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Scala example source code file (Inliners.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Inliners.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

boolean, boolean, call_method, imethodinfo, instruction, instruction, local, local, private, protected, public, string, symbol, symbol

The Scala Inliners.scala source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Iulian Dragos

package backend.opt

import scala.collection.mutable

 *  @author Iulian Dragos
abstract class Inliners extends SubComponent {
  import global._
  import icodes._
  import icodes.opcodes._
  import definitions.{
    NullClass, NothingClass, ObjectClass,
    PredefModule, RuntimePackage, ScalaInlineClass, ScalaNoInlineClass,

  val phaseName = "inliner"

  /** Debug - for timing the inliner. */
  private def timed[T](s: String, body: => T): T = {
    val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val res = body
    val t2 = System.currentTimeMillis()    
    val ms = (t2 - t1).toInt
    if (ms >= MAX_INLINE_MILLIS)
      println("%s: %d milliseconds".format(s, ms))


  /* A warning threshold */
  private final val MAX_INLINE_MILLIS = 2000

  /** The maximum size in basic blocks of methods considered for inlining. */
  final val MAX_INLINE_SIZE = 16

  /** Maximum loop iterations. */
  final val MAX_INLINE_RETRY = 15

  /** Small method size (in blocks) */

  /** Create a new phase */
  override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new InliningPhase(p)

  /** The Inlining phase.
  class InliningPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
    def name = phaseName
    val inliner = new Inliner

    override def apply(c: IClass) {
      inliner analyzeClass c

  def isBottomType(sym: Symbol) = sym == NullClass || sym == NothingClass
  def posToStr(pos: util.Position) = if (pos.isDefined) pos.point.toString else "<nopos>"

  /** Is the given class a closure? */
  def isClosureClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean =
    cls.isFinal && cls.isSynthetic && !cls.isModuleClass && cls.isAnonymousFunction

   * Simple inliner.
  class Inliner {
    object NonPublicRefs extends Enumeration {
      val Public, Protected, Private = Value
      /** Cache whether a method calls private members. */
      val usesNonPublics: mutable.Map[IMethod, Value] = new mutable.HashMap
    import NonPublicRefs._

    /* fresh name counter */
    val fresh = new mutable.HashMap[String, Int] withDefaultValue 0
    def freshName(s: String) = {
      fresh(s) += 1
      s + fresh(s)

    private def hasInline(sym: Symbol)    = sym hasAnnotation ScalaInlineClass
    private def hasNoInline(sym: Symbol)  = sym hasAnnotation ScalaNoInlineClass    

    /** The current iclass */
    private var currentIClazz: IClass = _
    private def warn(pos: Position, msg: String) = currentIClazz.cunit.warning(pos, msg)

    def analyzeClass(cls: IClass): Unit =
      if (settings.inline.value) {
        if (settings.debug.value)
        	log("Analyzing " + cls)

        this.currentIClazz = cls
        cls.methods filterNot (_.symbol.isConstructor) foreach analyzeMethod

    val tfa   = new analysis.MethodTFA()
    tfa.stat  = global.opt.printStats

    // how many times have we already inlined this method here?
    private val inlinedMethodCount: mutable.Map[Symbol, Int] = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Int] {
    	override def default(k: Symbol) = 0

    def analyzeMethod(m: IMethod) {
      var sizeBeforeInlining = if (m.code ne null) m.code.blocks.length else 0
      var instrBeforeInlining = if (m.code ne null) m.code.blocks.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.length)  else 0
      var retry = false
      var count = 0
      val caller = new IMethodInfo(m)
      var info: tfa.lattice.Elem = null

      def analyzeInc(msym: Symbol, i: Instruction, bb: BasicBlock): Boolean = {
        var inlined = false
        def paramTypes  =
        val receiver    = (info.stack.types drop paramTypes.length).head match {
          case REFERENCE(s) => s
          case _            => NoSymbol
        val concreteMethod  = lookupImplFor(msym, receiver)

        def warnNoInline(reason: String) = {
          if (hasInline(msym) && !caller.isBridge)
            warn(i.pos, "Could not inline required method %s because %s.".format(msym.originalName.decode, reason))

        if (shouldLoadImplFor(concreteMethod, receiver))

        def isAvailable = icodes available concreteMethod.enclClass
        def isCandidate = isClosureClass(receiver) || concreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinal || receiver.isFinal
        def isApply     = == nme.apply        
        def isCountable = !(isClosureClass(receiver)
                || isApply
                || isMonadicMethod(concreteMethod)
                || receiver.enclosingPackage == definitions.RuntimePackage
                )   // only count non-closures

        if (settings.debug.value)
          log("Treating " + i 
              + "\n\treceiver: " + receiver
              + "\n\ticodes.available: " + isAvailable
              + "\n\tconcreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinal: " + concreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinal)

        if (isAvailable && isCandidate) {
          lookupIMethod(concreteMethod, receiver) match {
            case Some(callee) =>
              val inc   = new IMethodInfo(callee)
              val pair  = new CallerCalleeInfo(caller, inc)
              if (pair isStampedForInlining info.stack) {
                retry = true
                inlined = true
                if (isCountable)
                  count += 1

                pair.doInline(bb, i)
                if (!inc.inline || inc.isMonadic)
                  caller.inlinedCalls += 1
                inlinedMethodCount(inc.sym) += 1

                /* Remove this method from the cache, as the calls-private relation
                 * might have changed after the inlining.
                usesNonPublics -= m
              else {
                if (settings.debug.value)
                  pair logFailure info.stack
                warnNoInline(pair failureReason info.stack)
            case None =>
              warnNoInline("bytecode was not available")
              if (settings.debug.value)
                log("could not find icode\n\treceiver: " + receiver + "\n\tmethod: " + concreteMethod)
        else warnNoInline(
          if (!isAvailable) "bytecode was not available"
          else "it is not final"

      import scala.util.control.Breaks._
      do {
        retry = false
        if (caller.inline) {
          log("Not inlining into " + caller.sym.originalName.decode + " because it is marked @inline.")
        else if (caller.hasCode) {
          log("Analyzing " + m + " count " + count + " with " + caller.length + " blocks")
          tfa init m

          caller.linearized foreach { bb =>
            info = tfa in bb

            breakable {
              for (i <- bb) {
                i match {
                  case CALL_METHOD(msym, Dynamic) =>
                    if (analyzeInc(msym, i, bb)) break
                  case _ => ()
                info = tfa.interpret(info, i)
          if (tfa.stat)
            log(m.symbol.fullName + " iterations: " + tfa.iterations + " (size: " + caller.length + ")")
      while (retry && count < MAX_INLINE_RETRY)
      if (sizeBeforeInlining > 0) {
        val instrAfterInlining = m.code.blocks.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.length)
        val prefix = if ((instrAfterInlining > 2 * instrBeforeInlining) && (instrAfterInlining > 200)) " !! " else ""
        log(prefix + " %s blocks before inlining: %d (%d) after: %d (%d)".format(
          m.symbol.fullName, sizeBeforeInlining, instrBeforeInlining, m.code.blocks.length, instrAfterInlining))

    private def isMonadicMethod(sym: Symbol) = {
      val (origName, _, _) = nme.splitSpecializedName(
      origName match {
        case nme.foreach | nme.filter | nme.withFilter | | nme.flatMap => true
        case _ => false

    private def isHigherOrderMethod(sym: Symbol) =
      sym.isMethod && atPhase(currentRun.erasurePhase.prev)( exists isFunctionType)
    /** Should method 'sym' being called in 'receiver' be loaded from disk? */
    def shouldLoadImplFor(sym: Symbol, receiver: Symbol): Boolean = {
      def alwaysLoad    = (receiver.enclosingPackage == RuntimePackage) || (receiver == PredefModule.moduleClass)
      def loadCondition = sym.isEffectivelyFinal && isMonadicMethod(sym) && isHigherOrderMethod(sym)
      val res = hasInline(sym) || alwaysLoad || loadCondition
      if (settings.debug.value)
        log("shouldLoadImplFor: " + receiver + "." + sym + ": " + res)

    /** Look up implementation of method 'sym in 'clazz'.
    def lookupImplFor(sym: Symbol, clazz: Symbol): Symbol = {
      // TODO: verify that clazz.superClass is equivalent here to clazz.tpe.parents(0).typeSymbol (.tpe vs .info)
      def needsLookup = (clazz != NoSymbol) && (clazz != sym.owner) && !sym.isEffectivelyFinal && clazz.isFinal

      def lookup(clazz: Symbol): Symbol = {
        // println("\t\tlooking up " + meth + " in " + clazz.fullName + " meth.owner = " + meth.owner)
        if (sym.owner == clazz || isBottomType(clazz)) sym
        else sym.overridingSymbol(clazz) match {
          case NoSymbol  => if (sym.owner.isTrait) sym else lookup(clazz.superClass)
          case imp       => imp
      if (needsLookup) {
        val concreteMethod = lookup(clazz)
        if (settings.debug.value)
          log("\tlooked up method: " + concreteMethod.fullName)

      else sym

    class IMethodInfo(val m: IMethod) {
      val sym           = m.symbol
      val name          =
      def owner         = sym.owner
      def paramTypes    =
      def minimumStack  = paramTypes.length + 1

      def inline        = hasInline(sym)
      def noinline      = hasNoInline(sym)
      def numInlined    = inlinedMethodCount(sym)

      def isBridge      = sym.isBridge
      def isInClosure   = isClosureClass(owner)
      def isHigherOrder = isHigherOrderMethod(sym)
      def isMonadic     = isMonadicMethod(sym)
      def handlers      = m.exh
      def blocks        = if (m.code eq null) sys.error("blocks = null + " + m) else m.code.blocks
      def locals        = m.locals
      def length        = blocks.length
      def openBlocks    = blocks filterNot (_.closed)
      def instructions  = blocks.flatten
      def linearized    = linearizer linearize m
      def isSmall       = (length <= SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) && blocks(0).length < 10
      def isLarge       = length > MAX_INLINE_SIZE
      def isRecursive   = m.recursive
      def hasCode       = m.code != null
      def hasSourceFile = m.sourceFile != null
      def hasHandlers   = handlers.nonEmpty

      // the number of inlined calls in 'm', used by 'shouldInline'
      var inlinedCalls = 0

      def addLocals(ls: List[Local])  = m.locals ++= ls
      def addLocal(l: Local)          = addLocals(List(l))
      def addHandlers(exhs: List[ExceptionHandler]) = m.exh = exhs ::: m.exh

    class CallerCalleeInfo(val caller: IMethodInfo, val inc: IMethodInfo) {
      def isLargeSum  = caller.length + inc.length - 1 > SMALL_METHOD_SIZE

      /** Inline 'inc' into 'caller' at the given block and instruction.
       *  The instruction must be a CALL_METHOD.
      def doInline(block: BasicBlock, instr: Instruction) {
        val targetPos = instr.pos
        log("Inlining " + inc.m + " in " + caller.m + " at pos: " + posToStr(targetPos))

        def blockEmit(i: Instruction) = block.emit(i, targetPos)
        def newLocal(baseName: String, kind: TypeKind) =
          new Local(caller.sym.newVariable(targetPos, freshName(baseName)), kind, false)

        val a = new analysis.MethodTFA(inc.m)

        /* The exception handlers that are active at the current block. */
        val activeHandlers = caller.handlers filter (_ covered block)

        /* Map 'original' blocks to the ones inlined in the caller. */
        val inlinedBlock: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock] = new mutable.HashMap

        val varsInScope: mutable.Set[Local] = mutable.HashSet() ++= block.varsInScope

        /** Side effects varsInScope when it sees SCOPE_ENTERs. */
        def instrBeforeFilter(i: Instruction): Boolean = {
          i match { case SCOPE_ENTER(l) => varsInScope += l ; case _ => () }
          i ne instr
        val instrBefore = block.toList takeWhile instrBeforeFilter
        val instrAfter  = block.toList drop (instrBefore.length + 1)

        assert(!instrAfter.isEmpty, "CALL_METHOD cannot be the last instruction in block!")

        // store the '$this' into the special local
        val inlinedThis = newLocal("$inlThis", REFERENCE(ObjectClass))

        /** buffer for the returned value */
        val retVal = inc.m.returnType match {
          case UNIT  => null
          case x     => newLocal("$retVal", x)

        val inlinedLocals: mutable.Map[Local, Local] = new mutable.HashMap

        /** Add a new block in the current context. */
        def newBlock() = {
          val b = caller.m.code.newBlock
          activeHandlers foreach (_ addCoveredBlock b)
          if (retVal ne null) b.varsInScope += retVal
          b.varsInScope += inlinedThis
          b.varsInScope ++= varsInScope

        def translateExh(e: ExceptionHandler) = {
          val handler: ExceptionHandler = e.dup
          handler.covered = handler.covered map inlinedBlock
          handler setStartBlock inlinedBlock(e.startBlock)

        /** alfa-rename `l' in caller's context. */
        def dupLocal(l: Local): Local = {
          val sym = caller.sym.newVariable(l.sym.pos, freshName(
          // sym.setInfo(l.sym.tpe)
          val dupped = new Local(sym, l.kind, false)
          inlinedLocals(l) = dupped

        val afterBlock = newBlock()

        /** Map from nw.init instructions to their matching NEW call */
        val pending: mutable.Map[Instruction, NEW] = new mutable.HashMap

        /** Map an instruction from the callee to one suitable for the caller. */
        def map(i: Instruction): Instruction = {
          def assertLocal(l: Local) = {
            assert(caller.locals contains l, "Could not find local '" + l + "' in locals, nor in inlinedLocals: " + inlinedLocals)
          def isInlined(l: Local) = inlinedLocals isDefinedAt l

          val newInstr = i match {
            case THIS(clasz)                    => LOAD_LOCAL(inlinedThis)
            case STORE_THIS(_)                  => STORE_LOCAL(inlinedThis)
            case JUMP(whereto)                  => JUMP(inlinedBlock(whereto))
            case CJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind)  => CJUMP(inlinedBlock(succ), inlinedBlock(fail), cond, kind)
            case CZJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind) => CZJUMP(inlinedBlock(succ), inlinedBlock(fail), cond, kind)
            case SWITCH(tags, labels)           => SWITCH(tags, labels map inlinedBlock)
            case RETURN(_)                      => JUMP(afterBlock)
            case LOAD_LOCAL(l) if isInlined(l)  => LOAD_LOCAL(inlinedLocals(l))
            case STORE_LOCAL(l) if isInlined(l) => STORE_LOCAL(inlinedLocals(l))
            case LOAD_LOCAL(l)                  => assertLocal(l)
            case STORE_LOCAL(l)                 => assertLocal(l)
            case SCOPE_ENTER(l) if isInlined(l) => SCOPE_ENTER(inlinedLocals(l))
            case SCOPE_EXIT(l) if isInlined(l)  => SCOPE_EXIT(inlinedLocals(l))

            case nw @ NEW(sym) =>
              val r = NEW(sym)
              pending(nw.init) = r

            case CALL_METHOD(meth, Static(true)) if meth.isClassConstructor =>
              CALL_METHOD(meth, Static(true))

            case _ => i.clone()
          // check any pending NEW's
          pending remove i foreach (_.init = newInstr.asInstanceOf[CALL_METHOD])

        caller addLocals (inc.locals map dupLocal)
        caller addLocal inlinedThis

        if (retVal ne null)
          caller addLocal retVal

        inc.blocks foreach { b =>
          inlinedBlock += (b -> newBlock())
          inlinedBlock(b).varsInScope ++= (b.varsInScope map inlinedLocals)

        // analyse callee

        // re-emit the instructions before the call
        block emit instrBefore

        // store the arguments into special locals
        inc.m.params.reverse foreach (p => blockEmit(STORE_LOCAL(inlinedLocals(p))))

        // jump to the start block of the callee

        // duplicate the other blocks in the callee
        linearizer linearize inc.m foreach { bb => 
          var info = a in bb
          def emitInlined(i: Instruction) = inlinedBlock(bb).emit(i, targetPos)
          def emitDrops(toDrop: Int)      = info.stack.types drop toDrop foreach (t => emitInlined(DROP(t)))

          for (i <- bb) {
            i match {
              case RETURN(UNIT) => emitDrops(0)
              case RETURN(kind) =>
                if (info.stack.length > 1) {
              case _            => ()
            info = a.interpret(info, i)

        afterBlock emit instrAfter

        // add exception handlers of the callee
        caller addHandlers (inc.handlers map translateExh)
        assert(pending.isEmpty, "Pending NEW elements: " + pending)
        if (settings.debug.value) icodes.checkValid(caller.m)

      def isStampedForInlining(stack: TypeStack) =
        !sameSymbols && inc.hasCode && shouldInline && isSafeToInline(stack)

      def logFailure(stack: TypeStack) = log(
        """|inline failed for %s:
           |  pair.sameSymbols: %s
           |  inc.numInlined < 2: %s
           |  inc.hasCode: %s
           |  isSafeToInline: %s
           |  shouldInline: %s
          inc.m, sameSymbols, inc.numInlined < 2,
          inc.hasCode, isSafeToInline(stack), shouldInline
      def failureReason(stack: TypeStack) =
        if (!inc.hasCode) "bytecode was unavailable"
        else if (!isSafeToInline(stack)) "it is unsafe (target may reference private fields)"
        else "of a bug (run with -Ylog:inline -Ydebug for more information)"      

      def canAccess(level: NonPublicRefs.Value) = level match {
        case Private    => caller.owner == inc.owner
        case Protected  => caller.owner.tpe <:< inc.owner.tpe
        case Public     => true
      private def sameSymbols = caller.sym == inc.sym

      /** A method is safe to inline when:
       *    - it does not contain calls to private methods when
       *      called from another class
       *    - it is not inlined into a position with non-empty stack,
       *      while having a top-level finalizer (see liftedTry problem)
       *    - it is not recursive
       * Note:
       *    - synthetic private members are made public in this pass.
      def isSafeToInline(stack: TypeStack): Boolean = {
        def makePublic(f: Symbol): Boolean = 
          inc.hasSourceFile && (f.isSynthetic || f.isParamAccessor) && {
            if (settings.debug.value)
              log("Making not-private symbol out of synthetic: " + f)

            if (f hasFlag Flags.PRIVATE) f setFlag Flags.notPRIVATE

        if (!inc.hasCode || inc.isRecursive)
          return false
        val accessNeeded = usesNonPublics.getOrElseUpdate(inc.m, {
          // Avoiding crashing the compiler if there are open blocks.
          inc.openBlocks foreach { b =>
                "Encountered open block in isSafeToInline: this indicates a bug in the optimizer!\n" +
                "  caller = " + caller.m + ", callee = " + inc.m
            return false
          def check(sym: Symbol, cond: Boolean) =
            if (cond) Private
            else if (sym.isProtected) Protected
            else Public

          def checkField(f: Symbol)   = check(f, f.isPrivate && !makePublic(f))
          def checkSuper(m: Symbol)   = check(m, m.isPrivate || !m.isClassConstructor)
          def checkMethod(m: Symbol)  = check(m, m.isPrivate)
          def getAccess(i: Instruction) = i match {
            case CALL_METHOD(m, SuperCall(_)) => checkSuper(m)
            case CALL_METHOD(m, _)            => checkMethod(m)
            case LOAD_FIELD(f, _)             => checkField(f)
            case STORE_FIELD(f, _)            => checkField(f)
            case _                            => Public

          def iterate(): NonPublicRefs.Value = {
            var seenProtected = false
            inc.instructions foreach { i =>
              getAccess(i) match {
                case Private    => return Private
                case Protected  => seenProtected = true
                case _          => ()
            if (seenProtected) Protected else Public

        def isIllegalStack = (stack.length > inc.minimumStack && inc.hasHandlers) || {
          if (settings.debug.value)
            log("method " + inc.sym + " is used on a non-empty stack with finalizer.")

//        if (!canAccess(accessNeeded))
//          println("access needed and failed: " + accessNeeded)
        canAccess(accessNeeded) && !isIllegalStack
      /** Decide whether to inline or not. Heuristics:
       *   - it's bad to make the caller larger (> SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) if it was small
       *   - it's bad to inline large methods
       *   - it's good to inline higher order functions 
       *   - it's good to inline closures functions. 
       *   - it's bad (useless) to inline inside bridge methods
      private def neverInline   = caller.isBridge || !inc.hasCode || inc.noinline
      private def alwaysInline  = inc.inline

      def shouldInline: Boolean = !neverInline && (alwaysInline || {
        if (settings.debug.value)
          log("shouldInline: " + caller.m + " with " + inc.m)

        var score = 0

        // better not inline inside closures, but hope that the closure itself
        // is repeatedly inlined
        if (caller.isInClosure) score -= 2
        else if (caller.inlinedCalls < 1) score -= 1 // only monadic methods can trigger the first inline

        if (inc.isSmall)
          score += 1
        if (caller.isSmall && isLargeSum) {
          score -= 1
          if (settings.debug.value)
            log("shouldInline: score decreased to " + score + " because small " + caller + " would become large")
        if (inc.isLarge)
          score -= 1

        if (inc.isMonadic)
          score += 3
        else if (inc.isHigherOrder)
          score += 1
        if (inc.isInClosure)
          score += 2
        if (inc.numInlined > 2)
          score -= 2

        log("shouldInline(" + inc.m + ") score: " + score)

        score > 0

    def lookupIMethod(meth: Symbol, receiver: Symbol): Option[IMethod] = {
      def tryParent(sym: Symbol) = icodes icode sym flatMap (_ lookupMethod meth)
    map tryParent find (_.isDefined) getOrElse None
  } /* class Inliner */
} /* class Inliners */

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Inliners.scala source code file:

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