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Scala example source code file (ClassfileParser.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ClassfileParser.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, array, collection, compiler, int, name, none, nosymbol, nsc, option, pickling, reflection, some, symbol, t, type

The ClassfileParser.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package symtab
package classfile

import{ File, IOException }
import java.lang.Integer.toHexString
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.collection.mutable.{ ListBuffer, ArrayBuffer }
import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.reflect.internal.{ JavaAccFlags }
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{PickleBuffer, ByteCodecs}

import util.ClassPath

/** This abstract class implements a class file parser.
 *  @author Martin Odersky
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class ClassfileParser {
  val symbolTable: SymbolTable {
    def settings: Settings
  val loaders: SymbolLoaders {
    val symbolTable: ClassfileParser.this.symbolTable.type

  import symbolTable._
   * If typer phase is defined then perform member lookup of a symbol
   * `sym` at typer phase. This method results from refactoring. The
   * original author of the logic that uses typer phase didn't explain
   * why we need to force infos at that phase specifically. It only mentioned
   * that ClassfileParse can be called late (e.g. at flatten phase) and
   * we make to make sure we handle such situation properly.
  protected def lookupMemberAtTyperPhaseIfPossible(sym: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol

  /** The compiler classpath. */
  def classPath: ClassPath[AbstractFile]

  import definitions._
  import scala.reflect.internal.ClassfileConstants._
  import Flags._

  protected type ThisConstantPool <: ConstantPool
  protected def newConstantPool: ThisConstantPool

  protected var in: AbstractFileReader = _  // the class file reader
  protected var clazz: Symbol = _           // the class symbol containing dynamic members
  protected var staticModule: Symbol = _    // the module symbol containing static members
  protected var instanceScope: Scope = _    // the scope of all instance definitions
  protected var staticScope: Scope = _      // the scope of all static definitions
  protected var pool: ThisConstantPool = _  // the classfile's constant pool
  protected var isScala: Boolean = _        // does class file describe a scala class?
  protected var isScalaAnnot: Boolean = _   // does class file describe a scala class with its pickled info in an annotation?
  protected var isScalaRaw: Boolean = _     // this class file is a scala class with no pickled info
  protected var busy: Symbol = _            // lock to detect recursive reads
  protected var currentClass: Name = _      // JVM name of the current class
  protected var classTParams = Map[Name,Symbol]()
  protected var srcfile0 : Option[AbstractFile] = None
  protected def moduleClass: Symbol = staticModule.moduleClass
  private var sawPrivateConstructor = false

  private def ownerForFlags(jflags: JavaAccFlags) = if (jflags.isStatic) moduleClass else clazz

  def srcfile = srcfile0

  private def optimized         = settings.optimise.value

  // u1, u2, and u4 are what these data types are called in the JVM spec.
  // They are an unsigned byte, unsigned char, and unsigned int respectively.
  // We bitmask u1 into an Int to make sure it's 0-255 (and u1 isn't used
  // for much beyond tags) but leave u2 alone as it's already unsigned.
  protected final def u1(): Int = in.nextByte & 0xFF
  protected final def u2(): Int = in.nextChar.toInt
  protected final def u4(): Int = in.nextInt

  private def readInnerClassFlags() = readClassFlags()
  private def readClassFlags()      = JavaAccFlags classFlags u2
  private def readMethodFlags()     = JavaAccFlags methodFlags u2
  private def readFieldFlags()      = JavaAccFlags fieldFlags u2
  private def readTypeName()        = readName().toTypeName
  private def readName()            = pool getName u2
  private def readType()            = pool getType u2

  private object unpickler extends scala.reflect.internal.pickling.UnPickler {
    val symbolTable: ClassfileParser.this.symbolTable.type = ClassfileParser.this.symbolTable

  private def handleMissing(e: MissingRequirementError) = {
    if (settings.debug) e.printStackTrace
    throw new IOException(s"Missing dependency '${e.req}', required by ${in.file}")
  private def handleError(e: Exception) = {
    if (settings.debug) e.printStackTrace()
    throw new IOException(s"class file '${in.file}' is broken\n(${e.getClass}/${e.getMessage})")
  private def mismatchError(c: Symbol) = {
    throw new IOException(s"class file '${in.file}' has location not matching its contents: contains $c")

  private def parseErrorHandler[T]: PartialFunction[Throwable, T] = {
    case e: MissingRequirementError => handleMissing(e)
    case e: RuntimeException        => handleError(e)
  @inline private def pushBusy[T](sym: Symbol)(body: => T): T = {
    if (busy eq sym)
      throw new IOException(s"unsatisfiable cyclic dependency in '$sym'")
    else if ((busy ne null) && (busy ne NoSymbol))
      throw new IOException(s"illegal class file dependency between '$sym' and '$busy'")

    busy = sym
    try body
    catch parseErrorHandler
    finally busy = NoSymbol
  @inline private def raiseLoaderLevel[T](body: => T): T = {
    loaders.parentsLevel += 1
    try body
    finally loaders.parentsLevel -= 1

  def parse(file: AbstractFile, root: Symbol): Unit = {
    debuglog("[class] >> " + root.fullName)

    pushBusy(root) {           = new AbstractFileReader(file)
      this.clazz        = if (root.isModule) root.companionClass else root
      // WARNING! do no use clazz.companionModule to find staticModule.
      // In a situation where root can be defined, but its companionClass not,
      // this would give incorrect results (see SI-5031 in separate compilation scenario)
      this.staticModule = if (root.isModule) root else root.companionModule
      this.isScala      = false

      this.pool = newConstantPool

  private def parseHeader() {
    val magic = u4
    if (magic != JAVA_MAGIC)
      abort(s"class file ${in.file} has wrong magic number 0x${toHexString(magic)}")

    val minor, major = u2
    if (major < JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION || major == JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION && minor < JAVA_MINOR_VERSION)
      abort(s"class file ${in.file} has unknown version $major.$minor, should be at least $JAVA_MAJOR_VERSION.$JAVA_MINOR_VERSION")

   * Constructor of this class should not be called directly, use `newConstantPool` instead.
  protected class ConstantPool {
    protected val len          = u2
    protected val starts       = new Array[Int](len)
    protected val values       = new Array[AnyRef](len)
    protected val internalized = new Array[Name](len)

    { var i = 1
      while (i < starts.length) {
        starts(i) = in.bp
        i += 1
        (u1: @switch) match {
          case CONSTANT_UTF8 | CONSTANT_UNICODE                                => in skip u2
          case CONSTANT_CLASS | CONSTANT_STRING | CONSTANT_METHODTYPE          => in skip 2
          case CONSTANT_METHODHANDLE                                           => in skip 3
          case CONSTANT_INVOKEDYNAMIC                                          => in skip 4
          case CONSTANT_LONG | CONSTANT_DOUBLE                                 => in skip 8 ; i += 1
          case _                                                               => errorBadTag(in.bp - 1)

    def recordAtIndex[T <: AnyRef](value: T, idx: Int): T = {
      values(idx) = value

    def firstExpecting(index: Int, expected: Int): Int = {
      val start = starts(index)
      val first = in.buf(start).toInt
      if (first == expected) start + 1
      else this errorBadTag start

    /** Return the name found at given index. */
    def getName(index: Int): Name = (
      if (index <= 0 || len <= index) errorBadIndex(index)
      else values(index) match {
        case name: Name => name
        case _          =>
          val start = firstExpecting(index, CONSTANT_UTF8)
          recordAtIndex(newTermName(in.buf, start + 2, in.getChar(start).toInt), index)

    /** Return the name found at given index in the constant pool, with '/' replaced by '.'. */
    def getExternalName(index: Int): Name = {
      if (index <= 0 || len <= index)

      if (internalized(index) == null)
        internalized(index) = getName(index).replace('/', '.')


    def getClassSymbol(index: Int): Symbol = {
      if (index <= 0 || len <= index) errorBadIndex(index)
      values(index) match {
        case sym: Symbol => sym
        case _           =>
          val result = getClassName(index) match {
            case name if nme.isModuleName(name) => rootMirror getModuleByName name.dropModule
            case name                           => classNameToSymbol(name)
          recordAtIndex(result, index)

    /** Return the external name of the class info structure found at 'index'.
     *  Use 'getClassSymbol' if the class is sure to be a top-level class.
    def getClassName(index: Int): Name = {
      val start = firstExpecting(index, CONSTANT_CLASS)
      getExternalName((in getChar start).toInt)

    /** Return a name and a type at the given index. If the type is a method
     *  type, a dummy symbol is created in `ownerTpe`, which is used as the
     *  owner of its value parameters. This might lead to inconsistencies,
     *  if a symbol of the given name already exists, and has a different
     *  type.
    protected def getNameAndType(index: Int, ownerTpe: Type): (Name, Type) = {
      if (index <= 0 || len <= index) errorBadIndex(index)
      values(index) match {
        case p: ((Name @unchecked, Type @unchecked)) => p
        case _                                       =>
          val start = firstExpecting(index, CONSTANT_NAMEANDTYPE)
          val name = getName(in.getChar(start).toInt)
          // create a dummy symbol for method types
          val dummy = ownerTpe.typeSymbol.newMethod(name.toTermName, ownerTpe.typeSymbol.pos)
          val tpe   = getType(dummy, in.getChar(start + 2).toInt)
          // fix the return type, which is blindly set to the class currently parsed
          val restpe = tpe match {
            case MethodType(formals, _) if name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR => MethodType(formals, ownerTpe)
            case _                                                 => tpe
          ((name, restpe))

    /** Return the type of a class constant entry. Since
     *  arrays are considered to be class types, they might
     *  appear as entries in 'newarray' or 'cast' opcodes.
    def getClassOrArrayType(index: Int): Type = (
      if (index <= 0 || len <= index) errorBadIndex(index)
      else values(index) match {
        case tp: Type    => tp
        case cls: Symbol => cls.tpe_*
        case _           =>
          val name = getClassName(index)
          name charAt 0 match {
            case ARRAY_TAG => recordAtIndex(sigToType(null, name), index)
            case _         => recordAtIndex(classNameToSymbol(name), index).tpe_*

    def getType(index: Int): Type              = getType(null, index)
    def getType(sym: Symbol, index: Int): Type = sigToType(sym, getExternalName(index))
    def getSuperClass(index: Int): Symbol      = if (index == 0) AnyClass else getClassSymbol(index)

    private def createConstant(index: Int): Constant = {
      val start = starts(index)
      Constant((in.buf(start).toInt: @switch) match {
        case CONSTANT_STRING  => getName(in.getChar(start + 1).toInt).toString
        case CONSTANT_INTEGER => in.getInt(start + 1)
        case CONSTANT_FLOAT   => in.getFloat(start + 1)
        case CONSTANT_LONG    => in.getLong(start + 1)
        case CONSTANT_DOUBLE  => in.getDouble(start + 1)
        case CONSTANT_CLASS   => getClassOrArrayType(index).typeSymbol.tpe_* // !!! Is this necessary or desirable?
        case _                => errorBadTag(start)
    def getConstant(index: Char): Constant = getConstant(index.toInt)
    def getConstant(index: Int): Constant = (
      if (index <= 0 || len <= index) errorBadIndex(index)
      else values(index) match {
        case  const: Constant => const
        case sym: Symbol      => Constant(sym.tpe_*)
        case tpe: Type        => Constant(tpe)
        case _                => recordAtIndex(createConstant(index), index)

    private def getSubArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
      val decodedLength = ByteCodecs.decode(bytes)
      val arr           = new Array[Byte](decodedLength)
      System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, arr, 0, decodedLength)

    def getBytes(index: Int): Array[Byte] = (
      if (index <= 0 || len <= index) errorBadIndex(index)
      else values(index) match {
        case xs: Array[Byte] => xs
        case _               =>
          val start = firstExpecting(index, CONSTANT_UTF8)
          val len   = (in getChar start).toInt
          val bytes = new Array[Byte](len)
          System.arraycopy(in.buf, start + 2, bytes, 0, len)
          recordAtIndex(getSubArray(bytes), index)

    def getBytes(indices: List[Int]): Array[Byte] = {
      val head = indices.head
      values(head) match {
        case xs: Array[Byte] => xs
        case _               =>
          val arr: Array[Byte] = indices.toArray flatMap { index =>
            if (index <= 0 || ConstantPool.this.len <= index) errorBadIndex(index)
            val start = firstExpecting(index, CONSTANT_UTF8)
            val len   = (in getChar start).toInt
            in.buf drop start + 2 take len
          recordAtIndex(getSubArray(arr), head)

    /** Throws an exception signaling a bad constant index. */
    protected def errorBadIndex(index: Int) =
      abort(s"bad constant pool index: $index at pos: ${in.bp}")

    /** Throws an exception signaling a bad tag at given address. */
    protected def errorBadTag(start: Int) =
      abort(s"bad constant pool tag ${in.buf(start)} at byte $start")

  private def loadClassSymbol(name: Name): Symbol = {
    val file = classPath findSourceFile ("" +name) getOrElse {
      // SI-5593 Scaladoc's current strategy is to visit all packages in search of user code that can be documented
      // therefore, it will rummage through the classpath triggering errors whenever it encounters package objects
      // that are not in their correct place (see bug for details)

      // TODO More consistency with use of stub symbols in `Unpickler`
      //   - better owner than `NoSymbol`
      //   - remove eager warning
      val msg = s"Class $name not found - continuing with a stub."
      if (!settings.isScaladoc) warning(msg)
      return NoSymbol.newStubSymbol(name.toTypeName, msg)
    val completer     = new loaders.ClassfileLoader(file)
    var owner: Symbol = rootMirror.RootClass
    var sym: Symbol   = NoSymbol
    var ss: Name      = null
    var start         = 0
    var end           = name indexOf '.'

    while (end > 0) {
      ss = name.subName(start, end)
      sym = lookup ss
      if (sym == NoSymbol) {
        sym = owner.newPackage(ss.toTermName) setInfo completer
        sym.moduleClass setInfo completer enter sym
      owner = sym.moduleClass
      start = end + 1
      end = name.indexOf('.', start)
    ss = name.subName(0, start) lookup ss orElse {
      sym = owner.newClass(ss.toTypeName) setInfoAndEnter completer
      debuglog("loaded "+sym+" from file "+file)

  /** FIXME - we shouldn't be doing ad hoc lookups in the empty package.
   *  The method called "getClassByName" should either return the class or not.
  private def lookupClass(name: Name) = (
    if (name containsChar '.')
      rootMirror getClassByName name // see tickets #2464, #3756
      definitions.getMember(rootMirror.EmptyPackageClass, name.toTypeName)

  /** Return the class symbol of the given name. */
  def classNameToSymbol(name: Name): Symbol = {
    if (innerClasses contains name)
      innerClasses innerSymbol name
      try lookupClass(name)
      catch { case _: FatalError => loadClassSymbol(name) }

  def parseClass() {
    val jflags   = readClassFlags()
    val sflags   = jflags.toScalaFlags
    val nameIdx  = u2
    currentClass = pool.getClassName(nameIdx)

    /* Parse parents for Java classes. For Scala, return AnyRef, since the real type will be unpickled.
     * Updates the read pointer of 'in'. */
    def parseParents: List[Type] = {
      if (isScala) {
        u2                    // skip superclass
        val ifaces = u2
        in.bp += ifaces * 2   // .. and iface count interfaces
        List(AnyRefTpe) // dummy superclass, will be replaced by pickled information
      else raiseLoaderLevel {
        val superType = if (jflags.isAnnotation) { u2; AnnotationClass.tpe }
                        else pool.getSuperClass(u2).tpe_*
        val ifaceCount = u2
        var ifaces = for (i <- List.range(0, ifaceCount)) yield pool.getSuperClass(u2).tpe_*
        if (jflags.isAnnotation) ifaces ::= ClassfileAnnotationClass.tpe
        superType :: ifaces

    val isTopLevel = !(currentClass containsChar '$') // Java class name; *don't* try to to use Scala name decoding (SI-7532)

    val c = if (isTopLevel) pool.getClassSymbol(nameIdx) else clazz
    if (isTopLevel) {
      if (c != clazz) {
        if ((clazz eq NoSymbol) && (c ne NoSymbol)) clazz = c
        else mismatchError(c)

    parseInnerClasses() // also sets the isScala / isScalaRaw flags, see r15956
    // get the class file parser to reuse scopes.
    instanceScope = newScope
    staticScope = newScope

    val classInfo = ClassInfoType(parseParents, instanceScope, clazz)
    val staticInfo = ClassInfoType(List(), staticScope, moduleClass)

    if (!isScala && !isScalaRaw)

    val curbp = in.bp
    skipMembers() // fields
    skipMembers() // methods
    if (!isScala) {
      clazz setFlag sflags
      propagatePackageBoundary(jflags, clazz, staticModule, staticModule.moduleClass)
      clazz setInfo classInfo
      moduleClass setInfo staticInfo
      staticModule setInfo moduleClass.tpe
      staticModule setFlag JAVA
      staticModule.moduleClass setFlag JAVA
      // attributes now depend on having infos set already
      parseAttributes(clazz, classInfo)

      def queueLoad() {
        in.bp = curbp
        0 until u2 foreach (_ => parseField())
        sawPrivateConstructor = false
        0 until u2 foreach (_ => parseMethod())
        val needsConstructor = (
          && !(instanceScope containsName nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
          && (sflags & INTERFACE) == 0
        if (needsConstructor)
          instanceScope enter clazz.newClassConstructor(NoPosition)

      loaders.pendingLoadActions ::= (queueLoad _)
      if (loaders.parentsLevel == 0) {
        while (loaders.pendingLoadActions.nonEmpty) {
          val item = loaders.pendingLoadActions.head
          loaders.pendingLoadActions = loaders.pendingLoadActions.tail
    } else
      parseAttributes(clazz, classInfo)

  /** Add type parameters of enclosing classes */
  def addEnclosingTParams(clazz: Symbol) {
    var sym = clazz.owner
    while (sym.isClass && !sym.isModuleClass) {
      for (t <- sym.tpe.typeArgs)
        classTParams = classTParams + ( -> t.typeSymbol)

      sym = sym.owner

  def parseField() {
    val jflags = readFieldFlags()
    val sflags = jflags.toScalaFlags

    if ((sflags & PRIVATE) != 0L && !optimized) {
      in.skip(4); skipAttributes()
    } else {
      val name    = readName()
      val info    = readType()
      val sym     = ownerForFlags(jflags).newValue(name.toTermName, NoPosition, sflags)

      // Note: the info may be overwritten later with a generic signature
      // parsed from SignatureATTR
      sym setInfo {
        if (jflags.isEnum) ConstantType(Constant(sym))
        else info
      propagatePackageBoundary(jflags, sym)
      parseAttributes(sym, info)
      getScope(jflags) enter sym

      // sealed java enums
      if (jflags.isEnum) {
        val enumClass = sym.owner.linkedClassOfClass
        enumClass match {
          case NoSymbol =>
            devWarning(s"no linked class for java enum $sym in ${sym.owner}. A referencing class file might be missing an InnerClasses entry.")
          case linked =>
            if (!linked.isSealed)
              linked setFlag (SEALED | ABSTRACT)
            linked addChild sym

  def parseMethod() {
    val jflags = readMethodFlags()
    val sflags = jflags.toScalaFlags
    if (jflags.isPrivate && !optimized) {
      val name = readName()
      if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
        sawPrivateConstructor = true
      in.skip(2); skipAttributes()
    } else {
      if ((sflags & PRIVATE) != 0L && optimized) { // TODO this should be !optimized, no? See c4181f656d.
        in.skip(4); skipAttributes()
      } else {
        val name = readName()
        val sym = ownerForFlags(jflags).newMethod(name.toTermName, NoPosition, sflags)
        var info = pool.getType(sym, u2)
        if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
          info match {
            case MethodType(params, restpe) =>
              // if this is a non-static inner class, remove the explicit outer parameter
              val paramsNoOuter = innerClasses getEntry currentClass match {
                case Some(entry) if !isScalaRaw && !entry.jflags.isStatic =>
                  /* About `clazz.owner.hasPackageFlag` below: SI-5957
                   * For every nested java class A$B, there are two symbols in the scala compiler.
                   *  1. created by SymbolLoader, because of the existence of the A$B.class file, owner: package
                   *  2. created by ClassfileParser of A when reading the inner classes, owner: A
                   * If symbol 1 gets completed (e.g. because the compiled source mentions `A$B`, not `A#B`), the
                   * ClassfileParser for 1 executes, and clazz.owner is the package.
                  assert(params.head.tpe.typeSymbol == clazz.owner || clazz.owner.hasPackageFlag, params.head.tpe.typeSymbol + ": " + clazz.owner)
                case _ =>
              val newParams = paramsNoOuter match {
                case (init :+ tail) if jflags.isSynthetic =>
                  // SI-7455 strip trailing dummy argument ("access constructor tag") from synthetic constructors which
                  // are added when an inner class needs to access a private constructor.
                case _ =>

              info = MethodType(newParams, clazz.tpe)
        // Note: the info may be overrwritten later with a generic signature
        // parsed from SignatureATTR
        sym setInfo info
        propagatePackageBoundary(jflags, sym)
        parseAttributes(sym, info)
        if (jflags.isVarargs)
          sym modifyInfo arrayToRepeated

        getScope(jflags) enter sym

  private def sigToType(sym: Symbol, sig: Name): Type = {
    var index = 0
    val end = sig.length
    def accept(ch: Char) {
      assert(sig.charAt(index) == ch, (sig.charAt(index), ch))
      index += 1
    def subName(isDelimiter: Char => Boolean): Name = {
      val start = index
      while (!isDelimiter(sig.charAt(index))) { index += 1 }
      sig.subName(start, index)
    def sig2type(tparams: immutable.Map[Name,Symbol], skiptvs: Boolean): Type = {
      val tag = sig.charAt(index); index += 1
      tag match {
        case BYTE_TAG   => ByteTpe
        case CHAR_TAG   => CharTpe
        case DOUBLE_TAG => DoubleTpe
        case FLOAT_TAG  => FloatTpe
        case INT_TAG    => IntTpe
        case LONG_TAG   => LongTpe
        case SHORT_TAG  => ShortTpe
        case VOID_TAG   => UnitTpe
        case BOOL_TAG   => BooleanTpe
        case 'L' =>
          def processInner(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
            case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if (!sym.isStatic) =>
              typeRef(processInner(pre.widen), sym, args)
            case _ =>
          def processClassType(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
            case TypeRef(pre, classSym, args) =>
              val existentials = new ListBuffer[Symbol]()
              if (sig.charAt(index) == '<') {
                val xs = new ListBuffer[Type]()
                var i = 0
                while (sig.charAt(index) != '>') {
                  sig.charAt(index) match {
                    case variance @ ('+' | '-' | '*') =>
                      index += 1
                      val bounds = variance match {
                        case '+' => TypeBounds.upper(objToAny(sig2type(tparams, skiptvs)))
                        case '-' =>
                          val tp = sig2type(tparams, skiptvs)
                          // sig2type seems to return AnyClass regardless of the situation:
                          // we don't want Any as a LOWER bound.
                          if (tp.typeSymbol == AnyClass) TypeBounds.empty
                          else TypeBounds.lower(tp)
                        case '*' => TypeBounds.empty
                      val newtparam = sym.newExistential(newTypeName("?"+i), sym.pos) setInfo bounds
                      existentials += newtparam
                      xs += newtparam.tpeHK
                      i += 1
                    case _ =>
                      xs += sig2type(tparams, skiptvs)
                assert(xs.length > 0, tp)
                debuglogResult("new existential")(newExistentialType(existentials.toList, typeRef(pre, classSym, xs.toList)))
              // isMonomorphicType is false if the info is incomplete, as it usually is here
              // so have to check unsafeTypeParams.isEmpty before worrying about raw type case below,
              // or we'll create a boatload of needless existentials.
              else if (classSym.isMonomorphicType || classSym.unsafeTypeParams.isEmpty) tp
              else debuglogResult(s"raw type from $classSym"){
                // raw type - existentially quantify all type parameters
                val eparams = typeParamsToExistentials(classSym, classSym.unsafeTypeParams)
                newExistentialType(eparams, typeRef(pre, classSym,
            case tp =>
              assert(sig.charAt(index) != '<', s"sig=$sig, index=$index, tp=$tp")

          val classSym = classNameToSymbol(subName(c => c == ';' || c == '<'))
          assert(!classSym.isOverloaded, classSym.alternatives)
          var tpe = processClassType(processInner(classSym.tpe_*))
          while (sig.charAt(index) == '.') {
            val name = subName(c => c == ';' || c == '<' || c == '.').toTypeName
            val clazz = tpe.member(name)
            val dummyArgs = Nil // the actual arguments are added in processClassType
            val inner = typeRef(pre = tpe, sym = clazz, args = dummyArgs)
            tpe = processClassType(inner)
        case ARRAY_TAG =>
          while ('0' <= sig.charAt(index) && sig.charAt(index) <= '9') index += 1
          var elemtp = sig2type(tparams, skiptvs)
          // make unbounded Array[T] where T is a type variable into Array[T with Object]
          // (this is necessary because such arrays have a representation which is incompatible
          // with arrays of primitive types.
          // NOTE that the comparison to Object only works for abstract types bounded by classes that are strict subclasses of Object
          // if the bound is exactly Object, it will have been converted to Any, and the comparison will fail
          // see also RestrictJavaArraysMap (when compiling java sources directly)
          if (elemtp.typeSymbol.isAbstractType && !(elemtp <:< ObjectTpe)) {
            elemtp = intersectionType(List(elemtp, ObjectTpe))

        case '(' =>
          // we need a method symbol. given in line 486 by calling getType(methodSym, ..)
          assert(sym ne null, sig)
          val paramtypes = new ListBuffer[Type]()
          while (sig.charAt(index) != ')') {
            paramtypes += objToAny(sig2type(tparams, skiptvs))
          index += 1
          val restype = if (sym != null && sym.isClassConstructor) {
          } else
            sig2type(tparams, skiptvs)
          JavaMethodType(sym.newSyntheticValueParams(paramtypes.toList), restype)
        case 'T' =>
          val n = subName(';'.==).toTypeName
          index += 1
          if (skiptvs) AnyTpe
          else tparams(n).typeConstructor
    } // sig2type(tparams, skiptvs)

    def sig2typeBounds(tparams: immutable.Map[Name, Symbol], skiptvs: Boolean): Type = {
      val ts = new ListBuffer[Type]
      while (sig.charAt(index) == ':') {
        index += 1
        if (sig.charAt(index) != ':') // guard against empty class bound
          ts += objToAny(sig2type(tparams, skiptvs))
      TypeBounds.upper(intersectionType(ts.toList, sym))

    var tparams = classTParams
    val newTParams = new ListBuffer[Symbol]()
    if (sig.charAt(index) == '<') {
      assert(sym != null, sig)
      index += 1
      val start = index
      while (sig.charAt(index) != '>') {
        val tpname = subName(':'.==).toTypeName
        val s = sym.newTypeParameter(tpname)
        tparams = tparams + (tpname -> s)
        sig2typeBounds(tparams, skiptvs = true)
        newTParams += s
      index = start
      while (sig.charAt(index) != '>') {
        val tpname = subName(':'.==).toTypeName
        val s = tparams(tpname)
        s.setInfo(sig2typeBounds(tparams, skiptvs = false))
    val ownTypeParams = newTParams.toList
    if (!ownTypeParams.isEmpty)
      sym.setInfo(new TypeParamsType(ownTypeParams))
    val tpe =
      if ((sym eq null) || !sym.isClass)
        sig2type(tparams, skiptvs = false)
      else {
        classTParams = tparams
        val parents = new ListBuffer[Type]()
        while (index < end) {
          parents += sig2type(tparams, skiptvs = false)  // here the variance doesnt'matter
        ClassInfoType(parents.toList, instanceScope, sym)
    GenPolyType(ownTypeParams, tpe)
  } // sigToType

  def parseAttributes(sym: Symbol, symtype: Type) {
    def convertTo(c: Constant, pt: Type): Constant = {
      if (pt.typeSymbol == BooleanClass && c.tag == IntTag)
        Constant(c.value != 0)
        c convertTo pt
    def parseAttribute() {
      val attrName = readTypeName()
      val attrLen  = u4
      attrName match {
        case tpnme.SignatureATTR =>
          if (!isScala && !isScalaRaw) {
            val sig = pool.getExternalName(u2)
            val newType = sigToType(sym, sig)
          else in.skip(attrLen)
        case tpnme.SyntheticATTR =>
          sym.setFlag(SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT)
        case tpnme.BridgeATTR =>
          sym.setFlag(BRIDGE | ARTIFACT)
        case tpnme.DeprecatedATTR =>
          val arg = Literal(Constant("see corresponding Javadoc for more information."))
          sym.addAnnotation(DeprecatedAttr, arg, Literal(Constant("")))
        case tpnme.ConstantValueATTR =>
          val c = pool.getConstant(u2)
          val c1 = convertTo(c, symtype)
          if (c1 ne null) sym.setInfo(ConstantType(c1))
          else debugwarn(s"failure to convert $c to $symtype")
        case tpnme.ScalaSignatureATTR =>
          if (!isScalaAnnot) {
            debugwarn(s"symbol ${sym.fullName} has pickled signature in attribute")
            unpickler.unpickle(in.buf, in.bp, clazz, staticModule,
        case tpnme.ScalaATTR =>
          isScalaRaw = true
         // Attribute on methods of java annotation classes when that method has a default
        case tpnme.AnnotationDefaultATTR =>
        // Java annotations on classes / methods / fields with RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME
        case tpnme.RuntimeAnnotationATTR =>
          if (isScalaAnnot || !isScala) {
            val scalaSigAnnot = parseAnnotations(attrLen)
            if (isScalaAnnot)
              scalaSigAnnot match {
                case Some(san: AnnotationInfo) =>
                  val bytes =
                    san.assocs.find({ _._1 == nme.bytes }).get._2.asInstanceOf[ScalaSigBytes].bytes
                  unpickler.unpickle(bytes, 0, clazz, staticModule,
                case None =>
                  throw new RuntimeException("Scala class file does not contain Scala annotation")
            debuglog("[class] << " + sym.fullName + sym.annotationsString)

        // TODO 1: parse runtime visible annotations on parameters
        // case tpnme.RuntimeParamAnnotationATTR

        // TODO 2: also parse RuntimeInvisibleAnnotation / RuntimeInvisibleParamAnnotation,
        // i.e. java annotations with RetentionPolicy.CLASS?

        case tpnme.ExceptionsATTR if (!isScala) =>

        case tpnme.SourceFileATTR =>
          val srcfileLeaf = readName().toString.trim
          val srcpath = sym.enclosingPackage match {
            case NoSymbol => srcfileLeaf
            case rootMirror.EmptyPackage => srcfileLeaf
            case pkg => pkg.fullName(File.separatorChar)+File.separator+srcfileLeaf
          srcfile0 = settings.outputDirs.srcFilesFor(in.file, srcpath).find(_.exists)
        case tpnme.CodeATTR =>
          if (sym.owner.isInterface) {
            sym setFlag DEFAULTMETHOD
            log(s"$sym in ${sym.owner} is a java8+ default method.")
        case _ =>

    def parseAnnotArg: Option[ClassfileAnnotArg] = {
      val tag = u1
      val index = u2
      tag match {
        case STRING_TAG =>
             LONG_TAG | FLOAT_TAG | DOUBLE_TAG =>
        case CLASS_TAG  =>
        case ENUM_TAG   =>
          val t = pool.getType(index)
          val n = readName()
          val module = t.typeSymbol.companionModule
          val s =
          if (s != NoSymbol) Some(LiteralAnnotArg(Constant(s)))
          else {
            warning(s"""While parsing annotations in ${in.file}, could not find $n in enum $module.\nThis is likely due to an implementation restriction: an annotation argument cannot refer to a member of the annotated class (SI-7014).""")

        case ARRAY_TAG  =>
          val arr = new ArrayBuffer[ClassfileAnnotArg]()
          var hasError = false
          for (i <- 0 until index)
            parseAnnotArg match {
              case Some(c) => arr += c
              case None => hasError = true
          if (hasError) None
          else Some(ArrayAnnotArg(arr.toArray))
        case ANNOTATION_TAG =>
          parseAnnotation(index) map (NestedAnnotArg(_))

    def parseScalaSigBytes: Option[ScalaSigBytes] = {
      val tag = u1
      assert(tag == STRING_TAG, tag)
      Some(ScalaSigBytes(pool getBytes u2))

    def parseScalaLongSigBytes: Option[ScalaSigBytes] = {
      val tag = u1
      assert(tag == ARRAY_TAG, tag)
      val stringCount = u2
      val entries =
        for (i <- 0 until stringCount) yield {
          val stag = u1
          assert(stag == STRING_TAG, stag)

    /* Parse and return a single annotation.  If it is malformed,
     * return None.
    def parseAnnotation(attrNameIndex: Int): Option[AnnotationInfo] = try {
      val attrType = pool.getType(attrNameIndex)
      val nargs = u2
      val nvpairs = new ListBuffer[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]
      var hasError = false
      for (i <- 0 until nargs) {
        val name = readName()
        // The "bytes: String" argument of the ScalaSignature attribute is parsed specially so that it is
        // available as an array of bytes (the pickled Scala signature) instead of as a string. The pickled signature
        // is encoded as a string because of limitations in the Java class file format.
        if ((attrType == ScalaSignatureAnnotation.tpe) && (name == nme.bytes))
          parseScalaSigBytes match {
            case Some(c) => nvpairs += ((name, c))
            case None => hasError = true
        else if ((attrType == ScalaLongSignatureAnnotation.tpe) && (name == nme.bytes))
          parseScalaLongSigBytes match {
            case Some(c) => nvpairs += ((name, c))
            case None => hasError = true
          parseAnnotArg match {
            case Some(c) => nvpairs += ((name, c))
            case None => hasError = true
      if (hasError) None
      else Some(AnnotationInfo(attrType, List(), nvpairs.toList))
    catch {
      case f: FatalError       => throw f  // don't eat fatal errors, they mean a class was not found
      case ex: java.lang.Error => throw ex
      case ex: Throwable       =>
        // We want to be robust when annotations are unavailable, so the very least
        // we can do is warn the user about the exception
        // There was a reference to ticket 1135, but that is outdated: a reference to a class not on
        // the classpath would *not* end up here. A class not found is signaled
        // with a `FatalError` exception, handled above. Here you'd end up after a NPE (for example),
        // and that should never be swallowed silently.
        warning(s"Caught: $ex while parsing annotations in ${in.file}")
        if (settings.debug) ex.printStackTrace()

        None // ignore malformed annotations

     * Parse the "Exceptions" attribute which denotes the exceptions
     * thrown by a method.
    def parseExceptions(len: Int) {
      val nClasses = u2
      for (n <- 0 until nClasses) {
        // FIXME: this performs an equivalent of getExceptionTypes instead of getGenericExceptionTypes (SI-7065)
        val cls = pool.getClassSymbol(u2)
        // we call initialize due to the fact that we call Symbol.isMonomorphicType in addThrowsAnnotation
        // and that method requires Symbol to be forced to give the right answers, see SI-7107 for details

    /* Parse a sequence of annotations and attaches them to the
     * current symbol sym, except for the ScalaSignature annotation that it returns, if it is available. */
    def parseAnnotations(len: Int): Option[AnnotationInfo] =  {
      val nAttr = u2
      var scalaSigAnnot: Option[AnnotationInfo] = None
      for (n <- 0 until nAttr)
        parseAnnotation(u2) match {
          case Some(scalaSig) if (scalaSig.atp == ScalaSignatureAnnotation.tpe) =>
            scalaSigAnnot = Some(scalaSig)
          case Some(scalaSig) if (scalaSig.atp == ScalaLongSignatureAnnotation.tpe) =>
            scalaSigAnnot = Some(scalaSig)
          case Some(annot) =>
          case None =>

    // begin parseAttributes
    for (i <- 0 until u2) parseAttribute()

  /** Enter own inner classes in the right scope. It needs the scopes to be set up,
   *  and implicitly current class' superclasses.
  private def enterOwnInnerClasses() {
    def className(name: Name): Name =
      name.subName(name.lastPos('.') + 1, name.length)

    def enterClassAndModule(entry: InnerClassEntry, file: AbstractFile) {
      def jflags      = entry.jflags
      val completer   = new loaders.ClassfileLoader(file)
      val name        = entry.originalName
      val sflags      = jflags.toScalaFlags
      val owner       = ownerForFlags(jflags)
      val scope       = getScope(jflags)
      val innerClass  = owner.newClass(name.toTypeName, NoPosition, sflags) setInfo completer
      val innerModule = owner.newModule(name.toTermName, NoPosition, sflags) setInfo completer

      innerModule.moduleClass setInfo loaders.moduleClassLoader
      List(innerClass, innerModule.moduleClass) foreach (_.associatedFile = file)

      scope enter innerClass
      scope enter innerModule

      val decls =
      def unlinkIfPresent(name: Name) = {
        val e = decls lookupEntry name
        if (e ne null)
          decls unlink e

      val cName = className(entry.externalName)

    for (entry <- innerClasses.entries) {
      // create a new class member for immediate inner classes
      if (entry.outerName == currentClass) {
        val file = classPath.findSourceFile(entry.externalName.toString) getOrElse {
          throw new AssertionError(entry.externalName)
        enterClassAndModule(entry, file)

  /** Parse inner classes. Expects `in.bp` to point to the superclass entry.
   *  Restores the old `bp`.
  def parseInnerClasses() {
    val oldbp = in.bp
    skipMembers() // fields
    skipMembers() // methods
    val attrs = u2
    for (i <- 0 until attrs) {
      val attrName = readTypeName()
      val attrLen = u4
      attrName match {
        case tpnme.SignatureATTR =>
        case tpnme.ScalaSignatureATTR =>
          isScala = true
          val pbuf = new PickleBuffer(in.buf, in.bp, in.bp + attrLen)
          pbuf.readNat(); pbuf.readNat()
          if (pbuf.readNat == 0) // a scala signature attribute with no entries means that the actual scala signature
            isScalaAnnot = true    // is in a ScalaSignature annotation.
        case tpnme.ScalaATTR =>
          isScalaRaw = true
        case tpnme.InnerClassesATTR if !isScala =>
          val entries = u2
          for (i <- 0 until entries) {
            val innerIndex, outerIndex, nameIndex = u2
            val jflags = readInnerClassFlags()
            if (innerIndex != 0 && outerIndex != 0 && nameIndex != 0)
              innerClasses add InnerClassEntry(innerIndex, outerIndex, nameIndex, jflags)
        case _ =>
    in.bp = oldbp

  /** An entry in the InnerClasses attribute of this class file. */
  case class InnerClassEntry(external: Int, outer: Int, name: Int, jflags: JavaAccFlags) {
    def externalName = pool getClassName external
    def outerName    = pool getClassName outer
    def originalName = pool getName name
    def isModule     = originalName.isTermName
    def scope        = if (jflags.isStatic) staticScope else instanceScope
    def enclosing    = if (jflags.isStatic) enclModule else enclClass

    // The name of the outer class, without its trailing $ if it has one.
    private def strippedOuter = nme stripModuleSuffix outerName
    private def isInner       = innerClasses contains strippedOuter
    private def enclClass     = if (isInner) innerClasses innerSymbol strippedOuter else classNameToSymbol(strippedOuter)
    private def enclModule    = enclClass.companionModule

  /** Return the class symbol for the given name. It looks it up in its outer class.
   *  Forces all outer class symbols to be completed.
   *  If the given name is not an inner class, it returns the symbol found in `definitions`.
  object innerClasses {
    private val inners = mutable.HashMap[Name, InnerClassEntry]()

    def contains(name: Name) = inners contains name
    def getEntry(name: Name) = inners get name
    def entries              = inners.values

    def add(entry: InnerClassEntry): Unit = {
      inners get entry.externalName foreach (existing =>
        debugwarn(s"Overwriting inner class entry! Was $existing, now $entry")
      inners(entry.externalName) = entry
    def innerSymbol(externalName: Name): Symbol = this getEntry externalName match {
      case Some(entry) => innerSymbol(entry)
      case _           => NoSymbol

    private def innerSymbol(entry: InnerClassEntry): Symbol = {
      val name      = entry.originalName.toTypeName
      val enclosing = entry.enclosing
      def getMember = (
        if (enclosing == clazz) entry.scope lookup name
        else lookupMemberAtTyperPhaseIfPossible(enclosing, name)
      /*  There used to be an assertion that this result is not NoSymbol; changing it to an error
       *  revealed it had been going off all the time, but has been swallowed by a catch t: Throwable
       *  in Repository.scala. Since it has been accomplishing nothing except misleading anyone who
       *  thought it wasn't triggering, I removed it entirely.

  class TypeParamsType(override val typeParams: List[Symbol]) extends LazyType with FlagAgnosticCompleter {
    override def complete(sym: Symbol) { throw new AssertionError("cyclic type dereferencing") }
  class LazyAliasType(alias: Symbol) extends LazyType with FlagAgnosticCompleter {
    override def complete(sym: Symbol) {
      sym setInfo createFromClonedSymbols(alias.initialize.typeParams, alias.tpe)(typeFun)

  def skipAttributes() {
    var attrCount: Int = u2
    while (attrCount > 0) {
      in skip 2
      in skip u4
      attrCount -= 1

  def skipMembers() {
    var memberCount: Int = u2
    while (memberCount > 0) {
      in skip 6
      memberCount -= 1

  def skipSuperclasses() {
    in.skip(2) // superclass
    val ifaces = u2
    in.skip(2 * ifaces)

  protected def getScope(flags: JavaAccFlags): Scope =
    if (flags.isStatic) staticScope else instanceScope

Other Scala source code examples

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