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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (PlayCommands.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (PlayCommands.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

any, compile, license, play, play framework, plugin, project, projectref, sbt, seq, space, state, string, taskkey, utilities

The PlayCommands.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play

import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import play.PlayImport._
import PlayKeys._

import com.typesafe.sbt.web.SbtWeb.autoImport._

import play.sbtplugin.Colors

import Keys._
import java.lang.{ ProcessBuilder => JProcessBuilder }
import sbt.complete.Parsers._

import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import{ Analysis, Stamp, Exists, Hash, LastModified }
import sbt.compiler.AggressiveCompile
import play.sbtplugin.test.PlayTestListener

trait PlayCommands extends PlayEclipse with PlayInternalKeys {
  this: PlayReloader =>

  //- mainly scala, mainly java or none

  val JAVA = "java"
  val SCALA = "scala"
  val NONE = "none"

  //- test reporter
  protected lazy val testListener = new PlayTestListener

  val testResultReporter = TaskKey[List[String]]("test-result-reporter")
  val testResultReporterTask = (state, thisProjectRef) map { (s, r) =>
  val testResultReporterReset = TaskKey[Unit]("test-result-reporter-reset")
  val testResultReporterResetTask = (state, thisProjectRef) map { (s, r) =>

  val playReloadTask = Def.task(playCompileEverything.value.reduceLeft(_ ++ _))

  def intellijCommandSettings = {
    import org.sbtidea.SbtIdeaPlugin

    // This stuff is all private in the IDEA plugin, so let's copy it here
    val WithSources = "with-sources=yes"
    val NoSources = "no-sources"
    val NoClassifiers = "no-classifiers"
    val SbtClassifiers = "sbt-classifiers"
    val NoFsc = "no-fsc"
    val NoTypeHighlighting = "no-type-highlighting"
    val NoSbtBuildModule = "no-sbt-build-module"

    val args = (Space ~> NoClassifiers | Space ~> SbtClassifiers | Space ~> NoFsc | Space ~> NoTypeHighlighting | Space ~> NoSbtBuildModule | Space ~> WithSources | Space ~> NoSources).*

    SbtIdeaPlugin.settings ++ Seq(
      commands += Command("idea")(_ => args) { (state, args) =>
        // Firstly, attempt to compile the project, but ignore the result
        Project.runTask(compile in Compile, state)

        SbtIdeaPlugin.doCommand(state, if (!args.contains(WithSources) && !(args.contains(NoSources) || args.contains(NoClassifiers))) {
          args :+ NoClassifiers
        } else {

  // ----- Post compile (need to be refactored and fully configurable)

  def PostCompile(scope: Configuration) = (sourceDirectory in scope, dependencyClasspath in scope, compile in scope, javaSource in scope, managedSourceDirectories in scope, classDirectory in scope, cacheDirectory in scope, compileInputs in compile in scope) map { (src, deps, analysis, javaSrc, srcManaged, classes, cacheDir, inputs) =>

    val classpath = ( :+ classes.getAbsolutePath).mkString(
    val ebeanEnhancement = classpath.contains("play-java-ebean")

    // EBean
    if (ebeanEnhancement) {

      val originalContextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader

      try {

        val cp = :+ classes.toURI.toURL

        Thread.currentThread.setContextClassLoader(new, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader))

        import com.avaje.ebean.enhance.agent._
        import com.avaje.ebean.enhance.ant._
        import collection.JavaConverters._
        import com.typesafe.config._

        val cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader

        val t = new Transformer(cp, "debug=-1")

        val ft = new OfflineFileTransform(t, cl, classes.getAbsolutePath, classes.getAbsolutePath)

        lazy val file = {
          Option(System.getProperty("config.file")).map(f => new File(f)).getOrElse(new File("conf/application.conf"))

        val config = Option(System.getProperty("config.resource"))

        val models = try {
        } catch { case e: ConfigException.Missing => "models.*" }

        try {
        } catch {
          case NonFatal(_) =>

      } finally {

    // Copy managed classes - only needed in Compile scope
    // This is done to ease integration with Eclipse, but it's doubtful as to how effective it is.
    if ( == "compile") {
      val managedClassesDirectory = classes.getParentFile / (classes.getName + "_managed")

      val managedClasses = ((srcManaged ** "*.scala").get ++ (srcManaged ** "*.java").get).map { managedSourceFile =>
      }.flatten x rebase(classes, managedClassesDirectory)

      // Copy modified class files
      val managedSet = IO.copy(managedClasses)

      // Remove deleted class files
      (managedClassesDirectory ** "*.class").get.filterNot(managedSet.contains(_)).foreach(_.delete())

    if (ebeanEnhancement) {
      val javaClasses = (javaSrc ** "*.java").get flatMap { sourceFile =>

       * Updates stamp of product (class file) by preserving the type of a passed stamp.
       * This way any stamp incremental compiler chooses to use to mark class files will
       * be supported.
      def updateStampForClassFile(classFile: File, stamp: Stamp): Stamp = stamp match {
        case _: Exists => Stamp.exists(classFile)
        case _: LastModified => Stamp.lastModified(classFile)
        case _: Hash => Stamp.hash(classFile)
      // Since we may have modified some of the products of the incremental compiler, that is, the compiled template
      // classes and compiled Java sources, we need to update their timestamps in the incremental compiler, otherwise
      // the incremental compiler will see that they've changed since it last compiled them, and recompile them.
      val updatedAnalysis = analysis.copy(stamps = javaClasses.foldLeft(analysis.stamps) { (stamps, classFile) =>
        val existingStamp = stamps.product(classFile)
        if (existingStamp == Stamp.notPresent) {
          throw new"Tried to update a stamp for class file that is not recorded as "
            + s"product of incremental compiler: $classFile")
        stamps.markProduct(classFile, updateStampForClassFile(classFile, existingStamp))

      // Need to persist the updated analysis.
      val agg = new AggressiveCompile(inputs.incSetup.cacheFile)
      // Load the old one. We do this so that we can get a copy of CompileSetup, which is the cache compiler
      // configuration used to determine when everything should be invalidated. We could calculate it ourselves, but
      // that would by a heck of a lot of fragile code due to the vast number of things we would have to depend on.
      // Reading it out of the existing file is good enough.
      val existing: Option[(Analysis, CompileSetup)] =
      // Since we've just done a compile before this task, this should never return None, so don't worry about what to
      // do when it returns None.
      existing.foreach {
        case (_, compileSetup) =>, compileSetup)

    } else {

  // ----- Play prompt

  val playPrompt = { state: State =>

    val extracted = Project.extract(state)
    import extracted._

    (name in currentRef get { name =>
      "[" + Colors.cyan(name) + "] $ "
    }.getOrElse("> ")


  // ----- Play commands

  private def fork(args: Seq[String]) = {
    val builder = new JProcessBuilder(args: _*)
    Process(builder).run(JvmIO(new JvmLogger(), false))

  val shCommand = Command.args("sh", "<shell command>") { (state: State, args: Seq[String]) =>
    if (args.isEmpty)
      println("sh <command to run>")

  // -- Utility methods for 0.10-> 0.11 migration
  def inAllDeps[T](base: ProjectRef, deps: ProjectRef => Seq[ProjectRef], key: SettingKey[T], data: Settings[Scope]): Seq[T] =
    inAllProjects(Dag.topologicalSort(base)(deps), key, data)
  def inAllProjects[T](allProjects: Seq[Reference], key: SettingKey[T], data: Settings[Scope]): Seq[T] =
    allProjects.flatMap { p => key in p get data }

  def inAllDependencies[T](base: ProjectRef, key: SettingKey[T], structure: Load.BuildStructure): Seq[T] = {
    def deps(ref: ProjectRef): Seq[ProjectRef] =
      Project.getProject(ref, structure).toList.flatMap { p => ++ p.aggregate
    inAllDeps(base, deps, key,

  private[this] var commonClassLoader: ClassLoader = _

  val playCommonClassloaderTask = (dependencyClasspath in Compile) map { classpath =>
    lazy val commonJars: PartialFunction[,] = {
      case jar if jar.getName.startsWith("h2-") || jar.getName == "h2.jar" => jar.toURI.toURL

    if (commonClassLoader == null) {
      commonClassLoader = new, null /* important here, don't depend of the sbt classLoader! */ ) {
        override def toString = "Common ClassLoader: " +",")


  val playCompileEverythingTask = (state, thisProjectRef) flatMap { (s, r) =>
    inAllDependencies(r, playAssetsWithCompilation.task, Project structure s).join

  val h2Command = Command.command("h2-browser") { state: State =>
    try {
      val commonLoader = Project.runTask(playCommonClassloader, state).get._2.toEither.right.get
      val h2ServerClass = commonLoader.loadClass(classOf[].getName)
      h2ServerClass.getMethod("main", classOf[Array[String]]).invoke(null, Array.empty[String])
    } catch {
      case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace

  val licenseCommand = Command.command("license") { state: State =>
      |This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
      |Copyright 2013 Typesafe <>
      |Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
      |use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
      |the License at
      |Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      |distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
      |WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
      |License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
      |the License.

  val classpathCommand = Command.command("classpath") { state: State =>

    val extracted = Project.extract(state)

    Project.runTask(dependencyClasspath in Runtime, state).get._2.toEither match {
      case Left(_) => {
        println("Cannot compute the classpath")
      case Right(classpath) => {
        println("Here is the computed classpath of your application:")
        classpath.foreach { item =>
          println("\t- " +


  val playMonitoredFilesTask = (thisProjectRef, state) map { (ref, state) =>
    val src = inAllDependencies(ref, unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile, Project structure state).foldLeft(Seq.empty[File])(_ ++ _)
    val resources = inAllDependencies(ref, unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile, Project structure state).foldLeft(Seq.empty[File])(_ ++ _)
    val assets = inAllDependencies(ref, unmanagedSourceDirectories in Assets, Project structure state).foldLeft(Seq.empty[File])(_ ++ _)
    val public = inAllDependencies(ref, unmanagedResourceDirectories in Assets, Project structure state).foldLeft(Seq.empty[File])(_ ++ _)
    (src ++ resources ++ assets ++ public).map { f =>
      if (!f.exists) f.mkdirs(); f

  val computeDependencies = TaskKey[Seq[Map[Symbol, Any]]]("ivy-dependencies")
  val computeDependenciesTask = (deliverLocal, ivySbt, streams, organizationName, moduleName, version, scalaBinaryVersion) map { (_, ivySbt, s, org, id, version, scalaVersion) =>

    import scala.xml._

    ivySbt.withIvy(s.log) { ivy =>
      val report = XML.loadFile(
        ivy.getResolutionCacheManager.getConfigurationResolveReportInCache(org + "-" + id + "_" + scalaVersion, "runtime"))

      val deps: Seq[Map[Symbol, Any]] = (report \ "dependencies" \ "module").flatMap { module =>

        (module \ "revision").map { rev =>
            'module -> (module \ "@organisation" text, module \ "@name" text, rev \ "@name"),
            'evictedBy -> (rev \ "evicted-by") \ "@rev" text),
            'requiredBy -> (rev \ "caller").map { caller =>
              (caller \ "@organisation" text, caller \ "@name" text, caller \ "@callerrev" text)
            'artifacts -> (rev \ "artifacts" \ "artifact").flatMap { artifact =>
              (artifact \ "@location") => new





  val computeDependenciesCommand = Command.command("dependencies") { state: State =>

    val extracted = Project.extract(state)

    Project.runTask(computeDependencies, state).get._2.toEither match {
      case Left(_) => {
        println("Cannot compute dependencies")

      case Right(dependencies) => {
        println("Here are the resolved dependencies of your application:")

        def asTableRow(module: Map[Symbol, Any]): Seq[(String, String, String, Boolean)] = {
          val formatted = (Seq(module.get('module).map {
            case (org, name, rev) => org + ":" + name + ":" + rev

            module.get('requiredBy).collect {
              case callers: Seq[_] => callers.collect {
                case (org, name, rev) => org.toString + ":" + name.toString + ":" + rev.toString

            module.get('evictedBy).map {
              case Some(rev) => Seq("Evicted by " + rev)
              case None => module.get('artifacts).collect {
                case artifacts: Seq[_] =>"As " + _.toString)
          val maxLines = Seq(formatted._1.size, formatted._2.size, formatted._3.size).max

          formatted._1.padTo(maxLines, "").zip(
            formatted._2.padTo(maxLines, "")).zip(
              formatted._3.padTo(maxLines, "")).map {
                case ((name, callers), notes) => (name, callers, notes, module.get('evictedBy).map { case Some(_) => true; case _ => false }.get)

        def display(modules: Seq[Seq[(String, String, String, Boolean)]]) {
          val c1Size =
          val c2Size =
          val c3Size =

          def bar(length: Int) = (1 to length).map(_ => "-").mkString

          val indent = if (Colors.isANSISupported) 9 else 0
          val lineFormat = "| %-" + (c1Size + indent) + "s | %-" + (c2Size + indent) + "s | %-" + (c3Size + indent) + "s |"
          val separator = "+-%s-+-%s-+-%s-+".format(
            bar(c1Size), bar(c2Size), bar(c3Size))

          println(lineFormat.format(Colors.cyan("Module"), Colors.cyan("Required by"), Colors.cyan("Note")))

          modules.foreach { lines =>
            lines.foreach {
              case (module, caller, note, evicted) => {
                  if (evicted) else,
                  if (evicted) else Colors.white(note)))





Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework PlayCommands.scala source code file:

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