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Scala example source code file (Infer.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Infer.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, collection, compiler, list, methodtype, nil, nsc, polytype, reflection, some, symbol, tree, type, utilities, wildcardtype

The Infer.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package typechecker

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
import symtab.Flags._
import scala.reflect.internal.Depth

/** This trait contains methods related to type parameter inference.
 *  @author Martin Odersky
 *  @version 1.0
trait Infer extends Checkable {
  self: Analyzer =>

  import global._
  import definitions._
  import typeDebug.ptBlock
  import typeDebug.str.parentheses
  import typingStack.{ printTyping }

  /** The formal parameter types corresponding to `formals`.
   *  If `formals` has a repeated last parameter, a list of
   *  (numArgs - numFormals + 1) copies of its type is appended
   *  to the other formals. By-name types are replaced with their
   *  underlying type.
   *  @param removeByName allows keeping ByName parameters. Used in NamesDefaults.
   *  @param removeRepeated allows keeping repeated parameter (if there's one argument). Used in NamesDefaults.
  def formalTypes(formals: List[Type], numArgs: Int, removeByName: Boolean = true, removeRepeated: Boolean = true): List[Type] = {
    val numFormals = formals.length
    val formals1   = if (removeByName) formals mapConserve dropByName else formals
    val expandLast = (
         (removeRepeated || numFormals != numArgs)
      && isVarArgTypes(formals1)
    def lastType = formals1.last.dealiasWiden.typeArgs.head
    def expanded(n: Int) = (1 to n).toList map (_ => lastType)

    if (expandLast)
      formals1.init ::: expanded(numArgs - numFormals + 1)

  /** Sorts the alternatives according to the given comparison function.
   *  Returns a list containing the best alternative as well as any which
   *  the best fails to improve upon.
  private def bestAlternatives(alternatives: List[Symbol])(isBetter: (Symbol, Symbol) => Boolean): List[Symbol] = {
    def improves(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = (
         (sym2 eq NoSymbol)
      || sym2.isError
      || (sym2 hasAnnotation BridgeClass)
      || isBetter(sym1, sym2)

    alternatives sortWith improves match {
      case best :: rest if rest.nonEmpty => best :: rest.filterNot(alt => improves(best, alt))
      case bests                         => bests

  // we must not allow CyclicReference to be thrown when is called
  // in checkAccessible, because that would mark the symbol erroneous, which it
  // is not. But if it's a true CyclicReference then macro def will report it.
  // See comments to TypeSigError for an explanation of this special case.
  // [Eugene] is there a better way?
  private object CheckAccessibleMacroCycle extends TypeCompleter {
    val tree = EmptyTree
    override def complete(sym: Symbol) = ()

  /** A fresh type variable with given type parameter as origin.
  def freshVar(tparam: Symbol): TypeVar = TypeVar(tparam)

  class NoInstance(msg: String) extends Throwable(msg) with ControlThrowable { }
  private class DeferredNoInstance(getmsg: () => String) extends NoInstance("") {
    override def getMessage(): String = getmsg()
  private def ifNoInstance[T](f: String => T): PartialFunction[Throwable, T] = {
    case x: NoInstance  => f(x.getMessage)

  /** Map every TypeVar to its constraint.inst field.
   *  throw a NoInstance exception if a NoType or WildcardType is encountered.
  object instantiate extends TypeMap {
    private var excludedVars = immutable.Set[TypeVar]()
    private def applyTypeVar(tv: TypeVar): Type = tv match {
      case TypeVar(origin, constr) if !constr.instValid => throw new DeferredNoInstance(() => s"no unique instantiation of type variable $origin could be found")
      case _ if excludedVars(tv)                        => throw new NoInstance("cyclic instantiation")
      case TypeVar(_, constr)                           =>
        excludedVars += tv
        try apply(constr.inst)
        finally excludedVars -= tv
    def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      case WildcardType | BoundedWildcardType(_) | NoType => throw new NoInstance("undetermined type")
      case tv: TypeVar if !tv.untouchable                 => applyTypeVar(tv)
      case _                                              => mapOver(tp)

  @inline final def falseIfNoInstance(body: => Boolean): Boolean =
    try body catch { case _: NoInstance => false }

  /** Is type fully defined, i.e. no embedded anytypes or wildcards in it?
  private[typechecker] def isFullyDefined(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
    case WildcardType | BoundedWildcardType(_) | NoType => false
    case NoPrefix | ThisType(_) | ConstantType(_)       => true
    case TypeRef(pre, _, args)                          => isFullyDefined(pre) && (args forall isFullyDefined)
    case SingleType(pre, _)                             => isFullyDefined(pre)
    case RefinedType(ts, _)                             => ts forall isFullyDefined
    case TypeVar(_, constr) if constr.inst == NoType    => false
    case _                                              => falseIfNoInstance({ instantiate(tp) ; true })

  /** Solve constraint collected in types `tvars`.
   *  @param tvars      All type variables to be instantiated.
   *  @param tparams    The type parameters corresponding to `tvars`
   *  @param variances  The variances of type parameters; need to reverse
   *                    solution direction for all contravariant variables.
   *  @param upper      When `true` search for max solution else min.
   *  @throws NoInstance
  def solvedTypes(tvars: List[TypeVar], tparams: List[Symbol], variances: List[Variance], upper: Boolean, depth: Depth): List[Type] = {
    if (tvars.isEmpty) Nil else {
      printTyping("solving for " + parentheses((tparams, tvars).zipped map ((p, tv) => s"${}: $tv")))
      // !!! What should be done with the return value of "solve", which is at present ignored?
      // The historical commentary says "no panic, it's good enough to just guess a solution,
      // we'll find out later whether it works", meaning don't issue an error here when types
      // don't conform to bounds. That means you can never trust the results of implicit search.
      // For an example where this was not being heeded, SI-2421.
      solve(tvars, tparams, variances, upper, depth)
      tvars map instantiate

  def skipImplicit(tp: Type) = tp match {
    case mt: MethodType if mt.isImplicit  => mt.resultType
    case _                                => tp

  /** Automatically perform the following conversions on expression types:
   *  A method type becomes the corresponding function type.
   *  A nullary method type becomes its result type.
   *  Implicit parameters are skipped.
   *  This method seems to be performance critical.
  def normalize(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
    case PolyType(_, restpe) =>
      logResult(sm"""|Normalizing PolyType in infer:
                     |  was: $restpe
                     |  now""")(normalize(restpe))
    case mt @ MethodType(_, restpe) if mt.isImplicit             => normalize(restpe)
    case mt @ MethodType(_, restpe) if !mt.isDependentMethodType => functionType(mt.paramTypes, normalize(restpe))
    case NullaryMethodType(restpe)                               => normalize(restpe)
    case ExistentialType(tparams, qtpe)                          => newExistentialType(tparams, normalize(qtpe))
    case _                                                       => tp // @MAT aliases already handled by subtyping

  private lazy val stdErrorClass = rootMirror.RootClass.newErrorClass(tpnme.ERROR)
  private lazy val stdErrorValue = stdErrorClass.newErrorValue(nme.ERROR)

  /** The context-dependent inferencer part */
  abstract class Inferencer extends InferencerContextErrors with InferCheckable {
    def context: Context
    import InferErrorGen._

    /* -- Error Messages --------------------------------------------------- */
    def setError[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = {
      // SI-7388, one can incur a cycle calling sym.toString
      // (but it'd be nicer if that weren't so)
      def name = {
        val sym = tree.symbol
        val nameStr = try sym.toString catch { case _: CyclicReference => sym.nameString }
        newTermName(s"<error: $nameStr>")
      def errorClass  = if (context.reportErrors) context.owner.newErrorClass(name.toTypeName) else stdErrorClass
      def errorValue  = if (context.reportErrors) context.owner.newErrorValue(name) else stdErrorValue
      def errorSym    = if (tree.isType) errorClass else errorValue

      if (tree.hasSymbolField)
        tree setSymbol errorSym

      tree setType ErrorType

    def getContext = context

    def issue(err: AbsTypeError): Unit = context.issue(err)

    def explainTypes(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = {
      if (context.reportErrors)
        withDisambiguation(List(), tp1, tp2)(global.explainTypes(tp1, tp2))

    // When filtering sym down to the accessible alternatives leaves us empty handed.
    private def checkAccessibleError(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol, pre: Type, site: Tree): Tree = {
      if (settings.debug) {
        Console.println("" + pre + " " + sym.owner + " " + context.owner + " " + context.outer.enclClass.owner + " " + sym.owner.thisType + (pre =:= sym.owner.thisType))
      ErrorUtils.issueTypeError(AccessError(tree, sym, pre, context.enclClass.owner,
        if (settings.check.isDefault)
          ptBlock("because of an internal error (no accessible symbol)",
            "sym.ownerChain"                -> sym.ownerChain,
            "underlyingSymbol(sym)"         -> underlyingSymbol(sym),
            "pre"                           -> pre,
            "site"                          -> site,
            "tree"                          -> tree,
            "sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner)" -> sym.accessBoundary(sym.owner),
            "context.owner"                 -> context.owner,
            "context.outer.enclClass.owner" -> context.outer.enclClass.owner


    /* -- Tests & Checks---------------------------------------------------- */

    /** Check that `sym` is defined and accessible as a member of
     *  tree `site` with type `pre` in current context.
     *  @PP: In case it's not abundantly obvious to anyone who might read
     *  this, the method does a lot more than "check" these things, as does
     *  nearly every method in the compiler, so don't act all shocked.
     *  This particular example "checks" its way to assigning both the
     *  symbol and type of the incoming tree, in addition to forcing lots
     *  of symbol infos on its way to transforming java raw types (but
     *  only of terms - why?)
     * Note: pre is not refchecked -- moreover, refchecking the resulting tree may not refcheck pre,
     *       since pre may not occur in its type (callers should wrap the result in a TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck)
    def checkAccessible(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol, pre: Type, site: Tree): Tree = {
      def malformed(ex: MalformedType, instance: Type): Type = {
        val what    = if (ex.msg contains "malformed type") "is malformed" else s"contains a ${ex.msg}"
        val message = s"\n because its instance type $instance $what"
        val error   = AccessError(tree, sym, pre, context.enclClass.owner, message)
      def accessible = sym filter (alt => context.isAccessible(alt, pre, site.isInstanceOf[Super])) match {
        case NoSymbol if sym.isJavaDefined && context.unit.isJava => sym  // don't try to second guess Java; see #4402
        case sym1                                                 => sym1
      // XXX So... what's this for exactly?
      if (context.unit.exists)
        context.unit.depends += sym.enclosingTopLevelClass

      if (sym.isError)
        tree setSymbol sym setType ErrorType
      else accessible match {
        case NoSymbol                                                 => checkAccessibleError(tree, sym, pre, site)
        case sym if context.owner.isTermMacro && (sym hasFlag LOCKED) => throw CyclicReference(sym, CheckAccessibleMacroCycle)
        case sym                                                      =>
          val sym1 = if (sym.isTerm) sym.cookJavaRawInfo() else sym // xform java rawtypes into existentials
          val owntype = (
            try pre memberType sym1
            catch { case ex: MalformedType => malformed(ex, pre memberType underlyingSymbol(sym)) }
          tree setSymbol sym1 setType (
            pre match {
              case _: SuperType => owntype map (tp => if (tp eq pre) site.symbol.thisType else tp)
              case _            => owntype

    /** "Compatible" means conforming after conversions.
     *  "Raising to a thunk" is not implicit; therefore, for purposes of applicability and
     *  specificity, an arg type `A` is considered compatible with cbn formal parameter type `=>A`.
     *  For this behavior, the type `pt` must have cbn params preserved; for instance, `formalTypes(removeByName = false)`.
     *  `isAsSpecific` no longer prefers A by testing applicability to A for both m(A) and m(=>A)
     *  since that induces a tie between m(=>A) and m(=>A,B*) [SI-3761]
    private def isCompatible(tp: Type, pt: Type): Boolean = {
      def isCompatibleByName(tp: Type, pt: Type): Boolean = (
        && !isByNameParamType(tp)
        && isCompatible(tp, dropByName(pt))
      val tp1 = normalize(tp)

      (    (tp1 weak_<:< pt)
        || isCoercible(tp1, pt)
        || isCompatibleByName(tp, pt)
    def isCompatibleArgs(tps: List[Type], pts: List[Type]) = (tps corresponds pts)(isCompatible)

    def isWeaklyCompatible(tp: Type, pt: Type): Boolean = {
      def isCompatibleNoParamsMethod = tp match {
        case MethodType(Nil, restpe) => isCompatible(restpe, pt)
        case _                       => false
      (    pt.typeSymbol == UnitClass // can perform unit coercion
        || isCompatible(tp, pt)
        || isCompatibleNoParamsMethod // can perform implicit () instantiation

    /*  Like weakly compatible but don't apply any implicit conversions yet.
     *  Used when comparing the result type of a method with its prototype.
    def isConservativelyCompatible(tp: Type, pt: Type): Boolean =
      context.withImplicitsDisabled(isWeaklyCompatible(tp, pt))

    // Overridden at the point of instantiation, where inferView is visible.
    def isCoercible(tp: Type, pt: Type): Boolean = false

    /* -- Type instantiation------------------------------------------------ */

    /** Replace any (possibly bounded) wildcard types in type `tp`
     *  by existentially bound variables.
    def makeFullyDefined(tp: Type): Type = {
      var tparams: List[Symbol] = Nil
      def addTypeParam(bounds: TypeBounds): Type = {
        val tparam = context.owner.newExistential(newTypeName("_"+tparams.size), context.tree.pos.focus) setInfo bounds
        tparams ::= tparam
      val tp1 = tp map {
        case WildcardType                => addTypeParam(TypeBounds.empty)
        case BoundedWildcardType(bounds) => addTypeParam(bounds)
        case t                           => t
      if (tp eq tp1) tp
      else existentialAbstraction(tparams.reverse, tp1)
    def ensureFullyDefined(tp: Type): Type = if (isFullyDefined(tp)) tp else makeFullyDefined(tp)

    /** Return inferred type arguments of polymorphic expression, given
     *  type vars, its type parameters and result type and a prototype `pt`.
     *  If the type variables cannot be instantiated such that the type
     *  conforms to `pt`, return null.
    private def exprTypeArgs(tvars: List[TypeVar], tparams: List[Symbol], restpe: Type, pt: Type, useWeaklyCompatible: Boolean): List[Type] = {
      def restpeInst = restpe.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
      def conforms   = if (useWeaklyCompatible) isWeaklyCompatible(restpeInst, pt) else isCompatible(restpeInst, pt)
      // If the restpe is an implicit method, and the expected type is fully defined
      // optimize type variables wrt to the implicit formals only; ignore the result type.
      // See test pos/jesper.scala
      def variance = restpe match {
        case mt: MethodType if mt.isImplicit && isFullyDefined(pt) => MethodType(mt.params, AnyTpe)
        case _                                                     => restpe
      def solve() = solvedTypes(tvars, tparams, tparams map varianceInType(variance), upper = false, lubDepth(restpe :: pt :: Nil))

      if (conforms)
        try solve() catch { case _: NoInstance => null }
    /** Overload which allocates fresh type vars.
     *  The other one exists because apparently inferExprInstance needs access to the typevars
     *  after the call, and its wasteful to return a tuple and throw it away almost every time.
    private def exprTypeArgs(tparams: List[Symbol], restpe: Type, pt: Type, useWeaklyCompatible: Boolean): List[Type] =
      exprTypeArgs(tparams map freshVar, tparams, restpe, pt, useWeaklyCompatible)

    /** Return inferred proto-type arguments of function, given
    *  its type and value parameters and result type, and a
    *  prototype `pt` for the function result.
    *  Type arguments need to be either determined precisely by
    *  the prototype, or they are maximized, if they occur only covariantly
    *  in the value parameter list.
    *  If instantiation of a type parameter fails,
    *  take WildcardType for the proto-type argument.
    def protoTypeArgs(tparams: List[Symbol], formals: List[Type], restpe: Type, pt: Type): List[Type] = {
      // Map type variable to its instance, or, if `variance` is variant,
      // to its upper or lower bound
      def instantiateToBound(tvar: TypeVar, variance: Variance): Type = {
        lazy val hiBounds = tvar.constr.hiBounds
        lazy val loBounds = tvar.constr.loBounds
        lazy val upper    = glb(hiBounds)
        lazy val lower    = lub(loBounds)
        def setInst(tp: Type): Type = {
          tvar setInst tp
          assert(tvar.constr.inst != tvar, tvar.origin)
        if (tvar.constr.instValid)
        else if (loBounds.nonEmpty && variance.isContravariant)
        else if (hiBounds.nonEmpty && (variance.isPositive || loBounds.nonEmpty && upper <:< lower))

      val tvars = tparams map freshVar
      if (isConservativelyCompatible(restpe.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars), pt))
        map2(tparams, tvars)((tparam, tvar) =>
          try instantiateToBound(tvar, varianceInTypes(formals)(tparam))
          catch { case ex: NoInstance => WildcardType }
        tvars map (_ => WildcardType)

    /** [Martin] Can someone comment this please? I have no idea what it's for
     *  and the code is not exactly readable.
    object AdjustedTypeArgs {
      val Result  = mutable.LinkedHashMap
      type Result = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, Option[Type]]

      def unapply(m: Result): Some[(List[Symbol], List[Type])] = Some(toLists(
        (m collect {case (p, Some(a)) => (p, a)}).unzip  ))

      object Undets {
        def unapply(m: Result): Some[(List[Symbol], List[Type], List[Symbol])] = Some(toLists{
          val (ok, nok) ={case (p, a) => (p, a.getOrElse(null))}.partition(_._2 ne null)
          val (okArgs, okTparams) = ok.unzip
          (okArgs, okTparams, nok.keys)

      object AllArgsAndUndets {
        def unapply(m: Result): Some[(List[Symbol], List[Type], List[Type], List[Symbol])] = Some(toLists{
          val (ok, nok) ={case (p, a) => (p, a.getOrElse(null))}.partition(_._2 ne null)
          val (okArgs, okTparams) = ok.unzip
          (okArgs, okTparams,, nok.keys)

      private def toLists[A1, A2](pxs: (Iterable[A1], Iterable[A2])) = (pxs._1.toList, pxs._2.toList)
      private def toLists[A1, A2, A3](pxs: (Iterable[A1], Iterable[A2], Iterable[A3])) = (pxs._1.toList, pxs._2.toList, pxs._3.toList)
      private def toLists[A1, A2, A3, A4](pxs: (Iterable[A1], Iterable[A2], Iterable[A3], Iterable[A4])) = (pxs._1.toList, pxs._2.toList, pxs._3.toList, pxs._4.toList)

    /** Retract arguments that were inferred to Nothing because inference failed. Correct types for repeated params.
     * We detect Nothing-due-to-failure by only retracting a parameter if either:
     *  - it occurs in an invariant/contravariant position in `restpe`
     *  - `restpe == WildcardType`
     * Retracted parameters are mapped to None.
     *  TODO:
     *    - make sure the performance hit of storing these in a map is acceptable (it's going to be a small map in 90% of the cases, I think)
     *    - refactor further up the callstack so that we don't have to do this post-factum adjustment?
     * Rewrite for repeated param types:  Map T* entries to Seq[T].
     *  @return map from tparams to inferred arg, if inference was successful, tparams that map to None are considered left undetermined
     *    type parameters that are inferred as `scala.Nothing` and that are not covariant in `restpe` are taken to be undetermined
    def adjustTypeArgs(tparams: List[Symbol], tvars: List[TypeVar], targs: List[Type], restpe: Type = WildcardType): AdjustedTypeArgs.Result  = {
      val buf = AdjustedTypeArgs.Result.newBuilder[Symbol, Option[Type]]

      foreach3(tparams, tvars, targs) { (tparam, tvar, targ) =>
        val retract = (
              targ.typeSymbol == NothingClass                                         // only retract Nothings
          && (restpe.isWildcard || !varianceInType(restpe)(tparam).isPositive)  // don't retract covariant occurrences

        buf += ((tparam,
          if (retract) None
          else Some(
            if (targ.typeSymbol == RepeatedParamClass)     targ.baseType(SeqClass)
            else if (targ.typeSymbol == JavaRepeatedParamClass) targ.baseType(ArrayClass)
            // this infers Foo.type instead of "object Foo" (see also widenIfNecessary)
            else if (targ.typeSymbol.isModuleClass || tvar.constr.avoidWiden) targ
            else targ.widen

    /** Return inferred type arguments, given type parameters, formal parameters,
    *  argument types, result type and expected result type.
    *  If this is not possible, throw a `NoInstance` exception.
    *  Undetermined type arguments are represented by `definitions.NothingTpe`.
    *  No check that inferred parameters conform to their bounds is made here.
    *  @param   tparams         the type parameters of the method
    *  @param   formals         the value parameter types of the method
    *  @param   restpe          the result type of the method
    *  @param   argtpes         the argument types of the application
    *  @param   pt              the expected return type of the application
    *  @return  @see adjustTypeArgs
    *  @throws                  NoInstance
    def methTypeArgs(tparams: List[Symbol], formals: List[Type], restpe: Type,
                     argtpes: List[Type], pt: Type): AdjustedTypeArgs.Result = {
      val tvars = tparams map freshVar
      if (!sameLength(formals, argtpes))
        throw new NoInstance("parameter lists differ in length")

      val restpeInst = restpe.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)

      // first check if typevars can be fully defined from the expected type.
      // The return value isn't used so I'm making it obvious that this side
      // effects, because a function called "isXXX" is not the most obvious
      // side effecter.
      isConservativelyCompatible(restpeInst, pt)

      // Return value unused with the following explanation:
      // Just wait and instantiate from the arguments.  That way,
      // we can try to apply an implicit conversion afterwards.
      // This case could happen if restpe is not fully defined, so the
      // search for an implicit from restpe => pt fails due to ambiguity.
      // See #347.  Therefore, the following two lines are commented out.
      // throw new DeferredNoInstance(() =>
      //   "result type " + normalize(restpe) + " is incompatible with expected type " + pt)

      for (tvar <- tvars)
        if (!isFullyDefined(tvar)) tvar.constr.inst = NoType

      // Then define remaining type variables from argument types.
      map2(argtpes, formals) { (argtpe, formal) =>
        val tp1 = argtpe.deconst.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)
        val pt1 = formal.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars)

        // Note that isCompatible side-effects: subtype checks involving typevars
        // are recorded in the typevar's bounds (see TypeConstraint)
        if (!isCompatible(tp1, pt1)) {
          throw new DeferredNoInstance(() =>
            "argument expression's type is not compatible with formal parameter type" + foundReqMsg(tp1, pt1))
      val targs = solvedTypes(tvars, tparams, tparams map varianceInTypes(formals), upper = false, lubDepth(formals) max lubDepth(argtpes))
      // Can warn about inferring Any/AnyVal as long as they don't appear
      // explicitly anywhere amongst the formal, argument, result, or expected type.
      def canWarnAboutAny = !(pt :: restpe :: formals ::: argtpes exists (t => (t contains AnyClass) || (t contains AnyValClass)))
      def argumentPosition(idx: Int): Position = context.tree match {
        case x: ValOrDefDef => x.rhs match {
          case Apply(fn, args) if idx < args.size => args(idx).pos
          case _                                  => context.tree.pos
        case _ => context.tree.pos
      if (settings.warnInferAny.value && context.reportErrors && canWarnAboutAny) {
        foreachWithIndex(targs) ((targ, idx) =>
          targ.typeSymbol match {
            case sym @ (AnyClass | AnyValClass) =>
              context.unit.warning(argumentPosition(idx), s"a type was inferred to be `${}`; this may indicate a programming error.")
            case _ =>
      adjustTypeArgs(tparams, tvars, targs, restpe)

    /** One must step carefully when assessing applicability due to
     *  complications from varargs, tuple-conversion, named arguments.
     *  This method is used to filter out inapplicable methods,
     *  its behavior slightly configurable based on what stage of
     *  overloading resolution we're at.
     *  This method has boolean parameters, which is usually suboptimal
     *  but I didn't work out a better way.  They don't have defaults,
     *  and the method's scope is limited.
    private[typechecker] def isApplicableBasedOnArity(tpe: Type, argsCount: Int, varargsStar: Boolean, tuplingAllowed: Boolean): Boolean = followApply(tpe) match {
      case OverloadedType(pre, alts) =>
        // followApply may return an OverloadedType (tpe is a value type with multiple `apply` methods)
        alts exists (alt => isApplicableBasedOnArity(pre memberType alt, argsCount, varargsStar, tuplingAllowed))
      case _ =>
        val paramsCount   = tpe.params.length
        // simpleMatch implies we're not using defaults
        val simpleMatch   = paramsCount == argsCount
        val varargsTarget = isVarArgsList(tpe.params)

        // varargsMatch implies we're not using defaults, as varargs and defaults are mutually exclusive
        def varargsMatch  = varargsTarget && (paramsCount - 1) <= argsCount
        // another reason why auto-tupling is a bad idea: it can hide the use of defaults, so must rule those out explicitly
        def tuplingMatch  = tuplingAllowed && eligibleForTupleConversion(paramsCount, argsCount, varargsTarget)
        // varargs and defaults are mutually exclusive, so not using defaults if `varargsTarget`
        // we're not using defaults if there are (at least as many) arguments as parameters (not using exact match to allow for tupling)
        def notUsingDefaults = varargsTarget || paramsCount <= argsCount

        // A varargs star call, e.g. (x, y:_*) can only match a varargs method
        // with the same number of parameters.  See SI-5859 for an example of what
        // would fail were this not enforced before we arrived at isApplicable.
        if (varargsStar)
          varargsTarget && simpleMatch
          simpleMatch || varargsMatch || (tuplingMatch && notUsingDefaults)

    private[typechecker] def followApply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      case _ if tp.isError => tp // SI-8228, `ErrorType nonPrivateMember nme.apply` returns an member with an erroneous type!
      case NullaryMethodType(restp) =>
        val restp1 = followApply(restp)
        if (restp1 eq restp) tp else restp1
      case _ =>
        //OPT cut down on #closures by special casing non-overloaded case
        // was: tp.nonPrivateMember(nme.apply) filter (_.isPublic)
        tp nonPrivateMember nme.apply match {
          case NoSymbol                                 => tp
          case sym if !sym.isOverloaded && sym.isPublic => OverloadedType(tp, sym.alternatives)
          case sym                                      => OverloadedType(tp, sym.filter(_.isPublic).alternatives)

     * Verifies whether the named application is valid. The logic is very
     * similar to the one in NamesDefaults.removeNames.
     * @return a triple (argtpes1, argPos, namesOk) where
     *  - argtpes1 the argument types in named application (assignments to
     *    non-parameter names are treated as assignments, i.e. type Unit)
     *  - argPos a Function1[Int, Int] mapping arguments from their current
     *    to the corresponding position in params
     *  - namesOK is false when there's an invalid use of named arguments
    private def checkNames(argtpes: List[Type], params: List[Symbol]): (List[Type], Array[Int], Boolean) = {
      val argPos = Array.fill(argtpes.length)(-1)
      var positionalAllowed, namesOK = true
      var index = 0
      val argtpes1 = argtpes map {
        case NamedType(name, tp) => // a named argument
          var res = tp
          val pos = params.indexWhere(p => paramMatchesName(p, name) && !p.isSynthetic)

          if (pos == -1) {
            if (positionalAllowed) { // treat assignment as positional argument
              argPos(index) = index
              res = UnitTpe // TODO: this is a bit optimistic, the name may not refer to a mutable variable...
            } else                   // unknown parameter name
              namesOK = false
          } else if (argPos.contains(pos)) { // parameter specified twice
            namesOK = false
          } else {
            if (index != pos)
              positionalAllowed = false
            argPos(index) = pos
          index += 1
        case tp => // a positional argument
          argPos(index) = index
          if (!positionalAllowed)
            namesOK = false // positional after named
          index += 1
      (argtpes1, argPos, namesOK)

    /** True if the given parameter list can accept a tupled argument list,
     *  and the argument list can be tupled (based on its length.)
    def eligibleForTupleConversion(paramsCount: Int, argsCount: Int, varargsTarget: Boolean): Boolean = {
      def canSendTuple = argsCount match {
        case 0 => !varargsTarget        // avoid () to (()) conversion - SI-3224
        case 1 => false                 // can't tuple a single argument
        case n => n <= MaxTupleArity    // <= 22 arguments
      def canReceiveTuple = paramsCount match {
        case 1 => true
        case 2 => varargsTarget
        case _ => false
      canSendTuple && canReceiveTuple
    def eligibleForTupleConversion(formals: List[Type], argsCount: Int): Boolean = formals match {
      case p :: Nil                                     => eligibleForTupleConversion(1, argsCount, varargsTarget = isScalaRepeatedParamType(p))
      case _ :: p :: Nil if isScalaRepeatedParamType(p) => eligibleForTupleConversion(2, argsCount, varargsTarget = true)
      case _                                            => false

    /** The type of an argument list after being coerced to a tuple.
     *  @pre: the argument list is eligible for tuple conversion.
    private def typeAfterTupleConversion(argtpes: List[Type]): Type = (
      if (argtpes.isEmpty) UnitTpe                 // aka "Tuple0"
      else tupleType(argtpes map {
        case NamedType(name, tp) => UnitTpe  // not a named arg - only assignments here
        case RepeatedType(tp)    => tp       // but probably shouldn't be tupling a call containing :_*
        case tp                  => tp

    /** If the argument list needs to be tupled for the parameter list,
     *  a list containing the type of the tuple.  Otherwise, the original
     *  argument list.
    def tupleIfNecessary(formals: List[Type], argtpes: List[Type]): List[Type] = {
      if (eligibleForTupleConversion(formals, argtpes.size))
        typeAfterTupleConversion(argtpes) :: Nil

    private def isApplicableToMethod(undetparams: List[Symbol], mt: MethodType, argtpes0: List[Type], pt: Type): Boolean = {
      val formals          = formalTypes(mt.paramTypes, argtpes0.length, removeByName = false)
      def missingArgs      = missingParams[Type](argtpes0, mt.params, x => Some(x) collect { case NamedType(n, _) => n })
      def argsTupled       = tupleIfNecessary(mt.paramTypes, argtpes0)
      def argsPlusDefaults = missingArgs match {
        case (args, _) if args forall (_.hasDefault) => argtpes0 ::: makeNamedTypes(args)
        case _                                       => argsTupled
      // If args eq the incoming arg types, fail; otherwise recurse with these args.
      def tryWithArgs(args: List[Type]) = (
           (args ne argtpes0)
        && isApplicable(undetparams, mt, args, pt)
      def tryInstantiating(args: List[Type]) = falseIfNoInstance {
        val restpe = mt resultType args
        val AdjustedTypeArgs.Undets(okparams, okargs, leftUndet) = methTypeArgs(undetparams, formals, restpe, args, pt)
        val restpeInst = restpe.instantiateTypeParams(okparams, okargs)
        // #2665: must use weak conformance, not regular one (follow the monomorphic case above)
        exprTypeArgs(leftUndet, restpeInst, pt, useWeaklyCompatible = true) match {
          case null => false
          case _    => isWithinBounds(NoPrefix, NoSymbol, okparams, okargs)
      def typesCompatible(args: List[Type]) = undetparams match {
        case Nil => isCompatibleArgs(args, formals) && isWeaklyCompatible(mt resultType args, pt)
        case _   => tryInstantiating(args)

      // when using named application, the vararg param has to be specified exactly once
      def reorderedTypesCompatible = checkNames(argtpes0, mt.params) match {
        case (_, _, false)                                                                => false // names are not ok
        case (_, pos, _) if !allArgsArePositional(pos) && !sameLength(formals, mt.params) => false // different length lists and all args not positional
        case (args, pos, _)                                                               => typesCompatible(reorderArgs(args, pos))
      compareLengths(argtpes0, formals) match {
        case 0 if containsNamedType(argtpes0) => reorderedTypesCompatible      // right number of args, wrong order
        case 0                                => typesCompatible(argtpes0)     // fast track if no named arguments are used
        case x if x > 0                       => tryWithArgs(argsTupled)       // too many args, try tupling
        case _                                => tryWithArgs(argsPlusDefaults) // too few args, try adding defaults or tupling

    /** Is there an instantiation of free type variables `undetparams` such that
     *  function type `ftpe` is applicable to `argtpes0` and its result conform to `pt`?
     *  @param ftpe        the type of the function (often a MethodType)
     *  @param argtpes0    the argument types; a NamedType(name, tp) for named
     *    arguments. For each NamedType, if `name` does not exist in `ftpe`, that
     *    type is set to `Unit`, i.e. the corresponding argument is treated as
     *    an assignment expression (@see checkNames).
    private def isApplicable(undetparams: List[Symbol], ftpe: Type, argtpes0: List[Type], pt: Type): Boolean = (
      ftpe match {
        case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => alts exists (alt => isApplicable(undetparams, pre memberType alt, argtpes0, pt))
        case ExistentialType(_, qtpe)  => isApplicable(undetparams, qtpe, argtpes0, pt)
        case mt @ MethodType(_, _)     => isApplicableToMethod(undetparams, mt, argtpes0, pt)
        case NullaryMethodType(restpe) => isApplicable(undetparams, restpe, argtpes0, pt)
        case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => createFromClonedSymbols(tparams, restpe)((tps1, res1) => isApplicable(tps1 ::: undetparams, res1, argtpes0, pt))
        case ErrorType                 => true
        case _                         => false

     * Are arguments of the given types applicable to `ftpe`? Type argument inference
     * is tried twice: firstly with the given expected type, and secondly with `WildcardType`.
    // Todo: Try to make isApplicable always safe (i.e. not cause TypeErrors).
    // The chance of TypeErrors should be reduced through context errors
    private[typechecker] def isApplicableSafe(undetparams: List[Symbol], ftpe: Type, argtpes0: List[Type], pt: Type): Boolean = {
      def applicableExpectingPt(pt: Type): Boolean = {
        val silent = context.makeSilent(reportAmbiguousErrors = false)
        val result = newTyper(silent).infer.isApplicable(undetparams, ftpe, argtpes0, pt)
        if (silent.hasErrors && !pt.isWildcard)
          applicableExpectingPt(WildcardType) // second try

    /** Is type `ftpe1` strictly more specific than type `ftpe2`
     *  when both are alternatives in an overloaded function?
     *  @see SLS (sec:overloading-resolution)
    def isAsSpecific(ftpe1: Type, ftpe2: Type): Boolean = {
      def checkIsApplicable(argtpes: List[Type]) = isApplicable(Nil, ftpe2, argtpes, WildcardType)
      def bothAreVarargs                         = isVarArgsList(ftpe1.params) && isVarArgsList(ftpe2.params)
      def onRight = ftpe2 match {
        case OverloadedType(pre, alts)                     => alts forall (alt => isAsSpecific(ftpe1, pre memberType alt))
        case et: ExistentialType                           => et.withTypeVars(isAsSpecific(ftpe1, _))
        case mt @ MethodType(_, restpe)                    => !mt.isImplicit || isAsSpecific(ftpe1, restpe)
        case NullaryMethodType(res)                        => isAsSpecific(ftpe1, res)
        case PolyType(tparams, NullaryMethodType(restpe))  => isAsSpecific(ftpe1, PolyType(tparams, restpe))
        case PolyType(tparams, mt @ MethodType(_, restpe)) => !mt.isImplicit || isAsSpecific(ftpe1, PolyType(tparams, restpe))
        case _                                             => isAsSpecificValueType(ftpe1, ftpe2, Nil, Nil)
      ftpe1 match {
        case OverloadedType(pre, alts)                                      => alts exists (alt => isAsSpecific(pre memberType alt, ftpe2))
        case et: ExistentialType                                            => isAsSpecific(et.skolemizeExistential, ftpe2)
        case NullaryMethodType(restpe)                                      => isAsSpecific(restpe, ftpe2)
        case mt @ MethodType(_, restpe) if mt.isImplicit                    => isAsSpecific(restpe, ftpe2)
        case mt @ MethodType(_, _) if bothAreVarargs                        => checkIsApplicable(mt.paramTypes mapConserve repeatedToSingle)
        case mt @ MethodType(params, _) if params.nonEmpty                  => checkIsApplicable(mt.paramTypes)
        case PolyType(tparams, NullaryMethodType(restpe))                   => isAsSpecific(PolyType(tparams, restpe), ftpe2)
        case PolyType(tparams, mt @ MethodType(_, restpe)) if mt.isImplicit => isAsSpecific(PolyType(tparams, restpe), ftpe2)
        case PolyType(_, mt @ MethodType(params, _)) if params.nonEmpty     => checkIsApplicable(mt.paramTypes)
        case ErrorType                                                      => true
        case _                                                              => onRight
    private def isAsSpecificValueType(tpe1: Type, tpe2: Type, undef1: List[Symbol], undef2: List[Symbol]): Boolean = tpe1 match {
      case PolyType(tparams1, rtpe1) =>
        isAsSpecificValueType(rtpe1, tpe2, undef1 ::: tparams1, undef2)
      case _                         =>
        tpe2 match {
          case PolyType(tparams2, rtpe2) => isAsSpecificValueType(tpe1, rtpe2, undef1, undef2 ::: tparams2)
          case _                         => existentialAbstraction(undef1, tpe1) <:< existentialAbstraction(undef2, tpe2)

    /** Is sym1 (or its companion class in case it is a module) a subclass of
     *  sym2 (or its companion class in case it is a module)?
    def isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = (
         (sym1 ne sym2)
      && (sym1 ne NoSymbol)
      && (    (sym1 isSubClass sym2)
           || (sym1.isModuleClass && isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1.linkedClassOfClass, sym2))
           || (sym2.isModuleClass && isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1, sym2.linkedClassOfClass))

    /** is symbol `sym1` defined in a proper subclass of symbol `sym2`?
    def isInProperSubClassOrObject(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = (
         (sym2 eq NoSymbol)
      || isProperSubClassOrObject(sym1.safeOwner, sym2.owner)

    def isStrictlyMoreSpecific(ftpe1: Type, ftpe2: Type, sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = {
      // ftpe1 / ftpe2 are OverloadedTypes (possibly with one single alternative) if they
      // denote the type of an "apply" member method (see "followApply")
      ftpe1.isError || {
        val specificCount = (if (isAsSpecific(ftpe1, ftpe2)) 1 else 0) -
                            (if (isAsSpecific(ftpe2, ftpe1) &&
                                 // todo: move to isAsSpecific test
//                                 (!ftpe2.isInstanceOf[OverloadedType] || ftpe1.isInstanceOf[OverloadedType]) &&
                                 (!phase.erasedTypes || covariantReturnOverride(ftpe1, ftpe2))) 1 else 0)
        val subClassCount = (if (isInProperSubClassOrObject(sym1, sym2)) 1 else 0) -
                            (if (isInProperSubClassOrObject(sym2, sym1)) 1 else 0)
        specificCount + subClassCount > 0

    private def covariantReturnOverride(ftpe1: Type, ftpe2: Type): Boolean = ftpe1 match {
      case MethodType(_, rtpe1) =>
        ftpe2 match {
          case MethodType(_, rtpe2) => rtpe1 <:< rtpe2 || rtpe2.typeSymbol == ObjectClass
          case _                    => false
      case _ => false

    /** error if arguments not within bounds. */
    def checkBounds(tree: Tree, pre: Type, owner: Symbol, tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], prefix: String): Boolean = {
      def issueBoundsError()                       = { NotWithinBounds(tree, prefix, targs, tparams, Nil) ; false }
      def issueKindBoundErrors(errs: List[String]) = { KindBoundErrors(tree, prefix, targs, tparams, errs) ; false }
      //@M validate variances & bounds of targs wrt variances & bounds of tparams
      //@M TODO: better place to check this?
      //@M TODO: errors for getters & setters are reported separately
      def check() = checkKindBounds(tparams, targs, pre, owner) match {
        case Nil  => isWithinBounds(pre, owner, tparams, targs) || issueBoundsError()
        case errs => (targs contains WildcardType) || issueKindBoundErrors(errs)

      targs.exists(_.isErroneous) || tparams.exists(_.isErroneous) || check()

    def checkKindBounds(tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], pre: Type, owner: Symbol): List[String] = {
      checkKindBounds0(tparams, targs, pre, owner, explainErrors = true) map {
        case (targ, tparam, kindErrors) =>
          kindErrors.errorMessage(targ, tparam)

    /** Substitute free type variables `undetparams` of polymorphic argument
     *  expression `tree`, given two prototypes `strictPt`, and `lenientPt`.
     *  `strictPt` is the first attempt prototype where type parameters
     *  are left unchanged. `lenientPt` is the fall-back prototype where type
     *  parameters are replaced by `WildcardType`s. We try to instantiate
     *  first to `strictPt` and then, if this fails, to `lenientPt`. If both
     *  attempts fail, an error is produced.
    def inferArgumentInstance(tree: Tree, undetparams: List[Symbol], strictPt: Type, lenientPt: Type) {
      printTyping(tree, s"inferring arg instance based on pt0=$strictPt, pt1=$lenientPt")
      var targs = exprTypeArgs(undetparams, tree.tpe, strictPt, useWeaklyCompatible = false)
      if ((targs eq null) || !(tree.tpe.subst(undetparams, targs) <:< strictPt))
        targs = exprTypeArgs(undetparams, tree.tpe, lenientPt, useWeaklyCompatible = false)

      substExpr(tree, undetparams, targs, lenientPt)
      printTyping(tree, s"infer arg instance from pt0=$strictPt, pt1=$lenientPt; targs=$targs")

    /** Infer type arguments `targs` for `tparams` of polymorphic expression in `tree`, given prototype `pt`.
     * Substitute `tparams` to `targs` in `tree`, after adjustment by `adjustTypeArgs`, returning the type parameters that were not determined
     * If passed, infers against specified type `treeTp` instead of ``.
    def inferExprInstance(tree: Tree, tparams: List[Symbol], pt: Type = WildcardType, treeTp0: Type = null, keepNothings: Boolean = true, useWeaklyCompatible: Boolean = false): List[Symbol] = {
      val treeTp = if (treeTp0 eq null) tree.tpe else treeTp0 // can't refer to tree in default for treeTp0
      val tvars  = tparams map freshVar
      val targs  = exprTypeArgs(tvars, tparams, treeTp, pt, useWeaklyCompatible)
      def infer_s = map3(tparams, tvars, targs)((tparam, tvar, targ) => s"$tparam=$tvar/$targ") mkString ","
      printTyping(tree, s"infer expr instance from pt=$pt, $infer_s")

      // SI-7899 infering by-name types is unsound. The correct behaviour is conditional because the hole is
      //         exploited in Scalaz (Free.scala), as seen in: run/t7899-regression.
      def dropByNameIfStrict(tp: Type): Type = if (settings.inferByName) tp else dropByName(tp)
      def targsStrict = if (targs eq null) null else targs mapConserve dropByNameIfStrict

      if (keepNothings || (targs eq null)) { //@M: adjustTypeArgs fails if targs==null, neg/t0226
        substExpr(tree, tparams, targsStrict, pt)
      } else {
        val AdjustedTypeArgs.Undets(okParams, okArgs, leftUndet) = adjustTypeArgs(tparams, tvars, targsStrict)
        def solved_s = map2(okParams, okArgs)((p, a) => s"$p=$a") mkString ","
        def undet_s = leftUndet match {
          case Nil => ""
          case ps  => ps.mkString(", undet=", ",", "")
        printTyping(tree, s"infer solved $solved_s$undet_s")
        substExpr(tree, okParams, okArgs, pt)

    /** Substitute free type variables `undetparams` of polymorphic argument
     *  expression `tree` to `targs`, Error if `targs` is null.
    private def substExpr(tree: Tree, undetparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], pt: Type) {
      if (targs eq null) {
        if (!tree.tpe.isErroneous && !pt.isErroneous)
          PolymorphicExpressionInstantiationError(tree, undetparams, pt)
      else {
        new TreeTypeSubstituter(undetparams, targs).traverse(tree)
        notifyUndetparamsInferred(undetparams, targs)

    /** Substitute free type variables `undetparams` of application
     *  `fn(args)`, given prototype `pt`.
     *  @param fn          fn: the function that needs to be instantiated.
     *  @param undetparams the parameters that need to be determined
     *  @param args        the actual arguments supplied in the call.
     *  @param pt0         the expected type of the function application
     *  @return            The type parameters that remain uninstantiated,
     *                     and that thus have not been substituted.
    def inferMethodInstance(fn: Tree, undetparams: List[Symbol],
                            args: List[Tree], pt0: Type): List[Symbol] = fn.tpe match {
      case mt @ MethodType(params0, _) =>
        try {
          val pt      = if (pt0.typeSymbol == UnitClass) WildcardType else pt0
          val formals = formalTypes(mt.paramTypes, args.length)
          val argtpes = tupleIfNecessary(formals, args map (x => elimAnonymousClass(x.tpe.deconst)))
          val restpe  = fn.tpe.resultType(argtpes)

          val AdjustedTypeArgs.AllArgsAndUndets(okparams, okargs, allargs, leftUndet) =
            methTypeArgs(undetparams, formals, restpe, argtpes, pt)

          if (checkBounds(fn, NoPrefix, NoSymbol, undetparams, allargs, "inferred ")) {
            val treeSubst = new TreeTypeSubstituter(okparams, okargs)
            treeSubst traverseTrees fn :: args
            notifyUndetparamsInferred(okparams, okargs)

            leftUndet match {
              case Nil  => Nil
              case xs   =>
                // #3890
                val xs1 = treeSubst.typeMap mapOver xs
                if (xs ne xs1)
                  new TreeSymSubstTraverser(xs, xs1) traverseTrees fn :: args

          } else Nil
        catch ifNoInstance { msg =>
          NoMethodInstanceError(fn, args, msg); List()

    /** Substitute free type variables `undetparams` of type constructor
     *  `tree` in pattern, given prototype `pt`.
     *  @param tree        the constuctor that needs to be instantiated
     *  @param undetparams the undetermined type parameters
     *  @param pt0         the expected result type of the instance
    def inferConstructorInstance(tree: Tree, undetparams: List[Symbol], pt0: Type) {
      val pt       = abstractTypesToBounds(pt0)
      val ptparams = freeTypeParamsOfTerms(pt)
      val ctorTp   = tree.tpe
      val resTp    = ctorTp.finalResultType

      debuglog("infer constr inst "+ tree +"/"+ undetparams +"/ pt= "+ pt +" pt0= "+ pt0 +" resTp: "+ resTp)

      /* Compute type arguments for undetermined params */
      def inferFor(pt: Type): Option[List[Type]] = {
        val tvars   = undetparams map freshVar
        val resTpV  = resTp.instantiateTypeParams(undetparams, tvars)

        if (resTpV <:< pt) {
          try {
            // debuglog("TVARS "+ (tvars map (_.constr)))
            // look at the argument types of the primary constructor corresponding to the pattern
            val variances  =
              if (ctorTp.paramTypes.isEmpty) undetparams map varianceInType(ctorTp)
              else undetparams map varianceInTypes(ctorTp.paramTypes)

            // Note: this is the only place where solvedTypes (or, indirectly, solve) is called
            // with upper = true.
            val targs = solvedTypes(tvars, undetparams, variances, upper = true, lubDepth(resTp :: pt :: Nil))
            // checkBounds(tree, NoPrefix, NoSymbol, undetparams, targs, "inferred ")
            // no checkBounds here. If we enable it, test bug602 fails.
            // TODO: reinstate checkBounds, return params that fail to meet their bounds to undetparams
          } catch ifNoInstance { msg =>
            debuglog("NO INST "+ ((tvars, tvars map (_.constr))))
            NoConstructorInstanceError(tree, resTp, pt, msg)
        } else {
          debuglog("not a subtype: "+ resTpV +" </:< "+ pt)

      def inferForApproxPt =
        if (isFullyDefined(pt)) {
          inferFor(pt.instantiateTypeParams(ptparams, ptparams map (x => WildcardType))) flatMap { targs =>
            val ctorTpInst = tree.tpe.instantiateTypeParams(undetparams, targs)
            val resTpInst  = skipImplicit(ctorTpInst.finalResultType)
            val ptvars     =
              ptparams map {
                // since instantiateTypeVar wants to modify the skolem that corresponds to the method's type parameter,
                // and it uses the TypeVar's origin to locate it, deskolemize the existential skolem to the method tparam skolem
                // (the existential skolem was created by adaptConstrPattern to introduce the type slack necessary to soundly deal with variant type parameters)
                case skolem if skolem.isGADTSkolem => freshVar(skolem.deSkolemize.asInstanceOf[TypeSymbol])
                case p => freshVar(p)

            val ptV        = pt.instantiateTypeParams(ptparams, ptvars)

            if (isPopulated(resTpInst, ptV)) {
              ptvars foreach instantiateTypeVar
              debuglog("isPopulated "+ resTpInst +", "+ ptV +" vars= "+ ptvars)
            } else None
        } else None

      inferFor(pt) orElse inferForApproxPt match {
        case Some(targs) =>
          new TreeTypeSubstituter(undetparams, targs).traverse(tree)
          notifyUndetparamsInferred(undetparams, targs)
        case _ =>
          def not = if (isFullyDefined(pt)) "" else "not "
          devWarning(s"failed inferConstructorInstance for $tree: ${tree.tpe} undet=$undetparams, pt=$pt (${not}fully defined)")
          ConstrInstantiationError(tree, resTp, pt)

    def instBounds(tvar: TypeVar): TypeBounds = {
      val tparam               = tvar.origin.typeSymbol
      val instType             = toOrigin(tvar.constr.inst)
      val TypeBounds(lo, hi)   =
      val (loBounds, hiBounds) =
        if (isFullyDefined(instType)) (List(instType), List(instType))
        else (tvar.constr.loBounds, tvar.constr.hiBounds)

        lub(lo :: loBounds map toOrigin),
        glb(hi :: hiBounds map toOrigin)

    def isInstantiatable(tvars: List[TypeVar]) = {
      val tvars1 = tvars map (_.cloneInternal)
      // Note: right now it's not clear that solving is complete, or how it can be made complete!
      // So we should come back to this and investigate.
      solve(tvars1, tvars1 map (_.origin.typeSymbol), tvars1 map (_ => Variance.Covariant), upper = false, Depth.AnyDepth)

    // this is quite nasty: it destructively changes the info of the syms of e.g., method type params
    // (see #3692, where the type param T's bounds were set to > : T <: T, so that parts looped)
    // the changes are rolled back by restoreTypeBounds, but might be unintentially observed in the mean time
    def instantiateTypeVar(tvar: TypeVar) {
      val tparam                    = tvar.origin.typeSymbol
      val TypeBounds(lo0, hi0)      =
      val tb @ TypeBounds(lo1, hi1) = instBounds(tvar)
      val enclCase                  = context.enclosingCaseDef
      def enclCase_s                = enclCase.toString.replaceAll("\\n", " ").take(60)

      if (enclCase.savedTypeBounds.nonEmpty) log(
        sm"""|instantiateTypeVar with nonEmpty saved type bounds {
             |  enclosing  $enclCase_s
             |      saved  ${enclCase.savedTypeBounds}
             |     tparam  ${tparam.shortSymbolClass} ${tparam.defString}

      if (lo1 <:< hi1) {
        if (lo1 <:< lo0 && hi0 <:< hi1) // bounds unimproved
          log(s"redundant bounds: discarding TypeBounds($lo1, $hi1) for $tparam, no improvement on TypeBounds($lo0, $hi0)")
        else if (tparam == lo1.typeSymbolDirect || tparam == hi1.typeSymbolDirect)
          log(s"cyclical bounds: discarding TypeBounds($lo1, $hi1) for $tparam because $tparam appears as bounds")
        else {
          enclCase pushTypeBounds tparam
          tparam setInfo logResult(s"updated bounds: $tparam from ${} to")(tb)
      else log(s"inconsistent bounds: discarding TypeBounds($lo1, $hi1)")

    /** Type intersection of simple type tp1 with general type tp2.
     *  The result eliminates some redundancies.
    def intersect(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type = {
      if (tp1 <:< tp2) tp1
      else if (tp2 <:< tp1) tp2
      else {
        val reduced2 = tp2 match {
          case rtp @ RefinedType(parents2, decls2) =>
            copyRefinedType(rtp, parents2 filterNot (tp1 <:< _), decls2)
          case _ =>
        intersectionType(List(tp1, reduced2))

    def inferTypedPattern(tree0: Tree, pattp: Type, pt0: Type, canRemedy: Boolean): Type = {
      val pt        = abstractTypesToBounds(pt0)
      val ptparams  = freeTypeParamsOfTerms(pt)
      val tpparams  = freeTypeParamsOfTerms(pattp)

      def ptMatchesPattp = pt matchesPattern pattp.widen
      def pattpMatchesPt = pattp matchesPattern pt

      /* If we can absolutely rule out a match we can fail early.
       * This is the case if the scrutinee has no unresolved type arguments
       * and is a "final type", meaning final + invariant in all type parameters.
      if (pt.isFinalType && ptparams.isEmpty && !ptMatchesPattp) {
        IncompatibleScrutineeTypeError(tree0, pattp, pt)
        return ErrorType

      checkCheckable(tree0, pattp, pt, inPattern = true, canRemedy)
      if (pattp <:< pt) ()
      else {
        debuglog("free type params (1) = " + tpparams)

        var tvars = tpparams map freshVar
        var tp    = pattp.instantiateTypeParams(tpparams, tvars)

        if ((tp <:< pt) && isInstantiatable(tvars)) ()
        else {
          tvars = tpparams map freshVar
          tp    = pattp.instantiateTypeParams(tpparams, tvars)

          debuglog("free type params (2) = " + ptparams)

          val ptvars = ptparams map freshVar
          val pt1    = pt.instantiateTypeParams(ptparams, ptvars)

          // See ticket #2486 for an example of code which would incorrectly
          // fail if we didn't allow for pattpMatchesPt.
          if (isPopulated(tp, pt1) && isInstantiatable(tvars ++ ptvars) || pattpMatchesPt)
             ptvars foreach instantiateTypeVar
          else {
            PatternTypeIncompatibleWithPtError1(tree0, pattp, pt)
            return ErrorType
        tvars foreach instantiateTypeVar
      /* If the scrutinee has free type parameters but the pattern does not,
       * we have to flip the arguments so the expected type is treated as more
       * general when calculating the intersection.  See run/bug2755.scala.
      if (tpparams.isEmpty && ptparams.nonEmpty) intersect(pattp, pt)
      else intersect(pt, pattp)

    def inferModulePattern(pat: Tree, pt: Type) =
      if (!(pat.tpe <:< pt)) {
        val ptparams = freeTypeParamsOfTerms(pt)
        debuglog("free type params (2) = " + ptparams)
        val ptvars = ptparams map freshVar
        val pt1 = pt.instantiateTypeParams(ptparams, ptvars)
        if (pat.tpe <:< pt1)
          ptvars foreach instantiateTypeVar
          PatternTypeIncompatibleWithPtError2(pat, pt1, pt)

    object toOrigin extends TypeMap {
      def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
        case TypeVar(origin, _) => origin
        case _ => mapOver(tp)

    object approximateAbstracts extends TypeMap {
      def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp.dealiasWiden match {
        case TypeRef(pre, sym, _) if sym.isAbstractType => WildcardType
        case _                                          => mapOver(tp)

    /** Collects type parameters referred to in a type.
    def freeTypeParamsOfTerms(tp: Type): List[Symbol] = {
      // An inferred type which corresponds to an unknown type
      // constructor creates a file/declaration order-dependent crasher
      // situation, the behavior of which depends on the state at the
      // time the typevar is created. Until we can deal with these
      // properly, we can avoid it by ignoring type parameters which
      // have type constructors amongst their bounds. See SI-4070.
      def isFreeTypeParamOfTerm(sym: Symbol) = (
          && sym.owner.isTerm
          && !

      // Intentionally *not* using `Type#typeSymbol` here, which would normalize `tp`
      // and collect symbols from the result type of any resulting `PolyType`s, which
      // are not free type parameters of `tp`.
      // Contrast with `isFreeTypeParamNoSkolem`.
      val syms = tp collect {
        case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if isFreeTypeParamOfTerm(sym) => sym

    /* -- Overload Resolution ---------------------------------------------- */

    /** Assign `tree` the symbol and type of the alternative which
     *  matches prototype `pt`, if it exists.
     *  If several alternatives match `pt`, take parameterless one.
     *  If no alternative matches `pt`, take the parameterless one anyway.
    def inferExprAlternative(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = {
      def tryOurBests(pre: Type, alts: List[Symbol], isSecondTry: Boolean): Unit = {
        val alts0 = alts filter (alt => isWeaklyCompatible(pre memberType alt, pt))
        val alts1 = if (alts0.isEmpty) alts else alts0
        val bests = bestAlternatives(alts1) { (sym1, sym2) =>
          val tp1 = pre memberType sym1
          val tp2 = pre memberType sym2

          (    (tp2 eq ErrorType)
            || isWeaklyCompatible(tp1, pt) && !isWeaklyCompatible(tp2, pt)
            || isStrictlyMoreSpecific(tp1, tp2, sym1, sym2)
        // todo: missing test case for bests.isEmpty
        bests match {
          case best :: Nil                              => tree setSymbol best setType (pre memberType best)
          case best :: competing :: _ if alts0.nonEmpty =>
            // SI-6912 Don't give up and leave an OverloadedType on the tree.
            //         Originally I wrote this as `if (secondTry) ... `, but `tryTwice` won't attempt the second try
            //         unless an error is issued. We're not issuing an error, in the assumption that it would be
            //         spurious in light of the erroneous expected type
            if (pt.isErroneous) setError(tree)
            else AmbiguousExprAlternativeError(tree, pre, best, competing, pt, isSecondTry)
          case _                                        => if (bests.isEmpty || alts0.isEmpty) NoBestExprAlternativeError(tree, pt, isSecondTry)
      tree.tpe match {
        case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => tryTwice(tryOurBests(pre, alts, _)) ; tree
        case _                         => tree

    // Checks against the name of the parameter and also any @deprecatedName.
    private def paramMatchesName(param: Symbol, name: Name) = == name || param.deprecatedParamName.exists(_ == name)

    private def containsNamedType(argtpes: List[Type]): Boolean = argtpes match {
      case Nil                  => false
      case NamedType(_, _) :: _ => true
      case _ :: rest            => containsNamedType(rest)
    private def namesOfNamedArguments(argtpes: List[Type]) =
      argtpes collect { case NamedType(name, _) => name }

    /** Given a list of argument types and eligible method overloads, whittle the
     *  list down to the methods which should be considered for specificity
     *  testing, taking into account here:
     *   - named arguments at the call site (keep only methods with name-matching parameters)
     *   - if multiple methods are eligible, drop any methods which take default arguments
     *   - drop any where arity cannot match under any conditions (allowing for
     *     overloaded applies, varargs, and tupling conversions)
     *  This method is conservative; it can tolerate some varieties of false positive,
     *  but no false negatives.
     *  @param  eligible     the overloaded method symbols
     *  @param  argtpes      the argument types at the call site
     *  @param  varargsStar  true if the call site has a `: _*` attached to the last argument
    private def overloadsToConsiderBySpecificity(eligible: List[Symbol], argtpes: List[Type], varargsStar: Boolean): List[Symbol] = {
      // TODO spec: this namesMatch business is not spec'ed, and is the wrong fix for SI-4592
      // we should instead clarify what the spec means by "typing each argument with an undefined expected type".
      // What does typing a named argument entail when we don't know what the valid parameter names are?
      // (Since we're doing overload resolution, there are multiple alternatives that can define different names.)
      // Luckily, the next step checks applicability to the individual alternatives, so it knows whether an assignment is:
      // 1) a valid named argument
      // 2) a well-typed assignment
      // 3) an error (e.g., rhs does not refer to a variable)
      // For now, the logic is:
      // If there are any foo=bar style arguments, and any of the overloaded
      // methods has a parameter named `foo`, then only those methods are considered when we must disambiguate.
      def namesMatch = namesOfNamedArguments(argtpes) match {
        case Nil   => Nil
        case names => eligible filter (m => names forall (name => exists (p => paramMatchesName(p, name))))
      if (eligible.isEmpty || eligible.tail.isEmpty) eligible
        namesMatch match {
          case namesMatch if namesMatch.nonEmpty => namesMatch // TODO: this has no basis in the spec, remove!
          case _ =>
            // If there are multiple applicable alternatives, drop those using default arguments.
            // This is done indirectly by checking applicability based on arity in `isApplicableBasedOnArity`.
            // If defaults are required in the application, the arities won't match up exactly.
            // TODO: should we really allow tupling here?? (If we don't, this is the only call-site with `tuplingAllowed = true`)
            eligible filter (alt => isApplicableBasedOnArity(alt.tpe, argtpes.length, varargsStar, tuplingAllowed = true))

    /** Assign `tree` the type of an alternative which is applicable
     *  to `argtpes`, and whose result type is compatible with `pt`.
     *  If several applicable alternatives exist, drop the alternatives which use
     *  default arguments, then select the most specialized one.
     *  If no applicable alternative exists, and pt != WildcardType, try again
     *  with pt = WildcardType.
     *  Otherwise, if there is no best alternative, error.
     *  @param argtpes0 contains the argument types. If an argument is named, as
     *    "a = 3", the corresponding type is `NamedType("a", Int)'. If the name
     *    of some NamedType does not exist in an alternative's parameter names,
     *    the type is replaces by `Unit`, i.e. the argument is treated as an
     *    assignment expression.
     *  @pre  tree.tpe is an OverloadedType.
    def inferMethodAlternative(tree: Tree, undetparams: List[Symbol], argtpes0: List[Type], pt0: Type): Unit = {
      val OverloadedType(pre, alts) = tree.tpe
      var varargsStar = false
      val argtpes = argtpes0 mapConserve {
        case RepeatedType(tp) => varargsStar = true ; tp
        case tp               => tp
      def followType(sym: Symbol) = followApply(pre memberType sym)
      def bestForExpectedType(pt: Type, isLastTry: Boolean): Unit = {
        val applicable0 = alts filter (alt => context inSilentMode isApplicable(undetparams, followType(alt), argtpes, pt))
        val applicable  = overloadsToConsiderBySpecificity(applicable0, argtpes, varargsStar)
        val ranked      = bestAlternatives(applicable)((sym1, sym2) =>
          isStrictlyMoreSpecific(followType(sym1), followType(sym2), sym1, sym2)
        ranked match {
          case best :: competing :: _ => AmbiguousMethodAlternativeError(tree, pre, best, competing, argtpes, pt, isLastTry) // ambiguous
          case best :: Nil            => tree setSymbol best setType (pre memberType best)           // success
          case Nil if pt.isWildcard   => NoBestMethodAlternativeError(tree, argtpes, pt, isLastTry)  // failed
          case Nil                    => bestForExpectedType(WildcardType, isLastTry)                // failed, but retry with WildcardType
      // This potentially makes up to four attempts: tryTwice may execute
      // with and without views enabled, and bestForExpectedType will try again
      // with pt = WildcardType if it fails with pt != WildcardType.
      tryTwice { isLastTry =>
        val pt = if (pt0.typeSymbol == UnitClass) WildcardType else pt0
        debuglog(s"infer method alt ${tree.symbol} with alternatives ${alts map pre.memberType} argtpes=$argtpes pt=$pt")
        bestForExpectedType(pt, isLastTry)

    /** Try inference twice, once without views and once with views,
     *  unless views are already disabled.
    def tryTwice(infer: Boolean => Unit): Unit = {
      if (context.implicitsEnabled) {
        val savedContextMode = context.contextMode
        var fallback = false
        // We cache the current buffer because it is impossible to
        // distinguish errors that occurred before entering tryTwice
        // and our first attempt in 'withImplicitsDisabled'. If the
        // first attempt fails we try with implicits on *and* clean
        // buffer but that would also flush any pre-tryTwice valid
        // errors, hence some manual buffer tweaking is necessary.
        val errorsToRestore = context.flushAndReturnBuffer()
        try {
          if (context.hasErrors) {
            fallback = true
            context.contextMode = savedContextMode
        } catch {
          case ex: CyclicReference  => throw ex
          case ex: TypeError        => // recoverable cyclic references
            context.contextMode = savedContextMode
            if (!fallback) infer(true) else ()
        } finally {
          context.contextMode = savedContextMode
      else infer(true)

    /** Assign `tree` the type of all polymorphic alternatives
     *  which have the same number of type parameters as does `argtypes`
     *  with all argtypes are within the corresponding type parameter bounds.
     *  If no such polymorphic alternative exist, error.
    def inferPolyAlternatives(tree: Tree, argtypes: List[Type]): Unit = {
      val OverloadedType(pre, alts) = tree.tpe
      // Alternatives with a matching length type parameter list
      val matchingLength   = tree.symbol filter (alt => sameLength(alt.typeParams, argtypes))
      def allMonoAlts      = alts forall (_.typeParams.isEmpty)
      def errorKind        = matchingLength match {
        case NoSymbol if allMonoAlts => PolyAlternativeErrorKind.NoParams          // no polymorphic method alternative
        case NoSymbol                => PolyAlternativeErrorKind.WrongNumber       // wrong number of tparams
        case _                       => PolyAlternativeErrorKind.ArgsDoNotConform  // didn't conform to bounds
      def fail() = PolyAlternativeError(tree, argtypes, matchingLength, errorKind)
      def finish(sym: Symbol, tpe: Type) = tree setSymbol sym setType tpe
      // Alternatives which conform to bounds
      def checkWithinBounds(sym: Symbol) = sym.alternatives match {
        case Nil if argtypes.exists(_.isErroneous) =>
        case Nil                                   => fail()
        case alt :: Nil                            => finish(alt, pre memberType alt)
        case alts @ (hd :: _)                      =>
          log(s"Attaching AntiPolyType-carrying overloaded type to $sym")
          // Multiple alternatives which are within bounds; spin up an
          // overloaded type which carries an "AntiPolyType" as a prefix.
          val tparams = newAsSeenFromMap(pre, hd.owner) mapOver hd.typeParams
          val bounds  = tparams map (_.tpeHK) // see e.g., #1236
          val tpe     = PolyType(tparams, OverloadedType(AntiPolyType(pre, bounds), alts))
          finish(sym setInfo tpe, tpe)
      matchingLength.alternatives match {
        case Nil        => fail()
        case alt :: Nil => finish(alt, pre memberType alt)
        case _          => checkWithinBounds(matchingLength filter (alt => isWithinBounds(pre, alt.owner, alt.typeParams, argtypes)))

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