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Scala example source code file (Contexts.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Contexts.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, boolean, collection, compiler, context, contextmode, importinfo, list, nil, nosymbol, nsc, reflection, symbol, t, type, utilities

The Contexts.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package typechecker

import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect.internal.util.shortClassOfInstance

 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @version 1.0
trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
  import global._
  import definitions.{ JavaLangPackage, ScalaPackage, PredefModule, ScalaXmlTopScope, ScalaXmlPackage }
  import ContextMode._

  protected def onTreeCheckerError(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit = ()

  object NoContext
    extends Context(EmptyTree, NoSymbol, EmptyScope, NoCompilationUnit,
                    null) { // We can't pass the uninitialized `this`. Instead, we treat null specially in `Context#outer`
    enclClass  = this
    enclMethod = this

    override val depth = 0
    override def nextEnclosing(p: Context => Boolean): Context = this
    override def enclosingContextChain: List[Context] = Nil
    override def implicitss: List[List[ImplicitInfo]] = Nil
    override def imports: List[ImportInfo] = Nil
    override def firstImport: Option[ImportInfo] = None
    override def toString = "NoContext"
  private object RootImports {
    // Possible lists of root imports
    val javaList         = JavaLangPackage :: Nil
    val javaAndScalaList = JavaLangPackage :: ScalaPackage :: Nil
    val completeList     = JavaLangPackage :: ScalaPackage :: PredefModule :: Nil

  def ambiguousImports(imp1: ImportInfo, imp2: ImportInfo) =
    LookupAmbiguous(s"it is imported twice in the same scope by\n$imp1\nand $imp2")
  def ambiguousDefnAndImport(owner: Symbol, imp: ImportInfo) =
    LookupAmbiguous(s"it is both defined in $owner and imported subsequently by \n$imp")

  private lazy val startContext = {
    Template(List(), noSelfType, List()) setSymbol global.NoSymbol setType global.NoType,

  private lazy val allUsedSelectors =
    mutable.Map[ImportInfo, Set[ImportSelector]]() withDefaultValue Set()
  private lazy val allImportInfos =
    mutable.Map[CompilationUnit, List[ImportInfo]]() withDefaultValue Nil

  def warnUnusedImports(unit: CompilationUnit) = {
    for (imps <- allImportInfos.remove(unit)) {
      for (imp <- imps.reverse.distinct) {
        val used = allUsedSelectors(imp)
        def isMask(s: ImportSelector) = != nme.WILDCARD && s.rename == nme.WILDCARD

        imp.tree.selectors filterNot (s => isMask(s) || used(s)) foreach { sel =>
          unit.warning(imp posOf sel, "Unused import")
      allUsedSelectors --= imps

  var lastAccessCheckDetails: String = ""

  /** List of symbols to import from in a root context.  Typically that
   *  is `java.lang`, `scala`, and [[scala.Predef]], in that order.  Exceptions:
   *  - if option `-Yno-imports` is given, nothing is imported
   *  - if the unit is java defined, only `java.lang` is imported
   *  - if option `-Yno-predef` is given, if the unit body has an import of Predef
   *    among its leading imports, or if the tree is [[scala.Predef]], `Predef` is not imported.
  protected def rootImports(unit: CompilationUnit): List[Symbol] = {
    assert(definitions.isDefinitionsInitialized, "definitions uninitialized")

    if (settings.noimports) Nil
    else if (unit.isJava) RootImports.javaList
    else if (settings.nopredef || treeInfo.noPredefImportForUnit(unit.body)) {
      // SI-8258 Needed for the presentation compiler using -sourcepath, otherwise cycles can occur. See the commit
      //         message for this ticket for an example.
      debuglog("Omitted import of Predef._ for " + unit)
    else RootImports.completeList

  def rootContext(unit: CompilationUnit, tree: Tree = EmptyTree, erasedTypes: Boolean = false): Context = {
    val rootImportsContext = (startContext /: rootImports(unit))((c, sym) => c.make(gen.mkWildcardImport(sym)))

    // there must be a scala.xml package when xml literals were parsed in this unit
    if (unit.hasXml && ScalaXmlPackage == NoSymbol)
      unit.error(unit.firstXmlPos, "To compile XML syntax, the scala.xml package must be on the classpath.\nPlease see")

    // scala-xml needs `scala.xml.TopScope` to be in scope globally as `$scope`
    // We detect `scala-xml` by looking for `scala.xml.TopScope` and
    // inject the equivalent of `import scala.xml.{TopScope => $scope}`
    val contextWithXML =
      if (!unit.hasXml || ScalaXmlTopScope == NoSymbol) rootImportsContext
      else rootImportsContext.make(gen.mkImport(ScalaXmlPackage, nme.TopScope, nme.dollarScope))

    val c = contextWithXML.make(tree, unit = unit)
    if (erasedTypes) c.setThrowErrors() else c.setReportErrors()
    c(EnrichmentEnabled | ImplicitsEnabled) = !erasedTypes

  def resetContexts() {
    startContext.enclosingContextChain foreach { context =>
      context.tree match {
        case Import(qual, _) => qual setType singleType(qual.symbol.owner.thisType, qual.symbol)
        case _               =>

   * A motley collection of the state and loosely associated behaviour of the type checker.
   * Each `Typer` has an associated context, and as it descends into the tree new `(Typer, Context)`
   * pairs are spawned.
   * Meet the crew; first the state:
   *   - A tree, symbol, and scope representing the focus of the typechecker
   *   - An enclosing context, `outer`.
   *   - The current compilation unit.
   *   - A variety of bits that track the current error reporting policy (more on this later);
   *     whether or not implicits/macros are enabled, whether we are in a self or super call or
   *     in a constructor suffix. These are represented as bits in the mask `contextMode`.
   *   - Some odds and ends: undetermined type pararameters of the current line of type inference;
   *     contextual augmentation for error messages, tracking of the nesting depth.
   * And behaviour:
   *   - The central point for issuing errors and warnings from the typechecker, with a means
   *     to buffer these for use in 'silent' type checking, when some recovery might be possible.
   *  -  `Context` is something of a Zipper for the tree were are typechecking: it `enclosingContextChain`
   *     is the path back to the root. This is exactly what we need to resolve names (`lookupSymbol`)
   *     and to collect in-scope implicit defintions (`implicitss`)
   *     Supporting these are `imports`, which represents all `Import` trees in in the enclosing context chain.
   *  -  In a similar vein, we can assess accessiblity (`isAccessible`.)
   * More on error buffering:
   *     When are type errors recoverable? In quite a few places, it turns out. Some examples:
   *     trying to type an application with/without the expected type, or with/without implicit views
   *     enabled. This is usually mediated by `Typer.silent`, `Inferencer#tryTwice`.
   *     Intially, starting from the `typer` phase, the contexts either buffer or report errors;
   *     afterwards errors are thrown. This is configured in `rootContext`. Additionally, more
   *     fine grained control is needed based on the kind of error; ambiguity errors are often
   *     suppressed during exploraratory typing, such as determining whether `a == b` in an argument
   *     position is an assignment or a named argument, when `Infererencer#isApplicableSafe` type checks
   *     applications with and without an expected type, or whtn `Typer#tryTypedApply` tries to fit arguments to
   *     a function type with/without implicit views.
   *     When the error policies entails error/warning buffering, the mutable [[ReportBuffer]] records
   *     everything that is issued. It is important to note, that child Contexts created with `make`
   *     "inherit" the very same `ReportBuffer` instance, whereas children spawned through `makeSilent`
   *     receive an separate, fresh buffer.
   * @param tree  Tree associated with this context
   * @param owner The current owner
   * @param scope The current scope
   * @param _outer The next outer context.
  class Context private[typechecker](val tree: Tree, val owner: Symbol, val scope: Scope,
                                     val unit: CompilationUnit, _outer: Context) {
    private def outerIsNoContext = _outer eq null
    final def outer: Context = if (outerIsNoContext) NoContext else _outer

    /** The next outer context whose tree is a template or package definition */
    var enclClass: Context = _

    @inline private def savingEnclClass[A](c: Context)(a: => A): A = {
      val saved = enclClass
      enclClass = c
      try a finally enclClass = saved

    /** A bitmask containing all the boolean flags in a context, e.g. are implicit views enabled */
    var contextMode: ContextMode = ContextMode.DefaultMode

    /** Update all modes in `mask` to `value` */
    def update(mask: ContextMode, value: Boolean) {
      contextMode = contextMode.set(value, mask)

    /** Set all modes in the mask `enable` to true, and all in `disable` to false. */
    def set(enable: ContextMode = NOmode, disable: ContextMode = NOmode): this.type = {
      contextMode = contextMode.set(true, enable).set(false, disable)

    /** Is this context in all modes in the given `mask`? */
    def apply(mask: ContextMode): Boolean = contextMode.inAll(mask)

    /** The next outer context whose tree is a method */
    var enclMethod: Context = _

    /** Variance relative to enclosing class */
    var variance: Variance = Variance.Invariant

    private var _undetparams: List[Symbol] = List()

    protected def outerDepth = if (outerIsNoContext) 0 else outer.depth

    val depth: Int = {
      val increasesDepth = isRootImport || outerIsNoContext || (outer.scope != scope)
      ( if (increasesDepth) 1 else 0 ) + outerDepth

    /** The currently visible imports */
    def imports: List[ImportInfo] = outer.imports
    /** Equivalent to `imports.headOption`, but more efficient */
    def firstImport: Option[ImportInfo] = outer.firstImport
    def isRootImport: Boolean = false

    /** Types for which implicit arguments are currently searched */
    var openImplicits: List[OpenImplicit] = List()

    /* For a named application block (`Tree`) the corresponding `NamedApplyInfo`. */
    var namedApplyBlockInfo: Option[(Tree, NamedApplyInfo)] = None
    var prefix: Type = NoPrefix

    def inSuperInit_=(value: Boolean)         = this(SuperInit) = value
    def inSuperInit                           = this(SuperInit)
    def inConstructorSuffix_=(value: Boolean) = this(ConstructorSuffix) = value
    def inConstructorSuffix                   = this(ConstructorSuffix)
    def inPatAlternative_=(value: Boolean)    = this(PatternAlternative) = value
    def inPatAlternative                      = this(PatternAlternative)
    def starPatterns_=(value: Boolean)        = this(StarPatterns) = value
    def starPatterns                          = this(StarPatterns)
    def returnsSeen_=(value: Boolean)         = this(ReturnsSeen) = value
    def returnsSeen                           = this(ReturnsSeen)
    def inSelfSuperCall_=(value: Boolean)     = this(SelfSuperCall) = value
    def inSelfSuperCall                       = this(SelfSuperCall)
    def implicitsEnabled_=(value: Boolean)    = this(ImplicitsEnabled) = value
    def implicitsEnabled                      = this(ImplicitsEnabled)
    def macrosEnabled_=(value: Boolean)       = this(MacrosEnabled) = value
    def macrosEnabled                         = this(MacrosEnabled)
    def enrichmentEnabled_=(value: Boolean)   = this(EnrichmentEnabled) = value
    def enrichmentEnabled                     = this(EnrichmentEnabled)
    def checking_=(value: Boolean)            = this(Checking) = value
    def checking                              = this(Checking)
    def retyping_=(value: Boolean)            = this(ReTyping) = value
    def retyping                              = this(ReTyping)
    def inSecondTry                           = this(SecondTry)
    def inSecondTry_=(value: Boolean)         = this(SecondTry) = value
    def inReturnExpr                          = this(ReturnExpr)
    def inTypeConstructorAllowed              = this(TypeConstructorAllowed)

    def defaultModeForTyped: Mode = if (inTypeConstructorAllowed) Mode.NOmode else Mode.EXPRmode

    /** These messages are printed when issuing an error */
    var diagnostic: List[String] = Nil

    /** Saved type bounds for type parameters which are narrowed in a GADT. */
    var savedTypeBounds: List[(Symbol, Type)] = List()

    /** The next enclosing context (potentially `this`) that is owned by a class or method */
    def enclClassOrMethod: Context =
      if (!owner.exists || owner.isClass || owner.isMethod) this
      else outer.enclClassOrMethod

    /** The next enclosing context (potentially `this`) that has a `CaseDef` as a tree */
    def enclosingCaseDef = nextEnclosing(_.tree.isInstanceOf[CaseDef])

    /** ...or an Apply. */
    def enclosingApply = nextEnclosing(_.tree.isInstanceOf[Apply])

    def siteString = {
      def what_s  = if (owner.isConstructor) "" else owner.kindString
      def where_s = if (owner.isClass) "" else "in " + enclClass.owner.decodedName
      List(what_s, owner.decodedName, where_s) filterNot (_ == "") mkString " "
    // Tracking undetermined type parameters for type argument inference.
    def undetparamsString =
      if (undetparams.isEmpty) ""
      else undetparams.mkString("undetparams=", ", ", "")
    /** Undetermined type parameters. See `Infer#{inferExprInstance, adjustTypeArgs}`. Not inherited to child contexts */
    def undetparams: List[Symbol] = _undetparams
    def undetparams_=(ps: List[Symbol]) = { _undetparams = ps }

    /** Return and clear the undetermined type parameters */
    def extractUndetparams(): List[Symbol] = {
      val tparams = undetparams
      undetparams = List()

    /** Run `body` with this context with no undetermined type parameters, restore the original
     *  the original list afterwards.
     *  @param reportAmbiguous Should ambiguous errors be reported during evaluation of `body`?
    def savingUndeterminedTypeParams[A](reportAmbiguous: Boolean = ambiguousErrors)(body: => A): A = {
      withMode() {
        this(AmbiguousErrors) = reportAmbiguous
        val saved = extractUndetparams()
        try body
        finally undetparams = saved

    // Error reporting policies and buffer.

    private var _reportBuffer: ReportBuffer = new ReportBuffer
    /** A buffer for errors and warnings, used with `this.bufferErrors == true` */
    def reportBuffer = _reportBuffer
    /** Discard the current report buffer, and replace with an empty one */
    def useFreshReportBuffer() = _reportBuffer = new ReportBuffer
    /** Discard the current report buffer, and replace with `other` */
    def restoreReportBuffer(other: ReportBuffer) = _reportBuffer = other

    /** The first error, if any, in the report buffer */
    def firstError: Option[AbsTypeError] = reportBuffer.firstError
    def errors: Seq[AbsTypeError] = reportBuffer.errors
    /** Does the report buffer contain any errors? */
    def hasErrors = reportBuffer.hasErrors

    def reportErrors    = this(ReportErrors)
    def bufferErrors    = this(BufferErrors)
    def ambiguousErrors = this(AmbiguousErrors)
    def throwErrors     = contextMode.inNone(ReportErrors | BufferErrors)

    def setReportErrors(): Unit                   = set(enable = ReportErrors | AmbiguousErrors, disable = BufferErrors)
    def setBufferErrors(): Unit                   = set(enable = BufferErrors, disable = ReportErrors | AmbiguousErrors)
    def setThrowErrors(): Unit                    = this(ReportErrors | AmbiguousErrors | BufferErrors) = false
    def setAmbiguousErrors(report: Boolean): Unit = this(AmbiguousErrors) = report

    /** Append the given errors to the report buffer */
    def updateBuffer(errors: Traversable[AbsTypeError]) = reportBuffer ++= errors
    /** Clear all errors from the report buffer */
    def flushBuffer() { reportBuffer.clearAllErrors() }
    /** Return and clear all errors from the report buffer */
    def flushAndReturnBuffer(): immutable.Seq[AbsTypeError] = {
      val current = reportBuffer.errors

    /** Issue and clear all warnings from the report buffer */
    def flushAndIssueWarnings() {
      reportBuffer.warnings foreach {
        case (pos, msg) => unit.warning(pos, msg)

    // Temporary mode adjustment

    @inline def withMode[T](enabled: ContextMode = NOmode, disabled: ContextMode = NOmode)(op: => T): T = {
      val saved = contextMode
      set(enabled, disabled)
      try op
      finally contextMode = saved

    @inline final def withImplicitsEnabled[T](op: => T): T                 = withMode(enabled = ImplicitsEnabled)(op)
    @inline final def withImplicitsDisabled[T](op: => T): T                = withMode(disabled = ImplicitsEnabled | EnrichmentEnabled)(op)
    @inline final def withImplicitsDisabledAllowEnrichment[T](op: => T): T = withMode(enabled = EnrichmentEnabled, disabled = ImplicitsEnabled)(op)
    @inline final def withMacrosEnabled[T](op: => T): T                    = withMode(enabled = MacrosEnabled)(op)
    @inline final def withMacrosDisabled[T](op: => T): T                   = withMode(disabled = MacrosEnabled)(op)
    @inline final def withinStarPatterns[T](op: => T): T                   = withMode(enabled = StarPatterns)(op)
    @inline final def withinSuperInit[T](op: => T): T                      = withMode(enabled = SuperInit)(op)
    @inline final def withinSecondTry[T](op: => T): T                      = withMode(enabled = SecondTry)(op)
    @inline final def withinPatAlternative[T](op: => T): T                 = withMode(enabled = PatternAlternative)(op)

    /** TypeConstructorAllowed is enabled when we are typing a higher-kinded type.
     *  adapt should then check kind-arity based on the prototypical type's kind
     *  arity. Type arguments should not be inferred.
    @inline final def withinTypeConstructorAllowed[T](op: => T): T = withMode(enabled = TypeConstructorAllowed)(op)

    /* TODO - consolidate returnsSeen (which seems only to be used by checkDead)
     * and ReturnExpr.
    @inline final def withinReturnExpr[T](op: => T): T = {
      enclMethod.returnsSeen = true
      withMode(enabled = ReturnExpr)(op)

    // See comment on FormerNonStickyModes.
    @inline final def withOnlyStickyModes[T](op: => T): T = withMode(disabled = FormerNonStickyModes)(op)

    /** @return true if the `expr` evaluates to true within a silent Context that incurs no errors */
    @inline final def inSilentMode(expr: => Boolean): Boolean = {
      withMode() { // withMode with no arguments to restore the mode mutated by `setBufferErrors`.
        try expr && !hasErrors
        finally reportBuffer.clearAll()

    // Child Context Creation

     * Construct a child context. The parent and child will share the report buffer.
     * Compare with `makeSilent`, in which the child has a fresh report buffer.
     * If `tree` is an `Import`, that import will be avaiable at the head of
     * `Context#imports`.
    def make(tree: Tree = tree, owner: Symbol = owner,
             scope: Scope = scope, unit: CompilationUnit = unit): Context = {
      val isTemplateOrPackage = tree match {
        case _: Template | _: PackageDef => true
        case _                           => false
      val isDefDef = tree match {
        case _: DefDef => true
        case _         => false
      val isImport = tree match {
        // The guard is for SI-8403. It prevents adding imports again in the context created by
        // `Namer#createInnerNamer`
        case _: Import if tree != this.tree => true
        case _                              => false
      val sameOwner = owner == this.owner
      val prefixInChild =
        if (isTemplateOrPackage) owner.thisType
        else if (!sameOwner && owner.isTerm) NoPrefix
        else prefix

      // The blank canvas
      val c = if (isImport)
        new Context(tree, owner, scope, unit, this) with ImportContext
        new Context(tree, owner, scope, unit, this)

      // Fields that are directly propagated
      c.variance           = variance
      c.diagnostic         = diagnostic
      c.openImplicits      = openImplicits
      c.contextMode        = contextMode // note: ConstructorSuffix, a bit within `mode`, is conditionally overwritten below.
      c._reportBuffer      = reportBuffer

      // Fields that may take on a different value in the child
      c.prefix             = prefixInChild
      c.enclClass          = if (isTemplateOrPackage) c else enclClass
      c(ConstructorSuffix) = !isTemplateOrPackage && c(ConstructorSuffix)

      // SI-8245 `isLazy` need to skip lazy getters to ensure `return` binds to the right place
      c.enclMethod         = if (isDefDef && !owner.isLazy) c else enclMethod

      debuglog("[context] ++ " + c.unit + " / " + tree.summaryString)

    def make(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol, scope: Scope): Context =
      // TODO SI-7345 Moving this optimization into the main overload of `make` causes all tests to fail.
      //              even if it is extened to check that `unit == this.unit`. Why is this?
      if (tree == this.tree && owner == this.owner && scope == this.scope) this
      else make(tree, owner, scope, unit)

    /** Make a child context that represents a new nested scope */
    def makeNewScope(tree: Tree, owner: Symbol): Context =
      make(tree, owner, newNestedScope(scope))

    /** Make a child context that buffers errors and warnings into a fresh report buffer. */
    def makeSilent(reportAmbiguousErrors: Boolean = ambiguousErrors, newtree: Tree = tree): Context = {
      val c = make(newtree)
      c._reportBuffer = new ReportBuffer // A fresh buffer so as not to leak errors/warnings into `this`.

    /** Make a silent child context does not allow implicits. Used to prevent chaining of implicit views. */
    def makeImplicit(reportAmbiguousErrors: Boolean) = {
      val c = makeSilent(reportAmbiguousErrors)
      c(ImplicitsEnabled | EnrichmentEnabled) = false

     * A context for typing constructor parameter ValDefs, super or self invocation arguments and default getters
     * of constructors. These expressions need to be type checked in a scope outside the class, cf. spec 5.3.1.
     * This method is called by namer / typer where `this` is the context for the constructor DefDef. The
     * owner of the resulting (new) context is the outer context for the Template, i.e. the context for the
     * ClassDef. This means that class type parameters will be in scope. The value parameters of the current
     * constructor are also entered into the new constructor scope. Members of the class however will not be
     * accessible.
    def makeConstructorContext = {
      val baseContext = enclClass.outer.nextEnclosing(!_.tree.isInstanceOf[Template])
      val argContext = baseContext.makeNewScope(tree, owner)
      argContext.contextMode = contextMode
      argContext.inSelfSuperCall = true
      def enterElems(c: Context) {
        def enterLocalElems(e: ScopeEntry) {
          if (e != null && e.owner == c.scope) {
            argContext.scope enter e.sym
        if (c.owner.isTerm && !c.owner.isLocalDummy) {
      // Enter the scope elements of this (the scope for the constructor DefDef) into the new constructor scope.
      // Concretely, this will enter the value parameters of constructor.

    // Error and warning issuance

    private def addDiagString(msg: String) = {
      val ds =
        if (diagnostic.isEmpty) ""
        else diagnostic.mkString("\n","\n", "")
      if (msg endsWith ds) msg else msg + ds

    private def unitError(pos: Position, msg: String): Unit =
      if (checking) onTreeCheckerError(pos, msg) else unit.error(pos, msg)

    @inline private def issueCommon(err: AbsTypeError)(pf: PartialFunction[AbsTypeError, Unit]) {
      // TODO: are errors allowed to have pos == NoPosition??
      // if not, Jason suggests doing: val pos = err.errPos.orElse( { devWarning("Que?"); context.tree.pos })
      if (settings.Yissuedebug) {
        log("issue error: " + err.errMsg)
        (new Exception).printStackTrace()
      if (pf isDefinedAt err) pf(err)
      else if (bufferErrors) { reportBuffer += err }
      else throw new TypeError(err.errPos, err.errMsg)

    /** Issue/buffer/throw the given type error according to the current mode for error reporting. */
    def issue(err: AbsTypeError) {
      issueCommon(err) { case _ if reportErrors =>
        unitError(err.errPos, addDiagString(err.errMsg))

    /** Issue/buffer/throw the given implicit ambiguity error according to the current mode for error reporting. */
    def issueAmbiguousError(pre: Type, sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol, err: AbsTypeError) {
      issueCommon(err) { case _ if ambiguousErrors =>
        if (!pre.isErroneous && !sym1.isErroneous && !sym2.isErroneous)
          unitError(err.errPos, err.errMsg)

    /** Issue/buffer/throw the given implicit ambiguity error according to the current mode for error reporting. */
    def issueAmbiguousError(err: AbsTypeError) {
      issueCommon(err) { case _ if ambiguousErrors => unitError(err.errPos, addDiagString(err.errMsg)) }

    /** Issue/throw the given `err` according to the current mode for error reporting. */
    def error(pos: Position, err: Throwable) =
      if (reportErrors) unitError(pos, addDiagString(err.getMessage()))
      else throw err

    /** Issue/throw the given error message according to the current mode for error reporting. */
    def error(pos: Position, msg: String) = {
      val msg1 = addDiagString(msg)
      if (reportErrors) unitError(pos, msg1)
      else throw new TypeError(pos, msg1)

    /** Issue/throw the given error message according to the current mode for error reporting. */
    def warning(pos: Position, msg: String, force: Boolean = false) {
      if (reportErrors || force) unit.warning(pos, msg)
      else if (bufferErrors) reportBuffer += (pos -> msg)

    // nextOuter determines which context is searched next for implicits
    // (after `this`, which contributes `newImplicits` below.) In
    // most cases, it is simply the outer context: if we're owned by
    // a constructor, the actual current context and the conceptual
    // context are different when it comes to scoping. The current
    // conceptual scope is the context enclosing the blocks which
    // represent the constructor body (TODO: why is there more than one
    // such block in the outer chain?)
    private def nextOuter = {
      // Drop the constructor body blocks, which come in varying numbers.
      // -- If the first statement is in the constructor, scopingCtx == (constructor definition)
      // -- Otherwise, scopingCtx == (the class which contains the constructor)
      val scopingCtx =
        if (owner.isConstructor) nextEnclosing(c => !c.tree.isInstanceOf[Block])
        else this


    def nextEnclosing(p: Context => Boolean): Context =
      if (p(this)) this else outer.nextEnclosing(p)

    def enclosingContextChain: List[Context] = this :: outer.enclosingContextChain

    private def treeTruncated       = tree.toString.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").lines.mkString("\\n").take(70)
    private def treeIdString        = if (settings.uniqid.value) "#" + System.identityHashCode(tree).toString.takeRight(3) else ""
    private def treeString          = tree match {
      case x: Import => "" + x
      case Template(parents, `noSelfType`, body) =>
        val pstr = if ((parents eq null) || parents.isEmpty) "Nil" else parents mkString " "
        val bstr = if (body eq null) "" else body.length + " stats"
        s"""Template($pstr, _, $bstr)"""
      case x => s"${tree.shortClass}${treeIdString}:${treeTruncated}"

    override def toString =
      sm"""|Context($unit) {
           |   owner       = $owner
           |   tree        = $treeString
           |   scope       = ${scope.size} decls
           |   contextMode = $contextMode
           |   outer.owner = ${outer.owner}

    // Accessibility checking

    /** Is `sub` a subclass of `base` or a companion object of such a subclass? */
    private def isSubClassOrCompanion(sub: Symbol, base: Symbol) =
      sub.isNonBottomSubClass(base) ||
    sub.isModuleClass && sub.linkedClassOfClass.isNonBottomSubClass(base)

    /** Return the closest enclosing context that defines a subclass of `clazz`
     *  or a companion object thereof, or `NoContext` if no such context exists.
    def enclosingSubClassContext(clazz: Symbol): Context = {
      var c = this.enclClass
      while (c != NoContext && !isSubClassOrCompanion(c.owner, clazz))
        c = c.outer.enclClass

    def enclosingNonImportContext: Context = {
      var c = this
      while (c != NoContext && c.tree.isInstanceOf[Import])
        c = c.outer

    /** Is `sym` accessible as a member of `pre` in current context? */
    def isAccessible(sym: Symbol, pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
      lastAccessCheckDetails = ""
      // Console.println("isAccessible(%s, %s, %s)".format(sym, pre, superAccess))

      // don't have access if there is no linked class (so exclude linkedClass=NoSymbol)
      def accessWithinLinked(ab: Symbol) = {
        val linked = linkedClassOfClassOf(ab, this)

      /* Are we inside definition of `ab`? */
      def accessWithin(ab: Symbol) = {
        // #3663: we must disregard package nesting if sym isJavaDefined
        if (sym.isJavaDefined) {
          // is `o` or one of its transitive owners equal to `ab`?
          // stops at first package, since further owners can only be surrounding packages
          @tailrec def abEnclosesStopAtPkg(o: Symbol): Boolean =
            (o eq ab) || (!o.isPackageClass && (o ne NoSymbol) && abEnclosesStopAtPkg(o.owner))
        } else (owner hasTransOwner ab)

      def isSubThisType(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): Boolean = pre match {
        case ThisType(pclazz) => pclazz isNonBottomSubClass clazz
        case _ => false

      /* Is protected access to target symbol permitted */
      def isProtectedAccessOK(target: Symbol) = {
        val c = enclosingSubClassContext(sym.owner)
        if (c == NoContext)
          lastAccessCheckDetails =
            "\n Access to protected "+target+" not permitted because"+
            "\n "+"enclosing "+this.enclClass.owner+
            this.enclClass.owner.locationString+" is not a subclass of "+
            "\n "+sym.owner+sym.owner.locationString+" where target is defined"
        c != NoContext &&
          target.isType || { // allow accesses to types from arbitrary subclasses fixes #4737
            val res =
              isSubClassOrCompanion(pre.widen.typeSymbol, c.owner) ||
              c.owner.isModuleClass &&
              isSubClassOrCompanion(pre.widen.typeSymbol, c.owner.linkedClassOfClass)
            if (!res)
              lastAccessCheckDetails =
                "\n Access to protected "+target+" not permitted because"+
                "\n prefix type "+pre.widen+" does not conform to"+
                "\n "+c.owner+c.owner.locationString+" where the access take place"

      (pre == NoPrefix) || {
        val ab = sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner)

        (  (ab.isTerm || ab == rootMirror.RootClass)
        || (accessWithin(ab) || accessWithinLinked(ab)) &&
             (  !sym.isLocalToThis
             || sym.owner.isImplClass // allow private local accesses to impl classes
             || sym.isProtected && isSubThisType(pre, sym.owner)
             || pre =:= sym.owner.thisType
        || sym.isProtected &&
             (  superAccess
             || pre.isInstanceOf[ThisType]
             || phase.erasedTypes
             || (sym.overrideChain exists isProtectedAccessOK)
                // that last condition makes protected access via self types work.
        // note: phase.erasedTypes disables last test, because after addinterfaces
        // implementation classes are not in the superclass chain. If we enable the
        // test, bug780 fails.

    // Type bound management

    def pushTypeBounds(sym: Symbol) { match {
        case tb: TypeBounds => if (!tb.isEmptyBounds) log(s"Saving $sym info=$tb")
        case info           => devWarning(s"Something other than a TypeBounds seen in pushTypeBounds: $info is a ${shortClassOfInstance(info)}")
      savedTypeBounds ::= ((sym,

    def restoreTypeBounds(tp: Type): Type = {
      def restore(): Type = savedTypeBounds.foldLeft(tp) { case (current, (sym, savedInfo)) =>
        def bounds_s(tb: TypeBounds) = if (tb.isEmptyBounds) "<empty bounds>" else s"TypeBounds(lo=${tb.lo}, hi=${tb.hi})"
        //@M TODO: when higher-kinded types are inferred, probably need a case PolyType(_, TypeBounds(...)) if ... =>
        val TypeBounds(lo, hi) =
        val isUnique           = lo <:< hi && hi <:< lo
        val isPresent          = current contains sym
        def saved_s            = bounds_s(savedInfo.bounds)
        def current_s          = bounds_s(

        if (isUnique && isPresent)
          devWarningResult(s"Preserving inference: ${sym.nameString}=$hi in $current (based on $current_s) before restoring $sym to saved $saved_s")(
            current.instantiateTypeParams(List(sym), List(hi))
        else if (isPresent)
          devWarningResult(s"Discarding inferred $current_s because it does not uniquely determine $sym in")(current)
          logResult(s"Discarding inferred $current_s because $sym does not appear in")(current)
      try restore()
      finally {
        for ((sym, savedInfo) <- savedTypeBounds)
          sym setInfo debuglogResult(s"Discarding inferred $sym=${}, restoring saved info")(savedInfo)

        savedTypeBounds = Nil

    // Implicit collection

    private var implicitsCache: List[ImplicitInfo] = null
    private var implicitsRunId = NoRunId

    def resetCache() {
      implicitsRunId = NoRunId
      implicitsCache = null
      if (outer != null && outer != this) outer.resetCache()

    /** A symbol `sym` qualifies as an implicit if it has the IMPLICIT flag set,
     *  it is accessible, and if it is imported there is not already a local symbol
     *  with the same names. Local symbols override imported ones. This fixes #2866.
    private def isQualifyingImplicit(name: Name, sym: Symbol, pre: Type, imported: Boolean) =
      sym.isImplicit &&
      isAccessible(sym, pre) &&
      !(imported && {
        val e = scope.lookupEntry(name)
        (e ne null) && (e.owner == scope)

    private def collectImplicits(syms: Scope, pre: Type, imported: Boolean = false): List[ImplicitInfo] =
      for (sym <- syms.toList if isQualifyingImplicit(, sym, pre, imported)) yield
        new ImplicitInfo(, pre, sym)

    private def collectImplicitImports(imp: ImportInfo): List[ImplicitInfo] = {
      val qual = imp.qual

      val pre =
        if (qual.tpe.typeSymbol.isPackageClass)
          // SI-6225 important if the imported symbol is inherited by the the package object.
          singleType(qual.tpe, qual.tpe member nme.PACKAGE)
      def collect(sels: List[ImportSelector]): List[ImplicitInfo] = sels match {
        case List() =>
        case List(ImportSelector(nme.WILDCARD, _, _, _)) =>
          collectImplicits(pre.implicitMembers, pre, imported = true)
        case ImportSelector(from, _, to, _) :: sels1 =>
          var impls = collect(sels1) filter (info => != from)
          if (to != nme.WILDCARD) {
            for (sym <- importedAccessibleSymbol(imp, to).alternatives)
              if (isQualifyingImplicit(to, sym, pre, imported = true))
                impls = new ImplicitInfo(to, pre, sym) :: impls
      //debuglog("collect implicit imports " + imp + "=" + collect(imp.tree.selectors))//DEBUG

    /* SI-5892 / SI-4270: `implicitss` can return results which are not accessible at the
     * point where implicit search is triggered. Example: implicits in (annotations of)
     * class type parameters (SI-5892). The `context.owner` is the class symbol, therefore
     * `implicitss` will return implicit conversions defined inside the class. These are
     * filtered out later by `eligibleInfos` (SI-4270 / 9129cfe9), as they don't type-check.
    def implicitss: List[List[ImplicitInfo]] = {
      val nextOuter = this.nextOuter
      def withOuter(is: List[ImplicitInfo]): List[List[ImplicitInfo]] =
        is match {
          case Nil => nextOuter.implicitss
          case _   => is :: nextOuter.implicitss

      val CycleMarker = NoRunId - 1
      if (implicitsRunId == CycleMarker) {
        debuglog(s"cycle while collecting implicits at owner ${owner}, probably due to an implicit without an explicit return type. Continuing with implicits from enclosing contexts.")
      } else if (implicitsRunId != currentRunId) {
        implicitsRunId = CycleMarker
        implicits(nextOuter) match {
          case None =>
            implicitsRunId = NoRunId
          case Some(is) =>
            implicitsRunId = currentRunId
            implicitsCache = is
      else withOuter(implicitsCache)

    /** @return None if a cycle is detected, or Some(infos) containing the in-scope implicits at this context */
    private def implicits(nextOuter: Context): Option[List[ImplicitInfo]] = {
      val imports = this.imports
      if (owner != nextOuter.owner && owner.isClass && !owner.isPackageClass && !inSelfSuperCall) {
        if (!owner.isInitialized) None
        else savingEnclClass(this) {
          // !!! In the body of `class C(implicit a: A) { }`, `implicitss` returns `List(List(a), List(a), List(<predef..)))`
          //     it handled correctly by implicit search, which considers the second `a` to be shadowed, but should be
          //     remedied nonetheless.
          Some(collectImplicits(owner.thisType.implicitMembers, owner.thisType))
      } else if (scope != nextOuter.scope && !owner.isPackageClass) {
        debuglog("collect local implicits " + scope.toList)//DEBUG
        Some(collectImplicits(scope, NoPrefix))
      } else if (firstImport != nextOuter.firstImport) {
        assert(imports.tail.headOption == nextOuter.firstImport, (imports, nextOuter.imports))
      } else if (owner.isPackageClass) {
        // the corresponding package object may contain implicit members.
        Some(collectImplicits(owner.tpe.implicitMembers, owner.tpe))
      } else Some(Nil)

    // Imports and symbol lookup

    /** It's possible that seemingly conflicting identifiers are
     *  identifiably the same after type normalization.  In such cases,
     *  allow compilation to proceed.  A typical example is:
     *    package object foo { type InputStream = }
     *    import foo._,
    private def resolveAmbiguousImport(name: Name, imp1: ImportInfo, imp2: ImportInfo): Option[ImportInfo] = {
      val imp1Explicit = imp1 isExplicitImport name
      val imp2Explicit = imp2 isExplicitImport name
      val ambiguous    = if (imp1.depth == imp2.depth) imp1Explicit == imp2Explicit else !imp1Explicit && imp2Explicit
      val imp1Symbol   = (imp1 importedSymbol name).initialize filter (s => isAccessible(s, imp1.qual.tpe, superAccess = false))
      val imp2Symbol   = (imp2 importedSymbol name).initialize filter (s => isAccessible(s, imp2.qual.tpe, superAccess = false))

      // The types of the qualifiers from which the ambiguous imports come.
      // If the ambiguous name is a value, these must be the same.
      def t1 = imp1.qual.tpe
      def t2 = imp2.qual.tpe
      // The types of the ambiguous symbols, seen as members of their qualifiers.
      // If the ambiguous name is a monomorphic type, we can relax this far.
      def mt1 = t1 memberType imp1Symbol
      def mt2 = t2 memberType imp2Symbol

      def characterize = List(
        s"types:  $t1 =:= $t2  ${t1 =:= t2}  members: ${mt1 =:= mt2}",
        s"member type 1: $mt1",
        s"member type 2: $mt2"
      ).mkString("\n  ")

      if (!ambiguous || !imp2Symbol.exists) Some(imp1)
      else if (!imp1Symbol.exists) Some(imp2)
      else (
        // The symbol names are checked rather than the symbols themselves because
        // each time an overloaded member is looked up it receives a new symbol.
        // So foo.member("x") != foo.member("x") if x is overloaded.  This seems
        // likely to be the cause of other bugs too...
        if (t1 =:= t2 && == {
          log(s"Suppressing ambiguous import: $t1 =:= $t2 && $imp1Symbol == $imp2Symbol")
        // Monomorphism restriction on types is in part because type aliases could have the
        // same target type but attach different variance to the parameters. Maybe it can be
        // relaxed, but doesn't seem worth it at present.
        else if (mt1 =:= mt2 && name.isTypeName && imp1Symbol.isMonomorphicType && imp2Symbol.isMonomorphicType) {
          log(s"Suppressing ambiguous import: $mt1 =:= $mt2 && $imp1Symbol and $imp2Symbol are equivalent")
        else {
          log(s"Import is genuinely ambiguous:\n  " + characterize)

    /** The symbol with name `name` imported via the import in `imp`,
     *  if any such symbol is accessible from this context.
    def importedAccessibleSymbol(imp: ImportInfo, name: Name): Symbol =
      importedAccessibleSymbol(imp, name, requireExplicit = false)

    private def importedAccessibleSymbol(imp: ImportInfo, name: Name, requireExplicit: Boolean): Symbol =
      imp.importedSymbol(name, requireExplicit) filter (s => isAccessible(s, imp.qual.tpe, superAccess = false))

    /** Is `sym` defined in package object of package `pkg`?
     *  Since sym may be defined in some parent of the package object,
     *  we cannot inspect its owner only; we have to go through the
     *  info of the package object.  However to avoid cycles we'll check
     *  what other ways we can before pushing that way.
    def isInPackageObject(sym: Symbol, pkg: Symbol): Boolean = {
      def uninitialized(what: String) = {
        log(s"Cannot look for $sym in package object of $pkg; $what is not initialized.")
      def pkgClass = if (pkg.isTerm) pkg.moduleClass else pkg
      def matchesInfo = (
        // need to be careful here to not get a cyclic reference during bootstrap
        if (pkg.isInitialized) {
          val module = member nme.PACKAGEkw
          if (module.isInitialized)
   contains sym
            uninitialized("" + module)
        else uninitialized("" + pkg)
      def inPackageObject(sym: Symbol) = (
        // To be in the package object, one of these must be true:
        //   1) sym.owner is a package object class, and sym.owner.owner is the package class for `pkg`
        //   2) sym.owner is inherited by the correct package object class
        // We try to establish 1) by inspecting the owners directly, and then we try
        // to rule out 2), and only if both those fail do we resort to looking in the info.
        !sym.hasPackageFlag && sym.owner.exists && (
          if (sym.owner.isPackageObjectClass)
            sym.owner.owner == pkgClass
            !sym.owner.isPackageClass && matchesInfo

      // An overloaded symbol might not have the expected owner!
      // The alternatives must be inspected directly.
      pkgClass.isPackageClass && (
        if (sym.isOverloaded)
          sym.alternatives forall (isInPackageObject(_, pkg))

    def isNameInScope(name: Name) = lookupSymbol(name, _ => true).isSuccess

    /** Find the symbol of a simple name starting from this context.
     *  All names are filtered through the "qualifies" predicate,
     *  the search continuing as long as no qualifying name is found.
    def lookupSymbol(name: Name, qualifies: Symbol => Boolean): NameLookup = {
      var lookupError: NameLookup  = null       // set to non-null if a definite error is encountered
      var inaccessible: NameLookup = null       // records inaccessible symbol for error reporting in case none is found
      var defSym: Symbol           = NoSymbol   // the directly found symbol
      var pre: Type                = NoPrefix   // the prefix type of defSym, if a class member
      var cx: Context              = this       // the context under consideration
      var symbolDepth: Int         = -1         // the depth of the directly found symbol

      def finish(qual: Tree, sym: Symbol): NameLookup = (
        if (lookupError ne null) lookupError
        else sym match {
          case NoSymbol if inaccessible ne null => inaccessible
          case NoSymbol                         => LookupNotFound
          case _                                => LookupSucceeded(qual, sym)
      def finishDefSym(sym: Symbol, pre0: Type): NameLookup =
        if (requiresQualifier(sym))
          finish(gen.mkAttributedQualifier(pre0), sym)
          finish(EmptyTree, sym)

      def isPackageOwnedInDifferentUnit(s: Symbol) = (
        s.isDefinedInPackage && (
          || unit.exists && s.sourceFile != unit.source.file
      def requiresQualifier(s: Symbol) = (
        && !s.owner.isPackageClass
        && !s.isTypeParameterOrSkolem
      def lookupInPrefix(name: Name)    = pre member name filter qualifies
      def accessibleInPrefix(s: Symbol) = isAccessible(s, pre, superAccess = false)

      def searchPrefix = {
        cx = cx.enclClass
        val found0 = lookupInPrefix(name)
        val found1 = found0 filter accessibleInPrefix
        if (found0.exists && !found1.exists && inaccessible == null)
          inaccessible = LookupInaccessible(found0, analyzer.lastAccessCheckDetails)


      def lookupInScope(scope: Scope) =
        (scope lookupUnshadowedEntries name filter (e => qualifies(e.sym))).toList

      def newOverloaded(owner: Symbol, pre: Type, entries: List[ScopeEntry]) =
        logResult(s"overloaded symbol in $pre")(owner.newOverloaded(pre, entries map (_.sym)))

      // Constructor lookup should only look in the decls of the enclosing class
      // not in the self-type, nor in the enclosing context, nor in imports (SI-4460, SI-6745)
      if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) return {
        val enclClassSym = cx.enclClass.owner
        val scope = cx.enclClass.prefix.baseType(enclClassSym).decls
        val constructorSym = lookupInScope(scope) match {
          case Nil       => NoSymbol
          case hd :: Nil => hd.sym
          case entries   => newOverloaded(enclClassSym, cx.enclClass.prefix, entries)
        finishDefSym(constructorSym, cx.enclClass.prefix)

      // cx.scope eq null arises during FixInvalidSyms in Duplicators
      while (defSym == NoSymbol && (cx ne NoContext) && (cx.scope ne null)) {
        pre    = cx.enclClass.prefix
        defSym = lookupInScope(cx.scope) match {
          case Nil                  => searchPrefix
          case entries @ (hd :: tl) =>
            // we have a winner: record the symbol depth
            symbolDepth = (cx.depth - cx.scope.nestingLevel) + hd.depth
            if (tl.isEmpty) hd.sym
            else newOverloaded(cx.owner, pre, entries)
        if (!defSym.exists)
          cx = cx.outer // push further outward
      if (symbolDepth < 0)
        symbolDepth = cx.depth

      var impSym: Symbol = NoSymbol
      var imports        = Context.this.imports
      def imp1           = imports.head
      def imp2           = imports.tail.head
      def sameDepth      = imp1.depth == imp2.depth
      def imp1Explicit   = imp1 isExplicitImport name
      def imp2Explicit   = imp2 isExplicitImport name

      def lookupImport(imp: ImportInfo, requireExplicit: Boolean) =
        importedAccessibleSymbol(imp, name, requireExplicit) filter qualifies

      // Java: A single-type-import declaration d in a compilation unit c of package p
      // that imports a type named n shadows, throughout c, the declarations of:
      //  1) any top level type named n declared in another compilation unit of p
      // A type-import-on-demand declaration never causes any other declaration to be shadowed.
      // Scala: Bindings of different kinds have a precedence defined on them:
      //  1) Definitions and declarations that are local, inherited, or made available by a
      //     package clause in the same compilation unit where the definition occurs have
      //     highest precedence.
      //  2) Explicit imports have next highest precedence.
      def depthOk(imp: ImportInfo) = (
           imp.depth > symbolDepth
        || (unit.isJava && imp.isExplicitImport(name) && imp.depth == symbolDepth)

      while (!impSym.exists && imports.nonEmpty && depthOk(imports.head)) {
        impSym = lookupImport(imp1, requireExplicit = false)
        if (!impSym.exists)
          imports = imports.tail

      if (defSym.exists && impSym.exists) {
        // imported symbols take precedence over package-owned symbols in different compilation units.
        if (isPackageOwnedInDifferentUnit(defSym))
          defSym = NoSymbol
        // Defined symbols take precedence over erroneous imports.
        else if (impSym.isError || == nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
          impSym = NoSymbol
        // Otherwise they are irreconcilably ambiguous
          return ambiguousDefnAndImport(defSym.alternatives.head.owner, imp1)

      // At this point only one or the other of defSym and impSym might be set.
      if (defSym.exists)
        finishDefSym(defSym, pre)
      else if (impSym.exists) {
        // We continue walking down the imports as long as the tail is non-empty, which gives us:
        //   imports  ==  imp1 :: imp2 :: _
        // And at least one of the following is true:
        //   - imp1 and imp2 are at the same depth
        //   - imp1 is a wildcard import, so all explicit imports from outer scopes must be checked
        def keepLooking = (
             lookupError == null
          && imports.tail.nonEmpty
          && (sameDepth || !imp1Explicit)
        // If we find a competitor imp2 which imports the same name, possible outcomes are:
        //  - same depth, imp1 wild, imp2 explicit:        imp2 wins, drop imp1
        //  - same depth, imp1 wild, imp2 wild:            ambiguity check
        //  - same depth, imp1 explicit, imp2 explicit:    ambiguity check
        //  - differing depth, imp1 wild, imp2 explicit:   ambiguity check
        //  - all others:                                  imp1 wins, drop imp2
        // The ambiguity check is: if we can verify that both imports refer to the same
        // symbol (e.g. import foo.X followed by import foo._) then we discard imp2
        // and proceed. If we cannot, issue an ambiguity error.
        while (keepLooking) {
          // If not at the same depth, limit the lookup to explicit imports.
          // This is desirable from a performance standpoint (compare to
          // filtering after the fact) but also necessary to keep the unused
          // import check from being misled by symbol lookups which are not
          // actually used.
          val other = lookupImport(imp2, requireExplicit = !sameDepth)
          def imp1wins() = { imports = imp1 :: imports.tail.tail }
          def imp2wins() = { impSym = other ; imports = imports.tail }

          if (!other.exists) // imp1 wins; drop imp2 and continue.
          else if (sameDepth && !imp1Explicit && imp2Explicit) // imp2 wins; drop imp1 and continue.
          else resolveAmbiguousImport(name, imp1, imp2) match {
            case Some(imp) => if (imp eq imp1) imp1wins() else imp2wins()
            case _         => lookupError = ambiguousImports(imp1, imp2)
        // optimization: don't write out package prefixes
        finish(resetPos(imp1.qual.duplicate), impSym)
      else finish(EmptyTree, NoSymbol)

     * Find a symbol in this context or one of its outers.
     * Used to find symbols are owned by methods (or fields), they can't be
     * found in some scope.
     * Examples: companion module of classes owned by a method, default getter
     * methods of nested methods. See NamesDefaults.scala
    def lookup(name: Name, expectedOwner: Symbol) = {
      var res: Symbol = NoSymbol
      var ctx = this
      while (res == NoSymbol && ctx.outer != ctx) {
        val s = ctx.scope lookup name
        if (s != NoSymbol && s.owner == expectedOwner)
          res = s
          ctx = ctx.outer
  } //class Context

  /** A `Context` focussed on an `Import` tree */
  trait ImportContext extends Context {
    private val impInfo: ImportInfo = {
      val info = new ImportInfo(tree.asInstanceOf[Import], outerDepth)
      if (settings.warnUnusedImport && !isRootImport) // excludes java.lang/scala/Predef imports
        allImportInfos(unit) ::= info
    override final def imports      = impInfo :: super.imports
    override final def firstImport  = Some(impInfo)
    override final def isRootImport = !tree.pos.isDefined
    override final def toString     = super.toString + " with " + s"ImportContext { $impInfo; outer.owner = ${outer.owner} }"

  /** A buffer for warnings and errors that are accumulated during speculative type checking. */
  final class ReportBuffer {
    type Error = AbsTypeError
    type Warning = (Position, String)

    private def newBuffer[A] = mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty[A] // Important to use LinkedHS for stable results.

    // [JZ] Contexts, pre- the SI-7345 refactor, avoided allocating the buffers until needed. This
    // is replicated here out of conservatism.
    private var _errorBuffer: mutable.LinkedHashSet[Error] = _
    private def errorBuffer = {if (_errorBuffer == null) _errorBuffer = newBuffer; _errorBuffer}
    def errors: immutable.Seq[Error] = errorBuffer.toVector

    private var _warningBuffer: mutable.LinkedHashSet[Warning] = _
    private def warningBuffer = {if (_warningBuffer == null) _warningBuffer = newBuffer; _warningBuffer}
    def warnings: immutable.Seq[Warning] = warningBuffer.toVector

    def +=(error: AbsTypeError): this.type = {
      errorBuffer += error
    def ++=(errors: Traversable[AbsTypeError]): this.type = {
      errorBuffer ++= errors
    def +=(warning: Warning): this.type = {
      warningBuffer += warning

    def clearAll(): this.type = {
      clearAllErrors(); clearAllWarnings();

    def clearAllErrors(): this.type = {
    def clearErrors(removeF: PartialFunction[AbsTypeError, Boolean]): this.type = {
    def retainErrors(leaveF: PartialFunction[AbsTypeError, Boolean]): this.type = {
    def clearAllWarnings(): this.type = {

    def hasErrors     = errorBuffer.nonEmpty
    def firstError    = errorBuffer.headOption

  class ImportInfo(val tree: Import, val depth: Int) {
    def pos = tree.pos
    def posOf(sel: ImportSelector) = tree.pos withPoint sel.namePos

    /** The prefix expression */
    def qual: Tree = match {
      case ImportType(expr) => expr
      case ErrorType        => tree setType NoType // fix for #2870
      case _                => throw new FatalError("symbol " + tree.symbol + " has bad type: " + //debug

    /** Is name imported explicitly, not via wildcard? */
    def isExplicitImport(name: Name): Boolean =
      tree.selectors exists (_.rename == name.toTermName)

    /** The symbol with name `name` imported from import clause `tree`.
    def importedSymbol(name: Name): Symbol = importedSymbol(name, requireExplicit = false)

    private def recordUsage(sel: ImportSelector, result: Symbol) {
      def posstr = + ":" + posOf(sel).line
      def resstr = if (tree.symbol.hasCompleteInfo) s"(qual=$qual, $result)" else s"(expr=${tree.expr}, ${result.fullLocationString})"
      debuglog(s"In $this at $posstr, selector '${selectorString(sel)}' resolved to $resstr")
      allUsedSelectors(this) += sel

    /** If requireExplicit is true, wildcard imports are not considered. */
    def importedSymbol(name: Name, requireExplicit: Boolean): Symbol = {
      var result: Symbol = NoSymbol
      var renamed = false
      var selectors = tree.selectors
      def current = selectors.head
      while ((selectors ne Nil) && result == NoSymbol) {
        if (current.rename == name.toTermName)
          result = qual.tpe.nonLocalMember( // new to address #2733: consider only non-local members for imports
            if (name.isTypeName) else
        else if ( == name.toTermName)
          renamed = true
        else if ( == nme.WILDCARD && !renamed && !requireExplicit)
          result = qual.tpe.nonLocalMember(name)

        if (result == NoSymbol)
          selectors = selectors.tail
      if (settings.warnUnusedImport && selectors.nonEmpty && result != NoSymbol && pos != NoPosition)
        recordUsage(current, result)

      // Harden against the fallout from bugs like SI-6745
      // [JZ] I considered issuing a devWarning and moving the
      //      check inside the above loop, as I believe that
      //      this always represents a mistake on the part of
      //      the caller.
      if (definitions isImportable result) result
      else NoSymbol
    private def selectorString(s: ImportSelector): String = {
      if ( == nme.WILDCARD && s.rename == null) "_"
      else if ( == s.rename) "" +
      else + " => " + s.rename

    def allImportedSymbols: Iterable[Symbol] =
      importableMembers(qual.tpe) flatMap (transformImport(tree.selectors, _))

    private def transformImport(selectors: List[ImportSelector], sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = selectors match {
      case List() => List()
      case List(ImportSelector(nme.WILDCARD, _, _, _)) => List(sym)
      case ImportSelector(from, _, to, _) :: _ if from == =>
        if (to == nme.WILDCARD) List()
        else List(sym.cloneSymbol(sym.owner, sym.rawflags, to))
      case _ :: rest => transformImport(rest, sym)

    override def hashCode = tree.##
    override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
      case that: ImportInfo => (tree == that.tree)
      case _                => false
    override def toString = tree.toString

  type ImportType = global.ImportType
  val ImportType = global.ImportType

object ContextMode {
  import scala.language.implicitConversions
  private implicit def liftIntBitsToContextState(bits: Int): ContextMode = apply(bits)
  def apply(bits: Int): ContextMode = new ContextMode(bits)
  final val NOmode: ContextMode                   = 0

  final val ReportErrors: ContextMode             = 1 << 0
  final val BufferErrors: ContextMode             = 1 << 1
  final val AmbiguousErrors: ContextMode          = 1 << 2

  /** Are we in a secondary constructor after the this constructor call? */
  final val ConstructorSuffix: ContextMode        = 1 << 3

  /** For method context: were returns encountered? */
  final val ReturnsSeen: ContextMode              = 1 << 4

  /** Is this context (enclosed in) a constructor call?
    * (the call to the super or self constructor in the first line of a constructor.)
    * In such a context, the object's fields should not be in scope
  final val SelfSuperCall: ContextMode            = 1 << 5

  // TODO harvest documentation for this
  final val ImplicitsEnabled: ContextMode         = 1 << 6

  final val MacrosEnabled: ContextMode            = 1 << 7

  /** To selectively allow enrichment in patterns, where other kinds of implicit conversions are not allowed */
  final val EnrichmentEnabled: ContextMode        = 1 << 8

  /** Are we in a run of [[]]? */
  final val Checking: ContextMode                 = 1 << 9

  /** Are we retypechecking arguments independently from the function applied to them? See `Typer.tryTypedApply`
   *  TODO - iron out distinction/overlap with SecondTry.
  final val ReTyping: ContextMode                 = 1 << 10

  /** Are we typechecking pattern alternatives. Formerly ALTmode. */
  final val PatternAlternative: ContextMode       = 1 << 11

  /** Are star patterns allowed. Formerly STARmode. */
  final val StarPatterns: ContextMode             = 1 << 12

  /** Are we typing the "super" in a superclass constructor call super.<init>. Formerly SUPERCONSTRmode. */
  final val SuperInit: ContextMode                = 1 << 13

  /*  Is this the second attempt to type this tree? In that case functions
   *  may no longer be coerced with implicit views. Formerly SNDTRYmode.
  final val SecondTry: ContextMode                = 1 << 14

  /** Are we in return position? Formerly RETmode. */
  final val ReturnExpr: ContextMode               = 1 << 15

  /** Are unapplied type constructors allowed here? Formerly HKmode. */
  final val TypeConstructorAllowed: ContextMode   = 1 << 16

  /** TODO: The "sticky modes" are EXPRmode, PATTERNmode, TYPEmode.
   *  To mimick the sticky mode behavior, when captain stickyfingers
   *  comes around we need to propagate those modes but forget the other
   *  context modes which were once mode bits; those being so far the
   *  ones listed here.
  final val FormerNonStickyModes: ContextMode = (
    PatternAlternative | StarPatterns | SuperInit | SecondTry | ReturnExpr | TypeConstructorAllowed

  final val DefaultMode: ContextMode      = MacrosEnabled

  private val contextModeNameMap = Map(
    ReportErrors           -> "ReportErrors",
    BufferErrors           -> "BufferErrors",
    AmbiguousErrors        -> "AmbiguousErrors",
    ConstructorSuffix      -> "ConstructorSuffix",
    SelfSuperCall          -> "SelfSuperCall",
    ImplicitsEnabled       -> "ImplicitsEnabled",
    MacrosEnabled          -> "MacrosEnabled",
    Checking               -> "Checking",
    ReTyping               -> "ReTyping",
    PatternAlternative     -> "PatternAlternative",
    StarPatterns           -> "StarPatterns",
    SuperInit              -> "SuperInit",
    SecondTry              -> "SecondTry",
    TypeConstructorAllowed -> "TypeConstructorAllowed"

 * A value class to carry the boolean flags of a context, such as whether errors should
 * be buffered or reported.
final class ContextMode private (val bits: Int) extends AnyVal {
  import ContextMode._

  def &(other: ContextMode): ContextMode  = new ContextMode(bits & other.bits)
  def |(other: ContextMode): ContextMode  = new ContextMode(bits | other.bits)
  def &~(other: ContextMode): ContextMode = new ContextMode(bits & ~(other.bits))
  def set(value: Boolean, mask: ContextMode) = if (value) |(mask) else &~(mask)

  def inAll(required: ContextMode)        = (this & required) == required
  def inAny(required: ContextMode)        = (this & required) != NOmode
  def inNone(prohibited: ContextMode)     = (this & prohibited) == NOmode

  override def toString =
    if (bits == 0) "NOmode"
    else (contextModeNameMap filterKeys inAll).values.toList.sorted mkString " "

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