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Scala example source code file (Either.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Either.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

either, equal, first, last, leftprojection, monoid, right, rightprojection

The Either.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz
package std

import scala.Either.{LeftProjection, RightProjection}
import scalaz.Isomorphism._
import scalaz.Tags.{First, Last}

sealed trait EitherInstances0 {
  implicit def eitherEqual[A, B](implicit A0: Equal[A], B0: Equal[B]): Equal[Either[A, B]] = new EitherEqual[A, B] {
    implicit def A = A0
    implicit def B = B0

  implicit def eitherLeftEqual[A, X](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[LeftProjection[A, X]] = new EitherLeftEqual[A, X] {
    implicit def A = A0

  implicit def eitherRightEqual[X, A](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[RightProjection[X, A]] = new EitherRightEqual[X, A] {
    implicit def A = A0

  implicit def eitherFirstRightEqual[X, A](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] = First.subst(Equal[RightProjection[X, A]])

  implicit def eitherLastRightEqual[X, A](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] = Last.subst(Equal[RightProjection[X, A]])

  implicit def eitherFirstLeftEqual[A, X](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] = First.subst(Equal[LeftProjection[A, X]])

  implicit def eitherLastLeftEqual[A, X](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] = Last.subst(Equal[LeftProjection[A, X]])

  implicit def eitherFirstLeftSemigroup[A: Semigroup, X]: Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] = new EitherFirstLeftSemigroup[A, X] {}

  implicit def eitherFirstRightSemigroup[X, A: Semigroup]: Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] = new EitherFirstRightSemigroup[X, A] {}

  implicit def eitherLastLeftSemigroup[A: Semigroup, X]: Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] = new EitherLastLeftSemigroup[A, X] {}

  implicit def eitherLastRightSemigroup[X, A: Semigroup]: Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] = new EitherLastRightSemigroup[X, A] {}

  implicit def eitherLeftSemigroup[A, X](implicit SemigroupA: Semigroup[A], MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X]] = new EitherLeftSemigroup[A, X] {
    implicit def A = SemigroupA
    implicit def X = MonoidX

  implicit def eitherRightSemigroup[X, A](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X], SemigroupA: Semigroup[A]): Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A]] = new EitherRightSemigroup[X, A] {
    implicit def X = MonoidX
    implicit def A = SemigroupA


trait EitherInstances extends EitherInstances0 {
  implicit val eitherInstance = new Bitraverse[Either] {
    override def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Either[A, B])
                                  (f: A => C, g: B => D) = fab match {
      case Left(a)  => Left(f(a))
      case Right(b) => Right(g(b))

    def bitraverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fab: Either[A, B])
                                                  (f: A => G[C], g: B => G[D]) = fab match {
      case Left(a)  => Applicative[G].map(f(a))(b => Left(b))
      case Right(b) => Applicative[G].map(g(b))(d => Right(d))

  /** Right biased monad */
  implicit def eitherMonad[L]: Traverse[Either[L, ?]] with MonadError[Either[L, ?], L] with BindRec[Either[L, ?]] with Cozip[Either[L, ?]] =
    new Traverse[Either[L, ?]] with MonadError[Either[L, ?], L] with BindRec[Either[L, ?]] with Cozip[Either[L, ?]] {
      def bind[A, B](fa: Either[L, A])(f: A => Either[L, B]) = fa match {
        case Left(a)  => Left(a)
        case Right(b) => f(b)

      def handleError[A](fa: Either[L, A])(f: L => Either[L, A]) =
        fa match {
          case a @ Right(_) => a
          case Left(a) => f(a)

      def raiseError[A](e: L) =

      def point[A](a: => A) = Right(a)

      def traverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B](fa: Either[L, A])(f: A => G[B]) = fa match {
        case Left(x)  => Applicative[G].point(Left(x))
        case Right(x) => Applicative[G].map(f(x))(Right(_))

      override def foldRight[A, B](fa: Either[L, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) = fa match {
        case Left(_)  => z
        case Right(a) => f(a, z)

      def cozip[A, B](a: Either[L, A \/ B]) =
        a match {
          case Left(l) => -\/(Left(l))
          case Right(e)=> e match {
            case -\/(a) => -\/(Right(a))
            case \/-(b) => \/-(Right(b))

      def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => Either[L, A \/ B])(a: A): Either[L, B] =
        f(a) match {
          case Left(l) => Left(l)
          case Right(-\/(a)) => tailrecM(f)(a)
          case Right(\/-(b)) => Right(b)

  /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `E` is partially applied. */
  def LeftProjectionEIso2[E]: LeftProjection[E, ?] <~> Either[E, ?] =

  /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `E` is partially applied. */
  def FirstLeftProjectionEIso2[E]: λ[α => LeftProjection[E, α] @@ First] <~> Either[E, ?] =

  /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `E` is partially applied. */
  def LastLeftProjectionEIso2[E]: λ[α => LeftProjection[E, α] @@ Last] <~> Either[E, ?] =

  /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */
  val LeftProjectionIso2: LeftProjection <~~> Either =
    new IsoBifunctorTemplate[LeftProjection, Either] {
      def to[A, B](fa: LeftProjection[A, B]) = fa.e
      def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = ga.left

  /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */
  val FirstLeftProjectionIso2: λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ First] <~~> Either =
    new IsoBifunctorTemplate[λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ First], Either] {
      def to[A, B](fa: LeftProjection[A, B] @@ First) = Tag.unwrap(fa).e
      def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = First(ga.left)

  /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */
  val LastLeftProjectionIso2: λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ Last] <~~> Either =
    new IsoBifunctorTemplate[λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ Last], Either] {
      def to[A, B](fa: LeftProjection[A, B] @@ Last) = Tag.unwrap(fa).e
      def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = Last(ga.left)

  /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `A` is partially applied. */
  def RightProjectionAIso2[A]: RightProjection[?, A] <~> Either[?, A] =

  /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `A` is partially applied. */
  def FirstRightProjectionAIso2[A]: λ[α => RightProjection[α, A] @@ First] <~> Either[?, A] =

  /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `A` is partially applied. */
  def LastRightProjectionAIso2[A]: λ[α => RightProjection[α, A] @@ Last] <~> Either[?, A] =

  /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */
  val RightProjectionIso2: RightProjection <~~> Either =
    new IsoBifunctorTemplate[RightProjection, Either] {
      def to[A, B](fa: RightProjection[A, B]) = fa.e
      def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = ga.right

  /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */
  val FirstRightProjectionIso2: λ[(α, β) => RightProjection[α, β] @@ First] <~~> Either =
    new IsoBifunctorTemplate[λ[(α, β) => RightProjection[α, β] @@ First], Either] {
      def to[A, B](fa: RightProjection[A, B] @@ First) = Tag.unwrap(fa).e
      def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = First(ga.right)

  /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */
  val LastRightProjectionIso2: λ[(α, β) => RightProjection[α, β] @@ Last] <~~> Either =
    new IsoBifunctorTemplate[λ[(α, β) => RightProjection[α, β] @@ Last], Either] {
      def to[A, B](fa: RightProjection[A, B] @@ Last) = Tag.unwrap(fa).e
      def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = Last(ga.right)

  val eitherLeftInstance =
    new IsomorphismBifunctor[LeftProjection, Either] {
      def iso = LeftProjectionIso2
      implicit def G: Bifunctor[Either] = eitherInstance

  val eitherFirstLeftInstance =
    new IsomorphismBifunctor[λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ First], Either] {
      def iso = FirstLeftProjectionIso2
      implicit def G: Bifunctor[Either] = eitherInstance

  val eitherRightInstance =
    new IsomorphismBifunctor[RightProjection, Either] {
      def iso = RightProjectionIso2
      implicit def G: Bifunctor[Either] = eitherInstance

  implicit def eitherRightLInstance[L] =
    new Monad[RightProjection[L, ?]] {
      def point[A](a: => A) = Right(a).right
      def bind[A, B](fa: RightProjection[L, A])(f: A => RightProjection[L, B]) = fa.e match {
        case Left(a)  => Left(a).right
        case Right(b) => f(b)

  implicit def eitherFirstRightLInstance[L]: Monad[λ[α => RightProjection[L, α] @@ First]] =
    Tags.First.subst1[Monad, RightProjection[L, ?]](Monad[RightProjection[L, ?]])

  implicit def eitherLastRightLInstance[L]: Monad[λ[α => RightProjection[L, α] @@ Last]] =
    Tags.Last.subst1[Monad, RightProjection[L, ?]](Monad[RightProjection[L, ?]])

  implicit def eitherLeftRInstance[R] =
    new Monad[LeftProjection[?, R]] {
      def point[A](a: => A) = Left(a).left
      def bind[A, B](fa: LeftProjection[A, R])(f: A => LeftProjection[B, R]) = fa.e match {
        case Left(a)  => f(a)
        case Right(b) => Right(b).left

  implicit def eitherFirstLeftRInstance[R]: Monad[λ[α => LeftProjection[α, R] @@ First]] =
    Tags.First.subst1[Monad, LeftProjection[?, R]](Monad[LeftProjection[?, R]])

  implicit def eitherLastLeftRInstance[R]: Monad[λ[α => LeftProjection[α, R] @@ Last]] =
    Tags.Last.subst1[Monad, LeftProjection[?, R]](Monad[LeftProjection[?, R]])

  implicit def eitherOrder[A, B](implicit OrderA: Order[A], OrderB: Order[B]): Order[Either[A, B]] =
    new EitherOrder[A, B] {
      implicit def A = OrderA
      implicit def B = OrderB

  implicit def eitherLeftOrder[A, X](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[LeftProjection[A, X]] =
    new EitherLeftOrder[A, X] {
      implicit def A = OrderA

  implicit def eitherRightOrder[X, A](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[RightProjection[X, A]] =
    new EitherRightOrder[X, A] {
      implicit def A = OrderA

  implicit def eitherFirstLeftOrder[A, X](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] = First.subst(Order[LeftProjection[A, X]])

  implicit def eitherFirstRightOrder[X, A](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] = First.subst(Order[RightProjection[X, A]])

  implicit def eitherLastLeftOrder[A, X](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] = Last.subst(Order[LeftProjection[A, X]])

  implicit def eitherLastRightOrder[X, A](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] = Last.subst(Order[RightProjection[X, A]])

  implicit def eitherFirstLeftMonoid[A, X](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] =
    new EitherFirstLeftMonoid[A, X] {
      implicit def X = MonoidX

  implicit def eitherFirstRightMonoid[X, A](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] =
    new EitherFirstRightMonoid[X, A] {
      implicit def X = MonoidX

  implicit def eitherLastLeftMonoid[A, X](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] =
    new EitherLastLeftMonoid[A, X] {
      implicit def X = MonoidX

  implicit def eitherLastRightMonoid[X, A](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] =
    new EitherLastRightMonoid[X, A] {
      implicit def X = MonoidX

  implicit def eitherLeftMonoid[A, X](implicit MonoidA: Monoid[A], MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X]] =
    new EitherLeftMonoid[A, X] {
      implicit def A = MonoidA
      implicit def X = MonoidX

  implicit def eitherRightMonoid[X, A](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X], MonoidA: Monoid[A]): Monoid[RightProjection[X, A]] =
    new EitherRightMonoid[X, A] {
      implicit def X = MonoidX
      implicit def A = MonoidA

  implicit def eitherAssociative: Associative[Either] = new Associative[Either] {
    override def reassociateLeft[A, B, C](f: Either[A, Either[B, C]]): Either[Either[A, B], C] =
        a => Left(Left(a)),
          b => Left(Right(b)),

    override def reassociateRight[A, B, C](f: Either[Either[A, B], C]): Either[A, Either[B, C]] =
          b => Right(Left(b))
        c => Right(Right(c))


  implicit def eitherShow[A,B](implicit SA: Show[A], SB: Show[B]) : Show[Either[A,B]] = new Show[Either[A,B]] {
    override def show(f: Either[A, B]): Cord = f match {
      case Left(a) => ("Left(" : Cord) ++ :- ')'
      case Right(b) => ("Right(" : Cord) ++ :- ')'

object either extends EitherInstances

private trait EitherRightEqual[X, A] extends Equal[RightProjection[X, A]] {
  implicit def A: Equal[A]

  final override def equal(a1: RightProjection[X, A], a2: RightProjection[X, A]) = (a1.toOption, a2.toOption) match {
    case (Some(x), Some(y)) => A.equal(x, y)
    case (None, None)       => true
    case _                  => false

private trait EitherLeftEqual[A, X] extends Equal[LeftProjection[A, X]] {
  implicit def A: Equal[A]

  final override def equal(a1: LeftProjection[A, X], a2: LeftProjection[A, X]) = (a1.toOption, a2.toOption) match {
    case (Some(x), Some(y)) => A.equal(x, y)
    case (None, None)       => true
    case _                  => false

private trait EitherEqual[A, B] extends Equal[Either[A, B]] {
  implicit def A: Equal[A]
  implicit def B: Equal[B]

  final override def equal(f1: Either[A, B], f2: Either[A, B]) = (f1, f2) match {
    case (Left(a1), Left(a2))                      => A.equal(a1, a2)
    case (Right(b1), Right(b2))                    => B.equal(b1, b2)
    case (Right(_), Left(_)) | (Left(_), Right(_)) => false
  override val equalIsNatural: Boolean = A.equalIsNatural && B.equalIsNatural

private trait EitherFirstLeftSemigroup[A, X] extends Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] {
  def append(f1: LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First, f2: => LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First) = if (Tag.unwrap(f1).e.isLeft) f1 else f2

private trait EitherFirstRightSemigroup[X, A] extends Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] {
  def append(f1: RightProjection[X, A] @@ First, f2: => RightProjection[X, A] @@ First) = if (Tag.unwrap(f1).e.isRight) f1 else f2

private trait EitherLastLeftSemigroup[A, X] extends Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] {
  def append(f1: LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last, f2: => LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last) = if (Tag.unwrap(f1).e.isLeft) f1 else f2

private trait EitherLastRightSemigroup[X, A] extends Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] {
  def append(f1: RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last, f2: => RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last) = if (Tag.unwrap(f1).e.isRight) f1 else f2

private trait EitherLeftSemigroup[A, X] extends Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X]] {
  implicit def A: Semigroup[A]
  implicit def X: Monoid[X]

  def append(f1: LeftProjection[A, X], f2: => LeftProjection[A, X]) = (f1.toOption, f2.toOption) match {
    case (Some(x), Some(y)) => Left(Semigroup[A].append(x, y)).left
    case (None, Some(_))    => f2
    case (Some(_), None)    => f1
    case (None, None)       => Right(Monoid[X].zero).left

private trait EitherRightSemigroup[X, A] extends Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A]] {
  implicit def X: Monoid[X]
  implicit def A: Semigroup[A]

  def append(f1: RightProjection[X, A], f2: => RightProjection[X, A]) = (f1.toOption, f2.toOption) match {
    case (Some(x), Some(y)) => Right(Semigroup[A].append(x, y)).right
    case (None, Some(_))    => f2
    case (Some(_), None)    => f1
    case (None, None)       => Left(Monoid[X].zero).right

private trait EitherFirstLeftMonoid[A, X] extends Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] with EitherFirstLeftSemigroup[A, X] {
  implicit def X: Monoid[X]

  def zero = First(Right(Monoid[X].zero).left)

private trait EitherLastLeftMonoid[A, X] extends Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] with EitherLastLeftSemigroup[A, X] {
  implicit def X: Monoid[X]

  def zero = Last(Right(Monoid[X].zero).left)

private trait EitherLeftMonoid[A, X] extends Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X]] with EitherLeftSemigroup[A, X] {
  implicit def X: Monoid[X]

  def zero: LeftProjection[A, X] = Right(Monoid[X].zero).left

private trait EitherFirstRightMonoid[X, A] extends Monoid[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] with EitherFirstRightSemigroup[X, A] {
  implicit def X: Monoid[X]

  def zero = First(Left(Monoid[X].zero).right)

private trait EitherLastRightMonoid[X, A] extends Monoid[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] with EitherLastRightSemigroup[X, A] {
  implicit def X: Monoid[X]

  def zero = Last(Left(Monoid[X].zero).right)

private trait EitherRightMonoid[X, A] extends Monoid[RightProjection[X, A]] with EitherRightSemigroup[X, A] {
  implicit def X: Monoid[X]

  def zero: RightProjection[X, A] = Left(Monoid[X].zero).right

private trait EitherOrder[A, B] extends Order[Either[A, B]] with EitherEqual[A, B]{
  implicit def A: Order[A]
  implicit def B: Order[B]

  import Ordering._

  def order(f1: Either[A, B], f2: Either[A, B]) = (f1, f2) match {
    case (Left(x), Left(y))   => A.order(x, y)
    case (Right(x), Right(y)) => B.order(x, y)
    case (Left(_), Right(_))  => LT
    case (Right(_), Left(_))  => GT

private trait EitherLeftOrder[A, X] extends Order[LeftProjection[A, X]] with EitherLeftEqual[A, X]{
  implicit def A: Order[A]

  import Ordering._

  def order(f1: LeftProjection[A, X], f2: LeftProjection[A, X]) = (f1.toOption, f2.toOption) match {
    case (Some(x), Some(y)) => A.order(x, y)
    case (None, Some(_))    => LT
    case (Some(_), None)    => GT
    case (None, None)       => EQ

private trait EitherRightOrder[X, A] extends Order[RightProjection[X, A]] with EitherRightEqual[X, A]{
  implicit def A: Order[A]

  import Ordering._

  def order(f1: RightProjection[X, A], f2: RightProjection[X, A]) = (f1.toOption, f2.toOption) match {
    case (Some(x), Some(y)) => A.order(x, y)
    case (None, Some(_))    => LT
    case (Some(_), None)    => GT
    case (None, None)       => EQ

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Either.scala source code file:

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