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Scala example source code file (BasicBlocks.scala)

This example Scala source code file (BasicBlocks.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

array, basicblock, boolean, collection, compiler, dirtypreds, instruction, int, list, nil, nsc, position, string

The BasicBlocks.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package backend
package icode

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import mutable.ListBuffer
import backend.icode.analysis.ProgramPoint
import scala.language.postfixOps

trait BasicBlocks {
  self: ICodes =>

  import opcodes._
  import global._

  /** Override Array creation for efficiency (to not go through reflection). */
  private implicit val instructionTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag[Instruction] = new scala.reflect.ClassTag[Instruction] {
    def runtimeClass: java.lang.Class[Instruction] = classOf[Instruction]
    final override def newArray(len: Int): Array[Instruction] = new Array[Instruction](len)

  object NoBasicBlock extends BasicBlock(-1, null)

  /** This class represents a basic block. Each
   *  basic block contains a list of instructions that are
   *  either executed all, or none. No jumps
   *  to/from the "middle" of the basic block are allowed (modulo exceptions).
  class BasicBlock(val label: Int, val method: IMethod) extends ProgramPoint[BasicBlock] {
    outer =>

    import BBFlags._

    def code = if (method eq null) NoCode else method.code

    private final class SuccessorList() {
      private var successors: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
      /** This method is very hot! Handle with care. */
      private def updateConserve() {
        var lb: ListBuffer[BasicBlock]              = null
        var matches                                 = 0
        var remaining                               = successors
        val direct                                  = directSuccessors
        var scratchHandlers: List[ExceptionHandler] = method.exh
        var scratchBlocks: List[BasicBlock]         = direct

        def addBlock(bb: BasicBlock) {
          if (matches < 0)
            lb += bb
          else if (remaining.isEmpty || bb != remaining.head) {
            lb = ListBuffer[BasicBlock]() ++= (successors take matches) += bb
            matches = -1
          else {
            matches += 1
            remaining = remaining.tail

        while (scratchBlocks ne Nil) {
          scratchBlocks = scratchBlocks.tail
        /* Return a list of successors for 'b' that come from exception handlers
         * covering b's (non-exceptional) successors. These exception handlers
         * might not cover 'b' itself. This situation corresponds to an
         * exception being thrown as the first thing of one of b's successors.
        while (scratchHandlers ne Nil) {
          val handler = scratchHandlers.head
          if (handler covers outer)

          scratchBlocks = direct
          while (scratchBlocks ne Nil) {
            if (handler covers scratchBlocks.head)
            scratchBlocks = scratchBlocks.tail
          scratchHandlers = scratchHandlers.tail
        // Blocks did not align: create a new list.
        if (matches < 0)
          successors = lb.toList
        // Blocks aligned, but more blocks remain.  Take a prefix of the list.
        else if (remaining.nonEmpty)
          successors = successors take matches
        // Otherwise the list is unchanged, leave it alone.

      /** This is called millions of times: it is performance sensitive. */
      def updateSuccs() {
        if (isEmpty) {
          if (successors.nonEmpty)
            successors = Nil
        else updateConserve()
      def toList = successors

    /** Flags of this basic block. */
    private[this] var flags: Int = 0

    /** Does this block have the given flag? */
    def hasFlag(flag: Int): Boolean = (flags & flag) != 0

    /** Set the given flag. */
    private def setFlag(flag: Int): Unit = flags |= flag
    private def resetFlag(flag: Int) {
      flags &= ~flag

    /** Is this block closed? */
    def closed: Boolean = hasFlag(CLOSED)
    def closed_=(b: Boolean) = if (b) setFlag(CLOSED) else resetFlag(CLOSED)

    /** When set, the `emit` methods will be ignored. */
    def ignore: Boolean = hasFlag(IGNORING)
    def ignore_=(b: Boolean) = if (b) setFlag(IGNORING) else resetFlag(IGNORING)

    /** Is this block the head of a while? */
    def loopHeader = hasFlag(LOOP_HEADER)
    def loopHeader_=(b: Boolean) =
      if (b) setFlag(LOOP_HEADER) else resetFlag(LOOP_HEADER)

    /** Is this block the start block of an exception handler? */
    def exceptionHandlerStart = hasFlag(EX_HEADER)
    def exceptionHandlerStart_=(b: Boolean) =
      if (b) setFlag(EX_HEADER) else resetFlag(EX_HEADER)

    /** Has this basic block been modified since the last call to 'successors'? */
    def touched = hasFlag(DIRTYSUCCS)
    def touched_=(b: Boolean) = if (b) {
    } else {

    // basic blocks start in a dirty state

    /** Cached predecessors. */
    var preds: List[BasicBlock] = Nil

    /** Local variables that are in scope at entry of this basic block. Used
     *  for debugging information.
    val varsInScope: mutable.Set[Local] = new mutable.LinkedHashSet()

    /** ICode instructions, used as temporary storage while emitting code.
     * Once closed is called, only the `instrs` array should be used.
    private var instructionList: List[Instruction] = Nil
    private var instrs: Array[Instruction] = _

    def take(n: Int): Seq[Instruction] =
      if (closed) instrs take n else instructionList takeRight n reverse

    def toList: List[Instruction] =
      if (closed) instrs.toList else instructionList.reverse

    /** Return an iterator over the instructions in this basic block. */
    def iterator: Iterator[Instruction] =
      if (closed) instrs.iterator else instructionList.reverseIterator

    /** return the underlying array of instructions */
    def getArray: Array[Instruction] = {
      assert(closed, this)

    def fromList(is: List[Instruction]) {
      code.touched = true
      instrs = is.toArray
      closed = true

    /** Return the index of inst. Uses reference equality.
     *  Returns -1 if not found.
    def indexOf(inst: Instruction): Int = {
      assert(closed, this)
      instrs indexWhere (_ eq inst)

    /** Apply a function to all the instructions of the block. */
    final def foreach[U](f: Instruction => U) = {
      if (!closed) dumpMethodAndAbort(method, this)
      else instrs foreach f

      // !!! If I replace "instrs foreach f" with the following:
      // var i = 0
      // val len = instrs.length
      // while (i < len) {
      //   f(instrs(i))
      //   i += 1
      // }
      // Then when compiling under -optimise, quick.plugins fails as follows:
      // quick.plugins:
      //     [mkdir] Created dir: /scratch/trunk6/build/quick/classes/continuations-plugin
      // [scalacfork] Compiling 5 files to /scratch/trunk6/build/quick/classes/continuations-plugin
      // [scalacfork] error: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits$ImplicitSearch, method: typedImplicit0 signature: (Lscala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits$ImplicitInfo;Z)Lscala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits$SearchResult;) Incompatible object argument for function call
      // [scalacfork]   at$class.inferImplicit(Implicits.scala:67)
      // [scalacfork]   at$$anon$1.inferImplicit(Global.scala:419)
      // [scalacfork]   at$Typer.wrapImplicit$1(Typers.scala:170)
      // [scalacfork]   at$Typer.inferView(Typers.scala:174)
      // [scalacfork]   at$Typer.adapt(Typers.scala:963)
      // [scalacfork]   at$Typer.typed(Typers.scala:4378)
      // This is bad and should be understood/eliminated.

    /** The number of instructions in this basic block so far. */
    def length = if (closed) instrs.length else instructionList.length
    def size = length

    /** Return the n-th instruction. */
    def apply(n: Int): Instruction =
      if (closed) instrs(n) else instructionList.reverse(n)

    ///////////////////// Substitutions ///////////////////////

     * Replace the instruction at the given position. Used by labels when they are anchored.
     * The replacing instruction is given the nsc.util.Position of the instruction it replaces.
    def replaceInstruction(pos: Int, instr: Instruction): Boolean = {
      assert(closed, "Instructions can be replaced only after the basic block is closed")
      instrs(pos) = instr
      code.touched = true

     * Replace the given instruction with the new one.
     * Returns `true` if it actually changed something.
     * The replacing instruction is given the nsc.util.Position of the instruction it replaces.
    def replaceInstruction(oldInstr: Instruction, newInstr: Instruction): Boolean = {
      assert(closed, "Instructions can be replaced only after the basic block is closed")

      indexOf(oldInstr) match {
        case -1   => false
        case idx  =>
          newInstr setPos oldInstr.pos
          instrs(idx) = newInstr
          code.touched = true

    /** Replaces `oldInstr` with `is`. It does not update
     *  the position field in the newly inserted instructions, so it behaves
     *  differently than the one-instruction versions of this function.
    def replaceInstruction(oldInstr: Instruction, is: List[Instruction]): Boolean = {
      assert(closed, "Instructions can be replaced only after the basic block is closed")

      indexOf(oldInstr) match {
        case -1   => false
        case idx  =>
          instrs = instrs.patch(idx, is, 1)
          code.touched = true

    /** Removes instructions found at the given positions.
    def removeInstructionsAt(positions: Int*) {
      assert(closed, this)
      instrs = instrs.indices.toArray filterNot positions.toSet map instrs
      code.touched = true

    /** Remove the last instruction of this basic block. It is
     *  fast for an open block, but slower when the block is closed.
    def removeLastInstruction() {
      if (closed)
      else {
        instructionList = instructionList.tail
        code.touched = true

    /** Replaces all instructions found in the map.
    def subst(map: Map[Instruction, Instruction]): Unit =
      if (!closed)
        instructionList = instructionList map (x => map.getOrElse(x, x))
        instrs.zipWithIndex collect {
          case (oldInstr, i) if map contains oldInstr =>
            // SI-6288 clone important here because `replaceInstruction` assigns
            // a position to `newInstr`. Without this, a single instruction can
            // be added twice, and the position last position assigned clobbers
            // all previous positions in other usages.
            val newInstr = map(oldInstr).clone()
            code.touched |= replaceInstruction(i, newInstr)

    ////////////////////// Emit //////////////////////

    /** Add a new instruction at the end of the block,
     *  using the same source position as the last emitted instruction
    def emit(instr: Instruction) {
      val pos = if (instructionList.isEmpty) NoPosition else instructionList.head.pos
      emit(instr, pos)

    /** Emitting does not set touched to true. During code generation this is a hotspot and
     *  setting the flag for each emit is a waste. Caching should happen only after a block
     *  is closed, which sets the DIRTYSUCCS flag.
    def emit(instr: Instruction, pos: Position) {
      assert(!closed || ignore, this)

      if (ignore) {
        if (settings.debug) {
          /* Trying to pin down what it's likely to see after a block has been
           * put into ignore mode so we hear about it if there's a problem.
          instr match {
            case JUMP(_) | RETURN(_) | THROW(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_)                  => // ok
            case STORE_LOCAL(local) if nme.isExceptionResultName( => // ok
            case x                                                               => log("Ignoring instruction, possibly at our peril, at " + pos + ": " + x)
      else {
        instructionList ::= instr

    def emit(is: Seq[Instruction]) {
      is foreach (i => emit(i, i.pos))

    /** The semantics of this are a little odd but it's designed to work
     *  seamlessly with the existing code.  It emits each supplied instruction,
     *  then closes the block.  The odd part is that if the instruction has
     *  pos == NoPosition, it calls the 1-arg emit, but otherwise it calls
     *  the 2-arg emit.  This way I could retain existing behavior exactly by
     *  calling setPos on any instruction using the two arg version which
     *  I wanted to include in a call to emitOnly.
    def emitOnly(is: Instruction*) {
      is foreach (i => if (i.pos == NoPosition) emit(i) else emit(i, i.pos))

    /** do nothing if block is already closed */
    def closeWith(instr: Instruction) {
      if (!closed) {

    def closeWith(instr: Instruction, pos: Position) {
      if (!closed) {
        emit(instr, pos)

    /** Close the block */
    def close() {
      assert(!closed || ignore, this)
      if (ignore && closed) { // redundant `ignore &&` for clarity -- we should never be in state `!ignore && closed`
        // not doing anything to this block is important...
        // because the else branch reverses innocent blocks, which is wrong when they're in ignore mode (and closed)
        // reversing the instructions when (closed && ignore) wreaks havoc for nested label jumps (see comments in genLoad)
      } else {
        closed = true
        instructionList = instructionList.reverse
        instrs = instructionList.toArray
        if (instructionList.isEmpty) {
          debuglog(s"Removing empty block $this")
          code removeBlock this

     * if cond is true, closes this block, entersIgnoreMode, and removes the block from
     * its list of blocks. Used to allow a block to be started and then cancelled when it
     * is discovered to be unreachable.
    def killIf(cond: Boolean) {
      if (!settings.YdisableUnreachablePrevention && cond) {
        debuglog(s"Killing block $this")
        assert(instructionList.isEmpty, s"Killing a non empty block $this")
        // only checked under debug because fetching predecessor list is moderately expensive
        if (settings.debug)
          assert(predecessors.isEmpty, s"Killing block $this which is referred to from ${predecessors.mkString}")


     * Same as killIf but with the logic of the condition reversed
    def killUnless(cond: Boolean) {
      this killIf !cond

    def open() {
      assert(closed, this)
      closed = false
      ignore = false
      touched = true
      instructionList = instructionList.reverse  // prepare for appending to the head

    def clear() {
      instructionList = Nil
      instrs = null
      preds  = Nil

    final def isEmpty = instructionList.isEmpty
    final def nonEmpty = !isEmpty

    /** Enter ignore mode: new 'emit'ted instructions will not be
     *  added to this basic block. It makes the generation of THROW
     *  and RETURNs easier.
    def enterIgnoreMode() = {
      ignore = true

    /** Return the last instruction of this basic block. */
    def lastInstruction =
      if (closed) instrs(instrs.length - 1)
      else instructionList.head

    def exceptionSuccessors: List[BasicBlock] =

    def exceptionSuccessorsForBlock(block: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] =
      method.exh collect { case x if x covers block => x.startBlock }

    /** Cached value of successors. Must be recomputed whenever a block in the current method is changed. */
    private val succs = new SuccessorList

    def successors: List[BasicBlock] = {
      if (touched) {

    def directSuccessors: List[BasicBlock] =
      if (isEmpty) Nil else lastInstruction match {
        case JUMP(whereto)            => whereto :: Nil
        case CJUMP(succ, fail, _, _)  => fail :: succ :: Nil
        case CZJUMP(succ, fail, _, _) => fail :: succ :: Nil
        case SWITCH(_, labels)        => labels
        case RETURN(_)                => Nil
        case THROW(_)                 => Nil
        case _                        =>
          if (closed)
            devWarning(s"$lastInstruction/${lastInstruction.getClass.getName} is not a control flow instruction")


    /** Returns the predecessors of this block.     */
    def predecessors: List[BasicBlock] = {
      if (hasFlag(DIRTYPREDS)) {
        preds = code.blocks.iterator filter (_.successors contains this) toList

    override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
      case that: BasicBlock => (that.label == label) && (that.code == code)
      case _ => false

    override def hashCode = label * 41 + code.hashCode

    private def succString = if (successors.isEmpty) "[S: N/A]" else successors.distinct.mkString("[S: ", ", ", "]")
    private def predString = if (predecessors.isEmpty) "[P: N/A]" else predecessors.distinct.mkString("[P: ", ", ", "]")

    override def toString(): String = "" + label

    def blockContents = {
      def posStr(p: Position) = if (p.isDefined) p.line.toString else "<??>"
      val xs = this.toList map (instr => posStr(instr.pos) + "\t" + instr)
      xs.mkString(fullString + " {\n  ", "\n  ", "\n}")
    def predContents = + " preds:\n", "\n", "\n")
    def succContents = + " succs:\n", "\n", "\n")

    def fullString: String = List("Block", label, succString, predString, flagsString) mkString " "
    def flagsString: String = BBFlags.flagsToString(flags)

object BBFlags {
  /** This block is a loop header (was translated from a while). */
  final val LOOP_HEADER = (1 << 0)

  /** Ignoring mode: emit instructions are dropped. */
  final val IGNORING    = (1 << 1)

  /** This block is the header of an exception handler. */
  final val EX_HEADER   = (1 << 2)

  /** This block is closed. No new instructions can be added. */
  final val CLOSED      = (1 << 3)

  /** Code has been changed, recompute successors. */
  final val DIRTYSUCCS  = (1 << 4)

  /** Code has been changed, recompute predecessors. */
  final val DIRTYPREDS  = (1 << 5)

  val flagMap = Map[Int, String](
    LOOP_HEADER -> "loopheader",
    IGNORING    -> "ignore",
    EX_HEADER   -> "exheader",
    CLOSED      -> "closed",
    DIRTYSUCCS  -> "dirtysuccs",
    DIRTYPREDS  -> "dirtypreds"
  def flagsToString(flags: Int) = {
    flagMap collect { case (bit, name) if (bit & flags) != 0 => "<" + name + ">" } mkString " "

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala BasicBlocks.scala source code file:

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