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Scala example source code file (BCodeSkelBuilder.scala)

This example Scala source code file (BCodeSkelBuilder.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, asm, boolean, btype, collection, compiler, defdef, labeldef, list, local, nil, nsc, string, symbol, tree

The BCodeSkelBuilder.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2012 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend
package jvm

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.annotation.switch

import{TraceMethodVisitor, ASMifier}

 *  @author  Miguel Garcia,
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class BCodeSkelBuilder extends BCodeHelpers {
  import global._

   * There's a dedicated PlainClassBuilder for each CompilationUnit,
   * which simplifies the initialization of per-class data structures in `genPlainClass()` which in turn delegates to `initJClass()`
   * The entry-point to emitting bytecode instructions is `genDefDef()` where the per-method data structures are initialized,
   * including `resetMethodBookkeeping()` and `initJMethod()`.
   * Once that's been done, and assuming the method being visited isn't abstract, `emitNormalMethodBody()` populates
   * the ASM MethodNode instance with ASM AbstractInsnNodes.
   * Given that CleanUp delivers trees that produce values on the stack,
   * the entry-point to all-things instruction-emit is `genLoad()`.
   * There, an operation taking N arguments results in recursively emitting instructions to lead each of them,
   * followed by emitting instructions to process those arguments (to be found at run-time on the operand-stack).
   * In a few cases the above recipe deserves more details, as provided in the documentation for:
   *   - `genLoadTry()`
   *   - `genSynchronized()
   *   - `jumpDest` , `cleanups` , `labelDefsAtOrUnder`
  abstract class PlainSkelBuilder(cunit: CompilationUnit)
    extends BCClassGen
    with    BCAnnotGen
    with    BCInnerClassGen
    with    JAndroidBuilder
    with    BCForwardersGen
    with    BCPickles
    with    BCJGenSigGen {

    // Strangely I can't find this in the asm code 255, but reserving 1 for "this"
    final val MaximumJvmParameters = 254

    // current class
    var cnode: asm.tree.ClassNode  = null
    var thisName: String           = null // the internal name of the class being emitted

    var claszSymbol: Symbol        = null
    var isCZParcelable             = false
    var isCZStaticModule           = false
    var isCZRemote                 = false

    /* ---------------- idiomatic way to ask questions to typer ---------------- */

    def paramTKs(app: Apply): List[BType] = {
      val Apply(fun, _)  = app
      val funSym = fun.symbol
      ( map toTypeKind) // this tracks mentioned inner classes (in innerClassBufferASM)

    def symInfoTK(sym: Symbol): BType = {
      toTypeKind( // this tracks mentioned inner classes (in innerClassBufferASM)

    def tpeTK(tree: Tree): BType = { toTypeKind(tree.tpe) }

    def log(msg: => AnyRef) {
      global synchronized { global.log(msg) }

    override def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit = { cunit }

    /* ---------------- helper utils for generating classes and fiels ---------------- */

    def genPlainClass(cd: ClassDef) {
      assert(cnode == null, "GenBCode detected nested methods.")

      claszSymbol       = cd.symbol
      isCZParcelable    = isAndroidParcelableClass(claszSymbol)
      isCZStaticModule  = isStaticModule(claszSymbol)
      isCZRemote        = isRemote(claszSymbol)
      thisName          = internalName(claszSymbol)

      cnode = new asm.tree.ClassNode()


      val hasStaticCtor = methodSymbols(cd) exists (_.isStaticConstructor)
      if (!hasStaticCtor) {
        // but needs one ...
        if (isCZStaticModule || isCZParcelable) {

      val optSerial: Option[Long] = serialVUID(claszSymbol)
      if (optSerial.isDefined) { addSerialVUID(optSerial.get, cnode)}


      innerClassBufferASM ++= trackMemberClasses(claszSymbol, Nil)
      addInnerClassesASM(cnode, innerClassBufferASM.toList)

      if (AsmUtils.traceClassEnabled &&

      assert(cd.symbol == claszSymbol, "Someone messed up BCodePhase.claszSymbol during genPlainClass().")

    } // end of method genPlainClass()

     * must-single-thread
    private def initJClass(jclass: asm.ClassVisitor) {

      val ps =
      val superClass: String = if (ps.isEmpty) JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.getInternalName else internalName(ps.head.typeSymbol);
      val ifaces: Array[String] = {
        val arrIfacesTr: Array[Tracked] = exemplar(claszSymbol).ifaces
        val arrIfaces = new Array[String](arrIfacesTr.length)
        var i = 0
        while (i < arrIfacesTr.length) {
          val ifaceTr = arrIfacesTr(i)
          val bt = ifaceTr.c
          if (ifaceTr.isInnerClass) { innerClassBufferASM += bt }
          arrIfaces(i) = bt.getInternalName
          i += 1
      // `internalName()` tracks inner classes.

      val flags = mkFlags(
        if (isDeprecated(claszSymbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag

      val thisSignature = getGenericSignature(claszSymbol, claszSymbol.owner)
      cnode.visit(classfileVersion, flags,
                  thisName, thisSignature,
                  superClass, ifaces)

      if (emitSource) {
        cnode.visitSource(cunit.source.toString, null /* SourceDebugExtension */)

      val enclM = getEnclosingMethodAttribute(claszSymbol)
      if (enclM != null) {
        val EnclMethodEntry(className, methodName, methodType) = enclM
        cnode.visitOuterClass(className, methodName, methodType.getDescriptor)

      val ssa = getAnnotPickle(thisName, claszSymbol)
      cnode.visitAttribute(if (ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign)
      emitAnnotations(cnode, claszSymbol.annotations ++ ssa)

      if (isCZStaticModule || isCZParcelable) {

        if (isCZStaticModule) { addModuleInstanceField() }

      } else {

        val skipStaticForwarders = (claszSymbol.isInterface || settings.noForwarders)
        if (!skipStaticForwarders) {
          val lmoc = claszSymbol.companionModule
          // add static forwarders if there are no name conflicts; see bugs #363 and #1735
          if (lmoc != NoSymbol) {
            // it must be a top level class (name contains no $s)
            val isCandidateForForwarders = {
              exitingPickler { !( contains '$') && lmoc.hasModuleFlag && !lmoc.isImplClass && !lmoc.isNestedClass }
            if (isCandidateForForwarders) {
              log(s"Adding static forwarders from '$claszSymbol' to implementations in '$lmoc'")
              addForwarders(isRemote(claszSymbol), cnode, thisName, lmoc.moduleClass)


      // the invoker is responsible for adding a class-static constructor.

    } // end of method initJClass

     * can-multi-thread
    private def addModuleInstanceField() {
      val fv =
        cnode.visitField(PublicStaticFinal, // TODO confirm whether we really don't want ACC_SYNTHETIC nor ACC_DEPRECATED
                         "L" + thisName + ";",
                         null, // no java-generic-signature
                         null  // no initial value


     * must-single-thread
    private def fabricateStaticInit() {

      val clinit: asm.MethodVisitor = cnode.visitMethod(
        PublicStatic, // TODO confirm whether we really don't want ACC_SYNTHETIC nor ACC_DEPRECATED
        null, // no java-generic-signature
        null  // no throwable exceptions

      /* "legacy static initialization" */
      if (isCZStaticModule) {
        clinit.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.NEW, thisName)
                               thisName, INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, "()V")
      if (isCZParcelable) { legacyAddCreatorCode(clinit, cnode, thisName) }

      clinit.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments

    def addClassFields() {
      /*  Non-method term members are fields, except for module members. Module
       *  members can only happen on .NET (no flatten) for inner traits. There,
       *  a module symbol is generated (transformInfo in mixin) which is used
       *  as owner for the members of the implementation class (so that the
       *  backend emits them as static).
       *  No code is needed for this module symbol.
      for (f <- fieldSymbols(claszSymbol)) {
        val javagensig = getGenericSignature(f, claszSymbol)
        val flags = mkFlags(
          if (isDeprecated(f)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag

        val jfield = new asm.tree.FieldNode(
          null // no initial value
        emitAnnotations(jfield, f.annotations)

    } // end of method addClassFields()

    // current method
    var mnode: asm.tree.MethodNode = null
    var jMethodName: String        = null
    var isMethSymStaticCtor        = false
    var returnType: BType          = null
    var methSymbol: Symbol         = null
    // in GenASM this is local to genCode(), ie should get false whenever a new method is emitted (including fabricated ones eg addStaticInit())
    var isModuleInitialized        = false
    // used by genLoadTry() and genSynchronized()
    var earlyReturnVar: Symbol     = null
    var shouldEmitCleanup          = false
    var insideCleanupBlock         = false
    // line numbers
    var lastEmittedLineNr          = -1

    object bc extends JCodeMethodN {
      override def jmethod = PlainSkelBuilder.this.mnode

    /* ---------------- Part 1 of program points, ie Labels in the ASM world ---------------- */

     *  A jump is represented as an Apply node whose symbol denotes a LabelDef, the target of the jump.
     *  The `jumpDest` map is used to:
     *    (a) find the asm.Label for the target, given an Apply node's symbol;
     *    (b) anchor an asm.Label in the instruction stream, given a LabelDef node.
     *  In other words, (a) is necessary when visiting a jump-source, and (b) when visiting a jump-target.
     *  A related map is `labelDef`: it has the same keys as `jumpDest` but its values are LabelDef nodes not asm.Labels.
    var jumpDest: immutable.Map[ /* LabelDef */ Symbol, asm.Label ] = null
    def programPoint(labelSym: Symbol): asm.Label = {
      assert(labelSym.isLabel, s"trying to map a non-label symbol to an asm.Label, at: ${labelSym.pos}")
      jumpDest.getOrElse(labelSym, {
        val pp = new asm.Label
        jumpDest += (labelSym -> pp)

     *  A program point may be lexically nested (at some depth)
     *    (a) in the try-clause of a try-with-finally expression
     *    (b) in a synchronized block.
     *  Each of the constructs above establishes a "cleanup block" to execute upon
     *  both normal-exit, early-return, and abrupt-termination of the instructions it encloses.
     *  The `cleanups` LIFO queue represents the nesting of active (for the current program point)
     *  pending cleanups. For each such cleanup an asm.Label indicates the start of its cleanup-block.
     *  At any given time during traversal of the method body,
     *  the head of `cleanups` denotes the cleanup-block for the closest enclosing try-with-finally or synchronized-expression.
     *  `cleanups` is used:
     *    (1) upon visiting a Return statement.
     *        In case of pending cleanups, we can't just emit a RETURN instruction, but must instead:
     *          - store the result (if any) in `earlyReturnVar`, and
     *          - jump to the next pending cleanup.
     *        See `genReturn()`
     *    (2) upon emitting a try-with-finally or a synchronized-expr,
     *        In these cases, the targets of the above jumps are emitted,
     *        provided an early exit was actually encountered somewhere in the protected clauses.
     *        See `genLoadTry()` and `genSynchronized()`
     *  The code thus emitted for jumps and targets covers the early-return case.
     *  The case of abrupt (ie exceptional) termination is covered by exception handlers
     *  emitted for that purpose as described in `genLoadTry()` and `genSynchronized()`.
    var cleanups: List[asm.Label] = Nil
    def registerCleanup(finCleanup: asm.Label) {
      if (finCleanup != null) { cleanups = finCleanup :: cleanups }
    def unregisterCleanup(finCleanup: asm.Label) {
      if (finCleanup != null) {
        assert(cleanups.head eq finCleanup,
               s"Bad nesting of cleanup operations: $cleanups trying to unregister: $finCleanup")
        cleanups = cleanups.tail

    /* ---------------- local variables and params ---------------- */

    case class Local(tk: BType, name: String, idx: Int, isSynth: Boolean)

     * Bookkeeping for method-local vars and method-params.
    object locals {

      private val slots = mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, Local] // (local-or-param-sym -> Local(BType, name, idx, isSynth))

      private var nxtIdx = -1 // next available index for local-var

      def reset(isStaticMethod: Boolean) {
        nxtIdx = if (isStaticMethod) 0 else 1

      def contains(locSym: Symbol): Boolean = { slots.contains(locSym) }

      def apply(locSym: Symbol): Local = { slots.apply(locSym) }

      /* Make a fresh local variable, ensuring a unique name.
       * The invoker must make sure inner classes are tracked for the sym's tpe.
      def makeLocal(tk: BType, name: String): Symbol = {
        val locSym = methSymbol.newVariable(cunit.freshTermName(name), NoPosition, Flags.SYNTHETIC) // setInfo tpe
        makeLocal(locSym, tk)

      def makeLocal(locSym: Symbol): Local = {
        makeLocal(locSym, symInfoTK(locSym))

      def getOrMakeLocal(locSym: Symbol): Local = {
        // `getOrElse` below has the same effect as `getOrElseUpdate` because `makeLocal()` adds an entry to the `locals` map.
        slots.getOrElse(locSym, makeLocal(locSym))

      private def makeLocal(sym: Symbol, tk: BType): Local = {
        assert(!slots.contains(sym), "attempt to create duplicate local var.")
        assert(nxtIdx != -1, "not a valid start index")
        val loc = Local(tk, sym.javaSimpleName.toString, nxtIdx, sym.isSynthetic)
        slots += (sym -> loc)
        assert(tk.getSize > 0, "makeLocal called for a symbol whose type is Unit.")
        nxtIdx += tk.getSize

      // not to be confused with `fieldStore` and `fieldLoad` which also take a symbol but a field-symbol.
      def store(locSym: Symbol) {
        val Local(tk, _, idx, _) = slots(locSym), tk)

      def load(locSym: Symbol) {
        val Local(tk, _, idx, _) = slots(locSym)
        bc.load(idx, tk)


    /* ---------------- Part 2 of program points, ie Labels in the ASM world ---------------- */

     *  The semantics of try-with-finally and synchronized-expr require their cleanup code
     *  to be present in three forms in the emitted bytecode:
     *    (a) as normal-exit code, reached via fall-through from the last program point being protected,
     *    (b) as code reached upon early-return from an enclosed return statement.
     *        The only difference between (a) and (b) is their next program-point:
     *          the former must continue with fall-through while
     *          the latter must continue to the next early-return cleanup (if any, otherwise return from the method).
     *        Otherwise they are identical.
     *    (c) as exception-handler, reached via exceptional control flow,
     *        which rethrows the caught exception once it's done with the cleanup code.
     *  A particular cleanup may in general contain LabelDefs. Care is needed when duplicating such jump-targets,
     *  so as to preserve agreement wit the (also duplicated) jump-sources.
     *  This is achieved based on the bookkeeping provided by two maps:
     *    - `labelDefsAtOrUnder` lists all LabelDefs enclosed by a given Tree node (the key)
     *    - `labelDef` provides the LabelDef node whose symbol is used as key.
     *       As a sidenote, a related map is `jumpDest`: it has the same keys as `labelDef` but its values are asm.Labels not LabelDef nodes.
     *  Details in `emitFinalizer()`, which is invoked from `genLoadTry()` and `genSynchronized()`.
    var labelDefsAtOrUnder: scala.collection.Map[Tree, List[LabelDef]] = null
    var labelDef: scala.collection.Map[Symbol, LabelDef] = null// (LabelDef-sym -> LabelDef)

    // bookkeeping the scopes of non-synthetic local vars, to emit debug info (`emitVars`).
    var varsInScope: List[Tuple2[Symbol, asm.Label]] = null // (local-var-sym -> start-of-scope)

    // helpers around program-points.
    def lastInsn: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode = {
    def currProgramPoint(): asm.Label = {
      lastInsn match {
        case labnode: asm.tree.LabelNode => labnode.getLabel
        case _ =>
          val pp = new asm.Label
          mnode visitLabel pp
    def markProgramPoint(lbl: asm.Label) {
      val skip = (lbl == null) || isAtProgramPoint(lbl)
      if (!skip) { mnode visitLabel lbl }
    def isAtProgramPoint(lbl: asm.Label): Boolean = {
      (lastInsn match { case labnode: asm.tree.LabelNode => (labnode.getLabel == lbl); case _ => false } )
    def lineNumber(tree: Tree) {
      if (!emitLines || !tree.pos.isDefined) return;
      val nr = tree.pos.finalPosition.line
      if (nr != lastEmittedLineNr) {
        lastEmittedLineNr = nr
        lastInsn match {
          case lnn: asm.tree.LineNumberNode =>
            // overwrite previous landmark as no instructions have been emitted for it
            lnn.line = nr
          case _ =>
            mnode.visitLineNumber(nr, currProgramPoint())

    // on entering a method
    def resetMethodBookkeeping(dd: DefDef) {
      locals.reset(isStaticMethod = methSymbol.isStaticMember)
      jumpDest = immutable.Map.empty[ /* LabelDef */ Symbol, asm.Label ]
      // populate labelDefsAtOrUnder
      val ldf = new LabelDefsFinder
      labelDefsAtOrUnder = ldf.result.withDefaultValue(Nil)
      labelDef = labelDefsAtOrUnder(dd.rhs).map(ld => (ld.symbol -> ld)).toMap
      // check previous invocation of genDefDef exited as many varsInScope as it entered.
      assert(varsInScope == null, "Unbalanced entering/exiting of GenBCode's genBlock().")
      // check previous invocation of genDefDef unregistered as many cleanups as it registered.
      assert(cleanups == Nil, "Previous invocation of genDefDef didn't unregister as many cleanups as it registered.")
      isModuleInitialized = false
      earlyReturnVar      = null
      shouldEmitCleanup   = false

      lastEmittedLineNr = -1

    /* ---------------- top-down traversal invoking ASM Tree API along the way ---------------- */

    def gen(tree: Tree) {
      tree match {
        case EmptyTree => ()

        case _: ModuleDef => abort(s"Modules should have been eliminated by refchecks: $tree")

        case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => () // fields are added in `genPlainClass()`, via `addClassFields()`

        case dd : DefDef => genDefDef(dd)

        case Template(_, _, body) => body foreach gen

        case _ => abort(s"Illegal tree in gen: $tree")

     * must-single-thread
    def initJMethod(flags: Int, paramAnnotations: List[List[AnnotationInfo]]) {

      val jgensig = getGenericSignature(methSymbol, claszSymbol)
      addRemoteExceptionAnnot(isCZRemote, hasPublicBitSet(flags), methSymbol)
      val (excs, others) = methSymbol.annotations partition (_.symbol == definitions.ThrowsClass)
      val thrownExceptions: List[String] = getExceptions(excs)

      val bytecodeName =
        if (isMethSymStaticCtor) CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME
        else jMethodName

      val mdesc = asmMethodType(methSymbol).getDescriptor
      mnode = cnode.visitMethod(

      // TODO param names: (m.params map (p => javaName(p.sym)))

      emitAnnotations(mnode, others)
      emitParamAnnotations(mnode, paramAnnotations)

    } // end of method initJMethod

    def genDefDef(dd: DefDef) {
      // the only method whose implementation is not emitted: getClass()
      if (definitions.isGetClass(dd.symbol)) { return }
      assert(mnode == null, "GenBCode detected nested method.")

      methSymbol  = dd.symbol
      jMethodName = methSymbol.javaSimpleName.toString
      returnType  = asmMethodType(dd.symbol).getReturnType
      isMethSymStaticCtor = methSymbol.isStaticConstructor


      // add method-local vars for params
      val DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, rhs) = dd
      assert(vparamss.isEmpty || vparamss.tail.isEmpty, s"Malformed parameter list: $vparamss")
      val params = if (vparamss.isEmpty) Nil else vparamss.head
      for (p <- params) { locals.makeLocal(p.symbol) }
      // debug assert(( => locals(p.symbol).tk)) == asmMethodType(methSymbol).getArgumentTypes.toList, "debug")

      if (params.size > MaximumJvmParameters) {
        // SI-7324
        cunit.error(methSymbol.pos, s"Platform restriction: a parameter list's length cannot exceed $MaximumJvmParameters.")

      val isNative         = methSymbol.hasAnnotation(definitions.NativeAttr)
      val isAbstractMethod = (methSymbol.isDeferred || methSymbol.owner.isInterface)
      val flags = mkFlags(
        if (claszSymbol.isInterface) asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT   else 0,
        if (methSymbol.isStrictFP)   asm.Opcodes.ACC_STRICT     else 0,
        if (isNative)                asm.Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE     else 0, // native methods of objects are generated in mirror classes
        if (isDeprecated(methSymbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0  // ASM pseudo access flag

      // TODO needed? for(ann <- m.symbol.annotations) { ann.symbol.initialize }
      initJMethod(flags, => p.symbol.annotations))

      /* Add method-local vars for LabelDef-params.
       * This makes sure that:
       *   (1) upon visiting any "forward-jumping" Apply (ie visited before its target LabelDef), and after
       *   (2) grabbing the corresponding param symbols,
       * those param-symbols can be used to access method-local vars.
       * When duplicating a finally-contained LabelDef, another program-point is needed for the copy (each such copy has its own asm.Label),
       * but the same vars (given by the LabelDef's params) can be reused,
       * because no LabelDef ends up nested within itself after such duplication.
      for(ld <- labelDefsAtOrUnder(dd.rhs); ldp <- ld.params; if !locals.contains(ldp.symbol)) {
        // the tail-calls xform results in symbols shared btw method-params and labelDef-params, thus the guard above.

      if (!isAbstractMethod && !isNative) {

        def emitNormalMethodBody() {
          val veryFirstProgramPoint = currProgramPoint()
          genLoad(rhs, returnType)

          rhs match {
            case Block(_, Return(_)) => ()
            case Return(_) => ()
            case EmptyTree =>
              globalError("Concrete method has no definition: " + dd + (
                if (settings.debug) "(found: " +", ") + ")"
                else "")
            case _ =>
              bc emitRETURN returnType
          if (emitVars) {
            // add entries to LocalVariableTable JVM attribute
            val onePastLastProgramPoint = currProgramPoint()
            val hasStaticBitSet = ((flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0)
            if (!hasStaticBitSet) {
                "L" + thisName + ";",
            for (p <- params) { emitLocalVarScope(p.symbol, veryFirstProgramPoint, onePastLastProgramPoint, force = true) }

          if (isMethSymStaticCtor) { appendToStaticCtor(dd) }
        } // end of emitNormalMethodBody()


        // Note we don't invoke visitMax, thus there are no FrameNode among mnode.instructions.
        // The only non-instruction nodes to be found are LabelNode and LineNumberNode.

      if (AsmUtils.traceMethodEnabled &&

      mnode = null
    } // end of method genDefDef()

     *  must-single-thread
     *  TODO document, explain interplay with `fabricateStaticInit()`
    private def appendToStaticCtor(dd: DefDef) {

      def insertBefore(
            location: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode,
            i0: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode,
            i1: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode) {
        if (i0 != null) {
          mnode.instructions.insertBefore(location, i0.clone(null))
          mnode.instructions.insertBefore(location, i1.clone(null))

      // collect all return instructions
      var rets: List[asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode] = Nil
      mnode foreachInsn { i => if (i.getOpcode() == asm.Opcodes.RETURN) { rets ::= i  } }
      if (rets.isEmpty) { return }

      var insnModA: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode = null
      var insnModB: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode = null
      // call object's private ctor from static ctor
      if (isCZStaticModule) {
        // NEW `moduleName`
        val className = internalName(methSymbol.enclClass)
        insnModA      = new asm.tree.TypeInsnNode(asm.Opcodes.NEW, className)
        // INVOKESPECIAL <init>
        val callee = methSymbol.enclClass.primaryConstructor
        val jname  = callee.javaSimpleName.toString
        val jowner = internalName(callee.owner)
        val jtype  = asmMethodType(callee).getDescriptor
        insnModB   = new asm.tree.MethodInsnNode(asm.Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, jowner, jname, jtype)

      var insnParcA: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode = null
      var insnParcB: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode = null
      // android creator code
      if (isCZParcelable) {
        // add a static field ("CREATOR") to this class to cache android.os.Parcelable$Creator
        val andrFieldDescr = asmClassType(AndroidCreatorClass).getDescriptor
          asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL,
        // INVOKESTATIC CREATOR(): android.os.Parcelable$Creator; -- TODO where does this Android method come from?
        val callee = definitions.getMember(claszSymbol.companionModule, androidFieldName)
        val jowner = internalName(callee.owner)
        val jname  = callee.javaSimpleName.toString
        val jtype  = asmMethodType(callee).getDescriptor
        insnParcA  = new asm.tree.MethodInsnNode(asm.Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, jowner, jname, jtype)
        // PUTSTATIC `thisName`.CREATOR;
        insnParcB  = new asm.tree.FieldInsnNode(asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC, thisName, "CREATOR", andrFieldDescr)

      // insert a few instructions for initialization before each return instruction
      for(r <- rets) {
        insertBefore(r, insnModA,  insnModB)
        insertBefore(r, insnParcA, insnParcB)


    def emitLocalVarScope(sym: Symbol, start: asm.Label, end: asm.Label, force: Boolean = false) {
      val Local(tk, name, idx, isSynth) = locals(sym)
      if (force || !isSynth) {
        mnode.visitLocalVariable(name, tk.getDescriptor, null, start, end, idx)

    def genLoad(tree: Tree, expectedType: BType)

  } // end of class PlainSkelBuilder


Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala BCodeSkelBuilder.scala source code file:

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