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Scala example source code file (SyntheticMethods.scala)

This example Scala source code file (SyntheticMethods.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

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The SyntheticMethods.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Martin Odersky

package typechecker

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import symtab.Flags._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.language.postfixOps

/** Synthetic method implementations for case classes and case objects.
 *  Added to all case classes/objects:
 *    def productArity: Int
 *    def productElement(n: Int): Any
 *    def productPrefix: String
 *    def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
 *  Selectively added to case classes/objects, unless a non-default
 *  implementation already exists:
 *    def equals(other: Any): Boolean
 *    def hashCode(): Int
 *    def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean
 *    def toString(): String
 *  Special handling:
 *    protected def readResolve(): AnyRef
trait SyntheticMethods extends ast.TreeDSL {
  self: Analyzer =>

  import global._
  import definitions._
  import CODE._

  private lazy val productSymbols    = List(Product_productPrefix, Product_productArity, Product_productElement, Product_iterator, Product_canEqual)
  private lazy val valueSymbols      = List(Any_hashCode, Any_equals)
  private lazy val caseSymbols       = List(Object_hashCode, Object_toString) ::: productSymbols
  private lazy val caseValueSymbols  = Any_toString :: valueSymbols ::: productSymbols
  private lazy val caseObjectSymbols = Object_equals :: caseSymbols
  private def symbolsToSynthesize(clazz: Symbol): List[Symbol] = {
    if (clazz.isCase) {
      if (clazz.isDerivedValueClass) caseValueSymbols
      else if (clazz.isModuleClass) caseSymbols
      else caseObjectSymbols
    else if (clazz.isDerivedValueClass) valueSymbols
    else Nil
  private lazy val renamedCaseAccessors = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, mutable.Map[TermName, TermName]]()
  /** Does not force the info of `caseclazz` */
  final def caseAccessorName(caseclazz: Symbol, paramName: TermName) =
    (renamedCaseAccessors get caseclazz).fold(paramName)(_(paramName))

  /** Add the synthetic methods to case classes.
  def addSyntheticMethods(templ: Template, clazz0: Symbol, context: Context): Template = {
    val syntheticsOk = ( <= && {
      symbolsToSynthesize(clazz0) filter (_ matchingSymbol isSynthetic) match {
        case Nil  => true
        case syms => log("Not adding synthetic methods: already has " + syms.mkString(", ")) ; false
    if (!syntheticsOk)
      return templ

    val synthesizer = new ClassMethodSynthesis(
      newTyper( if (reporter.hasErrors) context makeSilent false else context )
    import synthesizer._

    if (clazz0 == AnyValClass || isPrimitiveValueClass(clazz0)) return {
      if (( member nme.getClass_).isDeferred) {
        // XXX dummy implementation for now
        val getClassMethod = createMethod(nme.getClass_, getClassReturnType(clazz.tpe))(_ => NULL)
        deriveTemplate(templ)(_ :+ getClassMethod)
      else templ

    def accessors = clazz.caseFieldAccessors
    val arity = accessors.size
    // If this is ProductN[T1, T2, ...], accessorLub is the lub of T1, T2, ..., .
    // !!! Hidden behind -Xexperimental due to bummer type inference bugs.
    // Refining from Iterator[Any] leads to types like
    //    Option[Int] { def productIterator: Iterator[String] }
    // appearing legitimately, but this breaks invariant places
    // like Tags and Arrays which are not robust and infer things
    // which they shouldn't.
    val accessorLub  = (
      if (settings.Xexperimental) {
        global.weakLub(accessors map (_.tpe.finalResultType)) match {
          case RefinedType(parents, decls) if !decls.isEmpty => intersectionType(parents)
          case tp                                            => tp
      else AnyTpe

    def forwardToRuntime(method: Symbol): Tree =
      forwardMethod(method, getMember(ScalaRunTimeModule, ( prepend "_")))(mkThis :: _)

    def callStaticsMethod(name: String)(args: Tree*): Tree = {
      val method = termMember(RuntimeStaticsModule, name)
      Apply(gen.mkAttributedRef(method), args.toList)

    // Any concrete member, including private
    def hasConcreteImpl(name: Name) = exists (m => !m.isDeferred)

    def hasOverridingImplementation(meth: Symbol) = {
      val sym = nonPrivateMember
      sym.alternatives exists { m0 =>
        (m0 ne meth) && !m0.isDeferred && !m0.isSynthetic && (m0.owner != AnyValClass) && (typeInClazz(m0) matches typeInClazz(meth))
    def productIteratorMethod = {
      createMethod(nme.productIterator, iteratorOfType(accessorLub))(_ =>
        gen.mkMethodCall(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.typedProductIterator, List(accessorLub), List(mkThis))

    /* Common code for productElement and (currently disabled) productElementName */
    def perElementMethod(name: Name, returnType: Type)(caseFn: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
      createSwitchMethod(name, accessors.indices, returnType)(idx => caseFn(accessors(idx)))

    // def productElementNameMethod = perElementMethod(nme.productElementName, StringTpe)(x => LIT(

    var syntheticCanEqual = false

    /* The canEqual method for case classes.
     *   def canEqual(that: Any) = that.isInstanceOf[This]
    def canEqualMethod: Tree = {
      syntheticCanEqual = true
      createMethod(nme.canEqual_, List(AnyTpe), BooleanTpe)(m =>
        Ident(m.firstParam) IS_OBJ classExistentialType(clazz))

    /* that match { case _: this.C => true ; case _ => false }
     * where `that` is the given method's first parameter.
     * An isInstanceOf test is insufficient because it has weaker
     * requirements than a pattern match. Given an inner class Foo and
     * two different instantiations of the container, an x.Foo and and a y.Foo
     * are both .isInstanceOf[Foo], but the one does not match as the other.
    def thatTest(eqmeth: Symbol): Tree = {
          CaseDef(Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), TypeTree(clazz.tpe)), EmptyTree, TRUE),
          CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, FALSE)

    /* (that.asInstanceOf[this.C])
     * where that is the given methods first parameter.
    def thatCast(eqmeth: Symbol): Tree =
      gen.mkCast(Ident(eqmeth.firstParam), clazz.tpe)

    /* The equality method core for case classes and inline clases.
     * 1+ args:
     *   (that.isInstanceOf[this.C]) && {
     *       val x$1 = that.asInstanceOf[this.C]
     *       (this.arg_1 == x$1.arg_1) && (this.arg_2 == x$1.arg_2) && ... && (x$1 canEqual this)
     *      }
     * Drop canBuildFrom part if class is final and canBuildFrom is synthesized
    def equalsCore(eqmeth: Symbol, accessors: List[Symbol]) = {
      val otherName = context.unit.freshTermName( + "$")
      val otherSym  = eqmeth.newValue(otherName, eqmeth.pos, SYNTHETIC) setInfo clazz.tpe
      val pairwise  = accessors map (acc => fn(Select(mkThis, acc), acc.tpe member nme.EQ, Select(Ident(otherSym), acc)))
      val canEq     = gen.mkMethodCall(otherSym, nme.canEqual_, Nil, List(mkThis))
      val tests     = if (clazz.isDerivedValueClass || clazz.isFinal && syntheticCanEqual) pairwise else pairwise :+ canEq

      thatTest(eqmeth) AND Block(
        ValDef(otherSym, thatCast(eqmeth)),
        AND(tests: _*)

    /* The equality method for case classes.
     * 0 args:
     *   def equals(that: Any) = that.isInstanceOf[this.C] && that.asInstanceOf[this.C].canEqual(this)
     * 1+ args:
     *   def equals(that: Any) = (this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) || {
     *     (that.isInstanceOf[this.C]) && {
     *       val x$1 = that.asInstanceOf[this.C]
     *       (this.arg_1 == x$1.arg_1) && (this.arg_2 == x$1.arg_2) && ... && (x$1 canEqual this)
     *      }
     *   }
    def equalsCaseClassMethod: Tree = createMethod(nme.equals_, List(AnyTpe), BooleanTpe) { m =>
      if (accessors.isEmpty)
        if (clazz.isFinal) thatTest(m)
        else thatTest(m) AND ((thatCast(m) DOT nme.canEqual_)(mkThis))
        (mkThis ANY_EQ Ident(m.firstParam)) OR equalsCore(m, accessors)

    /* The equality method for value classes
     * def equals(that: Any) = (this.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) || {
     *   (that.isInstanceOf[this.C]) && {
     *    val x$1 = that.asInstanceOf[this.C]
     *    (this.underlying == that.underlying
    def equalsDerivedValueClassMethod: Tree = createMethod(nme.equals_, List(AnyTpe), BooleanTpe) { m =>
      equalsCore(m, List(clazz.derivedValueClassUnbox))

    /* The hashcode method for value classes
     * def hashCode(): Int = this.underlying.hashCode
    def hashCodeDerivedValueClassMethod: Tree = createMethod(nme.hashCode_, Nil, IntTpe) { m =>
      Select(mkThisSelect(clazz.derivedValueClassUnbox), nme.hashCode_)

    /* The _1, _2, etc. methods to implement ProductN, disabled
     * until we figure out how to introduce ProductN without cycles.
    def productNMethods = {
      val accs = accessors.toIndexedSeq
      1 to arity map (num => productProj(arity, num) -> (() => projectionMethod(accs(num - 1), num)))
    def projectionMethod(accessor: Symbol, num: Int) = {
      createMethod(nme.productAccessorName(num), accessor.tpe.resultType)(_ => REF(accessor))

    // methods for both classes and objects
    def productMethods = {
        Product_productPrefix   -> (() => constantNullary(nme.productPrefix,,
        Product_productArity    -> (() => constantNullary(nme.productArity, arity)),
        Product_productElement  -> (() => perElementMethod(nme.productElement, accessorLub)(mkThisSelect)),
        Product_iterator        -> (() => productIteratorMethod),
        Product_canEqual        -> (() => canEqualMethod)
        // This is disabled pending a reimplementation which doesn't add any
        // weight to case classes (i.e. inspects the bytecode.)
        // Product_productElementName  -> (() => productElementNameMethod(accessors)),

    def hashcodeImplementation(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
      sym.tpe.finalResultType.typeSymbol match {
        case UnitClass | NullClass              => Literal(Constant(0))
        case BooleanClass                       => If(Ident(sym), Literal(Constant(1231)), Literal(Constant(1237)))
        case IntClass                           => Ident(sym)
        case ShortClass | ByteClass | CharClass => Select(Ident(sym), nme.toInt)
        case LongClass                          => callStaticsMethod("longHash")(Ident(sym))
        case DoubleClass                        => callStaticsMethod("doubleHash")(Ident(sym))
        case FloatClass                         => callStaticsMethod("floatHash")(Ident(sym))
        case _                                  => callStaticsMethod("anyHash")(Ident(sym))

    def specializedHashcode = {
      createMethod(nme.hashCode_, Nil, IntTpe) { m =>
        val accumulator = m.newVariable(newTermName("acc"), m.pos, SYNTHETIC) setInfo IntTpe
        val valdef      = ValDef(accumulator, Literal(Constant(0xcafebabe)))
        val mixes       = accessors map (acc =>
            callStaticsMethod("mix")(Ident(accumulator), hashcodeImplementation(acc))
        val finish = callStaticsMethod("finalizeHash")(Ident(accumulator), Literal(Constant(arity)))

        Block(valdef :: mixes, finish)
    def chooseHashcode = {
      if (accessors exists (x => isPrimitiveValueType(x.tpe.finalResultType)))

    def valueClassMethods = List(
      Any_hashCode -> (() => hashCodeDerivedValueClassMethod),
      Any_equals -> (() => equalsDerivedValueClassMethod)

    def caseClassMethods = productMethods ++ /*productNMethods ++*/ Seq(
      Object_hashCode -> (() => chooseHashcode),
      Object_toString -> (() => forwardToRuntime(Object_toString)),
      Object_equals   -> (() => equalsCaseClassMethod)

    def valueCaseClassMethods = productMethods ++ /*productNMethods ++*/ valueClassMethods ++ Seq(
      Any_toString -> (() => forwardToRuntime(Object_toString))

    def caseObjectMethods = productMethods ++ Seq(
      Object_hashCode -> (() => constantMethod(nme.hashCode_,,
      Object_toString -> (() => constantMethod(nme.toString_,
      // Not needed, as reference equality is the default.
      // Object_equals   -> (() => createMethod(Object_equals)(m => This(clazz) ANY_EQ Ident(m.firstParam)))

    /* If you serialize a singleton and then deserialize it twice,
     * you will have two instances of your singleton unless you implement
     * readResolve.  Here it is implemented for all objects which have
     * no implementation and which are marked serializable (which is true
     * for all case objects.)
    def needsReadResolve = (
      && clazz.isSerializable
      && !hasConcreteImpl(nme.readResolve)

    def synthesize(): List[Tree] = {
      val methods = (
        if (clazz.isCase)
          if (clazz.isDerivedValueClass) valueCaseClassMethods
          else if (clazz.isModuleClass) caseObjectMethods
          else caseClassMethods
        else if (clazz.isDerivedValueClass) valueClassMethods
        else Nil

      /* Always generate overrides for equals and hashCode in value classes,
       * so they can appear in universal traits without breaking value semantics.
      def impls = {
        def shouldGenerate(m: Symbol) = {
          !hasOverridingImplementation(m) || {
            clazz.isDerivedValueClass && (m == Any_hashCode || m == Any_equals) && {
              // Without a means to suppress this warning, I've thought better of it.
              // if (settings.lint) {
              //   ( nonPrivateMember filter (m => (m.owner != AnyClass) && (m.owner != clazz) && !m.isDeferred) andAlso { m =>
              //     currentUnit.warning(clazz.pos, s"Implementation of ${} inherited from ${m.owner} overridden in $clazz to enforce value class semantics")
              //   }
              // }
        for ((m, impl) <- methods ; if shouldGenerate(m)) yield impl()
      def extras = (
        if (needsReadResolve) {
          // Aha, I finally decoded the original comment.
          // This method should be generated as private, but apparently if it is, then
          // it is name mangled afterward.  (Wonder why that is.) So it's only protected.
          // For sure special methods like "readResolve" should not be mangled.
          List(createMethod(nme.readResolve, Nil, ObjectTpe)(m => { m setFlag PRIVATE ; REF(clazz.sourceModule) }))
        else Nil

      try impls ++ extras
      catch { case _: TypeError if reporter.hasErrors => Nil }

    /* If this case class has any less than public accessors,
     * adds new accessors at the correct locations to preserve ordering.
     * Note that this must be done before the other method synthesis
     * because synthesized methods need refer to the new symbols.
     * Care must also be taken to preserve the case accessor order.
    def caseTemplateBody(): List[Tree] = {
      val lb = ListBuffer[Tree]()
      def isRewrite(sym: Symbol) = sym.isCaseAccessorMethod && !sym.isPublic

      for (ddef @ DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) <- templ.body ; if isRewrite(ddef.symbol)) {
        val original = ddef.symbol
        val newAcc = deriveMethod(ddef.symbol, name => context.unit.freshTermName(name + "$")) { newAcc =>
          newAcc resetFlag (ACCESSOR | PARAMACCESSOR | OVERRIDE)
        // TODO: shouldn't the next line be: `original resetFlag CASEACCESSOR`?
        ddef.symbol resetFlag CASEACCESSOR
        lb += logResult("case accessor new")(newAcc)
        val renamedInClassMap = renamedCaseAccessors.getOrElseUpdate(clazz, mutable.Map() withDefault(x => x))
        renamedInClassMap( =

      (lb ++= templ.body ++= synthesize()).toList

    deriveTemplate(templ)(body =>
      if (clazz.isCase) caseTemplateBody()
      else synthesize() match {
        case Nil  => body // avoiding unnecessary copy
        case ms   => body ++ ms

Other Scala source code examples

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