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Scala example source code file (InternalActor.scala)

This example Scala source code file (InternalActor.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

abstractactor, actor, actorref, any, anyref, none, nothing, outputchannel, partialfunction, r, unit, utilities

The InternalActor.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2005-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */
package scala.actors
import java.util.TimerTask
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable

private[actors] object InternalActor {
  private[actors] trait Body[a] {
    def andThen[b](other: => b): Unit

private[actors] trait InternalActor extends AbstractActor with InternalReplyReactor with ActorCanReply with InputChannel[Any] with Serializable {

  /* The following two fields are only used when the actor
   * suspends by blocking its underlying thread, for example,
   * when waiting in a receive or synchronous send.
  private[actors] var isSuspended = false

  /* This field is used to communicate the received message from
   * the invocation of send to the place where the thread of
   * the receiving actor resumes inside receive/receiveWithin.
  private var received: Option[Any] = None

  protected[actors] override def scheduler: IScheduler = Scheduler

  private[actors] override def startSearch(msg: Any, replyTo: OutputChannel[Any], handler: PartialFunction[Any, Any]) =
    if (isSuspended) {
      () =>
        synchronized {
          mailbox.append(msg, replyTo)
    } else super.startSearch(msg, replyTo, handler)

  // we override this method to check `shouldExit` before suspending
  private[actors] override def searchMailbox(startMbox: MQueue[Any],
    handler: PartialFunction[Any, Any],
    resumeOnSameThread: Boolean) {
    var tmpMbox = startMbox
    var done = false
    while (!done) {
      val qel = tmpMbox.extractFirst((msg: Any, replyTo: OutputChannel[Any]) => {
        senders = List(replyTo)
      if (tmpMbox ne mailbox)
        tmpMbox.foreach((m, s) => mailbox.append(m, s))
      if (null eq qel) {
        synchronized {
          // in mean time new stuff might have arrived
          if (!sendBuffer.isEmpty) {
            tmpMbox = new MQueue[Any]("Temp")
            // keep going
          } else {
            // very important to check for `shouldExit` at this point
            // since linked actors might have set it after we checked
            // last time (e.g., at the beginning of `react`)
            if (shouldExit) exit()
            waitingFor = handler
            // see Reactor.searchMailbox
            throw Actor.suspendException
      } else {
        resumeReceiver((qel.msg, qel.session), handler, resumeOnSameThread)
        done = true

  private[actors] override def makeReaction(fun: () => Unit, handler: PartialFunction[Any, Any], msg: Any): Runnable =
    new ActorTask(this, fun, handler, msg)

  /** See the companion object's `receive` method. */
  def receive[R](f: PartialFunction[Any, R]): R = {
    assert(Actor.self(scheduler) == this, "receive from channel belonging to other actor")

    synchronized {
      if (shouldExit) exit() // links

    var done = false
    while (!done) {
      val qel = mailbox.extractFirst((m: Any, replyTo: OutputChannel[Any]) => {
        senders = replyTo :: senders
        val matches = f.isDefinedAt(m)
        senders = senders.tail
      if (null eq qel) {
        synchronized {
          // in mean time new stuff might have arrived
          if (!sendBuffer.isEmpty) {
            // keep going
          } else {
            waitingFor = f
            isSuspended = true
            // keep going
      } else {
        received = Some(qel.msg)
        senders = qel.session :: senders
        done = true

    val result = f(received.get)
    received = None
    senders = senders.tail

  /** See the companion object's `receiveWithin` method. */
  def receiveWithin[R](msec: Long)(f: PartialFunction[Any, R]): R = {
    assert(Actor.self(scheduler) == this, "receive from channel belonging to other actor")

    synchronized {
      if (shouldExit) exit() // links

    // first, remove spurious TIMEOUT message from mailbox if any
    mailbox.extractFirst((m: Any, replyTo: OutputChannel[Any]) => m == TIMEOUT)

    val receiveTimeout = () => {
      if (f.isDefinedAt(TIMEOUT)) {
        received = Some(TIMEOUT)
        senders = this :: senders
      } else
        sys.error("unhandled timeout")

    var done = false
    while (!done) {
      val qel = mailbox.extractFirst((m: Any, replyTo: OutputChannel[Any]) => {
        senders = replyTo :: senders
        val matches = f.isDefinedAt(m)
        senders = senders.tail
      if (null eq qel) {
        val todo = synchronized {
          // in mean time new stuff might have arrived
          if (!sendBuffer.isEmpty) {
            // keep going
            () => {}
          } else if (msec == 0L) {
            done = true
          } else {
            if (onTimeout.isEmpty) {
              if (!f.isDefinedAt(TIMEOUT))
                sys.error("unhandled timeout")

              val thisActor = this
              onTimeout = Some(new TimerTask {
                def run() {
                  thisActor.send(TIMEOUT, thisActor)
              Actor.timer.schedule(onTimeout.get, msec)

            // It is possible that !onTimeout.isEmpty, but TIMEOUT is not yet in mailbox
            // See SI-4759
            waitingFor = f
            received = None
            isSuspended = true
            // keep going
            () => {}
      } else {
        synchronized {
          if (!onTimeout.isEmpty) {
            onTimeout = None
        received = Some(qel.msg)
        senders = qel.session :: senders
        done = true

    val result = f(received.get)
    received = None
    senders = senders.tail

  /** See the companion object's `react` method. */
  override def react(handler: PartialFunction[Any, Unit]): Nothing = {
    synchronized {
      if (shouldExit) exit()

  /** See the companion object's `reactWithin` method. */
  override def reactWithin(msec: Long)(handler: PartialFunction[Any, Unit]): Nothing = {
    synchronized {
      if (shouldExit) exit()

  /** Receives the next message from the mailbox */
  def ? : Any = receive {
    case x => x

  // guarded by lock of this
  // never throws SuspendActorControl
  private[actors] override def scheduleActor(f: PartialFunction[Any, Any], msg: Any) =
    if (f eq null) {
      // do nothing (timeout is handled instead)
    } else {
      val task = new ActorTask(this, null, f, msg)
      scheduler executeFromActor task

  /* Used for notifying scheduler when blocking inside receive/receiveWithin. */
  private object blocker extends scala.concurrent.ManagedBlocker {
    def block() = {
    def isReleasable =

  private def suspendActor() = synchronized {
    while (isSuspended) {
      try {
      } catch {
        case _: InterruptedException =>
    // links: check if we should exit
    if (shouldExit) exit()

  private def resumeActor() {
    isSuspended = false

  private[actors] override def exiting = synchronized {
    _state == Actor.State.Terminated

  // guarded by this
  private[actors] override def dostart() {
    // Reset various flags.
    // Note that we do *not* reset `trapExit`. The reason is that
    // users should be able to set the field in the constructor
    // and before `act` is called.
    exitReason = 'normal
    shouldExit = false


  override def start(): InternalActor = synchronized {

  /** State of this actor */
  override def getState: Actor.State.Value = synchronized {
    if (isSuspended) {
      if (onTimeout.isEmpty)
    } else

  // guarded by this
  private[actors] var links: List[AbstractActor] = Nil

   * Links <code>self</code> to actor <code>to</code>.
   * @param to the actor to link to
   * @return   the parameter actor
  def link(to: AbstractActor): AbstractActor = {
    assert(Actor.self(scheduler) == this, "link called on actor different from self")
    this linkTo to
    to linkTo this

   * Links <code>self</code> to actor <code>to</code>.
   * @param to the actor to link to
   * @return   the parameter actor
  def link(to: ActorRef): ActorRef = {

   *  Unidirectional linking. For migration purposes only
  private[actors] def watch(subject: ActorRef): ActorRef = {
    assert(Actor.self(scheduler) == this, "link called on actor different from self")
    subject.localActor linkTo this

   *  Unidirectional linking. For migration purposes only
  private[actors] def unwatch(subject: ActorRef): ActorRef = {
    assert(Actor.self(scheduler) == this, "link called on actor different from self")
    subject.localActor unlinkFrom this

   * Links <code>self</code> to the actor defined by <code>body</code>.
   * @param body the body of the actor to link to
   * @return     the parameter actor
  def link(body: => Unit): Actor = {
    assert(Actor.self(scheduler) == this, "link called on actor different from self")
    val a = new Actor {
      def act() = body
      override final val scheduler: IScheduler = InternalActor.this.scheduler

  private[actors] def linkTo(to: AbstractActor) = synchronized {
    links = to :: links

   * Unlinks <code>self</code> from actor <code>from</code>.
  def unlink(from: AbstractActor) {
    assert(Actor.self(scheduler) == this, "unlink called on actor different from self")
    this unlinkFrom from
    from unlinkFrom this

   * Unlinks <code>self</code> from actor <code>from</code>.
  def unlink(from: ActorRef) {

  private[actors] def unlinkFrom(from: AbstractActor) = synchronized {
    links = links.filterNot(from.==)

  private[actors] var _trapExit = false

  def trapExit = _trapExit

  def trapExit_=(value: Boolean) = _trapExit = value

  // guarded by this
  private var exitReason: AnyRef = 'normal
  // guarded by this
  private[actors] var shouldExit = false

   * <p>
   *   Terminates execution of <code>self</code> with the following
   *   effect on linked actors:
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *   For each linked actor <code>a</code> with
   *   <code>trapExit</code> set to <code>true</code>, send message
   *   <code>Exit(self, reason)</code> to <code>a</code>.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *   For each linked actor <code>a</code> with
   *   <code>trapExit</code> set to <code>false</code> (default),
   *   call <code>a.exit(reason)</code> if
   *   <code>reason != 'normal</code>.
   * </p>
  protected[actors] def exit(reason: AnyRef): Nothing = {
    synchronized {
      exitReason = reason

   * Terminates with exit reason <code>'normal</code>.
  protected[actors] override def exit(): Nothing = {
    val todo = synchronized {
      if (!links.isEmpty)
        () => {}

  // Assume !links.isEmpty
  // guarded by this
  private[actors] def exitLinked(): () => Unit = {
    _state = Actor.State.Terminated
    // reset waitingFor, otherwise getState returns Suspended
    waitingFor = Reactor.waitingForNone
    // remove this from links
    val mylinks = links.filterNot(this.==)
    // unlink actors
    // return closure that locks linked actors
    () => {
      mylinks.foreach((linked: AbstractActor) => {
        linked.synchronized {
          if (!linked.exiting) {
            linked.exit(this, exitReason)

  // Assume !links.isEmpty
  // guarded by this
  private[actors] def exitLinked(reason: AnyRef): () => Unit = {
    exitReason = reason

  // Assume !this.exiting
  private[actors] def exit(from: AbstractActor, reason: AnyRef) {
    if (trapExit) {
      this ! Exit(from, reason)
    } else if (reason != 'normal)

  /* Requires qualified private, because <code>RemoteActor</code> must
   * register a termination handler.
  private[actors] def onTerminate(f: => Unit) {
    scheduler.onTerminate(this) { f }

  private[actors] def stop(reason: AnyRef): Unit = {
    synchronized {
      shouldExit = true
      exitReason = reason
      // resume this Actor in a way that
      // causes it to exit
      // (because shouldExit == true)
      if (isSuspended)
      else if (waitingFor ne Reactor.waitingForNone) {
        waitingFor = Reactor.waitingForNone
        // it doesn't matter what partial function we are passing here
        val task = new ActorTask(this, null, waitingFor, null)
        scheduler execute task
        /* Here we should not throw a SuspendActorControl,
           since the current method is called from an actor that
           is in the process of exiting.

           Therefore, the contract for scheduleActor is that
           it never throws a SuspendActorControl.

 *    Used as the timeout pattern in
 *    <a href="Actor.html#receiveWithin(Long)" target="contentFrame">
 *    <code>receiveWithin</code></a> and
 *    <a href="Actor.html#reactWithin(Long)" target="contentFrame">
 *    <code>reactWithin</code></a>.
 * @example {{{
 *    receiveWithin(500) {
 *      case (x, y) => ...
 *      case TIMEOUT => ...
 *    }
 * }}}
 *  @author Philipp Haller
@deprecated("Use the package instead. For migration from the scala.actors package refer to the Actors Migration Guide.", "2.11.0")
case object TIMEOUT

 * Sent to an actor
 *  with `trapExit` set to `true` whenever one of its linked actors
 *  terminates.
 *  @param from   the actor that terminated
 *  @param reason the reason that caused the actor to terminate
@deprecated("Use the package instead. For migration from the scala.actors package refer to the Actors Migration Guide.", "2.11.0")
case class Exit(from: AbstractActor, reason: AnyRef)

 * Manages control flow of actor executions.
 * @author Philipp Haller
private[actors] class SuspendActorControl extends ControlThrowable

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala InternalActor.scala source code file:

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