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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (Messages.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (Messages.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, application, exception, lang, list, map, messagesource, option, parse, parser, play, play framework, seq, some, string, utilities

The Messages.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.i18n

import scala.language.postfixOps

import play.api._
import play.utils.{ PlayIO, Resources }

import scala.util.parsing.input._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import play.api.i18n.Messages.UrlMessageSource

 * A Lang supported by the application.
 * @param language a valid ISO Language Code.
 * @param country a valid ISO Country Code.
case class Lang(language: String, country: String = "") {

   * Convert to a Java Locale value.
  def toLocale: java.util.Locale = {
    Option(country).filterNot(_.isEmpty).map(c => new java.util.Locale(language, c)).getOrElse(new java.util.Locale(language))

   * Whether this lang satisfies the given lang.
   * If the other lang defines a country code, then this is equivalent to equals, if it doesn't, then the equals is
   * only done on language and the country of this lang is ignored.
   * This implements the language matching specified by RFC2616 Section 14.4.  Equality is case insensitive as per
   * Section 3.10.
   * @param accept The accepted language
  def satisfies(accept: Lang) = language.equalsIgnoreCase(accept.language) && (accept match {
    case Lang(_, "") => true
    case Lang(_, c) => country.equalsIgnoreCase(c)

   * The Lang code (such as fr or en-US).
  lazy val code = language.toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH) + Option(country).filterNot(_.isEmpty).map("-" + _.toUpperCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH)).getOrElse("")

  override def equals(that: Any) = {
    that match {
      case lang: Lang => code == lang.code
      case _ => false

  override def hashCode: Int = code.hashCode

 * Utilities related to Lang values.
object Lang {

   * The default Lang to use if nothing matches (platform default)
  implicit lazy val defaultLang = {
    val defaultLocale = java.util.Locale.getDefault
    Lang(defaultLocale.getLanguage, defaultLocale.getCountry)

  private val SimpleLocale = """([a-zA-Z]{2})""".r
  private val CountryLocale = (SimpleLocale.toString + """-([a-zA-Z]{2}|[0-9]{3})""").r

   * Create a Lang value from a code (such as fr or en-US) and
   *  throw exception if language is unrecognized
  def apply(code: String): Lang = {
      sys.error("Unrecognized language: %s".format(code))

   * Create a Lang value from a code (such as fr or en-US) or none
   * if language is unrecognized.
  def get(code: String): Option[Lang] = {
    code match {
      case SimpleLocale(language) => Some(Lang(language, ""))
      case CountryLocale(language, country) => Some(Lang(language, country))
      case _ => None

   * Retrieve Lang availables from the application configuration.
   * {{{
   * application.langs="fr,en,de"
   * }}}
  def availables(implicit app: Application): Seq[Lang] = {
    app.configuration.getString("application.langs").map { langs =>
      langs.split(",").map(_.trim).map { lang =>
        try { Lang(lang) } catch {
          case NonFatal(e) => throw app.configuration.reportError("application.langs", "Invalid language code [" + lang + "]", Some(e))

   * Guess the preferred lang in the langs set passed as argument.
   * The first Lang that matches an available Lang wins, otherwise returns the first Lang available in this application.
  def preferred(langs: Seq[Lang])(implicit app: Application): Lang = {
    val all = availables
    langs.collectFirst(Function.unlift { lang =>

 * High-level internationalisation API (not available yet).
 * For example:
 * {{{
 * val msgString = Messages("items.found", items.size)
 * }}}
object Messages {

   * Translates a message.
   * Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message.
   * @param key the message key
   * @param args the message arguments
   * @return the formatted message or a default rendering if the key wasn’t defined
  def apply(key: String, args: Any*)(implicit lang: Lang): String = {
    Play.maybeApplication.flatMap { app =>
      app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map(_.api.translate(key, args)).getOrElse(throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled"))
    }.getOrElse(noMatch(key, args))

   * Translates the first defined message.
   * Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message.
   * @param keys the message key
   * @param args the message arguments
   * @return the formatted message or a default rendering if the key wasn’t defined
  def apply(keys: Seq[String], args: Any*)(implicit lang: Lang): String = {
    Play.maybeApplication.flatMap { app =>
      app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map { plugin =>
        keys.foldLeft[Option[String]](None) {
          case (None, key) => plugin.api.translate(key, args)
          case (acc, _) => acc
      }.getOrElse(throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled"))
    }.getOrElse(noMatch(keys(keys.length - 1), args))

   * Check if a message key is defined.
   * @param key the message key
   * @return a boolean
  def isDefinedAt(key: String)(implicit lang: Lang): Boolean = { { app =>
      app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map(_.api.isDefinedAt(key)).getOrElse(throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled"))

   * Retrieves all messages defined in this application.
  def messages(implicit app: Application): Map[String, Map[String, String]] = {
    app.plugin[MessagesPlugin].map(_.api.messages).getOrElse(throw new Exception("this plugin was not registered or disabled"))

   * Parse all messages of a given input.
  def messages(messageSource: MessageSource, messageSourceName: String): Either[PlayException.ExceptionSource, Map[String, String]] = {
    new Messages.MessagesParser(messageSource, "") { messages => { message => message.key -> message.pattern }.toMap

   * A source for messages
  trait MessageSource {
     * Read the message source as a String
    def read: String

  case class UrlMessageSource(url: URL) extends MessageSource {
    def read = PlayIO.readUrlAsString(url)(Codec.UTF8)

  private def noMatch(key: String, args: Seq[Any]) = key

  private[i18n] case class Message(key: String, pattern: String, source: MessageSource, sourceName: String) extends Positional

   * Message file Parser.
  private[i18n] class MessagesParser(messageSource: MessageSource, messageSourceName: String) extends RegexParsers {

    case class Comment(msg: String)

    override def skipWhitespace = false
    override val whiteSpace = """^[ \t]+""".r

    def namedError[A](p: Parser[A], msg: String) = Parser[A] { i =>
      p(i) match {
        case Failure(_, in) => Failure(msg, in)
        case o => o

    val end = """^\s*""".r
    val newLine = namedError((("\r"?) ~> "\n"), "End of line expected")
    val ignoreWhiteSpace = opt(whiteSpace)
    val blankLine = ignoreWhiteSpace <~ newLine ^^ { case _ => Comment("") }

    val comment = """^#.*""".r ^^ { case s => Comment(s) }

    val messageKey = namedError("""^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+""".r, "Message key expected")

    val messagePattern = namedError(
        ("""\""" ^^ (_ => "")) ~> ( // Ignore the leading \
          ("\r"?) ~> "\n" ^^ (_ => "") | // Ignore escaped end of lines \
          "n" ^^ (_ => "\n") | // Translate literal \n to real newline
          """\""" | // Handle escaped \\
          "^.".r ^^ ("""\""" + _)
        ) |
          "^.".r // Or any character
      ) ^^ { case chars => chars.mkString },
      "Message pattern expected"

    val message = ignoreWhiteSpace ~ messageKey ~ (ignoreWhiteSpace ~ "=" ~ ignoreWhiteSpace) ~ messagePattern ^^ {
      case (_ ~ k ~ _ ~ v) => Messages.Message(k, v.trim, messageSource, messageSourceName)

    val sentence = (comment | positioned(message)) <~ newLine

    val parser = phrase((sentence | blankLine *) <~ end) ^^ {
      case messages => messages.collect {
        case m @ Messages.Message(_, _, _, _) => m

    def parse: Either[PlayException.ExceptionSource, Seq[Message]] = {
      parser(new CharSequenceReader( + "\n")) match {
        case Success(messages, _) => Right(messages)
        case NoSuccess(message, in) => Left(
          new PlayException.ExceptionSource("Configuration error", message) {
            def line = in.pos.line
            def position = in.pos.column - 1
            def input =
            def sourceName = messageSourceName



 * The internationalisation API.
case class MessagesApi(messages: Map[String, Map[String, String]]) {

  import java.text._

   * Translates a message.
   * Uses `java.text.MessageFormat` internally to format the message.
   * @param key the message key
   * @param args the message arguments
   * @return the formatted message, if this key was defined
  def translate(key: String, args: Seq[Any])(implicit lang: Lang): Option[String] = {
    val langsToTry: List[Lang] =
      List(lang, Lang(lang.language, ""), Lang("default", ""), Lang("", ""))
    val pattern: Option[String] =
      langsToTry.foldLeft[Option[String]](None)((res, lang) =>
        res.orElse(messages.get(lang.code).flatMap(_.get(key)))) =>
      new MessageFormat(pattern, lang.toLocale).format([java.lang.Object]).toArray))

   * Check if a message key is defined.
   * @param key the message key
   * @return a boolean
  def isDefinedAt(key: String)(implicit lang: Lang): Boolean = {
    val langsToTry: List[Lang] = List(lang, Lang(lang.language, ""), Lang("default", ""), Lang("", ""))

    langsToTry.foldLeft[Boolean](false)({ (acc, lang) =>
      acc || messages.get(lang.code).map(_.isDefinedAt(key)).getOrElse(false)


 * Play Plugin for internationalisation.
trait MessagesPlugin extends Plugin {
  def api: MessagesApi

class DefaultMessagesPlugin(app: Application) extends MessagesPlugin {

  import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

  private lazy val messagesPrefix = app.configuration.getString("messages.path")
  private lazy val pluginEnabled = app.configuration.getString("defaultmessagesplugin")

  private def joinPaths(first: Option[String], second: String) = first match {
    case Some(first) => new, second).getPath
    case None => second

  protected def loadMessages(file: String): Map[String, String] = {
    app.classloader.getResources(joinPaths(messagesPrefix, file)).asScala.toList.filterNot(Resources.isDirectory) { messageFile =>
      Messages.messages(UrlMessageSource(messageFile), messageFile.toString).fold(e => throw e, identity)
    }.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, String]) { _ ++ _ }

  protected def messages = {
    Lang.availables(app).map(_.code).map { lang =>
      (lang, loadMessages("messages." + lang))
      .+("default" -> loadMessages("messages"))
      .+("" -> loadMessages("messages.default"))

   * Is this plugin enabled.
   * {{{
   * defaultmessagesplugin=disabled
   * }}}
  override def enabled = pluginEnabled.forall(_ != "disabled")

   * The underlying internationalisation API.
  lazy val api = MessagesApi(messages)

   * Loads all configuration and message files defined in the classpath.
  override def onStart() = api


Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework Messages.scala source code file:

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