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Scala example source code file (LambdaLift.scala)

This example Scala source code file (LambdaLift.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

collection, compiler, emptytree, linkedhashmap, list, mutable, name, nil, nsc, select, some, symbol, symset, tree

The LambdaLift.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author

package transform

import symtab._
import Flags._
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.collection.mutable.{ LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet }

abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
  import global._
  import definitions._

  /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
  val phaseName: String = "lambdalift"

  private val lifted = new TypeMap {
    def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      case TypeRef(NoPrefix, sym, Nil) if sym.isClass && !sym.isPackageClass =>
        typeRef(apply(sym.owner.enclClass.thisType), sym, Nil)
      case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
        val parents1 = parents mapConserve this
        if (parents1 eq parents) tp
        else ClassInfoType(parents1, decls, clazz)
      case _ =>

  /** scala.runtime.*Ref classes */
  private lazy val allRefClasses: Set[Symbol] = {
    refClass.values.toSet ++ volatileRefClass.values.toSet ++ Set(VolatileObjectRefClass, ObjectRefClass)

  /** Each scala.runtime.*Ref class has a static method `create(value)` that simply instantiates the Ref to carry that value. */
  private lazy val refCreateMethod: Map[Symbol, Symbol] = {
    mapFrom(allRefClasses.toList)(x => getMemberMethod(x.companionModule, nme.create))

  /** Quite frequently a *Ref is initialized with its zero (e.g., null, 0.toByte, etc.) Method `zero()` of *Ref class encapsulates that pattern. */
  private lazy val refZeroMethod: Map[Symbol, Symbol] = {
    mapFrom(allRefClasses.toList)(x => getMemberMethod(x.companionModule,

  def transformInfo(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Type =
    if (sym.isCapturedVariable) capturedVariableType(sym, tpe = lifted(tp), erasedTypes = true)
    else lifted(tp)

  protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
    new LambdaLifter(unit)

  class LambdaLifter(unit: CompilationUnit) extends explicitOuter.OuterPathTransformer(unit) {

    private type SymSet = TreeSet[Symbol]

    /** A map storing free variables of functions and classes */
    private val free = new LinkedHashMap[Symbol, SymSet]

    /** A map storing the free variable proxies of functions and classes */
    private val proxies = new LinkedHashMap[Symbol, List[Symbol]]

    /** A hashtable storing calls between functions */
    private val called = new LinkedHashMap[Symbol, SymSet]

    /** Symbols that are called from an inner class. */
    private val calledFromInner = new LinkedHashSet[Symbol]

    private val ord = Ordering.fromLessThan[Symbol](_ isLess _)
    private def newSymSet = TreeSet.empty[Symbol](ord)

    private def symSet(f: LinkedHashMap[Symbol, SymSet], sym: Symbol): SymSet =
      f.getOrElseUpdate(sym, newSymSet)

    /** The set of symbols that need to be renamed. */
    private val renamable = newSymSet

     * The new names for free variables proxies. If we simply renamed the
     * free variables, we would transform:
     * {{{
     *   def closure(x: Int) = { () => x }
     * }}}
     * To:
     * {{{
     *   def closure(x$1: Int) = new anonFun$1(this, x$1)
     *   class anonFun$1(outer$: Outer, x$1: Int) { def apply() => x$1 }
     * }}}
     * This is fatally bad for named arguments (0e170e4b), extremely impolite to tools
     * reflecting on the method parameter names in the generated bytecode (SI-6028),
     * and needlessly bothersome to anyone using a debugger.
     * Instead, we transform to:
     * {{{
     *   def closure(x: Int) = new anonFun$1(this, x)
     *   class anonFun$1(outer$: Outer, x$1: Int) { def apply() => x$1 }
     * }}}
    private val proxyNames       = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Name]()

    // (trait, name) -> owner
    private val localTraits      = mutable.HashMap[(Symbol, Name), Symbol]()
    // (owner, name) -> implClass
    private val localImplClasses = mutable.HashMap[(Symbol, Name), Symbol]()

    /** A flag to indicate whether new free variables have been found */
    private var changedFreeVars: Boolean = _

    /** Buffers for lifted out classes and methods */
    private val liftedDefs = new LinkedHashMap[Symbol, List[Tree]]

    private def isSameOwnerEnclosure(sym: Symbol) =
      sym.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember == currentOwner.logicallyEnclosingMember

    /** Mark symbol `sym` as being free in `enclosure`, unless `sym`
     *  is defined in `enclosure` or there is a class between `enclosure`s owner
     *  and the owner of `sym`.
     *  Return `true` if there is no class between `enclosure` and
     *  the owner of sym.
     *  pre: sym.isLocalToBlock, (enclosure.isMethod || enclosure.isClass)
     *  The idea of `markFree` is illustrated with an example:
     *  def f(x: int) = {
     *    class C {
     *      class D {
     *        val y = x
     *      }
     *    }
     *  }
     *  In this case `x` is free in the primary constructor of class `C`.
     *  but it is not free in `D`, because after lambda lift the code would be transformed
     *  as follows:
     *  def f(x$0: int) {
     *    class C(x$0: int) {
     *      val x$1 = x$0
     *      class D {
     *        val y = outer.x$1
     *      }
     *    }
     *  }
    private def markFree(sym: Symbol, enclosure: Symbol): Boolean = {
      debuglog("mark free: " + sym.fullLocationString + " marked free in " + enclosure)
      (enclosure == sym.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember) || {
        debuglog("%s != %s".format(enclosure, sym.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember))
        if (enclosure.isPackageClass || !markFree(sym, enclosure.skipConstructor.owner.logicallyEnclosingMember)) false
        else {
          val ss = symSet(free, enclosure)
          if (!ss(sym)) {
            ss += sym
            renamable += sym
            changedFreeVars = true
            debuglog("" + sym + " is free in " + enclosure)
            if (sym.isVariable) sym setFlag CAPTURED

    private def markCalled(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol) {
      debuglog("mark called: " + sym + " of " + sym.owner + " is called by " + owner)
      symSet(called, owner) += sym
      if (sym.enclClass != owner.enclClass) calledFromInner += sym

    /** The traverse function */
    private val freeVarTraverser = new Traverser {
      override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
       try { //debug
        val sym = tree.symbol
        tree match {
          case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) =>
            liftedDefs(tree.symbol) = Nil
            if (sym.isLocalToBlock) {
              // Don't rename implementation classes independently of their interfaces. If
              // the interface is to be renamed, then we will rename the implementation
              // class at that time. You'd think we could call ".implClass" on the trait
              // rather than collecting them in another map, but that seems to fail for
              // exactly the traits being renamed here (i.e. defined in methods.)
              // !!! - it makes no sense to have methods like "implClass" and
              // "companionClass" which fail for an arbitrary subset of nesting
              // arrangements, and then have separate methods which attempt to compensate
              // for that failure. There should be exactly one method for any given
              // entity which always gives the right answer.
              if (sym.isImplClass)
                localImplClasses((sym.owner, tpnme.interfaceName( = sym
              else {
                renamable += sym
                if (sym.isTrait)
                  localTraits((sym, = sym.owner
          case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
            if (sym.isLocalToBlock) {
              renamable += sym
              sym setFlag (PrivateLocal | FINAL)
            } else if (sym.isPrimaryConstructor) {
              symSet(called, sym) += sym.owner
          case Ident(name) =>
            if (sym == NoSymbol) {
              assert(name == nme.WILDCARD)
            } else if (sym.isLocalToBlock) {
              val owner = currentOwner.logicallyEnclosingMember
              if (sym.isTerm && !sym.isMethod) markFree(sym, owner)
              else if (sym.isMethod) markCalled(sym, owner)
                //symSet(called, owner) += sym
          case Select(_, _) =>
            if (sym.isConstructor && sym.owner.isLocalToBlock)
              markCalled(sym, currentOwner.logicallyEnclosingMember)
          case _ =>
       } catch {//debug
         case ex: Throwable =>
           Console.println(s"$ex while traversing $tree")
           throw ex

    /** Compute free variables map `fvs`.
     *  Also assign unique names to all
     *  value/variable/let that are free in some function or class, and to
     *  all class/function symbols that are owned by some function.
    private def computeFreeVars() {

      do {
        changedFreeVars = false
        for (caller <- called.keys ; callee <- called(caller) ; fvs <- free get callee ; fv <- fvs)
          markFree(fv, caller)
      } while (changedFreeVars)

      def renameSym(sym: Symbol) {
        val originalName =
        sym setName newName(sym)
        debuglog("renaming in %s: %s => %s".format(sym.owner.fullLocationString, originalName,

      def newName(sym: Symbol): Name = {
        val originalName =
        def freshen(prefix: String): Name =
          if (originalName.isTypeName) unit.freshTypeName(prefix)
          else unit.freshTermName(prefix)

        if (sym.isAnonymousFunction && sym.owner.isMethod) {
          freshen( + nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING + + nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING)
        } else {
          // SI-5652 If the lifted symbol is accessed from an inner class, it will be made public. (where?)
          //         Generating a unique name, mangled with the enclosing class name, avoids a VerifyError
          //         in the case that a sub-class happens to lifts out a method with the *same* name.
          val name = freshen("" + + nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING)
          if (originalName.isTermName && !sym.enclClass.isImplClass && calledFromInner(sym)) nme.expandedName(name.toTermName, sym.enclClass)
          else name

      /* Rename a trait's interface and implementation class in coordinated fashion. */
      def renameTrait(traitSym: Symbol, implSym: Symbol) {
        val originalImplName =
        implSym setName tpnme.implClassName(

        debuglog("renaming impl class in step with %s: %s => %s".format(traitSym, originalImplName,

      val allFree: Set[Symbol] = free.values.flatMap(_.iterator).toSet

      for (sym <- renamable) {
        // If we renamed a trait from Foo to Foo$1, we must rename the implementation
        // class from Foo$class to Foo$1$class.  (Without special consideration it would
        // become Foo$class$1 instead.) Since the symbols are being renamed out from
        // under us, and there's no reliable link between trait symbol and impl symbol,
        // we have maps from ((trait, name)) -> owner and ((owner, name)) -> impl.
        localTraits remove ((sym, match {
          case None        =>
            if (allFree(sym)) proxyNames(sym) = newName(sym)
            else renameSym(sym)
          case Some(owner) =>
            localImplClasses remove ((owner, match {
              case Some(implSym)  => renameTrait(sym, implSym)
              case _              => renameSym(sym) // pure interface, no impl class

      afterOwnPhase {
        for ((owner, freeValues) <- free.toList) {
          val newFlags = SYNTHETIC | ( if (owner.isClass) PARAMACCESSOR | PrivateLocal else PARAM )
          debuglog("free var proxy: %s, %s".format(owner.fullLocationString, freeValues.toList.mkString(", ")))
          proxies(owner) =
            for (fv <- freeValues.toList) yield {
              val proxyName = proxyNames.getOrElse(fv,
              val proxy = owner.newValue(proxyName.toTermName, owner.pos, newFlags.toLong) setInfo
              if (owner.isClass) enter proxy

    private def proxy(sym: Symbol) = {
      def searchIn(enclosure: Symbol): Symbol = {
        if (enclosure eq NoSymbol) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find proxy for "+ sym.defString +" in "+ sym.ownerChain +" (currentOwner= "+ currentOwner +" )")
        debuglog("searching for " + sym + "(" + sym.owner + ") in " + enclosure + " " + enclosure.logicallyEnclosingMember)

        val proxyName = proxyNames.getOrElse(sym,
        val ps = (proxies get enclosure.logicallyEnclosingMember).toList.flatten find ( == proxyName)
        ps getOrElse searchIn(enclosure.skipConstructor.owner)
      debuglog("proxy %s from %s has logical enclosure %s".format(

      if (isSameOwnerEnclosure(sym)) sym
      else searchIn(currentOwner)

    private def memberRef(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
      val clazz = sym.owner.enclClass
      //Console.println("memberRef from "+currentClass+" to "+sym+" in "+clazz)
      def prematureSelfReference() {
        val what =
          if (clazz.isStaticOwner) clazz.fullLocationString
          else s"the unconstructed `this` of ${clazz.fullLocationString}"
        val msg = s"Implementation restriction: access of ${sym.fullLocationString} from ${currentClass.fullLocationString}, would require illegal premature access to $what"
        currentUnit.error(curTree.pos, msg)
      val qual =
        if (clazz == currentClass) gen.mkAttributedThis(clazz)
        else {
          sym resetFlag (LOCAL | PRIVATE)
          if (isUnderConstruction(clazz)) {
          else if (clazz.isStaticOwner) gen.mkAttributedQualifier(clazz.thisType)
          else {
            outerValue match {
              case EmptyTree => prematureSelfReference(); return EmptyTree
              case o         => outerPath(o, currentClass.outerClass, clazz)
      Select(qual, sym) setType sym.tpe

    private def proxyRef(sym: Symbol) = {
      val psym = proxy(sym)
      if (psym.isLocalToBlock) gen.mkAttributedIdent(psym) else memberRef(psym)

    private def addFreeArgs(pos: Position, sym: Symbol, args: List[Tree]) = {
      free get sym match {
        case Some(fvs) => args ++ (fvs.toList map (fv => atPos(pos)(proxyRef(fv))))
        case _         => args

    private def addFreeParams(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol): Tree = proxies.get(sym) match {
      case Some(ps) =>
        val freeParams = ps map (p => ValDef(p) setPos tree.pos setType NoType)
        tree match {
          case DefDef(_, _, _, vparams :: _, _, _) =>
            val addParams = cloneSymbols(ps).map(_.setFlag(PARAM))
              lifted(MethodType( ::: addParams,

            copyDefDef(tree)(vparamss = List(vparams ++ freeParams))
          case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) =>
            // SI-6231
            // Disabled attempt to to add getters to freeParams
            // this does not work yet. Problem is that local symbols need local names
            // and references to local symbols need to be transformed into
            // method calls to setters.
            // def paramGetter(param: Symbol): Tree = {
            //   val getter = param.newGetter setFlag TRANS_FLAG resetFlag PARAMACCESSOR // mark because we have to add them to interface
            //   val rhs = Select(gen.mkAttributedThis(sym), param) setType param.tpe
            //   DefDef(getter, rhs) setPos tree.pos setType NoType
            // }
            // val newDefs = if (sym.isTrait) freeParams ::: (ps map paramGetter) else freeParams
            deriveClassDef(tree)(impl => deriveTemplate(impl)(_ ::: freeParams))
      case None =>

/*  SI-6231: Something like this will be necessary to eliminate the implementation
 *  restiction from paramGetter above:
 *  We need to pass getters to the interface of an implementation class.
    private def fixTraitGetters(lifted: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
      for (stat <- lifted) yield stat match {
        case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, templ @ Template(parents, self, body))
        if stat.symbol.isTrait && !stat.symbol.isImplClass =>
          val iface = stat.symbol
          lifted.find(l => l.symbol.isImplClass && l.symbol.toInterface == iface) match {
            case Some(implDef) =>
              val impl = implDef.symbol
              val implGetters = filter (_ hasFlag TRANS_FLAG)
              if (implGetters.nonEmpty) {
                val ifaceGetters = implGetters map { ig =>
                  ig resetFlag TRANS_FLAG
                  val getter = ig cloneSymbol iface setFlag DEFERRED
         enter getter
                val ifaceGetterDefs = ifaceGetters map (DefDef(_, EmptyTree) setType NoType)
                  stat, mods, name, tparams,
                  treeCopy.Template(templ, parents, self, body ::: ifaceGetterDefs))
              } else
            case None =>
        case _ =>
    private def liftDef(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      val sym = tree.symbol
      val oldOwner = sym.owner
      if (sym.isMethod && isUnderConstruction(sym.owner.owner)) { // # bug 1909
         if (sym.isModule) { // Yes, it can be a module and a method, see comments on `isModuleNotMethod`!
           // TODO promote to an implementation restriction if we can reason that this *always* leads to VerifyError.
           // See neg/t1909-object.scala
           def msg = s"SI-1909 Unable to STATICally lift $sym, which is defined in the self- or super-constructor call of ${sym.owner.owner}. A VerifyError is likely."
           devWarning(tree.pos, msg)
          } else sym setFlag STATIC

      sym.owner = sym.owner.enclClass
      if (sym.isClass) sym.owner = sym.owner.toInterface
      if (sym.isMethod) sym setFlag LIFTED
      liftedDefs(sym.owner) ::= tree enterUnique sym
      debuglog("lifted: " + sym + " from " + oldOwner + " to " + sym.owner)

    private def postTransform(tree: Tree, isBoxedRef: Boolean = false): Tree = {
      val sym = tree.symbol
      tree match {
        case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) =>
          val tree1 = addFreeParams(tree, sym)
          if (sym.isLocalToBlock) liftDef(tree1) else tree1
        case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
          val tree1 = addFreeParams(tree, sym)
          if (sym.isLocalToBlock) liftDef(tree1) else tree1
        case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
          if (sym.isCapturedVariable) {
            val tpt1 = TypeTree(sym.tpe) setPos tpt.pos

            val refTypeSym = sym.tpe.typeSymbol

            val factoryCall = typer.typedPos(rhs.pos) {
              rhs match {
                case EmptyTree =>
                  val zeroMSym   = refZeroMethod(refTypeSym)
                  gen.mkMethodCall(zeroMSym, Nil)
                case arg =>
                  val createMSym = refCreateMethod(refTypeSym)
                  gen.mkMethodCall(createMSym, arg :: Nil)

            treeCopy.ValDef(tree, mods, name, tpt1, factoryCall)
          } else tree
        case Return(Block(stats, value)) =>
          Block(stats, treeCopy.Return(tree, value)) setType tree.tpe setPos tree.pos
        case Return(expr) =>
          assert(sym == currentMethod, sym)
        case Apply(fn, args) =>
          treeCopy.Apply(tree, fn, addFreeArgs(tree.pos, sym, args))
        case Assign(Apply(TypeApply(sel @ Select(qual, _), _), List()), rhs) =>
          // eliminate casts introduced by selecting a captured variable field
          // on the lhs of an assignment.
          assert(sel.symbol == Object_asInstanceOf)
          treeCopy.Assign(tree, qual, rhs)
        case Ident(name) =>
          val tree1 =
            if (sym.isTerm && !sym.isLabel)
              if (sym.isMethod)
              else if (sym.isLocalToBlock && !isSameOwnerEnclosure(sym))
              else tree
            else tree
          if (sym.isCapturedVariable && !isBoxedRef)
            atPos(tree.pos) {
              val tp = tree.tpe
              val elemTree = typer typed Select(tree1 setType sym.tpe, nme.elem)
              if (elemTree.tpe.typeSymbol != tp.typeSymbol) gen.mkAttributedCast(elemTree, tp) else elemTree
          else tree1
        case Block(stats, expr0) =>
          val (lzyVals, rest) = stats partition {
            case stat: ValDef => stat.symbol.isLazy || stat.symbol.isModuleVar
            case _            => false
          if (lzyVals.isEmpty) tree
          else treeCopy.Block(tree, lzyVals ::: rest, expr0)
        case _ =>

    private def preTransform(tree: Tree) = super.transform(tree) setType lifted(tree.tpe)

    override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
      case Select(ReferenceToBoxed(idt), elem) if elem == nme.elem =>
        postTransform(preTransform(idt), isBoxedRef = false)
      case ReferenceToBoxed(idt) =>
        postTransform(preTransform(idt), isBoxedRef = true)
      case _ =>

    /** Transform statements and add lifted definitions to them. */
    override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] = {
      def addLifted(stat: Tree): Tree = stat match {
        case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) =>
          val lifted = liftedDefs get stat.symbol match {
            case Some(xs) => xs reverseMap addLifted
            case _        => log("unexpectedly no lifted defs for " + stat.symbol) ; Nil
          try deriveClassDef(stat)(impl => deriveTemplate(impl)(_ ::: lifted))
          finally liftedDefs -= stat.symbol

        case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Block(Nil, expr)) if !stat.symbol.isConstructor =>
          deriveDefDef(stat)(_ => expr)
        case _ =>
      super.transformStats(stats, exprOwner) map addLifted

    override def transformUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) {
      afterOwnPhase {
      assert(liftedDefs.isEmpty, liftedDefs.keys mkString ", ")
  } // class LambdaLifter


Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala LambdaLift.scala source code file:

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