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Scala example source code file (Map.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Map.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

bin, boolean, none, option, order, some, tip

The Map.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

 * @see [[]]
 * @see [[]]
import Ordering.{ EQ, LT, GT }

import std.anyVal._
import std.option._

import annotation.tailrec

/** An immutable map of key/value pairs implemented as a balanced binary tree
 * Based on Haskell's Data.Map
 * @since 7.0.3 */
sealed abstract class ==>>[A, B] {
  import ==>>._

  /** number of key/value pairs - O(1) */
  val size: Int

  /** returns `true` if this map contains no key/value pairs - O(1) */
  def isEmpty: Boolean = this == empty

  /** tupled form of [[insert]] */
  def + (a: (A, B))(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    insert(a._1, a._2)

  /** inserts a new key/value - O(log n).
   * If the key is already present, its value is replaced by the provided value.  */
  def insert(kx: A, x: B)(implicit n: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        singleton(kx, x)
      case Bin(ky, y, l, r) =>
        n.order(kx, ky) match {
          case LT =>
            balanceL(ky, y, l.insert(kx, x), r)
          case GT =>
            balanceR(ky, y, l, r.insert(kx, x))
          case EQ =>
            Bin(kx, x, l, r)

  /** inserts a new key/value pair, resolving the conflict if the key already exists - O(log n)
   * @param f function to resolve conflict with existing key:
   *   (insertedValue, existingValue) => resolvedValue
   * @param kx key
   * @param x value to insert if the key is not already present */
  def insertWith(f: (B, B) => B, kx: A, x: B)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    insertWithKey((_, a, b) => f(a,b), kx, x)

  /** inserts a new key/value pair, resolving the conflict if the key already exists - O(log n)
   * @param f function to resolve conflict with existing key:
   *   (key, insertedValue, existingValue) => resolvedValue
   * @param kx key
   * @param x value to insert if the key is not already present */
  def insertWithKey(f: (A, B, B) => B, kx: A, x: B)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        singleton(kx, x)
      case Bin(ky, y, l, r) =>
        o.order(kx, ky) match {
          case LT =>
            balanceL(ky, y, l.insertWithKey(f, kx, x), r)
          case GT =>
            balanceR(ky, y, l, r.insertWithKey(f, kx, x))
          case EQ =>
            Bin(kx, f(kx, x, y), l, r)

  /** alias for [[delete]] */
  def -(k: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =

  /** removes a key/value pair - O(log n) */
  def delete(k: A)(implicit n: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        n.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
            balanceR(kx, x, l.delete(k), r)
          case EQ =>
            glue(l, r)
          case GT =>
            balanceL(kx, x, l, r.delete(k))

  /** if the key exists, transforms its value - O(log n) */
  def adjust(k: A, f: B => B)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    adjustWithKey(k, (_, x) => f(x))

  /** like [[adjust]] but with the key available in the transformation - O(log n) */
  def adjustWithKey(k: A, f: (A, B) => B)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    updateWithKey(k, (a, b) => some(f(a, b)))

  /** updates or removes a value - O(log n)
   * if `f` returns `None`, then the key is removed from the map */
  def update(k: A, f: B => Option[B])(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    updateWithKey(k, (_, x) => f(x))

  /** like [[update]] but with the key available in the update function - O(log n) */
  def updateWithKey(k: A, f: (A, B) => Option[B])(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        o.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
            balanceR(kx, x, l.updateWithKey(k, f), r)
          case GT =>
            balanceL(kx, x, l, r.updateWithKey(k, f))
          case EQ =>
            f(kx, x) match {
              case Some(v) =>
                Bin(kx, v, l, r)
              case None =>
                glue(l, r)

  /** looks up a key and updates its value - O(log n)
   * Similar to [[updateWithKey]] but also returns the value. If the value was updated, returns the
   * new value. If the value was deleted, returns the old value. */
  def updateLookupWithKey(k: A, f: (A, B) => Option[B])(implicit o: Order[A]): (Option[B], A ==>> B) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (none, empty)
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        o.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
            val (found, ll) = l.updateLookupWithKey(k, f)
            (found, balanceR(kx, x, ll, r))
          case GT =>
            val (found, rr) = r.updateLookupWithKey(k, f)
            (found, balanceL(kx, x, l, rr))
          case EQ =>
            f(kx, x) match {
              case Some(xx) =>
                (some(xx), Bin(kx, xx, l, r))
              case None =>
                (some(x), glue(l, r))

  def alter(k: A, f: Option[B] => Option[B])(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        f(None) match {
          case None =>
          case Some(x) =>
            singleton(k, x)

      case Bin(kx, x, l,r) =>
        o.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
            balance(kx, x, l.alter(k, f), r)
          case GT =>
            balance(kx, x, l, r.alter(k, f))
          case EQ =>
            f(some(x)) match {
              case None =>
                glue(l, r)
              case Some(xx) =>
                Bin(kx, xx, l, r)

  final def lookup(k: A)(implicit n: Order[A]): Option[B] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        n.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
          case GT =>
          case EQ =>

  final def lookupAssoc(k: A)(implicit n: Order[A]): Option[(A, B)] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        n.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
          case GT =>
          case EQ =>
            some((kx, x))

  final def lookupLT(k: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[(A, B)] = {
    def goSome(kx: A, x: B, t: A ==>> B): Option[(A, B)] =
      t match {
        case Tip() =>
          some((kx, x))
        case Bin(ky, y, l, r) =>
          if (o.lessThanOrEqual(k, ky)) goSome(kx, x, l) else goSome(ky, y, r)

    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        if (o.lessThanOrEqual(k, kx)) l.lookupLT(k) else goSome(kx, x, r)

  final def lookupGT(k: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[(A, B)] = {
    def goSome(kx: A, x: B, t: A ==>> B): Option[(A, B)] =
      t match {
        case Tip() =>
          some((kx, x))
        case Bin(ky, y, l, r) =>
          if (o.greaterThanOrEqual(k, ky)) goSome(kx, x, r) else goSome(ky, y, l)

    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        if (o.greaterThanOrEqual(k, kx)) r.lookupGT(k) else goSome(kx, x, l)

  final def lookupLE(k: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[(A, B)] = {
    def goSome(kx: A, x: B, t: A ==>> B): Option[(A, B)] =
      t match {
        case Tip() =>
          some((kx, x))
        case Bin(ky, y, l, r) =>
          o.order(k, ky) match {
            case LT =>
              goSome(kx, x, l)
            case EQ =>
              some((ky, y))
            case GT =>
              goSome(ky, y, r)

    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        o.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
          case EQ =>
            some((kx, x))
          case GT =>
            goSome(kx, x, r)

  final def lookupGE(k: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[(A, B)] = {
    def goSome(kx: A, x: B, t: A ==>> B): Option[(A, B)] =
      t match {
        case Tip() =>
          some((kx, x))
        case Bin(ky, y, l, r) =>
          o.order(k, ky) match {
            case LT =>
              goSome(ky, y, l)
            case EQ =>
              some((ky, y))
            case GT =>
              goSome(kx, x, r)

    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        o.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
            goSome(kx, x, l)
          case EQ =>
            some((kx, x))
          case GT =>

  def values: List[B] =
    foldrWithKey(List.empty[B])((_, x, xs) => x :: xs)

  def keys: List[A] =
    foldrWithKey(List.empty[A])((x, _, xs) => x :: xs)

  def keySet: ISet[A] = this match {
    case Tip()        => ISet.Tip[A]
    case Bin(k,v,l,r) => ISet.Bin(k,l.keySet,r.keySet)

  def toList: List[(A, B)] =

  def toAscList: List[(A, B)] =
    foldrWithKey(List.empty[(A, B)])((k, x, xs) => (k, x) :: xs)

  def toDescList: List[(A, B)] =
    foldlWithKey(List.empty[(A, B)])((xs, k, x) => (k, x) :: xs)

  def member(k: A)(implicit n: Order[A]): Boolean =

  def notMember(k: A)(implicit n: Order[A]): Boolean =

  def lookupIndex(k: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): Option[Int] = {
    def go(n: Int, m: A ==>> B): Option[Int] =
      m match {
        case Tip() =>
        case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
          o.order(k, kx) match {
            case LT =>
              go(n, l)
            case GT =>
              go(n + l.size + 1, r)
            case EQ =>
              some((n + l.size))

    go(0, this)

  final def elemAt(i: Int): Option[(A, B)] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l ,r) =>
        implicitly[Order[Int]].order(i, l.size) match {
          case LT =>
          case GT =>
            r.elemAt(i - l.size - 1)
          case EQ =>
            some((kx, x))

  // TODO: This should be a total function
  def updateAt(i: Int, f: (A, B) => Option[B]): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        implicitly[Order[Int]].order(i, l.size) match {
          case LT =>
            balanceR(kx, x, l.updateAt(i, f), r)
          case GT =>
            balanceL(kx, x, l, r.updateAt(i - l.size - 1, f))
          case EQ =>
            f(kx, x) match {
              case Some(y) => Bin(kx, y, l, r)
              case None => glue(l, r)

  def deleteAt(i: Int): A ==>> B =
    updateAt(i, (A, B) => None)

  final def findMin: Option[(A, B)] =
    this match {
      case Bin(kx, x, Tip(), _) =>
        some((kx, x))
      case Bin(_, _, l, _) =>
      case Tip() =>

  final def findMax: Option[(A, B)] =
    this match {
      case Bin(kx, x, _, Tip()) =>
        some((kx, x))
      case Bin(_, _, _, r) =>
      case Tip() =>

  def deleteMin: A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Bin(_, _, Tip(), r) =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        balanceR(kx, x, l.deleteMin, r)
      case Tip() =>

  def deleteMax: A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Bin(_, _, l, Tip()) =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        balanceL(kx, x, l, r.deleteMax)
      case Tip() =>

  def updateMin(f: B => Option[B]): A ==>> B =
    updateMinWithKey((_: A, b) => f(b))

  def updateMinWithKey(f: (A, B) => Option[B]): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Bin(kx, x, Tip(), r) =>
        f(kx, x) match {
          case None =>
          case Some(s) =>
            Bin(kx, s, Tip(), r)
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        balanceR(kx, x, l.updateMinWithKey(f), r)
      case Tip() =>

  def updateMax(f: B => Option[B]): A ==>> B =
    updateMaxWithKey((_: A, b) => f(b))

  def updateMaxWithKey(f: (A, B) => Option[B]): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Bin(kx, x, l, Tip()) =>
        f(kx, x) match {
          case None =>
          case Some(s) =>
            Bin(kx, s, l, Tip())
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        balanceL(kx, x, l, r.updateMaxWithKey(f))
      case Tip() =>

    * insert v into the map at k. If there is already a value for k,
    * append to the existing value using the Semigroup
  def updateAppend(k: A, v: B)(implicit o: Order[A], bsg: Semigroup[B]): A ==>> B =
    alter(k, old ⇒ Some(, v)).getOrElse(v)))

  def minViewWithKey: Option[((A, B), A ==>> B)] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case x @ Bin(_, _, _, _) =>

  def maxViewWithKey: Option[((A, B), A ==>> B)] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case x @ Bin(_, _, _, _) =>

  def minView: Option[(B, A ==>> B)] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case x @ Bin(_, _, _, _) =>
        val r = deleteFindMin(x)
        some((r._1._2, r._2))

  def maxView: Option[(B, A ==>> B)] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case x @ Bin(_, _, _, _) =>
        val r = deleteFindMax(x)
        some((r._1._2, r._2))

  def deleteFindMax(t: Bin[A, B]): ((A, B), A ==>> B) =
    t match {
      case Bin(k, x, l, Tip()) =>
        ((k,x), l)
      case Bin(k, x, l, r @ Bin(_, _, _, _)) =>
        val (km, r2) = deleteFindMax(r)
        (km, balanceL(k, x, l, r2))

  def deleteFindMin(t: Bin[A, B]): ((A, B), A ==>> B) =
    t match {
      case Bin(k, x, Tip(), r) =>
        ((k, x), r)
      case Bin(k, x, l @ Bin(_, _, _, _), r) =>
        val (km, l2) = deleteFindMin(l)
        (km, balanceR(k, x, l2, r))

  /* Mappings */
  def map[C](f: B => C): A ==>> C =
    mapWithKey((_, x: B) => f(x))

  def mapWithKey[C](f: (A, B) => C): A ==>> C =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        Bin(kx, f(kx, x), l.mapWithKey(f), r.mapWithKey(f))

  def traverseWithKey[F[_], C](f: (A, B) => F[C])(implicit G: Applicative[F]): F[A ==>> C] =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, Tip(), Tip()) =>
        G.apply(f(kx, x)) { x2 =>
          Bin(kx, x2, Tip(), Tip())
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        G.apply3(l.traverseWithKey(f), f(kx, x), r.traverseWithKey(f)) {
          (l2, x2, r2) => Bin(kx, x2, l2, r2)

  def mapAccum[C](z: C)(f: (C, B) => (C, B)): (C, A ==>> B) =
    mapAccumWithKey(z)((a2, _, x2) => f(a2, x2))

  def mapAccumWithKey[C](z: C)(f: (C, A, B) => (C, B)): (C, A ==>> B) =

  def mapAccumL[C](a: C)(f: (C, A, B) => (C, B)): (C, A ==>> B) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (a, empty)
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        val (a1, l2) = l.mapAccumL(a)(f)
        val (a2, x2) = f(a1, kx, x)
        val (a3, r2) = r.mapAccumL(a2)(f)
        (a3, Bin(kx, x2, l2, r2))

  //def mapAccumRWithKey

  def mapKeys[C](f: A => C)(implicit o: Order[C]): C ==>> B =
    foldlWithKey(empty[C, B])((xs, k, x) => xs.insert(f(k), x))

  def mapKeysWith[C](f: A => C, f2: (B, B) => B)(implicit o: Order[C]): C ==>> B =
    fromListWith[C, B]( => (f(x._1), x._2)))(f2)

  /* Folds */
  def fold[C](z: C)(f: (A, B, C) => C): C =

  def foldlWithKey[C](z: C)(f:  (C, A, B) => C): C =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        r.foldlWithKey(f(l.foldlWithKey(z)(f), kx, x))(f)

  def foldrWithKey[C](z: C)(f: (A, B, C) => C): C =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        l.foldrWithKey(f(kx, x, r.foldrWithKey(z)(f)))(f)

  def foldMapWithKey[C](f: (A, B) => C)(implicit F: Monoid[C]): C =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(k, x, Tip(), Tip()) =>
        f(k, x)
      case Bin(k, x, l, r) =>
        F.append(l.foldMapWithKey(f), F.append(f(k, x), r.foldMapWithKey(f)))

  /* Unions */
  def union(other: A ==>> B)(implicit k: Order[A]): A ==>> B = {
    def hedgeUnion(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], m1: A ==>> B, m2: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
      (m1, m2) match {
        case (t1, Tip()) =>
        case (Tip(), Bin(kx, x, l, r)) =>
          link(kx, x, l filterGt blo, r filterLt bhi)
        case (t1, Bin(kx, x, Tip(), Tip())) =>
          insertR(kx, x, t1)
        case (Bin(kx, x, l, r), t2) =>
          val bmi = Some(kx)
          val nm1 = hedgeUnion(blo, bmi, l, ==>>.trim(blo, bmi, t2))
          val nm2 = hedgeUnion(bmi, bhi, r, ==>>.trim(bmi, bhi, t2))
          link(kx, x, nm1, nm2)

    def insertR(kx: A, x: B, t: A ==>> B)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B = {
      def go(kx: A, x: B, m: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
        m match {
          case Tip() => singleton(kx, x)
          case Bin(ky, y, l, r) =>
            o.order(kx, ky) match {
              case LT => balanceL(ky, y, go(kx, x, l), r)
              case GT => balanceR(ky, y, l, go(kx, x, r))
              case EQ => m
      go(kx, x, t)

    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), t2) => t2
      case (t1, Tip()) => t1
      case (t1, t2)    => hedgeUnion(None, None, t1, t2)

  def unionWith(other: A ==>> B)(f: (B, B) => B)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    unionWithKey(other)((_, b, c) => f(b, c))

  def unionWithKey(other: A ==>> B)(f: (A, B, B) => B)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    mergeWithKey(this, other)((a, b, c) => some(f(a, b, c)))(x => x, x => x)

  // Difference functions
  def \\[C](other: A ==>> C)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =

  def difference[C](other: A ==>> C)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B = {
    def hedgeDiff(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], a: A ==>> B, b: A ==>> C): A ==>> B =
      (a, b) match {
        case (Tip(), _) =>
        case (Bin(kx, x, l, r), Tip()) =>
          link(kx, x, l filterGt blo, r filterLt bhi)
        case (t, Bin(kx, _, l, r)) =>
          val bmi = some(kx)
          val aa = hedgeDiff(blo, bmi, ==>>.trim(blo, bmi, t), l)
          val bb = hedgeDiff(bmi, bhi, ==>>.trim(bmi, bhi, t), r)
          aa merge bb

    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), _) =>
      case (t1, Tip()) =>
      case (t1, t2) =>
        hedgeDiff(None, None, t1, t2)

  def differenceWith[C](other: A ==>> C)(f: (B, C) => Option[B])(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    differenceWithKey(other)((_, b, c) => f(b, c))

  def differenceWithKey[C](other: A ==>> C)(f: (A, B, C) => Option[B])(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    mergeWithKey(this, other)(f)(x => x, _ => empty)

  // Intersections
  def intersection[C](other: A ==>> C)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B = {
    def hedgeInt(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], a: A ==>> B, b: A ==>> C): A ==>> B =
      (a, b) match {
        case (_, Tip()) =>
        case (Tip(), _) =>
        case (Bin(kx, x, l, r), t2) =>
          val bmi = some(kx)
          val l2 = hedgeInt(blo, bmi, l, ==>>.trim(blo, bmi, t2))
          val r2 = hedgeInt(bmi, bhi, r, ==>>.trim(bmi, bhi, t2))

          if (t2 member kx) link(kx, x, l2, r2)
          else l2 merge r2

    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), _) => empty
      case (_, Tip()) => empty
      case (t1, t2)   => hedgeInt(None, None, t1, t2)

  def intersectionWith[C, D](other: A ==>> C)(f: (B, C) => D)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> D =
    intersectionWithKey(other)((_, x, y) => f(x, y))

  def intersectionWithKey[C, D](other: A ==>> C)(f: (A, B, C) => D)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> D =
    mergeWithKey(this, other)((a, b, c) => some(f(a, b, c)))(_ => empty, _ => empty)

  // Submap
  def isSubmapOf(a: A ==>> B)(implicit o: Order[A], e: Equal[B]): Boolean =
    isSubmapOfBy(a, e.equal)

  def isSubmapOfBy(a: A ==>> B, f: (B, B) => Boolean)(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
    size <= a.size && submap(a, f)

  private[scalaz] def submap(a: A ==>> B, f: (B, B) => Boolean)(implicit o: Order[A]): Boolean =
    (this, a) match {
      case (Tip(), _) =>
      case (_, Tip()) =>
      case (Bin(kx, x, l, r), t) =>
        val (lt, found, gt) = t splitLookup kx
        found match {
          case None =>
          case Some(y) =>
            f(x, y) && l.submap(lt, f) && r.submap(gt, f)

  // Filter
  def filter(p: B => Boolean)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    filterWithKey((_, x) => p(x))

  def filterWithKey(p: (A, B) => Boolean)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        if (p(kx, x))
          link(kx, x, l.filterWithKey(p), r.filterWithKey(p))
          l.filterWithKey(p) merge r.filterWithKey(p)

  // Partition
  def partition(p: B => Boolean)(implicit o: Order[A]): (A ==>> B, A ==>> B) =
    partitionWithKey((_, x) => p(x))

  def partitionWithKey(p: (A, B) => Boolean)(implicit o: Order[A]): (A ==>> B, A ==>> B) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (empty, empty)
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        val (l1, l2) = l partitionWithKey p
        val (r1, r2) = r partitionWithKey p

        if (p(kx, x))
          (link(kx, x, l1, r1), l2 merge r2)
          (l1 merge r1, link(kx, x, l2, r2))

  def mapOption[C](f: B => Option[C])(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> C =
    mapOptionWithKey((_, x) => f(x))

  def mapOptionWithKey[C](f: (A, B) => Option[C])(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> C =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        f(kx, x) match {
          case Some(y) =>
            link(kx, y, l.mapOptionWithKey(f), r.mapOptionWithKey(f))
          case None =>

  def mapEither[C, D](f: B => C \/ D)(implicit o: Order[A]): (A ==>> C, A ==>> D) =
    mapEitherWithKey((_, x) => f(x))

  def mapEitherWithKey[C, D](f: (A, B) => C \/ D)(implicit o: Order[A]): (A ==>> C, A ==>> D) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (empty, empty)
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        val (l1, l2) = l.mapEitherWithKey(f)
        val (r1, r2) = r.mapEitherWithKey(f)

        f(kx, x) match {
          case -\/(y) =>
            (link(kx, y, l1, r1), l2 merge r2)
          case \/-(z) =>
            (l1 merge r1, link(kx, z, l2, r2))

  // Split
  def split(k: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): (A ==>> B, A ==>> B) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (empty, empty)
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        o.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
            val (lt, gt) = l.split(k)
            (lt, link(kx, x, gt, r))
          case GT =>
            val (lt, gt) = r.split(k)
            (link(kx, x, l, lt), gt)
          case EQ =>
            (l, r)

  def splitLookup(k: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): (A ==>> B, Option[B], A ==>> B) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (empty, none, empty)
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        o.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
            val (lt, z, gt) = l splitLookup k
            (lt, z, link(kx, x, gt, r))
          case GT =>
            val (lt, z, gt) = r splitLookup k
            (link(kx, x, l, lt), z, gt)
          case EQ =>
            (l, some(x), r)

  def splitLookupWithKey(k: A)(implicit o: Order[A]): (A ==>> B, Option[(A, B)], A ==>> B) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (empty, none, empty)
      case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        o.order(k, kx) match {
          case LT =>
            val (lt, z, gt) = l splitLookupWithKey k
            (lt, z, link(kx, x, gt, r))
          case GT =>
            val (lt, z, gt) = r splitLookupWithKey k
            (link(kx, x, l, lt), z, gt)
          case EQ =>
            (l, some((kx, x)), r)

  def splitRoot: List[A ==>> B] =
    this match {
      case Tip()           => List.empty[A ==>> B]
      case Bin(k, x, l, r) => List(l, singleton(k, x), r)

  // Utility functions
  // Because the following functions depend on some public interface, such as deleteFindMax,
  // they can't be moved to object ==>> unlike other utility functions, balance(...) for example.

  // TODO: merge should be private as it's a utility function but not a public interface.
  protected def merge(other: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), r) =>
      case (l, Tip()) =>
      case (l @ Bin(kx, x, lx, rx), r @ Bin(ky, y, ly, ry)) =>
        if (delta * l.size < r.size) balanceL(ky, y, l.merge(ly), ry)
        else if (delta * r.size < l.size) balanceR(kx, x, lx, rx.merge(r))
        else glue(l, r)

  private def glue(l: A ==>> B, r: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
    (l, r) match {
      case (Tip(), r) => r
      case (l, Tip()) => l
      case (l @ Bin(_, _, _, _), r @ Bin(_, _, _, _)) => if (l.size > r.size) {
        val ((km, m), l2) = deleteFindMax(l)
        balanceR(km, m, l2, r)
      else {
        val ((km, m), r2) = deleteFindMin(r)
        balanceL(km, m, l, r2)

  @deprecated("trim is no longer a public function", "7.3")
  final def trim(lo: A => Ordering, hi: A => Ordering): A ==>> B =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
      case t @ Bin(kx, _, l, r) =>
        lo(kx) match {
          case LT => hi(kx) match {
            case GT => t
            case _ => l.trim(lo, hi)
          case _ => r.trim(lo, hi)

  @deprecated("trimLookupLo is no longer a public function", "7.3")
  final def trimLookupLo(lo: A, cmphi: A => Ordering)(implicit o: Order[A]): (Option[(A, B)], A ==>> B) =
    this match {
      case Tip() =>
        (none, empty)
      case t @ Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
        o.order(lo, kx) match {
          case LT =>
            cmphi(kx) match {
              case GT =>
                (t lookupAssoc lo, t)
              case _ =>
                l.trimLookupLo(lo, cmphi)
          case GT =>
            r.trimLookupLo(lo, cmphi)
          case EQ =>
            (some((kx, x)), r.trim(a => o.order(lo, a), cmphi))

  override final def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
    other match {
      case that: ==>>[A, B] =>
        ==>>.mapEqual[A, B](Equal.equalA, Equal.equalA).equal(this, that)
      case _ =>

  override final def hashCode: Int =

  // filters on keys
  private def filterGt(a: Option[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B = {
    def filter(filteringKey: A, m: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
      m match {
        case Tip() =>
        case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
          o.order(filteringKey, kx) match {
            case LT => link(kx, x, filter(filteringKey, l), r)
            case EQ => r
            case GT => filter(filteringKey, r)

    cata(a)(filter(_, this), this)

  private def filterLt(a: Option[A])(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B = {
    def filter(filteringKey: A, m: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
      m match {
        case Tip() =>
        case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
          o.order(kx, filteringKey) match {
            case LT => link(kx, x, l, filter(filteringKey, r))
            case EQ => l
            case GT => filter(filteringKey, l)

    cata(a)(filter(_, this), this)

  @deprecated("join is no longer a protected function", "7.3")
  protected def join(kx: A, x: B, other: A ==>> B)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    (this, other) match {
      case (Tip(), r) =>
        insertMin(kx, x, r)
      case (l, Tip()) =>
        insertMax(kx, x, l)
      case (l @ Bin(ky, y, ly, ry), r @ Bin(kz, z, lz, rz)) =>
        if (delta * l.size < r.size) balanceL(kz, z, link(kx, x, l, lz), rz)
        else if (delta * r.size < l.size) balanceR(ky, y, ly, link(kx, x, ry, r))
        else Bin(kx, x, l, r)

sealed abstract class MapInstances0 {

  implicit def scalazMapInstance[S: Order]: Bind[S ==>> ?] with Align[S ==>> ?] with Zip[S ==>> ?] =
    new Bind[S ==>> ?] with Align[S ==>> ?] with Zip[S ==>> ?] {
      override def map[A, B](fa: S ==>> A)(f: A => B) =
        fa map f

      def bind[A, B](fa: S ==>> A)(f: A => (S ==>> B)) =
        fa.mapOptionWithKey((k, v) => f(v).lookup(k))

      import \&/._, ==>>.Tip

      override def align[A, B](a: S ==>> A, b: S ==>> B) =
        (a, b) match {
          case (Tip(), Tip()) => Tip()
          case (a    , Tip()) =>
          case (Tip(), b    ) =>
          case (a    , b    ) =>
   A \&/ B).unionWith( A \&/ B)){
              case (This(aa), That(bb)) => Both(aa, bb)
              case _ => sys.error("==>> align")

      override def alignWith[A, B, C](f: A \&/ B => C) = {
        case (Tip(), Tip()) => Tip()
        case (a    , Tip()) => => f(This(aa)))
        case (Tip(), b    ) => => f(That(bb)))
        case (a    , b    ) =>
 A \&/ B).unionWith( A \&/ B)){
            case (This(aa), That(bb)) => Both(aa, bb)
            case _ => sys.error("==>> alignWith")

      def zip[A, B](a: => (S ==>> A), b: => (S ==>> B)) = {
        val a0 = a
        if(a0.isEmpty) ==>>.empty
        else a0.intersectionWith(b)(Tuple2.apply)

      override def zipWith[A, B, C](a: => (S ==>> A), b: => (S ==>> B))(f: (A, B) => C)(implicit F: Functor[S ==>> ?]) = {
        val a0 = a
        if(a0.isEmpty) ==>>.empty
        else a0.intersectionWith(b)(f)

sealed abstract class MapInstances extends MapInstances0 {
  import ==>>._

  import std.list._
  import std.tuple._

  implicit def mapShow[A: Show, B: Show]: Show[==>>[A, B]] =
    Contravariant[Show].contramap(Show[List[(A, B)]])(_.toAscList)

  implicit def mapEqual[A: Equal, B: Equal]: Equal[A ==>> B] =
    new MapEqual[A, B] {def A = implicitly; def B = implicitly}

  implicit def mapOrder[A: Order, B: Order]: Order[A ==>> B] =
    new Order[A ==>> B] with MapEqual[A, B] {
      def A = implicitly
      def B = implicitly
      def order(o1: A ==>> B, o2: A ==>> B) =
        Order[List[(A,B)]].order(o1.toAscList, o2.toAscList)

  implicit def mapUnion[A, B](implicit A: Order[A], B: Semigroup[B]): Monoid[A ==>> B] =
    Monoid.instance((l, r) => (l unionWith r)(B.append(_, _)), Tip())

  implicit def mapIntersection[A, B](implicit A: Order[A], B: Semigroup[B]
                                   ): Semigroup[(A ==>> B) @@ Tags.Conjunction] =
    Tag.subst(Semigroup.instance((l, r) =>
      (l intersectionWith r)(B.append(_, _))))

  implicit def mapCovariant[S]: Traverse[S ==>> ?] =
    new Traverse[S ==>> ?] {
      override def findLeft[A](fa: S ==>> A)(f: A => Boolean): Option[A] =
        fa match {
          case Bin(_, x, l, r) =>
            findLeft(l)(f) match {
              case a @ Some(_) =>
              case None =>
                if (f(x))
          case Tip() =>

      override def findRight[A](fa: S ==>> A)(f: A => Boolean): Option[A] =
        fa match {
          case Bin(_, x, l, r) =>
            findRight(r)(f) match {
              case a @ Some(_) =>
              case None =>
                if (f(x))
          case Tip() =>

      override def map[A, B](fa: S ==>> A)(f: A => B): S ==>> B =
        fa map f

      override def foldMap[A, B](fa: S ==>> A)(f: A => B)(implicit F: Monoid[B]): B =
        fa match {
          case Tip() =>
          case Bin(k, x, l, r) =>
            F.append(foldMap(l)(f), F.append(f(x), foldMap(r)(f)))

      override def foldRight[A, B](fa: S ==>> A, z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B =
        fa.foldrWithKey(z)((_, b, acc) => f(b, acc))

      override def foldLeft[A, B](fa: S ==>> A, z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =
        fa.foldlWithKey(z)((acc, _, b) => f(acc, b))

      override def index[A](fa: S ==>> A, i: Int): Option[A] =

      def traverseImpl[F[_], A, B](fa: S ==>> A)(f: A => F[B])(implicit G: Applicative[F]): F[S ==>> B] =
        fa match {
          case Tip() =>
          case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
            G.apply3(traverseImpl(l)(f), f(x), traverseImpl(r)(f)){
              (l2, x2, r2) => Bin(kx, x2, l2, r2)

      override def length[A](fa: S ==>> A): Int =

      override def any[A](fa: S ==>> A)(f: A => Boolean): Boolean =
        fa match {
          case Tip() => false
          case Bin(_, x, l, r) =>
            any(l)(f) || f(x) || any(r)(f)

      override def all[A](fa: S ==>> A)(f: A => Boolean): Boolean =
        fa match {
          case Tip() => true
          case Bin(_, x, l, r) =>
            all(l)(f) && f(x) && all(r)(f)


  implicit val mapBifoldable: Bifoldable[==>>] = new Bifoldable[==>>] {
    def bifoldMap[A,B,M](fa: A ==>> B)(f: A => M)(g: B => M)(implicit F: Monoid[M]): M =
      fa match {
        case Tip() =>

        case Bin(k, x, l, r) =>
                   F.append(f(k), F.append(g(x), bifoldMap(r)(f)(g))))

    def bifoldRight[A,B,C](fa: A ==>> B, z: => C)(f: (A, => C) => C)(g: (B, => C) => C): C =
      fa.foldrWithKey(z)((a, b, c) => f(a, g(b, c)))

    override def bifoldLeft[A,B,C](fa: A ==>> B, z: C)(f: (C, A) => C)(g: (C, B) => C): C =
      fa.foldlWithKey(z)((c, a, b) => g(f(c, a), b))

private[scalaz] sealed trait MapEqual[A, B] extends Equal[A ==>> B] {
  import std.list._
  import std.tuple._

  implicit def A: Equal[A]
  implicit def B: Equal[B]
  final override def equal(a1: A ==>> B, a2: A ==>> B): Boolean =
    Equal[Int].equal(a1.size, a2.size) && Equal[List[(A, B)]].equal(a1.toAscList, a2.toAscList)

object ==>> extends MapInstances {
  private[scalaz] case object Tip extends (Nothing ==>> Nothing) {
    val size = 0

    def unapply[A, B](a: A ==>> B): Boolean = a eq this

    def apply[A, B](): A ==>> B = this.asInstanceOf[A ==>> B]

  private[scalaz] final case class Bin[A, B](k: A, v: B, l: A ==>> B, r: A ==>> B) extends ==>>[A, B] {
    val size = l.size + r.size + 1

  final def apply[A: Order, B](x: (A, B)*): A ==>> B =
    x.foldLeft(empty[A, B])((a, c) => a.insert(c._1, c._2))

  final def empty[A, B]: A ==>> B =
    Tip[A, B]()

  final def singleton[A, B](k: A, x: B): A ==>> B =
    Bin(k, x, Tip(), Tip())

  /* List operations */
  final def fromList[A: Order, B](l: List[(A, B)]): A ==>> B =
    l.foldLeft(empty[A, B]) { (t, x) => t.insert(x._1, x._2) }

  final def fromListWith[A: Order, B](l: List[(A, B)])(f: (B, B) => B): A ==>> B =
    fromListWithKey(l)((_, x, y) => f(x, y))

  final def fromListWithKey[A: Order, B](l: List[(A, B)])(f: (A, B, B) => B): A ==>> B =
    l.foldLeft(empty[A, B])((a, c) => a.insertWithKey(f, c._1, c._2))

  /* TODO: Ordered lists
    , fromAscList
    , fromAscListWith
    , fromAscListWithKey
    , fromDistinctAscList

  /* Foldable operations */
  final def fromFoldable[F[_]: Foldable, A: Order, B](fa: F[(A, B)]): A ==>> B =
    Foldable[F].foldLeft(fa, empty[A, B]) { (t, x) => t.insert(x._1, x._2) }

  final def fromFoldableWith[F[_]: Foldable, A: Order, B](fa: F[(A, B)])(f: (B, B) => B): A ==>> B =
    fromFoldableWithKey(fa)((_, x, y) => f(x, y))

  final def fromFoldableWithKey[F[_]: Foldable, A: Order, B](fa: F[(A, B)])(f: (A, B, B) => B): A ==>> B =
    Foldable[F].foldLeft(fa, empty[A, B])((a, c) => a.insertWithKey(f, c._1, c._2))

  final def fromSet[A: Order, B](s: ISet[A])(f: A => B): A ==>> B =
    s match {
      case ISet.Tip() =>
      case ISet.Bin(x, l, r) =>
        Bin(x, f(x), fromSet(l)(f), fromSet(r)(f))

  final def unions[A: Order, B](xs: List[A ==>> B]): A ==>> B =
    xs.foldLeft(empty[A, B])((a, c) => a.union(c))

  final def unionsWith[A: Order, B](f: (B, B) => B)(xs: List[A ==>> B]): A ==>> B =
    xs.foldLeft(empty[A, B])((a, c) => a.unionWith(c)(f))

  private[scalaz] final val ratio = 2
  private[scalaz] final val delta = 3

  // Even though we have balanceL and balanceR, we need balance function
  // as alter function still needs it.
  private[scalaz] def balance[A, B](k: A, x: B, l: A ==>> B, r: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
    l match {
      case Tip() =>
        r match {
          case Tip() =>
            singleton(k, x)
          case Bin(_, _, Tip(), Tip()) =>
            Bin(k, x, Tip(), r)
          case Bin(rk, rx, Tip(), rr@Bin(_, _, _, _)) =>
            Bin(rk, rx, singleton(k, x), rr)
          case Bin(rk, rx, Bin(rlk, rlx, _, _), Tip()) =>
            Bin(rlk, rlx, singleton(k, x), singleton(rk, rx))
          case Bin(rk, rx, rl@Bin(rlk, rlx, rll, rlr), rr@Bin(_, _, _, _)) =>
            if (rl.size < ratio*rr.size) Bin(rk, rx, Bin(k, x, Tip(), rl), rr)
            else Bin(rlk, rlx, Bin(k, x, Tip(), rll), Bin(rk, rx, rlr, rr))
      case Bin(lk, lx, ll, lr) =>
        r match {
          case Tip() => (ll, lr) match {
            case (Tip(), Tip()) =>
              Bin(k, x, l, Tip())
            case (Tip(), Bin(lrk, lrx, _, _)) =>
              Bin(lrk, lrx, singleton(lk, lx), singleton(k, x))
            case (Bin(_, _, _, _), Tip()) =>
              Bin(lk, lx, ll, singleton(k, x))
            case (Bin(_, _, _, _), Bin(lrk, lrx, lrl, lrr)) =>
              if (lr.size < ratio*ll.size) Bin(lk, lx, ll, Bin(k, x, lr, Tip()))
              else Bin(lrk, lrx, Bin(lk, lx, ll, lrl), Bin(k, x, lrr, Tip()))
          case Bin(rk, rx, rl, rr) =>
            if (r.size > delta*l.size) {
              (rl, rr) match {
                case (Bin(rlk, rlx, rll, rlr), Bin(_, _, _, _)) =>
                  if (rl.size < ratio*rr.size) Bin(rk, rx, Bin(k, x, l, rl), rr)
                  else Bin(rlk, rlx, Bin(k, x, l, rll), Bin(rk, rx, rlr, rr))
                case _ =>
                  sys.error("Failure in Map.balance")
            else if (l.size > delta*r.size) {
              (ll, lr) match {
                case (Bin(_, _, _, _), Bin(lrk, lrx, lrl, lrr)) =>
                  if (lr.size < ratio*ll.size) Bin(lk, lx, ll, Bin(k, x, lr, r))
                  else Bin(lrk, lrx, Bin(lk, lx, ll, lrl), Bin(k, x, lrr, r))
                case _ =>
                  sys.error("Failure in Map.balance")
            else Bin(k, x, l, r)

  // balanceL is used to balance a tree when an element might have been inserted to
  // a left subtree, or when an element might have been deleted from a right subtree.
  private[scalaz] def balanceL[A, B](k: A, x: B, l: A ==>> B, r: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
    r match {
      case Tip() =>
        l match {
          case Tip() =>
            singleton(k, x)
          case Bin(_, _, Tip(), Tip()) =>
            Bin(k, x, l, Tip())
          case Bin(lk, lx, Tip(), Bin(lrk, lrx, _, _)) =>
            Bin(lrk, lrx, singleton(lk, lx), singleton(k, x))
          case Bin(lk, lx, ll@Bin(_, _, _, _), Tip()) =>
            Bin(lk, lx, ll, singleton(k, x))
          case Bin(lk, lx, ll@Bin(_, _, _, _), lr@Bin(lrk, lrx, lrl, lrr)) =>
            if (lr.size < ratio*ll.size) Bin(lk, lx, ll, Bin(k, x, lr, Tip()))
            else Bin(lrk, lrx, Bin(lk, lx, ll, lrl), Bin(k, x, lrr, Tip()))

      case Bin(_, _, _, _) =>
        l match {
          case Tip() =>
            Bin(k, x, Tip(), r)
          case Bin(lk, lx, ll, lr) =>
            if (l.size > delta*r.size) {
              (ll, lr) match {
                case (Bin(_, _, _, _), Bin(lrk, lrx, lrl, lrr)) =>
                  if (lr.size < ratio*ll.size) Bin(lk, lx, ll, Bin(k, x, lr, r))
                  else Bin(lrk, lrx, Bin(lk, lx, ll, lrl), Bin(k, x, lrr, r))
                case _ => sys.error("Failure in Map.balanceL")
            } else Bin(k, x, l, r)

  // balanceR is used to balance a tree when a key-value might have been inserted to
  // a right subtree, or when a key-value might have been deleted from a left subtree.
  private[scalaz] def balanceR[A, B](k: A, x: B, l: A ==>> B, r: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
    l match {
      case Tip() =>
        r match {
          case Tip() =>
            singleton(k, x)
          case Bin(_, _, Tip(), Tip()) =>
            Bin(k, x, Tip(), r)
          case Bin(rk, rx, Tip(), rr@Bin(_, _, _, _)) =>
            Bin(rk, rx, singleton(k, x), rr)
          case Bin(rk, rx, Bin(rlk, rlx, _, _), Tip()) =>
            Bin(rlk, rlx, singleton(k, x), singleton(rk, rx))
          case Bin(rk, rx, rl@Bin(rlk, rlx, rll, rlr), rr@Bin(_, _, _, _)) =>
            if (rl.size < ratio*rr.size) Bin(rk, rx, Bin(k, x, Tip(), rl), rr)
            else Bin(rlk, rlx, Bin(k, x, Tip(), rll), Bin(rk, rx, rlr, rr))
      case Bin(_, _, _, _) =>
        r match {
          case Tip() =>
            Bin(k, x, l, Tip())
          case Bin(rk, rx, rl, rr) =>
            if (r.size > delta*l.size) {
              (rl, rr) match {
                case (Bin(rlk, rlx, rll, rlr), Bin(_, _, _, _)) =>
                  if (rl.size < ratio*rr.size) Bin(rk, rx, Bin(k, x, l, rl), rr)
                  else Bin(rlk, rlx, Bin(k, x, l, rll), Bin(rk, rx, rlr, rr))
                case _ => sys.error("Failure in Map.balanceR")
            } else Bin(k, x, l, r)

  private[scalaz] def link[A, B](kx: A, x: B, l: A ==>> B, r: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
    (l, r) match {
      case (Tip(), r) =>
        insertMin(kx, x, r)
      case (l, Tip()) =>
        insertMax(kx, x, l)
      case (Bin(ky, y, ly, ry), Bin(kz, z, lz, rz)) =>
        if (delta * l.size < r.size) balanceL(kz, z, link(kx, x, l, lz), rz)
        else if (delta * r.size < l.size) balanceR(ky, y, ly, link(kx, x, ry, r))
        else Bin(kx, x, l, r)

  // insertMax and insertMin are only used for link(...)
  private def insertMax[A, B](kx: A, x: B, t: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
    t match {
      case Tip() =>
        singleton(kx, x)
      case Bin(ky, y, l, r) =>
        balanceR(ky, y, l, insertMax(kx, x, r))

  private def insertMin[A, B](kx: A, x: B, t: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
    t match {
      case Tip() =>
        singleton(kx, x)
      case Bin(ky, y, l, r) =>
        balanceL(ky, y, insertMin(kx, x, l), r)

  private[scalaz] def trim[A, B](lo: Option[A], hi: Option[A], t: A ==>> B)(implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> B =
    (lo, hi) match {
      case (None, None) =>
      case (Some(lk), None) =>
        def greater(lo: A, m: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
          m match {
            case Bin(kx, _, _, r) if o.lessThanOrEqual(kx, lo) =>
              greater(lo, r)
            case _ =>
        greater(lk, t)
      case (None, Some(hk)) =>
        def lesser(hi: A, m: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
          m match {
            case Bin(kx, _, l, _) if o.greaterThanOrEqual(kx, hi) =>
              lesser(hi, l)
            case _ =>
        lesser(hk, t)
      case (Some(lk), Some(hk)) =>
        def middle(lo: A, hi: A, m: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
          m match {
            case Bin(kx, _, _, r) if o.lessThanOrEqual(kx, lo) =>
              middle(lo, hi, r)
            case Bin(kx, _, l, _) if o.greaterThanOrEqual(kx, hi) =>
              middle(lo, hi, l)
            case _ => m
        middle(lk, hk, t)

  private[scalaz] def trimLookupLo[A, B](lk: A, hkOption: Option[A], t: A ==>> B)(implicit o: Order[A]): (Option[B], A ==>> B) =
    hkOption match {
      case None =>
        def greater(lo: A, m: A ==>> B): (Option[B], A ==>> B) =
          m match {
            case Tip() =>
              (none, Tip())
            case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
              o.order(lo, kx) match {
                case LT =>
                  (l.lookup(lo), m)
                case EQ =>
                  (some(x), r)
                case GT =>
                  greater(lo, r)
        greater(lk, t)
      case Some(hk) =>
        def middle(lo: A, hi: A, m: A ==>> B): (Option[B], A ==>> B) =
          m match {
            case Tip() =>
              (none, Tip())
            case Bin(kx, x, l, r) =>
              o.order(lo, kx) match {
                case LT if o.order(kx, hi) == LT =>
                  (l.lookup(lo), m)
                case LT =>
                  middle(lo, hi, l)
                case EQ =>
                  (some(x), lesser(hi, r))
                case GT =>
                  middle(lo, hi, r)
        def lesser(hi: A, m: A ==>> B): A ==>> B =
          m match {
            case Bin(k, _, l, _) if o.greaterThanOrEqual(k, hi) =>
              lesser(hi, l)
            case _ =>
        middle(lk, hk, t)

  * The documentation below is partially copied from haskell/containers Map.
  * Please refer to the full documentation if necessary.
  * @see [[]]
  -- | /O(n+m)/. A high-performance universal combining function. This function
  -- is used to define 'unionWith', 'unionWithKey', 'differenceWith',
  -- 'differenceWithKey', 'intersectionWith', 'intersectionWithKey' and can be
  -- used to define other custom combine functions.

  -- When calling mergeWithKey(a, b)(f)(g1, g2), a function combining two
  -- 'Map's is created, such that
  -- * if a key is present in both maps, it is passed with both corresponding
  --   values to the combine @f@ function. Depending on the result, the key is either
  --   present in the result with specified value, or is left out;
  -- * a nonempty subtree present only in the first map is passed to @g1@ and
  --   the output is added to the result;
  -- * a nonempty subtree present only in the second map is passed to @g2@ and
  --   the output is added to the result.
  *  @param  a   first map
  *  @param  b   second map
  *  @param  f   combine function used to define `XxxWithKey`
  *  @param  g1  function applied to a nonempty subtree present only in the first map a
  *  @param  g2  function applied to a nonempty subtree present only in the second map b
  def mergeWithKey[A: Order, B, C, D](a: A ==>> B, b: A ==>> C)
                                     (f: (A, B, C) => Option[D])
                                     (g1: (A ==>> B) => (A ==>> D), g2: (A ==>> C) => (A ==>> D))
                                     (implicit o: Order[A]): A ==>> D = {
    def hedgeMerge(blo: Option[A], bhi: Option[A], a: A ==>> B, b: A ==>> C): A ==>> D = {
      (a, b) match {
        case (t1, Tip()) => g1(t1)
        case (Tip(), Bin(kx, x, l, r)) =>
          val t2 = link(kx, x, l.filterGt(blo)(o), r.filterLt(bhi)(o))
        case (Bin(kx, x, l, r), t2) =>
          val bmi = some(kx)
          val l2 = hedgeMerge(blo, bmi, l, trim(blo, bmi, t2)(o))
          val (found, trim_t2) = trimLookupLo(kx, bhi, t2)(o)
          val r2 = hedgeMerge(bmi, bhi, r, trim_t2)
          found match {
            case None =>
              g1(singleton(kx, x)) match {
                case Tip() =>
                  l2 merge r2
                case Bin(_, x2, Tip(), Tip()) =>
                  link(kx, x2, l2, r2)
                case _ =>
                  sys.error("mergeWithKey: Given function g1 does not fulfil required conditions (see documentation)")
            case Some(x2) =>
              f(kx, x, x2) match {
                case None =>
                  l2 merge r2
                case Some(xx) =>
                  link(kx, xx, l2, r2)

    (a, b) match {
      case (Tip(), t2) => g2(t2)
      case (t1, Tip()) => g1(t1)
      case (t1, t2)    => hedgeMerge(None, None, t1, t2)

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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