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Scala example source code file (Solving.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Solving.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

and, clause, collection, compiler, formula, int, lit, model, nomodel, nsc, or, prop, reflection, sym, utilities

The Solving.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2011-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Adriaan Moors


import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Collections._

// naive CNF translation and simple DPLL solver
trait Solving extends Logic {
  import PatternMatchingStats._
  trait CNF extends PropositionalLogic {
    import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
    type FormulaBuilder = ArrayBuffer[Clause]
    def formulaBuilder  = ArrayBuffer[Clause]()
    def formulaBuilderSized(init: Int)  = new ArrayBuffer[Clause](init)
    def addFormula(buff: FormulaBuilder, f: Formula): Unit = buff ++= f
    def toFormula(buff: FormulaBuilder): Formula = buff

    // CNF: a formula is a conjunction of clauses
    type Formula = FormulaBuilder
    def formula(c: Clause*): Formula = ArrayBuffer(c: _*)

    type Clause  = collection.Set[Lit]
    // a clause is a disjunction of distinct literals
    def clause(l: Lit*): Clause = (
      if (l.lengthCompare(1) <= 0) {
        l.toSet // SI-8531 Avoid LinkedHashSet's bulk for 0 and 1 element clauses
      } else {
        // neg/t7020.scala changes output 1% of the time, the non-determinism is quelled with this linked set
        mutable.LinkedHashSet(l: _*)

    type Lit
    def Lit(sym: Sym, pos: Boolean = true): Lit

    def andFormula(a: Formula, b: Formula): Formula = a ++ b
    def simplifyFormula(a: Formula): Formula = a.distinct

    private def merge(a: Clause, b: Clause) = a ++ b

    // throws an AnalysisBudget.Exception when the prop results in a CNF that's too big
    // TODO: be smarter/more efficient about this (
    def eqFreePropToSolvable(p: Prop): Formula = {
      def negationNormalFormNot(p: Prop, budget: Int): Prop =
        if (budget <= 0) throw AnalysisBudget.exceeded
        else p match {
          case And(a, b) =>  Or(negationNormalFormNot(a, budget - 1), negationNormalFormNot(b, budget - 1))
          case Or(a, b)  => And(negationNormalFormNot(a, budget - 1), negationNormalFormNot(b, budget - 1))
          case Not(p)    => negationNormalForm(p, budget - 1)
          case True      => False
          case False     => True
          case s: Sym    => Not(s)

      def negationNormalForm(p: Prop, budget: Int = AnalysisBudget.max): Prop =
        if (budget <= 0) throw AnalysisBudget.exceeded
        else p match {
          case And(a, b)      => And(negationNormalForm(a, budget - 1), negationNormalForm(b, budget - 1))
          case Or(a, b)       =>  Or(negationNormalForm(a, budget - 1), negationNormalForm(b, budget - 1))
          case Not(negated)   => negationNormalFormNot(negated, budget - 1)
          case True
             | False
             | (_ : Sym)      => p

      val TrueF          = formula()
      val FalseF         = formula(clause())
      def lit(s: Sym)    = formula(clause(Lit(s)))
      def negLit(s: Sym) = formula(clause(Lit(s, pos = false)))

      def conjunctiveNormalForm(p: Prop, budget: Int = AnalysisBudget.max): Formula = {
        def distribute(a: Formula, b: Formula, budget: Int): Formula =
          if (budget <= 0) throw AnalysisBudget.exceeded
            (a, b) match {
              // true \/ _ = true
              // _ \/ true = true
              case (trueA, trueB) if trueA.size == 0 || trueB.size == 0 => TrueF
              // lit \/ lit
              case (a, b) if a.size == 1 && b.size == 1 => formula(merge(a(0), b(0)))
              // (c1 /\ ... /\ cn) \/ d = ((c1 \/ d) /\ ... /\ (cn \/ d))
              // d \/ (c1 /\ ... /\ cn) = ((d \/ c1) /\ ... /\ (d \/ cn))
              case (cs, ds) =>
                val (big, small) = if (cs.size > ds.size) (cs, ds) else (ds, cs)
                big flatMap (c => distribute(formula(c), small, budget - (big.size*small.size)))

        if (budget <= 0) throw AnalysisBudget.exceeded

        p match {
          case True        => TrueF
          case False       => FalseF
          case s: Sym      => lit(s)
          case Not(s: Sym) => negLit(s)
          case And(a, b)   =>
            val cnfA = conjunctiveNormalForm(a, budget - 1)
            val cnfB = conjunctiveNormalForm(b, budget - cnfA.size)
            cnfA ++ cnfB
          case Or(a, b)    =>
            val cnfA = conjunctiveNormalForm(a)
            val cnfB = conjunctiveNormalForm(b)
            distribute(cnfA, cnfB, budget - (cnfA.size + cnfB.size))

      val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(patmatCNF) else null
      val res   = conjunctiveNormalForm(negationNormalForm(p))

      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatCNF, start)

      if (Statistics.canEnable) patmatCNFSizes(res.size).value += 1

//      debug.patmat("cnf for\n"+ p +"\nis:\n"+cnfString(res))

  // simple solver using DPLL
  trait Solver extends CNF {
    // a literal is a (possibly negated) variable
    def Lit(sym: Sym, pos: Boolean = true) = new Lit(sym, pos)
    class Lit(val sym: Sym, val pos: Boolean) {
      override def toString = if (!pos) "-"+ sym.toString else sym.toString
      override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
        case o: Lit => (o.sym eq sym) && (o.pos == pos)
        case _ => false
      override def hashCode = sym.hashCode + pos.hashCode

      def unary_- = Lit(sym, !pos)

    def cnfString(f: Formula) = alignAcrossRows(f map (_.toList) toList, "\\/", " /\\\n")

    // adapted from (original by Hossein Hojjat)
    val EmptyModel = collection.immutable.SortedMap.empty[Sym, Boolean]
    val NoModel: Model = null

    // returns all solutions, if any (TODO: better infinite recursion backstop -- detect fixpoint??)
    def findAllModelsFor(f: Formula): List[Model] = {
      val vars: Set[Sym] = f.flatMap(_ collect {case l: Lit => l.sym}).toSet
      // debug.patmat("vars "+ vars)
      // the negation of a model -(S1=True/False /\ ... /\ SN=True/False) = clause(S1=False/True, ...., SN=False/True)
      def negateModel(m: Model) = clause({ case (sym, pos) => Lit(sym, !pos) } : _*)

      def findAllModels(f: Formula, models: List[Model], recursionDepthAllowed: Int = 10): List[Model]=
        if (recursionDepthAllowed == 0) models
        else {
          debug.patmat("find all models for\n"+ cnfString(f))
          val model = findModelFor(f)
          // if we found a solution, conjunct the formula with the model's negation and recurse
          if (model ne NoModel) {
            val unassigned = (vars -- model.keySet).toList
            debug.patmat("unassigned "+ unassigned +" in "+ model)
            def force(lit: Lit) = {
              val model = withLit(findModelFor(dropUnit(f, lit)), lit)
              if (model ne NoModel) List(model)
              else Nil
            val forced = unassigned flatMap { s =>
              force(Lit(s, pos = true)) ++ force(Lit(s, pos = false))
            debug.patmat("forced "+ forced)
            val negated = negateModel(model)
            findAllModels(f :+ negated, model :: (forced ++ models), recursionDepthAllowed - 1)
          else models

      findAllModels(f, Nil)

    private def withLit(res: Model, l: Lit): Model = if (res eq NoModel) NoModel else res + (l.sym -> l.pos)
    private def dropUnit(f: Formula, unitLit: Lit): Formula = {
      val negated = -unitLit
      // drop entire clauses that are trivially true
      // (i.e., disjunctions that contain the literal we're making true in the returned model),
      // and simplify clauses by dropping the negation of the literal we're making true
      // (since False \/ X == X)
      val dropped = formulaBuilderSized(f.size)
      for {
        clause <- f
        if !(clause contains unitLit)
      } dropped += (clause - negated)

    def findModelFor(f: Formula): Model = {
      @inline def orElse(a: Model, b: => Model) = if (a ne NoModel) a else b

      debug.patmat("DPLL\n"+ cnfString(f))

      val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(patmatAnaDPLL) else null

      val satisfiableWithModel: Model =
        if (f isEmpty) EmptyModel
        else if(f exists (_.isEmpty)) NoModel
        else f.find(_.size == 1) match {
          case Some(unitClause) =>
            val unitLit = unitClause.head
            // debug.patmat("unit: "+ unitLit)
            withLit(findModelFor(dropUnit(f, unitLit)), unitLit)
          case _ =>
            // partition symbols according to whether they appear in positive and/or negative literals
            // SI-7020 Linked- for deterministic counter examples.
            val pos = new mutable.LinkedHashSet[Sym]()
            val neg = new mutable.LinkedHashSet[Sym]()
            mforeach(f)(lit => if (lit.pos) pos += lit.sym else neg += lit.sym)

            // appearing in both positive and negative
            val impures: mutable.LinkedHashSet[Sym] = pos intersect neg
            // appearing only in either positive/negative positions
            val pures: mutable.LinkedHashSet[Sym] = (pos ++ neg) -- impures

            if (pures nonEmpty) {
              val pureSym = pures.head
              // turn it back into a literal
              // (since equality on literals is in terms of equality
              //  of the underlying symbol and its positivity, simply construct a new Lit)
              val pureLit = Lit(pureSym, pos(pureSym))
              // debug.patmat("pure: "+ pureLit +" pures: "+ pures +" impures: "+ impures)
              val simplified = f.filterNot(_.contains(pureLit))
              withLit(findModelFor(simplified), pureLit)
            } else {
              val split = f.head.head
              // debug.patmat("split: "+ split)
              orElse(findModelFor(f :+ clause(split)), findModelFor(f :+ clause(-split)))

      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatAnaDPLL, start)

Other Scala source code examples

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