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Scala example source code file (EphemeralStream.scala)

This example Scala source code file (EphemeralStream.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

boolean, conswrap, ephemeralstream, equal, int, list, none, option, some

The EphemeralStream.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference

/** Like [[scala.collection.immutable.Stream]], but doesn't save
  * computed values.  As such, it can be used to represent similar
  * things, but without the space leak problem frequently encountered
  * using that type.
sealed abstract class EphemeralStream[A] {

  import EphemeralStream._

  def isEmpty: Boolean

  private[scalaz] def head: () => A

  private[scalaz] def tail: () => EphemeralStream[A]

  def headOption: Option[A] = {
    if(isEmpty) None
    else Some(head())

  def tailOption: Option[EphemeralStream[A]] = {
    if(isEmpty) None
    else Some(tail())

  def toList: List[A] = {
    def lcons(xs: => List[A])(x: => A) = x :: xs
    foldLeft(Nil: List[A])(lcons _).reverse

  def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (=> A) => (=> B) => B): B =
    if (isEmpty) z else f(head())(tail().foldRight(z)(f))

  def foldLeft[B](z: => B)(f: (=> B) => (=> A) => B): B = {
    def loop(t: EphemeralStream[A], acc: B): B =
      if (t.isEmpty) acc
      else loop(t.tail(), f(acc)(t.head()))
    loop(this, z)

  def filter(p: A => Boolean): EphemeralStream[A] = {
    val rest = this dropWhile (!p(_))
    if (rest.isEmpty) emptyEphemeralStream
    else cons(rest.head(), rest.tail() filter p)

  def dropWhile(p: A => Boolean): EphemeralStream[A] = {
    var these: EphemeralStream[A] = this
    while (!these.isEmpty && p(these.head())) these = these.tail()

  def ++(e: => EphemeralStream[A]): EphemeralStream[A] =
    foldRight[EphemeralStream[A]](e)((cons[A](_, _)).curried)

  def flatMap[B](f: A => EphemeralStream[B]): EphemeralStream[B] =
    foldRight[EphemeralStream[B]](emptyEphemeralStream)(h => t => f(h) ++ t)

  def map[B](f: A => B): EphemeralStream[B] =
    flatMap(x => EphemeralStream(f(x)))

  def length = {
    def addOne(c: => Int)(a: => A) = 1 + c
    foldLeft(0)(addOne _)

  def tails: EphemeralStream[EphemeralStream[A]] =
    if (isEmpty) EphemeralStream(emptyEphemeralStream)
    else cons(this, tail().tails)

  def inits: EphemeralStream[EphemeralStream[A]] =
    if (isEmpty) EphemeralStream(emptyEphemeralStream)
    else cons(emptyEphemeralStream, tail(), _)))

  def findM[M[_]: Monad](p: A => M[Boolean]): M[Option[A]] =
    else {
      val hh = head()
      Monad[M].bind(p(hh))(if (_) Monad[M].point(Some(hh)) else tail() findM p)

  def findMapM[M[_]: Monad, B](f: A => M[Option[B]]): M[Option[B]] = {
      val hh = head()
      Monad[M].bind(f(hh)) { case Some(b) => Monad[M].point(Some(b)); case None => tail() findMapM f }

  def reverse: EphemeralStream[A] = {
    def lcons(xs: => List[A])(x: => A) = x :: xs
    apply(foldLeft(Nil: List[A])(lcons _) : _*)

  def zip[B](b: => EphemeralStream[B]): EphemeralStream[(A, B)] =
    if(isEmpty || b.isEmpty)
      cons((head(), b.head()), tail() zip b.tail())

  def unzip[X, Y](implicit ev: A <:< (X, Y)): (EphemeralStream[X], EphemeralStream[Y]) =
    foldRight((emptyEphemeralStream[X], emptyEphemeralStream[Y]))(q => r =>
      (cons(q._1, r._1), cons(q._2, r._2)))

  def alignWith[B, C](f: A \&/ B => C)(b: EphemeralStream[B]): EphemeralStream[C] =
      map(x => f(\&/.This(x)))
    else if(isEmpty) => f(\&/.That(x)))
      cons(f(\&/.Both(head(), b.head())), tail().alignWith(f)(b.tail()))

  def interleave(q: EphemeralStream[A]): EphemeralStream[A] =
    else if (q.isEmpty)
      cons(head(), cons(q.head(), tail() interleave q.tail()))

  def take(n: Int): EphemeralStream[A] =
    unfold((n, this)){ case (len, xs) =>
      if(len > 0 && !xs.isEmpty)
        Some((xs.head(), (len - 1, xs.tail())))

  def takeWhile(p: A => Boolean): EphemeralStream[A] =
      val h = head()
      if(p(h)) cons(h, tail().takeWhile(p))
      else emptyEphemeralStream
    }else this

  def zipWithIndex: EphemeralStream[(A, Int)] =
    zip(iterate(0)(_ + 1))

sealed abstract class EphemeralStreamInstances {
  // TODO more instances
  implicit val ephemeralStreamInstance: MonadPlus[EphemeralStream] with BindRec[EphemeralStream] with Zip[EphemeralStream] with Unzip[EphemeralStream] with Align[EphemeralStream] with Traverse[EphemeralStream] with Cobind[EphemeralStream] with IsEmpty[EphemeralStream] = new MonadPlus[EphemeralStream] with BindRec[EphemeralStream] with Zip[EphemeralStream] with Unzip[EphemeralStream] with Align[EphemeralStream] with Traverse[EphemeralStream] with Cobind[EphemeralStream] with IsEmpty[EphemeralStream] {
    import EphemeralStream._
    override def isEmpty[A](fa: EphemeralStream[A]) = fa.isEmpty
    override def cojoin[A](a: EphemeralStream[A]): EphemeralStream[EphemeralStream[A]] = a match {
      case _ ##:: tl  => if (tl.isEmpty) EphemeralStream(a)
                         else cons(a, cojoin(tl))
      case _ => emptyEphemeralStream
    def cobind[A, B](fa: EphemeralStream[A])(f: EphemeralStream[A] => B): EphemeralStream[B] = map(cojoin(fa))(f)
    def plus[A](a: EphemeralStream[A], b: => EphemeralStream[A]) = a ++ b
    def bind[A, B](fa: EphemeralStream[A])(f: A => EphemeralStream[B]) = fa flatMap f
    def point[A](a: => A) = EphemeralStream(a)
    def empty[A] = EphemeralStream()
    def zip[A, B](a: => EphemeralStream[A], b: => EphemeralStream[B]) = a zip b
    def unzip[A, B](a: EphemeralStream[(A, B)]) = a.unzip
    def alignWith[A, B, C](f: A \&/ B => C) =
      (a, b) =>
    override def toEphemeralStream[A](fa: EphemeralStream[A]) = fa
    override def foldRight[A, B](fa: EphemeralStream[A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B =
      if(fa.isEmpty) z else f(fa.head(), foldRight(fa.tail(), z)(f))
    override def foldMap[A, B](fa: EphemeralStream[A])(f: A => B)(implicit M: Monoid[B]) =
      this.foldRight(fa,, b) => M.append(f(a), b))
    override def foldMap1Opt[A, B](fa: EphemeralStream[A])(f: A => B)(implicit B: Semigroup[B]) =
      foldMapRight1Opt(fa)(f)((l, r) => B.append(f(l), r))
    override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: EphemeralStream[A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B) =
      fa.foldLeft(z)(b => a => f(b, a))

    override def foldMapRight1Opt[A, B](fa: EphemeralStream[A])(z: A => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): Option[B] = {
      def rec(tortoise: EphemeralStream[A], hare: EphemeralStream[A]): B =
        if (hare.isEmpty) z(tortoise.head())
        else f(tortoise.head(), rec(hare, hare.tail()))
      if (fa.isEmpty) None
      else Some(rec(fa, fa.tail()))

    override def foldMapLeft1Opt[A, B](fa: EphemeralStream[A])(z: A => B)(f: (B, A) => B): Option[B] =
      if (fa.isEmpty) None
      else Some(foldLeft(fa.tail(), z(fa.head()))(f))

    override def zipWithL[A, B, C](fa: EphemeralStream[A], fb: EphemeralStream[B])(f: (A, Option[B]) => C) = {
      if(fa.isEmpty) emptyEphemeralStream
      else {
        val (bo, bTail) = if(fb.isEmpty) (None, emptyEphemeralStream[B])
                          else (Some(fb.head()), fb.tail())
        cons(f(fa.head(), bo), zipWithL(fa.tail(), bTail)(f))
    override def zipWithR[A, B, C](fa: EphemeralStream[A], fb: EphemeralStream[B])(f: (Option[A], B) => C) =
      zipWithL(fb, fa)((b, a) => f(a, b))
    def traverseImpl[G[_], A, B](fa: EphemeralStream[A])(f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[EphemeralStream[B]] = {
      val seed: G[EphemeralStream[B]] = G.point(EphemeralStream[B]())

      fa.foldRight(seed) {
        x => ys => G.apply2(f(x), ys)((b, bs) => EphemeralStream.cons(b, bs))
    override def index[A](fa: EphemeralStream[A], i: Int): Option[A] = {
      if(i < 0)
        var n = i
        var these = fa
        while (!these.isEmpty && n > 0){
          n -= 1
          these = these.tail()
        if (these.isEmpty) None else Some(these.head())
    def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => EphemeralStream[A \/ B])(a: A): EphemeralStream[B] = {
      def go(s: EphemeralStream[A \/ B]): EphemeralStream[B] = {
        def rec(abs: EphemeralStream[A \/ B]): EphemeralStream[B] =
          abs match {
            case \/-(b) ##:: tail => cons(b, go(tail))
            case -\/(a0) ##:: tail => rec(f(a0) ++ tail)
            case _ => emptyEphemeralStream

  import std.list._

  implicit def ephemeralStreamEqual[A: Equal]: Equal[EphemeralStream[A]] = Equal[List[A]] contramap {(_: EphemeralStream[A]).toList}

object EphemeralStream extends EphemeralStreamInstances {

  type EStream[A] = EphemeralStream[A]

  def emptyEphemeralStream[A]: EphemeralStream[A] = new EphemeralStream[A] {
    def isEmpty = true

    def head: () => Nothing = () => sys.error("head of empty stream")

    def tail: () => Nothing = () => sys.error("tail of empty stream")

  def cons[A](a: => A, as: => EphemeralStream[A]) = new EphemeralStream[A] {
    def isEmpty = false

    val head = weakMemo(a)
    val tail = weakMemo(as)

  def unfold[A, B](b: => B)(f: B => Option[(A, B)]): EphemeralStream[A] =
    f(b) match {
      case None         => emptyEphemeralStream
      case Some((a, r)) => cons(a, unfold(r)(f))

  def iterate[A](start: A)(f: A => A): EphemeralStream[A] =
    unfold(start){ a =>
      val fa = f(a)
      Some((a, fa))

  def range(lower: Int, upper: Int): EphemeralStream[Int] =
    if (lower >= upper) emptyEphemeralStream else cons(lower, range(lower + 1, upper))

  def fromStream[A](s: => Stream[A]): EphemeralStream[A] = s match {
    case Stream() => emptyEphemeralStream
    case h #:: t  => cons(h, fromStream(t))

  def toIterable[A](e: EphemeralStream[A]): Iterable[A] = new Iterable[A] {
    def iterator = new Iterator[A] {
      var cur = e

      def next() = {
        val t = cur.head()
        cur = cur.tail()

      def hasNext = !cur.isEmpty

  def weakMemo[V](f: => V): () => V = {
    val latch = new Object
    // TODO I don't think this annotation does anything, as `v` isn't a class member.
    @volatile var v: Option[WeakReference[V]] = None
    () => {
      val a = => x.get)
      if (a.isDefined && a.get != null) a.get
      else latch.synchronized {
        val x = f
        v = Some(new WeakReference(x))

  def apply[A]: EphemeralStream[A] =

  def apply[A](as: A*): EphemeralStream[A] = {
    val as0 = as match{
      case indexedSeq: collection.IndexedSeq[A] => indexedSeq
      case other => other.toIndexedSeq
    val size = as.size
    unfold(0)(b =>
      if (b < size) Some((as0(b), b + 1))
      else None)

  class ConsWrap[A](e: => EphemeralStream[A]) {
    def ##::(h: A): EphemeralStream[A] = cons(h, e)

  implicit def consWrapper[A](e: => EphemeralStream[A]): ConsWrap[A] =
    new ConsWrap[A](e)

  object ##:: {
    def unapply[A](xs: EphemeralStream[A]): Option[(A, EphemeralStream[A])] =
      if (xs.isEmpty) None
      else Some((xs.head(), xs.tail()))

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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