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Struts example source code file (layout.js)

This example Struts source code file (layout.js) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Struts tags/keywords

array, backcompat, border_box, border_box, content_box, content_box, margin_box, margin_box, padding_box, quirksmode, string, string

The Struts layout.js source code

	Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
	All Rights Reserved.

	Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
	modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:

dojo.html.sumAncestorProperties = function (node, prop) {
	node = dojo.byId(node);
	if (!node) {
		return 0;
	var retVal = 0;
	while (node) {
		if (dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "position") == "fixed") {
			return 0;
		var val = node[prop];
		if (val) {
			retVal += val - 0;
			if (node == dojo.body()) {
		node = node.parentNode;
	return retVal;
dojo.html.setStyleAttributes = function (node, attributes) {
	node = dojo.byId(node);
	var splittedAttribs = attributes.replace(/(;)?\s*$/, "").split(";");
	for (var i = 0; i < splittedAttribs.length; i++) {
		var nameValue = splittedAttribs[i].split(":");
		var name = nameValue[0].replace(/\s*$/, "").replace(/^\s*/, "").toLowerCase();
		var value = nameValue[1].replace(/\s*$/, "").replace(/^\s*/, "");
		switch (name) {
		  case "opacity":
			dojo.html.setOpacity(node, value);
		  case "content-height":
			dojo.html.setContentBox(node, {height:value});
		  case "content-width":
			dojo.html.setContentBox(node, {width:value});
		  case "outer-height":
			dojo.html.setMarginBox(node, {height:value});
		  case "outer-width":
			dojo.html.setMarginBox(node, {width:value});
		  default:[dojo.html.toCamelCase(name)] = value;
dojo.html.boxSizing = {MARGIN_BOX:"margin-box", BORDER_BOX:"border-box", PADDING_BOX:"padding-box", CONTENT_BOX:"content-box"};
dojo.html.getAbsolutePosition = dojo.html.abs = function (node, includeScroll, boxType) {
	node = dojo.byId(node, node.ownerDocument);
	var ret = {x:0, y:0};
	var bs = dojo.html.boxSizing;
	if (!boxType) {
		boxType = bs.CONTENT_BOX;
	var nativeBoxType = 2;
	var targetBoxType;
	switch (boxType) {
	  case bs.MARGIN_BOX:
		targetBoxType = 3;
	  case bs.BORDER_BOX:
		targetBoxType = 2;
	  case bs.PADDING_BOX:
		targetBoxType = 1;
	  case bs.CONTENT_BOX:
		targetBoxType = 0;
	var h = dojo.render.html;
	var db = document["body"] || document["documentElement"];
	if ( {
		with (node.getBoundingClientRect()) {
			ret.x = left - 2;
			ret.y = top - 2;
	} else {
		if (document.getBoxObjectFor) {
			nativeBoxType = 1;
			try {
				var bo = document.getBoxObjectFor(node);
				ret.x = bo.x - dojo.html.sumAncestorProperties(node, "scrollLeft");
				ret.y = bo.y - dojo.html.sumAncestorProperties(node, "scrollTop");
			catch (e) {
		} else {
			if (node["offsetParent"]) {
				var endNode;
				if ((h.safari) && ("position") == "absolute") && (node.parentNode == db)) {
					endNode = db;
				} else {
					endNode = db.parentNode;
				if (node.parentNode != db) {
					var nd = node;
					if (dojo.render.html.opera) {
						nd = db;
					ret.x -= dojo.html.sumAncestorProperties(nd, "scrollLeft");
					ret.y -= dojo.html.sumAncestorProperties(nd, "scrollTop");
				var curnode = node;
				do {
					var n = curnode["offsetLeft"];
					if (!h.opera || n > 0) {
						ret.x += isNaN(n) ? 0 : n;
					var m = curnode["offsetTop"];
					ret.y += isNaN(m) ? 0 : m;
					curnode = curnode.offsetParent;
				} while ((curnode != endNode) && (curnode != null));
			} else {
				if (node["x"] && node["y"]) {
					ret.x += isNaN(node.x) ? 0 : node.x;
					ret.y += isNaN(node.y) ? 0 : node.y;
	if (includeScroll) {
		var scroll = dojo.html.getScroll();
		ret.y +=;
		ret.x += scroll.left;
	var extentFuncArray = [dojo.html.getPaddingExtent, dojo.html.getBorderExtent, dojo.html.getMarginExtent];
	if (nativeBoxType > targetBoxType) {
		for (var i = targetBoxType; i < nativeBoxType; ++i) {
			ret.y += extentFuncArray[i](node, "top");
			ret.x += extentFuncArray[i](node, "left");
	} else {
		if (nativeBoxType < targetBoxType) {
			for (var i = targetBoxType; i > nativeBoxType; --i) {
				ret.y -= extentFuncArray[i - 1](node, "top");
				ret.x -= extentFuncArray[i - 1](node, "left");
	} = ret.y;
	ret.left = ret.x;
	return ret;
dojo.html.isPositionAbsolute = function (node) {
	return (dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "position") == "absolute");
dojo.html._sumPixelValues = function (node, selectors, autoIsZero) {
	var total = 0;
	for (var x = 0; x < selectors.length; x++) {
		total += dojo.html.getPixelValue(node, selectors[x], autoIsZero);
	return total;
dojo.html.getMargin = function (node) {
	return {width:dojo.html._sumPixelValues(node, ["margin-left", "margin-right"], (dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "position") == "absolute")), height:dojo.html._sumPixelValues(node, ["margin-top", "margin-bottom"], (dojo.html.getComputedStyle(node, "position") == "absolute"))};
dojo.html.getBorder = function (node) {
	return {width:dojo.html.getBorderExtent(node, "left") + dojo.html.getBorderExtent(node, "right"), height:dojo.html.getBorderExtent(node, "top") + dojo.html.getBorderExtent(node, "bottom")};
dojo.html.getBorderExtent = function (node, side) {
	return (dojo.html.getStyle(node, "border-" + side + "-style") == "none" ? 0 : dojo.html.getPixelValue(node, "border-" + side + "-width"));
dojo.html.getMarginExtent = function (node, side) {
	return dojo.html._sumPixelValues(node, ["margin-" + side], dojo.html.isPositionAbsolute(node));
dojo.html.getPaddingExtent = function (node, side) {
	return dojo.html._sumPixelValues(node, ["padding-" + side], true);
dojo.html.getPadding = function (node) {
	return {width:dojo.html._sumPixelValues(node, ["padding-left", "padding-right"], true), height:dojo.html._sumPixelValues(node, ["padding-top", "padding-bottom"], true)};
dojo.html.getPadBorder = function (node) {
	var pad = dojo.html.getPadding(node);
	var border = dojo.html.getBorder(node);
	return {width:pad.width + border.width, height:pad.height + border.height};
dojo.html.getBoxSizing = function (node) {
	var h = dojo.render.html;
	var bs = dojo.html.boxSizing;
	if ((( || (h.opera)) && node.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "img") {
		var cm = document["compatMode"];
		if ((cm == "BackCompat") || (cm == "QuirksMode")) {
			return bs.BORDER_BOX;
		} else {
			return bs.CONTENT_BOX;
	} else {
		if (arguments.length == 0) {
			node = document.documentElement;
		var sizing;
		if (! {
			sizing = dojo.html.getStyle(node, "-moz-box-sizing");
			if (!sizing) {
				sizing = dojo.html.getStyle(node, "box-sizing");
		return (sizing ? sizing : bs.CONTENT_BOX);
dojo.html.isBorderBox = function (node) {
	return (dojo.html.getBoxSizing(node) == dojo.html.boxSizing.BORDER_BOX);
dojo.html.getBorderBox = function (node) {
	node = dojo.byId(node);
	return {width:node.offsetWidth, height:node.offsetHeight};
dojo.html.getPaddingBox = function (node) {
	var box = dojo.html.getBorderBox(node);
	var border = dojo.html.getBorder(node);
	return {width:box.width - border.width, height:box.height - border.height};
dojo.html.getContentBox = function (node) {
	node = dojo.byId(node);
	var padborder = dojo.html.getPadBorder(node);
	return {width:node.offsetWidth - padborder.width, height:node.offsetHeight - padborder.height};
dojo.html.setContentBox = function (node, args) {
	node = dojo.byId(node);
	var width = 0;
	var height = 0;
	var isbb = dojo.html.isBorderBox(node);
	var padborder = (isbb ? dojo.html.getPadBorder(node) : {width:0, height:0});
	var ret = {};
	if (typeof args.width != "undefined") {
		width = args.width + padborder.width;
		ret.width = dojo.html.setPositivePixelValue(node, "width", width);
	if (typeof args.height != "undefined") {
		height = args.height + padborder.height;
		ret.height = dojo.html.setPositivePixelValue(node, "height", height);
	return ret;
dojo.html.getMarginBox = function (node) {
	var borderbox = dojo.html.getBorderBox(node);
	var margin = dojo.html.getMargin(node);
	return {width:borderbox.width + margin.width, height:borderbox.height + margin.height};
dojo.html.setMarginBox = function (node, args) {
	node = dojo.byId(node);
	var width = 0;
	var height = 0;
	var isbb = dojo.html.isBorderBox(node);
	var padborder = (!isbb ? dojo.html.getPadBorder(node) : {width:0, height:0});
	var margin = dojo.html.getMargin(node);
	var ret = {};
	if (typeof args.width != "undefined") {
		width = args.width - padborder.width;
		width -= margin.width;
		ret.width = dojo.html.setPositivePixelValue(node, "width", width);
	if (typeof args.height != "undefined") {
		height = args.height - padborder.height;
		height -= margin.height;
		ret.height = dojo.html.setPositivePixelValue(node, "height", height);
	return ret;
dojo.html.getElementBox = function (node, type) {
	var bs = dojo.html.boxSizing;
	switch (type) {
	  case bs.MARGIN_BOX:
		return dojo.html.getMarginBox(node);
	  case bs.BORDER_BOX:
		return dojo.html.getBorderBox(node);
	  case bs.PADDING_BOX:
		return dojo.html.getPaddingBox(node);
	  case bs.CONTENT_BOX:
		return dojo.html.getContentBox(node);
dojo.html.toCoordinateObject = dojo.html.toCoordinateArray = function (coords, includeScroll, boxtype) {
	if (coords instanceof Array || typeof coords == "array") {
		dojo.deprecated("dojo.html.toCoordinateArray", "use dojo.html.toCoordinateObject({left: , top: , width: , height: }) instead", "0.5");
		while (coords.length < 4) {
		while (coords.length > 4) {
		var ret = {left:coords[0], top:coords[1], width:coords[2], height:coords[3]};
	} else {
		if (!coords.nodeType && !(coords instanceof String || typeof coords == "string") && ("width" in coords || "height" in coords || "left" in coords || "x" in coords || "top" in coords || "y" in coords)) {
			var ret = {left:coords.left || coords.x || 0, || coords.y || 0, width:coords.width || 0, height:coords.height || 0};
		} else {
			var node = dojo.byId(coords);
			var pos = dojo.html.abs(node, includeScroll, boxtype);
			var marginbox = dojo.html.getMarginBox(node);
			var ret = {left:pos.left,, width:marginbox.width, height:marginbox.height};
	ret.x = ret.left;
	ret.y =;
	return ret;
dojo.html.setMarginBoxWidth = dojo.html.setOuterWidth = function (node, width) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("setMarginBoxWidth", "setMarginBox", arguments, "width");
dojo.html.setMarginBoxHeight = dojo.html.setOuterHeight = function () {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("setMarginBoxHeight", "setMarginBox", arguments, "height");
dojo.html.getMarginBoxWidth = dojo.html.getOuterWidth = function () {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getMarginBoxWidth", "getMarginBox", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getMarginBoxHeight = dojo.html.getOuterHeight = function () {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getMarginBoxHeight", "getMarginBox", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getTotalOffset = function (node, type, includeScroll) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getTotalOffset", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, type);
dojo.html.getAbsoluteX = function (node, includeScroll) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getAbsoluteX", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, "x");
dojo.html.getAbsoluteY = function (node, includeScroll) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getAbsoluteY", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, "y");
dojo.html.totalOffsetLeft = function (node, includeScroll) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("totalOffsetLeft", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, "left");
dojo.html.totalOffsetTop = function (node, includeScroll) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("totalOffsetTop", "getAbsolutePosition", arguments, null, "top");
dojo.html.getMarginWidth = function (node) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getMarginWidth", "getMargin", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getMarginHeight = function (node) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getMarginHeight", "getMargin", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getBorderWidth = function (node) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getBorderWidth", "getBorder", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getBorderHeight = function (node) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getBorderHeight", "getBorder", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getPaddingWidth = function (node) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getPaddingWidth", "getPadding", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getPaddingHeight = function (node) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getPaddingHeight", "getPadding", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getPadBorderWidth = function (node) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getPadBorderWidth", "getPadBorder", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getPadBorderHeight = function (node) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getPadBorderHeight", "getPadBorder", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getBorderBoxWidth = dojo.html.getInnerWidth = function () {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getBorderBoxWidth", "getBorderBox", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getBorderBoxHeight = dojo.html.getInnerHeight = function () {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getBorderBoxHeight", "getBorderBox", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.getContentBoxWidth = dojo.html.getContentWidth = function () {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getContentBoxWidth", "getContentBox", arguments, null, "width");
dojo.html.getContentBoxHeight = dojo.html.getContentHeight = function () {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("getContentBoxHeight", "getContentBox", arguments, null, "height");
dojo.html.setContentBoxWidth = dojo.html.setContentWidth = function (node, width) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("setContentBoxWidth", "setContentBox", arguments, "width");
dojo.html.setContentBoxHeight = dojo.html.setContentHeight = function (node, height) {
	return dojo.html._callDeprecated("setContentBoxHeight", "setContentBox", arguments, "height");

Other Struts examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Struts layout.js source code file:

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