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Scala example source code file (ReachingDefinitions.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ReachingDefinitions.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

basicblock, collection, compiler, elem, int, istate, list, listset, nil, nsc, reachingdefinitions, stack, stackpos

The ReachingDefinitions.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package backend.icode
package analysis

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import immutable.ListSet

/** Compute reaching definitions. We are only interested in reaching
 *  definitions for local variables, since values on the stack
 *  behave as-if in SSA form: the closest instruction which produces a value
 *  on the stack is a reaching definition.
abstract class ReachingDefinitions {
  val global: Global
  import global._
  import icodes._

  /** The lattice for reaching definitions. Elements are
   *  a triple (local variable, basic block, index of instruction of that basic block)
  object rdefLattice extends SemiLattice {
    type Definition = (Local, BasicBlock, Int)
    type Elem       = IState[ListSet[Definition], Stack]
    type StackPos   = ListSet[(BasicBlock, Int)]
    type Stack      = List[StackPos]

    private def referenceEqualSet(name: String) = new ListSet[Definition] with ReferenceEquality {
      override def toString = "<" + name + ">"

    val top: Elem    = IState(referenceEqualSet("top"), Nil)
    val bottom: Elem = IState(referenceEqualSet("bottom"), Nil)

    /** The least upper bound is set inclusion for locals, and pairwise set inclusion for stacks. */
    def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem = {
      if (bottom == a) b
      else if (bottom == b) a
      else IState(a.vars ++ b.vars,
        if (a.stack.isEmpty) b.stack
        else if (b.stack.isEmpty) a.stack
        else {
          // !!! These stacks are with some frequency not of the same size.
          // I can't reverse engineer the logic well enough to say whether this
          // indicates a problem.  Even if it doesn't indicate a problem,
          // it'd be nice not to call zip with mismatched sequences because
          // it makes it harder to spot the real problems.
          val result = (a.stack, b.stack).zipped map (_ ++ _)
          if (settings.debug && (a.stack.length != b.stack.length))
            devWarning(s"Mismatched stacks in ReachingDefinitions#lub2: ${a.stack}, ${b.stack}, returning $result")

  class ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis extends DataFlowAnalysis[rdefLattice.type] {
    type P = BasicBlock
    val lattice = rdefLattice
    import lattice.{ Definition, Stack, Elem, StackPos }
    var method: IMethod = _

    val gen      = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, ListSet[Definition]]()
    val kill     = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, ListSet[Local]]()
    val drops    = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Int]()
    val outStack = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Stack]()

    def init(m: IMethod) {
      this.method = m


      m foreachBlock { b =>
        val (g, k) = genAndKill(b)
        val (d, st) = dropsAndGen(b)

        gen  += (b -> g)
        kill += (b -> k)
        drops += (b -> d)
        outStack += (b -> st)

      init {
        m foreachBlock { b =>
          worklist += b
          in(b)  = lattice.bottom
          out(b) = lattice.bottom
        m.exh foreach { e =>
          in(e.startBlock) = lattice.IState(new ListSet[Definition], List(new StackPos))

    import opcodes._

    def genAndKill(b: BasicBlock): (ListSet[Definition], ListSet[Local]) = {
      var genSet  = ListSet[Definition]()
      var killSet = ListSet[Local]()
      for ((STORE_LOCAL(local), idx) <- b.toList.zipWithIndex) {
        killSet = killSet + local
        genSet  = updateReachingDefinition(b, idx, genSet)
      (genSet, killSet)

    private def dropsAndGen(b: BasicBlock): (Int, Stack) = {
      var depth, drops = 0
      var stackOut: Stack = Nil

      for ((instr, idx) <- b.toList.zipWithIndex) {
        instr match {
          case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_)            => ()
          case _ if instr.consumed > depth  =>
            drops += (instr.consumed - depth)
            depth = 0
            stackOut = Nil
          case _ =>
            stackOut = stackOut.drop(instr.consumed)
            depth -= instr.consumed
        var prod = instr.produced
        depth += prod
        while (prod > 0) {
          stackOut ::= ListSet((b, idx))
          prod -= 1
//      Console.println("drops(" + b + ") = " + drops)
//      Console.println("stackout(" + b + ") = " + stackOut)
      (drops, stackOut)

    override def run() {
      if (settings.debug) {
        linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
          assert(lattice.bottom != in(b),
            "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited? " + in(b)
                 + ": bot: " + lattice.bottom
                 + "\nin(b) == bottom: " + (in(b) == lattice.bottom)
                 + "\nbottom == in(b): " + (lattice.bottom == in(b))))

    import opcodes._
    import lattice.IState
    def updateReachingDefinition(b: BasicBlock, idx: Int, rd: ListSet[Definition]): ListSet[Definition] = {
      val STORE_LOCAL(local) = b(idx)
      val tmp = local
      (rd filter { case (l, _, _) => l != tmp }) + ((tmp, b, idx))

    private def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
      var locals: ListSet[Definition] = (in.vars filter { case (l, _, _) => !kill(b)(l) }) ++ gen(b)
      if (locals eq lattice.bottom.vars) locals = new ListSet[Definition]
      IState(locals, outStack(b) ::: in.stack.drop(drops(b)))

    /** Return the reaching definitions corresponding to the point after idx. */
    def interpret(b: BasicBlock, idx: Int, in: lattice.Elem): Elem = {
      var locals = in.vars
      var stack  = in.stack
      val instr  = b(idx)

      instr match {
        case STORE_LOCAL(l1) =>
          locals = updateReachingDefinition(b, idx, locals)
          stack = stack.drop(instr.consumed)
        case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
          stack = Nil
        case _ =>
          stack = stack.drop(instr.consumed)

      var prod = instr.produced
      while (prod > 0) {
        stack ::= ListSet((b, idx))
        prod -= 1

      IState(locals, stack)

    /** Return the instructions that produced the 'm' elements on the stack, below given 'depth'.
     *  for instance, findefs(bb, idx, 1, 1) returns the instructions that might have produced the
     *  value found below the topmost element of the stack.
    def findDefs(bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int, m: Int, depth: Int): List[(BasicBlock, Int)] = if (idx > 0) {
      assert(bb.closed, bb)

      val instrs = bb.getArray
      var res: List[(BasicBlock, Int)] = Nil
      var i = idx
      var n = m
      var d = depth
      // "I look for who produced the 'n' elements below the 'd' topmost slots of the stack"
      while (n > 0 && i > 0) {
        i -= 1
        val prod = instrs(i).produced
        if (prod > d) {
          res = (bb, i) :: res
          n   = n - (prod - d)
          instrs(i) match {
            case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_)  => ()
            case _                  => d = instrs(i).consumed
        } else {
          d -= prod
          d += instrs(i).consumed

      if (n > 0) {
        val stack =
        assert(stack.length >= n, "entry stack is too small, expected: " + n + " found: " + stack)
        stack.drop(d).take(n) foreach { defs =>
          res = defs.toList ::: res
    } else {
      val stack =
      assert(stack.length >= m, "entry stack is too small, expected: " + m + " found: " + stack)
      stack.drop(depth).take(m) flatMap (_.toList)

    /** Return the definitions that produced the topmost 'm' elements on the stack,
     *  and that reach the instruction at index 'idx' in basic block 'bb'.
    def findDefs(bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int, m: Int): List[(BasicBlock, Int)] =
      findDefs(bb, idx, m, 0)

    override def toString: String = {
      if (method eq null) "<null>"
      else method.code.blocks map { b =>
        "  entry(%s) = %s\n".format(b, in(b)) +
        "   exit(%s) = %s\n".format(b, out(b))
      } mkString ("ReachingDefinitions {\n", "\n", "\n}")

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ReachingDefinitions.scala source code file:

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