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Scala example source code file (ReificationSupport.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ReificationSupport.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

list, nil, none, option, some, symbol, termname, tree, type, valdef

The ReificationSupport.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import Flags._
import util._

trait ReificationSupport { self: SymbolTable =>
  import definitions._
  import internal._

  class ReificationSupportImpl extends ReificationSupportApi {
    def selectType(owner: Symbol, name: String): TypeSymbol =
      select(owner, newTypeName(name)).asType

    def selectTerm(owner: Symbol, name: String): TermSymbol = {
      val result = select(owner, newTermName(name)).asTerm
      if (result.isOverloaded) result.suchThat(!_.isMethod).asTerm
      else result

    protected def select(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = {
      val result = decl name
      if (result ne NoSymbol) result
        mirrorThatLoaded(owner).missingHook(owner, name) orElse {
          throw new ScalaReflectionException("%s %s in %s not found".format(if (name.isTermName) "term" else "type", name, owner.fullName))

    def selectOverloadedMethod(owner: Symbol, name: String, index: Int): MethodSymbol = {
      val result =
      if (result ne NoSymbol) result.asMethod
      else throw new ScalaReflectionException("overloaded method %s #%d in %s not found".format(name, index, owner.fullName))

    def newFreeTerm(name: String, value: => Any, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTermSymbol =
      newFreeTermSymbol(newTermName(name), value, flags, origin).markFlagsCompleted(mask = AllFlags)

    def newFreeType(name: String, flags: Long = 0L, origin: String = null): FreeTypeSymbol =
      newFreeTypeSymbol(newTypeName(name), flags, origin).markFlagsCompleted(mask = AllFlags)

    def newNestedSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, pos: Position, flags: Long, isClass: Boolean): Symbol =
      owner.newNestedSymbol(name, pos, flags, isClass).markFlagsCompleted(mask = AllFlags)

    def newScopeWith(elems: Symbol*): Scope =
      self.newScopeWith(elems: _*)

    def setAnnotations[S <: Symbol](sym: S, annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): S =

    def setInfo[S <: Symbol](sym: S, tpe: Type): S =

    def mkThis(sym: Symbol): Tree = self.This(sym)

    def mkSelect(qualifier: Tree, sym: Symbol): Select = self.Select(qualifier, sym)

    def mkIdent(sym: Symbol): Ident = self.Ident(sym)

    def mkTypeTree(tp: Type): TypeTree = self.TypeTree(tp)

    def ThisType(sym: Symbol): Type = self.ThisType(sym)

    def SingleType(pre: Type, sym: Symbol): Type = self.SingleType(pre, sym)

    def SuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type): Type = self.SuperType(thistpe, supertpe)

    def ConstantType(value: Constant): ConstantType = self.ConstantType(value)

    def TypeRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, args: List[Type]): Type = self.TypeRef(pre, sym, args)

    def RefinedType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, typeSymbol: Symbol): RefinedType = self.RefinedType(parents, decls, typeSymbol)

    def ClassInfoType(parents: List[Type], decls: Scope, typeSymbol: Symbol): ClassInfoType = self.ClassInfoType(parents, decls, typeSymbol)

    def MethodType(params: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): MethodType = self.MethodType(params, resultType)

    def NullaryMethodType(resultType: Type): NullaryMethodType = self.NullaryMethodType(resultType)

    def PolyType(typeParams: List[Symbol], resultType: Type): PolyType = self.PolyType(typeParams, resultType)

    def ExistentialType(quantified: List[Symbol], underlying: Type): ExistentialType = self.ExistentialType(quantified, underlying)

    def AnnotatedType(annotations: List[Annotation], underlying: Type): AnnotatedType = self.AnnotatedType(annotations, underlying)

    def TypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type): TypeBounds = self.TypeBounds(lo, hi)

    def BoundedWildcardType(bounds: TypeBounds): BoundedWildcardType = self.BoundedWildcardType(bounds)

    def thisPrefix(sym: Symbol): Type = sym.thisPrefix

    def setType[T <: Tree](tree: T, tpe: Type): T = { tree.setType(tpe); tree }

    def setSymbol[T <: Tree](tree: T, sym: Symbol): T = { tree.setSymbol(sym); tree }

    def toStats(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = tree match {
      case EmptyTree             => Nil
      case SyntacticBlock(stats) => stats
      case _                     => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"can't flatten $tree")

    def mkAnnotation(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
      case SyntacticNew(Nil, SyntacticApplied(SyntacticAppliedType(_, _), _) :: Nil, noSelfType, Nil) =>
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Tree ${showRaw(tree)} isn't a correct representation of annotation." +
                                            """Consider reformatting it into a q"new $name[..$targs](...$argss)" shape""")

    def mkAnnotation(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =

    def mkParam(argss: List[List[Tree]], extraFlags: FlagSet = NoFlags, excludeFlags: FlagSet = DEFERRED): List[List[ValDef]] = { args => { mkParam(_, extraFlags, excludeFlags) } }

    def mkParam(tree: Tree, extraFlags: FlagSet, excludeFlags: FlagSet): ValDef = tree match {
      case Typed(Ident(name: TermName), tpt) =>
        mkParam(ValDef(NoMods, name, tpt, EmptyTree), extraFlags, excludeFlags)
      case vd: ValDef =>
        var newmods = vd.mods & (~excludeFlags)
        if (vd.rhs.nonEmpty) newmods |= DEFAULTPARAM
        copyValDef(vd)(mods = newmods | extraFlags)
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$tree is not valid represenation of a parameter, " +
                                            """consider reformatting it into q"val $name: $T = $default" shape""")

    def mkImplicitParam(args: List[Tree]): List[ValDef] =

    def mkImplicitParam(tree: Tree): ValDef = mkParam(tree, IMPLICIT | PARAM, NoFlags)

    def mkTparams(tparams: List[Tree]): List[TypeDef] = {
        case td: TypeDef => copyTypeDef(td)(mods = (td.mods | PARAM) & (~DEFERRED))
        case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"can't splice $other as type parameter")

    def mkRefineStat(stat: Tree): Tree = {
      stat match {
        case dd: DefDef => require(dd.rhs.isEmpty, "can't use DefDef with non-empty body as refine stat")
        case vd: ValDef => require(vd.rhs.isEmpty, "can't use ValDef with non-empty rhs as refine stat")
        case td: TypeDef =>
        case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"not legal refine stat: $stat")

    def mkRefineStat(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =

    def mkPackageStat(stat: Tree): Tree = {
      stat match {
        case cd: ClassDef =>
        case md: ModuleDef =>
        case pd: PackageDef =>
        case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"not legal package stat: $stat")

    def mkPackageStat(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =

    object ScalaDot extends ScalaDotExtractor {
      def apply(name: Name): Tree = gen.scalaDot(name)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Name] = tree match {
        case Select(id @ Ident(nme.scala_), name) if id.symbol == ScalaPackage => Some(name)
        case _ => None

    def mkEarlyDef(defn: Tree): Tree = defn match {
      case vdef @ ValDef(mods, _, _, _) if !mods.isDeferred =>
        copyValDef(vdef)(mods = mods | PRESUPER)
      case tdef @ TypeDef(mods, _, _, _) =>
        copyTypeDef(tdef)(mods = mods | PRESUPER)
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"not legal early def: $defn")

    def mkEarlyDef(defns: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =

    def mkRefTree(qual: Tree, sym: Symbol) = self.RefTree(qual, setSymbol sym

    def freshTermName(prefix: String = nme.FRESH_TERM_NAME_PREFIX): TermName = self.freshTermName(prefix)

    def freshTypeName(prefix: String): TypeName = self.freshTypeName(prefix)

    protected implicit def fresh: FreshNameCreator = self.currentFreshNameCreator

    object ImplicitParams extends ImplicitParamsExtractor {
      def apply(paramss: List[List[Tree]], implparams: List[Tree]): List[List[Tree]] =
        if (implparams.nonEmpty) paramss :+ mkImplicitParam(implparams) else paramss

      def unapply(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Some[(List[List[ValDef]], List[ValDef])] = vparamss match {
        case init :+ (last @ (initlast :: _)) if initlast.mods.isImplicit => Some((init, last))
        case _ => Some((vparamss, Nil))

    object FlagsRepr extends FlagsReprExtractor {
      def apply(bits: Long): FlagSet = bits
      def unapply(flags: Long): Some[Long] = Some(flags)

    /** Construct/deconstruct type application term trees.
     *  Treats other term trees as zero-argument type applications.
    object SyntacticTypeApplied extends SyntacticTypeAppliedExtractor {
      def apply(tree: Tree, targs: List[Tree]): Tree =
        if (targs.isEmpty) tree
        else if (tree.isTerm) TypeApply(tree, targs)
        else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"can't apply type arguments to $tree")

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case TypeApply(fun, targs) => Some((fun, targs))
        case _ if tree.isTerm      => Some((tree, Nil))
        case _                     => None

    /** Construct/deconstruct applied type trees.
     *  Treats other types as zero-arity applied types.
    object SyntacticAppliedType extends SyntacticTypeAppliedExtractor {
      def apply(tree: Tree, targs: List[Tree]): Tree =
        if (targs.isEmpty) tree
        else if (tree.isType) AppliedTypeTree(tree, targs)
        else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"can't create applied type from non-type $tree")

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(AppliedTypeTree(tpe, targs)) => Some((tpe, targs))
        case _ if tree.isType => Some((tree, Nil))
        case _ => None

    object SyntacticApplied extends SyntacticAppliedExtractor {
      def apply(tree: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): Tree =
        argss.foldLeft(tree) { (f, args) => Apply(f, }

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(Tree, List[List[Tree]])] = tree match {
        case UnApply(treeInfo.Unapplied(Select(fun, nme.unapply)), pats) =>
          Some((fun, pats :: Nil))
        case treeInfo.Applied(fun, targs, argss) =>
          fun match {
            case Select(_: New, nme.CONSTRUCTOR) =>
              Some((tree, Nil))
            case _ =>
              val callee =
                if (fun.isTerm) SyntacticTypeApplied(fun, targs)
                else SyntacticAppliedType(fun, targs)
              Some((callee, argss))

    // recover constructor contents generated by gen.mkTemplate
    protected object UnCtor {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, List[List[ValDef]], List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case DefDef(mods, nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR, _, _, _, SyntacticBlock(lvdefs :+ _)) =>
          Some((mods | Flag.TRAIT, Nil, lvdefs))
        case DefDef(mods, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, Nil, vparamss, _, SyntacticBlock(lvdefs :+ _ :+ _)) =>
          Some((mods, vparamss, lvdefs))
        case _ => None

    // undo gen.mkTemplate
    protected object UnMkTemplate {
      def unapply(templ: Template): Option[(List[Tree], ValDef, Modifiers, List[List[ValDef]], List[Tree], List[Tree])] = {
        val Template(parents, selfType, _) = templ
        val tbody = treeInfo.untypecheckedTemplBody(templ)

        def result(ctorMods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], edefs: List[Tree], body: List[Tree]) =
          Some((parents, selfType, ctorMods, vparamss, edefs, body))
        def indexOfCtor(trees: List[Tree]) =
          trees.indexWhere { case UnCtor(_, _, _) => true ; case _ => false }

        if (tbody forall treeInfo.isInterfaceMember)
          result(NoMods | Flag.TRAIT, Nil, Nil, tbody)
        else if (indexOfCtor(tbody) == -1)
        else {
          val (rawEdefs, rest) = tbody.span(treeInfo.isEarlyDef)
          val (gvdefs, etdefs) = rawEdefs.partition(treeInfo.isEarlyValDef)
          val (fieldDefs, UnCtor(ctorMods, ctorVparamss, lvdefs) :: body) = rest.splitAt(indexOfCtor(rest))
          val evdefs = {
            case (gvdef @ ValDef(_, _, tpt: TypeTree, _), ValDef(_, _, _, rhs)) =>
              copyValDef(gvdef)(tpt = tpt.original, rhs = rhs)
          val edefs = evdefs ::: etdefs
          if (ctorMods.isTrait)
            result(ctorMods, Nil, edefs, body)
          else {
            // undo conversion from (implicit ... ) to ()(implicit ... ) when its the only parameter section
            val vparamssRestoredImplicits = ctorVparamss match {
              case Nil :: (tail @ ((head :: _) :: _)) if head.mods.isImplicit => tail
              case other => other
            // undo flag modifications by merging flag info from constructor args and fieldDefs
            val modsMap = { case ValDef(mods, name, _, _) => name -> mods }.toMap
            def ctorArgsCorrespondToFields = vparamssRestoredImplicits.flatten.forall { vd => modsMap.contains( }
            if (!ctorArgsCorrespondToFields) None
            else {
              val vparamss = mmap(vparamssRestoredImplicits) { vd =>
                val originalMods = modsMap( | (vd.mods.flags & DEFAULTPARAM)
                atPos(vd.pos)(ValDef(originalMods,, vd.tpt, vd.rhs))
              result(ctorMods, vparamss, edefs, body)

    protected def mkSelfType(tree: Tree) = tree match {
      case vd: ValDef =>
        require(vd.rhs.isEmpty, "self types must have empty right hand side")
        copyValDef(vd)(mods = (vd.mods | PRIVATE) & (~DEFERRED))
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$tree is not a valid representation of self type, " +
                                           """consider reformatting into q"val $self: $T" shape""")

    object SyntacticClassDef extends SyntacticClassDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[Tree],
                constrMods: Modifiers, vparamss: List[List[Tree]],
                earlyDefs: List[Tree], parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): ClassDef = {
        val extraFlags = PARAMACCESSOR | (if (mods.isCase) CASEACCESSOR else 0L)
        val vparamss0 = mkParam(vparamss, extraFlags, excludeFlags = DEFERRED | PARAM)
        val tparams0 = mkTparams(tparams)
        val parents0 = gen.mkParents(mods,
          if (mods.isCase) parents.filter {
            case ScalaDot(tpnme.Product | tpnme.Serializable | tpnme.AnyRef) => false
            case _ => true
          } else parents
        val body0 = earlyDefs ::: body
        val selfType0 = mkSelfType(selfType)
        val templ = gen.mkTemplate(parents0, selfType0, constrMods, vparamss0, body0)
        gen.mkClassDef(mods, name, tparams0, templ)

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef], Modifiers, List[List[ValDef]],
                                       List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, UnMkTemplate(parents, selfType, ctorMods, vparamss, earlyDefs, body))
          if !ctorMods.isTrait && !ctorMods.hasFlag(JAVA) =>
          Some((mods, name, tparams, ctorMods, vparamss, earlyDefs, parents, selfType, body))
        case _ =>

    object SyntacticTraitDef extends SyntacticTraitDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, tparams: List[Tree], earlyDefs: List[Tree],
                parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): ClassDef = {
        val mods0 = mods | TRAIT | ABSTRACT
        val templ = gen.mkTemplate(parents, mkSelfType(selfType), Modifiers(TRAIT), Nil, earlyDefs ::: body)
        gen.mkClassDef(mods0, name, mkTparams(tparams), templ)

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TypeName, List[TypeDef],
                                       List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, UnMkTemplate(parents, selfType, ctorMods, vparamss, earlyDefs, body))
          if mods.isTrait =>
          Some((mods, name, tparams, earlyDefs, parents, selfType, body))
        case _ => None

    object SyntacticObjectDef extends SyntacticObjectDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, earlyDefs: List[Tree],
                parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): ModuleDef =
        ModuleDef(mods, name, gen.mkTemplate(parents, mkSelfType(selfType), NoMods, Nil, earlyDefs ::: body))

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case ModuleDef(mods, name, UnMkTemplate(parents, selfType, _, _, earlyDefs, body)) =>
          Some((mods, name, earlyDefs, parents, selfType, body))
        case _ =>

    object SyntacticPackageObjectDef extends SyntacticPackageObjectDefExtractor {
      def apply(name: TermName, earlyDefs: List[Tree],
                parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): PackageDef =
        gen.mkPackageObject(SyntacticObjectDef(NoMods, name, earlyDefs, parents, selfType, body))

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(TermName, List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case PackageDef(Ident(name: TermName), List(SyntacticObjectDef(NoMods, nme.PACKAGEkw, earlyDefs, parents, selfType, body))) =>
          Some((name, earlyDefs, parents, selfType, body))
        case _ =>

    // match references to `scala.$name`
    protected class ScalaMemberRef(symbols: Seq[Symbol]) {
      def result(name: Name): Option[Symbol] =
        symbols.collect { case sym if == name => sym }.headOption
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Symbol] = tree match {
        case id @ Ident(name) if symbols.contains(id.symbol) && name == =>
        case Select(scalapkg @ Ident(nme.scala_), name) if scalapkg.symbol == ScalaPackage =>
        case Select(Select(Ident(nme.ROOTPKG), nme.scala_), name) =>
        case _ => None
    protected object TupleClassRef extends ScalaMemberRef(TupleClass.seq)
    protected object TupleCompanionRef extends ScalaMemberRef( { _.companionModule })
    protected object UnitClassRef extends ScalaMemberRef(Seq(UnitClass))
    protected object FunctionClassRef extends ScalaMemberRef(FunctionClass.seq)

    object SyntacticTuple extends SyntacticTupleExtractor {
      def apply(args: List[Tree]): Tree = {
        require(args.isEmpty || TupleClass(args.length).exists, s"Tuples with ${args.length} arity aren't supported")

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]] = tree match {
        case Literal(Constant(())) =>
        case Apply(MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(SyntacticTypeApplied(MaybeSelectApply(TupleCompanionRef(sym)), targs)), args)
          if sym == TupleClass(args.length).companionModule
          && (targs.isEmpty || targs.length == args.length) =>
        case _ if tree.isTerm =>
          Some(tree :: Nil)
        case _ =>

    object SyntacticTupleType extends SyntacticTupleExtractor {
      def apply(args: List[Tree]): Tree = {
        require(args.isEmpty || TupleClass(args.length).exists, s"Tuples with ${args.length} arity aren't supported")

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(UnitClassRef(_)) =>
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(AppliedTypeTree(TupleClassRef(sym), args))
          if sym == TupleClass(args.length) =>
        case _ if tree.isType =>
          Some(tree :: Nil)
        case _ =>

    object SyntacticFunctionType extends SyntacticFunctionTypeExtractor {
      def apply(argtpes: List[Tree], restpe: Tree): Tree = {
        require(FunctionClass(argtpes.length).exists, s"Function types with ${argtpes.length} arity aren't supported")
        gen.mkFunctionTypeTree(argtpes, restpe)

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], Tree)] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(AppliedTypeTree(FunctionClassRef(sym), args @ (argtpes :+ restpe)))
          if sym == FunctionClass(args.length - 1) =>
          Some((argtpes, restpe))
        case _ => None

    object SyntheticUnit {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
        case Literal(Constant(())) if tree.hasAttachment[SyntheticUnitAttachment.type] => true
        case _ => false

    /** Syntactic combinator that abstracts over Block tree.
     *  Apart from providing a more straightforward api that exposes
     *  block as a list of elements rather than (stats, expr) pair
     *  it also:
     *  1. Strips trailing synthetic units which are inserted by the
     *     compiler if the block ends with a definition rather
     *     than an expression or is empty.
     *  2. Matches non-block term trees and recognizes them as
     *     single-element blocks for sake of consistency with
     *     compiler's default to treat single-element blocks with
     *     expressions as just expressions. The only exception is q""
     *     which is not considered to be a block.
    object SyntacticBlock extends SyntacticBlockExtractor {
      def apply(stats: List[Tree]): Tree = gen.mkBlock(stats)

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[Tree]] = tree match {
        case bl @ self.Block(stats, SyntheticUnit()) => Some(treeInfo.untypecheckedBlockBody(bl))
        case bl @ self.Block(stats, expr)            => Some(treeInfo.untypecheckedBlockBody(bl) :+ expr)
        case SyntheticUnit()                         => Some(Nil)
        case _ if tree.isTerm && tree.nonEmpty       => Some(tree :: Nil)
        case _                                       => None

    object SyntacticFunction extends SyntacticFunctionExtractor {
      def apply(params: List[Tree], body: Tree): Function = {
        val params0 :: Nil = mkParam(params :: Nil, PARAM)
        require(params0.forall { _.rhs.isEmpty }, "anonymous functions don't support parameters with default values")
        Function(params0, body)

      def unapply(tree: Function): Option[(List[ValDef], Tree)] = Function.unapply(tree)

    object SyntacticNew extends SyntacticNewExtractor {
      def apply(earlyDefs: List[Tree], parents: List[Tree], selfType: Tree, body: List[Tree]): Tree =
        gen.mkNew(parents, mkSelfType(selfType), earlyDefs ::: body, NoPosition, NoPosition)

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], List[Tree], ValDef, List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case treeInfo.Applied(Select(New(SyntacticAppliedType(ident, targs)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil, List(Nil)) =>
          Some((Nil, SyntacticAppliedType(ident, targs) :: Nil, noSelfType, Nil))
        case treeInfo.Applied(Select(New(SyntacticAppliedType(ident, targs)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil, argss) =>
          Some((Nil, SyntacticApplied(SyntacticAppliedType(ident, targs), argss) :: Nil, noSelfType, Nil))
        case SyntacticBlock(SyntacticClassDef(_, tpnme.ANON_CLASS_NAME, Nil, _, ListOfNil, earlyDefs, parents, selfType, body) ::
                            Apply(Select(New(Ident(tpnme.ANON_CLASS_NAME)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil) :: Nil) =>
          Some((earlyDefs, parents, selfType, body))
        case _ =>

    object SyntacticDefDef extends SyntacticDefDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tparams: List[Tree],
                vparamss: List[List[Tree]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef = {
        val tparams0 = mkTparams(tparams)
        val vparamss0 = mkParam(vparamss, PARAM)
        val rhs0 = {
          if (name != nme.CONSTRUCTOR) rhs
          else rhs match {
            case Block(_, _) => rhs
            case _ => Block(List(rhs), gen.mkSyntheticUnit)
        DefDef(mods, name, tparams0, vparamss0, tpt, rhs0)

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, List[TypeDef], List[List[ValDef]], Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
        case DefDef(mods, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, tparams, vparamss, tpt, Block(List(expr), Literal(Constant(())))) =>
          Some((mods, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, tparams, vparamss, tpt, expr))
        case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
          Some((mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs))
        case _ => None

    protected class SyntacticValDefBase(isMutable: Boolean) extends SyntacticValDefExtractor {
      def modifiers(mods: Modifiers): Modifiers = if (isMutable) mods | MUTABLE else mods

      def apply(mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef = ValDef(modifiers(mods), name, tpt, rhs)

      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, TermName, Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
        case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) if mods.hasFlag(MUTABLE) == isMutable =>
          Some((mods, name, tpt, rhs))
        case _ =>
    object SyntacticValDef extends SyntacticValDefBase(isMutable = false)
    object SyntacticVarDef extends SyntacticValDefBase(isMutable = true)

    object SyntacticAssign extends SyntacticAssignExtractor {
      def apply(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree = gen.mkAssign(lhs, rhs)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
        case Assign(lhs, rhs) => Some((lhs, rhs))
        case AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs) => Some((lhs, rhs))
        case Apply(Select(fn, nme.update), args :+ rhs) => Some((atPos(fn.pos)(Apply(fn, args)), rhs))
        case _ => None

    def UnliftListElementwise[T](unliftable: Unliftable[T]) = new UnliftListElementwise[T] {
      def unapply(lst: List[Tree]): Option[List[T]] = {
        val unlifted = lst.flatMap { unliftable.unapply(_) }
        if (unlifted.length == lst.length) Some(unlifted) else None

    def UnliftListOfListsElementwise[T](unliftable: Unliftable[T]) = new UnliftListOfListsElementwise[T] {
      def unapply(lst: List[List[Tree]]): Option[List[List[T]]] = {
        val unlifted = { l => l.flatMap { unliftable.unapply(_) } }
        if (unlifted.flatten.length == lst.flatten.length) Some(unlifted) else None

    object SyntacticValFrom extends SyntacticValFromExtractor {
      def apply(pat: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree = gen.ValFrom(pat, gen.mkCheckIfRefutable(pat, rhs))
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
        case gen.ValFrom(pat, UnCheckIfRefutable(pat1, rhs1)) if pat.equalsStructure(pat1) =>
          Some((pat, rhs1))
        case gen.ValFrom(pat, rhs) =>
          Some((pat, rhs))
        case _ => None

    object SyntacticValEq extends SyntacticValEqExtractor {
      def apply(pat: Tree, rhs: Tree): Tree         = gen.ValEq(pat, rhs)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)] = gen.ValEq.unapply(tree)

    object SyntacticFilter extends SyntacticFilterExtractor {
      def apply(tree: Tree): Tree           = gen.Filter(tree)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = gen.Filter.unapply(tree)

    // If a tree in type position isn't provided by the user (e.g. `tpt` fields of
    // `ValDef` and `DefDef`, function params etc), then it's going to be parsed as
    // TypeTree with empty original and empty tpe. This extractor matches such trees
    // so that one can write q"val x = 2" to match typecheck(q"val x = 2"). Note that
    // TypeTree() is the only possible representation for empty trees in type positions.
    // We used to sometimes receive EmptyTree in such cases, but not anymore.
    object SyntacticEmptyTypeTree extends SyntacticEmptyTypeTreeExtractor {
      def apply(): TypeTree = self.TypeTree()
      def unapply(tt: TypeTree): Boolean = tt.original == null || tt.original.isEmpty

    // match a sequence of desugared `val $pat = $value`
    protected object UnPatSeq {
      def unapply(trees: List[Tree]): Option[List[(Tree, Tree)]] = {
        val imploded = implodePatDefs(trees)
        val patvalues = imploded.flatMap {
          case SyntacticPatDef(_, pat, EmptyTree, rhs) => Some((pat, rhs))
          case ValDef(_, name, SyntacticEmptyTypeTree(), rhs) => Some((Bind(name, self.Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), rhs))
          case ValDef(_, name, tpt, rhs) => Some((Bind(name, Typed(self.Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt)), rhs))
          case _ => None
        if (patvalues.length == imploded.length) Some(patvalues) else None

    // implode multiple-statement desugaring of pattern definitions
    // into single-statement valdefs with nme.QUASIQUOTE_PAT_DEF name
    object implodePatDefs extends Transformer {
      override def transform(tree: Tree) = tree match {
        case templ: Template => deriveTemplate(templ)(transformStats)
        case block: Block =>
          val Block(init, last) = block
          Block(transformStats(init), transform(last)).copyAttrs(block)
        case ValDef(mods, name1, SyntacticEmptyTypeTree(), Match(MaybeTyped(MaybeUnchecked(value), tpt), CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, Ident(name2)) :: Nil))
          if name1 == name2 =>
          ValDef(mods, nme.QUASIQUOTE_PAT_DEF, Typed(pat, tpt), transform(value))
        case _ =>
      def transformStats(trees: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = trees match {
        case Nil => Nil
        case ValDef(mods, _, SyntacticEmptyTypeTree(), Match(MaybeTyped(MaybeUnchecked(value), tpt), CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, SyntacticTuple(ids)) :: Nil)) :: tail
          if mods.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) && mods.hasFlag(ARTIFACT) =>
          ids match {
            case Nil =>
              ValDef(NoMods, nme.QUASIQUOTE_PAT_DEF, Typed(pat, tpt), transform(value)) :: transformStats(tail)
            case _   =>
              val mods = tail.take(1).head.asInstanceOf[ValDef].mods
              ValDef(mods, nme.QUASIQUOTE_PAT_DEF, Typed(pat, tpt), transform(value)) :: transformStats(tail.drop(ids.length))
        case other :: tail =>
          transform(other) :: transformStats(tail)
      def apply(tree: Tree) = transform(tree)
      def apply(trees: List[Tree]) = transformStats(trees)

    object SyntacticPatDef extends SyntacticPatDefExtractor {
      def apply(mods: Modifiers, pat: Tree, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): List[ValDef] = tpt match {
        case SyntacticEmptyTypeTree() => gen.mkPatDef(mods, pat, rhs)
        case _                        => gen.mkPatDef(mods, Typed(pat, tpt), rhs)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Modifiers, Tree, Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
        case ValDef(mods, nme.QUASIQUOTE_PAT_DEF, Typed(pat,  tpt), rhs) => Some((mods, pat, tpt, rhs))
        case _ => None

    // match a sequence of desugared `val $pat = $value` with a tuple in the end
    protected object UnPatSeqWithRes {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[(Tree, Tree)], List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case SyntacticBlock(UnPatSeq(trees) :+ SyntacticTuple(elems)) => Some((trees, elems))
        case _ => None

    // undo gen.mkSyntheticParam
    protected object UnSyntheticParam {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[TermName] = tree match {
        case ValDef(mods, name, _, EmptyTree)
          if mods.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) && mods.hasFlag(PARAM) =>
        case _ => None

    // undo gen.mkVisitor
    protected object UnVisitor {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(TermName, List[CaseDef])] = tree match {
        case Function(UnSyntheticParam(x1) :: Nil, Match(MaybeUnchecked(Ident(x2)), cases))
          if x1 == x2 =>
          Some((x1, cases))
        case _ => None

    // undo gen.mkFor:makeClosure
    protected object UnClosure {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
        case Function(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM, _, _), name, tpt, EmptyTree) :: Nil, body) =>
          tpt match {
            case SyntacticEmptyTypeTree() => Some((Bind(name, self.Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), body))
            case _                        => Some((Bind(name, Typed(self.Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt)), body))
        case UnVisitor(_, CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, body) :: Nil) =>
          Some((pat, body))
        case _ => None

    // match call to either withFilter or filter
    protected object FilterCall {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree,Tree)] = tree match {
        case Apply(Select(obj, nme.withFilter | nme.filter), arg :: Nil) =>
          Some(obj, arg)
        case _ => None

    // transform a chain of withFilter calls into a sequence of for filters
    protected object UnFilter {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(Tree, List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case UnCheckIfRefutable(_, _) =>
          Some((tree, Nil))
        case FilterCall(UnFilter(rhs, rest), UnClosure(_, test)) =>
          Some((rhs, rest :+ SyntacticFilter(test)))
        case _ =>
          Some((tree, Nil))

    // undo gen.mkCheckIfRefutable
    protected object UnCheckIfRefutable {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
        case FilterCall(rhs, UnVisitor(name,
            CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(true))) ::
            CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(false))) :: Nil))
          if name.toString.contains(nme.CHECK_IF_REFUTABLE_STRING) =>
          Some((pat, rhs))
        case _ => None

    // undo gen.mkFor:makeCombination accounting for possible extra implicit argument
    protected class UnForCombination(name: TermName) {
      def unapply(tree: Tree) = tree match {
        case SyntacticApplied(SyntacticTypeApplied(sel @ Select(lhs, meth), _), (f :: Nil) :: Nil)
          if name == meth && sel.hasAttachment[ForAttachment.type] =>
          Some(lhs, f)
        case SyntacticApplied(SyntacticTypeApplied(sel @ Select(lhs, meth), _), (f :: Nil) :: _ :: Nil)
          if name == meth && sel.hasAttachment[ForAttachment.type] =>
          Some(lhs, f)
        case _ => None
    protected object UnMap     extends UnForCombination(
    protected object UnForeach extends UnForCombination(nme.foreach)
    protected object UnFlatMap extends UnForCombination(nme.flatMap)

    // undo desugaring done in gen.mkFor
    protected object UnFor {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], Tree)] = {
        val interm = tree match {
          case UnFlatMap(UnFilter(rhs, filters), UnClosure(pat, UnFor(rest, body))) =>
            Some(((pat, rhs), filters ::: rest, body))
          case UnForeach(UnFilter(rhs, filters), UnClosure(pat, UnFor(rest, body))) =>
            Some(((pat, rhs), filters ::: rest, body))
          case UnMap(UnFilter(rhs, filters), UnClosure(pat, cbody)) =>
            Some(((pat, rhs), filters, gen.Yield(cbody)))
          case UnForeach(UnFilter(rhs, filters), UnClosure(pat, cbody)) =>
            Some(((pat, rhs), filters, cbody))
          case _ => None
        interm.flatMap {
          case ((Bind(_, SyntacticTuple(_)) | SyntacticTuple(_),
                 UnFor(SyntacticValFrom(pat, rhs) :: innerRest, gen.Yield(UnPatSeqWithRes(pats, elems2)))),
                outerRest, fbody) =>
            val valeqs = { case (pat, rhs) => SyntacticValEq(pat, rhs) }
            Some((SyntacticValFrom(pat, rhs) :: innerRest ::: valeqs ::: outerRest, fbody))
          case ((pat, rhs), filters, body) =>
            Some((SyntacticValFrom(pat, rhs) :: filters, body))

    // check that enumerators are valid
    protected def mkEnumerators(enums: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
      require(enums.nonEmpty, "enumerators can't be empty")
      enums.head match {
        case SyntacticValFrom(_, _) =>
        case t => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$t is not a valid fist enumerator of for loop")
      enums.tail.foreach {
        case SyntacticValEq(_, _) | SyntacticValFrom(_, _) | SyntacticFilter(_) =>
        case t => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"$t is not a valid representation of a for loop enumerator")

    object SyntacticFor extends SyntacticForExtractor {
      def apply(enums: List[Tree], body: Tree): Tree = gen.mkFor(mkEnumerators(enums), body)
      def unapply(tree: Tree) = tree match {
        case UnFor(enums, gen.Yield(body)) => None
        case UnFor(enums, body) => Some((enums, body))
        case _ => None

    object SyntacticForYield extends SyntacticForExtractor {
      def apply(enums: List[Tree], body: Tree): Tree = gen.mkFor(mkEnumerators(enums), gen.Yield(body))
      def unapply(tree: Tree) = tree match {
        case UnFor(enums, gen.Yield(body)) => Some((enums, body))
        case _ => None

    // use typetree's original instead of typetree itself
    protected object MaybeTypeTreeOriginal {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[Tree] = tree match {
        case tt: TypeTree => Some(tt.original)
        case _            => Some(tree)

    // drop potential extra call to .apply
    protected object MaybeSelectApply {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[Tree] = tree match {
        case Select(f, nme.apply) => Some(f)
        case other                => Some(other)

    // drop potential @scala.unchecked annotation
    protected object MaybeUnchecked {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[Tree] = tree match {
        case Annotated(SyntacticNew(Nil, ScalaDot(tpnme.unchecked) :: Nil, noSelfType, Nil), annottee) =>
        case Typed(annottee, MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(
          Annotated(SyntacticNew(Nil, ScalaDot(tpnme.unchecked) :: Nil, noSelfType, Nil), _))) =>
        case annottee => Some(annottee)

    protected object MaybeTyped {
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
        case Typed(v, tpt) => Some((v, tpt))
        case v             => Some((v, SyntacticEmptyTypeTree()))

    protected def mkCases(cases: List[Tree]): List[CaseDef] = {
      case c: CaseDef => c
      case tree => throw new IllegalArgumentException("$tree is not valid representation of pattern match case")

    object SyntacticPartialFunction extends SyntacticPartialFunctionExtractor {
      def apply(cases: List[Tree]): Match = Match(EmptyTree, mkCases(cases))
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[List[CaseDef]] = tree match {
        case Match(EmptyTree, cases) => Some(cases)
        case Typed(
                 List(ClassDef(clsMods, tpnme.ANON_FUN_NAME, Nil, Template(
                   List(abspf: TypeTree, ser: TypeTree), noSelfType, List(
                     DefDef(_, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, _, _, _, _),
                     DefDef(_, nme.applyOrElse, _, _, _,
                       Match(_, cases :+
                         CaseDef(Bind(nme.DEFAULT_CASE, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)), _, _))),
                     DefDef(_, nme.isDefinedAt, _, _, _, _))))),
                 Apply(Select(New(Ident(tpnme.ANON_FUN_NAME)), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR), List())),
               pf: TypeTree)
          if pf.tpe != null && pf.tpe.typeSymbol.eq(PartialFunctionClass) &&
             abspf.tpe != null && abspf.tpe.typeSymbol.eq(AbstractPartialFunctionClass) &&
             ser.tpe != null && ser.tpe.typeSymbol.eq(SerializableClass) &&
             clsMods.hasFlag(FINAL) && clsMods.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) =>
        case _ => None

    object SyntacticMatch extends SyntacticMatchExtractor {
      def apply(scrutinee: Tree, cases: List[Tree]) = {
        require(scrutinee.nonEmpty, "match's scrutinee may not be empty")
        Match(scrutinee, mkCases(cases))

      def unapply(tree: Match): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef])] = tree match {
        case Match(scrutinee, cases) if scrutinee.nonEmpty => Some((scrutinee, cases))
        case _                                             => None

    object SyntacticTry extends SyntacticTryExtractor {
      def apply(block: Tree, catches: List[Tree], finalizer: Tree) = Try(block, mkCases(catches), finalizer)
      def unapply(tree: Try): Option[(Tree, List[CaseDef], Tree)] = Try.unapply(tree)

    object SyntacticTermIdent extends SyntacticTermIdentExtractor {
      def apply(name: TermName, isBackquoted: Boolean): Ident = {
        val id = self.Ident(name)
        if (isBackquoted) id updateAttachment BackquotedIdentifierAttachment
      def unapply(id: Ident): Option[(TermName, Boolean)] = match {
        case name: TermName => Some((name, id.hasAttachment[BackquotedIdentifierAttachment.type]))
        case _              => None

    object SyntacticTypeIdent extends SyntacticTypeIdentExtractor {
      def apply(name: TypeName): Ident = self.Ident(name)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[TypeName] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(Ident(name: TypeName)) => Some(name)
        case _ => None

    /** Facade over Imports and ImportSelectors that lets to structurally
     *  deconstruct/reconstruct them.
     *  Selectors are represented in the following way:
     *  1. q"import foo._"            <==> q"import foo.${pq"_"}"
     *  2. q"import"          <==> q"import foo.${pq"bar"}"
     *  3. q"import foo.{bar => baz}" <==> q"import foo.${pq"bar -> baz"}"
     *  4. q"import foo.{bar => _}"   <==> q"import foo.${pq"bar -> _"}"
     *  All names in selectors are TermNames despite the fact ImportSelector
     *  can theoretically contain TypeNames too (but they never do in practice.)
    object SyntacticImport extends SyntacticImportExtractor {
      // construct/deconstruct {_} import selector
      private object WildcardSelector {
        def apply(offset: Int): ImportSelector = ImportSelector(nme.WILDCARD, offset, null, -1)
        def unapply(sel: ImportSelector): Option[Int] = sel match {
          case ImportSelector(nme.WILDCARD, offset, null, -1) => Some(offset)
          case _                                              => None

      // construct/deconstruct {foo} import selector
      private object NameSelector {
        def apply(name: TermName, offset: Int): ImportSelector = ImportSelector(name, offset, name, offset)
        def unapply(sel: ImportSelector): Option[(TermName, Int)] = sel match {
          case ImportSelector(name1, offset1, name2, offset2) if name1 == name2 && offset1 == offset2 =>
            Some((name1.toTermName, offset1))
          case _ =>

      // construct/deconstruct {foo => bar} import selector
      private object RenameSelector {
        def apply(name1: TermName, offset1: Int, name2: TermName, offset2: Int): ImportSelector =
          ImportSelector(name1, offset1, name2, offset2)
        def unapply(sel: ImportSelector): Option[(TermName, Int, TermName, Int)] = sel match {
          case ImportSelector(_, _, null | nme.WILDCARD, _) =>
          case ImportSelector(name1, offset1, name2, offset2) if name1 != name2 =>
            Some((name1.toTermName, offset1, name2.toTermName, offset2))
          case _ =>

      // construct/deconstruct {foo => _} import selector
      private object UnimportSelector {
        def apply(name: TermName, offset: Int): ImportSelector =
          ImportSelector(name, offset, nme.WILDCARD, -1)
        def unapply(sel: ImportSelector): Option[(TermName, Int)] = sel match {
          case ImportSelector(name, offset, nme.WILDCARD, _) => Some((name.toTermName, offset))
          case _                                             => None

      // represent {_} import selector as pq"_"
      private object WildcardSelectorRepr {
        def apply(pos: Position): Tree = atPos(pos)(self.Ident(nme.WILDCARD))
        def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Position] = tree match {
          case self.Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => Some(tree.pos)
          case _                        => None

      // represent {foo} import selector as pq"foo"
      private object NameSelectorRepr {
        def apply(name: TermName, pos: Position): Tree = atPos(pos)(Bind(name, WildcardSelectorRepr(pos)))
        def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(TermName, Position)] = tree match {
          case Bind(name, WildcardSelectorRepr(_)) => Some((name.toTermName, tree.pos))
          case _                                   => None

      // pq"left -> right"
      private object Arrow {
        def apply(left: Tree, right: Tree): Apply =
          Apply(self.Ident(nme.MINGT), left :: right :: Nil)
        def unapply(tree: Apply): Option[(Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
          case Apply(self.Ident(nme.MINGT), left :: right :: Nil) => Some((left, right))
          case _ => None

      // represent {foo => bar} import selector as pq"foo -> bar"
      private object RenameSelectorRepr {
        def apply(name1: TermName, pos1: Position, name2: TermName, pos2: Position): Tree = {
          val left = NameSelectorRepr(name1, pos1)
          val right = NameSelectorRepr(name2, pos2)
          atPos(wrappingPos(left :: right :: Nil))(Arrow(left, right))
        def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(TermName, Position, TermName, Position)] = tree match {
          case Arrow(NameSelectorRepr(name1, pos1), NameSelectorRepr(name2, pos2)) =>
            Some((name1.toTermName, pos1, name2.toTermName, pos2))
          case _ =>

      // represent {foo => _} import selector as pq"foo -> _"
      private object UnimportSelectorRepr {
        def apply(name: TermName, pos: Position): Tree =
          atPos(pos)(Arrow(NameSelectorRepr(name, pos), WildcardSelectorRepr(pos)))
        def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(TermName, Position)] = tree match {
          case Arrow(NameSelectorRepr(name, pos), WildcardSelectorRepr(_)) =>
            Some((name, pos))
          case _ =>

      private def derivedPos(t: Tree, offset: Int): Position =
        if (t.pos == NoPosition) NoPosition else t.pos.withPoint(offset)

      private def derivedOffset(pos: Position): Int =
        if (pos == NoPosition) -1 else pos.point

      def apply(expr: Tree, selectors: List[Tree]): Import = {
        val importSelectors = {
          case WildcardSelectorRepr(pos)                    => WildcardSelector(derivedOffset(pos))
          case NameSelectorRepr(name, pos)                  => NameSelector(name, derivedOffset(pos))
          case RenameSelectorRepr(name1, pos1, name2, pos2) => RenameSelector(name1, derivedOffset(pos1), name2, derivedOffset(pos2))
          case UnimportSelectorRepr(name, pos)              => UnimportSelector(name, derivedOffset(pos))
          case tree                                         => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"${showRaw(tree)} doesn't correspond to import selector")
        Import(expr, importSelectors)

      def unapply(imp: Import): Some[(Tree, List[Tree])] = {
        val selectors = {
          case WildcardSelector(offset)                       => WildcardSelectorRepr(derivedPos(imp, offset))
          case NameSelector(name, offset)                     => NameSelectorRepr(name, derivedPos(imp, offset))
          case RenameSelector(name1, offset1, name2, offset2) => RenameSelectorRepr(name1, derivedPos(imp, offset1), name2, derivedPos(imp, offset2))
          case UnimportSelector(name, offset)                 => UnimportSelectorRepr(name, derivedPos(imp, offset))
        Some((imp.expr, selectors))

    object SyntacticSelectType extends SyntacticSelectTypeExtractor {
      def apply(qual: Tree, name: TypeName): Select = Select(qual, name)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TypeName)] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(Select(qual, name: TypeName)) => Some((qual, name))
        case _ => None

    object SyntacticSelectTerm extends SyntacticSelectTermExtractor {
      def apply(qual: Tree, name: TermName): Select = Select(qual, name)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TermName)] = tree match {
        case Select(qual, name: TermName) => Some((qual, name))
        case _                            => None

    object SyntacticCompoundType extends SyntacticCompoundTypeExtractor {
      def apply(parents: List[Tree], defns: List[Tree]) =
        CompoundTypeTree(Template(gen.mkParents(NoMods, parents), noSelfType, defns))
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], List[Tree])] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(CompoundTypeTree(Template(parents, _, defns))) =>
          Some((parents, defns))
        case _ =>

    object SyntacticSingletonType extends SyntacitcSingletonTypeExtractor {
      def apply(ref: Tree): SingletonTypeTree = SingletonTypeTree(ref)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(SingletonTypeTree(ref)) =>
        case _ =>

    object SyntacticTypeProjection extends SyntacticTypeProjectionExtractor {
      def apply(qual: Tree, name: TypeName): SelectFromTypeTree =
        SelectFromTypeTree(qual, name)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TypeName)] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(SelectFromTypeTree(qual, name)) =>
          Some((qual, name))
        case _ =>

    object SyntacticAnnotatedType extends SyntacticAnnotatedTypeExtractor {
      def apply(tpt: Tree, annot: Tree): Annotated =
        Annotated(annot, tpt)
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree)] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(Annotated(annot, tpt)) =>
          Some((tpt, annot))
        case _ =>

    object SyntacticExistentialType extends SyntacticExistentialTypeExtractor {
      def apply(tpt: Tree, where: List[Tree]): ExistentialTypeTree =
        ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, {
          case md: MemberDef => md
          case tree => throw new IllegalArgumentException("$tree is not legal forSome definition")
      def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[MemberDef])] = tree match {
        case MaybeTypeTreeOriginal(ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, where)) =>
          Some((tpt, where))
        case _ =>

  val build = new ReificationSupportImpl

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