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Scala example source code file (Semigroup.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Semigroup.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

applicative, apply, invariantfunctor, order, semigroup, semigroupapply, semigroupcompose

The Semigroup.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

 * An associative binary operation, circumscribed by type and the
 * semigroup laws.  Unlike [[scalaz.Monoid]], there is not necessarily
 * a zero.
 * @see [[scalaz.Semigroup.SemigroupLaw]]
 * @see [[scalaz.syntax.SemigroupOps]]
 * @see [[]]
trait Semigroup[F]  { self =>
   * The binary operation to combine `f1` and `f2`.
   * Implementations should not evaluate the by-name parameter `f2` if result
   * can be determined by `f1`.
  def append(f1: F, f2: => F): F

  // derived functions

   * For `n = 0`, `value`
   * For `n = 1`, `append(value, value)`
   * For `n = 2`, `append(append(value, value), value)`
   * The default definition uses peasant multiplication, exploiting associativity to only
   * require `O(log n)` uses of [[append]]
  def multiply1(value: F, n: Int): F = {
    def go(x: F, y: Int, z: F): F = y match {
      case y if (y & 1) == 0 => go(append(x, x), y >>> 1, z)
      case y if (y == 1)     => append(x, z)
      case _                 => go(append(x, x), (y - 1) >>>  1, append(x, z))
    if (n <= 0) value else go(value, n, value)

  protected[this] trait SemigroupCompose extends Compose[λ[(α, β) => F]] {
    def compose[A, B, C](f: F, g: F) = append(f, g)

  /** Every `Semigroup` gives rise to a [[scalaz.Compose]], for which
    * the type parameters are phantoms.
    * @note `compose.semigroup` = `this`
  final def compose: Compose[λ[(α, β) => F]] =
    new SemigroupCompose {}

  protected[this] trait SemigroupApply extends Apply[λ[α => F]] {
    override def map[A, B](fa: F)(f: A => B) = fa
    def ap[A, B](fa: => F)(f: => F) = append(f, fa)

   * An [[scalaz.Apply]], that implements `ap` with `append`.  Note
   * that the type parameter `α` in `Apply[λ[α => F]]` is
   * discarded; it is a phantom type.  As such, the functor cannot
   * support [[scalaz.Bind]].
  final def apply: Apply[λ[α => F]] =
    new SemigroupApply {}

   * A semigroup in type F must satisfy two laws:
    *  - '''closure''': `∀ a, b in F, append(a, b)` is also in `F`. This is enforced by the type system.
    *  - '''associativity''': `∀ a, b, c` in `F`, the equation `append(append(a, b), c) = append(a, append(b , c))` holds.
  trait SemigroupLaw {
    def associative(f1: F, f2: F, f3: F)(implicit F: Equal[F]): Boolean =
      F.equal(append(f1, append(f2, f3)), append(append(f1, f2), f3))
  def semigroupLaw = new SemigroupLaw {}

  val semigroupSyntax = new scalaz.syntax.SemigroupSyntax[F] { def F = Semigroup.this }

object Semigroup {
  @inline def apply[F](implicit F: Semigroup[F]): Semigroup[F] = F

  /** Make an associative binary function into an instance. */
  def instance[A](f: (A, => A) => A): Semigroup[A] =
    new Semigroup[A] {
      def append(f1: A, f2: => A): A = f(f1,f2)

  /** A purely left-biased semigroup. */
  def firstSemigroup[A] =
    new Semigroup[A] {
      def append(f1: A, f2: => A): A = f1

  @inline implicit def firstTaggedSemigroup[A] = firstSemigroup[A @@ Tags.FirstVal]

  /** A purely right-biased semigroup. */
  def lastSemigroup[A] =
    new Semigroup[A] {
      def append(f1: A, f2: => A): A = f2

  @inline implicit def lastTaggedSemigroup[A] = lastSemigroup[A @@ Tags.LastVal]

  def minSemigroup[A](implicit o: Order[A]): Semigroup[A @@ Tags.MinVal] =
    new Semigroup[A @@ Tags.MinVal] {
      def append(f1: A @@ Tags.MinVal, f2: => A @@ Tags.MinVal) = Tags.MinVal(o.min(Tag.unwrap(f1), Tag.unwrap(f2)))

  @inline implicit def minTaggedSemigroup[A : Order] = minSemigroup[A]

  def maxSemigroup[A](implicit o: Order[A]): Semigroup[A @@ Tags.MaxVal] =
    new Semigroup[A @@ Tags.MaxVal] {
      def append(f1: A @@ Tags.MaxVal, f2: => A @@ Tags.MaxVal) = Tags.MaxVal(o.max(Tag.unwrap(f1), Tag.unwrap(f2)))

  @inline implicit def maxTaggedSemigroup[A : Order] = maxSemigroup[A]

  private[scalaz] trait ApplySemigroup[F[_], M] extends Semigroup[F[M]] {
    implicit def F: Apply[F]
    implicit def M: Semigroup[M]
    def append(x: F[M], y: => F[M]): F[M] = F.lift2[M, M, M]((m1, m2) => M.append(m1, m2))(x, y)

  /**A semigroup for sequencing Apply effects. */
  def liftSemigroup[F[_], M](implicit F0: Apply[F], M0: Semigroup[M]): Semigroup[F[M]] =
    new ApplySemigroup[F, M] {
      implicit def F: Apply[F] = F0
      implicit def M: Semigroup[M] = M0

  /** `point(a) append (point(a) append (point(a)...` */
  def repeat[F[_], A](a: A)(implicit F: Applicative[F], m: Semigroup[F[A]]): F[A] =
    m.append(F.point(a), repeat[F, A](a))

  /** `point(a) append (point(f(a)) append (point(f(f(a)))...` */
  def iterate[F[_], A](a: A)(f: A => A)(implicit F: Applicative[F], m: Semigroup[F[A]]): F[A] =
    m.append(F.point(a), iterate[F, A](f(a))(f))

  /** Semigroup is an invariant functor. */
  implicit val semigroupInvariantFunctor: InvariantFunctor[Semigroup] =
    new InvariantFunctor[Semigroup] {
      def xmap[A, B](ma: Semigroup[A], f: A => B, g: B => A): Semigroup[B] =
        new Semigroup[B] {
          def append(x: B, y: => B): B = f(ma.append(g(x), g(y)))


Other Scala examples (source code examples)

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