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Scala example source code file (TreeDSL.scala)

This example Scala source code file (TreeDSL.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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casestart, emptytree, list, list, name, name, resulttreetype, symbol, symbol, tree, tree, type, val, valtreestart

The Scala TreeDSL.scala source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Paul Phillips

package ast

import PartialFunction._
import symtab.Flags

/** A DSL for generating scala code.  The goal is that the
 *  code generating code should look a lot like the code it
 *  generates.

trait TreeDSL { 
  val global: Global
  import global._
  import definitions._
  import gen.{ scalaDot }
  object CODE {    
    // Add a null check to a Tree => Tree function
    def nullSafe[T](f: Tree => Tree, ifNull: Tree): Tree => Tree =
      tree => IF (tree MEMBER_== NULL) THEN ifNull ELSE f(tree)
    // strip bindings to find what lies beneath
    final def unbind(x: Tree): Tree = x match {
      case Bind(_, y) => unbind(y)
      case y          => y

    def returning[T](x: T)(f: T => Unit): T = util.returning(x)(f)
    object LIT extends (Any => Literal) {
      def apply(x: Any)   = Literal(Constant(x))
      def unapply(x: Any) = condOpt(x) { case Literal(Constant(value)) => value }
    // You might think these could all be vals, but empirically I have found that
    // at least in the case of UNIT the compiler breaks if you re-use trees.
    // However we need stable identifiers to have attractive pattern matching.
    // So it's inconsistent until I devise a better way.
    val TRUE          = LIT(true)
    val FALSE         = LIT(false)
    val ZERO          = LIT(0)
    def NULL          = LIT(null)
    def UNIT          = LIT(())
    object WILD {
      def apply(tpe: Type = null) =
        if (tpe == null) Ident(nme.WILDCARD)
        else Ident(nme.WILDCARD) setType tpe
      def unapply(other: Any) =
        cond(other) { case Ident(nme.WILDCARD)  => true }
    def fn(lhs: Tree, op:   Name, args: Tree*)  = Apply(Select(lhs, op), args.toList)
    def fn(lhs: Tree, op: Symbol, args: Tree*)  = Apply(Select(lhs, op), args.toList)
    class TreeMethods(target: Tree) {      
      /** logical/comparison ops **/
      def OR(other: Tree) = 
        if (target == EmptyTree) other
        else if (other == EmptyTree) target
        else gen.mkOr(target, other)
      def AND(other: Tree) = 
        if (target == EmptyTree) other
        else if (other == EmptyTree) target
        else gen.mkAnd(target, other)
      /** Note - calling ANY_== in the matcher caused primitives to get boxed
       *  for the comparison, whereas looking up nme.EQ does not.  See #3570 for
       *  an example of how target.tpe can be non-null, yet it claims not to have
       *  a mmeber called nme.EQ.  Not sure if that should happen, but we can be
       *  robust by dragging in Any regardless.
      def MEMBER_== (other: Tree)   = {
        val opSym = if (target.tpe == null) NoSymbol else target.tpe member nme.EQ
        if (opSym == NoSymbol) ANY_==(other)
        else fn(target, opSym, other)
      def ANY_EQ  (other: Tree)     = OBJ_EQ(other AS ObjectClass.tpe)
      def ANY_==  (other: Tree)     = fn(target, Any_==, other)
      def ANY_!=  (other: Tree)     = fn(target, Any_!=, other)
      def OBJ_==  (other: Tree)     = fn(target, Object_==, other)
      def OBJ_!=  (other: Tree)     = fn(target, Object_!=, other)
      def OBJ_EQ  (other: Tree)     = fn(target, Object_eq, other)
      def OBJ_NE  (other: Tree)     = fn(target, Object_ne, other)
      def INT_|   (other: Tree)     = fn(target, getMember(IntClass, nme.OR), other)
      def INT_&   (other: Tree)     = fn(target, getMember(IntClass, nme.AND), other)
      def INT_>=  (other: Tree)     = fn(target, getMember(IntClass, nme.GE), other)
      def INT_==  (other: Tree)     = fn(target, getMember(IntClass, nme.EQ), other)
      def INT_!=  (other: Tree)     = fn(target, getMember(IntClass, nme.NE), other)
      def BOOL_&& (other: Tree)     = fn(target, getMember(BooleanClass, nme.ZAND), other)
      def BOOL_|| (other: Tree)     = fn(target, getMember(BooleanClass, nme.ZOR), other)
      /** Apply, Select, Match **/
      def APPLY(params: Tree*)      = Apply(target, params.toList)
      def APPLY(params: List[Tree]) = Apply(target, params)
      def MATCH(cases: CaseDef*)    = Match(target, cases.toList)
      def DOT(member: Name)         = SelectStart(Select(target, member))
      def DOT(sym: Symbol)          = SelectStart(Select(target, sym))
      /** Assignment */
      def ===(rhs: Tree)            = Assign(target, rhs)
      /** Methods for sequences **/      
      def DROP(count: Int): Tree =
        if (count == 0) target
        else (target DOT nme.drop)(LIT(count))
      /** Casting & type tests -- working our way toward understanding exactly
       *  what differs between the different forms of IS and AS.
       *  See ticket #2168 for one illustration of AS vs. AS_ANY.
      def AS(tpe: Type)       = TypeApply(Select(target, Any_asInstanceOf), List(TypeTree(tpe)))
      def AS_ANY(tpe: Type)   = gen.mkAsInstanceOf(target, tpe)
      def AS_ATTR(tpe: Type)  = gen.mkAttributedCast(target, tpe)

      def IS(tpe: Type)       = gen.mkIsInstanceOf(target, tpe, true)
      def IS_OBJ(tpe: Type)   = gen.mkIsInstanceOf(target, tpe, false)
      // XXX having some difficulty expressing nullSafe in a way that doesn't freak out value types
      // def TOSTRING()          = nullSafe(fn(_: Tree, nme.toString_), LIT("null"))(target)
      def TOSTRING()          = fn(target, nme.toString_)
      def GETCLASS()          = fn(target, Object_getClass)
    case class SelectStart(tree: Select) {
      def apply(args: Tree*) = Apply(tree, args.toList)
    class CaseStart(pat: Tree, guard: Tree) {
      def IF(g: Tree): CaseStart    = new CaseStart(pat, g)
      def ==>(body: Tree): CaseDef  = CaseDef(pat, guard, body)
    /** VODD, if it's not obvious, means ValOrDefDef.  This is the
     *  common code between a tree based on a pre-existing symbol and
     *  one being built from scratch.
    trait VODDStart {
      def name: Name
      def defaultMods: Modifiers
      def defaultTpt: Tree
      def defaultPos: Position

      type ResultTreeType <: ValOrDefDef
      def mkTree(rhs: Tree): ResultTreeType
      def ===(rhs: Tree): ResultTreeType
      private var _mods: Modifiers = null
      private var _tpt: Tree = null
      private var _pos: Position = null
      def withType(tp: Type): this.type = { 
        _tpt = TypeTree(tp)
      def withFlags(flags: Long*): this.type = {
        if (_mods == null)
          _mods = defaultMods
        _mods = flags.foldLeft(_mods)(_ | _)
      def withPos(pos: Position): this.type = {
        _pos = pos
      final def mods = if (_mods == null) defaultMods else _mods
      final def tpt  = if (_tpt == null) defaultTpt else _tpt
      final def pos  = if (_pos == null) defaultPos else _pos
    trait SymVODDStart extends VODDStart {
      def sym: Symbol
      def symType: Type
      def name        =
      def defaultMods = Modifiers(sym.flags)
      def defaultTpt  = TypeTree(symType) setPos sym.pos.focus
      def defaultPos  = sym.pos
      final def ===(rhs: Tree): ResultTreeType =
        atPos(pos)(mkTree(rhs) setSymbol sym)
    trait ValCreator {
      self: VODDStart =>
      type ResultTreeType = ValDef
      def mkTree(rhs: Tree): ValDef = ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs)
    trait DefCreator {
      self: VODDStart =>
      def tparams: List[TypeDef]
      def vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]

      type ResultTreeType = DefDef
      def mkTree(rhs: Tree): DefDef = DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)

    class DefSymStart(val sym: Symbol) extends SymVODDStart with DefCreator {
      def symType  = sym.tpe.finalResultType
      def tparams  = sym.typeParams map TypeDef
      def vparamss = sym.paramss map (xs => xs map ValDef)
    class ValSymStart(val sym: Symbol) extends SymVODDStart with ValCreator {
      def symType = sym.tpe
    trait TreeVODDStart extends VODDStart {      
      def defaultMods = NoMods
      def defaultTpt  = TypeTree()
      def defaultPos  = NoPosition
      final def ===(rhs: Tree): ResultTreeType =
        if (pos == NoPosition) mkTree(rhs)
        else atPos(pos)(mkTree(rhs))
    class ValTreeStart(val name: Name) extends TreeVODDStart with ValCreator {
    class DefTreeStart(val name: Name) extends TreeVODDStart with DefCreator {
      def tparams: List[TypeDef] = Nil
      def vparamss: List[List[ValDef]] = List(Nil)

    class IfStart(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree) {
      def THEN(x: Tree)     = new IfStart(cond, x)
      def ELSE(elsep: Tree) = If(cond, thenp, elsep)
      def ENDIF             = If(cond, thenp, EmptyTree)
    class TryStart(body: Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], fin: Tree) {
      def CATCH(xs: CaseDef*) = new TryStart(body, xs.toList, fin)
      def FINALLY(x: Tree)    = Try(body, catches, x)
      def ENDTRY              = Try(body, catches, fin)

    def CASE(pat: Tree): CaseStart  = new CaseStart(pat, EmptyTree)
    def DEFAULT: CaseStart          = new CaseStart(WILD(), EmptyTree)    
    class SymbolMethods(target: Symbol) {
      def BIND(body: Tree) = Bind(target, body)
      def IS_NULL()  = REF(target) OBJ_EQ NULL
      def NOT_NULL() = REF(target) OBJ_NE NULL
      def GET() = fn(REF(target), nme.get)
      // name of nth indexed argument to a method (first parameter list), defaults to 1st
      def ARG(idx: Int = 0) = Ident(target.paramss.head(idx))
      def ARGS = target.paramss.head
      def ARGNAMES = ARGS map Ident
    /** Top level accessible. */
    def MATCHERROR(arg: Tree) = Throw(New(TypeTree(MatchErrorClass.tpe), List(List(arg))))
    /** !!! should generalize null guard from match error here. */
    def THROW(sym: Symbol): Throw = Throw(New(TypeTree(sym.tpe), List(Nil)))
    def THROW(sym: Symbol, msg: Tree): Throw = Throw(New(TypeTree(sym.tpe), List(List(msg.TOSTRING()))))
    def NEW(tpe: Tree, args: Tree*)   = New(tpe, List(args.toList))
    def NEW(sym: Symbol, args: Tree*) = 
      if (args.isEmpty) New(TypeTree(sym.tpe))
      else New(TypeTree(sym.tpe), List(args.toList))

    def DEF(name: Name, tp: Type): DefTreeStart     = DEF(name) withType tp
    def DEF(name: Name): DefTreeStart               = new DefTreeStart(name)
    def DEF(sym: Symbol): DefSymStart               = new DefSymStart(sym)

    def VAL(name: Name, tp: Type): ValTreeStart     = VAL(name) withType tp
    def VAL(name: Name): ValTreeStart               = new ValTreeStart(name)
    def VAL(sym: Symbol): ValSymStart               = new ValSymStart(sym)

    def VAR(name: Name, tp: Type): ValTreeStart     = VAL(name, tp) withFlags Flags.MUTABLE
    def VAR(name: Name): ValTreeStart               = VAL(name) withFlags Flags.MUTABLE
    def VAR(sym: Symbol): ValSymStart               = VAL(sym) withFlags Flags.MUTABLE

    def LAZYVAL(name: Name, tp: Type): ValTreeStart = VAL(name, tp) withFlags Flags.LAZY
    def LAZYVAL(name: Name): ValTreeStart           = VAL(name) withFlags Flags.LAZY
    def LAZYVAL(sym: Symbol): ValSymStart           = VAL(sym) withFlags Flags.LAZY

    def AND(guards: Tree*) =
      if (guards.isEmpty) EmptyTree
      else guards reduceLeft gen.mkAnd
    def OR(guards: Tree*) =
      if (guards.isEmpty) EmptyTree
      else guards reduceLeft gen.mkOr      
    def IF(tree: Tree)    = new IfStart(tree, EmptyTree)
    def TRY(tree: Tree)   = new TryStart(tree, Nil, EmptyTree)
    def BLOCK(xs: Tree*)  = Block(xs.init.toList, xs.last)
    def NOT(tree: Tree)   = Select(tree, getMember(BooleanClass, nme.UNARY_!))    
    def SOME(xs: Tree*)   = Apply(scalaDot(nme.Some), List(makeTupleTerm(xs.toList, true)))
    /** Typed trees from symbols. */
    def THIS(sym: Symbol)             = gen.mkAttributedThis(sym)
    def ID(sym: Symbol)               = gen.mkAttributedIdent(sym)
    def REF(sym: Symbol)              = gen.mkAttributedRef(sym)
    def REF(pre: Type, sym: Symbol)   = gen.mkAttributedRef(pre, sym)

    /** Some of this is basically verbatim from TreeBuilder, but we do not want
     *  to get involved with him because he's an untyped only sort.
    private def tupleName(count: Int, f: (String) => Name = newTermName(_: String)) =
      scalaDot(f("Tuple" + count))

    def makeTupleTerm(trees: List[Tree], flattenUnary: Boolean): Tree = trees match {
      case Nil                        => UNIT
      case List(tree) if flattenUnary => tree
      case _                          => Apply(tupleName(trees.length), trees)
    def makeTupleType(trees: List[Tree], flattenUnary: Boolean): Tree = trees match {
      case Nil                        => gen.scalaUnitConstr
      case List(tree) if flattenUnary => tree
      case _                          => AppliedTypeTree(tupleName(trees.length, newTypeName), trees)

    /** Implicits - some of these should probably disappear **/
    implicit def mkTreeMethods(target: Tree): TreeMethods = new TreeMethods(target)
    implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromSymbol(target: Symbol): TreeMethods = new TreeMethods(Ident(target))
    implicit def mkSymbolMethodsFromSymbol(target: Symbol): SymbolMethods = new SymbolMethods(target)
    /** (foo DOT bar) might be simply a Select, but more likely it is to be immediately
     *  followed by an Apply.  We don't want to add an actual apply method to arbitrary
     *  trees, so SelectStart is created with an apply - and if apply is not the next
     *  thing called, the implicit from SelectStart -> Tree will provide the tree.
    implicit def mkTreeFromSelectStart(ss: SelectStart): Select = ss.tree
    implicit def mkTreeMethodsFromSelectStart(ss: SelectStart): TreeMethods = mkTreeMethods(ss.tree)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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