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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Application.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Application.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, application, cannot, concurrent, core, file, globalsettings, mvc, none, option, play, play framework, playexception, plugin, string, throwable

The Application.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api

import play.core._
import play.utils._

import play.api.mvc._


import annotation.implicitNotFound

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, ExecutionException }

trait WithDefaultGlobal {
  self: Application with WithDefaultConfiguration =>

  // -- Global stuff

  private lazy val globalClass = initialConfiguration.getString("").getOrElse("Global")

  lazy private val javaGlobal: Option[play.GlobalSettings] = try {
  } catch {
    case e: InstantiationException => None
    case e: ClassNotFoundException => None

  lazy private val scalaGlobal: GlobalSettings = try {
    self.classloader.loadClass(globalClass + "$").getDeclaredField("MODULE$").get(null).asInstanceOf[GlobalSettings]
  } catch {
    case e: ClassNotFoundException if !initialConfiguration.getString("").isDefined => DefaultGlobal
    case e if initialConfiguration.getString("").isDefined => {
      throw initialConfiguration.reportError("",
        s"Cannot initialize the custom Global object ($globalClass) (perhaps it's a wrong reference?)", Some(e))

   * The global settings object used by this application.
   * @see play.api.GlobalSettings
  private lazy val globalInstance: GlobalSettings = Threads.withContextClassLoader(self.classloader) {
    try { j.JavaGlobalSettingsAdapter(_)).getOrElse(scalaGlobal)
    } catch {
      case e: PlayException => throw e
      case e: ThreadDeath => throw e
      case e: VirtualMachineError => throw e
      case e: Throwable => throw new PlayException(
        "Cannot init the Global object",

  def global: GlobalSettings = {

trait WithDefaultConfiguration {
  self: Application =>

  protected lazy val initialConfiguration = Threads.withContextClassLoader(self.classloader) {
    Configuration.load(path, mode, this match {
      case dev: DevSettings => dev.devSettings
      case _ => Map.empty

  private lazy val fullConfiguration = global.onLoadConfig(initialConfiguration, path, classloader, mode)

  def configuration: Configuration = fullConfiguration


trait WithDefaultPlugins {
  self: Application =>

  private[api] def pluginClasses: Seq[String] = {

    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

    val PluginDeclaration = """([0-9_]+):(.*)""".r

    val pluginFiles = self.classloader.getResources("play.plugins").asScala.toList ++ self.classloader.getResources("conf/play.plugins").asScala.toList { plugins =>
      PlayIO.readUrlAsString(plugins).split("\n").map(_.replaceAll("#.*$", "").trim).filterNot(_.isEmpty).map {
        case PluginDeclaration(priority, className) => (priority.toInt, className)


   * The plugins list used by this application.
   * Plugin classes must extend play.api.Plugin and are automatically discovered
   * by searching for all play.plugins files in the classpath.
   * A play.plugins file contains a list of plugin classes to be loaded, and sorted by priority:
   * {{{
   * 100:play.api.i18n.MessagesPlugin
   * 200:play.api.db.DBPlugin
   * 250:play.api.cache.BasicCachePlugin
   * 300:play.db.ebean.EbeanPlugin
   * 400:play.db.jpa.JPAPlugin
   * 500:play.api.db.evolutions.EvolutionsPlugin
   * 1000:play.api.libs.akka.AkkaPlugin
   * 10000:play.api.GlobalPlugin
   * }}}
   * @see play.api.Plugin
  lazy val plugins: Seq[Plugin] = Threads.withContextClassLoader(classloader) { { className =>
      try {
        val plugin = classloader.loadClass(className).getConstructor(classOf[Application]).newInstance(this).asInstanceOf[Plugin]
        if (plugin.enabled) Some(plugin) else { Play.logger.debug("Plugin [" + className + "] is disabled"); None }
      } catch {
        case e: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException => {
          try {
            val plugin = classloader.loadClass(className).getConstructor(classOf[play.Application]).newInstance(new play.Application(this)).asInstanceOf[Plugin]
            if (plugin.enabled) Some(plugin) else { Play.logger.warn("Plugin [" + className + "] is disabled"); None }
          } catch {
            case e: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException =>
              throw new PlayException("Cannot load plugin",
                "Could not find an appropriate constructor to instantiate plugin [" + className +
                  "]. All Play plugins must define a constructor that accepts a single argument either of type " +
                  "play.Application for Java plugins or play.api.Application for Scala plugins.")
            case e: PlayException => throw e
            case e: VirtualMachineError => throw e
            case e: ThreadDeath => throw e
            case e: Throwable => throw new PlayException(
              "Cannot load plugin",
              "Plugin [" + className + "] cannot be instantiated.",
        case e: InvocationTargetException => throw new PlayException(
          "Cannot load plugin",
          "An exception occurred during Plugin [" + className + "] initialization",
        case e: PlayException => throw e
        case e: ThreadDeath => throw e
        case e: VirtualMachineError => throw e
        case e: Throwable => throw new PlayException(
          "Cannot load plugin",
          "Plugin [" + className + "] cannot be instantiated.",


 * A Play application.
 * Application creation is handled by the framework engine.
 * If you need to create an ad-hoc application,
 * for example in case of unit testing, you can easily achieve this using:
 * {{{
 * val application = new DefaultApplication(new File("."), this.getClass.getClassloader, None, Play.Mode.Dev)
 * }}}
 * This will create an application using the current classloader.
@implicitNotFound(msg = "You do not have an implicit Application in scope. If you want to bring the current running Application into context, just add import play.api.Play.current")
trait Application {

   * The absolute path hosting this application, mainly used by the `getFile(path)` helper method
  def path: File

   * The application's classloader
  def classloader: ClassLoader

   * The `SourceMapper` used to retrieve source code displayed in error pages
  def sources: Option[SourceMapper]

   * `Dev`, `Prod` or `Test`
  def mode: Mode.Mode

  def global: GlobalSettings
  def configuration: Configuration
  def plugins: Seq[Plugin]

   * Retrieves a plugin of type `T`.
   * For example, retrieving the DBPlugin instance:
   * {{{
   * val dbPlugin = application.plugin(classOf[DBPlugin])
   * }}}
   * @tparam T the plugin type
   * @param  pluginClass the plugin’s class
   * @return the plugin instance, wrapped in an option, used by this application
   * @throws Error if no plugins of type `T` are loaded by this application
  def plugin[T](pluginClass: Class[T]): Option[T] =
    plugins.find(p => pluginClass.isAssignableFrom(p.getClass)).map(_.asInstanceOf[T])

   * Retrieves a plugin of type `T`.
   * For example, to retrieve the DBPlugin instance:
   * {{{
   * val dbPlugin = application.plugin[DBPlugin].map(_.api).getOrElse(sys.error("problem with the plugin"))
   * }}}
   * @tparam T the plugin type
   * @return The plugin instance used by this application.
   * @throws Error if no plugins of type T are loaded by this application.
  def plugin[T](implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): Option[T] = plugin(ct.runtimeClass).asInstanceOf[Option[T]]

   * The router used by this application (if defined).
  lazy val routes: Option[Router.Routes] = loadRoutes

  protected def loadRoutes: Option[Router.Routes] = try {
    Some(classloader.loadClass(configuration.getString("application.router").map(_ + "$").getOrElse("Routes$")).getDeclaredField("MODULE$").get(null).asInstanceOf[Router.Routes]).map { router =>
      router.setPrefix(configuration.getString("application.context").map { prefix =>
        if (!prefix.startsWith("/")) {
          throw configuration.reportError("application.context", "Invalid application context")
  } catch {
    case e: ClassNotFoundException => configuration.getString("application.router").map { routerName =>
      throw configuration.reportError("application.router", "Router not found: " + routerName)

  // Reconfigure logger

    val validValues = Set("TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "OFF", "INHERITED")
    val setLevel = (level: String) => level match {
      case "INHERITED" => null
      case level => ch.qos.logback.classic.Level.toLevel(level)

      Map("application.home" -> path.getAbsolutePath),
      configuration.getConfig("logger").map { loggerConfig => {
          case "resource" | "file" | "url" => "" -> null
          case key @ "root" => "ROOT" -> loggerConfig.getString(key, Some(validValues)).map(setLevel).get
          case key => key -> loggerConfig.getString(key, Some(validValues)).map(setLevel).get


   * Handle a runtime error during the execution of an action
  private[play] def handleError(request: RequestHeader, e: Throwable): Future[Result] = try {
    e match {
      case e: UsefulException => throw e
      case e: ExecutionException => handleError(request, e.getCause)
      case e: Throwable => {

        val source = sources.flatMap(_.sourceFor(e))

        throw new PlayException.ExceptionSource(
          "Execution exception",
          "[%s: %s]".format(e.getClass.getSimpleName, e.getMessage),
          e) {
          def line = source.flatMap(_._2).map(_.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer]).orNull
          def position = null
          def input =
          def sourceName =
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) => try {
        |! %sInternal server error, for (%s) [%s] ->
        |""".stripMargin.format(e match {
          case p: PlayException => "@" + + " - "
          case _ => ""
        }, request.method, request.uri),
      global.onError(request, e)
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) => DefaultGlobal.onError(request, e)

   * Retrieves a file relative to the application root path.
   * Note that it is up to you to manage the files in the application root path in production.  By default, there will
   * be nothing available in the application root path.
   * For example, to retrieve some deployment specific data file:
   * {{{
   * val myDataFile = application.getFile("data/data.xml")
   * }}}
   * @param relativePath relative path of the file to fetch
   * @return a file instance; it is not guaranteed that the file exists
  def getFile(relativePath: String): File = new File(path, relativePath)

   * Retrieves a file relative to the application root path.
   * This method returns an Option[File], using None if the file was not found.
   * Note that it is up to you to manage the files in the application root path in production.  By default, there will
   * be nothing available in the application root path.
   * For example, to retrieve some deployment specific data file:
   * {{{
   * val myDataFile = application.getExistingFile("data/data.xml")
   * }}}
   * @param relativePath the relative path of the file to fetch
   * @return an existing file
  def getExistingFile(relativePath: String): Option[File] = Option(getFile(relativePath)).filter(_.exists)

   * Scans the application classloader to retrieve a resource.
   * The conf directory is included on the classpath, so this may be used to look up resources, relative to the conf
   * directory.
   * For example, to retrieve the conf/logger.xml configuration file:
   * {{{
   * val maybeConf = application.resource("logger.xml")
   * }}}
   * @param name the absolute name of the resource (from the classpath root)
   * @return the resource URL, if found
  def resource(name: String): Option[] = {
    Option(classloader.getResource(Option(name).map {
      case s if s.startsWith("/") => s.drop(1)
      case s => s

   * Scans the application classloader to retrieve a resource’s contents as a stream.
   * The conf directory is included on the classpath, so this may be used to look up resources, relative to the conf
   * directory.
   * For example, to retrieve the conf/logger.xml configuration file:
   * {{{
   * val maybeConf = application.resourceAsStream("logger.xml")
   * }}}
   * @param name the absolute name of the resource (from the classpath root)
   * @return a stream, if found
  def resourceAsStream(name: String): Option[InputStream] = {
    Option(classloader.getResourceAsStream(Option(name).map {
      case s if s.startsWith("/") => s.drop(1)
      case s => s


class DefaultApplication(
  override val path: File,
  override val classloader: ClassLoader,
  override val sources: Option[SourceMapper],
  override val mode: Mode.Mode) extends Application with WithDefaultConfiguration with WithDefaultGlobal with WithDefaultPlugins

Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Application.scala source code file:

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