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// Copyright (c) 2001, Eric D. Friedman All Rights Reserved.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

package gnu.trove;

import java.util.AbstractSequentialList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * A LinkedList implementation which holds instances of type
 * TLinkable.

Using this implementation allows you to get java.util.LinkedList * behavior (a doubly linked list, with Iterators that support insert * and delete operations) without incurring the overhead of creating * Node wrapper objects for every element in your list.

* *

The requirement to achieve this time/space gain is that the * Objects stored in the List implement the TLinkable * interface.

* *

The limitations are that you cannot put the same object into * more than one list or more than once in the same list. You must * also ensure that you only remove objects that are actually in the * list. That is, if you have an object A and lists l1 and l2, you * must ensure that you invoke List.remove(A) on the correct list. It * is also forbidden to invoke List.remove() with an unaffiliated * TLinkable (one that belongs to no list): this will destroy the list * you invoke it on.

* *

* Created: Sat Nov 10 15:25:10 2001 *

* * @author Eric D. Friedman * @version $Id:,v 1.4 2002/04/08 02:02:28 ericdf Exp $ * @see gnu.trove.TLinkable */ public class TLinkedList extends AbstractSequentialList implements Serializable { /** the head of the list */ protected TLinkable _head; /** the tail of the list */ protected TLinkable _tail; /** the number of elements in the list */ protected int _size = 0; /** * Creates a new TLinkedList instance. * */ public TLinkedList() { super(); } /** * Returns an iterator positioned at index. Assuming * that the list has a value at that index, calling next() will * retrieve and advance the iterator. Assuming that there is a * value before index in the list, calling previous() * will retrieve it (the value at index - 1) and move the iterator * to that position. So, iterating from front to back starts at * 0; iterating from back to front starts at size(). * * @param index an int value * @return a ListIterator value */ public ListIterator listIterator(int index) { return new IteratorImpl(index); } /** * Returns the number of elements in the list. * * @return an int value */ public int size() { return _size; } /** * Inserts linkable at index index in the list. * All values > index are shifted over one position to accomodate * the new addition. * * @param index an int value * @param linkable an object of type TLinkable */ public void add(int index, Object linkable) { if (index < 0 || index > size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index:" + index); } insert(index,linkable); } /** * Appends linkable to the end of the list. * * @param linkable an object of type TLinkable * @return always true */ public boolean add(Object linkable) { insert(_size, linkable); return true; } /** * Inserts linkable at the head of the list. * * @param linkable an object of type TLinkable */ public void addFirst(Object linkable) { insert(0, linkable); } /** * Adds linkable to the end of the list. * * @param linkable an object of type TLinkable */ public void addLast(Object linkable) { insert(size(), linkable); } /** * Empties the list. * */ public void clear() { if (null != _head) { for (TLinkable link = _head.getNext(); link != null; link = link.getNext()) { TLinkable prev = link.getPrevious(); prev.setNext(null); link.setPrevious(null); } _head = _tail = null; } _size = 0; } /** * Copies the list's contents into a native array. This will be a * shallow copy: the Tlinkable instances in the Object[] array * have links to one another: changing those will put this list * into an unpredictable state. Holding a reference to one * element in the list will prevent the others from being garbage * collected unless you clear the next/previous links. Caveat * programmer! * * @return an Object[] value */ public Object[] toArray() { Object[] o = new Object[_size]; int i = 0; for (TLinkable link = _head; link != null; link = link.getNext()) { o[i++] = link; } return o; } /** * Copies the list to a native array, destroying the next/previous * links as the copy is made. This list will be emptied after the * copy (as if clear() had been invoked). The Object[] array * returned will contain TLinkables that do not hold * references to one another and so are less likely to be the * cause of memory leaks. * * @return an Object[] value */ public Object[] toUnlinkedArray() { Object[] o = new Object[_size]; int i = 0; for (TLinkable link = _head, tmp = null; link != null; i++) { o[i] = link; tmp = link; link = link.getNext(); tmp.setNext(null); // clear the links tmp.setPrevious(null); } _size = 0; // clear the list _head = _tail = null; return o; } /** * A linear search for o in the list. * * @param o an Object value * @return a boolean value */ public boolean contains(Object o) { for (TLinkable link = _head; link != null; link = link.getNext()) { if (o.equals(link)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the head of the list * * @return an Object value */ public Object getFirst() { return _head; } /** * Returns the tail of the list. * * @return an Object value */ public Object getLast() { return _tail; } /** * Remove and return the first element in the list. * * @return an Object value */ public Object removeFirst() { TLinkable o = _head; TLinkable n = o.getNext(); o.setNext(null); if (null != n) { n.setPrevious(null); } _head = n; if (--_size == 0) { _tail = null; } return o; } /** * Remove and return the last element in the list. * * @return an Object value */ public Object removeLast() { TLinkable o = _tail; TLinkable prev = o.getPrevious(); o.setPrevious(null); if (null != prev) { prev.setNext(null); } _tail = prev; if (--_size == 0) { _head = null; } return o; } /** * Implementation of index-based list insertions. * * @param index an int value * @param linkable an object of type TLinkable */ protected void insert(int index, Object linkable) { TLinkable newLink = (TLinkable)linkable; if (_size == 0) { _head = _tail = newLink; // first insertion } else if (index == 0) { newLink.setNext(_head); // insert at front _head.setPrevious(newLink); _head = newLink; } else if (index == _size) { // insert at back _tail.setNext(newLink); newLink.setPrevious(_tail); _tail = newLink; } else { TLinkable prior = null, post = null; // looking at the size of the list, we decide whether // it's faster to reach `index' by traversing the // list from the front or the back. if (index > (_size >> 1)) { // insert in 2nd half // work from the tail int pos = _size -1; for (prior = _tail; pos > index; pos--) { prior = prior.getPrevious(); } } else { // insert in 1st half // work from the head int pos = 0; for (prior = _head; pos < index; pos++) { prior = prior.getNext(); } } post = prior.getNext(); // insert newlink newLink.setNext(post); newLink.setPrevious(prior); // adjust adjacent pointers post.setPrevious(newLink); prior.setNext(newLink); } _size++; } /** * Removes the specified element from the list. Note that * it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the * element does, in fact, belong to this list and not another * instance of TLinkedList. * * @param o a TLinkable element already inserted in this list. * @return true if the element was a TLinkable and removed */ public boolean remove(Object o) { if (o instanceof TLinkable) { TLinkable p, n; TLinkable link = (TLinkable)o; p = link.getPrevious(); n = link.getNext(); if (n == null && p == null) { // emptying the list _head = _tail = null; } else if (n == null) { // this is the tail // make previous the new tail link.setPrevious(null); p.setNext(null); _tail = p; } else if (p == null) { // this is the head // make next the new head link.setNext(null); n.setPrevious(null); _head = n; } else { // somewhere in the middle p.setNext(n); n.setPrevious(p); link.setNext(null); link.setPrevious(null); } _size--; // reduce size of list return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Inserts newElement into the list immediately before current. * All elements to the right of and including current are shifted * over. * * @param current a TLinkable value currently in the list. * @param newElement a TLinkable value to be added to * the list. */ public void addBefore(TLinkable current, TLinkable newElement) { if (current == _head) { addFirst(newElement); } else if (current == null) { addLast(newElement); } else { TLinkable p = current.getPrevious(); newElement.setNext(current); p.setNext(newElement); newElement.setPrevious(p); current.setPrevious(newElement); _size++; } } /** * A ListIterator that supports additions and deletions. * */ protected final class IteratorImpl implements ListIterator { private int _nextIndex = 0; private TLinkable _next; private TLinkable _lastReturned; /** * Creates a new Iterator instance positioned at * index. * * @param position an int value */ IteratorImpl(int position) { if (position < 0 || position > _size) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } _nextIndex = position; if (position == 0) { _next = _head; } else if (position == _size) { _next = null; } else if (position < (_size >> 1)) { int pos = 0; for (_next = _head; pos < position; pos++) { _next = _next.getNext(); } } else { int pos = _size - 1; for (_next = _tail; pos > position; pos--) { _next = _next.getPrevious(); } } } /** * Insert linkable at the current position of the iterator. * Calling next() after add() will return the added object. * * @param linkable an object of type TLinkable */ public final void add(Object linkable) { _lastReturned = null; _nextIndex++; if (_size == 0) { TLinkedList.this.add(linkable); } else { TLinkedList.this.addBefore(_next, (TLinkable)linkable); } } /** * True if a call to next() will return an object. * * @return a boolean value */ public final boolean hasNext() { return _nextIndex != _size; } /** * True if a call to previous() will return a value. * * @return a boolean value */ public final boolean hasPrevious() { return _nextIndex != 0; } /** * Returns the value at the Iterator's index and advances the * iterator. * * @return an Object value * @exception NoSuchElementException if there is no next element */ public final Object next() { if (_nextIndex == _size) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } _lastReturned = _next; _next = _next.getNext(); _nextIndex++; return _lastReturned; } /** * returns the index of the next node in the list (the * one that would be returned by a call to next()). * * @return an int value */ public final int nextIndex() { return _nextIndex; } /** * Returns the value before the Iterator's index and moves the * iterator back one index. * * @return an Object value * @exception NoSuchElementException if there is no previous element. */ public final Object previous() { if (_nextIndex == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } if (_nextIndex == _size) { _lastReturned = _next = _tail; } else { _lastReturned = _next = _next.getPrevious(); } _nextIndex--; return _lastReturned; } /** * Returns the previous element's index. * * @return an int value */ public final int previousIndex() { return _nextIndex - 1; } /** * Removes the current element in the list and shrinks its * size accordingly. * * @exception IllegalStateException neither next nor previous * have been invoked, or remove or add have been invoked after * the last invocation of next or previous. */ public final void remove() { if (_lastReturned == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("must invoke next or previous before invoking remove"); } if (_lastReturned != _next) { _nextIndex--; } _next = _lastReturned.getNext(); TLinkedList.this.remove(_lastReturned); _lastReturned = null; } /** * Replaces the current element in the list with * linkable * * @param linkable an object of type TLinkable */ public final void set(Object linkable) { if (_lastReturned == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } TLinkable l = (TLinkable)linkable; // need to check both, since this could be the only // element in the list. if (_lastReturned == _head) { _head = l; } if (_lastReturned == _tail) { _tail = l; } swap(_lastReturned, l); _lastReturned = l; } /** * Replace from with to in the list. * * @param from a TLinkable value * @param to a TLinkable value */ private void swap(TLinkable from, TLinkable to) { TLinkable p = from.getPrevious(); TLinkable n = from.getNext(); if (null != p) { to.setPrevious(p); p.setNext(to); } if (null != n) { to.setNext(n); n.setPrevious(to); } from.setNext(null); from.setPrevious(null); } } } // TLinkedList
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