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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (CSRFActions.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (CSRFActions.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

action, api, boolean, check, concurrent, csrf, errorhandler, lib, library, no, option, play, play framework, requestheader, seq, string

The CSRFActions.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.filters.csrf

import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.http.HeaderNames._
import play.filters.csrf.CSRF._
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
import play.api.mvc.BodyParsers.parse._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
import scala.concurrent.Future

 * An action that provides CSRF protection.
 * @param tokenName The key used to store the token in the Play session.  Defaults to csrfToken.
 * @param cookieName If defined, causes the filter to store the token in a Cookie with this name instead of the session.
 * @param secureCookie If storing the token in a cookie, whether this Cookie should set the secure flag.  Defaults to
 *                     whether the session cookie is configured to be secure.
 * @param createIfNotFound Whether a new CSRF token should be created if it's not found.  Default creates one if it's
 *                         a GET request that accepts HTML.
 * @param tokenProvider A token provider to use.
 * @param next The composed action that is being protected.
 * @param errorHandler handling failed token error.
class CSRFAction(next: EssentialAction,
    tokenName: String = CSRFConf.TokenName,
    cookieName: Option[String] = CSRFConf.CookieName,
    secureCookie: Boolean = CSRFConf.SecureCookie,
    createIfNotFound: RequestHeader => Boolean = CSRFConf.defaultCreateIfNotFound,
    tokenProvider: TokenProvider = CSRFConf.defaultTokenProvider,
    errorHandler: => ErrorHandler = CSRFConf.defaultErrorHandler) extends EssentialAction {

  import CSRFAction._

  // An iteratee that returns a forbidden result saying the CSRF check failed
  private def checkFailed(req: RequestHeader, msg: String): Iteratee[Array[Byte], Result] = Done(errorHandler.handle(req, msg))

  def apply(request: RequestHeader) = {

    // this function exists purely to aid readability
    def continue = next(request)

    // Only filter unsafe methods and content types
    if (CSRFConf.UnsafeMethods(request.method) && request.contentType.exists(CSRFConf.UnsafeContentTypes)) {

      if (checkCsrfBypass(request)) {
      } else {

        // Only proceed with checks if there is an incoming token in the header, otherwise there's no point
        getTokenFromHeader(request, tokenName, cookieName).map { headerToken =>

          // First check if there's a token in the query string or header, if we find one, don't bother handling the body
          getTokenFromQueryString(request, tokenName).map { queryStringToken =>

            if (tokenProvider.compareTokens(headerToken, queryStringToken)) {
              filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] Valid token found in query string")
            } else {
              filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] Check failed because invalid token found in query string: " + queryStringToken)
              checkFailed(request, "Bad CSRF token found in query String")

          } getOrElse {

            // Check the body
            request.contentType match {
              case Some("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") => checkFormBody(request, headerToken, tokenName, next)
              case Some("multipart/form-data") => checkMultipartBody(request, headerToken, tokenName, next)
              // No way to extract token from text plain body
              case Some("text/plain") => {
                filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] Check failed because text/plain request")
                checkFailed(request, "No CSRF token found for text/plain body")

        } getOrElse {

          filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] Check failed because no token found in headers")
          checkFailed(request, "No CSRF token found in headers")

    } else if (getTokenFromHeader(request, tokenName, cookieName).isEmpty && createIfNotFound(request)) {

      // No token in header and we have to create one if not found, so create a new token
      val newToken = tokenProvider.generateToken

      // The request
      val requestWithNewToken = request.copy(tags = request.tags + (Token.RequestTag -> newToken))

      // Once done, add it to the result
      next(requestWithNewToken).map(result =>
        CSRFAction.addTokenToResponse(tokenName, cookieName, secureCookie, newToken, request, result))

    } else {
      filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] No check necessary")

  private def checkFormBody = checkBody[Map[String, Seq[String]]](tolerantFormUrlEncoded, identity) _
  private def checkMultipartBody = checkBody[MultipartFormData[Unit]](multipartFormData[Unit]({
    case _ => Iteratee.ignore[Array[Byte]].map(_ => MultipartFormData.FilePart("", "", None, ()))
  }), _.dataParts) _

  private def checkBody[T](parser: BodyParser[T], extractor: (T => Map[String, Seq[String]]))(request: RequestHeader, tokenFromHeader: String, tokenName: String, next: EssentialAction) = {
    // Take up to 100kb of the body
    val firstPartOfBody: Iteratee[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] =
      Traversable.take[Array[Byte]](CSRFConf.PostBodyBuffer.asInstanceOf[Int]) &>> Iteratee.consume[Array[Byte]]()

    firstPartOfBody.flatMap { bytes: Array[Byte] =>
      // Parse the first 100kb
      val parsedBody = Enumerator(bytes) |>>> parser(request)

      Iteratee.flatten( { parseResult =>
        val validToken = parseResult.fold(
          // error parsing the body, we couldn't find a valid token
          _ => false,
          // extract the token and verify
          body => (for {
            values <- extractor(body).get(tokenName)
            token <- values.headOption
          } yield tokenProvider.compareTokens(token, tokenFromHeader)).getOrElse(false)

        if (validToken) {
          // Feed the buffered bytes into the next request, and return the iteratee
          filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] Valid token found in body")
          Iteratee.flatten(Enumerator(bytes) |>> next(request))
        } else {
          filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] Check failed because no or invalid token found in body")
          checkFailed(request, "Invalid token found in form body")


object CSRFAction {

  private[csrf] def getTokenFromHeader(request: RequestHeader, tokenName: String, cookieName: Option[String]) = {
    cookieName.flatMap(cookie => request.cookies.get(cookie).map(_.value))

  private[csrf] def getTokenFromQueryString(request: RequestHeader, tokenName: String) = {

  private[csrf] def checkCsrfBypass(request: RequestHeader) = {
    if (request.headers.get(CSRFConf.HeaderName).exists(_ == CSRFConf.HeaderNoCheck)) {

      // Since injecting arbitrary header values is not possible with a CSRF attack, the presence of this header
      // indicates that this is not a CSRF attack
      filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] Bypassing check because " + CSRFConf.HeaderName + ": " + CSRFConf.HeaderNoCheck + " header found")

    } else if (request.headers.get("X-Requested-With").isDefined) {

      // AJAX requests are not CSRF attacks either because they are restricted to same origin policy
      filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] Bypassing check because X-Requested-With header found")
    } else {

  private[csrf] def addTokenToResponse(tokenName: String, cookieName: Option[String], secureCookie: Boolean,
    newToken: String, request: RequestHeader, result: Result) = {
    filterLogger.trace("[CSRF] Adding token to result: " + result) {
      // cookie
      name =>
        result.withCookies(Cookie(name, newToken, path = Session.path, domain = Session.domain,
          secure = secureCookie))
    } getOrElse {
      // Get the new session, or the incoming session
      val session = Cookies(result.header.headers.get(SET_COOKIE))

      val newSession = session + (tokenName -> newToken)

 * CSRF check action.
 * Apply this to all actions that require a CSRF check.
object CSRFCheck {

  private class CSRFCheckAction[A](tokenName: String, cookieName: Option[String], tokenProvider: TokenProvider,
      errorHandler: ErrorHandler, wrapped: Action[A]) extends Action[A] {
    def parser = wrapped.parser
    def apply(request: Request[A]) = {

      // Maybe bypass
      if (CSRFAction.checkCsrfBypass(request) || !request.contentType.exists(CSRFConf.UnsafeContentTypes)) {
      } else {
        // Get token from header
        CSRFAction.getTokenFromHeader(request, tokenName, cookieName).flatMap { headerToken =>
          // Get token from query string
          CSRFAction.getTokenFromQueryString(request, tokenName)
            // Or from body if not found
              val form = request.body match {
                case body: play.api.mvc.AnyContent if body.asFormUrlEncoded.isDefined => body.asFormUrlEncoded.get
                case body: play.api.mvc.AnyContent if body.asMultipartFormData.isDefined => body.asMultipartFormData.get.asFormUrlEncoded
                case body: Map[_, _] => body.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Seq[String]]]
                case body: play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData[_] => body.asFormUrlEncoded
                case _ => Map.empty[String, Seq[String]]
            // Execute if it matches
            .collect {
              case queryToken if tokenProvider.compareTokens(queryToken, headerToken) => wrapped(request)
        }.getOrElse(Future.successful(errorHandler.handle(request, "CSRF token check failed")))

   * Wrap an action in a CSRF check.
  def apply[A](action: Action[A], errorHandler: ErrorHandler = CSRFConf.defaultErrorHandler): Action[A] =
    new CSRFCheckAction(CSRFConf.TokenName, CSRFConf.CookieName, CSRFConf.defaultTokenProvider, errorHandler, action)

 * CSRF add token action.
 * Apply this to all actions that render a form that contains a CSRF token.
object CSRFAddToken {

  private class CSRFAddTokenAction[A](tokenName: String, cookieName: Option[String], secureCookie: Boolean,
      tokenProvider: TokenProvider, wrapped: Action[A]) extends Action[A] {
    def parser = wrapped.parser
    def apply(request: Request[A]) = {
      if (CSRFAction.getTokenFromHeader(request, tokenName, cookieName).isEmpty) {
        // No token in header and we have to create one if not found, so create a new token
        val newToken = tokenProvider.generateToken

        // The request
        val requestWithNewToken = new WrappedRequest(request) {
          override val tags = request.tags + (Token.RequestTag -> newToken)

        // Once done, add it to the result
        wrapped(requestWithNewToken).map(result =>
          CSRFAction.addTokenToResponse(tokenName, cookieName, secureCookie, newToken, request, result))
      } else {

   * Wrap an action in an action that ensures there is a CSRF token.
  def apply[A](action: Action[A]): Action[A] =
    new CSRFAddTokenAction(CSRFConf.TokenName, CSRFConf.CookieName, CSRFConf.SecureCookie,
      CSRFConf.defaultTokenProvider, action)

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework CSRFActions.scala source code file:

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