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Scala example source code file (ParallelMatching.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ParallelMatching.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

bindings, int, list, list, nil, none, pattern, pattern, patternmatch, rep, symbol, symbol, tree, tree

The Scala ParallelMatching.scala source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
 * Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Author: (Burak Emir)

package matching

import PartialFunction._
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import util.Position
import transform.ExplicitOuter
import symtab.Flags
import mutable.ListBuffer
import immutable.IntMap
import annotation.elidable

trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL
      with MatchSupport
      with Matrix
      with Patterns
      with PatternBindings
  self: ExplicitOuter =>

  import global.{ typer => _, _ }
  import definitions.{ AnyRefClass, NothingClass, IntClass, BooleanClass, SomeClass, getProductArgs, productProj }
  import CODE._
  import Types._
  import Debug._

  /** Transition **/
  def toPats(xs: List[Tree]): List[Pattern] = xs map Pattern.apply  
  /** The umbrella matrix class. **/  
  abstract class MatchMatrix(val context: MatrixContext) extends MatchMatrixOptimizer with MatrixExhaustiveness {
    import context._
    def data: MatrixContext#MatrixInit

    lazy val MatrixInit(roots, cases, failTree) = data
    lazy val (rows, targets)                    = expand(roots, cases).unzip
    lazy val expansion: Rep                     = make(roots, rows)

    private val shortCuts = mutable.HashMap[Int, Symbol]()

    final def createShortCut(theLabel: Symbol): Int = {
      val key = shortCuts.size + 1
      shortCuts(key) = theLabel
    def createLabelDef(namePrefix: String, body: Tree, params: List[Symbol] = Nil, restpe: Type = matchResultType) = {
      val labelName = cunit.freshTermName(namePrefix)
      val labelSym  = owner.newLabel(owner.pos, labelName)
      val labelInfo = MethodType(params, restpe)

      LabelDef(labelSym setInfo labelInfo, params, body setType restpe)

    /** This is the recursively focal point for translating the current
     *  list of pattern variables and a list of pattern match rows into 
     *  a tree suitable for entering erasure.
     *  The first time it is called, the variables are (copies of) the
     *  original pattern matcher roots, and the rows correspond to the
     *  original casedefs.
    final def make(roots1: PatternVarGroup, rows1: List[Row]): Rep = {
      traceCategory("New Match", "%sx%s (%s)", roots1.size, rows1.size, roots1.syms.mkString(", "))
      def classifyPat(opat: Pattern, j: Int): Pattern = opat simplify roots1(j)

      val newRows = rows1 flatMap (_ expandAlternatives classifyPat)
      if (rows1.length != newRows.length) make(roots1, newRows)  // recursive call if any change
      else {
        val rep = Rep(roots1, newRows)
        new ExhaustivenessChecker(rep, roots.head.sym.pos).check
    override def toString() = "MatchMatrix(%s) { %s }".format(matchResultType, indentAll(targets))
     * Encapsulates a symbol being matched on.  It is created from a
     * PatternVar, which encapsulates the symbol's creation and assignment.
     * We never match on trees directly - a temporary variable is created
     * (in a PatternVar) for any expression being matched on.
    class Scrutinee(val pv: PatternVar) {
      import definitions._

      // presenting a face of our symbol
      def sym   = pv.sym      
      def tpe   = sym.tpe
      def pos   = sym.pos
      def id    = ID(sym) setPos pos  // attributed ident
      def accessors     = if (isCaseClass) sym.caseFieldAccessors else Nil
      def accessorTypes = accessors map (x => (tpe memberType x).resultType)
      lazy val accessorPatternVars  = PatternVarGroup(
        for ((accessor, tpe) <- accessors zip accessorTypes) yield
          createVar(tpe, _ => fn(id, accessor))
      private def extraValDefs = if (pv.rhs.isEmpty) Nil else List(pv.valDef)
      def allValDefs = extraValDefs ::: accessorPatternVars.valDefs

      // tests
      def isDefined      = sym ne NoSymbol
      def isSubrangeType = subrangeTypes(tpe.typeSymbol)
      def isCaseClass    = tpe.typeSymbol.isCase

      // sequences
      def seqType         = tpe.widen baseType SeqClass
      def elemType        = tpe typeArgs 0
      private def elemAt(i: Int)  = (id DOT (tpe member nme.apply))(LIT(i))
      private def createElemVar(i: Int)   = createVar(elemType, _ => elemAt(i))
      private def createSeqVar(drop: Int) = createVar(seqType, _ => id DROP drop)
      def createSequenceVars(count: Int): List[PatternVar] =
        (0 to count).toList map (i => if (i < count) createElemVar(i) else createSeqVar(i))

      // for propagating "unchecked" to synthetic vars
      def isChecked = !(sym hasFlag NO_EXHAUSTIVE)
      def flags: List[Long] = List(NO_EXHAUSTIVE) filter (sym hasFlag _)
      // this is probably where this actually belongs
      def createVar(tpe: Type, f: Symbol => Tree) = context.createVar(tpe, f, isChecked)

      def castedTo(headType: Type) =
        if (tpe =:= headType) this
        else new Scrutinee(createVar(headType, lhs => id AS_ANY lhs.tpe))
      override def toString() = "(%s: %s)".format(id, tpe)
    def isPatternSwitch(scrut: Scrutinee, ps: List[Pattern]): Option[PatternSwitch] = {
      def isSwitchableConst(x: Pattern) = cond(x) { case x: LiteralPattern if x.isSwitchable => true }
      def isSwitchableDefault(x: Pattern) = isSwitchableConst(x) || x.isDefault
      // TODO - scala> (5: Any) match { case 5 => 5 ; case 6 => 7 }
      // ... should compile to a switch.  It doesn't because the scrut isn't Int/Char, but
      // that could be handle in an if/else since every pattern requires an Int.
      // More immediately, Byte and Short scruts should also work.
      if (!scrut.isSubrangeType) None
      else {
        val (_lits, others) = ps span isSwitchableConst
        val lits = _lits collect { case x: LiteralPattern => x }
        condOpt(others) {
          case Nil                                => new PatternSwitch(scrut, lits, None)
          // TODO: This needs to also allow the case that the last is a compatible type pattern.
          case List(x) if isSwitchableDefault(x)  => new PatternSwitch(scrut, lits, Some(x))

    class PatternSwitch(
      scrut: Scrutinee,
      override val ps: List[LiteralPattern],
      val defaultPattern: Option[Pattern]
    ) extends PatternMatch(scrut, ps) {
      require(scrut.isSubrangeType && (ps forall (_.isSwitchable)))

    case class PatternMatch(scrut: Scrutinee, ps: List[Pattern]) {
      def head = ps.head
      def tail = ps.tail
      def size = ps.length
      def headType = head.necessaryType
      private val dummyCount = if (head.isCaseClass) headType.typeSymbol.caseFieldAccessors.length else 0
      def dummies = emptyPatterns(dummyCount)

      def apply(i: Int): Pattern = ps(i)
      def pzip() = ps.zipWithIndex
      def pzip[T](others: List[T]) = {
        assert(ps.size == others.size, "Internal error: ps = %s, others = %s".format(ps, others))
        ps zip others

      // Any unapply - returns Some(true) if a type test is needed before the unapply can
      // be called (e.g. def unapply(x: Foo) = { ... } but our scrutinee is type Any.)
      object AnyUnapply {
        def unapply(x: Pattern): Option[Boolean] = condOpt(x.tree) {
          case UnapplyParamType(tpe) => !(scrut.tpe <:< tpe)

      def mkRule(rest: Rep): RuleApplication = {
        tracing("Rule")(head match {
          case x if isEquals(x.tree.tpe)        => new MixEquals(this, rest)
          case x: SequencePattern               => new MixSequence(this, rest, x)
          case AnyUnapply(false)                => new MixUnapply(this, rest)
          case _ =>
            isPatternSwitch(scrut, ps) match {
              case Some(x)  => new MixLiteralInts(x, rest)
              case _        => new MixTypes(this, rest)
      override def toString() = "%s match {%s}".format(scrut, indentAll(ps))
    } // PatternMatch

    /***** Rule Applications *****/

    sealed abstract class RuleApplication {      
      def pmatch: PatternMatch
      def rest: Rep
      def cond: Tree
      def success: Tree
      def failure: Tree
      lazy val PatternMatch(scrut, patterns) = pmatch
      lazy val head = pmatch.head
      lazy val codegen: Tree = IF (cond) THEN (success) ELSE (failure)
      def mkFail(xs: List[Row]): Tree =
        if (xs.isEmpty) failTree
        else remake(xs).toTree
      def remake(
        rows: List[Row],
        pvgroup: PatternVarGroup = emptyPatternVarGroup,
        includeScrut: Boolean = true): Rep =
        val scrutpvs = if (includeScrut) List(scrut.pv) else Nil
        make(pvgroup.pvs ::: scrutpvs ::: rest.tvars, rows)  

      /** translate outcome of the rule application into code (possible involving recursive application of rewriting) */
      def tree(): Tree
      override def toString =       
        "Rule/%s (%s =^= %s)".format(getClass.getSimpleName, scrut, head)

    /** {case ... if guard => bx} else {guardedRest} */
    /** VariableRule: The top-most rows has only variable (non-constructor) patterns. */
    case class VariableRule(subst: Bindings, guard: Tree, guardedRest: Rep, bx: Int) extends RuleApplication {
      def pmatch: PatternMatch = impossible
      def rest: Rep = guardedRest

      private lazy val (valDefs, successTree) = targets(bx) applyBindings subst.toMap
      lazy val cond    = guard
      lazy val success = successTree
      lazy val failure = guardedRest.toTree
      final def tree(): Tree =
        if (bx < 0) REF(shortCuts(-bx))
        else squeezedBlock(
          if (cond.isEmpty) success else codegen

      override def toString = "(case %d) {\n  Bindings: %s\n\n  if (%s) { %s }\n  else { %s }\n}".format(
        bx, subst, guard, success, guardedRest

    class MixLiteralInts(val pmatch: PatternSwitch, val rest: Rep) extends RuleApplication {
      val literals =
      val defaultPattern = pmatch.defaultPattern
      private lazy val casted: Tree =
        if (!scrut.tpe.isInt) DOT nme.toInt else      
      // creates a row transformer for injecting the default case bindings at a given index
      private def addDefaultVars(index: Int): Row => Row =
        if (defaultVars.isEmpty) identity
        else rebindAll(_, pmatch(index).boundVariables, scrut.sym)
      // add bindings for all the given vs to the given tvar
      private def rebindAll(r: Row, vs: Iterable[Symbol], tvar: Symbol) =
        r rebind r.subst.add(vs, tvar)
      private def bindVars(Tag: Int, orig: Bindings): Bindings = {
        def myBindVars(rest: List[(Int, List[Symbol])], bnd: Bindings): Bindings = rest match {
          case Nil => bnd
          case (Tag,vs)::xs => myBindVars(xs, bnd.add(vs, scrut.sym))
          case (_,  vs)::xs => myBindVars(xs, bnd)
        myBindVars(varMap, orig)

      // bound vars and rows for default pattern (only one row, but a list is easier to use later)
      lazy val (defaultVars, defaultRows) = defaultPattern match {
        case None    => (Nil, Nil)
        case Some(p) => (p.boundVariables, List(rebindAll(rest rows literals.size, p.boundVariables, scrut.sym)))
      // literalMap is a map from each literal to a list of row indices.
      // varMap is a list from each literal to a list of the defined vars.
      lazy val (litPairs, varMap) = (
        literals.zipWithIndex map {
          case (lit, index) =>
            val tag  = lit.intValue          
            (tag -> index, tag -> lit.boundVariables)
        } unzip
      def literalMap = litPairs groupBy (_._1) map {
        case (k, vs) => (k, vs map (_._2))
      lazy val cases =
        for ((tag, indices) <- literalMap.toList) yield {
          val newRows = indices map (i => addDefaultVars(i)(rest rows i))
          val r       = remake(newRows ++ defaultRows, includeScrut = false)
          val r2      = make(r.tvars, r.rows map (x => x rebind bindVars(tag, x.subst)))

          CASE(Literal(tag)) ==> r2.toTree
      lazy val defaultTree = remake(defaultRows, includeScrut = false).toTree
      def defaultCase = CASE(WILD(IntClass.tpe)) ==> defaultTree
      // cond/success/failure only used if there is exactly one case.
      lazy val cond    = MEMBER_== cases.head.pat
      lazy val success = cases.head.body
      lazy val failure = defaultTree
      // only one case becomes if/else, otherwise match
      def tree() = 
        if (cases.size == 1) codegen
        else casted MATCH (cases :+ defaultCase: _*)

    /** mixture rule for unapply pattern
    class MixUnapply(val pmatch: PatternMatch, val rest: Rep) extends RuleApplication {
      val Pattern(UnApply(unMethod, unArgs)) = head
      val Apply(unTarget, _ :: trailing) = unMethod
      object SameUnapplyCall {
        def isSame(t: Tree) = isEquivalentTree(unTarget, t)
        def unapply(x: Pattern) = /*tracing("SameUnapplyCall (%s vs. %s)".format(unTarget, x))*/(x match {
          case Pattern(UnApply(Apply(fn, _), args)) if isSame(fn) => Some(args)
          case _                                                  => None
      object SameUnapplyPattern {
        def isSame(t: Tree)   = isEquivalentTree(unMethod, t)
        def apply(x: Pattern) = unapply(x).isDefined
        def unapply(x: Pattern) = /*tracing("SameUnapplyPattern (%s vs. %s)".format(unMethod, x))*/(x match {
          case Pattern(UnApply(t, _)) if isSame(t) => Some(unArgs)
          case _                                   => None
      private lazy val zipped      = pmatch pzip rest.rows
      lazy val unapplyResult: PatternVar =
        scrut.createVar(unMethod.tpe, Apply(unTarget, :: trailing) setType _.tpe)

      lazy val cond: Tree =
        if (unapplyResult.tpe.isBoolean) unapplyResult.ident
        else if (unapplyResult.tpe.typeSymbol == SomeClass) TRUE
        else NOT(unapplyResult.ident DOT nme.isEmpty)

      lazy val failure = 
        mkFail(zipped.tail filterNot (x => SameUnapplyPattern(x._1)) map { case (pat, r) => r insert pat })
      private def doSuccess: (List[PatternVar], List[PatternVar], List[Row]) = {
        // pattern variable for the unapply result of Some(x).get
        lazy val pv = scrut.createVar(
          unMethod.tpe typeArgs 0,
          _ => fn(ID(unapplyResult.lhs), nme.get)
        def tuple = pv.lhs

        // at this point it's Some[T1,T2...]
        lazy val tpes  = getProductArgs(tuple.tpe).get
        // one pattern variable per tuple element
        lazy val tuplePVs =
          for ((tpe, i) <- tpes.zipWithIndex) yield
            scrut.createVar(tpe, _ => fn(ID(tuple), productProj(tuple, i + 1)))
        // the filter prevents infinite unapply recursion
        def mkNewRows(sameFilter: (List[Tree]) => List[Tree]) = {
          val dum = if (unArgs.length <= 1) unArgs.length else tpes.size
          for ((pat, r) <- zipped) yield pat match {
            case SameUnapplyCall(xs)  => r.insert2(toPats(sameFilter(xs)) :+ NoPattern, pat.boundVariables, scrut.sym)
            case _                    => r insert (emptyPatterns(dum) :+ pat)

        // 0 is Boolean, 1 is Option[T], 2+ is Option[(T1,T2,...)]
        unArgs.length match {
          case 0  => (Nil, Nil, mkNewRows((xs) => Nil))
          case 1  => (List(pv), List(pv), mkNewRows(xs => List(xs.head)))
          case _  => (pv :: tuplePVs, tuplePVs, mkNewRows(identity))

      lazy val success = {
        val (squeezePVs, pvs, rows) = doSuccess
        val srep = remake(rows, pvs).toTree
        squeezedBlock(squeezePVs map (_.valDef), srep)
      final def tree() =
        squeezedBlock(List(handleOuter(unapplyResult.valDef)), codegen)

    /** Handle Sequence patterns (including Star patterns.)
     *  Note: pivot == head, just better typed.
    sealed class MixSequence(val pmatch: PatternMatch, val rest: Rep, pivot: SequencePattern) extends RuleApplication {
      require(scrut.tpe <:< head.tpe)

      def hasStar = pivot.hasStar
      private def pivotLen    = pivot.nonStarLength
      private def seqDummies  = emptyPatterns(pivot.elems.length + 1)
      // Should the given pattern join the expanded pivot in the success matrix? If so,
      // this partial function will be defined for the pattern, and the result of the apply
      // is the expanded sequence of new patterns.
      lazy val successMatrixFn = new PartialFunction[Pattern, List[Pattern]] {
        private def seqIsDefinedAt(x: SequenceLikePattern) = (hasStar, x.hasStar) match {
          case (true, true)   => true
          case (true, false)  => pivotLen <= x.nonStarLength
          case (false, true)  => pivotLen >= x.nonStarLength
          case (false, false) => pivotLen == x.nonStarLength

        def isDefinedAt(pat: Pattern) = pat match {
          case x: SequenceLikePattern => seqIsDefinedAt(x)
          case WildcardPattern()      => true
          case _                      => false
        def apply(pat: Pattern): List[Pattern] = pat match {
          case x: SequenceLikePattern =>
            def isSameLength  = pivotLen == x.nonStarLength
            def rebound       = x.nonStarPatterns :+ (x.elemPatterns.last rebindTo WILD(scrut.seqType))
            (pivot.hasStar, x.hasStar, isSameLength) match {
              case (true, true, true)   => rebound :+ NoPattern
              case (true, true, false)  => (seqDummies drop 1) :+ x
              case (true, false, true)  => x.elemPatterns ++ List(NilPattern, NoPattern)
              case (false, true, true)  => rebound
              case (false, false, true) => x.elemPatterns :+ NoPattern
              case _                    => seqDummies

          case _  => seqDummies

      // Should the given pattern be in the fail matrix? This is true of any sequences
      // as long as the result of the length test on the pivot doesn't make it impossible:
      // for instance if neither sequence is right ignoring and they are of different
      // lengths, the later one cannot match since its length must be wrong.
      def failureMatrixFn(c: Pattern) = (pivot ne c) && (c match {
        case x: SequenceLikePattern =>
          (hasStar, x.hasStar) match {
            case (_, true)      => true
            case (true, false)  => pivotLen > x.nonStarLength
            case (false, false) => pivotLen != x.nonStarLength
        case WildcardPattern()      => true
        case _                      => false
      // divide the remaining rows into success/failure branches, expanding subsequences of patterns
      val successRows = pmatch pzip rest.rows collect {
        case (c, row) if successMatrixFn isDefinedAt c => row insert successMatrixFn(c)
      val failRows = pmatch pzip rest.rows collect {
        case (c, row) if failureMatrixFn(c) => row insert c

      // the discrimination test for sequences is a call to lengthCompare.  Note that
      // this logic must be fully consistent wiith successMatrixFn and failureMatrixFn above:
      // any inconsistency will (and frequently has) manifested as pattern matcher crashes.
      lazy val cond = {
        // the method call symbol
        val methodOp: Symbol                = head.tpe member nme.lengthCompare
        // the comparison to perform.  If the pivot is right ignoring, then a scrutinee sequence
        // of >= pivot length could match it; otherwise it must be exactly equal.
        val compareOp: (Tree, Tree) => Tree = if (hasStar) _ INT_>= _ else _ INT_== _
        // scrutinee.lengthCompare(pivotLength) [== | >=] 0
        val compareFn: Tree => Tree         = (t: Tree) => compareOp((t DOT methodOp)(LIT(pivotLen)), ZERO)
        // wrapping in a null check on the scrutinee
        // XXX this needs to use the logic in "def condition"
        nullSafe(compareFn, FALSE)(
        // condition(head.tpe,, head.boundVariables.nonEmpty)
      lazy val success = {
        // one pattern var per sequence element up to elemCount, and one more for the rest of the sequence
        lazy val pvs = scrut createSequenceVars pivotLen

        squeezedBlock(pvs map (_.valDef), remake(successRows, pvs, hasStar).toTree)
      lazy val failure  = remake(failRows).toTree
      final def tree(): Tree = codegen

    class MixEquals(val pmatch: PatternMatch, val rest: Rep) extends RuleApplication {
      private lazy val rhs =
        decodedEqualsType(head.tpe) match {
          case SingleType(pre, sym) => REF(pre, sym)
          case PseudoType(o)        => o
      private lazy val labelDef =
        createLabelDef("fail%", remake((rest.rows.tail, pmatch.tail).zipped map (_ insert _)).toTree)
      lazy val cond       = handleOuter(rhs MEMBER_==
      lazy val successOne = rest.rows.head.insert2(List(NoPattern), head.boundVariables, scrut.sym)
      lazy val successTwo = Row(emptyPatterns(1 + rest.tvars.size), NoBinding, EmptyTree, createShortCut(labelDef.symbol))
      lazy val success    = remake(List(successOne, successTwo)).toTree
      lazy val failure    = labelDef
      final def tree() = codegen
      override def toString() = "MixEquals(%s == %s)".format(scrut, head)

    /** Mixture rule for type tests.
     *  moreSpecific: more specific patterns
     *      subsumed: more general patterns (subsuming current), rows index and subpatterns
     *     remaining: remaining, rows index and pattern
    class MixTypes(val pmatch: PatternMatch, val rest: Rep) extends RuleApplication {
      case class Yes(bx: Int, moreSpecific: Pattern, subsumed: List[Pattern])
      case class No(bx: Int, remaining: Pattern)
      val (yeses, noes) = {
        val _ys = new ListBuffer[Yes]
        val _ns = new ListBuffer[No]
        for ((pattern, j) <- pmatch.pzip()) {
          // scrutinee, head of pattern group
          val (s, p) = (pattern.tpe, head.necessaryType)
          def isEquivalent  = head.necessaryType =:= pattern.tpe
          def isObjectTest  = pattern.isObject && (p =:= pattern.necessaryType)          
          def sMatchesP = matches(s, p)
          def pMatchesS = matches(p, s)

          def ifEquiv(yes: Pattern): Pattern = if (isEquivalent) yes else pattern
          def passl(p: Pattern = NoPattern, ps: List[Pattern] = pmatch.dummies) = Some(Yes(j, p, ps))
          def passr()                                                           = Some( No(j, pattern))
          def typed(pp: Tree) = passl(ifEquiv(Pattern(pp)))
          def subs()          = passl(ifEquiv(NoPattern), pattern subpatterns pmatch)
          val (oneY, oneN) = pattern match {
            case Pattern(LIT(null)) if !(p =:= s)       => (None, passr)      // (1)
            case x if isObjectTest                      => (passl(), None)    // (2)
            case Pattern(Typed(pp, _))     if sMatchesP => (typed(pp), None)  // (4)
            // The next line used to be this which "fixed" 1697 but introduced
            // numerous regressions including #3136.
            // case Pattern(_: UnApply, _)              => (passl(), passr)
            case Pattern(_: UnApply)                    => (None, passr)
            case x if !x.isDefault && sMatchesP         => (subs(), None)
            case x if  x.isDefault || pMatchesS         => (passl(), passr)
            case _                                      => (None, passr)              
          oneY map (_ys +=)
          oneN map (_ns +=)
        (_ys.toList, _ns.toList)
      val moreSpecific = yeses map (_.moreSpecific)
      val subsumed = yeses map (x => (x.bx, x.subsumed))
      val remaining = noes map (x => (x.bx, x.remaining))
      private def mkZipped =
        for (Yes(j, moreSpecific, subsumed) <- yeses) yield
          j -> (moreSpecific :: subsumed)
      lazy val casted = scrut castedTo pmatch.headType
      lazy val cond   = condition(casted.tpe, scrut, head.boundVariables.nonEmpty)
      private def isAnyMoreSpecific = yeses exists (x => !x.moreSpecific.isEmpty)
      lazy val (subtests, subtestVars) =
        if (isAnyMoreSpecific)  (mkZipped, List(casted.pv))
        else                    (subsumed, Nil)
      lazy val newRows =
        for ((j, ps) <- subtests) yield 
          (rest rows j).insert2(ps, pmatch(j).boundVariables, casted.sym)
      lazy val success = {
        val srep = remake(newRows, subtestVars ::: casted.accessorPatternVars, includeScrut = false)
        squeezedBlock(casted.allValDefs, srep.toTree)
      lazy val failure =
        mkFail(remaining map { case (p1, p2) => rest rows p1 insert p2 })

      final def tree(): Tree = codegen

    /*** States, Rows, Etc. ***/

    case class Row(pats: List[Pattern], subst: Bindings, guard: Tree, bx: Int) {
      private def nobindings = subst.get().isEmpty
      private def bindstr = if (nobindings) "" else pp(subst)
      /** Extracts the 'i'th pattern. */
      def extractColumn(i: Int) = {
        val (x, xs) = extractIndex(pats, i)
        (x, copy(pats = xs))
      /** Replaces the 'i'th pattern with the argument. */
      def replaceAt(i: Int, p: Pattern) = {
        val newps = (pats take i) ::: p :: (pats drop (i + 1))
        copy(pats = newps)
      def insert(h: Pattern)              = copy(pats = h :: pats)
      def insert(hs: List[Pattern])       = copy(pats = hs ::: pats)  // prepends supplied pattern
      def rebind(b: Bindings)             = copy(subst = b)           // substitutes for bindings
      def insert2(hs: List[Pattern], vs: Iterable[Symbol], tvar: Symbol) =
        tracing("insert2")(copy(pats = hs ::: pats, subst = subst.add(vs, tvar)))

      // returns this rows with alternatives expanded
      def expandAlternatives(classifyPat: (Pattern, Int) => Pattern): List[Row] = {
        def isNotAlternative(p: Pattern) = !cond(p.tree) { case _: Alternative => true }
        // classify all the top level patterns - alternatives come back unaltered
        val newPats: List[Pattern] = pats.zipWithIndex map classifyPat.tupled
        // see if any alternatives were in there
        val (ps, others) = newPats span isNotAlternative
        // make a new row for each alternative, with it spliced into the original position
        if (others.isEmpty) List(copy(pats = ps))
        else extractBindings(others.head) map (x => replaceAt(ps.size, x))
      override def toString() = {
        val bs = if (nobindings) "" else "\n" + bindstr
        "Row(%d)(%s%s)".format(bx, pp(pats), bs)
    abstract class State {
      def bx: Int                   // index into the list of rows
      def params: List[Symbol]      // bound names to be supplied as arguments to labeldef
      def body: Tree                // body to execute upon match
      def label: Option[LabelDef]   // label definition for this state

      // Called with a bindings map when a match is achieved.
      // Returns a list of variable declarations based on the labeldef parameters
      // and the given substitution, and the body to execute. 
      protected def applyBindingsImpl(subst: Map[Symbol, Symbol]): (List[ValDef], Tree)
      final def applyBindings(subst: Map[Symbol, Symbol]): (List[ValDef], Tree) = {
        _referenceCount += 1

      private var _referenceCount   = 0
      def referenceCount            = _referenceCount
      def unreached                 = referenceCount == 0
      def shouldInline(sym: Symbol) = referenceCount == 1 && label.exists(_.symbol == sym)
      // Creates a simple Ident if the symbol's type conforms to
      // the val definition's type, or a casted Ident if not.
      private def newValIdent(lhs: Symbol, rhs: Symbol) =
        if (rhs.tpe <:< lhs.tpe) Ident(rhs)
        else Ident(rhs) AS lhs.tpe
      protected def newValDefinition(lhs: Symbol, rhs: Symbol) =
        typer typedValDef ValDef(lhs, newValIdent(lhs, rhs))

      protected def newValReference(lhs: Symbol, rhs: Symbol) =
        typer typed newValIdent(lhs, rhs)

      protected def valDefsFor(subst: Map[Symbol, Symbol]) = mapSubst(subst)(newValDefinition)
      protected def identsFor(subst: Map[Symbol, Symbol])  = mapSubst(subst)(newValReference)
      protected def mapSubst[T](subst: Map[Symbol, Symbol])(f: (Symbol, Symbol) => T): List[T] =
        params flatMap { lhs =>
          subst get lhs map (rhs => f(lhs, rhs)) orElse {
            // This should not happen; the code should be structured so it is
            // impossible, but that still lies ahead.
            cunit.warning(lhs.pos, "No binding")

      // typer is not able to digest a body of type Nothing being assigned result type Unit
      protected def caseResultType =
        if (body.tpe.isNothing) body.tpe else matchResultType
    case class LiteralState(bx: Int, params: List[Symbol], body: Tree) extends State {
      def label = None
      protected def applyBindingsImpl(subst: Map[Symbol, Symbol]) =
        (valDefsFor(subst), body.duplicate setType caseResultType)
    case class FinalState(bx: Int, params: List[Symbol], body: Tree) extends State {
      traceCategory("Final State", "(%s) => %s", paramsString, body)
      def label = Some(labelDef)
      private lazy val labelDef = createLabelDef("body%" + bx, body, params, caseResultType)

      protected def applyBindingsImpl(subst: Map[Symbol, Symbol]) = {
        val tree = 
          if (referenceCount > 1) ID(labelDef.symbol) APPLY identsFor(subst)
          else labelDef
        (valDefsFor(subst), tree)

      private def paramsString = params map (s => + ": " + s.tpe) mkString ", "
      override def toString() = pp("(%s) => %s".format(pp(params), body))

    case class Rep(val tvars: PatternVarGroup, val rows: List[Row]) {      
      lazy val Row(pats, subst, guard, index) = rows.head
      lazy val guardedRest        = if (guard.isEmpty) Rep(Nil, Nil) else make(tvars, rows.tail)
      lazy val (defaults, others) = pats span (_.isDefault)
      /** Cut out the column containing the non-default pattern. */
      class Cut(index: Int) {
        /** The first two separate out the 'i'th pattern in each row from the remainder. */        
        private val (_column, _rows) = rows map (_ extractColumn index) unzip
        /** Now the 'i'th tvar is separated out and used as a new Scrutinee. */
        private val (_pv, _tvars) = tvars extractIndex index
        /** The non-default pattern (others.head) replaces the column head. */
        private val (_ncol, _nrep) =
          (others.head :: _column.tail, make(_tvars, _rows))
        def mix() = {
          val newScrut = new Scrutinee(specialVar(_pv.sym, _pv.checked))
          PatternMatch(newScrut, _ncol) mkRule _nrep
      /** Converts this to a tree - recursively acquires subreps. */
      final def toTree(): Tree = tracing("toTree")(typer typed applyRule())
      /** The VariableRule. */
      private def variable() = {                
        val binding = (defaults map (_.boundVariables) zip tvars.pvs) .
          foldLeft(subst)((b, pair) => b.add(pair._1, pair._2.lhs))
        VariableRule(binding, guard, guardedRest, index)
      /** The MixtureRule: picks a rewrite rule to apply. */
      private def mixture() = new Cut(defaults.size) mix()
      /** Applying the rule will result in one of:
        *   VariableRule - if all patterns are default patterns
        *    MixtureRule - if one or more patterns are not default patterns
        *          Error - no rows remaining
      final def applyRule(): Tree =
        if (rows.isEmpty) failTree
        else if (others.isEmpty) variable.tree()
        else mixture.tree()
      def ppn(x: Any) = pp(x, newlines = true)
      override def toString() =
        if (tvars.isEmpty) "Rep(%d) = %s".format(rows.size, ppn(rows))
        else "Rep(%dx%d)%s%s".format(tvars.size, rows.size, ppn(tvars), ppn(rows))
    /** Expands the patterns recursively. */    
    final def expand(roots: List[PatternVar], cases: List[CaseDef]) = tracing("expand") {
      for ((CaseDef(pat, guard, body), bx) <- cases.zipWithIndex) yield {        
        val subtrees = pat match {
          case x if roots.length <= 1 => List(x)
          case Apply(_, args)         => args
          case WILD()                 => emptyTrees(roots.length)
        val params = pat filter (_.isInstanceOf[Bind]) map (_.symbol) distinct
        val row    = Row(toPats(subtrees), NoBinding, guard, bx)
        val state  = body match {
          case x: Literal => LiteralState(bx, params, body)
          case _          => FinalState(bx, params, body)
        row -> state

    /** returns the condition in "if (cond) k1 else k2" 
    final def condition(tpe: Type, scrut: Scrutinee, isBound: Boolean): Tree = {
      val cond = handleOuter(condition(tpe,, isBound))

      if (!needsOuterTest(tpe, scrut.tpe, owner)) cond
      else addOuterCondition(cond, tpe,

    final def condition(tpe: Type, scrutTree: Tree, isBound: Boolean): Tree = {
      assert((tpe ne NoType) && (scrutTree.tpe ne NoType))
      def isMatchUnlessNull = scrutTree.tpe <:< tpe && tpe.isAnyRef
      def isRef             = scrutTree.tpe.isAnyRef
      // See ticket #1503 for the motivation behind checking for a binding.
      // The upshot is that it is unsound to assume equality means the right
      // type, but if the value doesn't appear on the right hand side of the
      // match that's unimportant; so we add an instance check only if there
      // is a binding.
      def bindingWarning() = {
        if (isBound && settings.Xmigration28.value) {
            "A bound pattern such as 'x @ Pattern' now matches fewer cases than the same pattern with no binding.")

      def genEquals(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
        val t1: Tree = REF(sym) MEMBER_== scrutTree
        if (isBound) {
          t1 AND (scrutTree IS tpe.widen)
        else t1
      typer typed {
        tpe match {
          case ConstantType(Constant(null)) if isRef  => scrutTree OBJ_EQ NULL
          case ConstantType(Constant(value))          => scrutTree MEMBER_== Literal(value)
          case SingleType(NoPrefix, sym)              => genEquals(sym)
          case SingleType(pre, sym) if sym.isStable   => genEquals(sym)
          case ThisType(sym) if sym.isModule          => genEquals(sym)
          case _ if isMatchUnlessNull                 => scrutTree OBJ_NE NULL
          case _                                      => scrutTree IS tpe

    /** adds a test comparing the dynamic outer to the static outer */
    final def addOuterCondition(cond: Tree, tpe2test: Type, scrut: Tree) = {
      val TypeRef(prefix, _, _) = tpe2test
      val theRef = handleOuter(prefix match {
        case NoPrefix         => abort("assertion failed: NoPrefix")
        case ThisType(clazz)  => THIS(clazz)
        case pre              => REF(pre.prefix, pre.termSymbol)

      outerAccessor(tpe2test.typeSymbol) match {
        case NoSymbol => ifDebug(cunit.warning(scrut.pos, "no outer acc for " + tpe2test.typeSymbol)) ; cond
        case outerAcc => cond AND (((scrut AS_ANY tpe2test) DOT outerAcc)() OBJ_EQ theRef)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ParallelMatching.scala source code file:

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