, A] {

  final override def it: Iteratee[E, A] = this
  final def immediateUnflatten: Step[E, A] = this

  final override def unflatten: Future[Step[E, A]] = Future.successful(immediateUnflatten)

  final override def fold[B](folder: Step[E, A] => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = {
    executeFuture {
    }(ec /* executeFuture handles preparation */ )

  final override def pureFold[B](folder: Step[E, A] => B)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = {
    Future {
    }(ec /* Future.apply handles preparation */ )

  protected[play] final override def foldNoEC[B](folder: Step[E, A] => Future[B]): Future[B] = {

  protected[play] final override def pureFoldNoEC[B](folder: Step[E, A] => B): Future[B] = {
    try Future.successful(folder(immediateUnflatten)) catch { case NonFatal(e) => Future.failed(e) }

  protected[play] final override def pureFlatFoldNoEC[B, C](folder: Step[E, A] => Iteratee[B, C]): Iteratee[B, C] = {


 * An iteratee in the "done" state.
private final class DoneIteratee[E, A](a: A, e: Input[E]) extends Step.Done[A, E](a, e) with StepIteratee[E, A] {

   * Use an optimized implementation because this method is called by Play when running an
   * Action over a BodyParser result.
  override def mapM[B](f: A => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Iteratee[E, B] = {
    Iteratee.flatten(executeFuture {
      f(a).map[Iteratee[E, B]](Done(_, e))(dec)
    }(ec /* delegate preparation */ ))


 * An iteratee in the "cont" state.
private final class ContIteratee[E, A](k: Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A]) extends Step.Cont[E, A](k) with StepIteratee[E, A] {

 * An iteratee in the "error" state.
private final class ErrorIteratee[E](msg: String, e: Input[E]) extends Step.Error[E](msg, e) with StepIteratee[E, Nothing] {

 * An iteratee whose state is provided in a Future, vs [[StepIteratee]].
 * Used by `Iteratee.flatten`.
private final class FutureIteratee[E, A](itFut: Future[Iteratee[E, A]]) extends Iteratee[E, A] {

  def fold[B](folder: Step[E, A] => Future[B])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[B] = {
    implicit val pec = ec.prepare()
    itFut.flatMap { it => it.fold(folder)(pec) }(dec)


object Done {
   * Create an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] in the “done” state.
   * @param a Result
   * @param e Remaining unused input
  def apply[E, A](a: A, e: Input[E] = Input.Empty): Iteratee[E, A] = new DoneIteratee[E, A](a, e)

object Cont {
   * Create an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] in the “cont” state.
   * @param k Continuation which will compute the next Iteratee state according to an input. The continuation is not
   * guaranteed to run in any particular execution context. If a particular execution context is needed then the
   * continuation should be wrapped before being added, e.g. by running the operation in a Future and flattening the
   * result.
  def apply[E, A](k: Input[E] => Iteratee[E, A]): Iteratee[E, A] = new ContIteratee[E, A](k)

object Error {
   * Create an [[play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee]] in the “error” state.
   * @param msg Error message
   * @param e The input that caused the error
  def apply[E](msg: String, e: Input[E]): Iteratee[E, Nothing] = new ErrorIteratee[E](msg, e)

 * An Exception that represents an Iteratee that ended up in an Error state with the given
 * error message.
class IterateeExeption(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Iteratee.scala source code file:

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