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Scala example source code file (UnCurry.scala)

This example Scala source code file (UnCurry.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, apply, block, collection, defdef, list, nil, symbol, tree, type, valdef

The UnCurry.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author

package scala
package tools.nsc
package transform

import symtab.Flags._
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.language.postfixOps

/*<export> */
/** - uncurry all symbol and tree types (@see UnCurryPhase) -- this includes normalizing all proper types.
 *  - for every curried parameter list:  (ps_1) ... (ps_n) ==> (ps_1, ..., ps_n)
 *  - for every curried application: f(args_1)...(args_n) ==> f(args_1, ..., args_n)
 *  - for every type application: f[Ts] ==> f[Ts]() unless followed by parameters
 *  - for every use of a parameterless function: f ==> f()  and  q.f ==> q.f()
 *  - for every def-parameter:  x: => T ==> x: () => T
 *  - for every use of a def-parameter: x ==> x.apply()
 *  - for every argument to a def parameter `x: => T':
 *      if argument is not a reference to a def parameter:
 *        convert argument `e` to (expansion of) `() => e'
 *  - for every repeated Scala parameter `x: T*' --> x: Seq[T].
 *  - for every repeated Java parameter `x: T...' --> x: Array[T], except:
 *    if T is an unbounded abstract type, replace --> x: Array[Object]
 *  - for every argument list that corresponds to a repeated Scala parameter
 *       (a_1, ..., a_n) => (Seq(a_1, ..., a_n))
 *  - for every argument list that corresponds to a repeated Java parameter
 *       (a_1, ..., a_n) => (Array(a_1, ..., a_n))
 *  - for every argument list that is an escaped sequence
 *       (a_1:_*) => (a_1) (possibly converted to sequence or array, as needed)
 *  - convert implicit method types to method types
 *  - convert non-trivial catches in try statements to matches
 *  - convert non-local returns to throws with enclosing try statements.
 *  - convert try-catch expressions in contexts where there might be values on the stack to
 *      a local method and a call to it (since an exception empties the evaluation stack):
 *      meth(x_1,..., try { x_i } catch { ..}, .. x_b0) ==>
 *        {
 *          def liftedTry$1 = try { x_i } catch { .. }
 *          meth(x_1, .., liftedTry$1(), .. )
 *        }
/*</export> */
abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
                          with scala.reflect.internal.transform.UnCurry
                          with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL {
  val global: Global               // need to repeat here because otherwise last mixin defines global as
                                   // SymbolTable. If we had DOT this would not be an issue
  import global._                  // the global environment
  import definitions._             // standard classes and methods
  import CODE._

  val phaseName: String = "uncurry"

  def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer = new UnCurryTransformer(unit)
  override def changesBaseClasses = false

// ------ Type transformation --------------------------------------------------------

// uncurry and uncurryType expand type aliases

  class UnCurryTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
    private val inlineFunctionExpansion = settings.Ydelambdafy.value == "inline"
    private var needTryLift       = false
    private var inConstructorFlag = 0L
    private val byNameArgs        = mutable.HashSet[Tree]()
    private val noApply           = mutable.HashSet[Tree]()
    private val newMembers        = mutable.Map[Symbol, mutable.Buffer[Tree]]()
    private val repeatedParams    = mutable.Map[Symbol, List[ValDef]]()

    /** Add a new synthetic member for `currentOwner` */
    private def addNewMember(t: Tree): Unit =
      newMembers.getOrElseUpdate(currentOwner, mutable.Buffer()) += t

    /** Process synthetic members for `owner`. They are removed form the `newMembers` as a side-effect. */
    @inline private def useNewMembers[T](owner: Symbol)(f: List[Tree] => T): T =

    private def newFunction0(body: Tree): Tree = {
      val result = localTyper.typedPos(body.pos)(Function(Nil, body)).asInstanceOf[Function]
      log("Change owner from %s to %s in %s".format(currentOwner, result.symbol, result.body))
      result.body changeOwner (currentOwner -> result.symbol)

    // I don't have a clue why I'm catching TypeErrors here, but it's better
    // than spewing stack traces at end users for internal errors. Examples
    // which hit at this point should not be hard to come by, but the immediate
    // motivation can be seen in continuations-neg/t3718.
    override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = (
      try postTransform(mainTransform(tree))
      catch { case ex: TypeError =>
        unit.error(ex.pos, ex.msg)

    /* Is tree a reference `x` to a call by name parameter that needs to be converted to
     * x.apply()? Note that this is not the case if `x` is used as an argument to another
     * call by name parameter.
    def isByNameRef(tree: Tree) = (
      && (tree.symbol ne null)
      && (isByName(tree.symbol))
      && !byNameArgs(tree)

// ------- Handling non-local returns -------------------------------------------------

    /** The type of a non-local return expression with given argument type */
    private def nonLocalReturnExceptionType(argtype: Type) =
      appliedType(NonLocalReturnControlClass, argtype)

    /** A hashmap from method symbols to non-local return keys */
    private val nonLocalReturnKeys = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, Symbol]()

    /** Return non-local return key for given method */
    private def nonLocalReturnKey(meth: Symbol) =
        meth.newValue(unit.freshTermName("nonLocalReturnKey"), meth.pos, SYNTHETIC) setInfo ObjectTpe

    /** Generate a non-local return throw with given return expression from given method.
     *  I.e. for the method's non-local return key, generate:
     *    throw new NonLocalReturnControl(key, expr)
     *  todo: maybe clone a pre-existing exception instead?
     *  (but what to do about exceptions that miss their targets?)
    private def nonLocalReturnThrow(expr: Tree, meth: Symbol) = localTyper typed {

    /** Transform (body, key) to:
     *  {
     *    val key = new Object()
     *    try {
     *      body
     *    } catch {
     *      case ex: NonLocalReturnControl[T @unchecked] =>
     *        if (ex.key().eq(key)) ex.value()
     *        else throw ex
     *    }
     *  }
    private def nonLocalReturnTry(body: Tree, key: Symbol, meth: Symbol) = {
      localTyper typed {
        val restpe  = meth.tpe_*.finalResultType
        val extpe   = nonLocalReturnExceptionType(restpe)
        val ex      = meth.newValue(nme.ex, body.pos) setInfo extpe
        val argType = restpe withAnnotation (AnnotationInfo marker UncheckedClass.tpe)
        val pat     = gen.mkBindForCase(ex, NonLocalReturnControlClass, List(argType))
        val rhs     = (
          IF   ((ex DOT nme.key)() OBJ_EQ Ident(key))
          THEN ((ex DOT nme.value)())
          ELSE (Throw(Ident(ex)))
        val keyDef   = ValDef(key, New(ObjectTpe))
        val tryCatch = Try(body, pat -> rhs)

        import treeInfo.{catchesThrowable, isSyntheticCase}
        for {
          Try(t, catches, _) <- body
          cdef <- catches
          if catchesThrowable(cdef) && !isSyntheticCase(cdef)
        } {
          unit.warning(body.pos, "catch block may intercept non-local return from " + meth)

        Block(List(keyDef), tryCatch)

// ------ Transforming anonymous functions and by-name-arguments ----------------

    /** Undo eta expansion for parameterless and nullary methods */
    def deEta(fun: Function): Tree = fun match {
      case Function(List(), expr) if isByNameRef(expr) =>
        noApply += expr
      case _ =>

    /**  Transform a function node (x_1,...,x_n) => body of type FunctionN[T_1, .., T_N, R] to
     *    class $anon() extends AbstractFunctionN[T_1, .., T_N, R] with Serializable {
     *      def apply(x_1: T_1, ..., x_N: T_n): R = body
     *    }
     *    new $anon()
    def transformFunction(fun: Function): Tree = {
      fun.tpe match {
        // can happen when analyzer plugins assign refined types to functions, e.g.
        // (() => Int) { def apply(): Int @typeConstraint }
        case RefinedType(List(funTp), decls) =>
          debuglog(s"eliminate refinement from function type ${fun.tpe}")
          fun.tpe = funTp
        case _ =>

      deEta(fun) match {
        // nullary or parameterless
        case fun1 if fun1 ne fun => fun1
        case _ =>
          def typedFunPos(t: Tree) = localTyper.typedPos(fun.pos)(t)
          val funParams = fun.vparams map (_.symbol)
          def mkMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, additionalFlags: FlagSet = NoFlags): DefDef =
            gen.mkMethodFromFunction(localTyper)(fun, owner, name, additionalFlags)

          val canUseDelamdafyMethod = (inConstructorFlag == 0) // Avoiding synthesizing code prone to SI-6666, SI-8363 by using old-style lambda translation

          if (inlineFunctionExpansion || !canUseDelamdafyMethod) {
            val parents = addSerializable(abstractFunctionForFunctionType(fun.tpe))
            val anonClass = fun.symbol.owner newAnonymousFunctionClass(fun.pos, inConstructorFlag) addAnnotation SerialVersionUIDAnnotation
            anonClass setInfo ClassInfoType(parents, newScope, anonClass)

            val applyMethodDef = mkMethod(anonClass, nme.apply)
   enter applyMethodDef.symbol

            typedFunPos {
                ClassDef(anonClass, NoMods, ListOfNil, List(applyMethodDef), fun.pos),
                Typed(New(anonClass.tpe), TypeTree(fun.tpe)))
          } else {
            // method definition with the same arguments, return type, and body as the original lambda
            val liftedMethod = mkMethod(fun.symbol.owner, nme.ANON_FUN_NAME, additionalFlags = ARTIFACT)

            // new function whose body is just a call to the lifted method
            val newFun = deriveFunction(fun)(_ => typedFunPos(
              gen.mkForwarder(gen.mkAttributedRef(liftedMethod.symbol), funParams :: Nil)
            typedFunPos(Block(liftedMethod, super.transform(newFun)))

    def transformArgs(pos: Position, fun: Symbol, args: List[Tree], formals: List[Type]) = {
      val isJava = fun.isJavaDefined
      def transformVarargs(varargsElemType: Type) = {
        def mkArrayValue(ts: List[Tree], elemtp: Type) =
          ArrayValue(TypeTree(elemtp), ts) setType arrayType(elemtp)

        // when calling into scala varargs, make sure it's a sequence.
        def arrayToSequence(tree: Tree, elemtp: Type) = {
          exitingUncurry {
            localTyper.typedPos(pos) {
              val pt = arrayType(elemtp)
              val adaptedTree = // might need to cast to Array[elemtp], as arrays are not covariant
                if (tree.tpe <:< pt) tree
                else gen.mkCastArray(tree, elemtp, pt)

              gen.mkWrapArray(adaptedTree, elemtp)

        // when calling into java varargs, make sure it's an array - see bug #1360
        def sequenceToArray(tree: Tree) = {
          val toArraySym = tree.tpe member nme.toArray
          assert(toArraySym != NoSymbol)
          def getClassTag(tp: Type): Tree = {
            val tag = localTyper.resolveClassTag(tree.pos, tp)
            // Don't want bottom types getting any further than this (SI-4024)
            if (tp.typeSymbol.isBottomClass) getClassTag(AnyTpe)
            else if (!tag.isEmpty) tag
            else if (tp.bounds.hi ne tp) getClassTag(tp.bounds.hi)
            else localTyper.TyperErrorGen.MissingClassTagError(tree, tp)
          def traversableClassTag(tpe: Type): Tree = {
            (tpe baseType TraversableClass).typeArgs match {
              case targ :: _  => getClassTag(targ)
              case _          => EmptyTree
          exitingUncurry {
            localTyper.typedPos(pos) {
              gen.mkMethodCall(tree, toArraySym, Nil, List(traversableClassTag(tree.tpe)))

        var suffix: Tree =
          if (treeInfo isWildcardStarArgList args) {
            val Typed(tree, _) = args.last
            if (isJava)
              if (tree.tpe.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) tree
              else sequenceToArray(tree)
              if (tree.tpe.typeSymbol isSubClass SeqClass) tree
              else arrayToSequence(tree, varargsElemType)
          else {
            def mkArray = mkArrayValue(args drop (formals.length - 1), varargsElemType)
            if (isJava) mkArray
            else if (args.isEmpty) gen.mkNil  // avoid needlessly double-wrapping an empty argument list
            else arrayToSequence(mkArray, varargsElemType)

        exitingUncurry {
          if (isJava && !isReferenceArray(suffix.tpe) && isArrayOfSymbol(fun.tpe.params.last.tpe, ObjectClass)) {
            // The array isn't statically known to be a reference array, so call ScalaRuntime.toObjectArray.
            suffix = localTyper.typedPos(pos) {
              gen.mkRuntimeCall(nme.toObjectArray, List(suffix))
        args.take(formals.length - 1) :+ (suffix setType formals.last)

      val args1 = if (isVarArgTypes(formals)) transformVarargs(formals.last.typeArgs.head) else args

      map2(formals, args1) { (formal, arg) =>
        if (!isByNameParamType(formal))
        else if (isByNameRef(arg)) {
          byNameArgs += arg
          arg setType functionType(Nil, arg.tpe)
        else {
          log(s"Argument '$arg' at line ${arg.pos.line} is $formal from ${fun.fullName}")
          def canUseDirectly(recv: Tree) = (
            && treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(recv)
          arg match {
            // don't add a thunk for by-name argument if argument already is an application of
            // a Function0. We can then remove the application and use the existing Function0.
            case Apply(Select(recv, nme.apply), Nil) if canUseDirectly(recv) =>
            case _ =>

    /** Called if a tree's symbol is elidable.  If it's a DefDef,
     *  replace only the body/rhs with 0/false/()/null; otherwise replace
     *  the whole tree with it.
    private def replaceElidableTree(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      tree match {
        case DefDef(_,_,_,_,_,_) =>
          deriveDefDef(tree)(rhs => Block(Nil, gen.mkZero(rhs.tpe)) setType rhs.tpe) setSymbol tree.symbol setType tree.tpe
        case _ =>
          gen.mkZero(tree.tpe) setType tree.tpe

    private def isSelfSynchronized(ddef: DefDef) = ddef.rhs match {
      case Apply(fn @ TypeApply(Select(sel, _), _), _) =>
        fn.symbol == Object_synchronized && sel.symbol == ddef.symbol.enclClass && !ddef.symbol.enclClass.isTrait
      case _ => false

    /** If an eligible method is entirely wrapped in a call to synchronized
     *  locked on the same instance, remove the synchronized scaffolding and
     *  mark the method symbol SYNCHRONIZED for bytecode generation.
    private def translateSynchronized(tree: Tree) = tree match {
      case dd @ DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Apply(fn, body :: Nil)) if isSelfSynchronized(dd) =>
        log("Translating " + dd.symbol.defString + " into synchronized method")
        dd.symbol setFlag SYNCHRONIZED
        deriveDefDef(dd)(_ => body)
      case _ => tree
    def isNonLocalReturn(ret: Return) = ret.symbol != currentOwner.enclMethod || currentOwner.isLazy || currentOwner.isAnonymousFunction

// ------ The tree transformers --------------------------------------------------------

    def mainTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      @inline def withNeedLift(needLift: Boolean)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
        val saved = needTryLift
        needTryLift = needLift
        try f
        finally needTryLift = saved

      /* Transform tree `t` to { def f = t; f } where `f` is a fresh name */
      def liftTree(tree: Tree) = {
        debuglog("lifting tree at: " + (tree.pos))
        val sym = currentOwner.newMethod(unit.freshTermName("liftedTree"), tree.pos)
        sym.setInfo(MethodType(List(), tree.tpe))
        tree.changeOwner(currentOwner -> sym)
          List(DefDef(sym, ListOfNil, tree)),
          Apply(Ident(sym), Nil)

      def withInConstructorFlag(inConstructorFlag: Long)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
        val saved = this.inConstructorFlag
        this.inConstructorFlag = inConstructorFlag
        try f
        finally this.inConstructorFlag = saved

      val sym = tree.symbol

      // true if the taget is a lambda body that's been lifted into a method
      def isLiftedLambdaBody(target: Tree) = target.symbol.isLocalToBlock && target.symbol.isArtifact &&

      val result = (
        // TODO - settings.noassertions.value temporarily retained to avoid
        // breakage until a reasonable interface is settled upon.
        if ((sym ne null) && (sym.elisionLevel.exists (_ < settings.elidebelow.value || settings.noassertions)))
        else translateSynchronized(tree) match {
          case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, _, tpt, rhs) =>
            // Remove default argument trees from parameter ValDefs, SI-4812
            val vparamssNoRhs = dd.vparamss mapConserve (_ mapConserve {p =>
              treeCopy.ValDef(p, p.mods,, p.tpt, EmptyTree)

            if (dd.symbol hasAnnotation VarargsClass) saveRepeatedParams(dd)

            withNeedLift(needLift = false) {
              if (dd.symbol.isClassConstructor) {
                atOwner(sym) {
                  val rhs1 = (rhs: @unchecked) match {
                    case Block(stats, expr) =>
                      def transformInConstructor(stat: Tree) =
                        withInConstructorFlag(INCONSTRUCTOR) { transform(stat) }
                      val presupers = treeInfo.preSuperFields(stats) map transformInConstructor
                      val rest = stats drop presupers.length
                      val supercalls = rest take 1 map transformInConstructor
                      val others = rest drop 1 map transform
                      treeCopy.Block(rhs, presupers ::: supercalls ::: others, transform(expr))
                    dd, mods, name, transformTypeDefs(tparams),
                    transformValDefss(vparamssNoRhs), transform(tpt), rhs1)
              } else {
                super.transform(treeCopy.DefDef(dd, mods, name, tparams, vparamssNoRhs, tpt, rhs))
          case ValDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
            if (sym eq NoSymbol) throw new IllegalStateException("Encountered Valdef without symbol: "+ tree + " in "+ unit)
            if (!sym.owner.isSourceMethod)
              withNeedLift(needLift = true) { super.transform(tree) }
          case UnApply(fn, args) =>
            val fn1   = transform(fn)
            val args1 = match {
              case nme.unapplySeq => transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, patmat.alignPatterns(tree).expectedTypes)
              case _              => args
            treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fn1, args1)

          case Apply(fn, args) =>
            val needLift = needTryLift || !fn.symbol.isLabel // SI-6749, no need to lift in args to label jumps.
            withNeedLift(needLift) {
              val formals = fn.tpe.paramTypes
              treeCopy.Apply(tree, transform(fn), transformTrees(transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, formals)))

          case Assign(_: RefTree, _) =>
            withNeedLift(needLift = true) { super.transform(tree) }

          case Assign(lhs, _) if lhs.symbol.owner != currentMethod || lhs.symbol.hasFlag(LAZY | ACCESSOR) =>
            withNeedLift(needLift = true) { super.transform(tree) }

          case ret @ Return(_) if (isNonLocalReturn(ret)) =>
            withNeedLift(needLift = true) { super.transform(ret) }

          case Try(_, Nil, _) =>
            // try-finally does not need lifting: lifting is needed only for try-catch
            // expressions that are evaluated in a context where the stack might not be empty.
            // `finally` does not attempt to continue evaluation after an exception, so the fact
            // that values on the stack are 'lost' does not matter

          case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
            if (needTryLift) transform(liftTree(tree))
            else super.transform(tree)

          case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
            val pat1 = transform(pat)
            treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, pat1, transform(guard), transform(body))

          // if a lambda is already the right shape we don't need to transform it again
          case fun @ Function(_, Apply(target, _)) if (!inlineFunctionExpansion) && isLiftedLambdaBody(target) =>

          case fun @ Function(_, _) =>

          case Template(_, _, _) =>
            withInConstructorFlag(0) { super.transform(tree) }

          case _ =>
            val tree1 = super.transform(tree)
            if (isByNameRef(tree1)) {
              val tree2 = tree1 setType functionType(Nil, tree1.tpe)
              return {
                if (noApply contains tree2) tree2
                else localTyper.typedPos(tree1.pos)(Apply(Select(tree2, nme.apply), Nil))
      assert(result.tpe != null, result.shortClass + " tpe is null:\n" + result)
      result modifyType uncurry

    def postTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = exitingUncurry {
      def applyUnary(): Tree = {
        // TODO_NMT: verify that the inner tree of a type-apply also gets parens if the
        // whole tree is a polymorphic nullary method application
        def removeNullary() = tree.tpe match {
          case MethodType(_, _)           => tree
          case tp                         => tree setType MethodType(Nil, tp.resultType)
        if (tree.symbol.isMethod && !tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[PolyType])
        else if (tree.isType)
          TypeTree(tree.tpe) setPos tree.pos

      def isThrowable(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
        case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt) =>
          tpt.tpe =:= ThrowableTpe
        case Bind(_, pat) =>
        case _ =>

      tree match {
        /* Some uncurry post transformations add members to templates.
         * Members registered by `addMembers` for the current template are added
         * once the template transformation has finished.
         * In particular, this case will add:
         * - synthetic Java varargs forwarders for repeated parameters
        case Template(_, _, _) =>
          localTyper = typer.atOwner(tree, currentClass)
          useNewMembers(currentClass) {
            newMembers =>
              deriveTemplate(tree)(transformTrees(newMembers) ::: _)

        case dd @ DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss0, _, rhs0) =>
          val (newParamss, newRhs): (List[List[ValDef]], Tree) =
            if (dependentParamTypeErasure isDependent dd)
              dependentParamTypeErasure erase dd
            else {
              val vparamss1 = vparamss0 match {
                case _ :: Nil => vparamss0
                case _        => vparamss0.flatten :: Nil
              (vparamss1, rhs0)

          val flatdd = copyDefDef(dd)(
            vparamss = newParamss,
            rhs = nonLocalReturnKeys get dd.symbol match {
              case Some(k) => atPos(newRhs.pos)(nonLocalReturnTry(newRhs, k, dd.symbol))
              case None    => newRhs
          addJavaVarargsForwarders(dd, flatdd)

        case tree: Try =>
          if (tree.catches exists (cd => !treeInfo.isCatchCase(cd)))
            devWarning("VPM BUG - illegal try/catch " + tree.catches)

        case Apply(Apply(fn, args), args1) =>
          treeCopy.Apply(tree, fn, args ::: args1)

        case Ident(name) =>
          assert(name != tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR, tree)
        case Select(_, _) | TypeApply(_, _) =>
        case ret @ Return(expr) if isNonLocalReturn(ret) =>
          log("non-local return from %s to %s".format(currentOwner.enclMethod, ret.symbol))
          atPos(ret.pos)(nonLocalReturnThrow(expr, ret.symbol))
        case TypeTree() =>
        case _ =>
          if (tree.isType) TypeTree(tree.tpe) setPos tree.pos else tree

     * When we concatenate parameter lists, formal parameter types that were dependent
     * on prior parameter values will no longer be correctly scoped.
     * For example:
     * {{{
     *   def foo(a: A)(b: a.B): a.type = {b; b}
     *   // after uncurry
     *   def foo(a: A, b: a/* NOT IN SCOPE! */.B): a.B = {b; b}
     * }}}
     * This violates the principle that each compiler phase should produce trees that
     * can be retyped (see [[]]), and causes
     * a practical problem in `erasure`: it is not able to correctly determine if
     * such a signature overrides a corresponding signature in a parent. (SI-6443).
     * This transformation erases the dependent method types by:
     *   - Widening the formal parameter type to existentially abstract
     *     over the prior parameters (using `packSymbols`). This transformation
     *     is performed in the the `InfoTransform`er [[scala.reflect.internal.transform.UnCurry]].
     *   - Inserting casts in the method body to cast to the original,
     *     precise type.
     * For the example above, this results in:
     * {{{
     *   def foo(a: A, b: a.B forSome { val a: A }): a.B = { val b$1 = b.asInstanceOf[a.B]; b$1; b$1 }
     * }}}
    private object dependentParamTypeErasure {
      sealed abstract class ParamTransform {
        def param: ValDef
      final case class Identity(param: ValDef) extends ParamTransform
      final case class Packed(param: ValDef, tempVal: ValDef) extends ParamTransform

      def isDependent(dd: DefDef): Boolean =
        enteringUncurry {
          val methType =
          methType.isDependentMethodType && mexists(methType.paramss)( exists (_.isImmediatelyDependent))

       * @return (newVparamss, newRhs)
      def erase(dd: DefDef): (List[List[ValDef]], Tree) = {
        import dd.{ vparamss, rhs }
        val paramTransforms: List[ParamTransform] =
          map2(vparamss.flatten, { (p, infoParam) =>
            val packedType =
            if (packedType =:= Identity(p)
            else {
              // The Uncurry info transformer existentially abstracted over value parameters
              // from the previous parameter lists.

              // Change the type of the param symbol
              p.symbol updateInfo packedType

              // Create a new param tree
              val newParam: ValDef = copyValDef(p)(tpt = TypeTree(packedType))

              // Within the method body, we'll cast the parameter to the originally
              // declared type and assign this to a synthetic val. Later, we'll patch
              // the method body to refer to this, rather than the parameter.
              val tempVal: ValDef = {
                val tempValName = unit freshTermName ( + "$")
                val newSym = dd.symbol.newTermSymbol(tempValName, p.pos, SYNTHETIC).setInfo(
                atPos(p.pos)(ValDef(newSym, gen.mkAttributedCast(Ident(p.symbol),
              Packed(newParam, tempVal)

        val allParams = paramTransforms map (_.param)
        val (packedParams, tempVals) = paramTransforms.collect {
          case Packed(param, tempVal) => (param, tempVal)

        val rhs1 = if (tempVals.isEmpty) rhs else {
          localTyper.typedPos(rhs.pos) {
            // Patch the method body to refer to the temp vals
            val rhsSubstituted = rhs.substituteSymbols(packedParams map (_.symbol), tempVals map (_.symbol))
            // The new method body: { val p$1 = p.asInstanceOf[<dependent type>]; ...; <rhsSubstituted> }
            Block(tempVals, rhsSubstituted)

        (allParams :: Nil, rhs1)

    /* Analyzes repeated params if method is annotated as `varargs`.
     * If the repeated params exist, it saves them into the `repeatedParams` map,
     * which is used later.
    private def saveRepeatedParams(dd: DefDef): Unit =
      if (dd.symbol.isConstructor)
        unit.error(dd.symbol.pos, "A constructor cannot be annotated with a `varargs` annotation.")
      else treeInfo.repeatedParams(dd) match {
        case Nil  =>
          unit.error(dd.symbol.pos, "A method without repeated parameters cannot be annotated with the `varargs` annotation.")
        case reps =>
          repeatedParams(dd.symbol) = reps

    /* Called during post transform, after the method argument lists have been flattened.
     * It looks for the method in the `repeatedParams` map, and generates a Java-style
     * varargs forwarder.
    private def addJavaVarargsForwarders(dd: DefDef, flatdd: DefDef): DefDef = {
      if (!dd.symbol.hasAnnotation(VarargsClass) || !repeatedParams.contains(dd.symbol))
        return flatdd

      def toArrayType(tp: Type): Type = {
        val arg = elementType(SeqClass, tp)
        // to prevent generation of an `Object` parameter from `Array[T]` parameter later
        // as this would crash the Java compiler which expects an `Object[]` array for varargs
        //   e.g.        def foo[T](a: Int, b: T*)
        //   becomes     def foo[T](a: Int, b: Array[Object])
        //   instead of  def foo[T](a: Int, b: Array[T]) ===> def foo[T](a: Int, b: Object)
          if (arg.typeSymbol.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) ObjectTpe
          else arg

      val reps       = repeatedParams(dd.symbol)
      val rpsymbols  =
      val theTyper   = typer.atOwner(dd, currentClass)
      val flatparams = flatdd.vparamss.head

      // create the type
      val forwformals = flatparams map {
        case p if rpsymbols(p.symbol) => toArrayType(p.symbol.tpe)
        case p                        => p.symbol.tpe
      val forwresult = dd.symbol.tpe_*.finalResultType
      val forwformsyms = map2(forwformals, flatparams)((tp, oldparam) =>
        currentClass.newValueParameter(, oldparam.symbol.pos).setInfo(tp)
      def mono = MethodType(forwformsyms, forwresult)
      val forwtype = dd.symbol.tpe match {
        case MethodType(_, _) => mono
        case PolyType(tps, _) => PolyType(tps, mono)

      // create the symbol
      val forwsym = currentClass.newMethod(, dd.pos, VARARGS | SYNTHETIC | flatdd.symbol.flags) setInfo forwtype
      def forwParams =

      // create the tree
      val forwtree = theTyper.typedPos(dd.pos) {
        val locals = map2(forwParams, flatparams) {
          case (_, fp) if !rpsymbols(fp.symbol) => null
          case (argsym, fp)                     =>
                gen.mkWrapArray(Ident(argsym), elementType(ArrayClass, argsym.tpe)),
                seqType(elementType(SeqClass, fp.symbol.tpe))
        val seqargs = map2(locals, forwParams) {
          case (null, argsym) => Ident(argsym)
          case (l, _)         => l
        val end = if (forwsym.isConstructor) List(UNIT) else Nil

        DefDef(forwsym, BLOCK(Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(flatdd.symbol), seqargs) :: end : _*))

      // check if the method with that name and those arguments already exists in the template => s != forwsym && s.tpe.matches(forwsym.tpe)) match {
        case Some(s) => unit.error(dd.symbol.pos,
                                   "A method with a varargs annotation produces a forwarder method with the same signature "
                                   + s.tpe + " as an existing method.")
        case None =>
          // enter symbol into scope
 enter forwsym


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