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Scala example source code file (LazyVals.scala)

This example Scala source code file (LazyVals.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

block, block, int, int_, list, list, nil, nosymbol, symbol, symbol, tree, tree, valdef, zero

The Scala LazyVals.scala source code

package transform

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }

abstract class LazyVals extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.TreeDSL {
  // inherits abstract value `global' and class `Phase' from Transform

  import global._                  // the global environment
  import definitions._             // standard classes and methods
  import typer.{typed, atOwner}    // methods to type trees
  import CODE._

  val phaseName: String = "lazyvals"

  def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
    new LazyValues(unit)
  private def lazyUnit(sym: Symbol) = sym.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol == UnitClass

  object LocalLazyValFinder extends Traverser {
    var result: Boolean  = _
    def find(t: Tree) = {result = false; traverse(t); result}
    def find(ts: List[Tree]) = {result = false; traverseTrees(ts); result}  
    override def traverse(t: Tree) {
      if (!result)
        t match {
          case v@ValDef(_, _, _, _) if v.symbol.isLazy =>
            result = true

          case d@DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) if d.symbol.isLazy && lazyUnit(d.symbol) =>
            result = true
          case ClassDef(_, _, _, _) | DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) | ModuleDef(_, _, _) =>
          case LabelDef(name, _, _) if nme.isLoopHeaderLabel(name) =>
          case _ =>
   * Transform local lazy accessors to check for the initialized bit.
  class LazyValues(unit: CompilationUnit) extends TypingTransformer(unit) {    
    /** map from method symbols to the number of lazy values it defines. */
    private val lazyVals = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Int] {
      override def default(meth: Symbol) = 0
    import symtab.Flags._
    import lazyVals._

    /** Perform the following transformations:
     *  - for a lazy accessor inside a method, make it check the initialization bitmap
     *  - for all methods, add enough int vars to allow one flag per lazy local value
     *  - blocks in template bodies behave almost like methods. A single bitmaps section is
     *      added in the first block, for all lazy values defined in such blocks.
     *  - remove ACCESSOR flags: accessors in traits are not statically implemented,  
     *    but moved to the host class. local lazy values should be statically implemented.
    override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      val sym = tree.symbol
      curTree = tree
      tree match {
        case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpt, rhs) => atOwner(tree.symbol) {
          val res = if (!sym.owner.isClass && sym.isLazy) {
            val enclosingClassOrDummyOrMethod = {
              val enclMethod = sym.enclMethod
              if (enclMethod != NoSymbol ) {
                val enclClass = sym.enclClass
                if (enclClass != NoSymbol && enclMethod == enclClass.enclMethod)
              } else
            val idx = lazyVals(enclosingClassOrDummyOrMethod)
            lazyVals(enclosingClassOrDummyOrMethod) = idx + 1
            val rhs1 = mkLazyDef(enclosingClassOrDummyOrMethod, super.transform(rhs), idx, sym)
            sym.resetFlag((if (lazyUnit(sym)) 0 else LAZY) | ACCESSOR)
          } else

          treeCopy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparams, tpt,
                  if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(res)) typed(addBitmapDefs(sym, res)) else res)

        case Template(parents, self, body) => atOwner(currentOwner) {
          val body1 = super.transformTrees(body)
          var added = false
          val stats = 
            for (stat <- body1) yield stat match {
              case Block(_, _) | Apply(_, _) | If(_, _, _) if !added =>
                // Avoid adding bitmaps when they are fully overshadowed by those
                // that are added inside loops
                if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(stat)) {
                  added = true
                  typed(addBitmapDefs(sym, stat))
                } else stat
              case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
                typed(treeCopy.ValDef(stat, mods, name, tpt, addBitmapDefs(stat.symbol, rhs)))
              case _ => 
          val innerClassBitmaps = if (!added && currentOwner.isClass && bitmaps.contains(currentOwner)) {
              // add bitmap to inner class if necessary
                val toAdd0 = bitmaps(currentOwner).map(s => typed(ValDef(s, ZERO)))
                toAdd0.foreach(t => {
                    if ( == NoSymbol) {
            } else List()
          treeCopy.Template(tree, parents, self, innerClassBitmaps ++ stats)

        case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs0) if (!sym.owner.isModule && !sym.owner.isClass) =>
          val rhs = super.transform(rhs0)
          treeCopy.ValDef(tree, mods, name, tpt,
                  if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(rhs)) typed(addBitmapDefs(sym, rhs)) else rhs)

        case l@LabelDef(name0, params0, ifp0@If(_, _, _)) if name0.startsWith(nme.WHILE_PREFIX) =>
          val ifp1 = super.transform(ifp0)
          val If(cond0, thenp0, elsep0) = ifp1 
          if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(thenp0))
            treeCopy.LabelDef(l, name0, params0,
                    treeCopy.If(ifp1, cond0, typed(addBitmapDefs(sym.owner, thenp0)), elsep0))

        case l@LabelDef(name0, params0, block@Block(stats0, _))
          if name0.startsWith(nme.WHILE_PREFIX) || name0.startsWith(nme.DO_WHILE_PREFIX) =>
          val stats1 = super.transformTrees(stats0)
          if (LocalLazyValFinder.find(stats1))
            treeCopy.LabelDef(l, name0, params0,
                    treeCopy.Block(block, typed(addBitmapDefs(sym.owner, stats1.head))::stats1.tail, block.expr))

        case _ => super.transform(tree)

    /** Add the bitmap definitions to the rhs of a method definition.
     *  If the rhs has been tail-call transformed, insert the bitmap
     *  definitions inside the top-level label definition, so that each
     *  iteration has the lazy values un-initialized. Otherwise add them
     *  at the very beginning of the method.
    private def addBitmapDefs(methSym: Symbol, rhs: Tree): Tree = {
      def prependStats(stats: List[Tree], tree: Tree): Block = tree match {
        case Block(stats1, res) => Block(stats ::: stats1, res)
        case _ => Block(stats, tree)

      val bmps = bitmaps(methSym) map (ValDef(_, ZERO))

      def isMatch(params: List[Ident]) = (params.tail corresponds methSym.tpe.params)(_.tpe == _.tpe)

      if (bmps.isEmpty) rhs else rhs match {
        case Block(assign, l @ LabelDef(name, params, rhs1))
          if name.toString == ("_" + && isMatch(params) =>
            Block(assign, treeCopy.LabelDef(l, name, params, typed(prependStats(bmps, rhs1))))

        case _ => prependStats(bmps, rhs)
    /** return a 'lazified' version of rhs. Rhs should conform to the
     *  following schema:
     *  {
     *    l$ = <rhs> 
     *    l$
     *  } or
     *  <rhs> when the lazy value has type Unit (for which there is no field
     *  to cache it's value.
     *  The result will be a tree of the form
     *  {
     *    if ((bitmap$n & MASK) == 0) {
     *       l$ = <rhs>
     *       bitmap$n = bimap$n | MASK
     *    }
     *    l$
     *  }
     *  where bitmap$n is an int value acting as a bitmap of initialized values. It is
     *  the 'n' is (offset / 32), the MASK is (1 << (offset % 32)). If the value has type
     *  unit, no field is used to cache the value, so the resulting code is:
     *  {
     *    if ((bitmap$n & MASK) == 0) {
     *       <rhs>;
     *       bitmap$n = bimap$n | MASK
     *    }
     *    ()
     *  }
    private def mkLazyDef(methOrClass: Symbol, tree: Tree, offset: Int, lazyVal: Symbol): Tree = {      
      val bitmapSym           = getBitmapFor(methOrClass, offset)
      val mask                = LIT(1 << (offset % FLAGS_PER_WORD))
      val bitmapRef = if (methOrClass.isClass) Select(This(methOrClass), bitmapSym) else Ident(bitmapSym)

      def mkBlock(stmt: Tree) = BLOCK(stmt, mkSetFlag(bitmapSym, mask, bitmapRef), UNIT)

      val (block, res) = tree match {
        case Block(List(assignment), res) if !lazyUnit(lazyVal) =>
          (mkBlock(assignment),  res)
        case rhs                          =>
          (mkBlock(rhs),         UNIT)
      val cond = (bitmapRef INT_& mask) INT_== ZERO

      atPos(tree.pos)(localTyper.typed {
        def body = gen.mkDoubleCheckedLocking(methOrClass.enclClass, cond, List(block), Nil)
        BLOCK(body, res)
    private def mkSetFlag(bmp: Symbol, mask: Tree, bmpRef: Tree): Tree =
      bmpRef === (bmpRef INT_| mask)
    val bitmaps = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Symbol]] {
      override def default(meth: Symbol) = Nil
    /** Return the symbol corresponding of the right bitmap int inside meth,
     *  given offset.
    private def getBitmapFor(meth: Symbol, offset: Int): Symbol = {
      val n = offset / FLAGS_PER_WORD
      val bmps = bitmaps(meth)
      if (bmps.length > n) 
      else {
        val sym = meth.newVariable(meth.pos, nme.bitmapName(n)).setInfo(IntClass.tpe)
        atPhase(currentRun.typerPhase) {
          sym addAnnotation AnnotationInfo(VolatileAttr.tpe, Nil, Nil)
        bitmaps(meth) = (sym :: bmps).reverse

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala LazyVals.scala source code file:

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