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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (NingWSSpec.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (NingWSSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

ahccookie, ahcresponse, api, bar, content-type, get, lib, library, map, none, play, play framework, seq, some, withapplication, ws

The NingWSSpec.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>

import org.specs2.mock.Mockito

import com.ning.http.client.{ Response => AHCResponse, RequestBuilder, FluentCaseInsensitiveStringsMap, AsyncHttpClient }
import com.ning.http.client.cookie.{ Cookie => AHCCookie }

import play.api.mvc._

import java.util
import play.api.test._

object NingWSSpec extends PlaySpecification with Mockito {


  "Ning WS" should {

    object PairMagnet {
      implicit def fromPair(pair: Pair[WSClient,]) =
        new WSRequestHolderMagnet {
          def apply(): WSRequestHolder = {
            val (client, netUrl) = pair

    "support ning magnet" in new WithApplication {
      import scala.language.implicitConversions
      import PairMagnet._

      val client = WS.client
      val exampleURL = new"")
      WS.url(client -> exampleURL) must beAnInstanceOf[WSRequestHolder]

    "support direct client instantiation" in new WithApplication {
      val sslBuilder = new com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder()
      implicit val sslClient = new
      WS.clientUrl("") must beAnInstanceOf[WSRequestHolder]

    "NingWSClient.underlying" in new WithApplication {
      val client = WS.client
      client.underlying[AsyncHttpClient] must beAnInstanceOf[AsyncHttpClient]

    "NingWSCookie.underlying" in new WithApplication() {
      import com.ning.http.client.cookie.Cookie

      val mockCookie = mock[Cookie]
      val cookie = new NingWSCookie(mockCookie)
      val thisCookie = cookie.underlying[Cookie]

    "NingWSRequest.setHeaders using a builder with fluent map" in new WithApplication {
      val request = new NingWSRequest(mock[NingWSClient], "GET", None, None, Map.empty, EmptyBody, new RequestBuilder("GET"))
      val headerMap: java.util.Map[String, java.util.Collection[String]] = new java.util.HashMap()
      headerMap.put("key", java.util.Arrays.asList("value"))

      val ningRequest = request.setHeaders(new FluentCaseInsensitiveStringsMap(headerMap)).build
      ningRequest.getHeaders.containsKey("key") must beTrue

    "NingWSRequest.setHeaders using a builder with direct map" in new WithApplication {
      val request = new NingWSRequest(mock[NingWSClient], "GET", None, None, Map.empty, EmptyBody, new RequestBuilder("GET"))
      val headerMap: Map[String, Seq[String]] = Map("key" -> Seq("value"))
      val ningRequest = request.setHeaders(headerMap).build
      ningRequest.getHeaders.containsKey("key") must beTrue

    "NingWSRequest.setQueryString" in new WithApplication {
      val request = new NingWSRequest(mock[NingWSClient], "GET", None, None, Map.empty, EmptyBody, new RequestBuilder("GET"))
      val queryString: Map[String, Seq[String]] = Map("key" -> Seq("value"))
      val ningRequest = request.setQueryString(queryString).build
      ningRequest.getQueryParams().containsKey("key") must beTrue

    "support several query string values for a parameter" in new WithApplication {
      val req = WS.url("")
        .withQueryString("foo" -> "foo1", "foo" -> "foo2").asInstanceOf[NingWSRequestHolder]
      req.getQueryParams.get("foo").contains("foo1") must beTrue
      req.getQueryParams.get("foo").contains("foo2") must beTrue
      req.getQueryParams.get("foo").size must equalTo(2)

    "support http headers" in new WithApplication {
      val req = WS.url("")
        .withHeaders("key" -> "value1", "key" -> "value2").asInstanceOf[NingWSRequestHolder]
      req.getHeaders.get("key").contains("value1") must beTrue
      req.getHeaders.get("key").contains("value2") must beTrue
      req.getHeaders.get("key").size must equalTo(2)

    "not make Content-Type header if there is Content-Type in headers already" in new WithApplication {
      val req = WS.url("")
        .withHeaders("Content-Type" -> "text/plain").withBody(<aaa>value1</aaa>).asInstanceOf[NingWSRequestHolder]
      req.getHeaders.get("Content-Type").contains("text/plain") must beTrue
      req.getHeaders.get("Content-Type").size must equalTo(1)

    "support a virtual host" in new WithApplication {
      val req = WS.url("")
      req.getVirtualHost must be equalTo ""

    "support follow redirects" in new WithApplication {
      val req = WS.url("")
      req.isRedirectEnabled must beTrue

    "support timeout" in new WithApplication {
      val req = WS.url("")
      req.getPerRequestConfig.getRequestTimeoutInMs must be equalTo 1000

    "support a proxy server" in new WithApplication {
      val proxy = DefaultWSProxyServer(protocol = Some("https"), host = "localhost", port = 8080, principal = Some("principal"), password = Some("password"))
      val req = WS.url("").withProxyServer(proxy).asInstanceOf[NingWSRequestHolder].prepare().build
      val actual = req.getProxyServer

      actual.getProtocolAsString must be equalTo "https"
      actual.getHost must be equalTo "localhost"
      actual.getPort must be equalTo 8080
      actual.getPrincipal must be equalTo "principal"
      actual.getPassword must be equalTo "password"

    "support a proxy server" in new WithApplication {
      val proxy = DefaultWSProxyServer(host = "localhost", port = 8080)
      val req = WS.url("").withProxyServer(proxy).asInstanceOf[NingWSRequestHolder].prepare().build
      val actual = req.getProxyServer

      actual.getProtocolAsString must be equalTo "http"
      actual.getHost must be equalTo "localhost"
      actual.getPort must be equalTo 8080
      actual.getPrincipal must beNull
      actual.getPassword must beNull

    val patchFakeApp = FakeApplication(withRoutes = {
      case ("PATCH", "/") => Action {
            |  "data": "body"

    "support patch method" in new WithServer(patchFakeApp) {
      // NOTE: if you are using a client proxy like Privoxy or Polipo, your proxy may not support PATCH & return 400.
      val req = WS.url("http://localhost:" + port + "/").patch("body")

      val rep = await(req)

      rep.status must ===(200)
      (rep.json \ "data").asOpt[String] must beSome("body")

    def gzipFakeApp = {
        withRoutes = {
          case ("GET", "/") => Action { request =>
            request.headers.get("Accept-Encoding") match {
              case Some(encoding) if encoding.contains("gzip") =>
                val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream
                val gzipOs = new GZIPOutputStream(os)
                gzipOs.write("gziped response".getBytes("utf-8"))
                Results.Ok(os.toByteArray).as("text/plain").withHeaders("Content-Encoding" -> "gzip")
              case _ =>
                Results.Ok("plain response")
        additionalConfiguration = Map("ws.compressionEnabled" -> true)

    "support gziped encoding" in new WithServer(gzipFakeApp) {

      val req = WS.url("http://localhost:" + port + "/").get()
      val rep = await(req)
      rep.body must ===("gziped response")

  "Ning WS Response" should {
    "get cookies from an AHC response" in {

      val ahcResponse: AHCResponse = mock[AHCResponse]
      val (name, value, domain, path, expires, maxAge, secure, httpOnly) =
        ("someName", "someValue", "", "/", 2000L, 1000, false, false)

      val ahcCookie: AHCCookie = new AHCCookie(name, value, value, domain, path, expires, maxAge, secure, httpOnly)
      ahcResponse.getCookies returns util.Arrays.asList(ahcCookie)

      val response = NingWSResponse(ahcResponse)

      val cookies: Seq[WSCookie] = response.cookies
      val cookie = cookies(0)

      cookie.domain must ===(domain) must beSome(name)
      cookie.value must beSome(value)
      cookie.path must ===(path)
      cookie.expires must beSome(expires)
      cookie.maxAge must beSome(maxAge) must beFalse

    "get a single cookie from an AHC response" in {
      val ahcResponse: AHCResponse = mock[AHCResponse]
      val (name, value, domain, path, expires, maxAge, secure, httpOnly) =
        ("someName", "someValue", "", "/", 2000L, 1000, false, false)

      val ahcCookie: AHCCookie = new AHCCookie(name, value, value, domain, path, expires, maxAge, secure, httpOnly)
      ahcResponse.getCookies returns util.Arrays.asList(ahcCookie)

      val response = NingWSResponse(ahcResponse)

      val optionCookie = response.cookie("someName")
      optionCookie must beSome[WSCookie].which {
        cookie =>
 must beSome(name)
          cookie.value must beSome(value)
          cookie.domain must ===(domain)
          cookie.path must ===(path)
          cookie.expires must beSome(expires)
          cookie.maxAge must beSome(maxAge)
 must beFalse

    "return -1 values of expires and maxAge as None" in {
      val ahcResponse: AHCResponse = mock[AHCResponse]

      val ahcCookie: AHCCookie = new AHCCookie("someName", "value", "value", "domain", "path", -1L, -1, false, false)
      ahcResponse.getCookies returns util.Arrays.asList(ahcCookie)

      val response = NingWSResponse(ahcResponse)

      val optionCookie = response.cookie("someName")
      optionCookie must beSome[WSCookie].which { cookie =>
        cookie.expires must beNone
        cookie.maxAge must beNone

    "get headers from an AHC response in a case insensitive map" in {
      val ahcResponse: AHCResponse = mock[AHCResponse]
      val ahcHeaders = new FluentCaseInsensitiveStringsMap()
      ahcHeaders.add("Foo", "bar")
      ahcHeaders.add("Foo", "baz")
      ahcHeaders.add("Bar", "baz")
      ahcResponse.getHeaders returns ahcHeaders
      val response = NingWSResponse(ahcResponse)
      val headers = response.allHeaders
      headers must beEqualTo(Map("Foo" -> Seq("bar", "baz"), "Bar" -> Seq("baz")))
      headers.contains("foo") must beTrue
      headers.contains("Foo") must beTrue
      headers.contains("BAR") must beTrue
      headers.contains("Bar") must beTrue


Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework NingWSSpec.scala source code file:

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