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Scala example source code file (ClosureElimination.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ClosureElimination.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

compiler, deref, drop, instruction, load_local, localvar, nil, none, nsc, record, some, unit

The ClosureElimination.scala Scala example source code

 /* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Iulian Dragos

package backend.opt


 *  @author Iulian Dragos
abstract class ClosureElimination extends SubComponent {
  import global._
  import icodes._
  import icodes.opcodes._

  val phaseName = "closelim"

  override val enabled: Boolean = settings.Xcloselim

  /** Create a new phase */
  override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new ClosureEliminationPhase(p)

  /** A simple peephole optimizer. */
  val peephole = new PeepholeOpt {

    def peep(bb: BasicBlock, i1: Instruction, i2: Instruction) = (i1, i2) match {
      case (CONSTANT(c), DROP(_)) =>
        if (c.tag == UnitTag) Some(List(i2)) else Some(Nil)

      case (LOAD_LOCAL(x), STORE_LOCAL(y)) =>
        if (x eq y) Some(Nil) else None

      case (STORE_LOCAL(x), LOAD_LOCAL(y)) if (x == y) =>
        var liveOut = liveness.out(bb)
        if (!liveOut(x)) {
          debuglog("store/load to a dead local? " + x)
          val instrs = bb.getArray
          var idx = instrs.length - 1
          while (idx > 0 && (instrs(idx) ne i2)) {
            liveOut = liveness.interpret(liveOut, instrs(idx))
            idx -= 1
          if (!liveOut(x)) {
            log("Removing dead store/load of " + x.sym.initialize.defString)
          } else None
        } else
          Some(List(DUP(x.kind), STORE_LOCAL(x)))

      case (LOAD_LOCAL(_), DROP(_)) | (DUP(_), DROP(_)) =>

      case (BOX(t1), UNBOX(t2)) if (t1 == t2) =>

      case (LOAD_FIELD(sym, isStatic), DROP(_)) if !sym.hasAnnotation(definitions.VolatileAttr) =>
        if (isStatic)
          Some(DROP(REFERENCE(definitions.ObjectClass)) :: Nil)

      case _ => None

  /** The closure elimination phase.
  class ClosureEliminationPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {

    def name = phaseName
    val closser = new ClosureElim

    override def apply(c: IClass): Unit = {
      if (closser ne null)
        closser analyzeClass c

   * Remove references to the environment through fields of a closure object.
   * This has to be run after an 'apply' method has been inlined, but it still
   * references the closure object.
  class ClosureElim {
    def analyzeClass(cls: IClass): Unit = if (settings.Xcloselim) {
      log(s"Analyzing ${cls.methods.size} methods in $cls.")
      cls.methods foreach { m =>

    val cpp = new copyPropagation.CopyAnalysis

    import copyPropagation._

    /* Some embryonic copy propagation. */
    def analyzeMethod(m: IMethod): Unit = try {if (m.hasCode) {

      m.linearizedBlocks() foreach { bb =>
        var info =
        debuglog("Cpp info at entry to block " + bb + ": " + info)

        for (i <- bb) {
          i match {
            case LOAD_LOCAL(l) if info.bindings isDefinedAt LocalVar(l) =>
              val t = info.getBinding(l)
              t match {
              	case Deref(This) | Const(_) =>
                  bb.replaceInstruction(i, valueToInstruction(t))
                  debuglog(s"replaced $i with $t")

                case _ =>
                  val t = info.getAlias(l)
                  bb.replaceInstruction(i, LOAD_LOCAL(t))
                  debuglog(s"replaced $i with $t")

            case LOAD_FIELD(f, false) /* if accessible(f, m.symbol) */ =>
              def replaceFieldAccess(r: Record) {
                val Record(cls, _) = r
                info.getFieldNonRecordValue(r, f) foreach { v =>
                        bb.replaceInstruction(i, DROP(REFERENCE(cls)) :: valueToInstruction(v) :: Nil)
                        debuglog(s"replaced $i with $v")

              info.stack(0) match {
                case r @ Record(_, bindings) if bindings isDefinedAt f =>

                case Deref(LocalVar(l)) =>
                  info.getBinding(l) match {
                    case r @ Record(_, bindings) if bindings isDefinedAt f =>
                    case _ =>
                case Deref(Field(r1, f1)) =>
                  info.getFieldValue(r1, f1) match {
                    case Some(r @ Record(_, bindings)) if bindings isDefinedAt f =>
                    case _ =>

                case _ =>

            case UNBOX(boxType) =>
              info.stack match {
                case Deref(LocalVar(loc1)) :: _ if info.bindings isDefinedAt LocalVar(loc1) =>
                  val value = info.getBinding(loc1)
                  value match {
                    case Boxed(LocalVar(loc2)) if loc2.kind == boxType =>
                      bb.replaceInstruction(i, DROP(icodes.ObjectReference) :: valueToInstruction(info.getBinding(loc2)) :: Nil)
                      debuglog("replaced " + i + " with " + info.getBinding(loc2))
                    case _ =>
                case Boxed(LocalVar(loc1)) :: _ if loc1.kind == boxType =>
                  val loc2 = info.getAlias(loc1)
                  bb.replaceInstruction(i, DROP(icodes.ObjectReference) :: valueToInstruction(Deref(LocalVar(loc2))) :: Nil)
                  debuglog("replaced " + i + " with " + LocalVar(loc2))
                case _ =>

            case _ =>
          info = cpp.interpret(info, i)
    }} catch {
      case e: LubException =>
        Console.println("In method: " + m)

    /* Partial mapping from values to instructions that load them. */
    def valueToInstruction(v: Value): Instruction = (v: @unchecked) match {
      case Deref(LocalVar(v)) =>
      case Const(k) =>
      case Deref(This) =>
      case Boxed(LocalVar(v)) =>
  } /* class ClosureElim */

  /** Peephole optimization. */
  abstract class PeepholeOpt {
    /** Concrete implementations will perform their optimizations here */
    def peep(bb: BasicBlock, i1: Instruction, i2: Instruction): Option[List[Instruction]]

    var liveness: global.icodes.liveness.LivenessAnalysis = null

    def apply(m: IMethod): Unit = if (m.hasCode) {
      liveness = new global.icodes.liveness.LivenessAnalysis
      m foreachBlock transformBlock

    def transformBlock(b: BasicBlock): Unit = if (b.size >= 2) {
      var newInstructions: List[Instruction] = b.toList
      var redo = false

      do {
        var h = newInstructions.head
        var t = newInstructions.tail
        var seen: List[Instruction] = Nil
        redo = false

        while (t != Nil) {
          peep(b, h, t.head) match {
            case Some(newInstrs) =>
              newInstructions = seen reverse_::: newInstrs ::: t.tail
              redo = true
            case None =>
          seen = h :: seen
          h = t.head
          t = t.tail
      } while (redo)
      b fromList newInstructions

} /* class ClosureElimination */

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ClosureElimination.scala source code file:

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