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Scala example source code file (ScalaRunTime.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ScalaRunTime.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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a, any, any, anyref, anyref, array, array, b, boolean, int, int, product, reflection, string, unit

The Scala ScalaRunTime.scala source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2002-2011, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala.runtime

import scala.reflect.ClassManifest
import scala.collection.{ Seq, IndexedSeq, TraversableView }
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
import scala.collection.immutable.{ StringLike, NumericRange, List, Stream, Nil, :: }
import scala.collection.generic.{ Sorted }
import scala.xml.{ Node, MetaData }
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
import java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits
import java.lang.reflect.{ Modifier, Method => JMethod }

/** The object ScalaRunTime provides support methods required by
 *  the scala runtime.  All these methods should be considered
 *  outside the API and subject to change or removal without notice.
object ScalaRunTime {
  def isArray(x: AnyRef): Boolean = isArray(x, 1)
  def isArray(x: Any, atLevel: Int): Boolean = 
    x != null && isArrayClass(x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass, atLevel)

  private def isArrayClass(clazz: Class[_], atLevel: Int): Boolean =
    clazz.isArray && (atLevel == 1 || isArrayClass(clazz.getComponentType, atLevel - 1))

  def isValueClass(clazz: Class[_]) = clazz.isPrimitive() 

  /** Return the class object representing an unboxed value type,
   *  e.g. classOf[int], not classOf[java.lang.Integer].  The compiler
   *  rewrites expressions like 5.getClass to come here.
  def anyValClass[T <: AnyVal](value: T): Class[T] = (value match {
    case x: Byte    => java.lang.Byte.TYPE 
    case x: Short   => java.lang.Short.TYPE 
    case x: Char    => java.lang.Character.TYPE
    case x: Int     => java.lang.Integer.TYPE
    case x: Long    => java.lang.Long.TYPE
    case x: Float   => java.lang.Float.TYPE
    case x: Double  => java.lang.Double.TYPE
    case x: Boolean => java.lang.Boolean.TYPE
    case x: Unit    => java.lang.Void.TYPE

  /** Retrieve generic array element */
  def array_apply(xs: AnyRef, idx: Int): Any = xs match {
    case x: Array[AnyRef]  => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case x: Array[Int]     => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case x: Array[Double]  => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case x: Array[Long]    => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case x: Array[Float]   => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case x: Array[Char]    => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case x: Array[Byte]    => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case x: Array[Short]   => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case x: Array[Boolean] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case x: Array[Unit]    => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
    case null => throw new NullPointerException

  /** update generic array element */
  def array_update(xs: AnyRef, idx: Int, value: Any): Unit = xs match {
    case x: Array[AnyRef]  => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
    case x: Array[Int]     => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[Int]
    case x: Array[Double]  => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[Double]
    case x: Array[Long]    => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[Long]
    case x: Array[Float]   => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[Float]
    case x: Array[Char]    => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[Char]
    case x: Array[Byte]    => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[Byte]
    case x: Array[Short]   => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[Short]
    case x: Array[Boolean] => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[Boolean]
    case x: Array[Unit]    => x(idx) = value.asInstanceOf[Unit]
    case null => throw new NullPointerException

  /** Get generic array length */
  def array_length(xs: AnyRef): Int = xs match {
    case x: Array[AnyRef]  => x.length
    case x: Array[Int]     => x.length
    case x: Array[Double]  => x.length
    case x: Array[Long]    => x.length
    case x: Array[Float]   => x.length
    case x: Array[Char]    => x.length
    case x: Array[Byte]    => x.length
    case x: Array[Short]   => x.length
    case x: Array[Boolean] => x.length
    case x: Array[Unit]    => x.length
    case null => throw new NullPointerException

  def array_clone(xs: AnyRef): AnyRef = xs match {
    case x: Array[AnyRef]  => ArrayRuntime.cloneArray(x)
    case x: Array[Int]     => ArrayRuntime.cloneArray(x)
    case x: Array[Double]  => ArrayRuntime.cloneArray(x)
    case x: Array[Long]    => ArrayRuntime.cloneArray(x)
    case x: Array[Float]   => ArrayRuntime.cloneArray(x)
    case x: Array[Char]    => ArrayRuntime.cloneArray(x)
    case x: Array[Byte]    => ArrayRuntime.cloneArray(x)
    case x: Array[Short]   => ArrayRuntime.cloneArray(x)
    case x: Array[Boolean] => ArrayRuntime.cloneArray(x)
    case x: Array[Unit]    => x
    case null => throw new NullPointerException

  /** Convert a numeric value array to an object array.
   *  Needed to deal with vararg arguments of primitive types that are passed
   *  to a generic Java vararg parameter T ...
  def toObjectArray(src: AnyRef): Array[Object] = {
    val length = array_length(src)
    val dest = new Array[Object](length)
    for (i <- 0 until length)
      array_update(dest, i, array_apply(src, i))

  def toArray[T](xs: collection.Seq[T]) = {
    val arr = new Array[AnyRef](xs.length)
    var i = 0
    for (x <- xs) {
      arr(i) = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      i += 1
  // Java bug:
  // More background at ticket #2318.
  def ensureAccessible(m: JMethod): JMethod = {
    if (!m.isAccessible) {
      try m setAccessible true
      catch { case _: SecurityException => () }

  def checkInitialized[T <: AnyRef](x: T): T = 
    if (x == null) throw new UninitializedError else x

  abstract class Try[+A] {
    def Catch[B >: A](handler: PartialFunction[Throwable, B]): B
    def Finally(fin: => Unit): A

  def Try[A](block: => A): Try[A] = new Try[A] with Runnable {
    private var result: A = _
    private var exception: Throwable = 
      try   { run() ; null }
      catch { 
        case e: ControlThrowable  => throw e  // don't catch non-local returns etc
        case e: Throwable         => e

    def run() { result = block }

    def Catch[B >: A](handler: PartialFunction[Throwable, B]): B =
      if (exception == null) result
      else if (handler isDefinedAt exception) handler(exception)
      else throw exception

    def Finally(fin: => Unit): A = {

      if (exception == null) result
      else throw exception

  def _toString(x: Product): String =
    x.productIterator.mkString(x.productPrefix + "(", ",", ")")

  def _hashCode(x: Product): Int = {
    import scala.util.MurmurHash._
    val arr =  x.productArity
    // Case objects have the hashCode inlined directly into the
    // synthetic hashCode method, but this method should still give
    // a correct result if passed a case object.
    if (arr == 0) {
    else {
      var h = startHash(arr)
      var c = startMagicA
      var k = startMagicB
      var i = 0
      while (i < arr) {
        val elem = x.productElement(i)
        h = extendHash(h, elem.##, c, k)
        c = nextMagicA(c)
        k = nextMagicB(k)
        i += 1

  /** Fast path equality method for inlining; used when -optimise is set.
  @inline def inlinedEquals(x: Object, y: Object): Boolean = 
    if (x eq y) true
    else if (x eq null) false
    else if (x.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Number]) BoxesRunTime.equalsNumObject(x.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Number], y)
    else if (x.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Character]) BoxesRunTime.equalsCharObject(x.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Character], y)
    else x.equals(y)

  def _equals(x: Product, y: Any): Boolean = y match {
    case y: Product if x.productArity == y.productArity => x.productIterator sameElements y.productIterator
    case _                                              => false
  // hashcode -----------------------------------------------------------
  // Note that these are the implementations called by ##, so they
  // must not call ## themselves.
  @inline def hash(x: Any): Int =
    if (x == null) 0
    else if (x.isInstanceOf[java.lang.Number]) BoxesRunTime.hashFromNumber(x.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Number])
    else x.hashCode
  @inline def hash(dv: Double): Int = {
    val iv = dv.toInt
    if (iv == dv) return iv
    val lv = dv.toLong
    if (lv == dv) return lv.hashCode

    val fv = dv.toFloat
    if (fv == dv) fv.hashCode else dv.hashCode
  @inline def hash(fv: Float): Int = {
    val iv = fv.toInt
    if (iv == fv) return iv
    val lv = fv.toLong
    if (lv == fv) return hash(lv)
    else fv.hashCode
  @inline def hash(lv: Long): Int = {
    val low = lv.toInt
    val lowSign = low >>> 31
    val high = (lv >>> 32).toInt
    low ^ (high + lowSign)
  @inline def hash(x: Int): Int = x
  @inline def hash(x: Short): Int = x.toInt
  @inline def hash(x: Byte): Int = x.toInt
  @inline def hash(x: Char): Int = x.toInt
  @inline def hash(x: Boolean): Int = if (x) trueHashcode else falseHashcode
  @inline def hash(x: Unit): Int = 0
  @inline def hash(x: Number): Int  = runtime.BoxesRunTime.hashFromNumber(x)
  // These are so these values are constant folded into def hash(Boolean)
  // rather than being recalculated all the time.
  private final val trueHashcode = true.hashCode
  private final val falseHashcode = false.hashCode

  /** A helper method for constructing case class equality methods,
   *  because existential types get in the way of a clean outcome and
   *  it's performing a series of Any/Any equals comparisons anyway.
   *  See ticket #2867 for specifics.
  def sameElements(xs1: collection.Seq[Any], xs2: collection.Seq[Any]) = xs1 sameElements xs2

  /** Given any Scala value, convert it to a String.
   * The primary motivation for this method is to provide a means for
   * correctly obtaining a String representation of a value, while
   * avoiding the pitfalls of naïvely calling toString on said value.
   * In particular, it addresses the fact that (a) toString cannot be
   * called on null and (b) depending on the apparent type of an
   * array, toString may or may not print it in a human-readable form.
   * @param   arg   the value to stringify 
   * @return        a string representation of arg.
  def stringOf(arg: Any): String = stringOf(arg, scala.Int.MaxValue)
  def stringOf(arg: Any, maxElements: Int): String = {    
    def isScalaClass(x: AnyRef) =
      Option(x.getClass.getPackage) exists (_.getName startsWith "scala.")
    def isTuple(x: AnyRef) =
      x.getClass.getName matches """^scala\.Tuple(\d+).*"""

    // When doing our own iteration is dangerous
    def useOwnToString(x: Any) = x match {
      // Node extends NodeSeq extends Seq[Node] and MetaData extends Iterable[MetaData]
      case _: Node | _: MetaData => true
      // Range/NumericRange have a custom toString to avoid walking a gazillion elements
      case _: Range | _: NumericRange[_] => true
      // Sorted collections to the wrong thing (for us) on iteration - ticket #3493
      case _: Sorted[_, _]  => true
      // StringBuilder(a, b, c) and similar not so attractive
      case _: StringLike[_] => true
      // Don't want to evaluate any elements in a view
      case _: TraversableView[_, _] => true
      // Don't want to a) traverse infinity or b) be overly helpful with peoples' custom
      // collections which may have useful toString methods - ticket #3710
      case x: Traversable[_]  => !x.hasDefiniteSize || !isScalaClass(x)
      // Otherwise, nothing could possibly go wrong
      case _ => false

    // A variation on inner for maps so they print -> instead of bare tuples
    def mapInner(arg: Any): String = arg match {
      case (k, v)   => inner(k) + " -> " + inner(v)
      case _        => inner(arg)
    // The recursively applied attempt to prettify Array printing.
    // Note that iterator is used if possible and foreach is used as a
    // last resort, because the parallel collections "foreach" in a
    // random order even on sequences.
    def inner(arg: Any): String = arg match {
      case null                         => "null"
      case ""                           => "\"\""
      case x: String                    => if (x.head.isWhitespace || x.last.isWhitespace) "\"" + x + "\"" else x
      case x if useOwnToString(x)       => x toString
      case x: AnyRef if isArray(x)      => WrappedArray make x take maxElements map inner mkString ("Array(", ", ", ")")
      case x: collection.Map[_, _]      => x.iterator take maxElements map mapInner mkString (x.stringPrefix + "(", ", ", ")")
      case x: Iterable[_]               => x.iterator take maxElements map inner mkString (x.stringPrefix + "(", ", ", ")")
      case x: Traversable[_]            => x take maxElements map inner mkString (x.stringPrefix + "(", ", ", ")")
      case x: Product1[_] if isTuple(x) => "(" + inner(x._1) + ",)" // that special trailing comma
      case x: Product if isTuple(x)     => x.productIterator map inner mkString ("(", ",", ")")
      case x                            => x toString

    // The try/catch is defense against iterables which aren't actually designed
    // to be iterated, such as some derived classes.
    try inner(arg)
    catch { 
      case _: StackOverflowError | _: UnsupportedOperationException | _: AssertionError => "" + arg
  /** stringOf formatted for use in a repl result. */
  def replStringOf(arg: Any, maxElements: Int): String = {
    val s  = stringOf(arg, maxElements)
    val nl = if (s contains "\n") "\n" else ""
    nl + s + "\n"

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ScalaRunTime.scala source code file:

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