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Scala example source code file (typeinf.scala)

This example Scala source code file (typeinf.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

arrow, list, list, pair, string, subst, term, term, tycon, type, type, typescheme, tyvar, tyvar

The Scala typeinf.scala source code

package examples

object typeinf {

trait Term {}

case class Var(x: String)                   extends Term {
  override def toString() = x
case class Lam(x: String, e: Term)          extends Term {
  override def toString() = "(\\" + x + "." + e + ")"
case class App(f: Term, e: Term)            extends Term {
  override def toString() = "(" + f + " " + e + ")"
case class Let(x: String, e: Term, f: Term) extends Term {
  override def toString() = "let " + x + " = " + e + " in " + f

sealed trait Type {}
case class Tyvar(a: String) extends Type {
  override def toString() = a
case class Arrow(t1: Type, t2: Type) extends Type {
  override def toString() = "(" + t1 + "->" + t2 + ")"
case class Tycon(k: String, ts: List[Type]) extends Type {
  override def toString() =
    k + (if (ts.isEmpty) "" else ts.mkString("[", ",", "]"))

object typeInfer {

  private var n: Int = 0
  def newTyvar(): Type = { n += 1; Tyvar("a" + n) }

  trait Subst extends Function1[Type, Type] {
    def lookup(x: Tyvar): Type
    def apply(t: Type): Type = t match {
      case tv @ Tyvar(a) => val u = lookup(tv); if (t == u) t else apply(u)
      case Arrow(t1, t2) => Arrow(apply(t1), apply(t2))
      case Tycon(k, ts) => Tycon(k, ts map apply)
    def extend(x: Tyvar, t: Type) = new Subst {
      def lookup(y: Tyvar): Type = if (x == y) t else Subst.this.lookup(y)

  val emptySubst = new Subst { def lookup(t: Tyvar): Type = t }

  case class TypeScheme(tyvars: List[Tyvar], tpe: Type) {
    def newInstance: Type =
      (emptySubst /: tyvars) ((s, tv) => s.extend(tv, newTyvar())) (tpe)

  type Env = List[Pair[String, TypeScheme]]

  def lookup(env: Env, x: String): TypeScheme = env match {
    case List() => null
    case Pair(y, t) :: env1 => if (x == y) t else lookup(env1, x)

  def gen(env: Env, t: Type): TypeScheme =
    TypeScheme(tyvars(t) diff tyvars(env), t)

  def tyvars(t: Type): List[Tyvar] = t match {
    case tv @ Tyvar(a) => List(tv)
    case Arrow(t1, t2) => tyvars(t1) union tyvars(t2)
    case Tycon(k, ts) => (List[Tyvar]() /: ts) ((tvs, t) => tvs union tyvars(t))

  def tyvars(ts: TypeScheme): List[Tyvar] = 
    tyvars(ts.tpe) diff ts.tyvars;

  def tyvars(env: Env): List[Tyvar] =
    (List[Tyvar]() /: env) ((tvs, nt) => tvs union tyvars(nt._2))

  def mgu(t: Type, u: Type, s: Subst): Subst = Pair(s(t), s(u)) match {
    case Pair(Tyvar(a), Tyvar(b)) if (a == b) => 
    case Pair(Tyvar(a), _) if !(tyvars(u) contains a) =>
      s.extend(Tyvar(a), u)
    case Pair(_, Tyvar(a)) =>
      mgu(u, t, s)
    case Pair(Arrow(t1, t2), Arrow(u1, u2)) =>
      mgu(t1, u1, mgu(t2, u2, s))
    case Pair(Tycon(k1, ts), Tycon(k2, us)) if (k1 == k2) =>
      (s /: (ts zip us)) ((s, tu) => mgu(tu._1, tu._2, s))
    case _ =>
      throw new TypeError("cannot unify " + s(t) + " with " + s(u))

  case class TypeError(s: String) extends Exception(s) {}

  def tp(env: Env, e: Term, t: Type, s: Subst): Subst = {
    current = e
    e match {
      case Var(x) =>
        val u = lookup(env, x)
        if (u == null) throw new TypeError("undefined: " + x)
        else mgu(u.newInstance, t, s)

      case Lam(x, e1) =>
        val a, b = newTyvar()
        val s1 = mgu(t, Arrow(a, b), s)
        val env1 = Pair(x, TypeScheme(List(), a)) :: env
        tp(env1, e1, b, s1)

      case App(e1, e2) =>
        val a = newTyvar()
        val s1 = tp(env, e1, Arrow(a, t), s)
        tp(env, e2, a, s1)

      case Let(x, e1, e2) =>
        val a = newTyvar()
        val s1 = tp(env, e1, a, s)
        tp(Pair(x, gen(env, s1(a))) :: env, e2, t, s1)
  var current: Term = null

  def typeOf(env: Env, e: Term): Type = {
    val a = newTyvar()
    tp(env, e, a, emptySubst)(a)

  object predefined {
    val booleanType = Tycon("Boolean", List())
    val intType = Tycon("Int", List())
    def listType(t: Type) = Tycon("List", List(t))

    private def gen(t: Type): typeInfer.TypeScheme = typeInfer.gen(List(), t)
    private val a = typeInfer.newTyvar()
    val env = List(
      Pair("true", gen(booleanType)),
      Pair("false", gen(booleanType)),
      Pair("if", gen(Arrow(booleanType, Arrow(a, Arrow(a, a))))),
      Pair("zero", gen(intType)),
      Pair("succ", gen(Arrow(intType, intType))),
      Pair("nil", gen(listType(a))),
      Pair("cons", gen(Arrow(a, Arrow(listType(a), listType(a))))),
      Pair("isEmpty", gen(Arrow(listType(a), booleanType))),
      Pair("head", gen(Arrow(listType(a), a))),
      Pair("tail", gen(Arrow(listType(a), listType(a)))),
      Pair("fix", gen(Arrow(Arrow(a, a), a)))

  trait MiniMLParsers extends CharParsers {

    /** whitespace */
    def whitespace = rep{chr(' ') ||| chr('\t') ||| chr('\n')}

    /** A given character, possible preceded by whitespace */
    def wschr(ch: char) = whitespace &&& chr(ch)

    def isLetter = (c: char) => Character.isLetter(c)
    def isLetterOrDigit: char => boolean = Character.isLetterOrDigit

    /** identifiers or keywords */
    def id: Parser[String] =
      for (
        c: char <- rep(chr(' ')) &&& chr(isLetter);
        cs: List[char] <- rep(chr(isLetterOrDigit))
      ) yield (c :: cs).mkString("", "", "")

    /** Non-keyword identifiers */
    def ident: Parser[String] =
      for (s <- id if s != "let" && s != "in") yield s

    /** term = '\' ident '.' term | term1 {term1} | let ident "=" term in term */
    def term: Parser[Term] = (
      ( for (
          _ <- wschr('\\');
          x <- ident;
          _ <- wschr('.');
          t <- term)
        yield Lam(x, t): Term )
      ( for (
          letid <- id if letid == "let"; 
          x <- ident;
          _ <- wschr('=');
          t <- term;
          inid <- id; if inid == "in";
          c <- term)
        yield Let(x, t, c) )
      ( for (
          t <- term1;
          ts <- rep(term1))
        yield (t /: ts)((f, arg) => App(f, arg)) )

    /** term1 = ident | '(' term ')' */
    def term1: Parser[Term] = (
      ( for (s <- ident)
        yield Var(s): Term )
      ( for (
          _ <- wschr('(');
          t <- term;
          _ <- wschr(')'))
        yield t )

    /** all = term ';' */
    def all: Parser[Term] =
      for (
        t <- term;
        _ <- wschr(';'))
      yield t

  class ParseString(s: String) extends Parsers {
    type inputType = int
    val input = 0
    def any = new Parser[char] {
      def apply(in: int): Parser[char]#Result =
        if (in < s.length()) Some(Pair(s charAt in, in + 1)) else None

  def showType(e: Term): String =
    try {
      typeInfer.typeOf(predefined.env, e).toString()
    catch {
      case typeInfer.TypeError(msg) =>
        "\n cannot type: " + typeInfer.current +
        "\n reason: " + msg

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
      if (args.length == 1) {
        val ps = new ParseString(args(0)) with MiniMLParsers
        ps.all(ps.input) match {
          case Some(Pair(term, _)) =>
            "" + term + ": " + showType(term)
          case None =>
            "syntax error"
        "usage: java examples.typeinf <expr-string>"


Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala typeinf.scala source code file:

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