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Scala example source code file (MethodSynthesis.scala)

This example Scala source code file (MethodSynthesis.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

compiler, defdef, derivedfromvaldef, emptytree, list, name, nil, nsc, reflection, runtime, symbol, tree, type, valdef

The MethodSynthesis.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Paul Phillips
package typechecker

import symtab.Flags._
import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps.{ ojoin }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.{ universe => ru }
import scala.language.higherKinds

/** Logic related to method synthesis which involves cooperation between
 *  Namer and Typer.
trait MethodSynthesis {
  self: Analyzer =>

  import global._
  import definitions._
  import CODE._

  /** The annotations amongst those found on the original symbol which
   *  should be propagated to this kind of accessor.
  def deriveAnnotations(initial: List[AnnotationInfo], category: Symbol, keepClean: Boolean): List[AnnotationInfo] = {
    def annotationFilter(ann: AnnotationInfo) = ann.metaAnnotations match {
      case Nil if ann.defaultTargets.isEmpty => keepClean                             // no meta-annotations or default targets
      case Nil                               => ann.defaultTargets contains category  // default targets exist for ann
      case metas                             => metas exists (_ matches category)     // meta-annotations attached to ann
    initial filter annotationFilter

  class ClassMethodSynthesis(val clazz: Symbol, localTyper: Typer) {
    def mkThis = This(clazz) setPos clazz.pos.focus
    def mkThisSelect(sym: Symbol) = atPos(clazz.pos.focus)(
      if (clazz.isClass) Select(This(clazz), sym) else Ident(sym)

    private def isOverride(name: TermName) =
      clazzMember(name).alternatives exists (sym => !sym.isDeferred && (sym.owner != clazz))

    def newMethodFlags(name: TermName) = {
      val overrideFlag = if (isOverride(name)) OVERRIDE else 0L
      overrideFlag | SYNTHETIC
    def newMethodFlags(method: Symbol) = {
      val overrideFlag = if (isOverride( OVERRIDE else 0L
      (method.flags | overrideFlag | SYNTHETIC) & ~DEFERRED

    private def finishMethod(method: Symbol, f: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
      localTyper typed (
        if (method.isLazy) ValDef(method, f(method))
        else DefDef(method, f(method))

    private def createInternal(name: Name, f: Symbol => Tree, info: Type): Tree = {
      val name1 = name.toTermName
      val m = clazz.newMethod(name1, clazz.pos.focus, newMethodFlags(name1))
      finishMethod(m setInfoAndEnter info, f)
    private def createInternal(name: Name, f: Symbol => Tree, infoFn: Symbol => Type): Tree = {
      val name1 = name.toTermName
      val m = clazz.newMethod(name1, clazz.pos.focus, newMethodFlags(name1))
      finishMethod(m setInfoAndEnter infoFn(m), f)
    private def cloneInternal(original: Symbol, f: Symbol => Tree, name: Name): Tree = {
      val m = original.cloneSymbol(clazz, newMethodFlags(original), name) setPos clazz.pos.focus
      finishMethod( enter m, f)

    def clazzMember(name: Name)  = nonPrivateMember name
    def typeInClazz(sym: Symbol) = clazz.thisType memberType sym

    def deriveMethod(original: Symbol, nameFn: Name => Name)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
      cloneInternal(original, f, nameFn(

    def createMethod(name: Name, paramTypes: List[Type], returnType: Type)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
      createInternal(name, f, (m: Symbol) => MethodType(m newSyntheticValueParams paramTypes, returnType))

    def createMethod(name: Name, returnType: Type)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
      createInternal(name, f, NullaryMethodType(returnType))

    def createMethod(original: Symbol)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
      createInternal(, f,

    def forwardMethod(original: Symbol, newMethod: Symbol)(transformArgs: List[Tree] => List[Tree]): Tree =
      createMethod(original)(m => gen.mkMethodCall(newMethod, transformArgs(m.paramss.head map Ident)))

    def createSwitchMethod(name: Name, range: Seq[Int], returnType: Type)(f: Int => Tree) = {
      createMethod(name, List(IntTpe), returnType) { m =>
        val arg0    = Ident(m.firstParam)
        val default = DEFAULT ==> Throw(IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionClass.tpe_*, fn(arg0, nme.toString_))
        val cases   = => CASE(LIT(num)) ==> f(num)).toList :+ default

        Match(arg0, cases)

    // def foo() = constant
    def constantMethod(name: Name, value: Any): Tree = {
      val constant = Constant(value)
      createMethod(name, Nil, constant.tpe)(_ => Literal(constant))
    // def foo = constant
    def constantNullary(name: Name, value: Any): Tree = {
      val constant = Constant(value)
      createMethod(name, constant.tpe)(_ => Literal(constant))

  /** There are two key methods in here.
   *   1) Enter methods such as enterGetterSetter are called
   *   from Namer with a tree which may generate further trees such as accessors or
   *   implicit wrappers. Some setup is performed.  In general this creates symbols
   *   and enters them into the scope of the owner.
   *   2) addDerivedTrees is called from Typer when a Template is typed.
   *   It completes the job, returning a list of trees with their symbols
   *   set to those created in the enter methods.  Those trees then become
   *   part of the typed template.
  trait MethodSynth {
    self: Namer =>

    import NamerErrorGen._

    def enterImplicitWrapper(tree: ClassDef) {

    def enterGetterSetter(tree: ValDef) {
      val ValDef(mods, name, _, _) = tree
      if (nme.isSetterName(name))

      tree.symbol = (
        if (mods.isLazy) {
          val lazyValGetter = LazyValGetter(tree).createAndEnterSymbol()
          enterLazyVal(tree, lazyValGetter)
        } else {
          if (mods.isPrivateLocal)
          val getter = Getter(tree).createAndEnterSymbol()
          // Create the setter if necessary.
          if (mods.isMutable)

          // If abstract, the tree gets the getter's symbol.  Otherwise, create a field.
          if (mods.isDeferred) getter setPos tree.pos
          else enterStrictVal(tree)


    /** This is called for those ValDefs which addDerivedTrees ignores, but
     *  which might have a warnable annotation situation.
    private def warnForDroppedAnnotations(tree: Tree) {
      val annotations   = tree.symbol.initialize.annotations
      val targetClass   = defaultAnnotationTarget(tree)
      val retained      = deriveAnnotations(annotations, targetClass, keepClean = true)

      annotations filterNot (retained contains _) foreach (ann => issueAnnotationWarning(tree, ann, targetClass))
    private def issueAnnotationWarning(tree: Tree, ann: AnnotationInfo, defaultTarget: Symbol) {
        s"no valid targets for annotation on ${tree.symbol} - it is discarded unused. " +
        s"You may specify targets with meta-annotations, e.g. @($ann @${})")

    def addDerivedTrees(typer: Typer, stat: Tree): List[Tree] = stat match {
      case vd @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) if !noFinishGetterSetter(vd) =>
        // If we don't save the annotations, they seem to wander off.
        val annotations = stat.symbol.initialize.annotations
        val trees = (
                map (acc => atPos(vd.pos.focus)(acc derive annotations))
          filterNot (_ eq EmptyTree)
        // Verify each annotation landed safely somewhere, else warn.
        // Filtering when isParamAccessor is a necessary simplification
        // because there's a bunch of unwritten annotation code involving
        // the propagation of annotations - constructor parameter annotations
        // may need to make their way to parameters of the constructor as
        // well as fields of the class, etc.
        if (!mods.isParamAccessor) annotations foreach (ann =>
          if (!trees.exists(_.symbol hasAnnotation ann.symbol))
            issueAnnotationWarning(vd, ann, GetterTargetClass)

      case vd: ValDef =>
        vd :: Nil
      case cd @ ClassDef(mods, _, _, _) if mods.isImplicit =>
        val annotations = stat.symbol.initialize.annotations
        // TODO: need to shuffle annotations between wrapper and class.
        val wrapper = ImplicitClassWrapper(cd)
        val meth = wrapper.derivedSym
        context.unit.synthetics get meth match {
          case Some(mdef) =>
            context.unit.synthetics -= meth
            meth setAnnotations deriveAnnotations(annotations, MethodTargetClass, keepClean = false)
            cd.symbol setAnnotations deriveAnnotations(annotations, ClassTargetClass, keepClean = true)
            List(cd, mdef)
          case _ =>
            // Shouldn't happen, but let's give ourselves a reasonable error when it does
            abort("No synthetics for " + meth + ": synthetics contains " + context.unit.synthetics.keys.mkString(", "))
      case _ =>
        stat :: Nil

    def standardAccessors(vd: ValDef): List[DerivedFromValDef] = (
      if (vd.mods.isMutable && !vd.mods.isLazy) List(Getter(vd), Setter(vd))
      else if (vd.mods.isLazy) List(LazyValGetter(vd))
      else List(Getter(vd))
    def beanAccessors(vd: ValDef): List[DerivedFromValDef] = {
      val setter = if (vd.mods.isMutable) List(BeanSetter(vd)) else Nil
      if (vd.symbol hasAnnotation BeanPropertyAttr)
        BeanGetter(vd) :: setter
      else if (vd.symbol hasAnnotation BooleanBeanPropertyAttr)
        BooleanBeanGetter(vd) :: setter
      else Nil
    def allValDefDerived(vd: ValDef) = {
      val field = if (vd.mods.isDeferred || (vd.mods.isLazy && hasUnitType(vd.symbol))) Nil
                  else List(Field(vd))
      field ::: standardAccessors(vd) ::: beanAccessors(vd)

    // Take into account annotations so that we keep annotated unit lazy val
    // to get better error message already from the cps plugin itself
    def hasUnitType(sym: Symbol) = (sym.tpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass) && sym.tpe.annotations.isEmpty

    /** This trait assembles what's needed for synthesizing derived methods.
     *  Important: Typically, instances of this trait are created TWICE for each derived
     *  symbol; once form Namers in an enter method, and once from Typers in addDerivedTrees.
     *  So it's important that creating an instance of Derived does not have a side effect,
     *  or if it has a side effect, control that it is done only once.
    sealed trait Derived {

      /** The tree from which we are deriving a synthetic member. Typically, that's
       *  given as an argument of the instance. */
      def tree: Tree

      /** The name of the method */
      def name: TermName

      /** The flags that are retained from the original symbol */

      def flagsMask: Long

      /** The flags that the derived symbol has in addition to those retained from
       *  the original symbol*/
      def flagsExtra: Long

      /** type completer for the synthetic member.
      def completer(sym: Symbol): Type

      /** The derived symbol. It is assumed that this symbol already exists and has been
       *  entered in the parent scope when derivedSym is called */
      def derivedSym: Symbol

      /** The definition tree of the derived symbol. */
      def derivedTree: Tree

    sealed trait DerivedFromMemberDef extends Derived {
      def tree: MemberDef
      def enclClass: Symbol

      // Final methods to make the rest easier to reason about.
      final def mods               = tree.mods
      final def basisSym           = tree.symbol

    sealed trait DerivedFromClassDef extends DerivedFromMemberDef {
      def tree: ClassDef
      final def enclClass = basisSym.owner.enclClass

    sealed trait DerivedFromValDef extends DerivedFromMemberDef {
      def tree: ValDef
      final def enclClass = basisSym.enclClass

      /** Which meta-annotation is associated with this kind of entity.
       *  Presently one of: field, getter, setter, beanGetter, beanSetter, param.
      def category: Symbol

      /* Explicit isSetter required for bean setters (beanSetterSym.isSetter is false) */
      final def completer(sym: Symbol) = namerOf(sym).accessorTypeCompleter(tree, isSetter)
      final def fieldSelection         = Select(This(enclClass), basisSym)
      final def derivedMods: Modifiers = mods & flagsMask | flagsExtra mapAnnotations (_ => Nil)

      def derivedSym: Symbol = tree.symbol
      def derivedTree: Tree  = EmptyTree

      def isSetter   = false
      def isDeferred = mods.isDeferred
      def keepClean  = false  // whether annotations whose definitions are not meta-annotated should be kept.
      def validate() { }
      def createAndEnterSymbol(): Symbol = {
        val sym = owner.newMethod(name, tree.pos.focus, (tree.mods.flags & flagsMask) | flagsExtra)
        setPrivateWithin(tree, sym)
        sym setInfo completer(sym)
      private def logDerived(result: Tree): Tree = {
        debuglog("[+derived] " + ojoin(mods.flagString, basisSym.accurateKindString, basisSym.getterName.decode)
          + " (" + derivedSym + ")\n        " + result)

      final def derive(initial: List[AnnotationInfo]): Tree = {
        derivedSym setAnnotations deriveAnnotations(initial, category, keepClean)
    sealed trait DerivedGetter extends DerivedFromValDef {
      // TODO
    sealed trait DerivedSetter extends DerivedFromValDef {
      override def isSetter = true
      private def setterParam = derivedSym.paramss match {
        case (p :: Nil) :: _  => p
        case _                => NoSymbol
      private def setterRhs = (
        if (mods.isDeferred || derivedSym.isOverloaded) EmptyTree
        else Assign(fieldSelection, Ident(setterParam))
      private def setterDef = DefDef(derivedSym, setterRhs)
      override def derivedTree: Tree = if (setterParam == NoSymbol) EmptyTree else setterDef

    /** A synthetic method which performs the implicit conversion implied by
     *  the declaration of an implicit class.
    case class ImplicitClassWrapper(tree: ClassDef) extends DerivedFromClassDef {
      def completer(sym: Symbol): Type = ??? // not needed
      def createAndEnterSymbol(): Symbol = enterSyntheticSym(derivedTree)
      def derivedSym: Symbol = {
        // Only methods will do! Don't want to pick up any stray
        // companion objects of the same name.
        val result = decl name suchThat (x => x.isMethod && x.isSynthetic)
        assert(result != NoSymbol, "not found: "+name+" in "+enclClass+" "
      def derivedTree: DefDef          =
        factoryMeth(mods & flagsMask | flagsExtra, name, tree)
      def flagsExtra: Long             = METHOD | IMPLICIT | SYNTHETIC
      def flagsMask: Long              = AccessFlags
      def name: TermName               =

    sealed abstract class BaseGetter(tree: ValDef) extends DerivedGetter {
      def name       =
      def category   = GetterTargetClass
      def flagsMask  = GetterFlags
      def flagsExtra = ACCESSOR.toLong | ( if (tree.mods.isMutable) 0 else STABLE )

      override def validate() {
        assert(derivedSym != NoSymbol, tree)
        if (derivedSym.isOverloaded)

    case class Getter(tree: ValDef) extends BaseGetter(tree) {
      override def derivedSym = if (mods.isDeferred) basisSym else basisSym.getter(enclClass)
      private def derivedRhs  = if (mods.isDeferred) EmptyTree else fieldSelection
      private def derivedTpt = {
        // For existentials, don't specify a type for the getter, even one derived
        // from the symbol! This leads to incompatible existentials for the field and
        // the getter. Let the typer do all the work. You might think "why only for
        // existentials, why not always," and you would be right, except: a single test
        // fails, but it looked like some work to deal with it. Test neg/t0606.scala
        // starts compiling (instead of failing like it's supposed to) because the typer
        // expects to be able to identify escaping locals in typedDefDef, and fails to
        // spot that brand of them. In other words it's an artifact of the implementation.
        val tpt = derivedSym.tpe_*.finalResultType.widen match {
          // Range position errors ensue if we don't duplicate this in some
          // circumstances (at least: concrete vals with existential types.)
          case ExistentialType(_, _)  => TypeTree() setOriginal (tree.tpt.duplicate setPos tree.tpt.pos.focus)
          case _ if mods.isDeferred   => TypeTree() setOriginal tree.tpt // keep type tree of original abstract field
          case tp                     => TypeTree(tp)
        tpt setPos tree.tpt.pos.focus
      override def derivedTree: DefDef = newDefDef(derivedSym, derivedRhs)(tpt = derivedTpt)
    /** Implements lazy value accessors:
     *    - for lazy values of type Unit and all lazy fields inside traits,
     *      the rhs is the initializer itself
     *    - for all other lazy values z the accessor is a block of this form:
     *      { z = <rhs>; z } where z can be an identifier or a field.
    case class LazyValGetter(tree: ValDef) extends BaseGetter(tree) {
      class ChangeOwnerAndModuleClassTraverser(oldowner: Symbol, newowner: Symbol)
        extends ChangeOwnerTraverser(oldowner, newowner) {

        override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
          tree match {
            case _: DefTree => change(tree.symbol.moduleClass)
            case _          =>

      // todo: in future this should be enabled but now other phases still depend on the flag for various reasons
      //override def flagsMask = (super.flagsMask & ~LAZY)
      override def derivedSym = basisSym.lazyAccessor
      override def derivedTree: DefDef = {
        val ValDef(_, _, tpt0, rhs0) = tree
        val rhs1 = context.unit.transformed.getOrElse(rhs0, rhs0)
        val body = (
          if (tree.symbol.owner.isTrait || hasUnitType(basisSym)) rhs1
          else gen.mkAssignAndReturn(basisSym, rhs1)
        derivedSym setPos tree.pos // cannot set it at createAndEnterSymbol because basisSym can possible stil have NoPosition
        val ddefRes = DefDef(derivedSym, new ChangeOwnerAndModuleClassTraverser(basisSym, derivedSym)(body))
        // ValDef will have its position focused whereas DefDef will have original correct rangepos
        // ideally positions would be correct at the creation time but lazy vals are really a special case
        // here so for the sake of keeping api clean we fix positions manually in LazyValGetter
    case class Setter(tree: ValDef) extends DerivedSetter {
      def name       = tree.setterName
      def category   = SetterTargetClass
      def flagsMask  = SetterFlags
      def flagsExtra = ACCESSOR

      override def derivedSym = basisSym.setter(enclClass)
    case class Field(tree: ValDef) extends DerivedFromValDef {
      def name       = tree.localName
      def category   = FieldTargetClass
      def flagsMask  = FieldFlags
      def flagsExtra = PrivateLocal
      // By default annotations go to the field, except if the field is
      // generated for a class parameter (PARAMACCESSOR).
      override def keepClean = !mods.isParamAccessor
      override def derivedTree = (
        if (mods.isDeferred) EmptyTree
        else if (mods.isLazy) copyValDef(tree)(mods = mods | flagsExtra, name =, rhs = EmptyTree).setPos(tree.pos.focus)
        else copyValDef(tree)(mods = mods | flagsExtra, name =
    case class Param(tree: ValDef) extends DerivedFromValDef {
      def name       =
      def category   = ParamTargetClass
      def flagsMask  = -1L
      def flagsExtra = 0L
      override def keepClean = true
      override def derivedTree = EmptyTree
    def validateParam(tree: ValDef) {

    sealed abstract class BeanAccessor(bean: String) extends DerivedFromValDef {
      val name       = newTermName(bean +
      def flagsMask  = BeanPropertyFlags
      def flagsExtra = 0
      override def derivedSym = decl name
    sealed trait AnyBeanGetter extends BeanAccessor with DerivedGetter {
      def category = BeanGetterTargetClass
      override def validate() {
        if (derivedSym == NoSymbol) {
          // the namer decides whether to generate these symbols or not. at that point, we don't
          // have symbolic information yet, so we only look for annotations named "BeanProperty".
    trait NoSymbolBeanGetter extends AnyBeanGetter {
      // Derives a tree without attempting to use the original tree's symbol.
      override def derivedTree = {
        atPos(tree.pos.focus) {
          DefDef(derivedMods, name, Nil, ListOfNil, tree.tpt.duplicate,
            if (isDeferred) EmptyTree else Select(This(owner),
      override def createAndEnterSymbol(): Symbol = enterSyntheticSym(derivedTree)
    case class BooleanBeanGetter(tree: ValDef) extends BeanAccessor("is") with AnyBeanGetter { }
    case class BeanGetter(tree: ValDef) extends BeanAccessor("get") with AnyBeanGetter { }
    case class BeanSetter(tree: ValDef) extends BeanAccessor("set") with DerivedSetter {
      def category = BeanSetterTargetClass

    // No Symbols available.
    private def beanAccessorsFromNames(tree: ValDef) = {
      val ValDef(mods, _, _, _) = tree
      val hasBP     = mods hasAnnotationNamed tpnme.BeanPropertyAnnot
      val hasBoolBP = mods hasAnnotationNamed tpnme.BooleanBeanPropertyAnnot

      if (hasBP || hasBoolBP) {
        val getter = (
          if (hasBP) new BeanGetter(tree) with NoSymbolBeanGetter
          else new BooleanBeanGetter(tree) with NoSymbolBeanGetter
        getter :: {
          if (mods.isMutable) List(BeanSetter(tree)) else Nil
      else Nil

    protected def enterBeans(tree: ValDef) {
      val ValDef(mods, name, _, _) = tree
      val beans = beanAccessorsFromNames(tree)
      if (beans.nonEmpty) {
        if (!name.charAt(0).isLetter)
        else if (mods.isPrivate)  // avoids name clashes with private fields in traits

        // Create and enter the symbols here, add the trees in finishGetterSetter.
        beans foreach (_.createAndEnterSymbol())

Other Scala source code examples

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