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Scala example source code file (MatrixAdditions.scala)

This example Scala source code file (MatrixAdditions.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

block, combo, isif, isif, labeldef, list, list, mutable, nil, nil, rep, symbol, tree, tree

The Scala MatrixAdditions.scala source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
 * Author: Paul Phillips

package matching

import transform.ExplicitOuter
import PartialFunction._

/** Traits which are mixed into MatchMatrix, but separated out as
 *  (somewhat) independent components to keep them on the sidelines.
trait MatrixAdditions extends ast.TreeDSL {
  self: ExplicitOuter with ParallelMatching =>
  import global.{ typer => _, _ }
  import symtab.Flags
  import CODE._
  import Debug._
  import treeInfo._
  import definitions.{ isValueClass }

  /** The Squeezer, responsible for all the squeezing.
  private[matching] trait Squeezer {
    self: MatrixContext =>
    private val settings_squeeze = !settings.Ynosqueeze.value

    class RefTraverser(vd: ValDef) extends Traverser {
      private val targetSymbol = vd.symbol
      private var safeRefs     = 0
      private var isSafe       = true

      def canDrop   = isSafe && safeRefs == 0
      def canInline = isSafe && safeRefs == 1
      override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
        case t: Ident if t.symbol eq targetSymbol => 
          // target symbol's owner should match currentOwner
          if (targetSymbol.owner == currentOwner) safeRefs += 1
          else isSafe = false
        case LabelDef(_, params, rhs) =>
          if (params exists (_.symbol eq targetSymbol))  // cannot substitute this one
            isSafe = false
        case _ if safeRefs > 1 => ()
        case _ =>

    /** Compresses multiple Blocks. */
    private def combineBlocks(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Tree = expr match {
      case Block(stats1, expr1) if stats.isEmpty => combineBlocks(stats1, expr1)
      case _                                     => Block(stats, expr)
    def squeezedBlock(vds: List[Tree], exp: Tree): Tree =
      if (settings_squeeze) combineBlocks(Nil, squeezedBlock1(vds, exp))
      else                  combineBlocks(vds, exp)

    private def squeezedBlock1(vds: List[Tree], exp: Tree): Tree = {
      lazy val squeezedTail = squeezedBlock(vds.tail, exp)
      def default = squeezedTail match {
        case Block(vds2, exp2) => Block(vds.head :: vds2, exp2)  
        case exp2              => Block(vds.head :: Nil,  exp2)  

      if (vds.isEmpty) exp 
      else vds.head match {
        case vd: ValDef =>
          val rt = new RefTraverser(vd)
          rt.atOwner(owner)(rt traverse squeezedTail)
          if (rt.canDrop)
          else if (isConstantType(vd.symbol.tpe) || rt.canInline)
            new TreeSubstituter(List(vd.symbol), List(vd.rhs)) transform squeezedTail
        case _ => default
  /** The Optimizer, responsible for some of the optimizing.
  private[matching] trait MatchMatrixOptimizer {
    self: MatchMatrix =>
    import self.context._
    final def optimize(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      // Uses treeInfo extractors rather than looking at trees directly
      // because the many Blocks obscure our vision.
      object lxtt extends Transformer {
        override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
          case Block(stats, ld @ LabelDef(_, _, body)) if targets exists (_ shouldInline ld.symbol) =>
            squeezedBlock(transformStats(stats, currentOwner), body)
          case IsIf(cond, IsTrue(), IsFalse()) =>
          case IsIf(cond1, IsIf(cond2, thenp, elsep1), elsep2) if elsep1 equalsStructure elsep2 =>
            transform(typer typed If(gen.mkAnd(cond1, cond2), thenp, elsep2))
          case If(cond1, IsIf(cond2, thenp, Apply(jmp, Nil)), ld: LabelDef) if jmp.symbol eq ld.symbol => 
            transform(typer typed If(gen.mkAnd(cond1, cond2), thenp, ld))
          case _ =>
      try lxtt transform tree
      finally clearSyntheticSyms()
  /** The Exhauster.
  private[matching] trait MatrixExhaustiveness {
    self: MatchMatrix =>
    import self.context._

    /** Exhaustiveness checking requires looking for sealed classes
     *  and if found, making sure all children are covered by a pattern.
    class ExhaustivenessChecker(rep: Rep, matchPos: Position) {
      val Rep(tvars, rows) = rep

      import Flags.{ MUTABLE, ABSTRACT, SEALED }

      private case class Combo(index: Int, sym: Symbol) {
        val isBaseClass = sym.tpe.baseClasses.toSet
        // is this combination covered by the given pattern?
        def isCovered(p: Pattern) = {
          def coversSym = isBaseClass(decodedEqualsType(p.tpe).typeSymbol)

          cond(p.tree) {
            case _: UnApply | _: ArrayValue => true
            case x                          => p.isDefault || coversSym

      /* True if the patterns in 'row' cover the given type symbol combination, and has no guard. */
      private def rowCoversCombo(row: Row, combos: List[Combo]) =
        row.guard.isEmpty && (combos forall (c => c isCovered row.pats(c.index)))

      private def requiresExhaustive(sym: Symbol) = {
         (sym.isMutable) &&                 // indicates that have not yet checked exhaustivity
        !(sym hasFlag NO_EXHAUSTIVE) &&     // indicates @unchecked
         (sym.tpe.typeSymbol.isSealed) &&
        !isValueClass(sym.tpe.typeSymbol)   // make sure it's not a primitive, else (5: Byte) match { case 5 => ... } sees no Byte

      private lazy val inexhaustives: List[List[Combo]] = {
        // let's please not get too clever side-effecting the mutable flag.
        val toCollect = tvars.zipWithIndex filter { case (pv, i) => requiresExhaustive(pv.sym) }
        val collected = toCollect map { case (pv, i) =>
          // okay, now reset the flag
          pv.sym resetFlag MUTABLE
          // have to filter out children which cannot match: see ticket #3683 for an example
          val kids = pv.tpe.typeSymbol.sealedDescendants filter (_.tpe matchesPattern pv.tpe)

          i -> kids

        val folded =
          collected.foldRight(List[List[Combo]]())((c, xs) => {
            val (i, syms) = c match { case (i, set) => (i, set.toList) }
            xs match {
              case Nil  => syms map (s => List(Combo(i, s)))
              case _    => for (s <- syms ; rest <- xs) yield Combo(i, s) :: rest

        folded filterNot (combo => rows exists (r => rowCoversCombo(r, combo)))

      private def mkPad(xs: List[Combo], i: Int): String = xs match {
        case Nil                    => pad("*")
        case Combo(j, sym) :: rest  => if (j == i) pad( else mkPad(rest, i)
      private def mkMissingStr(open: List[Combo]) =
        "missing combination %s\n" format, _)).mkString

      /** The only public method. */
      def check = {
        def errMsg = (inexhaustives map mkMissingStr).mkString
        if (inexhaustives.nonEmpty)
          cunit.warning(matchPos, "match is not exhaustive!\n" + errMsg)


Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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