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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (GzipFilter.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (GzipFilter.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, chunked, concurrent, content_length, gzipfilter, http, int, library, list, map, play, play framework, requestheader, responseheader, result, string

The GzipFilter.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.filters.gzip

import play.api.libs.iteratee._
import play.api.mvc._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader.acceptHeader
import play.api.http.{ Status, MimeTypes }
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._

 * A gzip filter.
 * This filter may gzip the responses for any requests that aren't HEAD requests and specify an accept encoding of gzip.
 * It will only gzip non chunked responses.  Chunked responses are often comet responses, gzipping will interfere in
 * that case.  If you want to gzip a chunked response, you can apply the gzip enumeratee manually to the enumerator.
 * For non chunked responses, it won't gzip under the following conditions:
 * - The response code is 204 or 304 (these codes MUST NOT contain a body, and an empty gzipped response is 20 bytes
 * long)
 * - The response already defines a Content-Encoding header
 * - The response content type is text/event-stream
 * - A custom shouldGzip function is supplied and it returns false
 * Since gzipping changes the content length of the response, this filter may do some buffering.  If a content length
 * is sent by the action, that content length is filtered out and ignored.  If the connection flag on the result is
 * Close, the filter will not attempt to buffer, and will simply rely on the closing the response to signify the end
 * of the response.  Otherwise, it will buffer up to the configured chunkedThreshold, which defaults to 100kb.  If the
 * response fits in that buffer, the filter will send the content length, otherwise it falls back to sending a chunked
 * response, or if the protocol is HTTP/1.0, it closes the connection at the end of the response.
 * You can use this filter in your project simply by including it in the Global filters, like this:
 * {{{
 * object Global extends WithFilters(new GzipFilter()) {
 *   ...
 * }
 * }}}
 * @param gzip The gzip enumeratee to use.
 * @param chunkedThreshold The content length threshold, after which the filter will switch to chunking the result.
 * @param shouldGzip Whether the given request/result should be gzipped.  This can be used, for example, to implement
 *                   black/white lists for gzipping by content type.
class GzipFilter(gzip: Enumeratee[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = Gzip.gzip(GzipFilter.DefaultChunkSize),
    chunkedThreshold: Int = GzipFilter.DefaultChunkedThreshold,
    shouldGzip: (RequestHeader, ResponseHeader) => Boolean = (_, _) => true) extends EssentialFilter {

  import play.api.http.HeaderNames._
  import play.api.http.HttpProtocol._

   * Allows use with a custom chunked threshold from Java
  def this(chunkedThreshold: Int) = this(Gzip.gzip(GzipFilter.DefaultChunkSize), chunkedThreshold, (_, _) => true)

   * This allows it to be used from Java
  def this() = this(GzipFilter.DefaultChunkedThreshold)

  def apply(next: EssentialAction) = new EssentialAction {
    def apply(request: RequestHeader) = {
      if (mayCompress(request)) {
        next(request).mapM(result => handleResult(request, result))
      } else {

  private def handleResult(request: RequestHeader, result: Result): Future[Result] = {
    if (shouldCompress(result.header) && shouldGzip(request, result.header)) {
      // If connection is close, don't bother buffering it, we can send it without a content length
      if (result.connection == HttpConnection.Close) {
          header = result.header.copy(headers = setupHeader(result.header.headers)),
          body = result.body &> gzip,
          connection = result.connection
      } else {

        // Attempt to buffer it
        // left means we didn't buffer the whole thing before reaching the threshold, and contains the chunks that we did buffer
        // right means we did buffer it before reaching the threshold, and contains the chunks and the length of data
        def buffer(chunks: List[Array[Byte]], count: Int): Iteratee[Array[Byte], Either[List[Array[Byte]], (List[Array[Byte]], Int)]] = {
          Cont {
            case Input.EOF => Done(Right((chunks.reverse, count)), Input.EOF)
            // If we have 10 or less bytes already, then we have so far only seen the gzip header
            case Input.El(data) if count <= GzipFilter.GzipHeaderLength || count + data.length < chunkedThreshold =>
              buffer(data :: chunks, count + data.length)
            case Input.El(data) => Done(Left((data :: chunks).reverse))
            case Input.Empty => buffer(chunks, count)

        // Run the enumerator partially (means we get an enumerator that contains the rest of the input)
        Concurrent.runPartial(result.body &> gzip, buffer(Nil, 0)).map {
          // We successfully buffered the whole thing, so we have a content length
          case (Right((chunks, contentLength)), empty) =>
              header = result.header.copy(headers = setupHeader(result.header.headers)
                + (CONTENT_LENGTH -> Integer.toString(contentLength))),
              // include the empty enumerator so that it's fully consumed
              // needed by New Relic monitoring, which tracks all promises within a request
              body = Enumerator.enumerate(chunks) >>> empty,
              connection = result.connection
          // We still had some input remaining
          case (Left(chunks), remaining) => {
            if (request.version == HTTP_1_0) {
              // Don't chunk for HTTP/1.0
                header = result.header.copy(headers = setupHeader(result.header.headers)),
                body = Enumerator.enumerate(chunks) >>> remaining,
                connection = HttpConnection.Close
            } else {
              // Otherwise chunk
                header = result.header.copy(headers = setupHeader(result.header.headers)
                  + (TRANSFER_ENCODING -> CHUNKED)),
                body = (Enumerator.enumerate(chunks) >>> remaining) &> Results.chunk,
                connection = result.connection
    } else {

   * Whether this request may be compressed.
  private def mayCompress(request: RequestHeader) =
    request.method != "HEAD" && gzipIsAcceptedAndPreferredBy(request)

  private def gzipIsAcceptedAndPreferredBy(request: RequestHeader) = {
    val codings = acceptHeader(request.headers, ACCEPT_ENCODING)
    def explicitQValue(coding: String) = codings collectFirst { case (q, c) if c equalsIgnoreCase coding => q }
    def defaultQValue(coding: String) = if (coding == "identity") 0.001d else 0d
    def qvalue(coding: String) = explicitQValue(coding) orElse explicitQValue("*") getOrElse defaultQValue(coding)

    qvalue("gzip") > 0d && qvalue("gzip") >= qvalue("identity")

   * Whether this response should be compressed.  Responses that may not contain content won't be compressed, nor will
   * responses that already define a content encoding, server sent event responses will not be compressed, and chunked
   * responses won't be compressed.
  private def shouldCompress(header: ResponseHeader) = isAllowedContent(header) &&
    isNotAlreadyCompressed(header) &&
    isNotServerSentEvents(header) &&

   * We don't compress chunked responses because this is often used for comet events, and because we would have to
   * dechunk them first if we did.
  private def isNotChunked(header: ResponseHeader) = !header.headers.get(TRANSFER_ENCODING).exists(_ == CHUNKED)

   * We don't compress server sent events because these must be pushed immediately, and compressing buffers.
  private def isNotServerSentEvents(header: ResponseHeader) = !header.headers.get(CONTENT_TYPE).exists(_ == MimeTypes.EVENT_STREAM)

   * Certain response codes are forbidden by the HTTP spec to contain content, but a gzipped response always contains
   * a minimum of 20 bytes, even for empty responses.
  private def isAllowedContent(header: ResponseHeader) = header.status != Status.NO_CONTENT && header.status != Status.NOT_MODIFIED

   * Of course, we don't want to double compress responses
  private def isNotAlreadyCompressed(header: ResponseHeader) = header.headers.get(CONTENT_ENCODING).isEmpty

  private def setupHeader(header: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] = {
    header.filterNot(_._1 == CONTENT_LENGTH) + (CONTENT_ENCODING -> "gzip") + addToVaryHeader(header, VARY, ACCEPT_ENCODING)

   * There may be an existing Vary value, which we must add to (comma separated)
  private def addToVaryHeader(existingHeaders: Map[String, String], headerName: String, headerValue: String): (String, String) = {
    existingHeaders.get(headerName) match {
      case None => (headerName, headerValue)
      case Some(existing) => (headerName, s"$existing,$headerValue")

object GzipFilter {
  /** Default threshold before chunking happens is 100kb */
  private val DefaultChunkedThreshold = 102400
  /** The default buffer for gzip chunk size to use, 8kb matches plays default chunking size when streaming */
  private val DefaultChunkSize = 8192
  /** The GZIP header length */
  private val GzipHeaderLength = 10

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework GzipFilter.scala source code file:

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