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Scala example source code file (AddInterfaces.scala)

This example Scala source code file (AddInterfaces.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

block, classinfotype, compiler, lazyimplclasstype, list, nil, nosymbol, nsc, symbol, template, tree, type

The AddInterfaces.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Martin Odersky

package transform

import symtab._
import Flags._

abstract class AddInterfaces extends InfoTransform { self: Erasure =>
  import global._                  // the global environment
  import definitions._             // standard classes and methods

  /** The phase sets lateINTERFACE for non-interface traits that now
   *  become interfaces. It sets lateDEFERRED for formerly concrete
   *  methods in such traits.
  override def phaseNewFlags: Long = lateDEFERRED | lateINTERFACE

  /** A lazily constructed map that associates every non-interface trait with
   *  its implementation class.
  private val implClassMap = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()

  /** A lazily constructed map that associates every concrete method in a non-interface
   *  trait that's currently compiled with its corresponding method in the trait's
   *  implementation class.
  private val implMethodMap = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()

  override def newPhase(prev: StdPhase = {

  /** Is given trait member symbol a member of the trait's interface
   *  after this transform is performed?
  private def isInterfaceMember(sym: Symbol) = (
    sym.isType || {  // initialize to set lateMETHOD flag if necessary

      (     sym.isMethod
        && !sym.isLabel
        && !sym.isPrivate
        && (!(sym hasFlag BRIDGE) || sym.hasBridgeAnnotation) // count @bridge annotated classes as interface members
        && !sym.isConstructor
        && !sym.isImplOnly

  /** Does symbol need an implementation method? */
  private def needsImplMethod(sym: Symbol) = (
    && isInterfaceMember(sym)
    && (!sym.hasFlag(DEFERRED | SUPERACCESSOR) || (sym hasFlag lateDEFERRED))

  def implClassPhase =

  private def newImplClass(iface: Symbol): Symbol = {
    val inClass   = iface.owner.isClass
    val implName  = tpnme.implClassName(
    val implFlags = (iface.flags & ~(INTERFACE | lateINTERFACE)) | IMPLCLASS

    val impl0 = (
      if (!inClass) NoSymbol
      else match {
        case NoSymbol => NoSymbol
        case implSym  =>
          // Unlink a pre-existing symbol only if the implementation class is
          // visible on the compilation classpath.  In general this is true under
          // -optimise and not otherwise, but the classpath can use arbitrary
          // logic so the classpath must be queried.
          if (classPath.context.isValidName(implName + ".class")) {
   unlink implSym
          else {
            log(s"not unlinking $iface's existing implClass ${} because it is not on the classpath.")
    val impl = impl0 orElse {
      val impl = iface.owner.newImplClass(implName, iface.pos, implFlags)
      if (iface.thisSym != iface) {
        impl.typeOfThis = iface.typeOfThis
        impl.thisSym setName
      impl.associatedFile = iface.sourceFile
      if (inClass) enter impl

    if (currentRun compiles iface)
      currentRun.symSource(impl) = iface.sourceFile

    implClassMap(iface) = impl
    impl setInfo new LazyImplClassType(iface)

  /** Return the implementation class of a trait; create a new one of one does not yet exist */
  def implClass(iface: Symbol): Symbol = {

    implClassMap.getOrElse(iface, enteringPhase(implClassPhase) {
      if (iface.implClass eq NoSymbol)
        debuglog(s"${iface.fullLocationString} has no implClass yet, creating it now.")
        log(s"${iface.fullLocationString} impl class is ${iface.implClass.nameString}")


  /** A lazy type to set the info of an implementation class
   *  The parents of an implementation class for trait iface are:
   *  - superclass: Object
   *  - mixin classes: mixin classes of iface where every non-interface
   *  trait is mapped to its implementation class, followed by iface itself.
   *  The declarations of a mixin class are:
   *  - for every interface member of iface: its implementation method, if one is needed
   *  - every former member of iface that is implementation only
  private class LazyImplClassType(iface: Symbol) extends LazyType with FlagAgnosticCompleter {
    /** Compute the decls of implementation class implClass,
     *  given the decls ifaceDecls of its interface.
    private def implDecls(implClass: Symbol, ifaceDecls: Scope): Scope = {
      debuglog("LazyImplClassType calculating decls for " + implClass)

      val decls = newScope
      if ((ifaceDecls lookup nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR) == NoSymbol) {
        log("Adding mixin constructor to " + implClass)

        decls enter (
          implClass.newMethod(nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR, implClass.pos)
            setInfo MethodType(Nil, UnitTpe)

      for (sym <- ifaceDecls) {
        if (isInterfaceMember(sym)) {
          if (needsImplMethod(sym)) {
            val clone = sym.cloneSymbol(implClass).resetFlag(lateDEFERRED)
            if (currentRun.compiles(implClass)) implMethodMap(sym) = clone
            decls enter clone
            sym setFlag lateDEFERRED
            if (!sym.isSpecialized)
              log(s"Cloned ${} from ${sym.owner} into implClass ${implClass.fullName}")
        else {
          log(s"Destructively modifying owner of $sym from ${sym.owner} to $implClass")
          sym.owner = implClass
          // note: OK to destructively modify the owner here,
          // because symbol will not be accessible from outside the sourcefile.
          // mixin constructors are corrected separately; see TermSymbol.owner
          decls enter sym


    override def complete(implSym: Symbol) {
      debuglog("LazyImplClassType completing " + implSym)

      /* If `tp` refers to a non-interface trait, return a
       * reference to its implementation class. Otherwise return `tp`.
      def mixinToImplClass(tp: Type): Type = AddInterfaces.this.erasure(implSym) {
        tp match { //@MATN: no normalize needed (comes after erasure)
          case TypeRef(pre, sym, _) if sym.needsImplClass =>
            typeRef(pre, implClass(sym), Nil)
          case _ =>
      def implType(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
        case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, _) =>
          assert(phase == implClassPhase, tp)
          // Impl class parents: Object first, matching interface last.
          val implParents = ObjectTpe +: (parents.tail map mixinToImplClass filter (_.typeSymbol != ObjectClass)) :+ iface.tpe
          ClassInfoType(implParents, implDecls(implSym, decls), implSym)
        case PolyType(_, restpe) =>
      implSym setInfo implType(enteringErasure(

    override def load(clazz: Symbol) { complete(clazz) }

  def transformMixinInfo(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
    case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
      if (clazz.needsImplClass)
        implClass(clazz setFlag lateINTERFACE) // generate an impl class

      val parents1 = parents match {
        case Nil      => Nil
        case hd :: tl =>
          assert(!hd.typeSymbol.isTrait, clazz)
          if (clazz.isTrait) ObjectTpe :: tl
          else parents
      val decls1 = scopeTransform(clazz)(
        decls filter (sym =>
          if (clazz.isInterface) isInterfaceMember(sym)
          else sym.isClass || sym.isTerm
      ClassInfoType(parents1, decls1, clazz)
    case _ =>

// Tree transformation --------------------------------------------------------------

  private class ChangeOwnerAndReturnTraverser(oldowner: Symbol, newowner: Symbol)
          extends ChangeOwnerTraverser(oldowner, newowner) {
    override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
      tree match {
        case _: Return => change(tree.symbol)
        case _         =>

  private def createMemberDef(tree: Tree, isForInterface: Boolean)(create: Tree => Tree) = {
    val isInterfaceTree = tree.isDef && isInterfaceMember(tree.symbol)
    if (isInterfaceTree && needsImplMethod(tree.symbol))
    else if (isInterfaceTree == isForInterface)
  private def implMemberDef(tree: Tree): Tree  = createMemberDef(tree, false)(implMethodDef)
  private def ifaceMemberDef(tree: Tree): Tree = createMemberDef(tree, true)(t => DefDef(t.symbol, EmptyTree))

  private def ifaceTemplate(templ: Template): Template =
    treeCopy.Template(templ, templ.parents, noSelfType, templ.body map ifaceMemberDef)

  /** Transforms the member tree containing the implementation
   *  into a member of the impl class.
  private def implMethodDef(tree: Tree): Tree = {
    val impl = implMethodMap.getOrElse(tree.symbol, abort("implMethod missing for " + tree.symbol))

    val newTree = if (impl.isErroneous) tree else { // e.g. res/t687
      // SI-5167: Ensure that the tree that we are grafting refers the parameter symbols from the
      // new method symbol `impl`, rather than the symbols of the original method signature in
      // the trait. `tree setSymbol impl` does *not* suffice!
      val DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, _) = tree
      val oldSyms =
      val newSyms =
      assert(oldSyms.length == newSyms.length, (oldSyms, impl,
      tree.substituteSymbols(oldSyms, newSyms)
    new ChangeOwnerAndReturnTraverser(newTree.symbol, impl)(newTree setSymbol impl)

  /** Add mixin constructor definition
   *    def $init$(): Unit = ()
   *  to `stats` unless there is already one.
  private def addMixinConstructorDef(clazz: Symbol, stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
    if (treeInfo.firstConstructor(stats) != EmptyTree) stats
    else DefDef(clazz.primaryConstructor, Block(List(), Literal(Constant(())))) :: stats

  private def implTemplate(clazz: Symbol, templ: Template): Template = atPos(templ.pos) {
    val templ1 = (
      Template(templ.parents, noSelfType, addMixinConstructorDef(clazz, templ.body map implMemberDef))
        setSymbol clazz.newLocalDummy(templ.pos)
    templ1.changeOwner(templ.symbol.owner -> clazz, templ.symbol -> templ1.symbol)

  def implClassDefs(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
    trees collect {
      case cd: ClassDef if cd.symbol.needsImplClass =>
        val clazz = implClass(cd.symbol).initialize
        ClassDef(clazz, implTemplate(clazz, cd.impl))

  /** Add calls to supermixin constructors
   *    `super[mix].$init$()`
   *  to tree, which is assumed to be the body of a constructor of class clazz.
  private def addMixinConstructorCalls(tree: Tree, clazz: Symbol): Tree = {
    def mixinConstructorCall(impl: Symbol): Tree = atPos(tree.pos) {
      Apply(Select(This(clazz), impl.primaryConstructor), List())
    val mixinConstructorCalls: List[Tree] = {
      for (mc <- clazz.mixinClasses.reverse
           if mc.hasFlag(lateINTERFACE))
      yield mixinConstructorCall(implClass(mc))
    tree match {
      case Block(Nil, expr) =>
        // AnyVal constructor - have to provide a real body so the
        // jvm doesn't throw a VerifyError. But we can't add the
        // body until now, because the typer knows that Any has no
        // constructor and won't accept a call to super.init.
        assert((clazz isSubClass AnyValClass) ||, clazz)
        Block(List(Apply(gen.mkSuperInitCall, Nil)), expr)

      case Block(stats, expr) =>
        // needs `hasSymbolField` check because `supercall` could be a block (named / default args)
        val (presuper, supercall :: rest) = stats span (t => t.hasSymbolWhich(_ hasFlag PRESUPER))
        treeCopy.Block(tree, presuper ::: (supercall :: mixinConstructorCalls ::: rest), expr)

  protected val mixinTransformer = new Transformer {
    override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] =
      (super.transformStats(stats, exprOwner) :::
       super.transformStats(implClassDefs(stats), exprOwner))
    override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      val sym = tree.symbol
      val tree1 = tree match {
        case ClassDef(mods, _, _, impl) if sym.needsImplClass =>
          implClass(sym).initialize // to force lateDEFERRED flags
          copyClassDef(tree)(mods = mods | INTERFACE, impl = ifaceTemplate(impl))
        case DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,_) if sym.isClassConstructor && sym.isPrimaryConstructor && sym.owner != ArrayClass =>
          deriveDefDef(tree)(addMixinConstructorCalls(_, sym.owner)) // (3)
        case Template(parents, self, body) =>
          val parents1 = map (t => TypeTree(t) setPos tree.pos)
          treeCopy.Template(tree, parents1, noSelfType, body)
        case This(_) if sym.needsImplClass =>
          val impl = implClass(sym)
          var owner = currentOwner
          while (owner != sym && owner != impl) owner = owner.owner;
          if (owner == impl) This(impl) setPos tree.pos
          else tree
/* !!!
        case Super(qual, mix) =>
          val mix1 = mix
            if (mix == tpnme.EMPTY) mix
            else {
              val ps = enteringErasure {
       dropWhile (p => != mix)
              assert(!ps.isEmpty, tree);
              if (ps.head.symbol.needsImplClass) implClass(ps.head.symbol).name
              else mix
          if (sym.needsImplClass) Super(implClass(sym), mix1) setPos tree.pos
          else treeCopy.Super(tree, qual, mix1)
        case _ =>

Other Scala source code examples

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