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Scala example source code file (Utility.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Utility.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

boolean, boolean, elem, elem, int, node, null, runtimeexception, seq, string, string, stringbuilder, stringbuilder, unit

The Scala Utility.scala source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2011, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala.xml

import collection.mutable
import mutable.{ Set, HashSet }
import parsing.XhtmlEntities

 * The <code>Utility object provides utility functions for processing
 * instances of bound and not bound XML classes, as well as escaping text nodes.
 * @author Burak Emir
object Utility extends AnyRef with parsing.TokenTests 
  final val SU = '\u001A'
  implicit def implicitSbToString(sb: StringBuilder) = sb.toString()
  // helper for the extremely oft-repeated sequence of creating a
  // StringBuilder, passing it around, and then grabbing its String.
  private [xml] def sbToString(f: (StringBuilder) => Unit): String = {
    val sb = new StringBuilder
  private[xml] def isAtomAndNotText(x: Node) = x.isAtom && !x.isInstanceOf[Text]

  /** trims an element - call this method, when you know that it is an
   *  element (and not a text node) so you know that it will not be trimmed
   *  away. With this assumption, the function can return a <code>Node,
   *  rather than a <code>Seq[Node]. If you don't know, call
   *  <code>trimProper and account for the fact that you may get back
   *  an empty sequence of nodes.
   *  precondition: node is not a text node (it might be trimmed) 
  def trim(x: Node): Node = x match {
    case Elem(pre, lab, md, scp, child@_*) => 
      Elem(pre, lab, md, scp, (child flatMap trimProper):_*)

  /** trim a child of an element. <code>Attribute values and
   *  <code>Atom nodes that are not Text nodes are unaffected.
  def trimProper(x:Node): Seq[Node] = x match {
    case Elem(pre,lab,md,scp,child@_*) => 
      Elem(pre,lab,md,scp, (child flatMap trimProper):_*)
    case Text(s) => 
      new TextBuffer().append(s).toText
    case _ => 
  /** returns a sorted attribute list */
  def sort(md: MetaData): MetaData = if((md eq Null) || ( eq Null)) md else {
    val key = md.key
    val smaller = sort(md.filter { m => m.key < key })
    val greater = sort(md.filter { m => m.key > key })
    smaller.append( Null ).append(md.copy ( greater ))

  /** returns the node with its attribute list sorted alphabetically (prefixes are ignored) */
  def sort(n:Node): Node = n match {
	  case Elem(pre,lab,md,scp,child@_*) =>
		  Elem(pre,lab,sort(md),scp, (child map sort):_*)
	  case _ => n

   * Escapes the characters < > & and " from string.
   * @param text ...
   * @return     ...
  final def escape(text: String): String = sbToString(escape(text, _))
  object Escapes {
    /** For reasons unclear escape and unescape are a long ways from
      * being logical inverses. */
    val pairs = Map(
      "lt"    -> '<',
      "gt"    -> '>',
      "amp"   -> '&',
      "quot"  -> '"'
      // enigmatic comment explaining why this isn't escaped --
      // is valid xhtml but not html, and IE doesn't know it, says jweb
      // "apos"  -> '\''
    val escMap    = pairs map { case (s, c) => c-> ("&%s;" format s) }
    val unescMap  = pairs ++ Map("apos"  -> '\'')
  import Escapes.{ escMap, unescMap }
   * Appends escaped string to <code>s.
   * @param text ...
   * @param s    ...
   * @return     ...
  final def escape(text: String, s: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    // Implemented per XML spec: 
    // imperative code 3x-4x faster than current implementation
    // dpp (David Pollak) 2010/02/03
    val len = text.length
    var pos = 0
    while (pos < len) {
      text.charAt(pos) match {
        case '<' => s.append("<")
        case '>' => s.append(">")
        case '&' => s.append("&")
        case '"' => s.append(""")
        case '\n' => s.append('\n')
        case '\r' => s.append('\r')
        case '\t' => s.append('\t')
        case c => if (c >= ' ') s.append(c)
      pos += 1
   * Appends unescaped string to <code>s, amp becomes &
   * lt becomes < etc..
   * @param ref ...
   * @param s   ...
   * @return    <code>null if ref was not a predefined
   *            entity.
  final def unescape(ref: String, s: StringBuilder): StringBuilder =
    (unescMap get ref) map (s append _) orNull

   * Returns a set of all namespaces used in a sequence of nodes 
   * and all their descendants, including the empty namespaces.
   * @param nodes ...
   * @return      ...
  def collectNamespaces(nodes: Seq[Node]): mutable.Set[String] = 
    nodes.foldLeft(new HashSet[String]) { (set, x) => collectNamespaces(x, set) ; set }

   * Adds all namespaces in node to set.
   * @param n   ...
   * @param set ...
  def collectNamespaces(n: Node, set: mutable.Set[String]) {
    if (n.doCollectNamespaces) {
      set += n.namespace
      for (a <- n.attributes) a match {
        case _:PrefixedAttribute =>
          set += a.getNamespace(n)
        case _ =>
      for (i <- n.child) 
        collectNamespaces(i, set)
  // def toXML(
  //   x: Node,
  //   pscope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope,
  //   sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder,
  //   stripComments: Boolean = false,
  //   decodeEntities: Boolean = true,
  //   preserveWhitespace: Boolean = false,
  //   minimizeTags: Boolean = false): String =
  // {
  //   toXMLsb(x, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)
  //   sb.toString()
  // }

  def toXML(
    x: Node,
    pscope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope,
    sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder,
    stripComments: Boolean = false,
    decodeEntities: Boolean = true,
    preserveWhitespace: Boolean = false,
    minimizeTags: Boolean = false): StringBuilder =
    x match {
      case c: Comment => if (!stripComments) c buildString sb else sb
      case x: SpecialNode => x buildString sb
      case g: Group =>
        g.nodes foreach {toXML(_, x.scope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)}
      case _  =>
        // print tag with namespace declarations
        if (x.attributes ne null) x.attributes.buildString(sb)
        x.scope.buildString(sb, pscope)
        if (x.child.isEmpty && minimizeTags) {
          // no children, so use short form: <xyz .../>
          sb.append(" />")
        } else {
          // children, so use long form: <xyz ...>...
          sequenceToXML(x.child, x.scope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)

  def sequenceToXML(
    children: Seq[Node],
    pscope: NamespaceBinding = TopScope,
    sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder,
    stripComments: Boolean = false,
    decodeEntities: Boolean = true,
    preserveWhitespace: Boolean = false,
    minimizeTags: Boolean = false): Unit =
    if (children.isEmpty) return
    else if (children forall isAtomAndNotText) { // add space
      val it = children.iterator
      val f =
      toXML(f, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)
      while (it.hasNext) {
        val x =
        sb.append(' ')
        toXML(x, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags)
    else children foreach { toXML(_, pscope, sb, stripComments, decodeEntities, preserveWhitespace, minimizeTags) }

   * Returns prefix of qualified name if any.
   * @param name ...
   * @return     ... 
  final def prefix(name: String): Option[String] = (name indexOf ':') match {
    case -1   => None
    case i    => Some(name.substring(0, i))

   * Returns a hashcode for the given constituents of a node
   * @param uri
   * @param label
   * @param attribHashCode
   * @param children
  def hashCode(pre: String, label: String, attribHashCode: Int, scpeHash: Int, children: Seq[Node]) = {
    val h = new util.MurmurHash[Node](pre.##)

  def appendQuoted(s: String): String = sbToString(appendQuoted(s, _))

   * Appends "s" if string <code>s does not contain ",
   * 's' otherwise.
   * @param s  ...
   * @param sb ...
   * @return   ...
  def appendQuoted(s: String, sb: StringBuilder) = {
    val ch = if (s contains '"') '\'' else '"'

   * Appends "s" and escapes and " i s with \"
   * @param s  ...
   * @param sb ...
   * @return   ...
  def appendEscapedQuoted(s: String, sb: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
    for (c <- s) c match {
      case '"' => sb.append('\\'); sb.append('"')
      case _   => sb.append(c)

   * @param s     ...
   * @param index ...
   * @return      ...
  def getName(s: String, index: Int): String = {
    if (index >= s.length) null
    else {
      val xs = s drop index
      if (xs.nonEmpty && isNameStart(xs.head)) xs takeWhile isNameChar
      else ""

   * Returns <code>null if the value is a correct attribute value,
   * error message if it isn't.
   * @param value ...
   * @return      ... 
  def checkAttributeValue(value: String): String = {
    var i = 0
    while (i < value.length) {
      value.charAt(i) match {
        case '<' => 
          return "< not allowed in attribute value";
        case '&' => 
          val n = getName(value, i+1)
          if (n eq null)
            return "malformed entity reference in attribute value ["+value+"]";
          i = i + n.length + 1
          if (i >= value.length || value.charAt(i) != ';')
            return "malformed entity reference in attribute value ["+value+"]";
        case _   =>
      i = i + 1

   * new
   * @param value ...
   * @return      ...
  def parseAttributeValue(value: String): Seq[Node] = {
    val sb  = new StringBuilder
    var rfb: StringBuilder = null
    val nb = new NodeBuffer()
    val it = value.iterator
    while (it.hasNext) {
      var c =
      // entity! flush buffer into text node
      if (c == '&') {
        c =
        if (c == '#') {
          c =
          val theChar = parseCharRef ({ ()=> c },{ () => c = },{s => throw new RuntimeException(s)}, {s => throw new RuntimeException(s)})
        else {
          if (rfb eq null) rfb = new StringBuilder()
          rfb append c
          c =
          while (c != ';') {
            c =
          val ref = rfb.toString() 
          unescape(ref,sb) match {
            case null => 
              if (sb.length > 0) {          // flush buffer
                nb += Text(sb.toString())
              nb += EntityRef(sb.toString()) // add entityref
            case _ =>
      else sb append c
    if (sb.length > 0) { // flush buffer
      val x = Text(sb.toString())
      if (nb.length == 0)
        return x
        nb += x

   * <pre>
   *   CharRef ::= "&#" '0'..'9' {'0'..'9'} ";"
   *             | "&#x" '0'..'9'|'A'..'F'|'a'..'f' { hexdigit } ";"
   * </pre>
   * <p>
   *   see [66]
   * <p>
   * @param ch                ...
   * @param nextch            ...
   * @param reportSyntaxError ...
   * @return                  ...
  def parseCharRef(ch: () => Char, nextch: () => Unit, reportSyntaxError: String => Unit, reportTruncatedError: String => Unit): String = {
    val hex  = (ch() == 'x') && { nextch(); true }
    val base = if (hex) 16 else 10
    var i = 0
    while (ch() != ';') {
      ch() match {
        case '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' =>
          i = i * base + ch().asDigit
        case 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f'
           | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' =>
          if (! hex) 
            reportSyntaxError("hex char not allowed in decimal char ref\n" +
                              "Did you mean to write &#x ?")
            i = i * base + ch().asDigit
        case SU =>
        case _ =>
          reportSyntaxError("character '" + ch() + "' not allowed in char ref\n")
    new String(Array(i), 0, 1)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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