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Scala example source code file (BCodeIdiomatic.scala)

This example Scala source code file (BCodeIdiomatic.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, array, bool, btype, byte, collection, double, int, list, long, short, string

The BCodeIdiomatic.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend.jvm

import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }
import collection.convert.Wrappers.JListWrapper

 *  A high-level facade to the ASM API for bytecode generation.
 *  @author  Miguel Garcia,
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class BCodeIdiomatic extends BCodeGlue {

  import global._

  val classfileVersion: Int = match {
    case "jvm-1.5"     => asm.Opcodes.V1_5
    case "jvm-1.6"     => asm.Opcodes.V1_6
    case "jvm-1.7"     => asm.Opcodes.V1_7

  val majorVersion: Int = (classfileVersion & 0xFF)
  val emitStackMapFrame = (majorVersion >= 50)

  def mkFlags(args: Int*) = args.foldLeft(0)(_ | _)

  val extraProc: Int = mkFlags(
    if (emitStackMapFrame) asm.ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES else 0

  val StringBuilderClassName = "scala/collection/mutable/StringBuilder"

  val CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME    = "<clinit>"

  val ObjectReference   = brefType("java/lang/Object")
  val AnyRefReference   = ObjectReference
  val objArrayReference = arrayOf(ObjectReference)

  val JAVA_LANG_OBJECT  = ObjectReference
  val JAVA_LANG_STRING  = brefType("java/lang/String")

  var StringBuilderReference: BType = null

  val EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY   = Array.empty[String]
  val EMPTY_INT_ARRAY      = Array.empty[Int]
  val EMPTY_LABEL_ARRAY    = Array.empty[asm.Label]
  val EMPTY_BTYPE_ARRAY    = Array.empty[BType]

  /* can-multi-thread */
  final def mkArray(xs: List[BType]): Array[BType] = {
    if (xs.isEmpty) { return EMPTY_BTYPE_ARRAY }
    val a = new Array[BType](xs.size); xs.copyToArray(a); a
  /* can-multi-thread */
  final def mkArray(xs: List[String]): Array[String] = {
    if (xs.isEmpty) { return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY }
    val a = new Array[String](xs.size); xs.copyToArray(a); a
  /* can-multi-thread */
  final def mkArray(xs: List[asm.Label]): Array[asm.Label] = {
    if (xs.isEmpty) { return EMPTY_LABEL_ARRAY }
    val a = new Array[asm.Label](xs.size); xs.copyToArray(a); a

   * can-multi-thread
  final def mkArrayReverse(xs: List[String]): Array[String] = {
    val len = xs.size
    if (len == 0) { return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY }
    val a = new Array[String](len)
    var i = len - 1
    var rest = xs
    while (!rest.isEmpty) {
      a(i) = rest.head
      rest = rest.tail
      i -= 1

   * can-multi-thread
  final def mkArrayReverse(xs: List[Int]): Array[Int] = {
    val len = xs.size
    if (len == 0) { return EMPTY_INT_ARRAY }
    val a = new Array[Int](len)
    var i = len - 1
    var rest = xs
    while (!rest.isEmpty) {
      a(i) = rest.head
      rest = rest.tail
      i -= 1

   * The type of 1-dimensional arrays of `elem` type.
   * The invoker is responsible for tracking (if needed) the inner class given by the elem BType.
   * must-single-thread
  final def arrayOf(elem: BType): BType = {
    assert(!(elem.isUnitType), s"The element type of an array can't be: $elem")
    brefType("[" + elem.getDescriptor)

  /* Just a namespace for utilities that encapsulate MethodVisitor idioms.
   *  In the ASM world, org.objectweb.asm.commons.InstructionAdapter plays a similar role,
   *  but the methods here allow choosing when to transition from ICode to ASM types
   *  (including not at all, e.g. for performance).
  abstract class JCodeMethodN {

    def jmethod: asm.MethodVisitor

    import asm.Opcodes;
    import icodes.opcodes.{ Static, Dynamic,  SuperCall }

    final def emit(opc: Int) { jmethod.visitInsn(opc) }

     * can-multi-thread
    final def genPrimitiveArithmetic(op: icodes.ArithmeticOp, kind: BType) {

      import icodes.{ ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, REM, NOT }

      op match {

        case ADD => add(kind)
        case SUB => sub(kind)
        case MUL => mul(kind)
        case DIV => div(kind)
        case REM => rem(kind)

        case NOT =>
          if (kind.isIntSizedType) {
          } else if (kind == LONG) {
            jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Long(-1))
          } else {
            abort(s"Impossible to negate an $kind")

        case _ =>
          abort(s"Unknown arithmetic primitive $op")

    } // end of method genPrimitiveArithmetic()

     * can-multi-thread
    final def genPrimitiveLogical(op: /* LogicalOp */ Int, kind: BType) {

      import scalaPrimitives.{ AND, OR, XOR }

      ((op, kind): @unchecked) match {
        case (AND, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LAND)
        case (AND, INT)  => emit(Opcodes.IAND)
        case (AND, _)    =>
          if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) }

        case (OR, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LOR)
        case (OR, INT)  => emit(Opcodes.IOR)
        case (OR, _) =>
          if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) }

        case (XOR, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LXOR)
        case (XOR, INT)  => emit(Opcodes.IXOR)
        case (XOR, _) =>
          if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) }

    } // end of method genPrimitiveLogical()

     * can-multi-thread
    final def genPrimitiveShift(op: /* ShiftOp */ Int, kind: BType) {

      import scalaPrimitives.{ LSL, ASR, LSR }

      ((op, kind): @unchecked) match {
        case (LSL, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LSHL)
        case (LSL, INT)  => emit(Opcodes.ISHL)
        case (LSL, _) =>
          emitT2T(INT, kind)

        case (ASR, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LSHR)
        case (ASR, INT)  => emit(Opcodes.ISHR)
        case (ASR, _) =>
          emitT2T(INT, kind)

        case (LSR, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LUSHR)
        case (LSR, INT)  => emit(Opcodes.IUSHR)
        case (LSR, _) =>
          emitT2T(INT, kind)

    } // end of method genPrimitiveShift()

     * can-multi-thread
    final def genStartConcat {
      jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, StringBuilderClassName)

     * can-multi-thread
    final def genStringConcat(el: BType) {

      val jtype =
        if (el.isArray || el.hasObjectSort) JAVA_LANG_OBJECT
        else el;

      val bt = BType.getMethodType(StringBuilderReference, Array(jtype))

      invokevirtual(StringBuilderClassName, "append", bt.getDescriptor)

     * can-multi-thread
    final def genEndConcat {
      invokevirtual(StringBuilderClassName, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;")

     * Emits one or more conversion instructions based on the types given as arguments.
     * @param from The type of the value to be converted into another type.
     * @param to   The type the value will be converted into.
     * can-multi-thread
    final def emitT2T(from: BType, to: BType) {

        from.isNonUnitValueType && to.isNonUnitValueType,
        s"Cannot emit primitive conversion from $from to $to"

          def pickOne(opcs: Array[Int]) { // TODO index on to.sort
            val chosen = (to: @unchecked) match {
              case BYTE   => opcs(0)
              case SHORT  => opcs(1)
              case CHAR   => opcs(2)
              case INT    => opcs(3)
              case LONG   => opcs(4)
              case FLOAT  => opcs(5)
              case DOUBLE => opcs(6)
            if (chosen != -1) { emit(chosen) }

      if (from == to) { return }
      // the only conversion involving BOOL that is allowed is (BOOL -> BOOL)
      assert(from != BOOL && to != BOOL, s"inconvertible types : $from -> $to")

      // We're done with BOOL already
      (from.sort: @switch) match {

        // using `asm.Type.SHORT` instead of `BType.SHORT` because otherwise "warning: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match"

        case asm.Type.BYTE  => pickOne(JCodeMethodN.fromByteT2T)
        case asm.Type.SHORT => pickOne(JCodeMethodN.fromShortT2T)
        case asm.Type.CHAR  => pickOne(JCodeMethodN.fromCharT2T)
        case asm.Type.INT   => pickOne(JCodeMethodN.fromIntT2T)

        case asm.Type.FLOAT  =>
          import asm.Opcodes.{ F2L, F2D, F2I }
          (to.sort: @switch) match {
            case asm.Type.LONG    => emit(F2L)
            case asm.Type.DOUBLE  => emit(F2D)
            case _                => emit(F2I); emitT2T(INT, to)

        case asm.Type.LONG   =>
          import asm.Opcodes.{ L2F, L2D, L2I }
          (to.sort: @switch) match {
            case asm.Type.FLOAT   => emit(L2F)
            case asm.Type.DOUBLE  => emit(L2D)
            case _                => emit(L2I); emitT2T(INT, to)

        case asm.Type.DOUBLE =>
          import asm.Opcodes.{ D2L, D2F, D2I }
          (to.sort: @switch) match {
            case asm.Type.FLOAT   => emit(D2F)
            case asm.Type.LONG    => emit(D2L)
            case _                => emit(D2I); emitT2T(INT, to)
    } // end of emitT2T()

    // can-multi-thread
    final def boolconst(b: Boolean) { iconst(if (b) 1 else 0) }

    // can-multi-thread
    final def iconst(cst: Int) {
      if (cst >= -1 && cst <= 5) {
        emit(Opcodes.ICONST_0 + cst)
      } else if (cst >= java.lang.Byte.MIN_VALUE && cst <= java.lang.Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
        jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.BIPUSH, cst)
      } else if (cst >= java.lang.Short.MIN_VALUE && cst <= java.lang.Short.MAX_VALUE) {
        jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.SIPUSH, cst)
      } else {
        jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new Integer(cst))

    // can-multi-thread
    final def lconst(cst: Long) {
      if (cst == 0L || cst == 1L) {
        emit(Opcodes.LCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int])
      } else {
        jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Long(cst))

    // can-multi-thread
    final def fconst(cst: Float) {
      val bits: Int = java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(cst)
      if (bits == 0L || bits == 0x3f800000 || bits == 0x40000000) { // 0..2
        emit(Opcodes.FCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int])
      } else {
        jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Float(cst))

    // can-multi-thread
    final def dconst(cst: Double) {
      val bits: Long = java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(cst)
      if (bits == 0L || bits == 0x3ff0000000000000L) { // +0.0d and 1.0d
        emit(Opcodes.DCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int])
      } else {
        jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Double(cst))

    // can-multi-thread
    final def newarray(elem: BType) {
      if (elem.isRefOrArrayType || elem.isPhantomType ) {
        /* phantom type at play in `Array(null)`, SI-1513. On the other hand, Array(()) has element type `scala.runtime.BoxedUnit` which hasObjectSort. */
        jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, elem.getInternalName)
      } else {
        val rand = {
          // using `asm.Type.SHORT` instead of `BType.SHORT` because otherwise "warning: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match"
          (elem.sort: @switch) match {
            case asm.Type.BOOLEAN => Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN
            case asm.Type.BYTE    => Opcodes.T_BYTE
            case asm.Type.SHORT   => Opcodes.T_SHORT
            case asm.Type.CHAR    => Opcodes.T_CHAR
            case asm.Type.INT     => Opcodes.T_INT
            case asm.Type.LONG    => Opcodes.T_LONG
            case asm.Type.FLOAT   => Opcodes.T_FLOAT
            case asm.Type.DOUBLE  => Opcodes.T_DOUBLE
        jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.NEWARRAY, rand)

    final def load( idx: Int, tk: BType) { emitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD,  idx, tk) } // can-multi-thread
    final def store(idx: Int, tk: BType) { emitVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE, idx, tk) } // can-multi-thread

    final def aload( tk: BType) { emitTypeBased(JCodeMethodN.aloadOpcodes,  tk) } // can-multi-thread
    final def astore(tk: BType) { emitTypeBased(JCodeMethodN.astoreOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread

    final def neg(tk: BType) { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.negOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread
    final def add(tk: BType) { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.addOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread
    final def sub(tk: BType) { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.subOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread
    final def mul(tk: BType) { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.mulOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread
    final def div(tk: BType) { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.divOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread
    final def rem(tk: BType) { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.remOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread

    // can-multi-thread
    final def invokespecial(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) {
      jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, owner, name, desc)
    // can-multi-thread
    final def invokestatic(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) {
      jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, owner, name, desc)
    // can-multi-thread
    final def invokeinterface(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) {
      jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, owner, name, desc)
    // can-multi-thread
    final def invokevirtual(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) {
      jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, owner, name, desc)

    // can-multi-thread
    final def goTo(label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, label) }
    // can-multi-thread
    final def emitIF(cond: icodes.TestOp, label: asm.Label)      { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(cond.opcodeIF,     label) }
    // can-multi-thread
    final def emitIF_ICMP(cond: icodes.TestOp, label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(cond.opcodeIFICMP, label) }
    // can-multi-thread
    final def emitIF_ACMP(cond: icodes.TestOp, label: asm.Label) {
      assert((cond == icodes.EQ) || (cond == icodes.NE), cond)
      val opc = (if (cond == icodes.EQ) Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ else Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE)
      jmethod.visitJumpInsn(opc, label)
    // can-multi-thread
    final def emitIFNONNULL(label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNONNULL, label) }
    // can-multi-thread
    final def emitIFNULL   (label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNULL,    label) }

    // can-multi-thread
    final def emitRETURN(tk: BType) {
      if (tk == UNIT) { emit(Opcodes.RETURN) }
      else            { emitTypeBased(JCodeMethodN.returnOpcodes, tk)      }

    /* Emits one of tableswitch or lookoupswitch.
     * can-multi-thread
    final def emitSWITCH(keys: Array[Int], branches: Array[asm.Label], defaultBranch: asm.Label, minDensity: Double) {
      assert(keys.length == branches.length)

      // For empty keys, it makes sense emitting LOOKUPSWITCH with defaultBranch only.
      // Similar to what javac emits for a switch statement consisting only of a default case.
      if (keys.length == 0) {
        jmethod.visitLookupSwitchInsn(defaultBranch, keys, branches)

      // sort `keys` by increasing key, keeping `branches` in sync. TODO FIXME use quicksort
      var i = 1
      while (i < keys.length) {
        var j = 1
        while (j <= keys.length - i) {
          if (keys(j) < keys(j - 1)) {
            val tmp     = keys(j)
            keys(j)     = keys(j - 1)
            keys(j - 1) = tmp
            val tmpL        = branches(j)
            branches(j)     = branches(j - 1)
            branches(j - 1) = tmpL
          j += 1
        i += 1

      // check for duplicate keys to avoid "VerifyError: unsorted lookupswitch" (SI-6011)
      i = 1
      while (i < keys.length) {
        if (keys(i-1) == keys(i)) {
          abort("duplicate keys in SWITCH, can't pick arbitrarily one of them to evict, see SI-6011.")
        i += 1

      val keyMin = keys(0)
      val keyMax = keys(keys.length - 1)

      val isDenseEnough: Boolean = {
        /* Calculate in long to guard against overflow. TODO what overflow? */
        val keyRangeD: Double = (keyMax.asInstanceOf[Long] - keyMin + 1).asInstanceOf[Double]
        val klenD:     Double = keys.length
        val kdensity:  Double = (klenD / keyRangeD)

        kdensity >= minDensity

      if (isDenseEnough) {
        // use a table in which holes are filled with defaultBranch.
        val keyRange    = (keyMax - keyMin + 1)
        val newBranches = new Array[asm.Label](keyRange)
        var oldPos = 0
        var i = 0
        while (i < keyRange) {
          val key = keyMin + i;
          if (keys(oldPos) == key) {
            newBranches(i) = branches(oldPos)
            oldPos += 1
          } else {
            newBranches(i) = defaultBranch
          i += 1
        assert(oldPos == keys.length, "emitSWITCH")
        jmethod.visitTableSwitchInsn(keyMin, keyMax, defaultBranch, newBranches: _*)
      } else {
        jmethod.visitLookupSwitchInsn(defaultBranch, keys, branches)

    // internal helpers -- not part of the public API of `jcode`
    // don't make private otherwise inlining will suffer

    // can-multi-thread
    final def emitVarInsn(opc: Int, idx: Int, tk: BType) {
      assert((opc == Opcodes.ILOAD) || (opc == Opcodes.ISTORE), opc)
      jmethod.visitVarInsn(tk.getOpcode(opc), idx)

    // ---------------- array load and store ----------------

    // can-multi-thread
    final def emitTypeBased(opcs: Array[Int], tk: BType) {
      assert(tk != UNIT, tk)
      val opc = {
        if (tk.isRefOrArrayType) {  opcs(0) }
        else if (tk.isIntSizedType) {
          (tk: @unchecked) match {
            case BOOL | BYTE     => opcs(1)
            case SHORT           => opcs(2)
            case CHAR            => opcs(3)
            case INT             => opcs(4)
        } else {
          (tk: @unchecked) match {
            case LONG            => opcs(5)
            case FLOAT           => opcs(6)
            case DOUBLE          => opcs(7)

    // ---------------- primitive operations ----------------

     // can-multi-thread
    final def emitPrimitive(opcs: Array[Int], tk: BType) {
      val opc = {
        // using `asm.Type.SHORT` instead of `BType.SHORT` because otherwise "warning: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match"
        (tk.sort: @switch) match {
          case asm.Type.LONG   => opcs(1)
          case asm.Type.FLOAT  => opcs(2)
          case asm.Type.DOUBLE => opcs(3)
          case _               => opcs(0)

    // can-multi-thread
    final def drop(tk: BType) { emit(if (tk.isWideType) Opcodes.POP2 else Opcodes.POP) }

    // can-multi-thread
    final def dup(tk: BType)  { emit(if (tk.isWideType) Opcodes.DUP2 else Opcodes.DUP) }

    // ---------------- type checks and casts ----------------

    // can-multi-thread
    final def isInstance(tk: BType) {
      jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.INSTANCEOF, tk.getInternalName)

    // can-multi-thread
    final def checkCast(tk: BType) {
      assert(tk.isRefOrArrayType, s"checkcast on primitive type: $tk")
      // TODO ICode also requires: but that's too much, right? assert(!isBoxedType(tk),     "checkcast on boxed type: " + tk)
      jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, tk.getInternalName)

  } // end of class JCodeMethodN

  /* Constant-valued val-members of JCodeMethodN at the companion object, so as to avoid re-initializing them multiple times. */
  object JCodeMethodN {

    import asm.Opcodes._

    // ---------------- conversions ----------------

    val fromByteT2T  = { Array( -1,  -1, I2C,  -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // do nothing for (BYTE -> SHORT) and for (BYTE -> INT)
    val fromCharT2T  = { Array(I2B, I2S,  -1,  -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // for (CHAR  -> INT) do nothing
    val fromShortT2T = { Array(I2B,  -1, I2C,  -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // for (SHORT -> INT) do nothing
    val fromIntT2T   = { Array(I2B, I2S, I2C,  -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) }

    // ---------------- array load and store ----------------

    val aloadOpcodes  = { Array(AALOAD,  BALOAD,  SALOAD,  CALOAD,  IALOAD,  LALOAD,  FALOAD,  DALOAD)  }

    // ---------------- primitive operations ----------------

    val negOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(INEG, LNEG, FNEG, DNEG) }
    val addOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(IADD, LADD, FADD, DADD) }
    val subOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(ISUB, LSUB, FSUB, DSUB) }
    val mulOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(IMUL, LMUL, FMUL, DMUL) }
    val divOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(IDIV, LDIV, FDIV, DDIV) }
    val remOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(IREM, LREM, FREM, DREM) }

  } // end of object JCodeMethodN

  // ---------------- adapted from scalaPrimitives ----------------

  /* Given `code` reports the src TypeKind of the coercion indicated by `code`.
   * To find the dst TypeKind, `ScalaPrimitives.generatedKind(code)` can be used.
   * can-multi-thread
  final def coercionFrom(code: Int): BType = {
    import scalaPrimitives._
    (code: @switch) match {
      case B2B | B2C | B2S | B2I | B2L | B2F | B2D => BYTE
      case S2B | S2S | S2C | S2I | S2L | S2F | S2D => SHORT
      case C2B | C2S | C2C | C2I | C2L | C2F | C2D => CHAR
      case I2B | I2S | I2C | I2I | I2L | I2F | I2D => INT
      case L2B | L2S | L2C | L2I | L2L | L2F | L2D => LONG
      case F2B | F2S | F2C | F2I | F2L | F2F | F2D => FLOAT
      case D2B | D2S | D2C | D2I | D2L | D2F | D2D => DOUBLE

  /* If code is a coercion primitive, the result type.
   * can-multi-thread
  final def coercionTo(code: Int): BType = {
    import scalaPrimitives._
    (code: @scala.annotation.switch) match {
      case B2B | C2B | S2B | I2B | L2B | F2B | D2B => BYTE
      case B2C | C2C | S2C | I2C | L2C | F2C | D2C => CHAR
      case B2S | C2S | S2S | I2S | L2S | F2S | D2S => SHORT
      case B2I | C2I | S2I | I2I | L2I | F2I | D2I => INT
      case B2L | C2L | S2L | I2L | L2L | F2L | D2L => LONG
      case B2F | C2F | S2F | I2F | L2F | F2F | D2F => FLOAT
      case B2D | C2D | S2D | I2D | L2D | F2D | D2D => DOUBLE

  final val typeOfArrayOp: Map[Int, BType] = {
    import scalaPrimitives._
      (List(ZARRAY_LENGTH, ZARRAY_GET, ZARRAY_SET) map (_ -> BOOL))   ++
      (List(BARRAY_LENGTH, BARRAY_GET, BARRAY_SET) map (_ -> BYTE))   ++
      (List(SARRAY_LENGTH, SARRAY_GET, SARRAY_SET) map (_ -> SHORT))  ++
      (List(CARRAY_LENGTH, CARRAY_GET, CARRAY_SET) map (_ -> CHAR))   ++
      (List(IARRAY_LENGTH, IARRAY_GET, IARRAY_SET) map (_ -> INT))    ++
      (List(LARRAY_LENGTH, LARRAY_GET, LARRAY_SET) map (_ -> LONG))   ++
      (List(FARRAY_LENGTH, FARRAY_GET, FARRAY_SET) map (_ -> FLOAT))  ++
      (List(OARRAY_LENGTH, OARRAY_GET, OARRAY_SET) map (_ -> ObjectReference)) : _*

   * Collects (in `result`) all LabelDef nodes enclosed (directly or not) by each node it visits.
   * In other words, this traverser prepares a map giving
   * all labelDefs (the entry-value) having a Tree node (the entry-key) as ancestor.
   * The entry-value for a LabelDef entry-key always contains the entry-key.
  class LabelDefsFinder extends Traverser {
    val result = mutable.Map.empty[Tree, List[LabelDef]]
    var acc: List[LabelDef] = Nil

     * can-multi-thread
    override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
      val saved = acc
      acc = Nil
      // acc contains all LabelDefs found under (but not at) `tree`
      tree match {
        case lblDf: LabelDef => acc ::= lblDf
        case _               => ()
      if (acc.isEmpty) {
        acc = saved
      } else {
        result += (tree -> acc)
        acc = acc ::: saved

  implicit class InsnIterMethodNode(mnode: asm.tree.MethodNode) {
    @inline final def foreachInsn(f: (asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode) => Unit) { mnode.instructions.foreachInsn(f) }

  implicit class InsnIterInsnList(lst: asm.tree.InsnList) {

    @inline final def foreachInsn(f: (asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode) => Unit) {
      val insnIter = lst.iterator()
      while (insnIter.hasNext) {

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala BCodeIdiomatic.scala source code file:

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