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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (PlayRun.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (PlayRun.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

classloader, classloadercreator, core, d, int, option, play, play framework, playdevserver, plugin, sbt, seq, state, string, taskkey

The PlayRun.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play


import com.typesafe.sbt.web.SbtWeb
import sbt._
import Keys._
import play.PlayImport._
import PlayKeys._
import play.sbtplugin.Colors
import play.core.{ BuildLink, BuildDocHandler }
import play.core.classloader._
import annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util.jar.JarFile
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtNativePackager._
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.Keys._
import com.typesafe.sbt.web.SbtWeb.autoImport._

 * Provides mechanisms for running a Play application in SBT
trait PlayRun extends PlayInternalKeys {
  this: PlayReloader =>

   * Configuration for the Play docs application's dependencies. Used to build a classloader for
   * that application. Hidden so that it isn't exposed when the user application is published.
  val DocsApplication = config("docs").hide

  // Regex to match Java System Properties of the format -Dfoo=bar
  private val SystemProperty = "-D([^=]+)=(.*)".r

   * Take all the options in javaOptions of the format "-Dfoo=bar" and return them as a Seq of key value pairs of the format ("foo" -> "bar")
  private def extractSystemProperties(javaOptions: Seq[String]): Seq[(String, String)] = {
    javaOptions.collect { case SystemProperty(key, value) => key -> value }

  private def parsePort(portString: String): Int = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: NumberFormatException => sys.error("Invalid port argument: " + portString)

  private def filterArgs(args: Seq[String], defaultHttpPort: Int): (Seq[(String, String)], Option[Int], Option[Int]) = {
    val (properties, others) = args.span(_.startsWith("-D"))

    val javaProperties ='=')).map(a => a(0) -> a(1)).toSeq

    // collect arguments plus config file property if present
    val httpPort = Option(System.getProperty("http.port"))
    val httpsPort = Option(System.getProperty("https.port"))

    //port can be defined as a numeric argument or as disabled, -Dhttp.port argument or a generic sys property
    val maybePort = others.headOption.orElse(javaProperties.toMap.get("http.port")).orElse(httpPort)
    val maybeHttpsPort = javaProperties.toMap.get("https.port").orElse(httpsPort).map(parsePort)
    if (maybePort.exists(_ == "disabled")) (javaProperties, Option.empty[Int], maybeHttpsPort)
    else (javaProperties,, maybeHttpsPort)

  val createURLClassLoader: ClassLoaderCreator = (name, urls, parent) => new, parent) {
    override def toString = name + "{" +", ") + "}"

  val createDelegatedResourcesClassLoader: ClassLoaderCreator = (name, urls, parent) => new, parent) {
    require(parent ne null)
    override def getResources(name: String): java.util.Enumeration[] = getParent.getResources(name)
    override def toString = name + "{" +", ") + "}"

  val playDefaultRunTask = playRunTask(playRunHooks, playDependencyClasspath, playDependencyClassLoader,
    playReloaderClasspath, playReloaderClassLoader, playAssetsClassLoader)

   * This method is public API, used by sbt-echo, which is used by Activator:
   * Do not change its signature without first consulting the Activator team.  Do not change its signature in a minor
   * release.
  def playRunTask(runHooks: TaskKey[Seq[play.PlayRunHook]],
    dependencyClasspath: TaskKey[Classpath], dependencyClassLoader: TaskKey[ClassLoaderCreator],
    reloaderClasspath: TaskKey[Classpath], reloaderClassLoader: TaskKey[ClassLoaderCreator],
    assetsClassLoader: TaskKey[ClassLoader => ClassLoader]): Def.Initialize[InputTask[Unit]] = Def.inputTask {

    val args = Def.spaceDelimited().parsed

    val state = Keys.state.value
    val interaction = playInteractionMode.value

    lazy val devModeServer = startDevMode(
      (javaOptions in Runtime).value,
      (target in LocalRootProject).value,
      (managedClasspath in DocsApplication).value,

    interaction match {
      case nonBlocking: PlayNonBlockingInteractionMode =>
      case blocking =>

        println("(Server started, use Ctrl+D to stop and go back to the console...)"))

        // If we have both Watched.Configuration and Watched.ContinuousState
        // attributes and if Watched.ContinuousState.count is 1 then we assume
        // we're in ~ run mode
        val maybeContinuous = for {
          watched <- state.get(Watched.Configuration)
          watchState <- state.get(Watched.ContinuousState)
          if watchState.count == 1
        } yield watched

        maybeContinuous match {
          case Some(watched) =>
            // ~ run mode
            interaction doWithoutEcho {
              twiddleRunMonitor(watched, state, devModeServer.buildLink, Some(WatchState.empty))
          case None =>
            // run mode


   * Monitor changes in ~run mode.
  private def twiddleRunMonitor(watched: Watched, state: State, reloader: BuildLink, ws: Option[WatchState] = None): Unit = {
    val ContinuousState = AttributeKey[WatchState]("watch state", "Internal: tracks state for continuous execution.")
    def isEOF(c: Int): Boolean = c == 4

    @tailrec def shouldTerminate: Boolean = ( > 0) && (isEOF( || shouldTerminate)

    val sourcesFinder = PathFinder { watched watchPaths state }
    val watchState = ws.getOrElse(state get ContinuousState getOrElse WatchState.empty)

    val (triggered, newWatchState, newState) =
      try {
        val (triggered, newWatchState) =, watched.pollInterval, watchState)(shouldTerminate)
        (triggered, newWatchState, state)
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
          val log = state.log
          log.error("Error occurred obtaining files to watch.  Terminating continuous execution...")
          (false, watchState,

    if (triggered) {
      //Then launch compile
      Project.synchronized {
        val start = System.currentTimeMillis
        Project.runTask(compile in Compile, newState) { _ =>
          val duration = System.currentTimeMillis - start
          val formatted = duration match {
            case ms if ms < 1000 => ms + "ms"
            case seconds => (seconds / 1000) + "s"
          println("[" +"success") + "] Compiled in " + formatted)

      // Avoid launching too much compilation

      // Call back myself
      twiddleRunMonitor(watched, newState, reloader, Some(newWatchState))
    } else {

   * Play dev server
  private trait PlayDevServer extends Closeable {
    val buildLink: BuildLink

   * Start the Play server in dev mode
   * @return A closeable that can be closed to stop the server
  private def startDevMode(state: State, runHooks: Seq[play.PlayRunHook], javaOptions: Seq[String],
    dependencyClasspath: Classpath, dependencyClassLoader: ClassLoaderCreator,
    reloaderClasspathTask: TaskKey[Classpath], reloaderClassLoader: ClassLoaderCreator,
    assetsClassLoader: ClassLoader => ClassLoader, commonClassLoader: ClassLoader,
    monitoredFiles: Seq[String], targetDirectory: File,
    docsClasspath: Classpath, interaction: PlayInteractionMode, defaultHttpPort: Int,
    args: Seq[String]): PlayDevServer = {

    val (properties, httpPort, httpsPort) = filterArgs(args, defaultHttpPort = defaultHttpPort)
    val systemProperties = extractSystemProperties(javaOptions)

    require(httpPort.isDefined || httpsPort.isDefined, "You have to specify https.port when http.port is disabled")

    // Set Java properties
    (properties ++ systemProperties).foreach {
      case (key, value) => System.setProperty(key, value)


     * We need to do a bit of classloader magic to run the Play application.
     * There are seven classloaders:
     * 1. buildLoader, the classloader of sbt and the Play sbt plugin.
     * 2. commonLoader, a classloader that persists across calls to run.
     *    This classloader is stored inside the
     *    PlayInternalKeys.playCommonClassloader task. This classloader will
     *    load the classes for the H2 database if it finds them in the user's
     *    classpath. This allows H2's in-memory database state to survive across
     *    calls to run.
     * 3. delegatingLoader, a special classloader that overrides class loading
     *    to delegate shared classes for build link to the buildLoader, and accesses
     *    the reloader.currentApplicationClassLoader for resource loading to
     *    make user resources available to dependency classes.
     *    Has the commonLoader as its parent.
     * 4. applicationLoader, contains the application dependencies. Has the
     *    delegatingLoader as its parent. Classes from the commonLoader and
     *    the delegatingLoader are checked for loading first.
     * 5. docsLoader, the classloader for the special play-docs application
     *    that is used to serve documentation when running in development mode.
     *    Has the applicationLoader as its parent for Play dependencies and
     *    delegation to the shared sbt doc link classes.
     * 6. playAssetsClassLoader, serves assets from all projects, prefixed as
     *    configured.  It does no caching, and doesn't need to be reloaded each
     *    time the assets are rebuilt.
     * 7. reloader.currentApplicationClassLoader, contains the user classes
     *    and resources. Has applicationLoader as its parent, where the
     *    application dependencies are found, and which will delegate through
     *    to the buildLoader via the delegatingLoader for the shared link.
     *    Resources are actually loaded by the delegatingLoader, where they
     *    are available to both the reloader and the applicationLoader.
     *    This classloader is recreated on reload. See PlayReloader.
     * Someone working on this code in the future might want to tidy things up
     * by splitting some of the custom logic out of the URLClassLoaders and into
     * their own simpler ClassLoader implementations. The curious cycle between
     * applicationLoader and reloader.currentApplicationClassLoader could also
     * use some attention.

    // Get the URLs for the resources in a classpath
    def urls(cp: Classpath): Array[URL] =

    val buildLoader = this.getClass.getClassLoader

     * ClassLoader that delegates loading of shared build link classes to the
     * buildLoader. Also accesses the reloader resources to make these available
     * to the applicationLoader, creating a full circle for resource loading.
    lazy val delegatingLoader: ClassLoader = new DelegatingClassLoader(commonClassLoader, buildLoader, new ApplicationClassLoaderProvider {
      def get: ClassLoader = { reloader.getClassLoader.orNull }

    lazy val applicationLoader = dependencyClassLoader("PlayDependencyClassLoader", urls(dependencyClasspath), delegatingLoader)
    lazy val assetsLoader = assetsClassLoader(applicationLoader)

    lazy val reloader = newReloader(state, playReload, reloaderClassLoader, reloaderClasspathTask, assetsLoader,
      monitoredFiles, targetDirectory)

    try {
      // Now we're about to start, let's call the hooks:

      // Get a handler for the documentation. The documentation content lives in play/docs/content
      // within the play-docs JAR.
      val docsLoader = new URLClassLoader(urls(docsClasspath), applicationLoader)
      val docsJarFile = {
        val f ="play-docs")).head
        new JarFile(f)
      val buildDocHandler = {
        val docHandlerFactoryClass = docsLoader.loadClass("")
        val factoryMethod = docHandlerFactoryClass.getMethod("fromJar", classOf[JarFile], classOf[String])
        factoryMethod.invoke(null, docsJarFile, "play/docs/content").asInstanceOf[BuildDocHandler]

      val server = {
        val mainClass = applicationLoader.loadClass("play.core.server.NettyServer")
        if (httpPort.isDefined) {
          val mainDev = mainClass.getMethod("mainDevHttpMode", classOf[BuildLink], classOf[BuildDocHandler], classOf[Int])
          mainDev.invoke(null, reloader, buildDocHandler, httpPort.get: java.lang.Integer).asInstanceOf[play.core.server.ServerWithStop]
        } else {
          val mainDev = mainClass.getMethod("mainDevOnlyHttpsMode", classOf[BuildLink], classOf[BuildDocHandler], classOf[Int])
          mainDev.invoke(null, reloader, buildDocHandler, httpsPort.get: java.lang.Integer).asInstanceOf[play.core.server.ServerWithStop]

      // Notify hooks

      new PlayDevServer {
        val buildLink = reloader

        def close() = {

          // Notify hooks

          // Remove Java properties
          properties.foreach {
            case (key, _) => System.clearProperty(key)
    } catch {
      case e: Throwable =>
        // Let hooks clean up
        runHooks.foreach { hook =>
          try {
          } catch {
            case e: Throwable => // Swallow any exceptions so that all `onError`s get called.
        throw e

  val playPrefixAndAssetsSetting = playPrefixAndAssets := {
    assetsPrefix.value -> (WebKeys.public in Assets).value

  val playAllAssetsSetting = playAllAssets := {
    (playPrefixAndAssets ?).all(ScopeFilter(

  val playAssetsClassLoaderSetting = playAssetsClassLoader := { parent =>
    new AssetsClassLoader(parent, playAllAssets.value)

  val playPrefixAndPipelineSetting = playPrefixAndPipeline := {
    assetsPrefix.value -> (WebKeys.pipeline in Assets).value

  val playPackageAssetsMappingsSetting = playPackageAssetsMappings := {
    val allPipelines = (playPrefixAndPipeline ?).all(ScopeFilter(

    val allMappings = allPipelines.flatMap {
      case (prefix, pipeline) => {
        case (file, path) => file -> (prefix + path)
    SbtWeb.deduplicateMappings(allMappings, Seq(_.headOption))

  val playStartCommand = Command.args("start", "<port>") { (state: State, args: Seq[String]) =>

    val extracted = Project.extract(state)

    val interaction = extracted.get(playInteractionMode)
    // Parse HTTP port argument
    val (properties, httpPort, httpsPort) = filterArgs(args, defaultHttpPort = extracted.get(playDefaultPort))
    require(httpPort.isDefined || httpsPort.isDefined, "You have to specify https.port when http.port is disabled")

    Project.runTask(stage, state).get._2.toEither match {
      case Left(_) =>
        println("Cannot start with errors.")
      case Right(_) =>
        val stagingBin = Some(extracted.get(stagingDirectory in Universal) / "bin" / extracted.get(normalizedName in Universal)).map {
          f =>
            if (System.getProperty("").toLowerCase.contains("win")) f.getAbsolutePath + ".bat" else f.getAbsolutePath
        val javaProductionOptions = Project.runTask(javaOptions in Production, state).get._2.toEither.right.getOrElse(Seq[String]())

        // Note that I'm unable to pass system properties along with properties... if I do then I receive:
        //  java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException: "UTF-8"
        // Things are working without passing system properties, and I'm unsure that they need to be passed explicitly. If def main(args: Array[String]){
        // problem occurs in this area then at least we know what to look at.
        val args = Seq(stagingBin) ++
            case (key, value) => s"-D$key=$value"
          } ++
          javaProductionOptions ++
          Seq("-Dhttp.port=" + httpPort.getOrElse("disabled"))
        val builder = new java.lang.ProcessBuilder(args.asJava)
        new Thread {
          override def run() {
            System.exit(Process(builder) !)

            |(Starting server. Type Ctrl+D to exit logs, the server will remain in background)
            | """.stripMargin))



        state.copy(remainingCommands = Seq.empty)



Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework PlayRun.scala source code file:

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