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Scala example source code file (ExplicitOuter.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ExplicitOuter.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

apply, collection, compilationunit, compiler, defdef, methodtype, mutable, nil, nosymbol, nsc, select, symbol, tree, type

The ExplicitOuter.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package transform

import symtab._
import Flags.{ CASE => _, _ }
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

/** This class ...
 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
      with TypingTransformers
      with ast.TreeDSL
  import global._
  import definitions._
  import CODE._

  /** The following flags may be set by this phase: */
  override def phaseNewFlags: Long = notPROTECTED

  /** the name of the phase: */
  val phaseName: String = "explicitouter"

  /** This class does not change linearization */
  override def changesBaseClasses = false

  protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
    new ExplicitOuterTransformer(unit)

  /** Is given clazz an inner class? */
  private def isInner(clazz: Symbol) =
    !clazz.isPackageClass && !clazz.outerClass.isStaticOwner

  private def haveSameOuter(parent: Type, clazz: Symbol) = {
    val owner = clazz.owner
    val parentSym = parent.typeSymbol

    parentSym.isClass && owner.isClass &&
      (owner isSubClass parentSym.owner) &&
      owner.thisType =:= parent.prefix

  /** Does given clazz define an outer field? */
  def hasOuterField(clazz: Symbol) = {
    val parent =

    // space optimization: inherit the $outer pointer from the parent class if
    // we know that it will point to the correct instance.
    def canReuseParentOuterField = !parent.typeSymbol.isJavaDefined && haveSameOuter(parent, clazz)

    isInner(clazz) && !clazz.isTrait && !canReuseParentOuterField

  private def outerField(clazz: Symbol): Symbol = {
    val result =
    assert(result != NoSymbol, "no outer field in "+clazz+" at "+phase)


  private val innerClassConstructorParamName: TermName = newTermName("arg" + nme.OUTER)

  class RemoveBindingsTransformer(toRemove: Set[Symbol]) extends Transformer {
    override def transform(tree: Tree) = tree match {
      case Bind(_, body) if toRemove(tree.symbol) => super.transform(body)
      case _                                      => super.transform(tree)

  def outerAccessor(clazz: Symbol): Symbol = {
    val firstTry =, clazz))
    if (firstTry != NoSymbol && firstTry.outerSource == clazz) firstTry
    else findOrElse( == clazz)(NoSymbol)
  def newOuterAccessor(clazz: Symbol) = {
    val accFlags = SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT | STABLE | ( if (clazz.isTrait) DEFERRED else 0 )
    val sym      = clazz.newMethod(nme.OUTER, clazz.pos, accFlags)
    val restpe   = if (clazz.isTrait) clazz.outerClass.tpe_* else clazz.outerClass.thisType

    sym expandName clazz
    sym.referenced = clazz
    sym setInfo MethodType(Nil, restpe)
  def newOuterField(clazz: Symbol) = {
    val accFlags = SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT | PARAMACCESSOR | ( if (clazz.isEffectivelyFinal) PrivateLocal else PROTECTED )
    val sym      = clazz.newValue(nme.OUTER_LOCAL, clazz.pos, accFlags)

    sym setInfo clazz.outerClass.thisType

   * Will the outer accessor of the `clazz` subsume the outer accessor of
   * `mixin`?
   * This arises when an inner object mixes in its companion trait.
   * {{{
   *   class C {
   *     trait T { C.this }            // C$T$$$outer$ : C
   *     object T extends T { C.this } // C$T$$$outer$ : C.this.type
   *   }
   * }}}
   * See SI-7242.
  private def skipMixinOuterAccessor(clazz: Symbol, mixin: Symbol) = {
    // Reliant on the current scheme for name expansion, the expanded name
    // of the outer accessors in a trait and its companion object are the same.
    // If the assumption is one day falsified, run/t7424.scala will let us know.
    clazz.fullName == mixin.fullName

  /** <p>
   *    The type transformation method:
   *  </p>
   *  <ol>
   *    <li>
   *      Add an outer parameter to the formal parameters of a constructor
   *      in an inner non-trait class;
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *      Add a protected $outer field to an inner class which is
   *      not a trait.
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *      <p>
   *        Add an outer accessor $outer$$C to every inner class
   *        with fully qualified name C that is not an interface.
   *        The outer accessor is abstract for traits, concrete for other
   *        classes.
   *      </p>
   *      <p>
   *        3a. Also add overriding accessor defs to every class that inherits
   *        mixin classes with outer accessor defs (unless the superclass
   *        already inherits the same mixin).
   *      </p>
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *      Make all super accessors and modules in traits non-private, mangling
   *      their names.
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *      Remove protected flag from all members of traits.
   *    </li>
   *  </ol>
   *  Note: this transformInfo need not be reflected as the JVM reflection already
   *  elides outer pointers.
  def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = tp match {
    case MethodType(params, restpe1) =>
      val restpe = transformInfo(sym, restpe1)
      if (sym.owner.isTrait && ((sym hasFlag (ACCESSOR | SUPERACCESSOR)) || sym.isModule)) { // 5
      if (sym.owner.isTrait && sym.isProtected) sym setFlag notPROTECTED // 6
      if (sym.isClassConstructor && isInner(sym.owner)) { // 1
        val p = sym.newValueParameter(innerClassConstructorParamName, sym.pos)
        MethodType(p :: params, restpe)
      } else if (restpe ne restpe1)
        MethodType(params, restpe)
      else tp
    case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
      var decls1 = decls
      if (isInner(clazz) && !clazz.isInterface) {
        decls1 = decls.cloneScope
        decls1 enter newOuterAccessor(clazz) // 3
        if (hasOuterField(clazz)) //2
          decls1 enter newOuterField(clazz)
      if (!clazz.isTrait && !parents.isEmpty) {
        for (mc <- clazz.mixinClasses) {
          val mixinOuterAcc: Symbol = exitingExplicitOuter(outerAccessor(mc))
          if (mixinOuterAcc != NoSymbol) {
            if (skipMixinOuterAccessor(clazz, mc))
              debuglog(s"Reusing outer accessor symbol of $clazz for the mixin outer accessor of $mc")
            else {
              if (decls1 eq decls) decls1 = decls.cloneScope
              val newAcc = mixinOuterAcc.cloneSymbol(clazz, mixinOuterAcc.flags & ~DEFERRED)
              newAcc setInfo (clazz.thisType memberType mixinOuterAcc)
              decls1 enter newAcc
      if (decls1 eq decls) tp else ClassInfoType(parents, decls1, clazz)
    case PolyType(tparams, restp) =>
      val restp1 = transformInfo(sym, restp)
      if (restp eq restp1) tp else PolyType(tparams, restp1)

    case _ =>
      // Local fields of traits need to be unconditionally unprivatized.
      // Reason: Those fields might need to be unprivatized if referenced by an inner class.
      // On the other hand, mixing in the trait into a separately compiled
      // class needs to have a common naming scheme, independently of whether
      // the field was accessed from an inner class or not. See #2946
      if (sym.owner.isTrait && sym.isLocalToThis &&
              (sym.getter(sym.owner.toInterface) == NoSymbol))

  /** A base class for transformers that maintain outerParam
   *  values for outer parameters of constructors.
   *  The class provides methods for referencing via outer.
  abstract class OuterPathTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) with UnderConstructionTransformer {
    /** The directly enclosing outer parameter, if we are in a constructor */
    protected var outerParam: Symbol = NoSymbol

    /** The first outer selection from currently transformed tree.
     *  The result is typed but not positioned.
     * Will return `EmptyTree` if there is no outer accessor because of a premature self reference.
    protected def outerValue: Tree = outerParam match {
      case NoSymbol   => outerSelect(gen.mkAttributedThis(currentClass))
      case outerParam => gen.mkAttributedIdent(outerParam)

    /** Select and apply outer accessor from 'base'
     *  The result is typed but not positioned.
     *  If the outer access is from current class and current class is final
     *  take outer field instead of accessor
     *  Will return `EmptyTree` if there is no outer accessor because of a premature self reference.
    private def outerSelect(base: Tree): Tree = {
      val baseSym = base.tpe.typeSymbol.toInterface
      val outerAcc = outerAccessor(baseSym)
      if (outerAcc == NoSymbol && baseSym.ownersIterator.exists(isUnderConstruction)) {
         // e.g neg/t6666.scala
         // The caller will report the error with more information.
      } else {
        val currentClass = this.currentClass //todo: !!! if this line is removed, we get a build failure that protected$currentClass need an override modifier
        // outerFld is the $outer field of the current class, if the reference can
        // use it (i.e. reference is allowed to be of the form this.$outer),
        // otherwise it is NoSymbol
        val outerFld =
          if (outerAcc.owner == currentClass &&
            base.tpe =:= currentClass.thisType &&
            outerField(currentClass) suchThat (_.owner == currentClass)
        val path =
          if (outerFld != NoSymbol) Select(base, outerFld)
          else Apply(Select(base, outerAcc), Nil)

        localTyper typed path

    /** The path
     *  <blockquote><pre>`base'.$outer$$C1 ... .$outer$$Cn</pre></blockquote>
     *  which refers to the outer instance of class to of
     *  value base. The result is typed but not positioned.
    protected def outerPath(base: Tree, from: Symbol, to: Symbol): Tree = {
      //Console.println("outerPath from "+from+" to "+to+" at "+base+":"+base.tpe)
      //assert(base.tpe.widen.baseType(from.toInterface) != NoType, ""+base.tpe.widen+" "+from.toInterface)//DEBUG
      if (from == to || from.isImplClass && from.toInterface == to) base
      else outerPath(outerSelect(base), from.outerClass, to)

    override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      def sym = tree.symbol
      val savedOuterParam = outerParam
      try {
        tree match {
          case Template(_, _, _) =>
            outerParam = NoSymbol
          case DefDef(_, _, _, (param :: _) :: _, _, _) if sym.isClassConstructor && isInner(sym.owner) =>
            outerParam = param.symbol
            assert( startsWith nme.OUTER,
          case _ =>
      finally outerParam = savedOuterParam

  /** <p>
   *    The phase performs the following transformations on terms:
   *  </p>
   *  <ol>
   *    <li> <!-- 1 -->
   *      <p>
   *        An class which is not an interface and is not static gets an outer
   *        accessor (@see outerDefs).
   *      </p>
   *      <p>
   *        1a. A class which is not a trait gets an outer field.
   *      </p>
   *    </li>
   *    <li> <!-- 4 -->
   *      A constructor of a non-trait inner class gets an outer parameter.
   *    </li>
   *    <li> <!-- 5 -->
   *      A reference C.this where C refers to an
   *      outer class is replaced by a selection
   *      this.$outer$$C1 ... .$outer$$Cn (@see outerPath)
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *    </li>
   *    <li> <!-- 7 -->
   *      A call to a constructor Q.<init>(args) or Q.$init$(args) where Q != this and
   *      the constructor belongs to a non-static class is augmented by an outer argument.
   *      E.g. Q.<init>(OUTER, args) where OUTER
   *      is the qualifier corresponding to the singleton type Q.
   *    </li>
   *    <li>
   *      A call to a constructor this.<init>(args) in a
   *      secondary constructor is augmented to this.<init>(OUTER, args)
   *      where OUTER is the last parameter of the secondary constructor.
   *    </li>
   *    <li> <!-- 9 -->
   *      Remove private modifier from class members M
   *      that are accessed from an inner class.
   *    </li>
   *    <li> <!-- 10 -->
   *      Remove protected modifier from class members M
   *      that are accessed without a super qualifier accessed from an inner
   *      class or trait.
   *    </li>
   *    <li> <!-- 11 -->
   *      Remove private and protected modifiers
   *      from type symbols
   *    </li>
   *    <li> <!-- 12 -->
   *      Remove private modifiers from members of traits
   *    </li>
   *  </ol>
   *  <p>
   *    Note: The whole transform is run in phase
   *  </p>
  class ExplicitOuterTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends OuterPathTransformer(unit) {
    transformer =>

    /** The definition tree of the outer accessor of current class
    def outerFieldDef: Tree = ValDef(outerField(currentClass))

    /** The definition tree of the outer accessor of current class
    def outerAccessorDef: Tree = localTyper typed {
      val acc = outerAccessor(currentClass)
      val rhs = if (acc.isDeferred) EmptyTree else Select(This(currentClass), outerField(currentClass))
      DefDef(acc, rhs)

    /** The definition tree of the outer accessor for class mixinClass.
     *  @param mixinClass The mixin class which defines the abstract outer
     *                    accessor which is implemented by the generated one.
     *  @pre mixinClass is an inner class
    def mixinOuterAccessorDef(mixinClass: Symbol): Tree = {
      val outerAcc    = outerAccessor(mixinClass) overridingSymbol currentClass
      def mixinPrefix = (currentClass.thisType baseType mixinClass).prefix
      assert(outerAcc != NoSymbol, "No outer accessor for inner mixin " + mixinClass + " in " + currentClass)
      assert(outerAcc.alternatives.size == 1, s"Multiple outer accessors match inner mixin $mixinClass in $currentClass : ${}")
      // I added the mixinPrefix.typeArgs.nonEmpty condition to address the
      // crash in SI-4970.  I feel quite sure this can be improved.
      val path = (
        if (mixinClass.owner.isTerm) gen.mkAttributedThis(mixinClass.owner.enclClass)
        else if (mixinPrefix.typeArgs.nonEmpty) gen.mkAttributedThis(mixinPrefix.typeSymbol)
        else gen.mkAttributedQualifier(mixinPrefix)
      // Need to cast for nested outer refs in presence of self-types. See ticket #3274.
      localTyper typed DefDef(outerAcc, gen.mkCast(transformer.transform(path),

    /** The main transformation method */
    override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      val sym = tree.symbol
      if (sym != null && sym.isType) { //(9)
        if (sym.isPrivate) sym setFlag notPRIVATE
        if (sym.isProtected) sym setFlag notPROTECTED
      tree match {
        case Template(parents, self, decls) =>
          val newDefs = new ListBuffer[Tree]
          atOwner(tree, currentOwner) {
            if (!currentClass.isInterface || (currentClass hasFlag lateINTERFACE)) {
              if (isInner(currentClass)) {
                if (hasOuterField(currentClass))
                  newDefs += outerFieldDef // (1a)
                newDefs += outerAccessorDef // (1)
              if (!currentClass.isTrait)
                for (mc <- currentClass.mixinClasses)
                  if (outerAccessor(mc) != NoSymbol && !skipMixinOuterAccessor(currentClass, mc))
                    newDefs += mixinOuterAccessorDef(mc)
            deriveTemplate(tree)(decls =>
              if (newDefs.isEmpty) decls
              else decls ::: newDefs.toList
        case DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, rhs) =>
          if (sym.isClassConstructor) {
            rhs match {
              case Literal(_) =>
                sys.error("unexpected case") //todo: remove
              case _ =>
                val clazz = sym.owner
                val vparamss1 =
                  if (isInner(clazz)) { // (4)
                    if (isUnderConstruction(clazz.outerClass)) {
                      reporter.error(tree.pos, s"Implementation restriction: ${clazz.fullLocationString} requires premature access to ${clazz.outerClass}.")
                    val outerParam =
                      sym.newValueParameter(nme.OUTER, sym.pos) setInfo clazz.outerClass.thisType
                    ((ValDef(outerParam) setType NoType) :: vparamss.head) :: vparamss.tail
                  } else vparamss
                super.transform(copyDefDef(tree)(vparamss = vparamss1))
          } else

        case This(qual) =>
          if (sym == currentClass || sym.hasModuleFlag && sym.isStatic) tree
          else atPos(tree.pos)(outerPath(outerValue, currentClass.outerClass, sym)) // (5)

        case Select(qual, name) =>
          // make not private symbol acessed from inner classes, as well as
          // symbols accessed from @inline methods
          // See SI-6552 for an example of why `sym.owner.enclMethod hasAnnotation ScalaInlineClass`
          // is not suitable; if we make a method-local class non-private, it mangles outer pointer names.
          if (currentClass != sym.owner ||
              (closestEnclMethod(currentOwner) hasAnnotation ScalaInlineClass))

          val qsym = qual.tpe.widen.typeSymbol
          if (sym.isProtected && //(4)
              (qsym.isTrait || !(qual.isInstanceOf[Super] || (qsym isSubClass currentClass))))
            sym setFlag notPROTECTED

        case Apply(sel @ Select(qual, nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) if isInner(sel.symbol.owner) =>
          val outerVal = atPos(tree.pos)(qual match {
            // it's a call between constructors of same class
            case _: This  =>
              assert(outerParam != NoSymbol, tree)
            case _        =>
              gen.mkAttributedQualifier(qual.tpe.prefix match {
                case NoPrefix => sym.owner.outerClass.thisType
                case x        => x
          super.transform(treeCopy.Apply(tree, sel, outerVal :: args))

        // for the new pattern matcher
        // base.<outer>.eq(o) --> base.$outer().eq(o) if there's an accessor, else the whole tree becomes TRUE
        // TODO remove the synthetic `<outer>` method from outerFor??
        case Apply(eqsel@Select(eqapp@Apply(sel@Select(base, nme.OUTER_SYNTH), Nil), eq), args) =>
          val outerFor = sel.symbol.owner.toInterface // TODO: toInterface necessary?
          val acc = outerAccessor(outerFor)

          if (acc == NoSymbol ||
              // since we can't fix SI-4440 properly (we must drop the outer accessors of final classes when there's no immediate reference to them in sight)
              // at least don't crash... this duplicates maybeOmittable from constructors
              (acc.owner.isEffectivelyFinal && !acc.isOverridingSymbol)) {
            unit.uncheckedWarning(tree.pos, "The outer reference in this type test cannot be checked at run time.")
            transform(TRUE) // urgh... drop condition if there's no accessor (or if it may disappear after constructors)
          } else {
            // println("(base, acc)= "+(base, acc))
            val outerSelect = localTyper typed Apply(Select(base, acc), Nil)
            // achieves the same as: localTyper typed atPos(tree.pos)(outerPath(base, base.tpe.typeSymbol, outerFor.outerClass))
            // println("(b, tpsym, outerForI, outerFor, outerClass)= "+ (base, base.tpe.typeSymbol, outerFor, sel.symbol.owner, outerFor.outerClass))
            // println("outerSelect = "+ outerSelect)
            transform(treeCopy.Apply(tree, treeCopy.Select(eqsel, outerSelect, eq), args))

        case _ =>
          val x = super.transform(tree)
          if (x.tpe eq null) x
          else x setType transformInfo(currentOwner, x.tpe)

    /** The transformation method for whole compilation units */
    override def transformUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) {

  override def newPhase(prev: StdPhase =
    new Phase(prev)

  class Phase(prev: extends super.Phase(prev) {
    override val checkable = false

Other Scala source code examples

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