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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (PlayReloader.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (PlayReloader.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

api, core, file, incomplete, javacerrorinfo, javacerrorposition, none, option, play, play framework, playbuildlink, plugin, sbt, seq, some, string

The PlayReloader.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play


import play.api._
import play.core._
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
import play.PlayImport._
import PlayKeys._
import PlayExceptions._
import play.sbtplugin.PlayPositionMapper

trait PlayReloader {
  this: PlayCommands with PlayPositionMapper =>

   * An extension of BuildLink to provide internal methods to PlayRun, such as the ability to get the classloader,
   * and the ability to close it (stop watching files).
  trait PlayBuildLink extends BuildLink {
    def close()
    def getClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader]

   * Create a new reloader
  def newReloader(state: State,
    playReload: TaskKey[],
    createClassLoader: ClassLoaderCreator,
    classpathTask: TaskKey[Classpath],
    baseLoader: ClassLoader,
    monitoredFiles: Seq[String],
    targetDirectory: File): PlayBuildLink = {

    val extracted = Project.extract(state)

    new PlayBuildLink {

      lazy val projectPath = extracted.currentProject.base

      // The current classloader for the application
      @volatile private var currentApplicationClassLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None
      // Flag to force a reload on the next request.
      // This is set if a compile error occurs, and also by the forceReload method on BuildLink, which is called for
      // example when evolutions have been applied.
      @volatile private var forceReloadNextTime = false
      // Whether any source files have changed since the last request.
      @volatile private var changed = false
      // The last successful compile results. Used for rendering nice errors.
      @volatile private var currentAnalysis = Option.empty[]
      // A watch state for the classpath. Used to determine whether anything on the classpath has changed as a result
      // of compilation, and therefore a new classloader is needed and the app needs to be reloaded.
      @volatile private var watchState: WatchState = WatchState.empty

      // Create the watcher, updates the changed boolean when a file has changed.
      private val watcher = PlayWatchService(targetDirectory).watch( File(_)), () => changed = true)
      private val classLoaderVersion = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(0)

       * Contrary to its name, this doesn't necessarily reload the app.  It is invoked on every request, and will only
       * trigger a reload of the app if something has changed.
       * Since this communicates across classloaders, it must return only simple objects.
       * @return Either
       * - Throwable - If something went wrong (eg, a compile error).
       * - ClassLoader - If the classloader has changed, and the application should be reloaded.
       * - null - If nothing changed.
      def reload: AnyRef = {
        play.Play.synchronized {
          if (changed || forceReloadNextTime || currentAnalysis.isEmpty
            || currentApplicationClassLoader.isEmpty) {

            val shouldReload = forceReloadNextTime

            changed = false
            forceReloadNextTime = false

            // Run the reload task, which will trigger everything to compile
            Project.runTask(playReload, state).map(_._2).get.toEither
     { compilationResult =>

                currentAnalysis = Some(compilationResult)

                // Calculate the classpath
                Project.runTask(classpathTask, state).map(_._2).get.toEither
         { classpath =>

                    // We only want to reload if the classpath has changed.  Assets don't live on the classpath, so
                    // they won't trigger a reload.
                    // Use the SBT watch service, passing true as the termination to force it to break after one check
                    val (_, newState) =***, 0, watchState)(true)
                    // SBT has a quiet wait period, if that's set to true, sources were modified
                    val triggered = newState.awaitingQuietPeriod
                    watchState = newState

                    if (triggered || shouldReload || currentApplicationClassLoader.isEmpty) {

                      // Create a new classloader
                      val version = classLoaderVersion.incrementAndGet
                      val name = "ReloadableClassLoader(v" + version + ")"
                      val urls = Path.toURLs(classpath.files)
                      val loader = createClassLoader(name, urls, baseLoader)
                      currentApplicationClassLoader = Some(loader)
                    } else {
                      null // null means nothing changed
                  }.fold(identity, identity)
              }.fold(identity, identity)
          } else {
            null // null means nothing changed

      lazy val settings = {
        import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

      def forceReload() {
        forceReloadNextTime = true

      def findSource(className: String, line: java.lang.Integer): Array[java.lang.Object] = {
        val topType = className.split('$').head
        currentAnalysis.flatMap { analysis =>
          analysis.apis.internal.flatMap {
            case (sourceFile, source) =>
              source.api.definitions.find(defined => == topType).map(_ => {
              } -> line)
          } {
            case (source, maybeLine) =>
              play.twirl.compiler.MaybeGeneratedSource.unapply(source).map { generatedSource =>
                generatedSource.source.get -> Option(maybeLine).map(l => generatedSource.mapLine(l): java.lang.Integer).orNull
              }.getOrElse(source -> maybeLine)
        }.map {
          case (file, l) =>
            Array[java.lang.Object](file, l)

      def remapProblemForGeneratedSources(problem: xsbti.Problem) = {
        val mappedPosition = playPositionMapper(problem.position) { pos =>
          new xsbti.Problem {
            def message = problem.message
            def category = ""
            def position = pos
            def severity = problem.severity
        } getOrElse problem

      private def allProblems(inc: Incomplete): Seq[xsbti.Problem] = {
        allProblems(inc :: Nil)

      private def allProblems(incs: Seq[Incomplete]): Seq[xsbti.Problem] = {

      private def problems(es: Seq[Throwable]): Seq[xsbti.Problem] = {
        es flatMap {
          case cf: xsbti.CompileFailed => cf.problems
          case _ => Nil

      def getProblems(incomplete: Incomplete): Seq[xsbti.Problem] = {
        (allProblems(incomplete) ++ {
          Incomplete.linearize(incomplete).filter(i => i.node.isDefined && i.node.get.isInstanceOf[ScopedKey[_]]).flatMap { i =>
            val JavacError = """\[error\]\s*(.*[.]java):(\d+):\s*(.*)""".r
            val JavacErrorInfo = """\[error\]\s*([a-z ]+):(.*)""".r
            val JavacErrorPosition = """\[error\](\s*)\^\s*""".r

            Project.runTask(streamsManager, state).map(_._2) { streamsManager =>
              var first: (Option[(String, String, String)], Option[Int]) = (None, None)
              var parsed: (Option[(String, String, String)], Option[Int]) = (None, None)
              Output.lastLines(i.node.get.asInstanceOf[ScopedKey[_]], streamsManager, None).map(_.replace(scala.Console.RESET, "")).map(_.replace(scala.Console.RED, "")).collect {
                case JavacError(file, line, message) => parsed = Some((file, line, message)) -> None
                case JavacErrorInfo(key, message) => parsed._1.foreach { o =>
                  parsed = Some((parsed._1.get._1, parsed._1.get._2, parsed._1.get._3 + " [" + key.trim + ": " + message.trim + "]")) -> None
                case JavacErrorPosition(pos) =>
                  parsed = parsed._1 -> Some(pos.size)
                  if (first == ((None, None))) {
                    first = parsed
            }.collect {
              case (Some(error), maybePosition) => new xsbti.Problem {
                def message = error._3
                def category = ""
                def position = new xsbti.Position {
                  def line = xsbti.Maybe.just(error._2.toInt)
                  def lineContent = ""
                  def offset = xsbti.Maybe.nothing[java.lang.Integer]
                  def pointer = => xsbti.Maybe.just((pos - 1).asInstanceOf[java.lang.Integer])).getOrElse(xsbti.Maybe.nothing[java.lang.Integer])
                  def pointerSpace = xsbti.Maybe.nothing[String]
                  def sourceFile = xsbti.Maybe.just(file(error._1))
                  def sourcePath = xsbti.Maybe.just(error._1)
                def severity = xsbti.Severity.Error


      private def taskFailureHandler(incomplete: Incomplete): Exception = {
        // We force reload next time because compilation failed this time
        forceReloadNextTime = true
        Incomplete.allExceptions(incomplete) {
          case e: PlayException => e
          case e: xsbti.CompileFailed =>
              .find(_.severity == xsbti.Severity.Error)
              .getOrElse(UnexpectedException(Some("The compilation failed without reporting any problem!"), Some(e)))
          case e: Exception => UnexpectedException(unexpected = Some(e))
        }.getOrElse {
          UnexpectedException(Some("The compilation task failed without any exception!"))

      def runTask(task: String): AnyRef = {
        val parser = Act.scopedKeyParser(state)
        val Right(sk) = complete.DefaultParsers.result(parser, task)
        val result = Project.runTask(sk.asInstanceOf[Def.ScopedKey[Task[AnyRef]]], state).map(_._2)


      def close() = {
        currentApplicationClassLoader = None
        currentAnalysis = None

      def getClassLoader = currentApplicationClassLoader


Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework PlayReloader.scala source code file:

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