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Scala example source code file (Detach.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Detach.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

apply, apply, debug, hashmap, list, list, methodtype, none, select, select, symbol, symbol, tree, type

The Scala Detach.scala source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Stephane Micheloud


import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet, ListBuffer}


abstract class Detach extends PluginComponent
                         with Transform with TypingTransformers {
  import global._
  import definitions._

  /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */
  val phaseName: String = "detach"

  protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
    new DetachTransformer(unit)

  // set with the `-P:detach:enable` plugin option (see DetachPlugin) */
  protected[detach] var isEnabled = false

  private class DetachTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit)
  extends TypingTransformer(unit) {
    private val DEBUG = settings.debug.value
    private val PROXY_PREFIX  = "proxy$"  // local proxy objects
    private val PROXY_SUFFIX  = "$proxy"  // top-level proxy classes
    private val DETACH_SUFFIX = "$detach" // detached closures
    private val IMPL_SUFFIX   = "Impl"    // follows Java convention

    private val nme_bind = newTermName("bind")
    private val nme_unbind = newTermName("unbind")
    private val nme_unreferenced = newTermName("unreferenced")

    private val Functions = FunctionClass.toList // see method isFuncType

    private val RemoteClass =

    private val UIDClass =

    private val UnicastRemoteObjectClass =

    private val UnreferencedClass =

    private val DetachModule =

    private val DebugModule =

    private val RemoteRefModule =

    private val ThreadModule =

    private val UnicastRemoteObjectModule =

    private val remoteAnnotationInfo = {
      val RemoteAttr: Symbol = definitions.getClass("scala.remote")
      AnnotationInfo(RemoteAttr.tpe, List(), List())

    private val serializableAnnotationInfo =
      AnnotationInfo(SerializableAttr.tpe, List(), List())
    private val throwsAnnotationInfo = {
      val RemoteExceptionClass = definitions.getClass("java.rmi.RemoteException")
      val ThrowsAttr = definitions.getClass("scala.throws")
    // todo: see generation of Java version UID
    private def serialVersionUIDAnnotationInfo(clazz: Symbol) = {
      def genHash(sym: Symbol): Long = {
        val sym1 = if (sym.isConstructor) sym.owner else sym
        val ts = sym.tpe match {
          case MethodType(params, rt) => (params map (_.tpe)) ::: List(rt)
          case t => List(t)
        val hashes = sym1.nameString.hashCode :: 
          (ts map (_.typeSymbol.nameString.hashCode))
        (0L /: hashes)((acc, h) => acc ^ h)
      val hashes = for (sym <- yield genHash(sym)
      val uid: Long = (0L /: hashes) ((acc, h) => acc * 41 + h)
      val serialVersionUIDAttr = definitions.getClass("scala.SerialVersionUID")

    private def elems(suffix: String): List[(Symbol, Symbol)] =
      for (clazz <- ObjectRefClass :: refClass.valuesIterator.toList) yield {
        val name = "scala.runtime.remoting.Remote" + + suffix
        (clazz, definitions.getClass(name))
    private val remoteRefClass = immutable.HashMap(elems(""): _*)
    private val remoteRefImpl = immutable.HashMap(elems("Impl"): _*)

    private val proxyInterfaceDefs = new HashMap[Symbol/*owner*/, ListBuffer[Tree]]
    private val detachedClosureApply = new HashMap[Tree, Apply]

    private type SymSet = HashSet[Symbol]
    private val capturedObjects = new HashMap[Symbol/*clazz*/, SymSet]
    private val capturedFuncs = new HashMap[Symbol/*clazz*/, SymSet]
    private val capturedCallers = new HashMap[Symbol/*clazz*/, SymSet]
    private val capturedThisClass = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]

    private val proxies = new HashMap[
      Symbol, //clazz
      (Symbol, Symbol, HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]) //iface, impl, accessor map
    def toInterface(clazz: Symbol) = proxies(clazz)._1
    private val classdefs = new HashMap[Symbol/*clazz*/, ClassDef]
    // detachedClosure gathers class definitions containing a "detach" apply 
    private val detachedClosure = new HashMap[Symbol/*clazz*/, ClassDef]

    /** <p>
     *    The method <code>freeObjTraverser.traverse is invoked
     *    in the method <code>DetachPlugin.transformUnit in order to
     *    gather information about objects referenced inside a detached
     *    closure and which will be accessed remotely through object proxies.
     *  </p>
     *  <p>
     *    Object proxies are generated in method <code>mkClosureApply
     *    and their definitions are generated in method <code>genProxy.
     *  </p>
    private val freeObjTraverser = new Traverser {
      def symSet(f: HashMap[Symbol, SymSet], sym: Symbol): SymSet = f.get(sym) match {
        case Some(ss) => ss
        case None => val ss = new HashSet[Symbol]; f(sym) = ss; ss
      def getClosureApply(tree: Tree): Apply = tree match {
        case Block(_, expr) => getClosureApply(expr)
        case Typed(expr, _) => getClosureApply(expr)
        case apply @ Apply(Select(_, _), _) => apply // sel="<init>" or some "f$0"
        case Apply(fun, _)  => getClosureApply(fun)
        case _ =>
          throw new Error("getClosureApply: unhandled case " + tree)
      def isFuncType(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
        case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
          Functions contains sym.tpe.typeSymbol
        case _ =>
      def isOuterMember(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
        sym.isOuterAccessor ||*, nme.OUTER.length*/)
      override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
        val sym = tree.symbol
        val owner =
          if (currentOwner.isModule) currentOwner
          else currentOwner.enclClass
        tree match {
          case cdef @ ClassDef(_, _, _, impl) =>
            classdefs(sym) = cdef
            if (detachedClosure contains sym) {
              detachedClosure(sym) = cdef
              symSet(capturedObjects, sym) += capturedThisClass(sym)

          case Apply(Select(qual, _), List(arg))
          if (qual.tpe <:< DetachModule.tpe) =>
            val t = getClosureApply(arg)
            if (!
              unit.error(t.pos, "detach inapplicable for "
            val sym =
            capturedThisClass(sym) = owner
            symSet(capturedFuncs, sym)
            detachedClosureApply(tree) = t
            classdefs get sym match {
              case None =>
                detachedClosure(sym) = null // set later in case ClassDef
              case Some(cdef) =>
                detachedClosure(sym) = cdef
                symSet(capturedObjects, sym) += capturedThisClass(sym)

          case Select(qual @ This(_), name)
          if qual.symbol.isModuleClass && !qual.symbol.isPackageClass =>
            val qsym = qual.symbol
            symSet(capturedFuncs, owner) += sym
            symSet(capturedObjects, owner) += qsym

          case Select(qual, name)
          if (qual.hasSymbol &&
              (sym.owner != owner) &&
              !(sym.ownerChain contains ScalaPackageClass) &&
              !(sym.owner hasFlag JAVA)) =>
            val qsym = qual.symbol
            symSet(capturedFuncs, owner) += sym
            if (qsym.isStaticModule && !qsym.isPackage) {
              //println("*****1******* capturedObjects("+owner+") += "+qsym)
              symSet(capturedObjects, owner) += qsym
            else if (!isOuterMember(qsym) && !(qsym isNestedIn owner)) {
              //println("*****3******* capturedCallers("+sym+") += "+qsym)
              symSet(capturedCallers, sym) += qsym

          case _ =>
    } //freeObjTraverser

    private val valueClass = immutable.HashMap(
      (for ((sym, ref) <- refClass.toList) yield (ref, sym)): _*
    ) + (ObjectRefClass -> ObjectClass)

    private def toValueClass(tp: Type): Type =
      if (isRefClass(tp)) valueClass(tp.typeSymbol).tpe
      else if (proxies contains tp.typeSymbol) toInterface(tp.typeSymbol).tpe
      else tp

    private def isRefClass(tp: Type): Boolean =
      (tp ne null) &&
      ((refClass.valuesIterator contains tp.typeSymbol) || (ObjectRefClass eq tp.typeSymbol))

    private def isRemoteRefClass(tp: Type): Boolean =
      (tp ne null) && (remoteRefClass.valuesIterator contains tp.typeSymbol)

    private def mkRemoteRefClass(tp: Type): Type = {
      val tp1 = remoteRefClass(tp.typeSymbol)
      typeRef(tp1.typeConstructor.prefix, tp1, Nil) // after erasure, no type anymore!

    class TreeOuterSubstituter(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]) extends Traverser {
      if (DEBUG)
      val substMap = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]
      override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
        def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]) {
          if (!from.isEmpty)
            if (tree.symbol.tpe == from.head.tpe) {
              if (DEBUG)
                        ", tpe="+tree.symbol.tpe+
              tree.symbol updateInfo to.head.tpe
            else tree.symbol.tpe match {
              case MethodType(params, restp) => 
                for (p <- params if p.tpe == from.head.tpe) {
                  p updateInfo to.head.tpe
                if (restp == from.head.tpe) {
                  if (DEBUG)
                            ", tpe="+tree.symbol.tpe+
                            ", owner="+tree.symbol.owner)
                  tree.symbol updateInfo MethodType(params, to.head.tpe)
              case _ =>
                subst(from.tail, to.tail)
        def isOuter(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
          sym.isOuterAccessor ||
*, nme.OUTER.length*/)
        if (tree.hasSymbol && isOuter(tree.symbol)) subst(from, to)

    // based on class Trees.TreeTypeSubstituter
    private class TreeTypeRefSubstituter(clazz: Symbol) extends Traverser {
      override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
        val sym = tree.symbol
        if (tree.hasSymbol && isRefClass(sym.tpe) &&
           (sym.owner.enclClass == clazz) &&
           (sym.isValueParameter || sym.hasFlag(PARAMACCESSOR))) {
          sym setInfo mkRemoteRefClass(sym.tpe)
          tree.tpe = sym.tpe
        if (isRefClass(tree.tpe))
          tree.tpe = mkRemoteRefClass(tree.tpe)
      override def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = super.apply(tree)

    private class TreeOwnerSubstituter(from: Symbol, to: Symbol) extends Traverser {
      def substType(sym: Symbol): Type = {
        def subst(tpe: Type): Type = tpe match {
          case MethodType(params, restp) =>
            println("TreeOwnerSubstituter[1]: tpe="+tpe+
                    ", tpe.typeSymbol="+tpe.typeSymbol+", sym="+sym)//debug
            for (p <- params if p.tpe == from.tpe) {
              println("TreeOwnerSubstituter[2]: sym="+sym+
                      ", sym.owner="+sym.owner+", p.tpe="+p.tpe)//debug
              p updateInfo to.tpe
            MethodType(params, subst(restp))
          case _ =>
            if (sym.owner == from && tpe == from.tpe) {
              println("TreeOwnerSubstituter[3]: sym="+sym+
                      ", owner="+sym.owner+", tpe="+tpe)//debug
            } else tpe
      val map = new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol]
      override def traverse(tree: Tree) {
        if (tree.hasSymbol && tree.symbol != NoSymbol) {
          val sym = tree.symbol
          if (sym.owner == from) {
            val sym1 = map get sym match {
              case Some(s) => s
              case None => val s = sym.cloneSymbol(to); map(sym) = s; s
            tree setSymbol sym1
          val sym1 = tree.symbol
          val tp = substType(sym1)
          if (tp != sym1.tpe) {
            if (sym1.owner == to)
              println("\n%%%%%1%%%%%%% TreeOwnerSubst: tree="+tree+", sym1="+sym1+", sym1.owner="+sym1.owner)//debug
            sym1 setInfo tp
            tree setSymbol sym1
      //override def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = super.apply(tree/*.duplicate*/)

    private var inConstructorFlag = 0L

    private def isCaptured(clazz: Symbol, sym: Symbol): Boolean =
      if (capturedFuncs contains clazz) {
        //log("**1** isCaptured: clazz="+clazz+", sym="+sym+", ")
        capturedFuncs(clazz) contains sym
      else {
        //log("**2** isCaptured: clazz="+clazz+", sym="+sym)
        sym.isMethod && !sym.isConstructor

    private class TreeAccessorSubstituter(clazz: Symbol, objs: List[Symbol], proxySyms: List[Symbol])
    extends Transformer {
      def removeAccessors(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
        case Apply(fun, _) =>
        case Select(qual, _) if tree.hasSymbol && tree.symbol.isOuterAccessor =>
        case _ =>
      if (DEBUG)
        println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: "+
      override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
        // transforms field assignment $outer.i$1.elem=..
        // into setter $outer.i$1_=(..)
        case Assign(lhs @ Select(qual1 @ Select(qual, name), name1), rhs)
        if qual1.hasSymbol && !qual1.symbol.isPrivateLocal &&
           isRemoteRefClass(qual1.tpe) =>
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Assign1\n\tqual1="+qual1+", sel.tpe="+lhs.tpe+
                    "\n\tqual1.tpe="+qual1.tpe+", name1="+name1+
                    "\n\tqual.tpe="+qual.tpe+", tree.tpe="+tree.tpe)//debug
          val iface = toInterface(qual.tpe.typeSymbol)
          val sym = iface.tpe.decls lookup nme.getterToSetter(name)
            Select(super.transform(qual), sym) setType lhs.tpe,
          ) setType tree.tpe)

        // transforms local assignment this.x$1.elem=..
        // into setter method this.x$1_=(..)
        case Assign(lhs @ Select(qual, name), rhs)
        if qual.hasSymbol && qual.symbol.isPrivateLocal &&
           isRemoteRefClass(qual.tpe) =>
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Assign2"+
                    "\n\tqual="+qual+", qual.tpe="+qual.tpe+
          // substitute the 'elem' member of the reference class with
          // the corresponding setter method of the remote reference class.
          val qual1 = super.transform(qual)
          val sym = qual1.tpe.decls lookup nme.getterToSetter(name)
          val fun = gen.mkAttributedSelect(qual1, sym)
          Apply(fun, List(super.transform(rhs))) setType lhs.tpe

        case Assign(Select(qual, name), rhs)
        if qual.hasSymbol && (objs contains qual.symbol) =>
          val sym = qual.symbol
          val proxy = proxySyms(objs indexOf sym)
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Assign3"+
                    "\n\tqual="+qual+", qual.tpe="+qual.tpe+
                    "\n\tproxy="+proxy+", proxy.tpe="+proxy.tpe+
          // substitute the member accessor of the enclosing class with
          // the corresponding setter method of the detached interface.
          val iface = toInterface(sym)
          val substSymbols = new TreeSymSubstituter(
   filter { isCaptured(sym, _) },
                         Select(Ident(proxy), nme.getterToSetter(name)),

        // transforms setter invocation this.i$1_=(..)
        // into setter invocation $outer.i$1_=(..)
        case Apply(Select(qual @ This(_), name), args)
        if (objs contains qual.symbol) && nme.isSetterName(name) =>
          val proxy = proxySyms(objs indexOf qual.symbol)
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Apply"+
                    "\n\tqual="+qual+", qual.tpe="+qual.tpe+
                    "\n\tproxy="+proxy+", proxy.tpe="+proxy.tpe+
                    "\n\tname="+name+", decoded="+name.decode)
          val qual1 = gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedThis(proxy.owner), proxy)
          val sym1 = lookup name.decode
          val fun = gen.mkAttributedSelect(qual1, sym1)
          Apply(fun, args map (super.transform(_))) setType tree.tpe

        // transforms access to field$1
        // into invocation of getter method $$1()
        case Select(qual @ This(_), name)
        if objs contains qual.symbol =>
          val proxy = proxySyms(objs indexOf qual.symbol)
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Select"+
                    "\n\tqual="+qual+", qual.tpe="+qual.tpe+
                    "\n\tproxy="+proxy+", proxy.tpe="+proxy.tpe+
                    "\n\tname="+name+", decoded="+name.decode)
          val qual1 = gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedThis(proxy.owner), proxy)
          val sym1 = lookup nme.originalName(name) //name
          gen.mkAttributedSelect(qual1, sym1)

        // transforms field $$1 into getter method $$1()
        case Select(qual @ Select(_, name1), name)
        if qual.hasSymbol && name1.endsWith(nme.OUTER/*, nme.OUTER.length*/) &&
           !tree.symbol.isMethod =>
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Select0\n\tqual="+qual+
                    ", qual.tpe="+qual.tpe+", name="+name)//debug
          val sym = qual.symbol
          val qual1 = gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedThis(sym.owner), sym)
          val iface = toInterface(qual.tpe.typeSymbol)
          val sym1 = iface.tpe.decls lookup name
          val fun = gen.mkAttributedSelect(qual1, sym1)
          Apply(fun, List()) setType tree.tpe

        case Select(apply @ Apply(fun @ Select(qual, _), _), name)
        if fun.symbol.isOuterAccessor =>
          val tsym = fun.symbol.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol
          val funcs = capturedFuncs(clazz).toList filter (sym =>
            (tsym.ownerChain contains sym.owner) || (tsym isSubClass sym.owner))
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Select1\n\tfun="+fun+
                    ",\n\tfun.tpe="+fun.tpe+", name="+name+
          funcs find (tree.symbol.==) match {
            case Some(sym) =>
              val qual1 =
                if (currentOwner.enclClass isNestedIn clazz) apply
                else removeAccessors(qual)
              val name1 =
                (if (tsym isSubClass qual1.tpe.typeSymbol) ""
                 else tsym.fullName('$')+"$")
              val iface = toInterface(qual1.tpe.typeSymbol)
              val sym1 = iface.tpe.decls lookup name1
              gen.mkAttributedSelect(qual1, sym1)
            case None =>

        // transforms field access $outer.i$1.elem
        // into invocation of getter method $outer.i$1()
        case Select(qual @ Select(qual1, name1), name)
        if qual.hasSymbol && !qual.symbol.isPrivateLocal &&
           isRemoteRefClass(qual.tpe) =>
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Select2\n\tqual="+qual+
                    "\n\tqual.tpe="+qual.tpe+", tree.tpe="+tree.tpe)//debug
          val iface = toInterface(qual.symbol.owner)
          val sym1 = iface.tpe.decls lookup name1
          val fun = gen.mkAttributedSelect(qual1, sym1)
          Apply(fun, List()) setType tree.tpe

        // transforms local access this.i$1.elem
        // into invocation of getter method this.i$1()
        case Select(qual, name)
        if qual.hasSymbol && qual.symbol.isPrivateLocal &&
           isRemoteRefClass(qual.tpe) =>
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Select3\n\tqual="+qual+
          val sym = qual.tpe.decls lookup name
          val fun = gen.mkAttributedSelect(qual, sym)
          Apply(fun, List()) setType tree.tpe

        case Select(qual, name)
        if qual.hasSymbol && (objs contains qual.symbol) =>
          if (DEBUG)
            println("\nTreeAccessorSubstituter: Select4\n\tqual="+qual+
                    ", qual.tpe="+qual.tpe+", name="+name)//debug                      
          val sym = qual.symbol
          val proxy = proxySyms(objs indexOf sym)
          // substitute the accessor of a member of the enclosing class
          // with the corresponding accessor of the detached interface
          val qual1 = gen.mkAttributedSelect(gen.mkAttributedThis(proxy.owner), proxy)
          val iface = toInterface(sym)
          val sym1 = iface.tpe.decls lookup name.decode
          gen.mkAttributedSelect(qual1, sym1)

        case _ =>
      def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = transform(tree).asInstanceOf[T]
    } // TreeAccessorSubstituter
    private class TreeNameSubstituter(from: Name, to: Symbol) extends Transformer {
      override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
        case Super(qual, mix) if == from =>
          Super(qual, mix) setSymbol to
        case This(name) if name == from =>
          This( setSymbol to
        case _ =>
      def apply[T <: Tree](tree: T): T = transform(tree).asInstanceOf[T]
    /** <p>
     *    Given the closure definition (generated by previous phases)
     *  </p>
     *    class $anonfun$1 extends Object with Function1 {
     *      def this($outer: C, x$1: Int): $anonfun$1 = ..
     *      def apply(x: Int): Int = x + this.$outer.x() + this.x$1
     *    }</pre>
     *  <p>
     *    the method <code>mkClosureDef transforms the above code
     *    to the following:
     *  </p>
     *    @serializable
     *    class $anonfun$1$detach extends Object with Function1 {
     *      def this($outer: C$proxy, x$1: Int): $anonfun$1$detach = ..
     *      def apply(x: Int): Int = x + this.$outer.x() + this.x$1
     *    }</pre>
     *  <p>
     *    In particular, it performs the following operations:
     *    1) add constructor parameter <code>proxy_n to access
     *       proxy of the enclosing class
     *    2) change reference types in constructor arguments to type
     *       <code identifier to
     *        <code>proxy_n in template code
     *    4) change reference types of local value definitions associated
     *       to updated constructor arguments to type <code>Remote_type_Ref
     *  </p>
     *  @param  clazz the symbol of the original closure definition
     *  @return the typed class definition for the detached closure.
    private def mkClosureDef(clazz: Symbol): Tree = {
      val cdef = detachedClosure(clazz)
      val name =
      if (name endsWith DETACH_SUFFIX)
        return cdef // closure already detached = encode( + DETACH_SUFFIX)
      clazz addAnnotation serialVersionUIDAnnotationInfo(clazz)
      clazz addAnnotation serializableAnnotationInfo

      val thiz = capturedThisClass(clazz)
      val (List(outer), captured) =
        capturedObjects(clazz).toList partition (thiz.==)

      /** <p>
       *    Method <code>updateConstructorParams updates the class
       *    symbol of the detached closure as follows:
       *    1) it appends the "$detach" suffix to the class name,
       *    2) it adds the "@serializable" annotation to class attributes,
       *    3) it adds a parameter symbol for each element of "captured".
       *  </p>
       *  <p>
       *    and also updates the signature of the constructor symbol:
       *    1) it adds a parameter type for each element of "captured",
       *    2) it changes reference types to remote reference types.
       *  </p>
      def updateConstructorParams(vparams: List[ValDef]): List[Symbol] = {
        val hasOuter = !vparams.isEmpty && (vparams.head.symbol.tpe == thiz.tpe)
        val ctor = clazz.primaryConstructor
        val params = (for (sym <- captured) yield {
          val iface = toInterface(sym)
          val param = ctor.newValueParameter(ctor.pos, freshProxyName)
          param.owner = ctor
        }) ::: (
          if (hasOuter) Nil
          else {
            val iface = toInterface(thiz)
            val param = ctor.newValueParameter(ctor.pos, nme.OUTER)
            param.owner = ctor
        val tp = ctor.tpe match {
          case mt @ MethodType(params1, restp) =>
            val params2 = if (hasOuter) {
              val iface = toInterface(params1.head.tpe.typeSymbol)
              ctor.newSyntheticValueParam(iface.tpe) :: params1.tail
            else params1
            for (p <- params2 if isRefClass(p.tpe)) {
              p updateInfo mkRemoteRefClass(p.tpe)
            MethodType(params ::: params2, restp)
          case tp =>
        ctor updateInfo tp
      } //updateConstructorParams

      def updateConstructorDef(ctor: DefDef): (List[Tree], List[Symbol]) = {
        val DefDef(mods, name, tparams, List(vparams), tpt, rhs) = ctor
        val newparams = updateConstructorParams(vparams)
        val vparams0 = newparams map (sym => ValDef(sym) setType sym.tpe)
        val ctorDef = treeCopy.DefDef(ctor, mods, name, tparams, List(vparams0 ::: vparams), tpt, rhs)
        val accessors = for (sym <- newparams) yield {
          val acc = clazz.newValue(sym.pos,
 enter acc
        val accDefs = accessors map (sym => ValDef(sym) setType sym.tpe)
        (ctorDef :: accDefs, accessors)
      } //updateConstructorDef

      val impl = cdef.impl
      val (List(ctor: DefDef), body1) = impl.body partition (t =>
        t.isDef && t.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor)
      val (defs, accessors) = updateConstructorDef(ctor)
      val impl1 = treeCopy.Template(impl, impl.parents, impl.self, defs ::: body1)
      val (from, to) = /*List.unzip*/(
        for (obj <- captured ::: List(outer))
        yield (obj, toInterface(obj))
      ) unzip
      //val substNames = new TreeNameSubstituter(name, clazz)
      val substTypeRefs = new TreeTypeRefSubstituter(clazz)
      val substAccs = new TreeAccessorSubstituter(clazz, from, accessors)
      val substTypes = new TreeOuterSubstituter(from, to)
      val substSyms = new TreeSymSubstituter(from, to)
      val t1 = ClassDef(clazz, substSyms(substTypes(substAccs(substTypeRefs(impl1)))))
      //println("mkClosureDef: t(untyped)=\n"+nodeToString(t1))
      val t = localTyper typed t1
      detachedClosure(clazz) = t.asInstanceOf[ClassDef]
      //println("mkClosureDef: t(typed)=\n"+nodeToString(t))
    } //mkClosureDef

    /** <p>
     *   Given a class <code>C with member x
     *   which is (remotely) referenced from inside a detached closure:
     *  </p>
     *    class C extends .. {
     *      var x: Int
     *    }</pre>
     *  <p>
     *    the method <code>addProxy generates the following two
     *    proxy definitions (used later in method <code>mkClosureApply
     *    to generate object proxies):
     *  </p>
     *    trait C$proxy extends java.rmi.Remote {
     *      def x(): Int
     *      def x_=(x$1: Int): Unit
     *    }
     *    class C$proxyImpl
     *    extends java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject
     *    with C$proxy with java.rmi.server.Unreferenced {
     *      def this(x$0: String, x$1: C): C$ProxyImpl = ..
     *      def x(): Int = this.x$1.x()
     *      def x_=(x$1: Int): Unit = this.x$1.x_=(x$1)
     *      def unreferenced(): Unit = RemoteRef.unbind(this.x$0)
     *    }</pre>
    private def addProxy(closure: Symbol, clazz: Symbol) {
      // the Sun RMI compiler crashes with the error message
      // "error: An error has occurred in the compiler; ..." with trace
      // " getInnerClassField" if the
      // generated proxy class does not belong to the top-level scope.
      val proxyOwner = clazz.toplevelClass.owner //clazz.owner

      if (DEBUG)
        println("\nadd proxy for "+clazz+" in "+proxyOwner)//debug

      val (proxyIntf, proxyImpl, proxyMap) = proxies get clazz match {
        case Some(proxy) =>
        case None =>
          val iface =
            proxyOwner.newClass(clazz.pos, encode( + PROXY_SUFFIX))
          iface.sourceFile = clazz.sourceFile
          iface setFlag (ABSTRACT | TRAIT | INTERFACE) // Java interface
          val iparents = List(ObjectClass.tpe, RemoteClass.tpe, ScalaObjectClass.tpe)
          iface setInfo ClassInfoType(iparents, new Scope, iface)
          // methods must throw RemoteException
          iface addAnnotation remoteAnnotationInfo

          val iclaz =
            proxyOwner.newClass(clazz.pos, encode( + IMPL_SUFFIX))
          iclaz.sourceFile = clazz.sourceFile
          iclaz setFlag (SYNTHETIC | FINAL)
          // Variant 1: rebind/unbind
          val cparents = List(UnicastRemoteObjectClass.tpe, iface.tpe,
                              UnreferencedClass.tpe, ScalaObjectClass.tpe)
          // Variant 2: un-/exportObject
          //val cparents = List(ObjectClass.tpe, iface.tpe,
          //                    UnreferencedClass.tpe, ScalaObjectClass.tpe)
          iclaz setInfo ClassInfoType(cparents, new Scope, iclaz)
          val proxy = (iface, iclaz, new HashMap[Symbol, Symbol])
          proxies(clazz) = proxy

      def addAccessors() {
        def mkGetter(sym: Symbol, name: String): Symbol = {
          val getter = if (sym.isMethod) {
            val meth = sym.cloneSymbol(proxyIntf)
   = name
            val tsym = meth.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol
            if (proxies contains tsym)
              meth updateInfo MethodType(List(), toInterface(tsym).tpe)
          else {
            val meth = proxyIntf.newMethod(sym.pos, nme.getterName(sym.originalName))
            meth setFlag ACCESSOR
            meth setInfo MethodType(List(), toValueClass(sym.tpe))
          getter setFlag ABSTRACT
          getter resetFlag FINAL
        def mkSetter(sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
          val setter = proxyIntf.newMethod(sym.pos, nme.getterToSetter(sym.originalName))
          setter setFlag (sym.flags & ~(PRIVATE | LOCAL) | ACCESSOR | lateDEFERRED)
          val param = setter.newSyntheticValueParam(toValueClass(sym.tpe))
          setter setInfo MethodType(List(param), UnitClass.tpe)
          setter setFlag ABSTRACT
          setter resetFlag FINAL
        def create(owner: Symbol, clazz: Symbol) {
          val funcs = capturedFuncs(owner).toList
          funcs find (_.isConstructor) match {
            case Some(sym) if capturedFuncs contains sym.owner =>
              create(sym.owner, clazz)
            case _ =>
          val newfuncs = funcs filterNot (proxyMap.valuesIterator.toList contains)
          val (members, others) = newfuncs partition (clazz isSubClass _.owner)
          val outers = others filter (sym =>
            (clazz isNestedIn sym.owner) && clazz.isClass)
          for (sym <- outers) {
            val sym1 = mkGetter(sym, sym.fullName('$'))
   enter sym1
            proxyMap(sym1) = sym
          for (sym <- outers if capturedCallers contains sym;
               caller <- capturedCallers(sym)) {
            val sym1 = mkGetter(sym, caller.nameString+'$'+sym.nameString)
            if (clazz.isAnonymousClass)
              println("[2] clazz="+clazz+", sym1="+sym1)
   enter sym1
            proxyMap(sym1) = sym
          for (sym <- members if !sym.isConstructor) {
            val sym1 = mkGetter(sym, sym.originalName.decode)
   enter sym1
            proxyMap(sym1) = sym
          for (sym <- members if isRefClass(sym.tpe)) {
            val sym1 = mkSetter(sym)
   enter sym1
            proxyMap(sym1) = sym
        create(closure, clazz)

      if (DEBUG) {
        val xs = proxyMap.keysIterator.toList
        println("\tadded "+proxyIntf+
                "\n\twith "+xs.mkString(", ")+" ["+xs.length+"]")
    } //addProxy

    def genProxy(clazz: Symbol) {
      val (proxyIntf, proxyImpl, proxyMap) = proxies(clazz)

      // generate proxy interface
      val ifaceBody = proxyMap.keysIterator.toList map { DefDef(_, EmptyTree) }
      val ifaceParents = map (t => TypeTree(t) setPos proxyIntf.pos)
      val ifaceTmpl = Template(ifaceParents, emptyValDef, ifaceBody)
      val ifaceDef = localTyper typed ClassDef(proxyIntf, ifaceTmpl)

      // generated proxy implementation
      // Variant 1: rebind/unbind
      val param1 =
        proxyImpl.newValueParameter(proxyImpl.pos, freshName("x$"))
         .setInfo(StringClass.tpe) enter param1

      val param2 =
        proxyImpl.newValueParameter(proxyImpl.pos, freshName("x$"))
          .setInfo(clazz.tpe) enter param2

      val unreferenced =
        proxyImpl.newMethod(proxyImpl.pos, nme_unreferenced)
          .setInfo(MethodType(List(), UnitClass.tpe)) enter unreferenced

      val proxyBody =
        DefDef(unreferenced, List(List()), Block(
          List(Apply( //stats
            Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(DebugModule), "info"),
              Select(Literal(Constant("unreferenced: ")), "$plus"),
              // Variant 1: rebind/unbind
              // Variant 2: un-/exportObject
          Apply( //expr
            Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(RemoteRefModule), nme_unbind),
            // Variant 1: rebind/unbind
            // Variant 2: un-/exportObject
        )) :: (
        for (sym <- yield {
          val sym1 = sym.cloneSymbol(proxyImpl)
          sym1 resetFlag (ABSTRACT | DEFERRED | lateDEFERRED)
 enter sym1
          DefDef(sym1, {
            val sym2 = proxyMap(sym)
            var t = Select(This(proxyImpl), param2)
            var outerAcc =
              if (sym2.owner isSubClass param2) None
              else find (_.isOuterAccessor)
            while (!outerAcc.isEmpty) {
              t = Select(t, outerAcc.get)
              val outerClass = outerAcc.get.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol
              outerAcc =
                if (sym2.owner == outerClass) None
                else find (_.isOuterAccessor)
            val sel = Select(t, sym2)
            if (sym2.isMethod) {
              Apply(sel, sym1.paramss(0) map { Ident(_) })
            else if (isRefClass(sym2.tpe)) {
              val sel1 = Select(sel, nme.elem)
              if (sym1.tpe.paramTypes.length == 0) sel1
              else Assign(sel1, Ident(sym1.paramss(0)(0)))
      val proxyParents = map (t => TypeTree(t) setPos proxyImpl.pos)
      val proxyTmpl = Template(proxyParents,
                           emptyValDef, NoMods,
              // Variant 1: rebind/unbind
              /*vparamss*/ List(List(ValDef(param1), ValDef(param2))),
              // Variant 2: un-/exportObject
              ///*vparamss*/ List(List(ValDef(param2))),
                 /*argss*/ List(List()), proxyBody, NoPosition)
      val proxyDef = localTyper typed ClassDef(proxyImpl, proxyTmpl)

      // remember definitions to be added by transformStats
      val proxyOwner = proxyIntf.owner
      if (! (proxyInterfaceDefs contains proxyOwner))
        proxyInterfaceDefs(proxyOwner) = new ListBuffer
      proxyInterfaceDefs(proxyOwner) += ifaceDef
      proxyInterfaceDefs(proxyOwner) += proxyDef
    } //genProxy

    private def freshName(s: String): Name =

    private def freshProxyName: Name =

    /** <p>
     *   Given a detached closure applied in some environment consisting
     *   of an enclosing class <code>C and some local variables
     *   <code>x$1 (immutable) and y$1 (mutable):
     *  </p>
     *    scala.remoting.detach.apply({
     *      (new $anonfun$1(C.this, x$1, y$1): Function1)
     *    })</pre>
     *  <p>
     *    the above code is transformed to the following block:
     *  </p>
     *    {
     *      val proxy$1: C$Proxy =
     *        RemoteRef.bind("C/proxy$1", new C$ProxyImpl(C.this))
     *      val proxy$2: RemoteIntRef =
     *        RemoteRef.bind("C/proxy$2", new RemoteIntRefImpl(y$1))
     *      (new $anonfun$1detach(proxy$1, x$1, proxy$2): Function1)
     *    }
     *  </pre>
    private def mkClosureApply(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      val apply @ Apply(fun, args) = detachedClosureApply(tree)
      assert(fun.symbol.isConstructor, fun.symbol+" is not a constructor")//debug
      val clazz = apply.tpe.typeSymbol
      val thiz = capturedThisClass(clazz)
      val cdef = mkClosureDef(clazz)
      val uid = localTyper typed {
        val sym = currentOwner.newValue(tree.pos, freshName("uid$"))
        val rhs = Apply(Select(
            Select(New(TypeTree(UIDClass.tpe)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR),
        ), List())
        ValDef(sym, rhs)
      def cast(tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Tree =
            Select(tree, Object_asInstanceOf),

      def mkProxy(csym: Symbol): ValDef = {
        val (iface, proxy, _) = proxies(csym)
        val sym = currentOwner.newValue(csym.pos, freshProxyName)
        val bind = Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(RemoteRefModule), nme_bind)
        val name = Apply(
          Select(Literal(Constant(sym.fullName('/')+"$")), String_+),
        val thiz =
          if (csym.isModule) gen.mkAttributedIdent(csym)
          else gen.mkAttributedThis(csym)
        val args = List(name,
                        Apply(Select(New(TypeTree(proxy.tpe)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR),
                              // Variant 1: rebind/unbind
                              List(name, thiz)))
                              // Variant 2: un-/exportObject
        val rhs = cast(Apply(bind, args), iface.tpe)
        ValDef(sym, rhs)

      def mkObjProxies: List[ValDef] = {
        val (outer, captured) =
           capturedObjects(clazz).toList partition (thiz.==)
        (captured ::: outer) map mkProxy

      def mkArgProxies: Map[Symbol, ValDef] = {
        def retRefs(t: Tree): List[Tree] = t match {
          case Apply(fun, args) =>
            args flatMap retRefs
          case id @ Ident(_) =>
            if (isRefClass(id.tpe)) List(id) else Nil
          case Template(_, _, body) =>
            body flatMap retRefs
          case New(tpt) =>
          case thiz @ This(_) =>
            if (isRefClass(thiz.tpe)) List(thiz) else Nil
          case _ =>
            throw new Error("Internal error: " + t.getClass)
        new immutable.HashMap[Symbol, ValDef] ++ (
          for (variable <- retRefs(apply)) yield {
            val param = variable.symbol
            assert(isRefClass(param.tpe), param)
            val proxy = currentOwner.newValue(param.pos, freshProxyName)
            val bind = Select(gen.mkAttributedRef(RemoteRefModule), nme_bind)
            //val name = Literal(Constant(proxy.fullName('/')))
            val name = Apply(
              Select(Literal(Constant(proxy.fullName('/')+"$")), String_+),
            val ts = param.tpe.typeSymbol
            val args = List(name,
                              Select(New(TypeTree(remoteRefImpl(ts).tpe)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR),
                              // Variant 1: rebind/unbind
                              List(name, variable)))
                              // Variant 2: un-/exportObject
            val rhs = cast(Apply(bind, args), remoteRefClass(ts).tpe)
            (param, ValDef(proxy, rhs))
      } //mkArgProxies

      /** <p>
       *   Method <code>mkClosureInstance updates the list of actual
       *   parameters passed to the closure instance.
       *  </p>
      def mkClosureInstance(objProxies: List[ValDef],
                            argProxies: Map[Symbol, ValDef]): Tree = {
        fun.tpe = fun.symbol.tpe
        val args0 = objProxies map (tree => Ident(tree.symbol))
        val hasOuter = !args.isEmpty && (args.head.symbol.tpe == thiz.tpe)
        val args1 = (if (hasOuter) args.tail else args) map (arg =>
          argProxies get arg.symbol match {
            case Some(t) => Ident(t.symbol)
            case None => arg
        if (DEBUG)
        val t = Typed(
                  Apply(fun, args0 ::: args1),
                  //TypeTree( //interface (2.7.x)
                  TypeTree( //interface (2.8.x)
        localTyper typed t
      } //mkClosureInstance

      val objProxies = mkObjProxies
      val argProxies = mkArgProxies
      val stats = uid :: objProxies ::: argProxies.valuesIterator.toList
      val expr = mkClosureInstance(objProxies, argProxies)
      localTyper typed Block(stats, expr)
    } //mkClosureApply

    override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      def withInConstructorFlag(inConstructorFlag: Long)(f: => Tree): Tree = {
        val savedInConstructorFlag = this.inConstructorFlag
        this.inConstructorFlag = inConstructorFlag
        val t = f
        this.inConstructorFlag = savedInConstructorFlag
      if (!isEnabled) return tree
      tree match {
        case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
          val tree1 = super.transform(tree)
          if (!reporter.hasErrors && (capturedThisClass contains tree1.symbol))

        case Apply(Select(_, _), _) =>
          val tree1 = super.transform(tree)
          if (!reporter.hasErrors && (detachedClosureApply contains tree1))

        case Template(_, _, _) =>
          withInConstructorFlag(0) { super.transform(tree) }

        case _ =>

    /** Transform statements and add detached definitions to them. */
    override def transformStats(stats: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol): List[Tree] = {
      val stats1 = super.transformStats(stats, exprOwner)
      val newDefs = {
        val buf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
        if (proxyInterfaceDefs contains currentOwner)
          buf ++= proxyInterfaceDefs(currentOwner).toList
      if (newDefs.isEmpty) stats1 else stats1 ::: newDefs

    private def genProxies() {
      def printDebugInfo() {
        println("\ncompilation unit : "+unit)
        for ((sym, _) <- detachedClosure) {
          println("closure to detach: "+sym+" (owner: "+sym.owner+")")
          println("captured this    : "+capturedThisClass(sym))
          val objs = capturedObjects get sym match {
            case Some(ss) => ss.toList
            case None => Nil
          println("captured objects : "+objs.mkString(", ")+" ["+objs.length+"]")
        println("\ncalled functions :")
        for (sym <- capturedFuncs.keysIterator) {
          val xs = capturedFuncs(sym).toList map (s => {
            val callers = capturedCallers get s match {
              case Some(ss) => "|"+ss.toList.mkString(",")
              case None => ""
          println("\t"+sym+" -> "+xs.mkString(", ")+" ["+xs.length+"]")
      def printDebugInfo2() {
        println("\nproxy classes    :")
        for (sym <- proxies.keysIterator)
          println("\t"+sym+"("+sym.tpe+") -> "+proxies(sym))
      if (DEBUG)
      for ((closure, _) <- detachedClosure;
           captured <- capturedObjects(closure))
        addProxy(closure, captured)
      if (DEBUG)
      for (sym <- proxies.keysIterator)
    } //genProxies

    /** <p>
     *    Method <code>transformUnit performs three successive operations:
     *  </p>
     *  <ol>
     *    <li>it first gathers infos about free objects and detached
     *      closures;</li>
     *    <li>it then adds proxies for free objects;
     *    <li>finally, if transforms detached closures (both definition and
     *       instantiation).</li>
     *  </ol>
    override def transformUnit(unit: CompilationUnit) {
      if (!reporter.hasErrors) genProxies


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