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Scala example source code file (Duplicators.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Duplicators.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

context, defdef, labeldef, list, nosymbol, nosymbol, symbol, symbol, this, tree, tree, type, type, typeref

The Scala Duplicators.scala source code

package typechecker


import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }

/** Duplicate trees and re-type check them, taking care to replace
 *  and create fresh symbols for new local definitions.
abstract class Duplicators extends Analyzer {
  import global._

  def retyped(context: Context, tree: Tree): Tree = {
    (new BodyDuplicator(context)).typed(tree)

  /** Retype the given tree in the given context. Use this method when retyping
   *  a method in a different class. The typer will replace references to the this of
   *  the old class with the new class, and map symbols through the given 'env'. The
   *  environment is a map from type skolems to concrete types (see SpecializedTypes).
  def retyped(context: Context, tree: Tree, oldThis: Symbol, newThis: Symbol, env: collection.Map[Symbol, Type]): Tree = {
    if (oldThis ne newThis) {
      oldClassOwner = oldThis
      newClassOwner = newThis
    } else resetClassOwners

    envSubstitution = new SubstSkolemsTypeMap(env.keysIterator.toList, env.valuesIterator.toList)
    log("retyped with env: " + env)
    (new BodyDuplicator(context)).typed(tree)

  def retypedMethod(context: Context, tree: Tree, oldThis: Symbol, newThis: Symbol): Tree =
    (new BodyDuplicator(context)).retypedMethod(tree.asInstanceOf[DefDef], oldThis, newThis)

  /** Return the special typer for duplicate method bodies. */
  override def newTyper(context: Context): Typer = 
    new BodyDuplicator(context)

  private def resetClassOwners() {
    oldClassOwner = null
    newClassOwner = null

  private var oldClassOwner: Symbol = _
  private var newClassOwner: Symbol = _
  private var envSubstitution: SubstTypeMap = _

  private class SubstSkolemsTypeMap(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]) extends SubstTypeMap(from, to) {
    protected override def matches(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) = 
      if (sym2.isTypeSkolem) sym2.deSkolemize eq sym1
      else sym1 eq sym2

  private val invalidSyms: mutable.Map[Symbol, Tree] = mutable.HashMap.empty[Symbol, Tree]
  /** A typer that creates new symbols for all definitions in the given tree
   *  and updates references to them while re-typechecking. All types in the 
   *  tree, except for TypeTrees, are erased prior to type checking. TypeTrees
   *  are fixed by substituting invalid symbols for the new ones.
  class BodyDuplicator(context: Context) extends Typer(context: Context) {

    class FixInvalidSyms extends TypeMap {

      def apply(tpe: Type): Type = {

      override def mapOver(tpe: Type): Type = tpe match {
        case TypeRef(NoPrefix, sym, args) if sym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem =>
          val sym1 = context.scope.lookup(
//          assert(sym1 ne NoSymbol, tpe)
          if ((sym1 ne NoSymbol) && (sym1 ne sym)) {
            log("fixing " + sym + " -> " + sym1)
            typeRef(NoPrefix, sym1, mapOverArgs(args, sym1.typeParams))
          } else super.mapOver(tpe)

        case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
          val newsym = updateSym(sym)
          if (newsym ne sym) {
            log("fixing " + sym + " -> " + newsym)
            typeRef(mapOver(pre), newsym, mapOverArgs(args, newsym.typeParams))
          } else 

        case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
          val sym1 = updateSym(sym)
          if (sym1 ne sym) {
            log("fixing " + sym + " -> " + sym1)
            singleType(mapOver(pre), sym1)
          } else

        case ThisType(sym) =>
          val sym1 = updateSym(sym)
          if (sym1 ne sym) {
            log("fixing " + sym + " -> " + sym1)
          } else

        case _ =>
    /** Fix the given type by replacing invalid symbols with the new ones. */
    def fixType(tpe: Type): Type = {
      val tpe1 = envSubstitution(tpe)
      val tpe2: Type = (new FixInvalidSyms)(tpe1)
      val tpe3 = if (newClassOwner ne null) {
        tpe2.asSeenFrom(newClassOwner.thisType, oldClassOwner)
      } else tpe2

    /** Return the new symbol corresponding to `sym'. */
    private def updateSym(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
      if (invalidSyms.isDefinedAt(sym)) 
    private def invalidate(tree: Tree) {
      if (tree.isDef && tree.symbol != NoSymbol) {
        log("invalid " + tree.symbol)
        invalidSyms(tree.symbol) = tree

        tree match { 
          case ldef @ LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>        
            log("LabelDef " + name + " " +
            invalidSyms(ldef.symbol) = ldef
          //          breakIf(true, this, ldef, context)
            val newsym = ldef.symbol.cloneSymbol(context.owner)
            ldef.symbol = newsym
            log("newsym: " + newsym + " info: " +

          case DefDef(_, name, tparams, vparamss, _, rhs) =>
            // invalidate parameters
            invalidate(tparams ::: vparamss.flatten)
            tree.symbol = NoSymbol

          case _ => 
            tree.symbol = NoSymbol

    private def invalidate(stats: List[Tree]) {
      stats foreach invalidate

    def retypedMethod(ddef: DefDef, oldThis: Symbol, newThis: Symbol): Tree = {
      oldClassOwner = oldThis
      newClassOwner = newThis
      for (vdef <- ddef.vparamss.flatten) {
        vdef.tpe = null
      ddef.symbol = NoSymbol
      enterSym(context, ddef)
      log("remapping this of " + oldClassOwner + " to " + newClassOwner)
    private def inspectTpe(tpe: Type) = {
      tpe match {
        case MethodType(_, res) =>
          res + ", " + res.bounds.hi + ", " + (res.bounds.hi match {
            case TypeRef(_, _, args) if (args.length > 0) => args(0) + ", " + args(0).bounds.hi
            case _ => "non-tref: " + res.bounds.hi.getClass
        case _ =>
    /** Special typer method for re-type checking trees. It expects a typed tree.
     *  Returns a typed tree that has fresh symbols for all definitions in the original tree.
     *  Each definition tree is visited and its symbol added to the invalidSyms map (except LabelDefs),
     *  then cleared (forcing the namer to create fresh symbols).
     *  All invalid symbols found in trees are cleared (except for LabelDefs), forcing the
     *  typechecker to look for fresh ones in the context.
     *  Type trees are typed by substituting old symbols for new ones (@see fixType).
     *  LabelDefs are not typable from trees alone, unless they have the type ()Unit. Therefore,
     *  their symbols are recreated ad-hoc and their types are fixed inline, instead of letting the
     *  namer/typer handle them, or Idents that refer to them.
    override def typed(tree: Tree, mode: Int, pt: Type): Tree = {
      if (settings.debug.value) log("typing " + tree + ": " + tree.tpe)
      if (tree.hasSymbol && tree.symbol != NoSymbol 
          && !tree.symbol.isLabel  // labels cannot be retyped by the type checker as LabelDef has no ValDef/return type trees
          && invalidSyms.isDefinedAt(tree.symbol)) {
        if (settings.debug.value) log("removed symbol " + tree.symbol)
        tree.symbol = NoSymbol

      tree match {
        case ttree @ TypeTree() =>
          log("fixing tpe: " + tree.tpe + " with sym: " + tree.tpe.typeSymbol)
          ttree.tpe = fixType(ttree.tpe)
        case Block(stats, res) =>
          log("invalidating block")
          tree.tpe = null
          super.typed(tree, mode, pt)
        case ClassDef(_, _, _, tmpl @ Template(parents, _, stats)) =>
//          log("invalidating classdef " + tree.tpe)
          tmpl.symbol = tree.symbol.newLocalDummy(tree.pos)
          tree.tpe = null
          super.typed(tree, mode, pt)

        case ddef @ DefDef(_, _, _, _, tpt, rhs) =>
          ddef.tpt.tpe = fixType(ddef.tpt.tpe)
          ddef.tpe = null
          super.typed(ddef, mode, pt)
        case vdef @ ValDef(_, _, tpt, rhs) =>
//          log("vdef fixing tpe: " + tree.tpe + " with sym: " + tree.tpe.typeSymbol + " and " + invalidSyms)
          vdef.tpt.tpe = fixType(vdef.tpt.tpe)
          vdef.tpe = null
          super.typed(vdef, mode, pt)

        case ldef @ LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
          // log("label def: " + ldef)
          ldef.tpe = null
          val params1 = params map { p => Ident(updateSym(p.symbol)) }
          super.typed(treeCopy.LabelDef(tree, name, params1, rhs), mode, pt)

        case Bind(name, _) =>
          // log("bind: " + tree)
          tree.tpe = null
          super.typed(tree, mode, pt)

        case Ident(_) if tree.symbol.isLabel =>
          log("Ident to labeldef " + tree + " switched to ")
          tree.symbol = updateSym(tree.symbol)
          tree.tpe = null
          super.typed(tree, mode, pt)

        case Select(th @ This(_), sel) if (oldClassOwner ne null) && (th.symbol == oldClassOwner) =>
          // log("selection on this, no type ascription required")
          // we use the symbol name instead of the tree name because the symbol may have been
          // name mangled, rendering the tree name obsolete
          // log(tree)
          val t = super.typed(atPos(tree.pos)(Select(This(newClassOwner),, mode, pt)
          // log("typed to: " + t + "; tpe = " + t.tpe + "; " + inspectTpe(t.tpe))

        case This(_) if (oldClassOwner ne null) && (tree.symbol == oldClassOwner) =>
//          val tree1 = Typed(This(newClassOwner), TypeTree(fixType(tree.tpe.widen)))
          // log("selection on this: " + tree)
          val tree1 = This(newClassOwner)
          // log("tree1: " + tree1)
          if (settings.debug.value) log("mapped " + tree + " to " + tree1)
          super.typed(atPos(tree.pos)(tree1), mode, pt)

        case This(_) =>
          // log("selection on this, plain: " + tree)
          tree.symbol = updateSym(tree.symbol)
          tree.tpe = null
          val tree1 = super.typed(tree, mode, pt)
          // log("plain this typed to: " + tree1)
/* no longer needed, because Super now contains a This(...)
        case Super(qual, mix) if (oldClassOwner ne null) && (tree.symbol == oldClassOwner) =>
          val tree1 = Super(qual, mix)
          log("changed " + tree + " to " + tree1)
        case Match(scrut, cases) =>
          val scrut1 = typed(scrut, EXPRmode | BYVALmode, WildcardType)
          val scrutTpe = scrut1.tpe.widen
          val cases1 = if (scrutTpe.isFinalType) cases filter {
            case CaseDef(Bind(_, pat @ Typed(_, tpt)), EmptyTree, body) =>
              // the typed pattern is not incompatible with the scrutinee type
            case CaseDef(Typed(_, tpt), EmptyTree, body) =>
              // the typed pattern is not incompatible with the scrutinee type
            case _ => true
          } else cases

          super.typed(atPos(tree.pos)(Match(scrut, cases1)), mode, pt)

        case EmptyTree =>
          // no need to do anything, in particular, don't set the type to null, EmptyTree.tpe_= asserts 

        case _ =>
          // log("default: " + tree)
          if (tree.hasSymbol && tree.symbol != NoSymbol && (tree.symbol.owner == definitions.AnyClass)) {
            tree.symbol = NoSymbol // maybe we can find a more specific member in a subclass of Any (see AnyVal members, like ==) 
          tree.tpe = null
          super.typed(tree, mode, pt)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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