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Scala example source code file (Implicits.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Implicits.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, boolean, collection, implicitinfo, list, nil, none, reflection, searchfailure, searchresult, some, tree, type, utilities

The Implicits.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

//todo: rewrite or disllow new T where T is a mixin (currently: <init> not a member of T)
//todo: use inherited type info also for vars and values
//todo: disallow C#D in superclass
//todo: treat :::= correctly

package scala
package tools.nsc
package typechecker

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import mutable.{ LinkedHashMap, ListBuffer }
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import symtab.Flags._
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{TriState, Statistics}
import scala.language.implicitConversions

/** This trait provides methods to find various kinds of implicits.
 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @version 1.0
trait Implicits {
  self: Analyzer =>

  import global._
  import definitions._
  import ImplicitsStats._
  import typingStack.{ printTyping }
  import typeDebug._

  def inferImplicit(tree: Tree, pt: Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean, isView: Boolean, context: Context): SearchResult =
    inferImplicit(tree, pt, reportAmbiguous, isView, context, saveAmbiguousDivergent = true, tree.pos)

  def inferImplicit(tree: Tree, pt: Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean, isView: Boolean, context: Context, saveAmbiguousDivergent: Boolean): SearchResult =
    inferImplicit(tree, pt, reportAmbiguous, isView, context, saveAmbiguousDivergent, tree.pos)

  /** Search for an implicit value. See the comment on `result` at the end of class `ImplicitSearch`
   *  for more info how the search is conducted.
   *  @param tree                    The tree for which the implicit needs to be inserted.
   *                                 (the inference might instantiate some of the undetermined
   *                                 type parameters of that tree.
   *  @param pt                      The expected type of the implicit.
   *  @param reportAmbiguous         Should ambiguous implicit errors be reported?
   *                                 False iff we search for a view to find out
   *                                 whether one type is coercible to another.
   *  @param isView                  We are looking for a view
   *  @param context                 The current context
   *  @param saveAmbiguousDivergent  False if any divergent/ambiguous errors should be ignored after
   *                                 implicits search,
   *                                 true if they should be reported (used in further typechecking).
   *  @param pos                     Position that is should be used for tracing and error reporting
   *                                 (useful when we infer synthetic stuff and pass EmptyTree in the `tree` argument)
   *                                 If it's set NoPosition, then position-based services will use `tree.pos`
   *  @return                        A search result
  def inferImplicit(tree: Tree, pt: Type, reportAmbiguous: Boolean, isView: Boolean, context: Context, saveAmbiguousDivergent: Boolean, pos: Position): SearchResult = {
    // Note that the isInvalidConversionTarget seems to make a lot more sense right here, before all the
    // work is performed, than at the point where it presently exists.
    val shouldPrint     = printTypings && !context.undetparams.isEmpty
    val rawTypeStart    = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startCounter(rawTypeImpl) else null
    val findMemberStart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startCounter(findMemberImpl) else null
    val subtypeStart    = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startCounter(subtypeImpl) else null
    val start           = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(implicitNanos) else null
    if (shouldPrint)
      typingStack.printTyping(tree, "typing implicit: %s %s".format(tree, context.undetparamsString))
    val implicitSearchContext = context.makeImplicit(reportAmbiguous)
    val result = new ImplicitSearch(tree, pt, isView, implicitSearchContext, pos).bestImplicit
    if (result.isFailure && saveAmbiguousDivergent && implicitSearchContext.hasErrors) {
      context.updateBuffer(implicitSearchContext.reportBuffer.errors.collect {
        case dte: DivergentImplicitTypeError => dte
        case ate: AmbiguousImplicitTypeError => ate
      debuglog("update buffer: " + implicitSearchContext.reportBuffer.errors)
    // SI-7944 undetermined type parameters that result from inference within typedImplicit land in
    //         `implicitSearchContext.undetparams`, *not* in `context.undetparams`
    //         Here, we copy them up to parent context (analogously to the way the errors are copied above),
    //         and then filter out any which *were* inferred and are part of the substitutor in the implicit search result.
    context.undetparams = ((context.undetparams ++ result.undetparams) filterNot result.subst.from.contains).distinct

    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(implicitNanos, start)
    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopCounter(rawTypeImpl, rawTypeStart)
    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopCounter(findMemberImpl, findMemberStart)
    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopCounter(subtypeImpl, subtypeStart)


  /** A friendly wrapper over inferImplicit to be used in macro contexts and toolboxes.
  def inferImplicit(tree: Tree, pt: Type, isView: Boolean, context: Context, silent: Boolean, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean, pos: Position, onError: (Position, String) => Unit): Tree = {
    val wrapper1 = if (!withMacrosDisabled) (context.withMacrosEnabled[SearchResult] _) else (context.withMacrosDisabled[SearchResult] _)
    def wrapper(inference: => SearchResult) = wrapper1(inference)
    val result = wrapper(inferImplicit(tree, pt, reportAmbiguous = true, isView = isView, context = context, saveAmbiguousDivergent = !silent, pos = pos))
    if (result.isFailure && !silent) {
      val err = context.firstError
      val errPos =
      val errMsg ="implicit search has failed. to find out the reason, turn on -Xlog-implicits")
      onError(errPos, errMsg)

  /** Find all views from type `tp` (in which `tpars` are free)
   * Note that the trees in the search results in the returned list share the same type variables.
   * Ignore their constr field! The list of type constraints returned along with each tree specifies the constraints that
   * must be met by the corresponding type parameter in `tpars` (for the returned implicit view to be valid).
   * @arg tp      from-type for the implicit conversion
   * @arg context search implicits here
   * @arg tpars   symbols that should be considered free type variables
   *              (implicit search should not try to solve them, just track their constraints)
  def allViewsFrom(tp: Type, context: Context, tpars: List[Symbol]): List[(SearchResult, List[TypeConstraint])] = {
    // my untouchable typevars are better than yours (they can't be constrained by them)
    val tvars = tpars map (TypeVar untouchable _)
    val tpSubsted = tp.subst(tpars, tvars)

    val search = new ImplicitSearch(EmptyTree, functionType(List(tpSubsted), AnyTpe), true, context.makeImplicit(reportAmbiguousErrors = false))


  private final val sizeLimit = 50000
  private type Infos = List[ImplicitInfo]
  private type Infoss = List[List[ImplicitInfo]]
  private type InfoMap = LinkedHashMap[Symbol, List[ImplicitInfo]] // A map from class symbols to their associated implicits
  private val implicitsCache = new LinkedHashMap[Type, Infoss]
  private val infoMapCache = new LinkedHashMap[Symbol, InfoMap]
  private val improvesCache = perRunCaches.newMap[(ImplicitInfo, ImplicitInfo), Boolean]()
  private val implicitSearchId = { var id = 1 ; () => try id finally id += 1 }

  private def isInvalidConversionSource(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match {
    case Function1(in, _) => in <:< NullClass.tpe
    case _                => false

  def resetImplicits() {

  /* Map a polytype to one in which all type parameters and argument-dependent types are replaced by wildcards.
   * Consider `implicit def b(implicit x: A): x.T = error("")`. We need to approximate debruijn index types
   * when checking whether `b` is a valid implicit, as we haven't even searched a value for the implicit arg `x`,
   * so we have to approximate (otherwise it is excluded a priori).
  private def depoly(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
    case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => deriveTypeWithWildcards(tparams)(ApproximateDependentMap(restpe))
    case _                         => ApproximateDependentMap(tp)

  /** The result of an implicit search
   *  @param  tree    The tree representing the implicit
   *  @param  subst   A substituter that represents the undetermined type parameters
   *                  that were instantiated by the winning implicit.
   *  @param undetparams undeterminted type parameters
  class SearchResult(val tree: Tree, val subst: TreeTypeSubstituter, val undetparams: List[Symbol]) {
    override def toString = "SearchResult(%s, %s)".format(tree,
      if (subst.isEmpty) "" else subst)

    def isFailure          = false
    def isAmbiguousFailure = false
    def isDivergent        = false
    final def isSuccess    = !isFailure

  lazy val SearchFailure = new SearchResult(EmptyTree, EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter, Nil) {
    override def isFailure = true

  lazy val DivergentSearchFailure = new SearchResult(EmptyTree, EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter, Nil) {
    override def isFailure   = true
    override def isDivergent = true

  lazy val AmbiguousSearchFailure = new SearchResult(EmptyTree, EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter, Nil) {
    override def isFailure          = true
    override def isAmbiguousFailure = true

  /** A class that records an available implicit
   *  @param   name   The name of the implicit
   *  @param   pre    The prefix type of the implicit
   *  @param   sym    The symbol of the implicit
  class ImplicitInfo(val name: Name, val pre: Type, val sym: Symbol) {
    private var tpeCache: Type = null
    private var isCyclicOrErroneousCache: TriState = TriState.Unknown

    /** Computes member type of implicit from prefix `pre` (cached). */
    def tpe: Type = {
      if (tpeCache eq null) tpeCache = pre.memberType(sym)

    def isCyclicOrErroneous: Boolean = {
      if (!isCyclicOrErroneousCache.isKnown) isCyclicOrErroneousCache = computeIsCyclicOrErroneous

    private[this] final def computeIsCyclicOrErroneous =
      try sym.hasFlag(LOCKED) || containsError(tpe)
      catch { case _: CyclicReference => true }

    var useCountArg: Int = 0
    var useCountView: Int = 0

    /** Does type `tp` contain an Error type as parameter or result?
    private def containsError(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
      case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
      case NullaryMethodType(restpe) =>
      case mt @ MethodType(_, restpe) =>
        // OPT avoiding calling `mt.paramTypes` which creates a new list.
        (mt.params exists symTypeIsError) || containsError(restpe)
      case _ =>

    def isStablePrefix = pre.isStable

    override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
      case that: ImplicitInfo =>
 == &&
          this.pre =:= that.pre &&
          this.sym == that.sym
      case _ => false
    override def hashCode = name.## + pre.## + sym.##
    override def toString = (
      if (tpeCache eq null) name + ": ?"
      else name + ": " + tpe

  /** A class which is used to track pending implicits to prevent infinite implicit searches.
  case class OpenImplicit(info: ImplicitInfo, pt: Type, tree: Tree)

  /** A sentinel indicating no implicit was found */
  val NoImplicitInfo = new ImplicitInfo(null, NoType, NoSymbol) {
    // equals used to be implemented in ImplicitInfo with an `if(this eq NoImplicitInfo)`
    // overriding the equals here seems cleaner and benchmarks show no difference in performance
    override def equals(other: Any) = other match { case that: AnyRef => that eq this  case _ => false }
    override def hashCode = 1

  /** A constructor for types ?{ def/type name: tp }, used in infer view to member
   *  searches.
  def memberWildcardType(name: Name, tp: Type) = {
    val result = refinedType(List(WildcardType), NoSymbol)
    name match {
      case x: TermName => result.typeSymbol.newMethod(x) setInfoAndEnter tp
      case x: TypeName => result.typeSymbol.newAbstractType(x) setInfoAndEnter tp

  /** An extractor for types of the form ? { name: ? }
  object HasMember {
    private val hasMemberCache = perRunCaches.newMap[Name, Type]()
    def apply(name: Name): Type = hasMemberCache.getOrElseUpdate(name, memberWildcardType(name, WildcardType))

  /** An extractor for types of the form ? { name: (? >: argtpe <: Any*)restp }
  object HasMethodMatching {
    val dummyMethod = NoSymbol.newTermSymbol("typer$dummy") setInfo NullaryMethodType(AnyTpe)

    def templateArgType(argtpe: Type) = new BoundedWildcardType(TypeBounds.lower(argtpe))

    def apply(name: Name, argtpes: List[Type], restpe: Type): Type = {
      val mtpe = MethodType(dummyMethod.newSyntheticValueParams(argtpes map templateArgType), restpe)
      memberWildcardType(name, mtpe)
    def unapply(pt: Type): Option[(Name, List[Type], Type)] = pt match {
      case RefinedType(List(WildcardType), decls) =>
        decls.toList match {
          case List(sym) =>
            sym.tpe match {
              case MethodType(params, restpe)
              if (params forall (_.tpe.isInstanceOf[BoundedWildcardType])) =>
                Some((, params map (_.tpe.bounds.lo), restpe))
              case _ => None
          case _ => None
      case _ => None

  /** An extractor for unary function types arg => res
  object Function1 {
    val Sym = FunctionClass(1)
    // It is tempting to think that this should be inspecting "tp baseType Sym"
    // rather than tp. See test case run/t8280 and the commit message which
    // accompanies it for explanation why that isn't done.
    def unapply(tp: Type) = tp match {
      case TypeRef(_, Sym, arg1 :: arg2 :: _) => Some((arg1, arg2))
      case _                                  => None

  /** A class that sets up an implicit search. For more info, see comments for `inferImplicit`.
   *  @param tree             The tree for which the implicit needs to be inserted.
   *  @param pt               The original expected type of the implicit.
   *  @param isView           We are looking for a view
   *  @param context0         The context used for the implicit search
   *  @param pos0             Position that is preferable for use in tracing and error reporting
   *                          (useful when we infer synthetic stuff and pass EmptyTree in the `tree` argument)
   *                          If it's set to NoPosition, then position-based services will use `tree.pos`
  class ImplicitSearch(tree: Tree, pt: Type, isView: Boolean, context0: Context, pos0: Position = NoPosition) extends Typer(context0) with ImplicitsContextErrors {
    val searchId = implicitSearchId()
    private def typingLog(what: String, msg: => String) =
      typingStack.printTyping(tree, f"[search #$searchId] $what $msg")

    import infer._
    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(implicitSearchCount)

    /** The type parameters to instantiate */
    val undetParams = if (isView) Nil else context.outer.undetparams
    val wildPt = approximate(pt)

    private val runDefintions = currentRun.runDefinitions
    import runDefintions._

    def undet_s = if (undetParams.isEmpty) "" else undetParams.mkString(" inferring ", ", ", "")
    def tree_s = typeDebug ptTree tree
    def ctx_s = fullSiteString(context)
    typingLog("start", s"`$tree_s`$undet_s, searching for adaptation to pt=$pt $ctx_s")

    def pos = if (pos0 != NoPosition) pos0 else tree.pos

    def failure(what: Any, reason: String, pos: Position = this.pos): SearchResult = {
      if (settings.XlogImplicits)
        reporter.echo(pos, what+" is not a valid implicit value for "+pt+" because:\n"+reason)
    /** Is implicit info `info1` better than implicit info `info2`?
    def improves(info1: ImplicitInfo, info2: ImplicitInfo) = {
      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(improvesCount)
      (info2 == NoImplicitInfo) ||
      (info1 != NoImplicitInfo) && {
        if (info1.sym.isStatic && info2.sym.isStatic) {
          improvesCache get ((info1, info2)) match {
            case Some(b) => if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(improvesCachedCount); b
            case None =>
              val result = isStrictlyMoreSpecific(info1.tpe, info2.tpe, info1.sym, info2.sym)
              improvesCache((info1, info2)) = result
        } else isStrictlyMoreSpecific(info1.tpe, info2.tpe, info1.sym, info2.sym)
    def isPlausiblyCompatible(tp: Type, pt: Type) = checkCompatibility(fast = true, tp, pt)
    def normSubType(tp: Type, pt: Type) = checkCompatibility(fast = false, tp, pt)

    /** Does type `dtor` dominate type `dted`?
     *  This is the case if the stripped cores `dtor1` and `dted1` of both types are
     *  the same wrt `=:=`, or if they overlap and the complexity of `dtor1` is higher
     *  than the complexity of `dted1`.
     *  The _stripped core_ of a type is the type where
     *   - all refinements and annotations are dropped,
     *   - all universal and existential quantification is eliminated
     *     by replacing variables by their upper bounds,
     *   - all remaining free type parameters in the type are replaced by WildcardType.
     *  The _complexity_ of a stripped core type corresponds roughly to the number of
     *  nodes in its ast, except that singleton types are widened before taking the complexity.
     *  Two types overlap if they have the same type symbol, or
     *  if one or both are intersection types with a pair of overlapping parent types.
    private def dominates(dtor: Type, dted: Type): Boolean = {
      def core(tp: Type): Type = tp.dealiasWiden match {
        case RefinedType(parents, defs)         => intersectionType(parents map core, tp.typeSymbol.owner)
        case AnnotatedType(annots, tp)          => core(tp)
        case ExistentialType(tparams, result)   => core(result).subst(tparams, tparams map (t => core(
        case PolyType(tparams, result)          => core(result).subst(tparams, tparams map (t => core(
        case _                                  => tp
      def stripped(tp: Type): Type = {
        // `t.typeSymbol` returns the symbol of the normalized type. If that normalized type
        // is a `PolyType`, the symbol of the result type is collected. This is precisely
        // what we require for SI-5318.
        val syms = for (t <- tp; if t.typeSymbol.isTypeParameter) yield t.typeSymbol
      def complexity(tp: Type): Int = tp.dealias match {
        case NoPrefix                => 0
        case SingleType(pre, sym)    => if (sym.hasPackageFlag) 0 else complexity(tp.dealiasWiden)
        case ThisType(sym)           => if (sym.hasPackageFlag) 0 else 1
        case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => complexity(pre) + (args map complexity).sum + 1
        case RefinedType(parents, _) => (parents map complexity).sum + 1
        case _                       => 1
      def overlaps(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = (tp1, tp2) match {
        case (RefinedType(parents, _), _) => parents exists (overlaps(_, tp2))
        case (_, RefinedType(parents, _)) => parents exists (overlaps(tp1, _))
        case _                            => tp1.typeSymbol == tp2.typeSymbol
      val dtor1 = stripped(core(dtor))
      val dted1 = stripped(core(dted))
      overlaps(dtor1, dted1) && (dtor1 =:= dted1 || complexity(dtor1) > complexity(dted1))

    /** The expected type with all undetermined type parameters replaced with wildcards. */
    def approximate(tp: Type) = deriveTypeWithWildcards(undetParams)(tp)

    /** Try to construct a typed tree from given implicit info with given
     *  expected type.
     *  Detect infinite search trees for implicits.
     *  @param info              The given implicit info describing the implicit definition
     *  @param isLocalToCallsite Is the implicit in the local scope of the call site?
     *  @pre `info.tpe` does not contain an error
    private def typedImplicit(info: ImplicitInfo, ptChecked: Boolean, isLocalToCallsite: Boolean): SearchResult = {
      // SI-7167 let implicit macros decide what amounts for a divergent implicit search
      // imagine a macro writer which wants to synthesize a complex implicit Complex[T] by making recursive calls to Complex[U] for its parts
      // e.g. we have `class Foo(val bar: Bar)` and `class Bar(val x: Int)`
      // then it's quite reasonable for the macro writer to synthesize Complex[Foo] by calling `inferImplicitValue(typeOf[Complex[Bar])`
      // however if we didn't insert the `info.sym.isMacro` check here, then under some circumstances
      // (e.g. as described here
      // `dominates` might decide that `Bar` dominates `Foo` and therefore a recursive implicit search should be prohibited
      // now when we yield control of divergent expansions to the macro writer, what happens next?
      // in the worst case, if the macro writer is careless, we'll get a StackOverflowException from repeated macro calls
      // otherwise, the macro writer could check `c.openMacros` and `c.openImplicits` and do `c.abort` when expansions are deemed to be divergent
      // upon receiving `c.abort` the typechecker will decide that the corresponding implicit search has failed
      // which will fail the entire stack of implicit searches, producing a nice error message provided by the programmer
      (context.openImplicits find { case OpenImplicit(info, tp, tree1) => !info.sym.isMacro && tree1.symbol == tree.symbol && dominates(pt, tp)}) match {
         case Some(pending) =>
           //println("Pending implicit "+pending+" dominates "+pt+"/"+undetParams) //@MDEBUG
         case None =>
           try {
             context.openImplicits = OpenImplicit(info, pt, tree) :: context.openImplicits
             // println("  "*context.openImplicits.length+"typed implicit "+info+" for "+pt) //@MDEBUG
             val result = typedImplicit0(info, ptChecked, isLocalToCallsite)
             if (result.isDivergent) {
               //println("DivergentImplicit for pt:"+ pt +", open implicits:"+context.openImplicits) //@MDEBUG
               if (context.openImplicits.tail.isEmpty && !pt.isErroneous)
                 DivergingImplicitExpansionError(tree, pt, info.sym)(context)
           } finally {
             context.openImplicits = context.openImplicits.tail

    /** Does type `tp` match expected type `pt`
     *  This is the case if either `pt` is a unary function type with a
     *  HasMethodMatching type as result, and `tp` is a unary function
     *  or method type whose result type has a method whose name and type
     *  correspond to the HasMethodMatching type,
     *  or otherwise if `tp` is compatible with `pt`.
     *  This method is performance critical: 5-8% of typechecking time.
    private def matchesPt(tp: Type, pt: Type, undet: List[Symbol]): Boolean = {
      val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(matchesPtNanos) else null
      val result = normSubType(tp, pt) || isView && {
        pt match {
          case Function1(arg1, arg2) => matchesPtView(tp, arg1, arg2, undet)
          case _                     => false
      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(matchesPtNanos, start)
    private def matchesPt(info: ImplicitInfo): Boolean = (
      info.isStablePrefix && matchesPt(depoly(info.tpe), wildPt, Nil)

    private def matchesPtView(tp: Type, ptarg: Type, ptres: Type, undet: List[Symbol]): Boolean = tp match {
      case MethodType(p :: _, restpe) if p.isImplicit => matchesPtView(restpe, ptarg, ptres, undet)
      case MethodType(p :: Nil, restpe)               => matchesArgRes(p.tpe, restpe, ptarg, ptres, undet)
      case ExistentialType(_, qtpe)                   => matchesPtView(normalize(qtpe), ptarg, ptres, undet)
      case Function1(arg1, res1)                      => matchesArgRes(arg1, res1, ptarg, ptres, undet)
      case _                                          => false

    private def matchesArgRes(tparg: Type, tpres: Type, ptarg: Type, ptres: Type, undet: List[Symbol]): Boolean =
     (ptarg weak_<:< tparg) && {
       ptres match {
         case HasMethodMatching(name, argtpes, restpe) =>
           (tpres.member(name) filter (m =>
             isApplicableSafe(undet, m.tpe, argtpes, restpe))) != NoSymbol
         case _ =>
           tpres <:< ptres

    /** Capturing the overlap between isPlausiblyCompatible and normSubType.
     *  This is a faithful translation of the code which was there, but it
     *  seems likely the methods are intended to be even more similar than
     *  they are: perhaps someone more familiar with the intentional distinctions
     *  can examine the now much smaller concrete implementations below.
    private def checkCompatibility(fast: Boolean, tp0: Type, pt0: Type): Boolean = {
      @tailrec def loop(tp: Type, pt: Type): Boolean = tp match {
        case mt @ MethodType(params, restpe) =>
          if (mt.isImplicit)
            loop(restpe, pt)
          else pt match {
            case tr @ TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
              if (sym.isAliasType) loop(tp, pt.dealias)
              else if (sym.isAbstractType) loop(tp, pt.bounds.lo)
              else {
                val len = args.length - 1
                hasLength(params, len) &&
                sym == FunctionClass(len) && {
                  var ps = params
                  var as = args
                  if (fast) {
                    while (ps.nonEmpty && as.nonEmpty) {
                      if (!isPlausiblySubType(as.head, ps.head.tpe))
                        return false
                      ps = ps.tail
                      as = as.tail
                  } else {
                    while (ps.nonEmpty && as.nonEmpty) {
                      if (!(as.head <:< ps.head.tpe))
                        return false
                      ps = ps.tail
                      as = as.tail
                  ps.isEmpty && as.nonEmpty && {
                    val lastArg = as.head
                    as.tail.isEmpty && loop(restpe, lastArg)

            case _            => if (fast) false else tp <:< pt
        case NullaryMethodType(restpe)  => loop(restpe, pt)
        case PolyType(_, restpe)        => loop(restpe, pt)
        case ExistentialType(_, qtpe)   => if (fast) loop(qtpe, pt) else normalize(tp) <:< pt // is !fast case needed??
        case _                          => if (fast) isPlausiblySubType(tp, pt) else tp <:< pt
      loop(tp0, pt0)

    /** This expresses more cleanly in the negative: there's a linear path
     *  to a final true or false.
    private def isPlausiblySubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = !isImpossibleSubType(tp1, tp2)
    private def isImpossibleSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = tp1.dealiasWiden match {
      // We can only rule out a subtype relationship if the left hand
      // side is a class, else we may not know enough.
      case tr1 @ TypeRef(_, sym1, _) if sym1.isClass =>
        tp2.dealiasWiden match {
          case TypeRef(_, sym2, _)         => ((sym1 eq ByNameParamClass) != (sym2 eq ByNameParamClass)) || (sym2.isClass && !(sym1 isWeakSubClass sym2))
          case RefinedType(parents, decls) => decls.nonEmpty && tr1.member( == NoSymbol
          case _                           => false
      case _ => false

    private def typedImplicit0(info: ImplicitInfo, ptChecked: Boolean, isLocalToCallsite: Boolean): SearchResult = {
      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(plausiblyCompatibleImplicits)
      val ok = ptChecked || matchesPt(info) && {
        def word = if (isLocalToCallsite) "local " else ""
        typingLog("match", s"$word$info")
      if (ok) typedImplicit1(info, isLocalToCallsite) else SearchFailure

    private def typedImplicit1(info: ImplicitInfo, isLocalToCallsite: Boolean): SearchResult = {
      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(matchingImplicits)

      // workaround for deficient context provided by ModelFactoryImplicitSupport#makeImplicitConstraints
      val isScalaDoc = context.tree == EmptyTree

      val itree0 = atPos(pos.focus) {
        if (isLocalToCallsite && !isScalaDoc) {
          // SI-4270 SI-5376 Always use an unattributed Ident for implicits in the local scope,
          // rather than an attributed Select, to detect shadowing.
        } else {
          assert(info.pre != NoPrefix, info)
          // SI-2405 Not, which might be an aliased import
          val implicitMemberName =
          Select(gen.mkAttributedQualifier(info.pre), implicitMemberName)
      val itree1 = if (isBlackbox(info.sym)) suppressMacroExpansion(itree0) else itree0
      typingLog("considering", typeDebug.ptTree(itree1))

      def fail(reason: String): SearchResult = failure(itree0, reason)
      def fallback = typed1(itree1, EXPRmode, wildPt)
      try {
        val itree2 = if (!isView) fallback else pt match {
          case Function1(arg1, arg2) =>
              atPos(itree0.pos)(Apply(itree1, List(Ident("<argument>") setType approximate(arg1)))),
            ) match {
              // try to infer implicit parameters immediately in order to:
              //   1) guide type inference for implicit views
              //   2) discard ineligible views right away instead of risking spurious ambiguous implicits
              // this is an improvement of the state of the art that brings consistency to implicit resolution rules
              // (and also helps fundep materialization to be applicable to implicit views)
              // there's one caveat though. we need to turn this behavior off for scaladoc
              // because scaladoc usually doesn't know the entire story
              // and is just interested in views that are potentially applicable
              // for instance, if we have `class C[T]` and `implicit def conv[T: Numeric](c: C[T]) = ???`
              // then Scaladoc will give us something of type `C[T]`, and it would like to know
              // that `conv` is potentially available under such and such conditions
              case tree if isImplicitMethodType(tree.tpe) && !isScalaDoc =>
              case tree => tree
          case _ => fallback
        context.firstError match { // using match rather than foreach to avoid non local return.
          case Some(err) =>
            log("implicit adapt failed: " + err.errMsg)
            return fail(err.errMsg)
          case None      =>

        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(typedImplicits)

        val itree3 = if (isView) treeInfo.dissectApplied(itree2).callee
                     else adapt(itree2, EXPRmode, wildPt)

        typingStack.showAdapt(itree0, itree3, pt, context)

        def hasMatchingSymbol(tree: Tree): Boolean = (tree.symbol == info.sym) || {
          tree match {
            case Apply(fun, _)          => hasMatchingSymbol(fun)
            case TypeApply(fun, _)      => hasMatchingSymbol(fun)
            case Select(pre, nme.apply) => pre.symbol == info.sym
            case _                      => false

        if (context.hasErrors)
          fail("hasMatchingSymbol reported error: " + context.firstError.get.errMsg)
        else if (itree3.isErroneous)
          fail("error typechecking implicit candidate")
        else if (isLocalToCallsite && !hasMatchingSymbol(itree2))
          fail("candidate implicit %s is shadowed by %s".format(
            info.sym.fullLocationString, itree2.symbol.fullLocationString))
        else {
          val tvars = undetParams map freshVar
          def ptInstantiated = pt.instantiateTypeParams(undetParams, tvars)

          if (matchesPt(itree3.tpe, ptInstantiated, undetParams)) {
            if (tvars.nonEmpty)
              typingLog("solve", ptLine("tvars" -> tvars, "tvars.constr" ->

            val targs = solvedTypes(tvars, undetParams, undetParams map varianceInType(pt), upper = false, lubDepth(itree3.tpe :: pt :: Nil))

            // #2421: check that we correctly instantiated type parameters outside of the implicit tree:
            checkBounds(itree3, NoPrefix, NoSymbol, undetParams, targs, "inferred ")
            context.firstError match {
              case Some(err) =>
                return fail("type parameters weren't correctly instantiated outside of the implicit tree: " + err.errMsg)
              case None      =>

            // filter out failures from type inference, don't want to remove them from undetParams!
            // we must be conservative in leaving type params in undetparams
            // prototype == WildcardType: want to remove all inferred Nothings
            val AdjustedTypeArgs(okParams, okArgs) = adjustTypeArgs(undetParams, tvars, targs)

            val subst: TreeTypeSubstituter =
              if (okParams.isEmpty) EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter
              else {
                val subst = new TreeTypeSubstituter(okParams, okArgs)
                subst traverse itree3
                notifyUndetparamsInferred(okParams, okArgs)

            // #2421b: since type inference (which may have been
            // performed during implicit search) does not check whether
            // inferred arguments meet the bounds of the corresponding
            // parameter (see note in solvedTypes), must check again
            // here:
            // TODO: I would prefer to just call typed instead of
            // duplicating the code here, but this is probably a
            // hotspot (and you can't just call typed, need to force
            // re-typecheck)
            // This is just called for the side effect of error detection,
            // see SI-6966 to see what goes wrong if we use the result of this
            // as the SearchResult.
            itree3 match {
              case TypeApply(fun, args)           => typedTypeApply(itree3, EXPRmode, fun, args)
              case Apply(TypeApply(fun, args), _) => typedTypeApply(itree3, EXPRmode, fun, args) // t2421c
              case t                              => t

            context.firstError match {
              case Some(err) =>
                fail("typing TypeApply reported errors for the implicit tree: " + err.errMsg)
              case None      =>
                val result = new SearchResult(unsuppressMacroExpansion(itree3), subst, context.undetparams)
                if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(foundImplicits)
                typingLog("success", s"inferred value of type $ptInstantiated is $result")
          else fail("incompatible: %s does not match expected type %s".format(itree3.tpe, ptInstantiated))
      catch {
        case ex: TypeError =>

    /** Should implicit definition symbol `sym` be considered for applicability testing?
     *  This is the case if one of the following holds:
     *   - the symbol's type is initialized
     *   - the symbol comes from a classfile
     *   - the symbol comes from a different sourcefile than the current one
     *   - the symbol and the accessed symbol's definitions come before, and do not contain the closest enclosing definition, // see #3373
     *   - the symbol's definition is a val, var, or def with an explicit result type
     *  The aim of this method is to prevent premature cyclic reference errors
     *  by computing the types of only those implicits for which one of these
     *  conditions is true.
    def isValid(sym: Symbol) = {
      def hasExplicitResultType(sym: Symbol) = {
        def hasExplicitRT(tree: Tree) = tree match {
          case x: ValOrDefDef => !x.tpt.isEmpty
          case _              => false
        sym.rawInfo match {
          case tc: TypeCompleter => hasExplicitRT(tc.tree)
          case PolyType(_, tc: TypeCompleter) => hasExplicitRT(tc.tree)
          case _ => true
      def comesBefore(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol) = {
        val ownerPos = owner.pos.pointOrElse(Int.MaxValue)
        sym.pos.pointOrElse(0) < ownerPos && (
          if (sym.hasAccessorFlag) {
            val symAcc = sym.accessed // #3373
            symAcc.pos.pointOrElse(0) < ownerPos &&
            !(owner.ownerChain exists (o => (o eq sym) || (o eq symAcc))) // probably faster to iterate only once, don't feel like duplicating hasTransOwner for this case
          } else !(owner hasTransOwner sym)) // faster than owner.ownerChain contains sym

      sym.isInitialized ||
      sym.sourceFile == null ||
      (sym.sourceFile ne context.unit.source.file) ||
      hasExplicitResultType(sym) ||
      comesBefore(sym, context.owner)

    /** Prune ImplicitInfos down to either all the eligible ones or the best one.
     *  @param  iss                list of list of infos
     *  @param  isLocalToCallsite  if true, `iss` represents in-scope implicits, which must respect the normal rules of
     *                             shadowing. The head of the list `iss` must represent implicits from the closest
     *                             enclosing scope, and so on.
    class ImplicitComputation(iss: Infoss, isLocalToCallsite: Boolean) {
      abstract class Shadower {
        def addInfos(infos: Infos)
        def isShadowed(name: Name): Boolean
      private val shadower: Shadower = {
        /** Used for exclude implicits from outer scopes that are shadowed by same-named implicits */
        final class LocalShadower extends Shadower {
          val shadowed = util.HashSet[Name](512)
          def addInfos(infos: Infos) {
            infos.foreach(i => shadowed.addEntry(
          def isShadowed(name: Name) = shadowed(name)
        /** Used for the implicits of expected type, when no shadowing checks are needed. */
        object NoShadower extends Shadower {
          def addInfos(infos: Infos) {}
          def isShadowed(name: Name) = false
        if (isLocalToCallsite) new LocalShadower else NoShadower

      private var best: SearchResult = SearchFailure

      private def isIneligible(info: ImplicitInfo) = (
        || isView && (info.sym eq Predef_conforms) // as an implicit conversion, Predef.$conforms is a no-op, so exclude it
        || (!context.macrosEnabled && info.sym.isTermMacro)

      /** True if a given ImplicitInfo (already known isValid) is eligible.
      def survives(info: ImplicitInfo) = (
           !isIneligible(info)                      // cyclic, erroneous, shadowed, or specially excluded
        && isPlausiblyCompatible(info.tpe, wildPt)  // optimization to avoid matchesPt
        && !shadower.isShadowed(          // OPT rare, only check for plausible candidates
        && matchesPt(info)                          // stable and matches expected type
      /** The implicits that are not valid because they come later in the source and
       *  lack an explicit result type. Used for error diagnostics only.
      val invalidImplicits = new ListBuffer[Symbol]

      /** Tests for validity and updates invalidImplicits by side effect when false.
      private def checkValid(sym: Symbol) = isValid(sym) || { invalidImplicits += sym ; false }

      /** Preventing a divergent implicit from terminating implicit search,
       *  so that if there is a best candidate it can still be selected.
      object DivergentImplicitRecovery {
        private var divergentError: Option[DivergentImplicitTypeError] = None

        private def saveDivergent(err: DivergentImplicitTypeError) {
          if (divergentError.isEmpty) divergentError = Some(err)

        def issueSavedDivergentError() {
          divergentError foreach (err => context.issue(err))

        def apply(search: SearchResult, i: ImplicitInfo, errors: Seq[AbsTypeError]): SearchResult = {
          // A divergent error from a nested implicit search will be found in `errors`. Stash that
          // aside to be re-issued if this implicit search fails.
          errors.collectFirst { case err: DivergentImplicitTypeError => err } foreach saveDivergent

          if (search.isDivergent && divergentError.isEmpty) {
            // Divergence triggered by `i` at this level of the implicit serach. We haven't
            // seen divergence so far, we won't issue this error just yet, and instead temporarily
            // treat `i` as a failed candidate.
            saveDivergent(DivergentImplicitTypeError(tree, pt, i.sym))
            log(s"discarding divergent implicit ${i.sym} during implicit search")
          } else {
            if (search.isFailure) {
              // We don't want errors that occur during checking implicit info
              // to influence the check of further infos, but we should retain divergent implicit errors
              // (except for the one we already squirreled away)
              val saved = divergentError.getOrElse(null)
              context.reportBuffer.retainErrors {
                case err: DivergentImplicitTypeError => err ne saved

      /** Sorted list of eligible implicits.
      val eligible = {
        val matches = iss flatMap { is =>
          val result = is filter (info => checkValid(info.sym) && survives(info))
          shadower addInfos is

        // most frequent one first
        matches sortBy (x => if (isView) -x.useCountView else -x.useCountArg)
      if (eligible.nonEmpty)
        printTyping(tree, eligible.size + s" eligible for pt=$pt at ${fullSiteString(context)}")

      /** Faster implicit search.  Overall idea:
       *   - prune aggressively
       *   - find the most likely one
       *   - if it matches, forget about all others it improves upon
      @tailrec private def rankImplicits(pending: Infos, acc: Infos): Infos = pending match {
        case Nil                          => acc
        case firstPending :: otherPending =>
          def firstPendingImproves(alt: ImplicitInfo) =
            firstPending == alt || (
              try improves(firstPending, alt)
              catch {
                case e: CyclicReference =>
                  debugwarn(s"Discarding $firstPending during implicit search due to cyclic reference.")

          val typedFirstPending = typedImplicit(firstPending, ptChecked = true, isLocalToCallsite)

          // Pass the errors to `DivergentImplicitRecovery` so that it can note
          // the first `DivergentImplicitTypeError` that is being propagated
          // from a nested implicit search; this one will be
          // re-issued if this level of the search fails.
          DivergentImplicitRecovery(typedFirstPending, firstPending, context.errors) match {
            case sr if sr.isDivergent => Nil
            case sr if sr.isFailure   => rankImplicits(otherPending, acc)
            case newBest              =>
              best = newBest // firstPending is our new best, since we already pruned last time around:
              val pendingImprovingBest = undoLog undo {
                otherPending filterNot firstPendingImproves
              rankImplicits(pendingImprovingBest, firstPending :: acc)

      /** Returns all eligible ImplicitInfos and their SearchResults in a map.
      def findAll() = mapFrom(eligible)(typedImplicit(_, ptChecked = false, isLocalToCallsite))

      /** Returns the SearchResult of the best match.
      def findBest(): SearchResult = {
        // After calling rankImplicits, the least frequent matching one is first and
        // earlier elems may improve on later ones, but not the other way.
        // So if there is any element not improved upon by the first it is an error.
        rankImplicits(eligible, Nil) match {
          case Nil            => ()
          case chosen :: rest =>
            rest find (alt => !improves(chosen, alt)) match {
              case Some(competing)  =>
                AmbiguousImplicitError(chosen, competing, "both", "and", "")(isView, pt, tree)(context)
                return AmbiguousSearchFailure // Stop the search once ambiguity is encountered, see t4457_2.scala
              case _                =>
                if (isView) chosen.useCountView += 1
                else chosen.useCountArg += 1

        if (best.isFailure) {
          // If there is no winner, and we witnessed and recorded a divergence error,
          // our recovery attempt has failed, so we must now issue it.

          if (invalidImplicits.nonEmpty)
            setAddendum(pos, () =>
              s"\n Note: implicit ${invalidImplicits.head} is not applicable here because it comes after the application point and it lacks an explicit result type"


    /** Computes from a list of lists of implicit infos a map which takes
     *  infos which are applicable for given expected type `pt` to their attributed trees.
     *  @param iss               The given list of lists of implicit infos
     *  @param isLocalToCallsite Is implicit definition visible without prefix?
     *                           If this is the case then symbols in preceding lists shadow
     *                           symbols of the same name in succeeding lists.
     *  @return                  map from infos to search results
    def applicableInfos(iss: Infoss, isLocalToCallsite: Boolean): Map[ImplicitInfo, SearchResult] = {
      val start       = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startCounter(subtypeAppInfos) else null
      val computation = new ImplicitComputation(iss, isLocalToCallsite) { }
      val applicable  = computation.findAll()

      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopCounter(subtypeAppInfos, start)

    /** Search list of implicit info lists for one matching prototype `pt`.
     *  If found return a search result with a tree from found implicit info
     *  which is typed with expected type `pt`. Otherwise return SearchFailure.
     *  @param implicitInfoss    The given list of lists of implicit infos
     *  @param isLocalToCallsite Is implicit definition visible without prefix?
     *                           If this is the case then symbols in preceding lists shadow
     *                           symbols of the same name in succeeding lists.
    def searchImplicit(implicitInfoss: Infoss, isLocalToCallsite: Boolean): SearchResult =
      if (implicitInfoss.forall(_.isEmpty)) SearchFailure
      else new ImplicitComputation(implicitInfoss, isLocalToCallsite) findBest()

    /** Produce an implicict info map, i.e. a map from the class symbols C of all parts of this type to
     *  the implicit infos in the companion objects of these class symbols C.
     * The parts of a type is the smallest set of types that contains
     *    - the type itself
     *    - the parts of its immediate components (prefix and argument)
     *    - the parts of its base types
     *    - for alias types and abstract types, we take instead the parts
     *    - of their upper bounds.
     *  @return For those parts that refer to classes with companion objects that
     *  can be accessed with unambiguous stable prefixes that are not existentially
     *  bound, the implicits infos which are members of these companion objects.
    private def companionImplicitMap(tp: Type): InfoMap = {

      /* Populate implicit info map by traversing all parts of type `tp`.
       * Parameters as for `getParts`.
      def getClassParts(tp: Type)(implicit infoMap: InfoMap, seen: mutable.Set[Type], pending: Set[Symbol]) = tp match {
        case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
          infoMap get sym match {
            case Some(infos1) =>
              if (infos1.nonEmpty && !(pre =:= infos1.head.pre.prefix)) {
                log(s"Ignoring implicit members of $pre#$sym as it is also visible via another prefix: ${infos1.head.pre.prefix}")
                infoMap(sym) = List() // ambiguous prefix - ignore implicit members
            case None =>
              if (pre.isStable && !pre.typeSymbol.isExistentiallyBound) {
                val companion = companionSymbolOf(sym, context)
                companion.moduleClass match {
                  case mc: ModuleClassSymbol =>
                    val infos =
                      for (im <- mc.implicitMembers.toList) yield new ImplicitInfo(, singleType(pre, companion), im)
                    if (infos.nonEmpty)
                      infoMap += (sym -> infos)
                  case _ =>
              val bts = tp.baseTypeSeq
              var i = 1
              while (i < bts.length) {
                i += 1

      /* Populate implicit info map by traversing all parts of type `tp`.
       * This method is performance critical.
       * @param tp   The type for which we want to traverse parts
       * @param infoMap  The infoMap in which implicit infos corresponding to parts are stored
       * @param seen     The types that were already visited previously when collecting parts for the given infoMap
       * @param pending  The set of static symbols for which we are currently trying to collect their parts
       *                 in order to cache them in infoMapCache
      def getParts(tp: Type)(implicit infoMap: InfoMap, seen: mutable.Set[Type], pending: Set[Symbol]) {
        if (seen(tp))
        seen += tp
        tp match {
          case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
            if (sym.isClass) {
              if (!sym.isAnonOrRefinementClass && !sym.isRoot) {
                if (sym.isStatic && !(pending contains sym))
                  infoMap ++= {
                    infoMapCache get sym match {
                      case Some(imap) => imap
                      case None =>
                        val result = new InfoMap
                        getClassParts(sym.tpeHK)(result, new mutable.HashSet(), pending + sym)
                        infoMapCache(sym) = result
                args foreach getParts
            } else if (sym.isAliasType) {
              getParts(tp.normalize) // SI-7180 Normalize needed to expand HK type refs
            } else if (sym.isAbstractType) {
          case ThisType(_) =>
          case _: SingletonType =>
          case HasMethodMatching(_, argtpes, restpe) =>
            for (tp <- argtpes) getParts(tp)
          case RefinedType(ps, _) =>
            for (p <- ps) getParts(p)
          case AnnotatedType(_, t) =>
          case ExistentialType(_, t) =>
          case PolyType(_, t) =>
          case _ =>

      val infoMap = new InfoMap
      getParts(tp)(infoMap, new mutable.HashSet(), Set())
      if (infoMap.nonEmpty)
        printTyping(tree, infoMap.size + " implicits in companion scope")


    /** The implicits made available by type `pt`.
     *  These are all implicits found in companion objects of classes C
     *  such that some part of `tp` has C as one of its superclasses.
    private def implicitsOfExpectedType: Infoss = {
      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(implicitCacheAccs)
      implicitsCache get pt match {
        case Some(implicitInfoss) =>
          if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(implicitCacheHits)
        case None =>
          val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(subtypeETNanos) else null
          //        val implicitInfoss = companionImplicits(pt)
          val implicitInfoss1 = companionImplicitMap(pt).valuesIterator.toList
          //        val is1 = implicitInfoss.flatten.toSet
          //        val is2 = implicitInfoss1.flatten.toSet
          //        for (i <- is1)
          //          if (!(is2 contains i)) println("!!! implicit infos of "+pt+" differ, new does not contain "+i+",\nold: "+implicitInfoss+",\nnew: "+implicitInfoss1)
          //        for (i <- is2)
          //          if (!(is1 contains i)) println("!!! implicit infos of "+pt+" differ, old does not contain "+i+",\nold: "+implicitInfoss+",\nnew: "+implicitInfoss1)
          if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(subtypeETNanos, start)
          implicitsCache(pt) = implicitInfoss1
          if (implicitsCache.size >= sizeLimit)
            implicitsCache -=

    /** Creates a tree will produce a tag of the requested flavor.
      * An EmptyTree is returned if materialization fails.
    private def tagOfType(pre: Type, tp: Type, tagClass: Symbol): SearchResult = {
      def success(arg: Tree) = {
        def isMacroException(msg: String): Boolean =
          // [Eugene] very unreliable, ask Hubert about a better way
          msg contains "exception during macro expansion"

        def processMacroExpansionError(pos: Position, msg: String): SearchResult = {
          // giving up and reporting all macro exceptions regardless of their source
          // this might lead to an avalanche of errors if one of your implicit macros misbehaves
          if (isMacroException(msg)) context.error(pos, msg)
          failure(arg, "failed to typecheck the materialized tag: %n%s".format(msg), pos)

        try {
          val tree1 = typedPos(pos.focus)(arg)
          context.firstError match {
            case Some(err) => processMacroExpansionError(err.errPos, err.errMsg)
            case None      => new SearchResult(tree1, EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter, Nil)
        } catch {
          case ex: TypeError =>
            processMacroExpansionError(ex.pos, ex.msg)

      val prefix = (
        // ClassTags are not path-dependent, so their materializer doesn't care about prefixes
        if (tagClass eq ClassTagClass) EmptyTree
        else pre match {
          case SingleType(prePre, preSym) =>
            gen.mkAttributedRef(prePre, preSym) setType pre
          // necessary only to compile typetags used inside the Universe cake
          case ThisType(thisSym) =>
          case _ =>
            // if `pre` is not a PDT, e.g. if someone wrote
            //   implicitly[scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context#TypeTag[Int]]
            // then we need to fail, because we don't know the prefix to use during type reification
            // upd. we also need to fail silently, because this is a very common situation
            // e.g. quite often we're searching for BaseUniverse#TypeTag, e.g. for a type tag in any universe
            // so that if we find one, we could convert it to whatever universe we need by the means of the `in` method
            // if no tag is found in scope, we end up here, where we ask someone to materialize the tag for us
            // however, since the original search was about a tag with no particular prefix, we cannot proceed
            // this situation happens very often, so emitting an error message here (even if only for -Xlog-implicits) would be too much
            //return failure(tp, "tag error: unsupported prefix type %s (%s)".format(pre, pre.kind))
            return SearchFailure
      // todo. migrate hardcoded materialization in Implicits to corresponding implicit macros
      val materializer = atPos(pos.focus)(gen.mkMethodCall(TagMaterializers(tagClass), List(tp), if (prefix != EmptyTree) List(prefix) else List()))
      if (settings.XlogImplicits) reporter.echo(pos, "materializing requested %s.%s[%s] using %s".format(pre,, tp, materializer))
      if (context.macrosEnabled) success(materializer)
      // don't call `failure` here. if macros are disabled, we just fail silently
      // otherwise -Xlog-implicits will spam the long with zillions of "macros are disabled"
      // this is ugly but temporary, since all this code will be removed once I fix implicit macros
      else SearchFailure

    /** Creates a tree that calls the relevant factory method in object
      * scala.reflect.Manifest for type 'tp'. An EmptyTree is returned if
      * no manifest is found. todo: make this instantiate take type params as well?
    private def manifestOfType(tp: Type, flavor: Symbol): SearchResult = {
      val full = flavor == FullManifestClass
      val opt = flavor == OptManifestClass

      /* Creates a tree that calls the factory method called constructor in object scala.reflect.Manifest */
      def manifestFactoryCall(constructor: String, tparg: Type, args: Tree*): Tree =
        if (args contains EmptyTree) EmptyTree
        else typedPos(tree.pos.focus) {
          val mani = gen.mkManifestFactoryCall(full, constructor, tparg, args.toList)
          if (settings.debug) println("generated manifest: "+mani) // DEBUG

      /* Creates a tree representing one of the singleton manifests.*/
      def findSingletonManifest(name: String) = typedPos(tree.pos.focus) {
        Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(FullManifestModule), name)

      /* Re-wraps a type in a manifest before calling inferImplicit on the result */
      def findManifest(tp: Type, manifestClass: Symbol = if (full) FullManifestClass else PartialManifestClass) =
        inferImplicit(tree, appliedType(manifestClass, tp), reportAmbiguous = true, isView = false, context).tree

      def findSubManifest(tp: Type) = findManifest(tp, if (full) FullManifestClass else OptManifestClass)
      def mot(tp0: Type, from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): SearchResult = {
        implicit def wrapResult(tree: Tree): SearchResult =
          if (tree == EmptyTree) SearchFailure else new SearchResult(tree, if (from.isEmpty) EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter else new TreeTypeSubstituter(from, to), Nil)

        val tp1 = tp0.dealias
        tp1 match {
          case ThisType(_) | SingleType(_, _) =>
            // can't generate a reference to a value that's abstracted over by an existential
            if (containsExistential(tp1)) EmptyTree
            else manifestFactoryCall("singleType", tp, gen.mkAttributedQualifier(tp1))
          case ConstantType(value) =>
            manifestOfType(tp1.deconst, FullManifestClass)
          case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
            if (isPrimitiveValueClass(sym) || isPhantomClass(sym)) {
            } else if (sym == ObjectClass || sym == AnyRefClass) {
            } else if (sym == RepeatedParamClass || sym == ByNameParamClass) {
            } else if (sym == ArrayClass && args.length == 1) {
              manifestFactoryCall("arrayType", args.head, findManifest(args.head))
            } else if (sym.isClass) {
              val classarg0 = gen.mkClassOf(tp1)
              val classarg = tp match {
                case _: ExistentialType => gen.mkCast(classarg0, ClassType(tp))
                case _                  => classarg0
              val suffix = classarg :: (args map findSubManifest)
                "classType", tp,
                (if ((pre eq NoPrefix) || pre.typeSymbol.isStaticOwner) suffix
                 else findSubManifest(pre) :: suffix): _*)
            } else if (sym.isExistentiallyBound && full) {
              manifestFactoryCall("wildcardType", tp,
                                  findManifest(tp.bounds.lo), findManifest(tp.bounds.hi))
            // looking for a manifest of a type parameter that hasn't been inferred by now,
            // can't do much, but let's not fail
            else if (undetParams contains sym) {
              // #3859: need to include the mapping from sym -> NothingTpe in the SearchResult
              mot(NothingTpe, sym :: from, NothingTpe :: to)
            } else {
              // a manifest should have been found by normal searchImplicit
          case RefinedType(parents, decls) => // !!! not yet: if !full || decls.isEmpty =>
            // refinement is not generated yet
            if (hasLength(parents, 1)) findManifest(parents.head)
            else if (full) manifestFactoryCall("intersectionType", tp, parents map findSubManifest: _*)
            else mot(erasure.intersectionDominator(parents), from, to)
          case ExistentialType(tparams, result) =>
            mot(tp1.skolemizeExistential, from, to)
          case _ =>

      if (full) {
        val tagInScope = resolveTypeTag(pos, NoType, tp, concrete = true, allowMaterialization = false)
        if (tagInScope.isEmpty) mot(tp, Nil, Nil)
        else {
          if (ReflectRuntimeUniverse == NoSymbol) {
            // todo. write a test for this
              sm"""to create a manifest here, it is necessary to interoperate with the type tag `$tagInScope` in scope.
                  |however typetag -> manifest conversion requires Scala reflection, which is not present on the classpath.
                  |to proceed put scala-reflect.jar on your compilation classpath and recompile.""")
            return SearchFailure
          if (resolveClassTag(pos, tp, allowMaterialization = true) == EmptyTree) {
              sm"""to create a manifest here, it is necessary to interoperate with the type tag `$tagInScope` in scope.
                  |however typetag -> manifest conversion requires a class tag for the corresponding type to be present.
                  |to proceed add a class tag to the type `$tp` (e.g. by introducing a context bound) and recompile.""")
            return SearchFailure
          val cm = typed(Ident(ReflectRuntimeCurrentMirror))
          val internal = gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedRef(ReflectRuntimeUniverse), UniverseInternal)
          val interop = gen.mkMethodCall(Select(internal, nme.typeTagToManifest), List(tp), List(cm, tagInScope))
      } else {
        mot(tp, Nil, Nil) match {
          case SearchFailure if opt => wrapResult(gen.mkAttributedRef(NoManifest))
          case result               => result

    def wrapResult(tree: Tree): SearchResult =
      if (tree == EmptyTree) SearchFailure else new SearchResult(tree, EmptyTreeTypeSubstituter, Nil)

    /** Materializes implicits of predefined types (currently, manifests and tags).
     *  Will be replaced by implicit macros once we fix them.
    private def materializeImplicit(pt: Type): SearchResult =
      pt match {
        case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAbstractType =>
          materializeImplicit(pt.dealias.bounds.lo) // #3977: use pt.dealias, not pt (if pt is a type alias, pt.bounds.lo == pt)
        case pt @ TypeRef(pre, sym, arg :: Nil) =>
          sym match {
            case sym if ManifestSymbols(sym) => manifestOfType(arg, sym)
            case sym if TagSymbols(sym) => tagOfType(pre, arg, sym)
            // as of late ClassManifest is an alias of ClassTag
            // hence we need to take extra care when performing dealiasing
            // because it might destroy the flavor of the manifest requested by the user
            // when the user wants ClassManifest[T], we should invoke `manifestOfType` not `tagOfType`
            // hence we don't do `pt.dealias` as we did before, but rather do `pt.betaReduce`
            // unlike `dealias`, `betaReduce` performs at most one step of dealiasing
            // while dealias pops all aliases in a single invocation
            case sym if sym.isAliasType => materializeImplicit(pt.betaReduce)
            case _ => SearchFailure
        case _ =>

    /** The result of the implicit search:
     *  First search implicits visible in current context.
     *  If that fails, search implicits in expected type `pt`.
     *  todo. the following lines should be deleted after we migrate delegate tag materialization to implicit macros
     *  If that fails, and `pt` is an instance of a ClassTag, try to construct a class tag.
     *  If that fails, and `pt` is an instance of a TypeTag, try to construct a type tag.
     *  If that fails, and `pt` is an instance of a ClassManifest, try to construct a class manifest.
     *  If that fails, and `pt` is an instance of a Manifest, try to construct a manifest.
     *  If that fails, and `pt` is an instance of a OptManifest, try to construct a class manifest and return NoManifest if construction fails.
     *  If all fails return SearchFailure
    def bestImplicit: SearchResult = {
      val failstart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(inscopeFailNanos) else null
      val succstart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(inscopeSucceedNanos) else null

      var result = searchImplicit(context.implicitss, isLocalToCallsite = true)

      if (result.isFailure) {
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(inscopeFailNanos, failstart)
      } else {
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(inscopeSucceedNanos, succstart)
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(inscopeImplicitHits)
      if (result.isFailure) {
        val previousErrs = context.flushAndReturnBuffer()
        val failstart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(oftypeFailNanos) else null
        val succstart = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(oftypeSucceedNanos) else null

        val wasAmbigious = result.isAmbiguousFailure // SI-6667, never search companions after an ambiguous error in in-scope implicits
        result = materializeImplicit(pt)
        // `materializeImplicit` does some preprocessing for `pt`
        // is it only meant for manifests/tags or we need to do the same for `implicitsOfExpectedType`?
        if (result.isFailure && !wasAmbigious)
          result = searchImplicit(implicitsOfExpectedType, isLocalToCallsite = false)

        if (result.isFailure) {
          if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(oftypeFailNanos, failstart)
        } else {
          if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(oftypeSucceedNanos, succstart)
          if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(oftypeImplicitHits)
      if (result.isSuccess && isView) {
        def maybeInvalidConversionError(msg: String) {
          // We have to check context.ambiguousErrors even though we are calling "issueAmbiguousError"
          // which ostensibly does exactly that before issuing the error. Why? I have no idea. Test is pos/t7690.
          if (context.ambiguousErrors)
            context.issueAmbiguousError(AmbiguousImplicitTypeError(tree, msg))
        pt match {
          case Function1(_, out) =>
            def prohibit(sym: Symbol) = if (sym.tpe <:< out) {
               maybeInvalidConversionError(s"the result type of an implicit conversion must be more specific than ${}")
              result = SearchFailure
            if (settings.isScala211) prohibit(AnyValClass)
          case _                 => false
        if (settings.isScala211 && isInvalidConversionSource(pt)) {
          maybeInvalidConversionError("an expression of type Null is ineligible for implicit conversion")
          result = SearchFailure
      if (result.isFailure)
        debuglog("no implicits found for "+pt+" "" "+implicitsOfExpectedType)


    def allImplicits: List[SearchResult] = {
      def search(iss: Infoss, isLocalToCallsite: Boolean) = applicableInfos(iss, isLocalToCallsite).values
        search(context.implicitss, isLocalToCallsite = true) ++
        search(implicitsOfExpectedType, isLocalToCallsite = false)
      ).toList.filter(_.tree ne EmptyTree)

    // find all implicits for some type that contains type variables
    // collect the constraints that result from typing each implicit
    def allImplicitsPoly(tvars: List[TypeVar]): List[(SearchResult, List[TypeConstraint])] = {
      def resetTVars() = tvars foreach { _.constr = new TypeConstraint }

      def eligibleInfos(iss: Infoss, isLocalToCallsite: Boolean) = {
        val eligible = new ImplicitComputation(iss, isLocalToCallsite).eligible
        eligible.toList.flatMap {
          (ii: ImplicitInfo) =>
        // each ImplicitInfo contributes a distinct set of constraints (generated indirectly by typedImplicit)
        // thus, start each type var off with a fresh for every typedImplicit
        // any previous errors should not affect us now

            val res = typedImplicit(ii, ptChecked = false, isLocalToCallsite)
        if (res.tree ne EmptyTree) List((res, tvars map (_.constr)))
        else Nil
      eligibleInfos(context.implicitss, isLocalToCallsite = true) ++
      eligibleInfos(implicitsOfExpectedType, isLocalToCallsite = false)

  object ImplicitNotFoundMsg {
    def unapply(sym: Symbol): Option[(Message)] = sym.implicitNotFoundMsg match {
      case Some(m) => Some(new Message(sym, m))
      case None if sym.isAliasType =>
        // perform exactly one step of dealiasing
        // this is necessary because ClassManifests are now aliased to ClassTags
        // but we don't want to intimidate users by showing unrelated error messages
      case _ => None

    // check the message's syntax: should be a string literal that may contain occurrences of the string "${X}",
    // where `X` refers to a type parameter of `sym`
    def check(sym: Symbol): Option[String] =
      sym.getAnnotation(ImplicitNotFoundClass).flatMap(_.stringArg(0) match {
        case Some(m) => new Message(sym, m).validate
        case None => Some("Missing argument `msg` on implicitNotFound annotation.")

    private val Intersobralator = """\$\{\s*([^}\s]+)\s*\}""".r

    class Message(sym: Symbol, msg: String) {
      private def interpolate(text: String, vars: Map[String, String]) =
        Intersobralator.replaceAllIn(text, (_: Regex.Match) match {
          case Regex.Groups(v) => Regex quoteReplacement vars.getOrElse(v, "")
          // #3915: need to quote replacement string since it may include $'s (such as the interpreter's $iw)

      private lazy val typeParamNames: List[String] =

      def format(paramName: Name, paramTp: Type): String = format(paramTp.typeArgs map (_.toString))
      def format(typeArgs: List[String]): String =
        interpolate(msg, Map((typeParamNames zip typeArgs): _*)) // TODO: give access to the name and type of the implicit argument, etc?

      def validate: Option[String] = {
        val refs  = Intersobralator.findAllMatchIn(msg).map(_ group 1).toSet
        val decls = typeParamNames.toSet

        (refs &~ decls) match {
          case s if s.isEmpty => None
          case unboundNames   =>
            val singular = unboundNames.size == 1
            val ess      = if (singular) "" else "s"
            val bee      = if (singular) "is" else "are"
            Some(s"The type parameter$ess ${unboundNames mkString ", "} referenced in the message of the @implicitNotFound annotation $bee not defined by $sym.")

object ImplicitsStats {

  import scala.reflect.internal.TypesStats._

  val rawTypeImpl         = Statistics.newSubCounter ("  of which in implicits", rawTypeCount)
  val subtypeImpl         = Statistics.newSubCounter("  of which in implicit", subtypeCount)
  val findMemberImpl      = Statistics.newSubCounter("  of which in implicit", findMemberCount)
  val subtypeAppInfos     = Statistics.newSubCounter("  of which in app impl", subtypeCount)
  val implicitSearchCount = Statistics.newCounter   ("#implicit searches", "typer")
  val plausiblyCompatibleImplicits
                                  = Statistics.newSubCounter("  #plausibly compatible", implicitSearchCount)
  val matchingImplicits   = Statistics.newSubCounter("  #matching", implicitSearchCount)
  val typedImplicits      = Statistics.newSubCounter("  #typed", implicitSearchCount)
  val foundImplicits      = Statistics.newSubCounter("  #found", implicitSearchCount)
  val improvesCount       = Statistics.newSubCounter("implicit improves tests", implicitSearchCount)
  val improvesCachedCount = Statistics.newSubCounter("#implicit improves cached ", implicitSearchCount)
  val inscopeImplicitHits = Statistics.newSubCounter("#implicit inscope hits", implicitSearchCount)
  val oftypeImplicitHits  = Statistics.newSubCounter("#implicit oftype hits ", implicitSearchCount)
  val implicitNanos       = Statistics.newSubTimer  ("time spent in implicits", typerNanos)
  val inscopeSucceedNanos = Statistics.newSubTimer  ("  successful in scope", typerNanos)
  val inscopeFailNanos    = Statistics.newSubTimer  ("  failed in scope", typerNanos)
  val oftypeSucceedNanos  = Statistics.newSubTimer  ("  successful of type", typerNanos)
  val oftypeFailNanos     = Statistics.newSubTimer  ("  failed of type", typerNanos)
  val subtypeETNanos      = Statistics.newSubTimer  ("  assembling parts", typerNanos)
  val matchesPtNanos      = Statistics.newSubTimer  ("  matchesPT", typerNanos)
  val implicitCacheAccs   = Statistics.newCounter   ("implicit cache accesses", "typer")
  val implicitCacheHits   = Statistics.newSubCounter("implicit cache hits", implicitCacheAccs)

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