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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Configuration.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Configuration.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

any, api, configuration, file, map, none, option, play, play framework, playexception, set, some, string, util, utilities, utils

The Configuration.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api


import com.typesafe.config._

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import play.utils.PlayIO

 * This object provides a set of operations to create `Configuration` values.
 * For example, to load a `Configuration` in a running application:
 * {{{
 * val config = Configuration.load()
 * val foo = config.getString("foo").getOrElse("boo")
 * }}}
 * The underlying implementation is provided by
object Configuration {

  private[this] lazy val dontAllowMissingConfigOptions = ConfigParseOptions.defaults().setAllowMissing(false)

  private[this] lazy val dontAllowMissingConfig = ConfigFactory.load(dontAllowMissingConfigOptions)
   * loads `Configuration` from config.resource or config.file. If not found default to 'conf/application.conf' in Dev mode
   * @return  configuration to be used
  private[play] def loadDev(appPath: File, devSettings: Map[String, String]): Config = {
    try {
      lazy val file = {
          .map(f => new File(f)).getOrElse(new File(appPath, "conf/application.conf"))
      val config = Option(System.getProperty("config.resource"))

    } catch {
      case e: ConfigException => throw configError(e.origin, e.getMessage, Some(e))

   * Loads a new `Configuration` either from the classpath or from
   * `conf/application.conf` depending on the application's Mode.
   * The provided mode is used if the application is not ready
   * yet, just like when calling this method from `play.api.Application`.
   * Defaults to Mode.Dev
   * @param mode Application mode.
   * @return a `Configuration` instance
  def load(appPath: File, mode: Mode.Mode = Mode.Dev, devSettings: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) = {
    try {
      val currentMode =
      if (currentMode == Mode.Prod) Configuration(dontAllowMissingConfig) else Configuration(loadDev(appPath, devSettings))
    } catch {
      case e: ConfigException => throw configError(e.origin, e.getMessage, Some(e))

   * Returns an empty Configuration object.
  def empty = Configuration(ConfigFactory.empty())

   * Create a ConfigFactory object from the data passed as a Map.
  def from(data: Map[String, Any]) = {

    def asJavaRecursively[A](data: Map[A, Any]): Map[A, Any] = {
      data.mapValues { value =>
        value match {
          case v: Map[_, _] => asJavaRecursively(v).asJava
          case v: Iterable[_] => v.asJava
          case v => v


  private def configError(origin: ConfigOrigin, message: String, e: Option[Throwable] = None): PlayException = {
    new PlayException.ExceptionSource("Configuration error", message, e.orNull) {
      def line = Option(origin.lineNumber: java.lang.Integer).orNull
      def position = null
      def input = Option(origin.url).map(PlayIO.readUrlAsString).orNull
      def sourceName = Option(origin.filename).orNull
      override def toString = "Configuration error: " + getMessage

  private[Configuration] def asScalaList[A](l: java.util.List[A]): Seq[A] = asScalaBufferConverter(l).asScala.toList

 * A full configuration set.
 * The underlying implementation is provided by
 * @param underlying the underlying Config implementation
case class Configuration(underlying: Config) {
  import Configuration.asScalaList

   * Merge 2 configurations.
  def ++(other: Configuration): Configuration = {

   * Read a value from the underlying implementation,
   * catching Errors and wrapping it in an Option value.
  private def readValue[T](path: String, v: => T): Option[T] = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: ConfigException.Missing => None
      case NonFatal(e) => throw reportError(path, e.getMessage, Some(e))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a `String`.
   * This method supports an optional set of valid values:
   * {{{
   * val config = Configuration.load()
   * val mode = config.getString("engine.mode", Some(Set("dev","prod")))
   * }}}
   * A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value does not match any of the required values.
   * @param path the configuration key, relative to configuration root key
   * @param validValues valid values for this configuration
   * @return a configuration value
  def getString(path: String, validValues: Option[Set[String]] = None): Option[String] = readValue(path, underlying.getString(path)).map { value =>
    validValues match {
      case Some(values) if values.contains(value) => value
      case Some(values) if values.isEmpty => value
      case Some(values) => throw reportError(path, "Incorrect value, one of " + (values.reduceLeft(_ + ", " + _)) + " was expected.")
      case None => value

   * Retrieves a configuration value as an `Int`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val poolSize = configuration.getInt("engine.pool.size")
   * }}}
   * A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Int`.
   * @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
   * @return a configuration value
  def getInt(path: String): Option[Int] = readValue(path, underlying.getInt(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a `Boolean`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val isEnabled = configuration.getBoolean("engine.isEnabled")
   * }}}
   * A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Boolean`.
   * Authorized vales are `yes/no or true/false.
   * @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
   * @return a configuration value
  def getBoolean(path: String): Option[Boolean] = readValue(path, underlying.getBoolean(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as `Milliseconds`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val timeout = configuration.getMilliseconds("engine.timeout")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.timeout = 1 second
   * }}}
  def getMilliseconds(path: String): Option[Long] = readValue(path, underlying.getMilliseconds(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as `Nanoseconds`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val timeout = configuration.getNanoseconds("engine.timeout")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.timeout = 1 second
   * }}}
  def getNanoseconds(path: String): Option[Long] = readValue(path, underlying.getNanoseconds(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as `Bytes`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSize = configuration.getString("engine.maxSize")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSize = 512k
   * }}}
  def getBytes(path: String): Option[Long] = readValue(path, underlying.getBytes(path))

   * Retrieves a sub-configuration, i.e. a configuration instance containing all keys starting with a given prefix.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val engineConfig = configuration.getConfig("engine")
   * }}}
   * The root key of this new configuration will be ‘engine’, and you can access any sub-keys relatively.
   * @param path the root prefix for this sub-configuration
   * @return a new configuration
  def getConfig(path: String): Option[Configuration] = readValue(path, underlying.getConfig(path)).map(Configuration(_))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a `Double`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val population = configuration.getDouble("world.population")
   * }}}
   * A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Double`.
   * @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
   * @return a configuration value
  def getDouble(path: String): Option[Double] = readValue(path, underlying.getDouble(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a `Long`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val duration = configuration.getLong("timeout.duration")
   * }}}
   * A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Long`.
   * @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
   * @return a configuration value
  def getLong(path: String): Option[Long] = readValue(path, underlying.getLong(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a `Number`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val counter = configuration.getNumber("foo.counter")
   * }}}
   * A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Number`.
   * @param path the configuration key, relative to the configuration root key
   * @return a configuration value
  def getNumber(path: String): Option[Number] = readValue(path, underlying.getNumber(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Boolean`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val switches = configuration.getBooleanList("board.switches")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * board.switches = [true, true, false]
   * }}}
   * A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Boolean`.
   * Authorized vales are `yes/no or true/false.
  def getBooleanList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Boolean]] = readValue(path, underlying.getBooleanList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Boolean`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val switches = configuration.getBooleanSeq("board.switches")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * board.switches = [true, true, false]
   * }}}
   * A configuration error will be thrown if the configuration value is not a valid `Boolean`.
   * Authorized vales are `yes/no or true/false.
  def getBooleanSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Boolean]] = getBooleanList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Bytes`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getBytesList("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [512k, 256k, 256k]
   * }}}
  def getBytesList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Long]] = readValue(path, underlying.getBytesList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Bytes`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getBytesSeq("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [512k, 256k, 256k]
   * }}}
  def getBytesSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Long]] = getBytesList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Retrieves a List of sub-configurations, i.e. a configuration instance for each key that matches the path.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val engineConfigs = configuration.getConfigList("engine")
   * }}}
   * The root key of this new configuration will be "engine", and you can access any sub-keys relatively.
  def getConfigList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[Configuration]] = readValue[java.util.List[_ <: Config]](path, underlying.getConfigList(path)).map { configs => }

   * Retrieves a Seq of sub-configurations, i.e. a configuration instance for each key that matches the path.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val engineConfigs = configuration.getConfigSeq("engine")
   * }}}
   * The root key of this new configuration will be "engine", and you can access any sub-keys relatively.
  def getConfigSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[Configuration]] = getConfigList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Double`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getDoubleList("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [5.0, 3.34, 2.6]
   * }}}
  def getDoubleList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Double]] = readValue(path, underlying.getDoubleList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Double`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getDoubleSeq("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [5.0, 3.34, 2.6]
   * }}}
  def getDoubleSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Double]] = getDoubleList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Integer`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getIntList("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [100, 500, 2]
   * }}}
  def getIntList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Integer]] = readValue(path, underlying.getIntList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Integer`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getIntSeq("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [100, 500, 2]
   * }}}
  def getIntSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Integer]] = getIntList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Gets a list value (with any element type) as a ConfigList, which implements java.util.List<ConfigValue>.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getList("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = ["foo", "bar"]
   * }}}
  def getList(path: String): Option[ConfigList] = readValue(path, underlying.getList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Long`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getLongList("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [10000000000000, 500, 2000]
   * }}}
  def getLongList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Long]] = readValue(path, underlying.getLongList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Long`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getLongSeq("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [10000000000000, 500, 2000]
   * }}}
  def getLongSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Long]] = getLongList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Retrieves a configuration value as List of `Milliseconds`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val timeouts = configuration.getMillisecondsList("engine.timeouts")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.timeouts = [1 second, 1 second]
   * }}}
  def getMillisecondsList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Long]] = readValue(path, underlying.getMillisecondsList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as Seq of `Milliseconds`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val timeouts = configuration.getMillisecondsSeq("engine.timeouts")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.timeouts = [1 second, 1 second]
   * }}}
  def getMillisecondsSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Long]] = getMillisecondsList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Retrieves a configuration value as List of `Nanoseconds`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val timeouts = configuration.getNanosecondsList("engine.timeouts")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.timeouts = [1 second, 1 second]
   * }}}
  def getNanosecondsList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Long]] = readValue(path, underlying.getNanosecondsList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as Seq of `Nanoseconds`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val timeouts = configuration.getNanosecondsSeq("engine.timeouts")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.timeouts = [1 second, 1 second]
   * }}}
  def getNanosecondsSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Long]] = getNanosecondsList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `Number`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getNumberList("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [50, 500, 5000]
   * }}}
  def getNumberList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.Number]] = readValue(path, underlying.getNumberList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `Number`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val maxSizes = configuration.getNumberSeq("engine.maxSizes")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * engine.maxSizes = [50, 500, 5000]
   * }}}
  def getNumberSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.Number]] = getNumberList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `ConfigObject`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val engineProperties = configuration.getObjectList("")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * = [{id: 5, power: 3}, {id: 6, power: 20}]
   * }}}
  def getObjectList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[_ <: ConfigObject]] = readValue[java.util.List[_ <: ConfigObject]](path, underlying.getObjectList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a List of `String`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val names = configuration.getStringList("names")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * names = ["Jim", "Bob", "Steve"]
   * }}}
  def getStringList(path: String): Option[java.util.List[java.lang.String]] = readValue(path, underlying.getStringList(path))

   * Retrieves a configuration value as a Seq of `String`.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val names = configuration.getStringSeq("names")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * names = ["Jim", "Bob", "Steve"]
   * }}}
  def getStringSeq(path: String): Option[Seq[java.lang.String]] = getStringList(path).map(asScalaList)

   * Retrieves a ConfigObject for this path, which implements Map<String,ConfigValue>
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val engineProperties = configuration.getObject("")
   * }}}
   * The configuration must be provided as:
   * {{{
   * = {id: 1, power: 5}
   * }}}
  def getObject(path: String): Option[ConfigObject] = readValue(path, underlying.getObject(path))

   * Returns available keys.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val keys = configuration.keys
   * }}}
   * @return the set of keys available in this configuration
  def keys: Set[String] =

   * Returns sub-keys.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * val subKeys = configuration.subKeys
   * }}}
   * @return the set of direct sub-keys available in this configuration
  def subKeys: Set[String] = underlying.root().keySet().asScala.toSet

   * Returns every path as a set of key to value pairs, by recursively iterating through the
   * config objects.
  def entrySet: Set[(String, ConfigValue)] = underlying.entrySet() => e.getKey -> e.getValue).toSet

   * Creates a configuration error for a specific configuration key.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * throw configuration.reportError("engine.connectionUrl", "Cannot connect!")
   * }}}
   * @param path the configuration key, related to this error
   * @param message the error message
   * @param e the related exception
   * @return a configuration exception
  def reportError(path: String, message: String, e: Option[Throwable] = None): PlayException = {
    Configuration.configError(if (underlying.hasPath(path)) underlying.getValue(path).origin else underlying.root.origin, message, e)

   * Creates a configuration error for this configuration.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   * val configuration = Configuration.load()
   * throw configuration.globalError("Missing configuration key: [yop.url]")
   * }}}
   * @param message the error message
   * @param e the related exception
   * @return a configuration exception
  def globalError(message: String, e: Option[Throwable] = None): PlayException = {
    Configuration.configError(underlying.root.origin, message, e)


Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Configuration.scala source code file:

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