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Scala example source code file (BCodeGlue.scala)

This example Scala source code file (BCodeGlue.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, array, btype, byte, char, collection, double, float, int, methodnameandtype, short, string

The BCodeGlue.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend.jvm

import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }

 *  Immutable representations of bytecode-level types.
 *  @author  Miguel Garcia,
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class BCodeGlue extends SubComponent {

  import global._

  protected val bCodeICodeCommon: BCodeICodeCommon[global.type] = new BCodeICodeCommon(global)

  object BType {

    import global.chrs

    // ------------- sorts -------------

    val VOID   : Int =  0
    val BOOLEAN: Int =  1
    val CHAR   : Int =  2
    val BYTE   : Int =  3
    val SHORT  : Int =  4
    val INT    : Int =  5
    val FLOAT  : Int =  6
    val LONG   : Int =  7
    val DOUBLE : Int =  8
    val ARRAY  : Int =  9
    val OBJECT : Int = 10
    val METHOD : Int = 11

    // ------------- primitive types -------------

    val VOID_TYPE    = new BType(VOID,    ('V' << 24) | (5 << 16) | (0 << 8) | 0, 1)
    val BOOLEAN_TYPE = new BType(BOOLEAN, ('Z' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (5 << 8) | 1, 1)
    val CHAR_TYPE    = new BType(CHAR,    ('C' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (6 << 8) | 1, 1)
    val BYTE_TYPE    = new BType(BYTE,    ('B' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (5 << 8) | 1, 1)
    val SHORT_TYPE   = new BType(SHORT,   ('S' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (7 << 8) | 1, 1)
    val INT_TYPE     = new BType(INT,     ('I' << 24) | (0 << 16) | (0 << 8) | 1, 1)
    val FLOAT_TYPE   = new BType(FLOAT,   ('F' << 24) | (2 << 16) | (2 << 8) | 1, 1)
    val LONG_TYPE    = new BType(LONG,    ('J' << 24) | (1 << 16) | (1 << 8) | 2, 1)
    val DOUBLE_TYPE  = new BType(DOUBLE,  ('D' << 24) | (3 << 16) | (3 << 8) | 2, 1)

     * Returns the Java type corresponding to the given type descriptor.
     * @param off the offset of this descriptor in the chrs buffer.
     * @return the Java type corresponding to the given type descriptor.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getType(off: Int): BType = {
      var len = 0
      chrs(off) match {
        case 'V' => VOID_TYPE
        case 'Z' => BOOLEAN_TYPE
        case 'C' => CHAR_TYPE
        case 'B' => BYTE_TYPE
        case 'S' => SHORT_TYPE
        case 'I' => INT_TYPE
        case 'F' => FLOAT_TYPE
        case 'J' => LONG_TYPE
        case 'D' => DOUBLE_TYPE
        case '[' =>
          len = 1
          while (chrs(off + len) == '[') {
            len += 1
          if (chrs(off + len) == 'L') {
            len += 1
            while (chrs(off + len) != ';') {
              len += 1
          new BType(ARRAY, off, len + 1)
        case 'L' =>
          len = 1
          while (chrs(off + len) != ';') {
            len += 1
          new BType(OBJECT, off + 1, len - 1)
        // case '(':
        case _ =>
          assert(chrs(off) == '(')
          var resPos = off + 1
          while (chrs(resPos) != ')') { resPos += 1 }
          val resType = getType(resPos + 1)
          val len = resPos - off + 1 + resType.len;
          new BType(
            if (resType.hasObjectSort) {
              len + 2 // "+ 2" accounts for the "L ... ;" in a descriptor for a non-array reference.
            } else {

    /* Params denote an internal name.
     *  can-multi-thread
    def getObjectType(index: Int, length: Int): BType = {
      val sort = if (chrs(index) == '[') ARRAY else OBJECT;
      new BType(sort, index, length)

     * @param methodDescriptor a method descriptor.
     * must-single-thread
    def getMethodType(methodDescriptor: String): BType = {
      val n = global.newTypeName(methodDescriptor)
      new BType(BType.METHOD, n.start, n.length) // TODO assert isValidMethodDescriptor

     * Returns the Java method type corresponding to the given argument and return types.
     * @param returnType the return type of the method.
     * @param argumentTypes the argument types of the method.
     * @return the Java type corresponding to the given argument and return types.
     * must-single-thread
    def getMethodType(returnType: BType, argumentTypes: Array[BType]): BType = {
      val n = global.newTypeName(getMethodDescriptor(returnType, argumentTypes))
      new BType(BType.METHOD, n.start, n.length)

     * Returns the Java types corresponding to the argument types of method descriptor whose first argument starts at idx0.
     * @param idx0 index into chrs of the first argument.
     * @return the Java types corresponding to the argument types of the given method descriptor.
     * can-multi-thread
    private def getArgumentTypes(idx0: Int): Array[BType] = {
      assert(chrs(idx0 - 1) == '(', "doesn't look like a method descriptor.")
      val args = new Array[BType](getArgumentCount(idx0))
      var off = idx0
      var size = 0
      while (chrs(off) != ')') {
        args(size) = getType(off)
        off += args(size).len
        if (args(size).sort == OBJECT) { off += 2 }
        // debug: assert("LVZBSCIJFD[)".contains(chrs(off)))
        size += 1
      // debug: var check = 0; while (check < args.length) { assert(args(check) != null); check += 1 }

     * Returns the number of argument types of this method type, whose first argument starts at idx0.
     * @param idx0 index into chrs of the first argument.
     * @return the number of argument types of this method type.
     * can-multi-thread
    private def getArgumentCount(idx0: Int): Int = {
      assert(chrs(idx0 - 1) == '(', "doesn't look like a method descriptor.")
      var off  = idx0
      var size = 0
      var keepGoing = true
      while (keepGoing) {
        val car = chrs(off)
        off += 1
        if (car == ')') {
          keepGoing = false
        } else if (car == 'L') {
          while (chrs(off) != ';') { off += 1 }
          off += 1
          size += 1
        } else if (car != '[') {
          size += 1


     * Returns the Java type corresponding to the return type of the given
     * method descriptor.
     * @param methodDescriptor a method descriptor.
     * @return the Java type corresponding to the return type of the given method descriptor.
     * must-single-thread
    def getReturnType(methodDescriptor: String): BType = {
      val n     = global.newTypeName(methodDescriptor)
      val delta = n.pos(')') // `delta` is relative to the Name's zero-based start position, not a valid index into chrs.
      assert(delta < n.length, s"not a valid method descriptor: $methodDescriptor")
      getType(n.start + delta + 1)

     * Returns the descriptor corresponding to the given argument and return types.
     * Note: no BType is created here for the resulting method descriptor,
     *       if that's desired the invoker is responsible for that.
     * @param returnType the return type of the method.
     * @param argumentTypes the argument types of the method.
     * @return the descriptor corresponding to the given argument and return types.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getMethodDescriptor(
        returnType: BType,
        argumentTypes: Array[BType]): String =
      val buf = new StringBuffer()
      var i = 0
      while (i < argumentTypes.length) {
        i += 1

  } // end of object BType

   * Based on ASM's Type class. Namer's chrs is used in this class for the same purposes as the `buf` char array in asm.Type.
   * All methods of this classs can-multi-thread
  final class BType(val sort: Int, val off: Int, val len: Int) {

    import global.chrs

     * can-multi-thread
    def toASMType: = {
      // using `asm.Type.SHORT` instead of `BType.SHORT` because otherwise "warning: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match"
      (sort: @switch) match {
        case asm.Type.VOID    => asm.Type.VOID_TYPE
        case asm.Type.BOOLEAN => asm.Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE
        case asm.Type.CHAR    => asm.Type.CHAR_TYPE
        case asm.Type.BYTE    => asm.Type.BYTE_TYPE
        case asm.Type.SHORT   => asm.Type.SHORT_TYPE
        case asm.Type.INT     => asm.Type.INT_TYPE
        case asm.Type.FLOAT   => asm.Type.FLOAT_TYPE
        case asm.Type.LONG    => asm.Type.LONG_TYPE
        case asm.Type.DOUBLE  => asm.Type.DOUBLE_TYPE
        case asm.Type.ARRAY   |
             asm.Type.OBJECT  => asm.Type.getObjectType(getInternalName)
        case asm.Type.METHOD  => asm.Type.getMethodType(getDescriptor)

     * Unlike for ICode's REFERENCE, isBoxedType(t) implies isReferenceType(t)
     * Also, `isReferenceType(RT_NOTHING) == true` , similarly for RT_NULL.
     * Use isNullType() , isNothingType() to detect Nothing and Null.
     * can-multi-thread
    def hasObjectSort = (sort == BType.OBJECT)

     * Returns the number of dimensions of this array type. This method should
     * only be used for an array type.
     * @return the number of dimensions of this array type.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getDimensions: Int = {
      var i = 1
      while (chrs(off + i) == '[') {
        i += 1

     * Returns the (ultimate) element type of this array type.
     * This method should only be used for an array type.
     * @return Returns the type of the elements of this array type.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getElementType: BType = {
      assert(isArray, s"Asked for the element type of a non-array type: $this")
      BType.getType(off + getDimensions)

     * Returns the internal name of the class corresponding to this object or
     * array type. The internal name of a class is its fully qualified name (as
     * returned by Class.getName(), where '.' are replaced by '/'. This method
     * should only be used for an object or array type.
     * @return the internal name of the class corresponding to this object type.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getInternalName: String = {
      new String(chrs, off, len)

     * @return the suffix of the internal name until the last '/' (if '/' present), internal name otherwise.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getSimpleName: String = {
      assert(hasObjectSort, s"not of object sort: $toString")
      val iname = getInternalName
      val idx = iname.lastIndexOf('/')
      if (idx == -1) iname
      else iname.substring(idx + 1)

     * Returns the argument types of methods of this type.
     * This method should only be used for method types.
     * @return the argument types of methods of this type.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getArgumentTypes: Array[BType] = {
      BType.getArgumentTypes(off + 1)

     * Returns the return type of methods of this type.
     * This method should only be used for method types.
     * @return the return type of methods of this type.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getReturnType: BType = {
      assert(chrs(off) == '(', s"doesn't look like a method descriptor: $toString")
      var resPos = off + 1
      while (chrs(resPos) != ')') { resPos += 1 }
      BType.getType(resPos + 1)

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Inspector methods
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def isPrimitiveOrVoid = (sort <  BType.ARRAY) // can-multi-thread
    def isValueType       = (sort <  BType.ARRAY) // can-multi-thread
    def isArray           = (sort == BType.ARRAY) // can-multi-thread
    def isUnitType        = (sort == BType.VOID)  // can-multi-thread

    def isRefOrArrayType   = { hasObjectSort ||  isArray    } // can-multi-thread
    def isNonUnitValueType = { isValueType   && !isUnitType } // can-multi-thread

    def isNonSpecial  = { !isValueType && !isArray && !isPhantomType   } // can-multi-thread
    def isNothingType = { (this == RT_NOTHING) || (this == CT_NOTHING) } // can-multi-thread
    def isNullType    = { (this == RT_NULL)    || (this == CT_NULL)    } // can-multi-thread
    def isPhantomType = { isNothingType || isNullType } // can-multi-thread

     * can-multi-thread
    def isBoxed = {
      this match {
             BOXED_BYTE  | BOXED_SHORT   | BOXED_INT    |
          => true
        case _
          => false

    /* On the JVM,
     *    BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, and INT
     *  are like Ints for the purpose of lub calculation.
     * can-multi-thread
    def isIntSizedType = {
      (sort : @switch) match {
        case BType.BOOLEAN | BType.CHAR  |
             BType.BYTE    | BType.SHORT | BType.INT
          => true
        case _
          => false

    /* On the JVM, similar to isIntSizedType except that BOOL isn't integral while LONG is.
     * can-multi-thread
    def isIntegralType = {
      (sort : @switch) match {
        case BType.CHAR  |
             BType.BYTE  | BType.SHORT | BType.INT |
          => true
        case _
          => false

    /* On the JVM, FLOAT and DOUBLE.
     * can-multi-thread
    def isRealType = { (sort == BType.FLOAT ) || (sort == BType.DOUBLE) }

    def isNumericType = (isIntegralType || isRealType) // can-multi-thread

    /* Is this type a category 2 type in JVM terms? (ie, is it LONG or DOUBLE?)
     * can-multi-thread
    def isWideType = (getSize == 2)

     * Element vs. Component type of an array:
     * Quoting from the JVMS, Sec. 2.4 "Reference Types and Values"
     *   An array type consists of a component type with a single dimension (whose
     *   length is not given by the type). The component type of an array type may itself be
     *   an array type. If, starting from any array type, one considers its component type,
     *   and then (if that is also an array type) the component type of that type, and so on,
     *   eventually one must reach a component type that is not an array type; this is called
     *   the element type of the array type. The element type of an array type is necessarily
     *   either a primitive type, or a class type, or an interface type.

    /* The type of items this array holds.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getComponentType: BType = {
      assert(isArray, s"Asked for the component type of a non-array type: $this")
      BType.getType(off + 1)

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Conversion to type descriptors
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * @return the descriptor corresponding to this Java type.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getDescriptor: String = {
      val buf = new StringBuffer()

     * Appends the descriptor corresponding to this Java type to the given string buffer.
     * @param buf the string buffer to which the descriptor must be appended.
     * can-multi-thread
    private def getDescriptor(buf: StringBuffer) {
      if (isPrimitiveOrVoid) {
        // descriptor is in byte 3 of 'off' for primitive types (buf == null)
        buf.append(((off & 0xFF000000) >>> 24).asInstanceOf[Char])
      } else if (sort == BType.OBJECT) {
        buf.append(chrs, off, len)
      } else { // sort == ARRAY || sort == METHOD
        buf.append(chrs, off, len)

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Corresponding size and opcodes
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Returns the size of values of this type.
     * This method must not be used for method types.
     * @return the size of values of this type, i.e., 2 for <tt>long</tt> and
     *         <tt>double</tt>, 0 for <tt>void</tt> and 1 otherwise.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getSize: Int = {
      // the size is in byte 0 of 'off' for primitive types (buf == null)
      if (isPrimitiveOrVoid) (off & 0xFF) else 1

     * Returns a JVM instruction opcode adapted to this Java type. This method
     * must not be used for method types.
     * @param opcode a JVM instruction opcode. This opcode must be one of ILOAD,
     *        ISHR, IUSHR, IAND, IOR, IXOR and IRETURN.
     * @return an opcode that is similar to the given opcode, but adapted to
     *         this Java type. For example, if this type is <tt>float</tt> and
     *         <tt>opcode</tt> is IRETURN, this method returns FRETURN.
     * can-multi-thread
    def getOpcode(opcode: Int): Int = {
      if (opcode == Opcodes.IALOAD || opcode == Opcodes.IASTORE) {
        // the offset for IALOAD or IASTORE is in byte 1 of 'off' for
        // primitive types (buf == null)
        opcode + (if (isPrimitiveOrVoid) (off & 0xFF00) >> 8 else 4)
      } else {
        // the offset for other instructions is in byte 2 of 'off' for
        // primitive types (buf == null)
        opcode + (if (isPrimitiveOrVoid) (off & 0xFF0000) >> 16 else 4)

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Equals, hashCode and toString
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Tests if the given object is equal to this type.
     * @param o the object to be compared to this type.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the given object is equal to this type.
     * can-multi-thread
    override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = {
      if (!(o.isInstanceOf[BType])) {
        return false
      val t = o.asInstanceOf[BType]
      if (this eq t) {
        return true
      if (sort != t.sort) {
        return false
      if (sort >= BType.ARRAY) {
        if (len != t.len) {
          return false
        // sort checked already
        if (off == {
          return true
        var i = 0
        while (i < len) {
          if (chrs(off + i) != chrs( + i)) {
            return false
          i += 1
        // If we reach here, we could update the largest of (, to match the other, so as to simplify future == comparisons.
        // But that would require a var rather than val.

     * @return a hash code value for this type.
     * can-multi-thread
    override def hashCode(): Int = {
      var hc = 13 * sort;
      if (sort >= BType.ARRAY) {
        var i = off
        val end = i + len
        while (i < end) {
          hc = 17 * (hc + chrs(i))
          i += 1

     * @return the descriptor of this type.
     * can-multi-thread
    override def toString: String = { getDescriptor }


   * Creates a TypeName and the BType token for it.
   * This method does not add to `innerClassBufferASM`, use `internalName()` or `asmType()` or `toTypeKind()` for that.
   * must-single-thread
  def brefType(iname: String): BType = { brefType(newTypeName(iname.toCharArray(), 0, iname.length())) }

   * Creates a BType token for the TypeName received as argument.
   * This method does not add to `innerClassBufferASM`, use `internalName()` or `asmType()` or `toTypeKind()` for that.
   *  can-multi-thread
  def brefType(iname: TypeName): BType = { BType.getObjectType(iname.start, iname.length) }

  // due to keyboard economy only
  val UNIT   = BType.VOID_TYPE
  val CHAR   = BType.CHAR_TYPE
  val BYTE   = BType.BYTE_TYPE
  val INT    = BType.INT_TYPE
  val LONG   = BType.LONG_TYPE

  val BOXED_UNIT    = brefType("java/lang/Void")
  val BOXED_BOOLEAN = brefType("java/lang/Boolean")
  val BOXED_BYTE    = brefType("java/lang/Byte")
  val BOXED_SHORT   = brefType("java/lang/Short")
  val BOXED_CHAR    = brefType("java/lang/Character")
  val BOXED_INT     = brefType("java/lang/Integer")
  val BOXED_LONG    = brefType("java/lang/Long")
  val BOXED_FLOAT   = brefType("java/lang/Float")
  val BOXED_DOUBLE  = brefType("java/lang/Double")

   * RT_NOTHING and RT_NULL exist at run-time only.
   * They are the bytecode-level manifestation (in method signatures only) of what shows up as NothingClass resp. NullClass in Scala ASTs.
   * Therefore, when RT_NOTHING or RT_NULL are to be emitted,
   * a mapping is needed: the internal names of NothingClass and NullClass can't be emitted as-is.
  val RT_NOTHING = brefType("scala/runtime/Nothing$")
  val RT_NULL    = brefType("scala/runtime/Null$")
  val CT_NOTHING = brefType("scala/Nothing") // TODO needed?
  val CT_NULL    = brefType("scala/Null")    // TODO needed?

  val srBooleanRef = brefType("scala/runtime/BooleanRef")
  val srByteRef    = brefType("scala/runtime/ByteRef")
  val srCharRef    = brefType("scala/runtime/CharRef")
  val srIntRef     = brefType("scala/runtime/IntRef")
  val srLongRef    = brefType("scala/runtime/LongRef")
  val srFloatRef   = brefType("scala/runtime/FloatRef")
  val srDoubleRef  = brefType("scala/runtime/DoubleRef")

  /*  Map from type kinds to the Java reference types.
   *  Useful when pushing class literals onto the operand stack (ldc instruction taking a class literal).
   *  @see Predef.classOf
   *  @see genConstant()
  val classLiteral = immutable.Map[BType, BType](
    INT    -> BOXED_INT,

  case class MethodNameAndType(mname: String, mdesc: String)

  val asmBoxTo: Map[BType, MethodNameAndType] = {
      BOOL   -> MethodNameAndType("boxToBoolean",   "(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;"  ) ,
      BYTE   -> MethodNameAndType("boxToByte",      "(B)Ljava/lang/Byte;"     ) ,
      CHAR   -> MethodNameAndType("boxToCharacter", "(C)Ljava/lang/Character;") ,
      SHORT  -> MethodNameAndType("boxToShort",     "(S)Ljava/lang/Short;"    ) ,
      INT    -> MethodNameAndType("boxToInteger",   "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;"  ) ,
      LONG   -> MethodNameAndType("boxToLong",      "(J)Ljava/lang/Long;"     ) ,
      FLOAT  -> MethodNameAndType("boxToFloat",     "(F)Ljava/lang/Float;"    ) ,
      DOUBLE -> MethodNameAndType("boxToDouble",    "(D)Ljava/lang/Double;"   )

  val asmUnboxTo: Map[BType, MethodNameAndType] = {
      BOOL   -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToBoolean", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z") ,
      BYTE   -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToByte",    "(Ljava/lang/Object;)B") ,
      CHAR   -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToChar",    "(Ljava/lang/Object;)C") ,
      SHORT  -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToShort",   "(Ljava/lang/Object;)S") ,
      INT    -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToInt",     "(Ljava/lang/Object;)I") ,
      LONG   -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToLong",    "(Ljava/lang/Object;)J") ,
      FLOAT  -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToFloat",   "(Ljava/lang/Object;)F") ,
      DOUBLE -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToDouble",  "(Ljava/lang/Object;)D")

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala BCodeGlue.scala source code file:

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