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Scala example source code file (IListTest.scala)

This example Scala source code file (IListTest.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

boolean, byte, equal, exception, foldable, icons, ilist, inil, int, none, order, partialfunction, some, string

The IListTest.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

import std.AllInstances._
import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazProperties._
import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazArbitrary._
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
import syntax.bifunctor._, syntax.foldable._

object IListTest extends SpecLite {

  // Same laws that hold for List

  // These tests hold for List, so they had better hold for IList

  implicit val intBooleanArb: Arbitrary[Int => Boolean] = {
    val intGen = implicitly[Arbitrary[Int]].arbitrary
      Gen.const((_: Int) => true),
      Gen.const((_: Int) => false),
      Gen.choose(2, 5).map(n => (a: Int) => a % n == 0),
      Gen.choose(2, 5).map(n => (a: Int) => a % n != 0), => (_: Int) > n), => (_: Int) < n)

  "intercalate empty list is flatten" ! forAll { (a: IList[IList[Int]]) =>
    a.intercalate(IList[Int]()) must_===(a.flatten)

  "intersperse then remove odd items is identity" ! forAll { (a: IList[Int], b: Int) =>
    val isEven = (_: Int) % 2 == 0
    a.intersperse(b).zipWithIndex.filter(p => isEven(p._2)).map(_._1) must_===(a)

  "intercalate is same as a.intersperse(b).flatten" ! forAll { (a: IList[IList[Int]], b: IList[Int]) =>
    a.intercalate(b) must_===(a.intersperse(b).flatten)

  "intersperse vs benchmark" ! forAll { (a: IList[Int], b: Int) =>
    def intersperse[A](value: IList[A], a: A): IList[A] = value match {
      case INil() => INil()
      case ICons(x, INil()) => x :: INil()
      case ICons(h, t) => h :: a :: intersperse(t, a)
    a.intersperse(b) must_=== intersperse(a, b)

  "foldl is foldLeft" ! forAll {(rnge: IList[IList[Int]]) =>
    val F = Foldable[List]
    rnge.foldLeft(IList[Int]())(_++_) must_=== F.foldLeft(rnge.toList, IList[Int]())(_++_)

  "foldr is foldRight" ! forAll {(rnge: IList[IList[Int]]) =>
    val F = Foldable[List]
    rnge.foldRight(IList[Int]())(_++_) must_=== F.foldRight(rnge.toList, IList[Int]())(_++_)

  "foldLeft1Opt" ! forAll { ns: IList[List[Int]] =>
    ns.foldLeft1Opt(_ ::: _) must_=== ns.toList.reduceLeftOption(_ ::: _)

  "foldRight1Opt" ! forAll { ns: IList[List[Int]] =>
    ns.foldRight1Opt(_ ::: _) must_=== ns.toList.reduceRightOption(_ ::: _)

  "foldMap1Opt" ! forAll { ns: IList[List[Int]] =>
    ns.foldMap1Opt(identity) must_=== ns.toList.reduceLeftOption(_ ::: _)

  "mapAccumLeft" ! forAll { xs: IList[Int] =>
    val f = (_: Int) + 1
    xs.mapAccumLeft(IList[Int]())((c, a) => (c :+ a, f(a))) must_=== (xs,

  "mapAccumRight" ! forAll { xs: IList[Int] =>
    val f = (_: Int) + 1
    xs.mapAccumRight(IList[Int]())((c, a) => (c :+ a, f(a))) must_=== (xs.reverse,

  // And some other tests that List doesn't have

  "catamorphism" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int]) =>
    ns.foldRight(IList.empty[Int])(ICons(_, _)) must_=== ns

  // Functionality borrowed from List is tested in terms of List. Is this ethical?
  // Should they be collapsed into fewer cases?

  "++" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    (ns ++ ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ++ ms.toList

  "++:" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    (ns ++: ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ++: ms.toList

  "+:" ! forAll { (n: Int, ns: IList[Int]) =>
    (n +: ns).toList must_=== n +: ns.toList

  "/:" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], s: String, f: (String, Int) => String) =>
    (s /: ns)(f) == (s /: ns.toList)(f)

  ":+" ! forAll { (n: Int, ns: IList[Int]) =>
    (ns :+ n).toList must_=== ns.toList :+ n

  "::" ! forAll { (n: Int, ns: IList[Int]) =>
    (n :: ns).toList must_=== n :: ns.toList

  ":::" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    (ns ::: ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ::: ms.toList

  ":\\" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], s: String, f: (Int, String) => String) =>
    (ns :\ s)(f) == (ns.toList :\ s)(f)

  "concat" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    (ns concat ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ++ ms.toList

  "collect" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int]) =>
    val pf: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case n if n % 2 == 0 => n + 1 }
    ns.collect(pf).toList must_=== ns.toList.collect(pf)

  "collectFirst" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int]) =>
    val pf: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case n if n % 2 == 0 => n + 1 }
    ns.collectFirst(pf) must_=== ns.toList.collectFirst(pf)

  "concat" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    (ns ++ ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ++ ms.toList

  "containsSlice" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    ns.containsSlice(ms) must_=== ns.toList.containsSlice(ms.toList)

  "count" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], p: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.count(p) must_=== ns.toList.count(p)

  "distinct" ! forAll { xs: IList[Int] =>
    xs.distinct.toList must_=== xs.toList.distinct

  "drop" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) =>
    ns.drop(n).toList must_=== ns.toList.drop(n)

  "dropRight" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) =>
    ns.dropRight(n).toList must_=== ns.toList.dropRight(n)

  "dropRightWhile" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], p: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.dropRightWhile(p).toList must_=== ns.toList.reverse.dropWhile(p).reverse

  "dropWhile" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], p: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.dropWhile(p).toList must_=== ns.toList.dropWhile(p)

  "endsWith" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    ns.endsWith(ms) must_=== ns.toList.endsWith(ms.toList)

  "fill" ! forAll { (a: Byte, b: Int) =>
    IList.fill(a)(b).toList must_=== List.fill(a)(b)

  "filter" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], p: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.filter(p).toList must_=== ns.toList.filter(p)

  "filterNot" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.filterNot(f).toList must_=== ns.toList.filterNot(f)

  "find" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.find(f) must_=== ns.toList.find(f)

  // flatMap and folds are covered by laws

  "groupBy" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Int) =>
    ns.groupBy(f).map(_.toList).toList.toMap must_=== ns.toList.groupBy(f)

  "groupBy1" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Int) =>
    ns.groupBy1(f).map(oa => (oa.head :: oa.tail).toList.reverse).toList.toMap must_=== ns.toList.groupBy(f)

  "headOption" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] =>
    ns.headOption must_=== ns.toList.headOption

  "index" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) =>
    ns.index(n) must_=== ns.toList.lift(n)

  "indexOf" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) =>
    ns.indexOf(n).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.indexOf(n)

  "indexOfSlice" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    ns.indexOfSlice(ms).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.indexOfSlice(ms.toList)

  "indexWhere" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.indexWhere(f).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.indexWhere(f)

  "initOption" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => must_=== (try Some(ns.toList.init) catch { case e: Exception => None })

  "inits" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => must_=== ns.toList.inits.toList

  "interleave" ! forAll { (xs: IList[Int], ys: IList[Int]) =>
    val a = xs interleave ys
    (xs.length + ys.length) must_=== a.length
    val min = math.min(xs.length, ys.length)

    Foldable[IList].all(xs.zipWithIndex){ case (x, i) =>
      val index = if(i <= min) i * 2 else (min * 2) + i - min
      a.index(index) == Some(x)
    } must_=== true

    Foldable[IList].all(ys.zipWithIndex){ case (y, i) =>
      val index = if(i < min) (i * 2) + 1 else (min * 2) + i - min
      a.index(index) == Some(y)
    } must_=== true

    xs.interleave(ys).toStream must_===, ys.toStream)

  // intersperse is tested above
  // isEmpty is tested by empty laws

  "lastIndexOf" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) =>
    ns.lastIndexOf(n).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.lastIndexOf(n)

  "lastIndexOfSlice" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    ns.lastIndexOfSlice(ms).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.lastIndexOfSlice(ms.toList)

  "lastIndexWhere" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.lastIndexWhere(f).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.lastIndexWhere(f)

  "lastOption" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] =>
    ns.lastOption must_=== ns.toList.lastOption

  "length" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] =>
    ns.length must_=== ns.toList.length

  // map is tested by functor laws

  "nonEmpty" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] =>
    ns.nonEmpty must_=== ns.toList.nonEmpty

  "padTo" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) =>
    ns.padTo(100, n).toList must_=== ns.toList.padTo(100, n)

  "patch" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], a: Int, ms: IList[Int], b: Int) =>
    ns.patch(a, ms, b).toList must_=== ns.toList.patch(a, ms.toList, b)

  "prefixLength" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.prefixLength(f) must_=== ns.toList.prefixLength(f)

  "reduceLeftOption" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: (Int, Int) => Int) =>
    ns.reduceLeftOption(f) must_=== (try Some(ns.toList.reduceLeft(f)) catch { case e:Exception => None })

  "reduceRightOption" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: (Int, Int) => Int) =>
    ns.reduceRightOption(f) must_=== (try Some(ns.toList.reduceRight(f)) catch { case e:Exception => None })

  "reverse" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] =>
    ns.reverse.toList must_=== ns.toList.reverse

  "reverseMap" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Int) =>
    ns.reverseMap(f).toList must_=== ns.toList.reverseMap(f)

  "reverse_:::" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    (ns reverse_::: ms).toList must_=== (ns.toList reverse_::: ms.toList)

  "scanLeft" ! forAll { (ss: IList[String], f: (Int, String) => Int) =>
    ss.scanLeft(0)(f).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanLeft(0)(f)
    ss.scanLeft("z")(_ + _).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanLeft("z")(_ + _)
    ss.scanLeft(IList.empty[String])(_ :+ _).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanLeft(IList.empty[String])(_ :+ _)

  "scanRight" ! forAll { (ss: IList[String], f: (String, Int) => Int)  =>
    ss.scanRight(0)(f).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanRight(0)(f)
    ss.scanRight("z")(_ + _).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanRight("z")(_ + _)
    ss.scanRight(IList.empty[String])(_ +: _).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanRight(IList.empty[String])(_ +: _)

  "slice" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], a: Int, b: Int) =>
    ns.slice(a, b).toList must_=== ns.toList.slice(a, b)

  "sortBy" ! forAll { (ss: IList[String], f: String => Int) =>
    ss.sortBy(f).toList must_=== ss.toList.sortBy(f)

  "sorted" ! forAll { (ss: IList[String]) =>
    ss.sorted.toList must_=== ss.toList.sorted

  "span" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.span(f).umap(_.toList) must_=== ns.toList.span(f)

  "splitAt" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) =>
    ns.splitAt(n).umap(_.toList) must_=== ns.toList.splitAt(n)

  "startsWith" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) =>
    ns.startsWith(ms) must_=== ns.toList.startsWith(ms.toList)

  "tails" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => must_=== ns.toList.tails.toList

  "tailOption" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => must_=== (try Some(ns.toList.tail) catch { case e: Exception => None })

  "take" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Byte) =>
    ns.take(n).toList must_=== ns.toList.take(n)

  "takeRight" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Byte) =>
    ns.takeRight(n).toList must_=== ns.toList.takeRight(n)

  "takeRightWhile" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.takeRightWhile(f).toList must_=== ns.toList.reverse.takeWhile(f).reverse

  "takeWhile" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) =>
    ns.takeWhile(f).toList must_=== ns.toList.takeWhile(f)

  "toEphemeralStream" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] =>
    IList(ns: _*).toEphemeralStream.toList must_=== EphemeralStream(ns: _*).toList

  "toList" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] =>
    IList(ns: _*).toList must_=== ns

  "toMap" ! forAll { ps: List[(String, Int)] =>
    IList(ps: _*).toMap must_=== ==>>(ps: _*)

  "toNel" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] =>
    IList(ns: _*).toNel must_=== Scalaz.ToListOpsFromList(ns).toNel

  "toStream" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] =>
    IList(ns: _*).toStream must_=== ns.toStream

  "toVector" ! forAll { ns: Vector[Int] =>
    IList(ns: _*).toVector must_=== ns

  "toZipper" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] =>
    IList(ns: _*).toZipper must_===

  // uncons is tested everywhere

  "updated" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], i: Int, n: Int) =>
    if (i < 0 || i >= ns.length) {
      ns.updated(i, n) must_=== ns
    } else {
      ns.updated(i, n).toList must_=== ns.toList.updated(i, n)

  "unzip" ! forAll { (ns: IList[(Int, String)]) =>
    ns.unzip.bimap(_.toList, _.toList) must_=== ns.toList.unzip

  // widen is tested by toMap and unzip
  // zip is tested by zip laws

  "zipWithIndex" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] =>
    ns.zipWithIndex.toList must_=== ns.toList.zipWithIndex


  object instances {
    def equal[A: Equal] = Equal[IList[A]]
    def order[A: Order] = Order[IList[A]]
    def monoid[A] = Monoid[IList[A]]
    def monadPlus = MonadPlus[IList]
    def bindrec = BindRec[IList]
    def traverse = Traverse[IList]
    def zip = Zip[IList]
    def align = Align[IList]
    def isEmpty = IsEmpty[IList]
    def cobind = Cobind[IList]

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala IListTest.scala source code file:

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